HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-11, Page 4Children
for Ftetfchet's
:rletctter,s Castoria x stri:r.:y a remedy for Infants and Chldxen.
Foods are specially pre; are€. for babies, A baby's medicine
is even more essential f.tr Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the c *s^ :ou ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria bcfo_e the public after years" of research,
- and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30-
years has not proven.
What is ,1.TO:
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, it contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For 'note than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowel; aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend..
.c ,
�;.c;•.,a the�ko,�'SlO.tii'.,'`C of
In Use For Over 30 Yea
The Exeter Advocate; Stephen Council
Whalen -
There was nee sereloe in the church
On Sunday on account ,trf the illness of
the pastor. -Mrs. Thos. Gunning has
been uneer the weether the past week
Mr, George Sctuire, Granton, spenrt
Tuesday, with chins son Frank. -Mr. W.
Morley Is cern fined: to his room with
pneumonia while nurse Keith is attoitd-
ing. him. We hope fior a enee;ly re-
ooeneen--Mr. Aiwa, Muxworthy moved
his household effects to Woodstock on
Wednesday last. -Mr. Herb Langford
is abler to be 'out a oinnetter being con
fined to the house with the "fie. -
;Vine Marie Stephen, has been, visiting.
her *Xusi:zt Mass Grace Duu#fi,eli,-eMr.
and Mrs Wm. Hodgson, of Granton
are visiting the former's parents, ?1?r.
and Mrs. John. Hodgson,
The community hall by-law, voted on
in Biddulph Township Thursday was
defeated by 109 votes. It was propos-
ed to erect a public hall in Granton
at a cost of about $8,500 of which the
Government would have paid $2,000.
. Zurich
Mrs. J. Thiel of Zur%h • asece1ired
wont of the death of her father, Mr:
John :Moore Johnston, who died on
Feb. 26th at KnxeardS„*re, He was a
Cabinet meeker by trade and wee 72
years -of ase, The cause of deathwas
,nfluenza, after a week's illness. -i4lr,
, Alex. Meidi ger ha:, purchased the. fine
• 15 )-arrr farm, 15th cion. Hay, from the
err:. utor:e of the estate, of • his father
nee ate Stephen. Meainger.-Ale. Sol,
l.s'Woe, has sold hes 75 acre farm on
the 14:tr eo-t e.,sioa, and intends tom-
,a•, to Zur e -.to reside. Mr. • lean
i.. e•a, r •+• h t , pure ..sad the 50 acres
trent the h Mr, Jaeobe resided, and
Mr. Freak Dereereme has purchased the
.3 a rns, eat, 14 eest o llr, N: Mas -
sen i erne -Mr. W. 11. Pine of the 14th
....on. Hoy has ;.eased the department
z the H.:rtteib 1315 k, formerly occu•
pi:e'1 by lir, S. E. lenuat and R. F.
eta,1e ttnsl wet .?pea a general shoe
business. -Dr, 13, J, C)'Dw}e, of Lon -
lose, rate of Froace, has purchased the
lwe,l:.m„ pr esertti and practice of ler.
13. Campbell, who has practiced medi
ine in Zurich to;. some 20 year;, and
has won many fr, cads. -Mr, 'Jos. Smith
eft not Kitchener on Monday
Albert Sehnelt of Calgary,
alta„ is viae. -r.;, at the home of his
father, Mr. J. H• S,:lueess --Mr. Chas
tiey, who spent several weeks visiting
relative:, and friends here, recently re
turned to his ho^.nei:t Bad Axe, Bich.
-Mr. Truman Gori:a;ger of Star City,
Sask., is visiting friends here.
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors The council canveaed in the Town
Subscription. Price-Ia advance Si.5:t: id.t:l, Creditor, on March lst. All the
per year an Canada; 52.00 in the nenbere were present. Councillor
Untte.i States. All subscriptions not • Swe:teer duly subscr'-bed to his declar-
e:tt.i in advance See. extra r}t:rrged, at of n'`•'ti-e• and property qualifi-
�._. .ation. The minutes of the previous
fret'*. r .vire read and adopted.
THURSDAY, MARCH it. 192;1 Hoye, lwe.tzer--That the Auditor
k - -•-w� report be al:.cepted a. -ad that they be
pt their rem. aera.ti<an. of $8 each.-
artne I.
1'h foaem t7, orders were pissed- Hens?, Ii
,un Insurance Office, isesurance on hal'
1; e5 • t'. Zedelser, auditive 8.00; T
`Usborne Council
Usborne Council met on March
6th. All members were present.
Minutes of . meeting of February 7th
were read and considered and ap-
proved. Communications were read
and dealt with as follows:
Resolution to Provincial Premier"
re farm labor, immigration to Wes-
tern Ontario, and farm education,
signed and forwarded.
Hydro Electric requisition, ,Applie
Cation forwarded for petitions re se-
curing hydro power for farms In
township, with John Morgan, sectY,
A grant of $15,00 each was voted
to Kirkton and Exeter Agricultural
Societies, re Baby Beef. Competition,
To .be ,competed for and awarded to
ratepayers of Usborne in each case,
That William Moodie supervise
the rood construction work of the
township for 1920;
That the Court of Revision for
the Geiger Drain Assessment be set
for Alex 1st, 1920, at two o'clock
A by-law was drafted to pohibit
all animals from running at large
on the roads of the Township, except.
those permitted by wearing tags,
between sunrise and sunset, from
May 15th to October 31St,
The following Pathmasters were
appointed for the several road div-
isions viz.—Ward ' 1, Richard Coates,
Josltlin Harding. Victor Heywood,
;Joseph Yellow, Thomas Quiutort, J.
G. Bunter, William Ford,. Lewis
Johns, Melville Skinner,Wilsott Haw -
kilts, Henry Johns, Olarise Snell
Richard Jones,
Ward 2.—Walter J. Oke, Walter
KeddY, van Dew, John Stewart,
Freeman Perkins, Frank Kerniek,
Henry Horton, Joseph StaeeY, Percy
Passmore,. BenrY Anderson, Noah
Ward 3.—Hector Taylor, Thomas
i•Xern, John Hern, Sr., Wm. Clem-
ents, Samuel Madge, Frank Rodd,
Benjamin Heaver,, Richard Camm,
Lawrence Mills, Josias CreerY, Clar-
ence Mills, .;Milton Gregory, Norman
Wiseman, Dan O'Mara,
'Ward 4. --James Cottle, Alfred
Hunkin, Wellington Kerslake, Jas.
S. l;allaatyne, John Simpson, Archie
McCurdy, Louis Fleteher, Reuben
Shier. John Stewart, John Hackney,
Alex Fraser.
Orders •vvc>t•e issued for the pay-
ment of bills to the amount of 541.69
Council adjourned to meet Satur-
day April 3. 1920.
Henry Strang, Clerk.
'The fo.'cow` le r,; the report i.; S. ` '
llav, for t:�� month al i+ebru Trey; ,rr• le nuditirig 8,00; F, Stattor
ens. 8, f Fe i3 '''''ore: ,n gravel pit 6..00; l.anadian, Ex
4-L. Veer 76, ess Co..chordee .95; Munteipa'
t►ry :-Jr Pr b
A. .tiller 71, Sr. 3-A. Miller Har • "crorll cu replies 13,90: arrocati' r'
S.hu ttaclver 60, :�, Bender 56, fi.'e, -printing ;recount 164.16; J. W.
men 49. F. Quackenbush 38. Jr. 3-1 ()r.ne and others, re Luker Insane In -
teenier 7t:. E. Becker 60, E. Wiegan t .:ligent 32.4:]; ern, ersaa k Marriott, pt,
aessent. Jr. 2-E. ZI311er 73, R. Becker �raee2i _,o191Let 70.00; Chas, Seager,
02. Pt. 2-A. \Yelper 83, H. tireber fee; 75; Jehr. Baird, caretaker of G.
39. Sr. Primer --A. Ziler 84, ,F. Mil- B. n't ot1,U0; Wni. Iisa anal Ge.o. Ec-
teY 84, L. Rader 66, E. 'lagan ,estn,yt, grant to sidewalks 50.00;
jr, Primer—J. ilarim nn 70, A. Becker F n W. Iearne.omb, inspecting Haycock
66, EA. Rader 65. L. W.,c ared, absent.'Cree: Drain 19.50„
E. V. Guenther,teaFhsdr, Adjournment to Monday, April 5th
at 1 p.m wlten hound keepers, path -
Mr. Fred White who purchased the :natter:, and fence viewers will be ap-
Mump a confectionery, has taken pas- po'rtted. Henry Eilber, Clerk.
Messrs. Schroeder & Fischer have
the contract of hauling cream to the Kirkton
vocal factory, wheels opened last udeek, _
has engage as Po,tponel Play -The postponed play
assistant in the factory. entit'e 1 "The Matrimonial Exchange"
Schaal are opened Monday after be-
wid be given in the Hall, Russeidale,
Fon Friday, March 12ths by the young
lttg eased for two weeks oevin
flit epidemic
Mess Plaine tar 'Newbury has arrived pe�aate of S. S. Na. 3, Plugtavvn Music
to take charge of the mi unary depart-: Adnrassiton 35 cents., Proceeds ra between. Acts.
went for Reid, Edtgha fer & 1 the Armenian .e nil.
Miss F. Preeter is vi.= lag with rel.-
-(Delayed in the mails)
atives t>n Zurich.
has retur�ned home The League anniversary was held at
i3:e.t in Winn 'peg, -Word of the
.tenth or Mrs. Vernon Crashes in Win,
nip on M •.
urch 4th hes been receive
by relative, and friends. Mr. Crouch
formerly.ve•t a'a Loadon and was. eonployed by the eler;hants Bank. He
was recently transferral to Winnipeg hi
land \lrs. Crouch accompanied m.
Deeease.i has been ill far sometime
ani her mother has ,been with her far
several weeks, She is survive;. be her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Petty of
1 Hansen, four sinters, Mrs. C. .Abbott
of Detroit, Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor-
onto, Gladys and Maud, and one bro-
Interment was made at HenselMr and Mrs, Petty and family have
the sympathy of their many friends.
This is the third recent death in. the
fanfly-e. don, and a daughter (soldier
ani nurse) having deed recently.
Mr T. J. Sproule, who has been vis -
ting at the Methodist parsonage, re-
turned to Toronto. -Mr. Chas Moore,
who has been on the sick list for some
weeks, was taken to St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London,. where he underwent an
operation for ear trouble, caused from
the "Flu,' -Miss Flo Reynolds, who
was called home owing to the death
(ler father, the late Henry Reynolds,
has returned to Calgary. -Mr. Thomas
Mr, Addison. Tiernan
Mr. Kay
aiie, spending the mast few mtontns Kixktoa Methodist church Sunday ev- Murdock who has been confined to
at Pontiacvcb, ening, nen Langford of St. Marys oc- his bed for sevcratl days, is now able
cagiest theopuipnt, and there was a to be about again. -Mr, James Morrow
large attendance. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and .little daughter, who visited Mr
Harrah -arrive limns Saturday even- W. Fee and other ft ends in town, ::eft
log after a 'short honeymoon,at Lon -
trends go with the; young, couple for
The annual meeting, of the Farquhar a long and happy wedded life. -Rev.
W,omen's. Institute which was post- A. Duffield spent the week end with
paned hast week, will not be heid until his parents. -Muss Myrtle Kirk is un -
Tuesday April 6th, when. a good at- der the doctor's care. -Thee scholdrs
tendence ,will be expecte&-A base- attending High School from Kirkton
taa11 meeting will be held. in. Farquhar are home nee week„the school being
,Sa;turlay night, so a'U young mein: in- closed. ,an, account of "flu.”
seres'ted en this vicinity are asked to
be present, -Mr. Jinn Hodgert has pur-
ebased a new driver which he is, train
frog* for the race track.. -The meeting
held here ere on, Th urs day eaglet at which
Afx. •:vicLean spoke on consolidated
sch,00:s was not very largely atte iced
it. beim; a very wet night.; He is ex_
,,pecte�d back•again en, the near future.
`Phe tattle party at Milton, Hod;gerles
Tuesday night was a great success,
everybody having a wo+ndertul•tune.
don,, The best wishes of a host of
Mr. Rebt. Carruthers of Greenway
has purchased a hundred -acre farm on
the, 18th clone of McGillivray r .from Mr.
' Sa(err G. Smith of Niagara. Mr. Car-
ruthers will toga possession, of the.
aseeperty about the 1st of April.
An action, for $3000 has been, entered
for trial al the Supreme Court inn Lon -
.don on March 22. The action
obraught by Tassel Dauncey against
-greed Hodgins, John Park, Caleb Ryan,
rirpeter Hodges -n, Percy Dauncey, Wel
ilaagtou. oSa.l er and: Alfred Hudgins .for
$3,000 damages for the loss of build
ijn ;s by fire.. It is alleged that > the
'farm of the plaintiff bard: been leased.
o Percy Dm -Lacey and ,that he and the
• •olher defendants were the owners of
n thresbing outfit arse that wvhi:le
thtesnent; at the farrm the buail:tmn's
• were .testr.,oved, due, the p;inntiff
•clairns, to the fact Ohot .lire was al-
lowed •to escape" from the eng n.e r•. -'d
was carrie,i to the ',bui,ldings e It is el' n
dea;i;med th«t the eangin)e was old and
not p10 erii equ;',pped.
The Aelvioca.te can give Sot club -
bile; retee with any of the aai.ly.aews
.capers or magazines.
'Mechanic Gives Evidence
There are eases where seienee in its
most •profound phases is absolutely
balked,' yet other help is at hand.
Tele is proved by the testimony of a
'mehanic, 35 years of age, who suffered,
at times, positive: ;torture from stone
in the bladder. - After trying many
11 s without result he halt an.
on Tuesday for their home en the
West. -Mr. Wm. Buchanan, who has
been visiting his mother, Mrs. William
Buchanan: for some weeks, lett for
his home ern Dauphin, -Mrs. Ni:choilas
Horton who isomae weeks ago, suffer-
ed a fa,11 whiid coming down steps and
sufferel a fracture of her ankle, is
now able to go around in the house
by the aped of a crutcle-Mr. Frank
Farquhar attended eine funeral of his
:uncle, Mr. Geo Farquhar of near Clem -
ton. Deceased fell from a scaffold or:
Thursday afternoon, and was so ser-
I+ously injured that he died Thursday
evening. He was 57 years of age,-
Messrs. Chat's: Junks, nod a W Robin-
son of Exeter have made arrangements
to open an. implenen,t shop on. Main
street and ►witn be a;ge: es for the Cock-
shutt farm 1mpleme nts and Hemm•e
seeder. -A very peasant and happy
event took plaice on Feb, 26th, at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs. E.'Rennie, Hen-
sel, whin their daughter, Ruth Ferris
was united in, holy bonds of matrimony
to Mr.. David Clarence Paisley of Mon -
X -Ray phonograph taken, which also treat. The cererno.y was performed
:Mts..; Mary O'Brien, is to be congrat-
slaterl on successfully pasacd her. Znd
'erne musical examination with honors.
:Hiss Marion- Branton of London is
ler teacher. '
Andrew Hicks, M. P. J;., is itt Tor
onto this week,
Death of Mrs. Duplan,-The news o°
he sleath nt .t former estimab e ret
lent of Cele—elle, in the parson et
fits. C. 1)up an, now of Iltlerton. was.
received here on Friday morning wine
lee) regret by all who knew cher,
Partnulars wren be loun:,l elsewhere in
this issue.
Mr. J. Grainger went on Tuesday to
Dr Hyndman's Hospital at Exeter, for
the removal of an.absess on his back,
3ir. Wm. Well and family, also Mr.
H Wade end family are moving to
l netor. this week.
.1Sr, 417. C alvvali has purchased Mr.
J. Ga:lsave's property here in Cen-
Mr. C. O'Brien is' confined to his
bed with an attack sof influenza.
Mr. ants, Mrs. Cattermale of London
spent a few dayls with Mrs. Andrew
Miss Mabel Elliott has gone to To-
rontQ..,for a visa.
Mrs J Ancierston, whoa has been, in
St. Thomas during the winter, has ar-
rived home.
failed to strove where the trouble was.
Fortunately, just at ' this juncture,
when he almost had given up hope of
any relief, Gin Pills were brought to
Lis notice. These famous Pills in a very
short time enabled him to pass the
stone which was the cause of bis
trouble. We will give the name of
this man on request.
Kidney and Bladder troubles should
not be neglected. ,The first' symptoms
ahould be suffieicnt warning, Pain in.
the sides or baek, constant headaches,
neuralgic and sciatic pains, rheum-
atism, dizziness, constipation, gravel,
highly -colored urine, specks before the
eyes, all point to derangement: Gin
Pills shonlrl be obtained without delay.
Druggists and dealers carry them -50e
-your money refunded if not 'satisfied.
Free sample on; request. Sear a+o:t. block, ,to the centre pact,
i' have much �:ara�er, azul
v it tatted
,bet�er, prer.�i,.,i...,., end is having .
of Canada, '1,imited, Toronto. United:_
by Rev. A. E 'Doan of Hensel], in the
pxe.s,ence of the ienmecliate relatives
friends. -Mr. ahad, Mrs.. Win. Arinstrong
have moved from their farm in Hay
township to our village, anid are now
occupyiing the creast cottage on Oxford
street, which he purchased. sortie time
ago from Mr. Gould.-Mr`s. G. Laugh-
ton and Siitnleson'�of Toronto, visited
Mr. and Mrs Q. A. McDaniel], Mrs.
Laughton's parents. -We are pleased
to learn that Mrs. Thomson, who is
living with her daughter, Mrs. D.
Workman. and who has been no very
seriously' dii,'is alt ;dente. of writing, con-
siderably improved. --Miss E. Morrison
has been, confined to the home
through ilbxnese, but' she es now recov-
crhig Mrs. Morrison} has also been,
un,w&.l, but its snow ;gertting oaf ,nicely. -
Mee Wm, Sangster hos moved Itis tai-
'or shoal from thew -est vein of Mr. A.
IN addition to the branch at Exeter, this Bank has branches
at the following nearby points:.
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $1.5,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, F. A, Chapman, Manager.
On Lot 8, Con, 13, Stephen, on
THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1920,
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: --
Horses -Horse rising 7 years, horse
rising 3.
Cattle -Cow due April 7, cow cue
time of sale, farrow cow, heifer rising
2. 2 staring calves.
Pigs and Heins -4 stocker pigs, 25
Implements -Seed drill, nliower, disc
harrow. cultivitdr, 2 walking plows,
hay rake, wagnn, wagon box, hay rack,
pig rack, top buggy, cutter, bobsleighs
double set harness, 2 slingle set har-
ness turnip pulper, cutting box, horse-
power and pulleys, wheelbarrow,
chicken coop, forks, shovels, hoes,
wh efgetrees, and many other a+rficles.
Furniture -Cook store, coal stove,.
coal idil 'trove, glass cupboard, side,-
board 'dresser, washing machine, cream
separator mail box, Daisy churn, bar-
rel butter tub, and other useful house-
hold articles.
Terms. -Sums of $10.00 amd, under,
cash; over that amount 7 months'
credit tan. furnishing approved joint
notes, 5 :per cern, per annum off for
for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor Aucltiion,eer
The National Drug Chemical Co.. where rh wife . b
at - the, reser fora pool +robin, Junta]
States Adn,ress Na -Co, -Go. Inc.,202 up
litain, St, Buffalo, 'N.Y. t 254 ; ''ng , a tet e, meantime two tables and a
stook of tobaccoes, end( thinks of get
nag a barber shop else..
Highest- cash prices
paid for
Skunk, Raccoon
and ldiink
Enquiries promptly
Established 1805
Incorporated in 1855
Over 120 Br aocbes
Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing ,elf -
denial and creating mdepen denc e,
The easiest method of savin g is by depositing a certain ,por
tion of your earnings regularly in THE MOLSO\S BANK,
the addition of interest at, current rates a subs Lenten, eu.n i
soon acquire&.
Small acme:sets receive the same attention as larger ones -
efficient courteous service. to all.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Braneh open for business .]ally.
Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran<.h:
an erous drugs or tonics are of little se.
Theyma relieve the pain but do not remove the
cause. The help h e h lp that counts most is nourishment.
rich in purest medicinal cod-liver oil, feeds the weakened
nerves and at the same time enriches the blood.
Do not take nerve sedatives or nerve stimulants,
take Scott's Emulsion. It is the standard
atonic food that puts strength in place of weakness.
Be Sure It's Scott's Emulsion.
Scott & Bowie,' pronto, Ont. 19-30
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: -
40 HEAD OF CATTLE, including
6 pure bred Shorthorns;
20 two-year old steers in good con-
dition. for grass;
30 sheep;
40 hogs,
7 horses
ZOO bushel* seed barley;
1.5 bushels Timothy, seed.
See large bulls
Prop. Auct.
J. H. Jamieson, Clerk.
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: -
3 and. 4 year ,old fillies and geldings
Also some good 5 end 6 year old
horses -too thin to ship.
Terms -6 months' credit on ap-
proved joint notes with 6 per cent, per
annum added.
Oa Lot 13, Hay Township, London
Road, 2 Miles South of Hensalll, on •
THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920 . •
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the follow.i:ng :-
Horses -Goad work team, fillyris-
ing 4 years, mare 5 years ,old, dens -
jog uralre .5 Years otld, 2 heavy colts,
rising 2 yeters, spring ciolt.
Cattle -jersey n. now 8 years, salvos -
ed to bet in elf; hei6er just freshented,
cow clue to calve in March, cow due
to calve in April, heifer due to calve
in May, 2 hefetrs icpming 2 years, steer
.claming 2 years, steer 1 year oi,d, bull
coming , 3 yejars, 9',spring• calves, ` 2
young calves; •
Pigs -Berkshire saw due to farrow
April, 8 pigs about 80 pounds.
Sheep -Registered Cotswold ram. '4
Registered Cotswold ewes, 8 grade,
ewes, 5 etre lambs,
Fowl -About 80 young hems, 3 geese
Implements-MalCornnuck binder 7 .ft.
cut, Deering horse rake, mea,rlernew;
Cockshutt mower, tiew; McCormick, 13
hoe seed drill with grass seeder a.t-
tached, two walking' plows, set iron
hariows, set disc harrows, sprung tooth
cultivator. Lind .ranee, pea, harvester,
root pulper, ,caber yielder, buggy, 1
Democrat 2 cutters, set sleighs, 2
wagons, hayrack, gravel, box, double;
wagon box, hayfork, rope andpulleys,
scuffler; wheelbarrow, set harness and
a number of horse collars, a quantity.
planes and „a nuumber of ' good doors,
and other articles tool numerous to
Terms -AQ sums 10£ 510, and under
$cash; roller that amount 8 mo,nths,
'credit wLll be given ori furnishing a p -
proved )o1nt notese 6 ,percent. per
annum off for cash: - Terms' of farm
rnarle known, on day of sale.
G. 5, DOW,
on Lot 17, Coin. 12, Hibbert Tp., on'.
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1920
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing: -
Horses -4 general purpose team Per-
cheron mare and, gelding, well matched
1 Percheron, filly 8 months old;; 1 aged
team ,mare and gelding; 1 goad driver
eight years; 1 blood Lilly three years.
Cattle -10 coves, three with'. calves
at foot, 1 two-year heifer, fresh; 7
steers 2 years old; 11 calves 1 -yr -old;
pure bred Shorthorn bull
Pigs. etc. -30 pigs from 100 to 175
Lbs; 2 brood sows with litters at foot
1. sow expected to farrow about time
of sale, 1. Taxnworth boar. 100 Means,
Implements--Massey-Harris binder,
nearly .new; M: -H. ten -hoe drill; MH.
hay ,lender, side delivety and tedder
c+ombin,ed; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut;
mower, 5 ft cut; eftH: •.laced roller, M.H.
swine tooth cultivator.; ; M. H. bean
cultivator and harvester combined ;
M.H ananure ,spreadie,r; Deer3lntg hay -
rake, 12 -ft.; Your section , diamond
harrows : two clraw bars, top buggy;
1 cuttters 2 pair bobsleighs ome ex-
tra heavy, Bain wagon, pair trucks with
flat sliding rack :bar hay loader, stock
rack ,turnsp deill,'stuffier, f sulky
wows, Z walking plows, light twin.
;plows' fanning jmetll, disc harrow, in -
throw; 3 -horse tread power, cutting ..,,
box, grinder stone boat, pug shoot, 45
gal, a'gricultura1 cooker, half share in
Goadiison threshing machine, kitchen.
range,coal heater, box heater and
pines, washing machem,e, hay fork, car
and puiaeys, ,syrup paiii, 100 sap pails
sand ,spites, 3..doz. grain bans, pulper
set Aylmer scales with stock rack
2000 lbs capacity, wheel barrow; push'
cart, 4,00 bushels seed barley, 200 bus:'
seed oats, r
:"emus -Groin end, an sums of 1110
and solder, cosh; over that amount 8
months' ' credet wen be given one furn '
iIshatnt;• epproved joint: notes, or a din=:
'donut of 4 per cent. sstraeglet off 'Ear •
cash ,op credit :amounts., No reserve
as the pro:rree}tor'.hos sold 'his farmsr
E. Ross, C. W. Robinson JAS. JONES ALEX. STEWA•RT`
Proprietor Auctioneer: Auctiioaeer Ptopraetor