The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-4, Page 8y4 Exeter Markets e hanged each Wednesday Fail, Wheat 1,9•S gats L05 Barley ,.,..,..,...,.,..1 ......1,45 to 1.65 Farr,1`y •I lour ...,Y .... ......... 6.85 Feed Fleet per cwt. ..,,...., .... .... 4.00 Shorts , .56.00 Bran ,..t.. 48,00 Eel's .... 62 Dairy Butter 55 :to 58; CT eame"y Butter . 69 35 Lar:) Potatoes ......... ......3;50 to 3.75 20400 to 22.00 17.50 Hay per tea His NOTICE The P. ~lie Utilities Commission' request that all users of town water see that their taps are not runing at night. It is of utmost importance that water users try to conserve the water supply at night. Owing to the accumulation of ice on the inside of the town tank aid also the tank of the G.T.R. it is impossible for the Connnuss_xon to pump enough water to hold a supply over night. Will the users kindly co-operate in the matter. WATER TANN FOR 4 ALE. Round teak 2x6, as good as new for sale; epoly N. Ogden, Centralis, No 1, NOTICE TO FAR: FBS The Executive of the Exeter branch ot the U.F.Q., have decided to ship live stock co-operatively, namely, cattle, Boge, and sheep. Be shipping in this way the seller gets' Market value, minus actual expenses of shipping. J. N. Ratcliffe has been appointed agent and will be glad to make arrangements with those who have stock for sale. Phone 1?3r4. Exeter. WieNTED Smart boy to learn, hardware; also o e to learn plumbing and t rismithieg. Herman's Hardn*are, PLEASE RETtRN BOOKS As Principal Wethey is re-catalou ;rrg the high School Library and there are several books missing-, it is re- quested that they be returned at ,once to Mr. Wethey's home. PROPERTY FOR SALE. One and a half storey frame house, eight rooms ,i,'n good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- works in stable., Centrally located in Exeter. Apply to 1. R. CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter. DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner William and Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., and Sat, 10.30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m, ..mow.. SEED OATS AND Pk,AS FOR SALE A quantity of regenerated Banner Oats—clean and of good quality; also z quantity of peas, perfectey free from weavei, and good sample; at reason- able prices. Orders may be left at Advocate Office, Exeter, or at farm, Lot 22, Coat„ 2, Stephen, W. D. SANDERS. THAMES ROAD, The service in Bethany Methodise Church will be held as usual next Sun- day at 2.30 o'clock. APPRENTICE TO DRESSMAKING WANTED.—Apply to Miss Mary Tom, Exeter. --- GOLD FILLED CHAIN & LOCKET Found, near Dr. Hyndman's stable, Owner can have same by calling at this 'office and paying for notice. PROPERTY FOR SALE, Goof frame house, containing nine rooms, situate_= Mann Street, Exeter Norte. There are three good lots of land oe w;nah are, good frame, stable, driving seed, a good well and other conven:,e^ces'e Property of Mrs. W. • Davie. Apely at Gardiner's Furni- ture Store, Exeter. NECKVOKES, WHIFFLETRBES, Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wool bring it to, the 0. K. Cider Mill, and I will turn it a standard, or any length or size you wish, also saws gummed. etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle . CORN CONTRACTS. Tee Canning Co. is prepared to.con- tract vet!) growers of corn for the factory 'or 1920. the. price per ton • same as last year: Choice seed corn has been secured fnom the same %aur ..taj will be, .sold at same price as ;as.: y, it to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. NOTICE e we will .he winter have horses and cutters for hire. Anyorne wsreiag same phone 56. WILSON & SIMS. . VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J,-Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after -- worts (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings .7 to a. Public Notice. TO THE CITIZENS OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that for the Public safety and as a precaution to prevent the further spread of the Influenza 'Epidemic, am order has been Passed CLOSING all Churches and, Schools ,Public Buildings,'.-:Lebraries •mos` Ti ca�tees end other penc,ege of , hPu : ilex t e I i eniat ' : 'ill:_' , r ons • a t �. , ,, -S'�F ";;7,144..avr'. •, S r r� Tlsis order, to :t>a,ke efrfect • after `, SteNDAY, FEB. 15, 1920, and to main. resac, u,nr_ii re -opened by order of t'he Board. tr. J, W. Brvw�ning H. E. Huston seMed Officer of Health. Chairman EXWPER A ll ] u 11 !r E, 1� 1 1 11 ii 11 1 .Local Doings The thermometer scenes to be the Only thione that goes down. • lefre: Robert Mawbenhas , eheeaa oea incl to the house through ,illness. We understand that Mr. H. Elvvor- thy'.°is the local dealer in Overland cars Vies year; ' Sugar- has taken a jump in pric,ee ,It es. said that it .W11 be• as. high) es 20c; a lb. before bong. Ree 'tV, if liart:;a sof London, who has been seriously ill with influenza, is n. v reCovereng n cels, el'se Alice Vincent was rather p3in- fuily injured while tobaggonning last week by has't'.g her ,lea severely spra,ne: . Mr, Henry Rumahr has sold hes 'res- iCleace iry Exeter North to Mr. Wes. Stone, who returned here from the west last spring. A fur inspeetoe bas been he this dis- tract for a few weeks, and succeeded in rounding up a few evaders of the trappers' pr buyers' licenses. The P. M. Moir facet of 150 acres l a; aga at changed hands, Mr. Thomas Rundle ot Hibl;ert becoming the pur- chaser, Mr. Watson of liothenvell has bought Mr Cameron's otltr farm on S. B, k3ibbe 't, Dr. Raulsto;v desires to announce that he re -opened his dental office last week and is now resuming his regular practice,- Also desires to re. mind that his office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year. The death took place at Mitchell on Feb. 23rd of Martha A. Botham, wid- ow of James Hutchison, In her 67th year. A brother, Dr. Arthur Hoth- am, now of Strassburg, Sask., was a former resident of Exeter. Severn) other brothers and sisters survive. Send us the yews from your com- munity end be on the map„ There are two things an. editor enjoys --,faithful c;orrespoandents and early news. It es heart -breaking t'o rac,eve a nice bud- get of snappy items ,gust as you are hurrying; to get the forms closed up in tient* to .catch the mails. Call by pheae or sen1 by mail. The 1930 High..School Entrance ex- amination will be held on. June 28, 29 and 30. The Junior Public School. Graduation Examination will begin an June 24, 1920, oirsd ceeceee June 30.' The Huron County Uniform Promotion Ex- aminations w 1 be held on June 28 and 29th, 1920. Tee," Senior Public School Graduation Examination begins June 28th, 1920. In one home at Iiarriston last week four people died of pneumonia fol- lowing influenza—Mr. and :Sirs, Law- rence Pri,dham of Mitchell, and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs, G. M, McDonald, Mr. Pridham is a brother of Thomas and John Friel ham .of elitc'hea1a Four children. of Mr. and Mes, _McDonald are also ill, Three of the deceased were buried in one day. DIED IN THE WEST The following from the Echo; of Hamiota, Mane refers to ,the grainddi- son of the late Richard Delbridge of Exlet•er. Many relatives live in this sicinitya -"The death of Roy Andrew Delbridge, the only son of Mr, and Mrs. George Delbridge, of Chumah, on Feb. 14th, came as a surprise and shock to the community:. He had contracted the. "flu" and had been ser- iously ill from it but w aae supposed to have safely passed the crisis Deceas- ed was born in. Chumah a little over seventeen years ago., All his life has beta spent in this vide:tet' Hie had grown into young manhood's years and strength greatly beloved by the people tof thin community, PAS Sel ORE—el UXWORTI'I Y, The vlethodist Church, Forest, wan the scene of a charming wedding on Wednesday nn'enning, Feb. 25, when the marriage was solemnized of Miss La Vera H•opl'-s Muxworthy, eldest t daughter of Rev. S. W. Muxworthy and Mrs. 'Muxworthy, to. Garnet S. Passmore of Exeter The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr. John W. hf+opkins of Bowmasnviile, entered the .church to the, singing of "0 Per- fect Love"' by the choir.t She wore a .tailored travelle tg suit of -navy blue si;ll••:faille, and a smart hat of geor- gette .with French flowers', Her cor- sage, .teas of Opheiia roses and she wore ,the groom's +git[t, an onyx ring with diam,o,nds. ,She was attended by little..Miss Evelyn Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams of Forest, who • was daintily frpcked in silk of a ceeamy stint, touched • with pink., She carrieda basket of sweet peas and vio- lets, io- lets, ,holcien g a calla Lely, in which, t h e ring was placedh The ushers were M:r, eoh.n Ferguson and Mr. T. H... Burs- ford. Miss Margaret Muxworthy played Meindellssohn's wedding march as the bridal ;party Cleft the church. A receptlosa at the parsonage follow- ed the ceremony, among those present being the bridesgroom's mother, Mrs. Passmore; Mr. and Mrs. W. Passmore; Mr. and Mrs: J. Hackney and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayane, all of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. J,. W. Hopkisas, of Brownsville, and Mrs. 'V', C. Robinson and family of Detroit, The church was crowded with the malty friends of the ,bride, who is a highly talented pianist, elocutionist amt) violinist. She has repeatedly delight- ed 'local` audiences with her accomp- lishments as a member of the Forest Ladies• Quartet, and has won scores of friends by her welling mess and, gen- erously in responding to the cal] -s made upon her. " The gisfts showered upon her were most numerous and in - eluded handsome checks from rela- tives en: addition; to .presents ; from the various societies ,of the church.,, Mr and Mrs, Passuaone, wall ;live in Exeter, The Exeter High Schooll- Hockey Team played in, Ailsa, Craig Monday night but Lost out by a sctore of , .9 to 3, Mr J. N. Howard,last week sod the residence in which Mr, H. W;, Doefx has been living to Mr. E, A, Follick, We understand )Mir, Howard has Pur- chased 'the property, of Mrs. Pickard, opposite Mr. E. Christie's C•tnd will erect a Douse thereon. The enedepal officer of health, or eocal Board, when. it ins considered necessary .to prevent the spread ot any communicable disease, ina.y direct that any school or seminary of learn- ing, or any church. or public hall, ox other place• used for public gatherings or entertainment an, the municipality, shall be closed, and may prohibit all public assemblies in the munn,Cipality; and no such school, seminary, church, !tall for public place shall ben kept open after such direction, for the admission of the public; nor re,, -opened without the permission of the Medical Officer of health—Public Health Act. PENHALE vs. BI3RENNER. An itetion in the Cov n,ty Court at Go1erielt this week, in which plaintiff sued defendant for, the loss of a,stal- lion, which broke through the floor of defendant's stable at Grand Bend last spring and died:. Judgment for the plaintiff for $400 damages.. ARMENIAN FUND. The following donations were not previously zeoorted,—Rd. Yellow $15,00 Mrs. Fred Lux Von $1.50, Miss E. A, Hogarth $1,00, Reg, Knight $1,00, the Thames Rd. Prez, Sunday School29.64 Robt, Robinson $5,00, Wesley E johns $5,00, John. A. Thar $11,00, Woman's Institute, Exeter, $1.00; A Friend 50c, DAVID WEISMILLER DEAD, Mr. ,David We4ismeller, of 124 Dowl- ling avenue, Tloronto-, and general man- ager of the London Mutual. Insurance Company for many years died sudden-- 1r udden-Ir from heart .failuree He - wan born et Wellesley- 61, years ago, was edu- cated at Kitchener, and was teacher for a few years, after which he enter- ed the mercantile business at Homan which he' conducted for several years,' During hi, resl;lence ire Hensel] be was chosen as cen,3idate to contest', During his stay in Hensall he was t•;Hosen Conservative canditate to con- test the election for the Legislature in in June. .1894 against the late M, Y. McLean of Seaforth, and nettle he was defeated by a very narrow majority he succeeded en. reducing the previous majority of hundreds down, to 16. Af- ter leaving Hensall be moved to Lon.1 ,lop and went into ,tlie insurance bus- iness, and from there to his presenjt home in Toronto, Mr, Weismiller was a man of excellent physique, striking in appearance, a forceful speaker, and a pian who made many friends and held them. He is survived by two sons, ler F. A. and. Harry D. Weis - miller ani by ,one daughter, Miss 1.e, Wei(snriller HAS BEEN A STEADY WINTER. Sunday oancluded, thirteen weeks of straight winter weaither, the longest winter in the history of Western On tanto, without a single day of high temperature, or of thaw ,or raiinj, one straight through erieter for tepid .all throughout December; both cola and constant snow throughout January and February There never was a December known ;to the oldest resi- dent that did not have some kind of rain or thaw en December and in Jan- uary; but this winter, so far, has been without s sirngeo break in the regular- ity and severity of the wi'ntest ,There was ,quite a, number of days ire Dec- ember and in January when the mer- cury was well below zero. During the thirteex weeks there has been 89�: inches of snowfall, divided fairly evenly between December, Jan- uary and February; while during the whole time the rainfall has been, pract- ically nil. To add to the cold weather of the past three. months March has come in cold and wintry, although calm, and, if the told proihesy holds good, we are tea have some weeks more, of colli weather, before March has a chance to "go out like a lamb.•" Mr. W:t:fred ,Stewart of Kjtchener was home over Sunday. Miss Lala ,Johns was home " fatten Sarnia for a ifew days. Dr. Kinsman. was called to Goderich this week as a juryman. Mr. Archie Dartos of Lige-note spent Sunday with hills parents here: Mr. John Krueiger of London is vis- iting with hits sister, Mrs. A.t E,, Fuke. Miss Williams ,of Clinton, has re- sumed her duties as mirlliner with Miss Armstrong. Mrs. (Rev.) Trumper and childien cleft Monday morning to visit with rel- atives in, Landon. Dr. Vining is in. Goderich, this week as an expert witness in the Grand Bead horse ,case. Miss May Brimaaombe,, after a visit with her parents here, returned iia St. Thiomas Monday moaning. Mr:,Jahn Pyne has been. off ,.duty at Messrs.. Panes & May's 'store for several days dowing ta'.allrmess, '('AVEN; :,PRESBYTErAN`'' C,ItURG`H' Rev' 'dames Foote, B. A. Minister 1b^fam.„ ahbatli School aind Blbk. a Good.~Music at all Serv'i•. brcjtheria l►lCiitister , �I(Omg Q&i1 is can Services withdrawn until further net* 'e `. c ioperatioai,, Miss Jessie Cochrane, after visiting with hei brother here, returned to her home: iav Kitchener Monday morning.. Miss llauritve .Isafasc :of Greenaway is visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. 111, Dcarinlg, Stephen Miss McDonald, milliner,' of Wood- stock, has re -opened ' her millinery. rnoms here. Her assistant is': < Miss Stellate.: of Blyth. Miss Ella Link, after spending a few'. months .with reelajtives here . -and .in Crediton. returned, -to Plattsville Mon: day morning to resume her duties as milliner Mrs: E. Webber'. egd'chi d who liave: been, , visiting the formers ^pare nt$, Mr., and 1�Ic • S Hardy, left Friday for. st ' where the w 4 f 1 PHONE 32 MAR, 45 18, seategneetneavaellnaeSeeele JONES & MAY ttractive Spring Styles. Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses Spring Suits Our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Suits for sprinter is getew nearly com- plete, Trucotiaes, Gaberdines and Serges Pre the most popular materials, Navy is the most popular color for suits this seasone Browns and Blacks are also shown in'a good range of styles, We guarantee overy suit to be absolutely of all wool material. Prices range from $30 to .$494 We have an immense stock to select from. Spring Coats Our range of Ladies' and Misses' Coats for the Spring season is not yet, complete. However, we have received a shipment of the advanced Spring Styles. These are very smartgarments and well worth seeing. The popular materials are Velours, Serges T'ricotines, Donegal Tweeds and Covert Cloths,. In another week or ten days our stock of Coats will be about complete. Ladies' & Misses' Serge & Silly Dresses We have found recently a growing demand for ready-to-wear dresses, so Dor Spring we have stocked a beautiful range of the -celebrated Nosithway extd Rogers' Dressea in silks 'and all -wool serges. These are very attract- ive garments and moderately priced. See these lines early as they are going fast. A Bargain in Dinner Sets at $25.00 12 good patterns of English make Dinner Sets, full 97 pieces; good quality and neat designs, worth easily $35.00, to clear this month at $25.00. WALL PAPEB.S—The, new wall papers for apring are ,now inn stock. HOUSE FURNISHINGS --Extra special. values in. spring ' house fuenish- ings, including Rugs, Linogeutns, Cur tains, Wiundove Bjinds, Etc4 JONES & MAY 'Mr. Richard Bissett of London was a visitor here Tuesday. AIr. Wm. Birney left Monday morn- ing for Winnipeg, where he will re- sume duties with the company v,rtjt which he was formerly engaged. Dr. Tennant, who has been io the West for several months, returned home last week, He reports very cold weather,' and an excessive amount of snots- all through the west. Mr. Alf. Gaming, who was recently informed that he had fallenni heir to some thousands of dollars isa England, and who has been. working for Mr. S. Hunter, Usborne left last week for the Old Country. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT • VETERINARY SURGEON - AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Sioliciltor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - ..sons Bank, Etc: Money to loan at llowest rates of interest. Olfficde—Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number • of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year; old , up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 bounds up. Parties having the required' stuff, write ` or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctilonleer for Counties of Hutton and. Middlesex Prices Reasonable and • Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, Ontario, WINTER :TERM FROM JAN 5th • $TRATFOR ?..ONY.. tarIo's larg est;' and 6t t We., .' live than t g. rsd haV;e e, ppeefiiertced i olatn}eroial, Shorthand & hy, Iaepartiiscstts We assist ee catalogue '11 may interest you. I5 A 'McLad n. Principal. exP•ected after cndu,tes Itopositioui Write for our MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private fluids to loan on farm and village property rates of 7GLAMAN& STANBRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ICENS 5 I E 5S E U D by C. H, Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEEsT & VINING Veterinary Surgeons ` All calls promptly attended to day or night. Offi e— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex- and Oxford.• ' Farm Stock . Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Waslerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G, F. Rou1ston,, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloyed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled with all kinds, of Furniture which we, are selling at a very small margrne Be sure MN see us before buying ,as we have som bargain's, R. N. ROTE THE En B I; f R E UNDERTAKER & V1 A 1Y )a. • Mote 20 415 Tea & Coffee Store, For , the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing thing i•n the grocery bhp ()all and see us. A trial as to quality will conVin Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould`. SOUTHCOTT BROS. LADIES SNITS & COATS This, Ps our firstshlpn'sent• :fol this season,, Weiwill be glad have you look at thdelrn, and s,e'e some of the new stylets ,that are beasvg' shown for Spring. NEW SILK AND CREPE BLOUSES. We haven't a big range, but what we Ihave• to sh'ow you is new )minty blouses that are prices 'right. NE'W .SHIRTS AND'NECKWEAR FOR MEN. They are julsdt opened and we want you .to 'seed the diger r t.:c ess it ani weaves that we have to offerYou will do weal to buy',youir seesprirs supply' * , :fur 1 fi eh ` wend s.':., or ,dsal is s.' f inital• are eleowing•;a,rbig allege.of •spsenb'Iid-'desagns•-,for galls, 'Living Rooms—in fact, any room; in sous home.