The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-4, Page 7IRE BEST TONIC FOR, NERVOUS PEOPLE Increase Your Nervous Energy by Building Up the Blood With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Nervous people Who have not yet 'developed a disease that can be re- -eoguized and treated by the medical ;profession have the greatest trouble 4n finding relief. Irritation, headache, sleeplessness, nervous indigestion, all `these discomforts make life miserable 'but are endured rather than run a doctor% bill without hope. of recovery. Every such sufferer should know the danger of teach a condition to the ner- vous system. Nervous debility and even parelysie may result if the tone of the nerves is not centered by build- ing up the blood. As a tonic for the blood and nervee Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been used with the greatest success. They have a direct action on the blood and therefore enable it to carry to the nerves the elements they meed to fully restore their normal function --and at the same time im- prove the general health. The bone- - tits that follow the use of this medi- cine is shown by the stntem.et of SKIRTS FOR THE SPRING WARDROBE lttrs. Jenny Marr, MR. No, J, Port Pn7lia381 Rowe% a well Lnown sebooT teacher, No. 9285—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt who says: ---"Some Tears ago I became . Price, 20 cents. Two styles of poeket; greatly run down, nod was to thts 3 high waistline; 38 or $6 -inch length. z audition for pearl, a) year. A doctor C•ut in 7 sizes, 24, 2h, 28, 30, 32, e4 and whom I called in said I was suffering inches waist measure. Size 26 re - from complete Nervous prostration, It quire , either style pocket, 2 '� yards would hardly be possible to tell an the 36 inches wide or 2 ,s yards a0 inches symptoms of my ease, but anyone who has passed through. a nervous break- tlown will know what I suffered. As wide. Width around bottom, 2 yards. No. 9275 -Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt, Price, 25 cents. With. or without two, piece •circular tunic; u8 or 3e -men I did not sena to ir,iprave under the length. • Cut in 6 sizes, 24, 20, 28, '110, doctor's treettneet, I -decided to try 32 and 34 inches wast measure. Size fink Pills, and the de- 26, with tend; 38-ineh length, 5%• e'isiou was a fortttu'ato ane for me, as yards 30 iuel'e> wide er 3% yards 45 I soon found some relief tltreuah. the inches wide; witiec.ut tunic, 2 ;s yards use of the pills, end atter taking el,'iit 30 or 5 inche. wide. Width a":fund bates I wits Oily re tared to health, 1,o.t°111, 1,s y umd 1 'r,) -day 1 az41 sti'citg and izearty. with-I'riee,No, 20 9181" -Ladle,' Two -Piece Skirt, cents. Simulated panel out an ache or pa u, and for :lir pre- , front; high waistline; 38 or :3G -inch vent physical condition 1feel I ,un - lentrth. cut in 8 eieee, `24, 20, `28, 30,. deleted to Dr. \1"illi:tmy'Pick Willa, 32, 34. 3:i and 38 itebes waist tnease and can heartily recommend thein to etre. :tire '.G rettuirei, 33-inelz length, anyone auiferipg, Seem ucrvous t;cu- 2a3 yards :35 inches wide or Fn. yards glee," Iid inehe.; aide; 16 -inch length, tin Yoe can procure Dr. li'iIllam,' Pink Pillthrotaglz any dealer in znedic:no tel' they will be eeut you by mall at at) ciente a box or sit bores fur $2.50 That Cheery Morning Smile. Greet each new day with . a happy 1 smile As you wish. the world "Good morn- ing ' its charm will those you meet beguile,, All gloom and darkness scorning. For a happy smite on the face at meTru Will make the day feel cheery, And the hours will fly as you truly try To make thts world less dreary. Awake from sleep with a thankful heart That a new day is ) our guerdon Go forth to labor and do your part To lighten someone's burden. To wear a smile on your morning face' Will make the day seem brighter,. As forth you fare to perform your - share Te make some trouble lighter. So face each day with a sunny smile, The day non' -born to greet you, And scatter sunshine all the while On all who chance to meet you. ff Go forth from home with a puzpose high - Some woe to be beguiling, And those who sigh will some good espy )3eoauso you go forth smiling, yards 86 tachee wide or 114 yards 54 inches wide. •Wid.:b around bottom, Ine yards. 'Mise ,patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or by writing direct to The ]Jr, Williams''from the McColl Co., 70 BondSt., To- lIedieeiao Co., Brockville, Outario. Murdered. Classics. Time dealt lutrdly frith the wisdom of classical uuthore. Modern versions are invariably in- terr ect. "When titter meets (Greek, then eontee a" tag of war," ie wrong. 'rhe original line written by Nathaniel Lee, one of the olid -time dreat atists, circ urs in the piay, lime; since forgat- te_n, "The l;ival Queens, or ,,leantier the Great." It reads: "When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war." Similarly Milton's "fresh woods anti pastures new" is invariably rendered "fresh fields and pastures new;" while another pitfall for the unwary is to be found • in the well-known •lines of "Kingsley, beginning "Be good, sweet maid:" Niue people out of ten, if challenged with them, would repeat: - 13e good, sweet maid, and let wlm.o will be clever; Do noble deeds, not dream. them all day long. Whereas what the poet actually dict write was:—.. Be good, sweet maid, and let who can be clever; Do lovely things, not dream them, all day long. Tennyson has perhaps suffered les.% from misquaters than most poets, but his "streaming London's central roar," which occurs in the "Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellingtou," is generally converted into "busy Lon- don's central roar." "The noiseless tenor of their way," from Gray's "Elegy," is more familiar to many as the "even tenor of their way." The more highly civilized a peo- ple, the less cruel their jokes. A say- ing quantity, but the- old style of eat - ages •sense of humor does not rise ing raw ice, in what the Japanese call above the torture of helpless cre;,- the korimnizu fashion, is still in the route, Dept. \In Crossing the Bar. ':Sunset and evening star, , Anil one clear dill for min! .ttnd may there be no moaning of the lnue Men I put mit t;a eve, But su,'ll a Ude as Meting ecenia a tie p Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep 'hurls home again. Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of fare- well, • When I embark; For tho' from out our bourne of' Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face 'to face When I have crossed the bar. ---Tennyson, • Ice a Popular Dainty. North Americans eat more ice cream and similar frozen desserts than the people of other nations, nut the Jap- anese take ?first place as eaters of ice. One of their favorite dishes is small cakes of ice broken into tiny, pebbly pieces and eaten with sugar and lem- on. The commonest way of eating ice in Japan, however, is to shave it ino snowy flakes and to s;vailo-v it with s of eetened water into which fruit juice or sweetmeats have been thrown. Ice cream, milk and eggs shaken with „ice and other kinds of cooling beverages are sold in an ever •increas- tures. Under the sheds 'on many farms may:. be found the running gears of one-horse lumber wagons. For a few dollars these wagons may be rigged up; repainted, and made toserve a fine purpose once more. There is no more handy wagon on the farm than a good .one-horse lumber wagon. greatest vogue. Flower pot stains may be renloved from the window sill 'mith wood ashes. Nature may be slow about correct- ing man's mistakes, but she never quite trying. Keep the lantern cleanand well filled. You're liable to need it in a hurry some night, (i8 •Allot" educ ed adder• j • ,1l, ar to this blendo. wheasf, air _malted b re . ) ' T - skmei:s"less. is dug '1:,J `aC The t a N y. .` •r. •.. h �,w t o rdi �3. sill. en., self level l - �l " and 'ti�.7'�' 1'O@eSSli ,o1p d �'. d,. 1oa;."t baklx� , a flu... ren sts I2 .ho• ick �r�.u k-,..+.✓ ••i ,_ __ _M�-t1 r.[52C1±-^z+=-,m-..1=1:- , -, BART'S OWN TAMIL'S 4I1YAYS it fI`ti HOWU Once a another has used iyaby's Own Tablets for her Tittle ones she always keeps a supply en hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them_ In keeping children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough "Meetly° which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teeth- ing easier. Concerning thein, illrs. Salute Pelletier, St, Dumas, Clue., writes: --"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and azo never without thein in the house. They bane -always given the greatest satis- faction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by raedielne deal- ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. The Years. 'When I a as'young and twenty, I'ld ran a many mile, And when. I carne to thirty I'd sit and rest awhile. And now that I am thirty-five I am the sleepiest mann alive. ihIt Imaybe, wken I'm forty • I'll shape my leg, again, .And walk from then till- Arty With yizueg at?icl striding men, And billward go in sixty's wear To soo how yet the counties fare. When I am old and eighty All treasons will be done Of lovo and silly bitterness, And I shall watch the sun Go out, and little heed the fear That smote upon Iny middle year. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion l6xprees Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. The Costly Garter. Lord Londonderry, being one of the most, wealthy members of the peer- age, will be under nonecessity of re- fusing the Order of the Garter, -hick the King has • bestowed rlpon- him, through inability to pay the fees en- tailed. Others have been less fortunate, and Lorcl Melbourne had more than once to refuse it from Queen Victoria, writing at last, in 1.847, that he did so because he knew the expense involved by its hceeptance would be about te 1,000, and that he had neves had that sum conveniently available. 4lansonville, June 27, '13. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N.S.• Gentlemen,- It afford.s me great pleasure and must be• gratifying to you to know that 'after using 36 bot- tles of your Liniment, o'n a case of paralysis which my father was af- flicted with, 1was able to restore him to normal condition. Roping• other sufferers may bo benefitted by - the use of your Liniment, I arm,; • Sincerely yours, GGEO. H. HOLMES. A Steeplejack in War Time. A steeplejack's life even • in time of. peace is liable to be unpleasantly thrilling now and then, but when a man follows such a vocation amid fly- ing shells the thrills are liable to be continuous. As .I was a steeplejack,. says an English writer, I was 'select- ed for obsert•ation work on a lofty. chimney in the Ypres area. I had seated myself o.; a board that I had rigged near .the top of: the chimney when, to my dismay,. a German shell tore a hole through the brickwork about six feet below me and made the whole„chimney sway. The ladder by which I ,was to des- cend was smashed by the shell, but I had t rope with ane, luckily, and, fixing one end of it tie the chizlmney letmyself down o t top. I quicklyto e h undamaged part of the laddei. hardly had I •done so when another shell car- ried away .the upper part ()fettle glum-. ney altogether. "Mother.,” saki a Topeka, . fo ur-ea r oic, Icn w three lands oflivels J liver 'thatyou eat, liver stable and 'liver tie ,from- evil,", " NEURALGIA IL You know the nerve- racking agonies of Neural- -VI/on will bless the day Temp eton's Rheumatic Capsules Vora discovered. Thli 'famous remedy ie abse-- Iutely guaranteed to give relief to sufferers from •2Q!tzralgia. F,end for free sample to TempDleton, 14,2 Sing 8t. W., `roronlo. Doctors recommend them, and reliable drug- gists everywhereeeli Mem for 81.04 a box. ASTHMA Templeton's R AZ-i`M A 14CPP-. solesother areday. guaranteed. to relieVe A 6 T R &I A. Don't suffer an- . WriteTempletons.142Sing St, W., Toronto. ler /reassume,. Reliable druggists sell them et $1-04 a box. Where the Smiths Conte From. An old lady, in London for the first time in her life, saw a glaring sign on the front of a high but die; , which. read: The Smith 3lanufac, turing Company." laawlzs a mercy,e. she remarked to a •••••0 --•e--•-•v-y BITS OP tillO- ROM KU &TO S Alt He Knew About Plaros., Mr. Newritek "1 wanna buy a planer for my darter." Piano Salesman ---"Certainly, sir. Ilere are some beautiful instru- ments=' Mr. Newritch (After several inin- utes' counting) ---"Guess I'll take this here one—it has the most keys on It," A Modern Version. A little girl in Sunday school was telling the story of the creation. "And so," she said, "Eve was made out of Adam's rib, and —" "My ma says. put in Peter Harris, who was the ,eon of the laziest man in torru, "that she wouldn't so muck mind being a .man's rib, We being a scan's backbone that makes her mad" Keefe 'guard's Unite= in.. the temp, Maple srgar and syrup production in Quebec in 1929 was 12,157,498 pounds, against 10,173,622 pounds in 1918. The production of maple syrup in 1919 was 1,765,371 gallons, against 2,314,420 gallons in 1918. he; nephew, "I've heard of Smiths all thy life, but I never li.uew caber° they made 'ere," mu for TSinard'e and take no other. 1111.11.11-.11.11. The River Amazon and its tribu- taries provide 50,000 miles of navi- gable water, The population of Russia is cstim- ated to have decreased by 35,000,000 since 1314, owing to the, war, famine, and disease. LET "DAMDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Hurry? ,1 few cents stops hair falling and doubles its beauty eetge 2(Cr - A Iittle `Dcmd rine" cools, cteanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimula- ting tattle penetrates to the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat- ing every hair in the head, thus stop- ping the hair failing out, getting thin, scraggly or fading. After a few applications of "Dander- ine" you seldom find a fallen hair or a particle of dandruff, besides every hair shows -iuore life, vigor, bright- ness, color and thickness. A few cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter. lr-+ 11 Works! Try41.11.1 It e Cia$sifiet`I Advertisements. nirrttAlTAGEItiTS WANTING' geed • prints and Anisiles.—Iowssf ppricesen tramee—ask far catalogue. .1 United , t Co„ 4 33rortstiviele Aveee Tar route, GENTS WANTIID, $SO to $100 week •easily made Selling Auto Specialties. Petite • .for.. information. Bothwell's Auto Specialties, , 331 Riche mond Street, Toronto, Qat, WANTED �.NTED T T"LIABLE, riNrti, 1 getie men, .farmers' sons, farm+ ors or others who can devote some of their spare time to represent us as Salesmen for Nursery Stouts. We sup- ply uP-to-elate canvassing outfit* free of charge and offer liberal remuneration, Apply immediately to Maple Grover Nurseries. Winona, Out. MART, ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN' t;., wanted• to i:andie mining stocks, bonds and debentures, to represent To- ronto House. Liberal commission, .An» MY Box 6. Wilson Publishing Co., 'P•0. ronto. WD B LPMALS, WRITE 1+ on INroonmAT,IQN about the ztew, izioderri v'ay of selling real estate, Sell your property Ynlauyrselfoasts withou our112laelp, OuWhr method' o,00, pie.. large couunlssion? 'L "rite fory full para: tiouiars, Real Estate Buyers ?dontbrly, 784 Dundee Bt„ London. Ont. ROA SAAR WSPAPEREI LT . 1vE. IN 31WQA �T6.Carzrrty. Splendid opportunity. rWrits. itox T. Wilson Publishing' Co„ 3.01mitede 3 Adelaide St. W.. Pcronto. 1LAT ELL EQUIPPED NEWS1M.PEN V and lob 'printing plant in Easterrxs� Ontario. insurance carried 31,400. Will o for 31.200 en Buick sate. Rog 42. Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. Toronto.. 11133CRLS.i, 0US. COFI'IW STOCK WANTED. IF 'T'on ere able to supply, advise us. as we will pay the highest prieee. dry or greet* from the saw. Keenan BrQs, Limited. Owen Sound; Ont. o» C ADICl:`,R, TUMORS. Ltjl tgis. ETC.„ Tells bow to tooset' a sore, 'j internal and external. cured without tender cern so it lifts ° pain by our home treatment. Write us cut without aaln. d beforo� too late Dr. Beliman Medical Co., Limited, Collin: wood. Ont. 0 Coon news spreads reeldlY and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing ' freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin• i cinnatt man, which is said to loosen any corn s0 it lifts out with the Ifingere. Ask at any pharmacy for aquarter ounce of Lreezone, which will cost very little, but is said to be sufficient to rid one's feet et every hard or soft corn or callus. You apply ust ;Li tew drops on the tender, aelming corn and fustatttiy Lha aoreness is relieved, and soon the corn is so shriveled that it lifts out with- out !. pain, it Is a sticky substance which dries when applied and never inflames or even irritates the adjoin• 1ug tissue. This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually froze lock - taw and infection heretofore resetting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns. DON'T MALEC' ,It RILERATIC Go after i:, with Sloan,"s Liniment before it gets dangerous Apply a utile, don't rs1', let it et:m:- trate, and—good-by twinge! Same for external aches, pains, strains, stiffness of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. Instant relief without nnussiness or soiled clothing. Reliable—thc biggest selling liniment year after year. Eco- nomical by reason of enormous sales. Keep a big bottle ready at all tongs. !lade in Canada, Ask your druggist for Sloan's Liniment. 35c., 100., $1.10. America's, Pioneer now Eenodies Zook on DOG DISEASES ant ixovr to Peed Mailed Free to,any Ad- dress by the Author. E. Clay Glover Co., S..n:. 115 West 31st Street ';New York. t7.S,A. Feel great this morning. As soon as I felt it coming on yesterday I used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we are so busy and shorthanded, Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family, the folks have used it for sixty years. 1 Alwaye buy the Largo Size, 06 SINCE -gi1870 J 3TQR= COAX 'EM Stop Whipping Bowels into. Activity, but take "Cascar.ets'' y,s+�+r-i•..•,. ,.•,Pe.," -R f HM•r.nsa . •,••.ngyn.n.•.4... Put aside the Salts, Pills, Castor 011, eir, Purgative Waters that irritate and lash "the bowels into action. hut which do not thoroughly :cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or- gans,_tiud have no effect whatever up- on the liver and: stomach, Keep your "insides'-' pure and fresh with Caacarets, "whish • tlioroughly cleanse • the stomach.,' remove the un- cl and foul' ga food ses digested;: soum o , take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the con- stipated :waste .matter and poisons in the bottle which. are 'keeping you half .seek dleadaohy, and nileerable. Catearets `to -night will make you. feel great by morning. They work whtle you sleep—never. gripe, sicken nc e iivenie o. �Ca a asc rets: r-' cause ino 0 a cost -so .little too. p.?e ISSUE No. 9-14. "SYRUP. OF FIGS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue? Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Setup or Piga only --loot; for the nazne California on the package, het you are sure your child is having the best anti most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose cn each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California: 4 FACE WAS FULL OF PIMPLES For Three Years. Hard and Awfully Sore. Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. "I had been suffering with a pim- ply face for three years. My face was full of pimples and they were. hard and awfully sore. They fes- tered -and dried up, and were scaly,. and disfigured my face. They caused me to lose a lot of sleep, and were awfully itchy, making me scratch and irritate my face. "1 started to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment and 1 used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticera Ointment when I was heal_d." (Signed) Clifford Yeomans, East Chezzelcook, N. S. Use Concurs for every -day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointrr-eet, dust with Talcum.,. Soap 20c, Ointneat 2: and SOc. Sold throughouttheDorninion. CanadianDepot: Lyn,ans, Limited, St. Paul St., MontreeL Egir Cuticura Soap shaves without :mug. ONLY TABLETS MARKED ' BAYER" ARE AS IRiN Notspiriu at All without the "Bayer Crosse' For Colds, Pain, Nearaigia, Tooth- package, which eantains comp fete did belie, Headache, Daraclre, and for rections, :Then 3'oti • are :getting „real•; Rheumatism, Lumbago, Seiatica; •Neu- Aspic n --the genuine Aapirztt 'ribs, take Aspirin marked with 'the scribed by physicia;Mn for over„:i 1i eR name ['Bayer” or you. are not .taking teen ,years. Igo* ',Made oade is nadda.. 'As irin at' all. Haaciy tin tl'oxes 'contaiuing 1r3 tab-. Accept onlY "Bayer.- Tablets of lets coat but a few' 1erite eats t , •Aspire]. in an unbroken- `Bayer" also. Bell larger '"Bayer' pickagee,, • ' There is car—ono Acpizia.."8nyez'-'Ttote mast ,say Aspirin is ths thetrade mall; .tregi t oxed•sn Canada) o.T3yer3isnufact rre 4nriq. asSticse1aeiter of 'Se yifeaciA: White It is weal known that :Aspirin means DsiSest .., saanufe,oture, to aestat the nubile against imttatione, the Tablets. et .Barns Cohlalss r Will be veampee with their' 3eatrat trade mark, the ."iteyer -Cress,"