The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-4, Page 5THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh
• Between
tenexceeled dining ear wee"'
Sleeping cars on night traine and
Peeler cars on principal day trains.
FU,iirtormation trots' any Grand
Traits Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ing District Pass:sager Agent, Toronto
, J. DOR]
Phalle 46w .Ageot, Exeter
SINCE 01870
e east
EFFECTS.— em. Lot 10, N. R. Mc-
, Gegivray, eat THIJRSDAY, MAR 11
1920, at 1 ;o'clock, tbe
Herses—Drat Mare rising 7; draft
mere rising 9; gelding thing 5; geld-
ing rising 4; draft mare rising 3.
Cattle -3 cows due Mr. 28; 3 cows
due first week in April; 4 cows clue
seooacl week iet April; heifer rising 3
due April 10th; 3 steers ,risag 3; 4
heifers rising 3; 6 steers rising 2;
4 heifers rising 2; 6 spring eteer cal-
ves; 5 sprixer heifer calves.
Irnreements—Ne-H, binder; Frost &
Wood cultivator, scuffier, 2 „ walking
Plows, cutter, set sLegle hatnese, bean
Fueniture—Parlor (sate, couch, bed
spring, sideboard, kitchen table, etc.
Farm—At the same tette there will
be offered for eile subjest to reserve
bisl 100 acre pesture farm, being. ',,ot 9,
S. B. Steleeeel. If net sold wal be
Terms—Ot farm made known, ea day
of gte; of ehattele, $1.0 and under,
Cash; Ores that amount 7 months*
credit en approved jogt notes, or a
aiscount of 5 per cent. per annun off
Car cash on, credit amounts.
Positively no reserve as the prop-
rietor is giellee ule famine.
A, liODGINS, Clerk
LONDON ROAD, one mile south of
nth, 1920, at 12 o'cloek noon, the
following stocks --
Among the herd there are the well -
Meted families of Nonpareil, Crimson
Flower, Matchless, Roan Duchess,
Prices.' Maly and Mayflower. The
COWS O.Te either in calve or with calf
at foot, to Scotch Clipper bull. All
(-settle are en good thrifty candition.
Jennette, 149988, June 3, 1918.
Roan. Duchess, 150979, born Feb. 3,
1917, ,c, c, at foot;
Prances:: Mary, 105630, born Nov, 9,
' Queen Butterfly, 141810, born May
3, 1918— a Crimson Flower.
Nonpareit Beatrice 153931, born Feb
5, 1918—A Nonpareil.
elaechless lefinnie, 153927, born, Mar.
10, 1918—this is a Matchless May-
flower 7th, 105839; 7 year old, to
eseelf at time of sale.
Verbey Queen,143939, bona Apri, '18;
Gesster ,Belle, 145507, born Mar. 31,
-19Th--a Nonpareil;
Praise Duke, 133743, male, born May
28 , ;1919;
Ringmaster, 134376, maae, bofn May
28 1919;
Nonpareil Pride, 132487, male, born
Feb, 28, 1919;
Also 18 hea:d Durham Grade Cows
and young ;cattle, also horses and Im-
Terms—$10 zed under, cash, over
teat amount 9 months' credit on ap-
proved 'joint notes, or 5 pee cent. per
MITI= Off TOT meth an credit amounts:.
We will meet trains at Brueefield
end all cattle put on trains free
of charge,
FARM POE .SALE—"Evergreen
Farm" consisting of Lot el,Con. 14,
Tp. of Hibbert, County of Perth,
100 acres inaediately north of Far-
quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling
large bank barn, with water all thro
it supplied from never failing well
with windmill. A second 'windmill
and well on back of farm. New up-
to- .date hen and hog house large
new drive house. Good orchard of
•apples and small fruit, 8 acres of
bush, 50 acres mostly double -
ploughed, and ready for crop. Bal-
ance in grass. This is a choice
farm, well fenced, well drained and
in a high state of cultivation. .A
lovely home and must be sold as
the proprietor has bought a larger
• farm. Easy terms of payment. Apply
•on premises to Thos. Rundle, or
• Thos. Cameron, .R. Re No. 1, Kill -
• SCHOOL R.EPORT ,cef S. S, No. 1e
STEPHEN, or ;the month of Janu-
ary an February, the names being in
order of Merit ---Sr.e4—J. Dearing 84,
honors; g Edwards 68. Jr. 4--Ethee
Dear:lag 7e, honors. Sr. 3—Edna Deare
ing 81, boaors ; L. Pfaff 71, H, Stan, -
lake 53. Jr. 3—L .Festel 68. Int. 2—C,
• Sfeelake 61. Jr. 2—Elva Dearing 90,
• honors. Jr. 1-0. Ford 80, homers. Sr
Pr.—R. C.arriels 90, honors. Jr. Pa—
E. Smith 9e, honors. Numesn- an roll
12; average attendance e0. --L. Smith,-
. • •
McGeieLlyee,A'eeeekeess Predreek,'seeie
of eireeeee leefee, 1-54V4 l'Shepard' 6(f
this 'tee -eel -sip is deed, from influenzae
He tear rend finonfh old. I
Johe Deueless eldest sera of Meeee
eetebeet, died 'from' onethee
•ruonia, foelowiae, an attack of the "Flu"
Isie wee 7 yenrs of age:, All •the meal-
ago, were all bilried front the Prat, TO THE GIRLS.
NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK ham home in Harrision. ODE
hnpOrtant Events WhiCh Have
Occurred Miring the Week.
The Bus 1 World's Illamenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Hands and Attractive Shape tor
the Readers of Our Paper -- A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Torento police sergeants are ask-
ing a further increase in pay. '•
The United Farriers of British Co-
lumbia are in session at Victoria.
Bowmanville business men have
organized a Chamber of Commerce.
R. B. Morden. of Belleville died of
pneumonia after a week's illness at
the age of 74.
Ottawa Hydro -Electric Will return
6 per cent. of their annual payment
to 1919 customers.
Kincardine ratepayers carried by
204 to 6 a bylaw to expend 340,000
on Hydro -electric power.
Hon. W. E. Raney, Attorney -Gen-
eral for Ontario, was elected by ac-
clamation. in East Wellington.
G. Black Murray and A. C. F.
Lukes of Winnipeg propose to fly
from Norwich, Eng., to Montreal.
S. M. Harvey and his wife, of Cats
garY, were found dead in bed; it
seemed as if they had taken pOlSon.
Drugs to the value, wholesale, of
aome 320,000 were seized by Van-
couver police in the house of a China-
G, Y, Chown, secretary -treasurer of
Queen's tinleersity, made 320,000 for
tbe university ey reason of the ex-
change rates onmoney.
Pneumonia carried off both Mrs.
Lawrence Prielham and her daughter,
Mrs. G. M. McDonald, Monday, at the
Latter' s home in Harriston.
Canada has been invited to send
entries for the Wightinan Cup, em-
blematic of the American woruen's
national tennis championship,
Prince Edward Island has suffered
heavily from a gale, many barns be-.
ing blown over, buildings uprooted
and horses and cattle
A.delressing a mass meeting of men
at St. Alban's Cathedral, Toronto,
Canon Skey declared himself in favor
of the abolition of all pew rents.
Miss Emma McGee, of Sterling, a
trirrse-in-training at Belleville Gen-,
eral lIospital, dieof pneumonia fol-
lowing "au," after only a. few days'
A special train of fortystwo ears
leaves Bloomington, 111., on ;March 3
for Canada with immigrants. It may
prove to be the nucleus oe a much
larger movement.
Manitoba's surplus for last year
was 3441,285, the largeat in the .pro -
Mice's Ifistory.
Single tax clubs In the Untted
States propose this year to form a
new national party.
The Galt Granite rink, 'skipped by
won the McGregor Trophy at
the Milton bonspiel.
Hugh Ferguson, a G.T.R. conduc-
tor for thirty-eight years, died at
Belleville, aged 61.
Mr. Justice Latchford, at Stratford,
severely scored tnoving picture
houses and dance halls.
The King and Queen visited the
British Industrial Fair, at London
Crystal Palace yesterday.
Dr. Arthur T. Hadley, president of
Yale 'University, announces that he
will retire In the spring of 1921.
After a brutal attack on a woman
in her home in Toronto, her unknown
assailant, who is believed insane,
made his escape.
For the first time in seventy -eve
Years the Montreal Weekly Witness
will not publish this week, owing to
Inability to get paper.
All the western provinces, as well
as Ontario, have made agreements
with the Federal Ministry of Labor
regarding technical education.
James F. Kennedy, of Hamilton,
whose brother and partner, John A.,
died Monday, was found dead yester-
day at their tailoring establishment.
Reporting on the administration. of
the Federal Emergency Reliet Fund,
the secretary of the Toronto and York
Patriotic Association said fraudulent
applications for relief had been com-
paratively few.
The Dominion Alliance is planning
to have every Protestant pulpit in
Ontario occupied on April 11 with a
representative, in carrying out a
"Field Day," instituting a further
temperance campaign.
Standard Bank of Canada will in-
crease its diyidend from 13 to 14 per
Mgr. Leonard was ordained Bishop
of Rimouski by Cardinal Begin at
Quebec. •
Arch. Smith of Lindsay died of
"flu," his wife having passed away
last Thursday.
• The natural gas investigation com-
menced before Provincial Commis-
sioner Estlin at Sarnia.
Royal Arch Masons held -their siga
ty-second annual convocation at the
Masonic Temple, Toronto. ;
Doctors in Manitoba will be limit-
ed to 100 prescriptions, none exceed,
Ing 12 ounces, in a month. •.-,
Rev. Dr. J. McPherson Scott,' pas-
tor of St. John's Presbyterian Church,
Toronto, died of pneumonia. •'
Many were injured by an explo-
sion at the,Willys-Overland automo-
bile plant on the Weston road.
The embargo on the import of se-
curities into,. Canada has been accept-
ed by bond dealers and stock brokers,
and will be effective at once.
The Manitoba Trustees' ASSOCia-
tiOil Will 'ask the Dominion Govern-
ment to set aside Nov.,11 of each year
as a National Thanksgiving Day.
Premier Drury has decided to pro-
ceed with the extension of the Nipis-
sing, Central Railway from New Leo
keard to' theehead of Lake Thniska4
, Premier Drury described a iublish-
ed a ebiniiiiesion had
been .81)m:entered investigate primary:
and secondary eduCationele the pro-
vince as a pipe dreriMee
Mr. and Mee. Pridliam and their
daughter, • Mrs. G. M. McDonald,
whoee bualiaud lia.sed away al week
bees ot tee farnay have been very ill.: T "
E. Norman Smith of the Ottaw
Journal was elected president of eh
Canada Press, Limited, for the res
of the association's year, in succes-
sion to the late E. F. Slaek.
A echoed of pelitees for Wonlen has
been opened In Los Angelee-e
Stoyko Boyd( was hanged at Kitchs
eller for the murder of John Soroka.tY
near Galt on the 25th of May, 1919.
'Inland revenue in Canada in Jan-
uary totalled 34,346,736.71, at
against 32,998,634.78 In January,
Quebec and Montreal talked by
wireless yesterday, This is the long-
est wireless communication yet in
Seven Irish terroriste were Vied
on Wednesday night in an adtactOV
two constabulary barracks in Core
The Ruasian Soviet Is making new
overtures for peace to the Allies, in-
cluding a promise to recognize and
pay old debts.
Holland is the latest country to
challenge Australia for the ,DaVie,
Cup, emblematic of the world's ten-
nis championship,
The probe into the affairs of the
Ontario Hospital for the Insane at
London before judge Macbeth wae
completed Thursday.
The fourth session at the Vairteenth
Parliament oPetted at Ottawa In its
new, though not quite completed
home on Parliament Hill.
Tbe employes of the Niagara, St
Oathartnes & Toronto BailWaY re-
jected the conciliation award, and
:nay strike In a few days.
Persian revolutionary forces under
command of their lea.der liutchukkan
have occupied Reaht and are driving
the British away from the Caspian.
With an eetlinated total expende
Lure for 1920 of 31,289,890, Toron-
to's Parks Commissioner asked for
over 100 per cent. more money than
was spent by his department last
In response to the request of a
large deputation representing the
municipalities, Hon. F, C. Biggs stat-
ed that the roadway from Port Credit
to Owen Sound would be included In
the system ot provincial highways.
a • By one of the Boys,
I Little girl you look ,sio
Don.'t you wepr no (clothes at all?
Don't you weer no shimmy ebiet?
Don't you welar no petty skirt?'
just you corsets and your lose,
Are those; all your undearliatlies
Littlegirl you liook,so
When ,eayou Oa the light
With your skirts cue eaehee high,
Won't you catch a, colicl and die?
Ain't you 'fraid to show, your calf?
It must make the fellows laugh;
Little girl whet is 'the cause?
Why your clothes are made of gauze?
Don't you weer ne undervest
When. you go out fnlly dressed?
Do you jike those peek-a-boos,
'Stead of normal underepthes?
Little girl, your 'spenders show,
When the daylight plays on you;
i can. see your tinted flesh,
Through your thensweet gown, af mesh;
Is it modest, do oese s"pose,
Not to wear no underclothes?
Little girl, I sec your chs—
Yes, I see ,way put your throat,
To a region. most mote;
'Taint my fault now, don't suppose,
Why not wear some underceothes ?
Little gia•l, your sacks have, shoals
Of those tiny little.holes;
Why you want to. show your limb,
I don't know—is it a whim?
Do you want to *catch the
Of each fellow passing by?
Little girl, where is \the charm
In your long, uncovered arm?
In the V behind your neck?
• Is it for the birds to peck?
Little girl, I teal you those
Ain't so nice as underelothes,
Little glee now listen here
Nr011 would be just tvriee as dear
if you'd cover up ‘your charms
Neck, back, legs and both your arms
would take you to soma shows
, lf you'd wear some underdlothes,
• Little girl, your mystery,
Luring charm^ and modesty
te what makee us fellows keen
To possess a little Queen;
iBut no lover—goodness knows—
Wants a girl "sans" underclothes,
S'pose I were some harem Pants,
, Or leo shirt like all my aunts,
Or a ringlet through my nose,
Thweyeir ncitat-restr orja,
me iclet1 e,you suppose
Clothel from head to big toe nail;
I must cover up,my form,
Even whet, the weather's warm.
Russia has made proposals for
peace with Czecho-Slovakia.
The Don:Onion Rifle .Association
held its annual meeting at Ottawa,
7hree British airplanes which left
Chester for Dublin on Saturday are
The commission which is to admin-
ister the Sarre Valley region has ae-
rived at Sarrebruek,
Sterling exchange in New York
was etronger, opening at 33.37% and
advanced to 33.39 on Friday.
A. plebiscite in Yukon Territory
just held endorses territorial -wide
prohibition of the liquor traMc,
V1hIjalmur Stefansson, the eminent
Arctic explorer, was in Toronto in
connection, with reindeer commission.
Joe Taylor of Fort Chipewyan
drove in with dogs to Fort McMur-
ray, and two days after died of the
The Toronto Newsboys' Union de-
cided to cancel their orders for the
New York American and to discon-
tinue its sale in that city.
The British Columbia Government
is about to throw openfive new land
settlement areas in valleys adjacent
to the G.T.P. consisting of about
50,000 acres each.
A statement by the 73, S. Bureau of
Statisties says Australia and New
Zealand are two countries in which
living costs have been less than in
the United States during the past
Frank Wood agnin defeated Hal
Morton for the leunter Challenge
Trophy, a 100 -metres seed swim-
ming event, in Toronto. The win-
ner's time, 1.0e 1-5 is a new Cana:,
dean record. .
The sugar refineries, following the
Board of Commerce's abrogation of
its sugar control order, announce in-
creases in their prices which will
probably mean a minimum retail
price of 18 cents.
Wm. Scott, B.A., former principal
of the Toronto Normal School, died
in his 74th year.
An agricultural Section of the
Stratford Chamber of Commerce was
organized Saturday.
Rev. Julien Moulin, ()XI., a pio-
neer missionary of the West, died at
Edmonton,' aged 90.
Detroit Street Railwaymen's Union
is opposing Mayor Couzens' munici-
pal street railway Ware
G-eo. Williams, night watchman at
the plant of Concrete, Pipe & Pro-
ducts Co., Hamilton, was found mur-
Sir Robert Bolden arrived at Hali-
fax on the Carmania, Saturday morn-
ing, en route for New York and the
Patrick R. Owens, the first and
only reeve of Chisholm township, first
elected in 1912, died of "flu" and
Everett McGowan, international
skating champion, won the North-
western Indoor Amateur Association
title at St. Paul Sunday. ,
t, Frank Vickers of Hamilton identi-
fied the muff found in the bay after a
woman drowned herself there Friday
as having belonged tohis wife.
J. W. Buckley said at the Labor
Temple, Toronto, that the Labor Par-
ty of Ontario would -take no dictation
from the trades union movemee.
The Soviet Government of Vladi-
vostok has made a demand on Japan
for the return of Gen. Razanoff, for-
mer governor-general of the Russien
maritime provifices•
The War Criminals Commission of
the Allies hes decided to send to Ger-
many names of forty-six men for trial
before the German courts. This is
•to be a test of geed -faith. -
In a sernaon to Rotarians at Eaton
Memorial Church, Toronto, Rev. C. A.
ytrfilia,nas declared that the Rotemr,
ehilis had been raisedup by Osedee
fulfil a specialemeseice.
Under, te&auspieeseeit -the. Dotal:go
Garden Cenamitepe, of tho Lieiversify
of Toronto, a meeting, was lade at
Haste House, Which' expressed ft
approval of the proposal to establisth
a botanic garden in Toronto. '
.By 'ale of the Girls
Litt:e "Mamie" why that frown,
Let me. pull your panties eowne
I shone; think your legs would freeze
With there half wa,ys to your knees;
When, you startod in. to dress,
Hitched nen up too tight, I guess.
And yoa have such skinny legs'
They sur loele like, wooden, pegs;
Say, your lege are awful small,
They doret leek like eegs at all;
I guess you eseent, to show your socks
With, their pretty colored clocks
But, you suire:y are a sight
Witheeeour ,pante, ea short and tight;
Donee you s'paee the girls will laugh
When they see your skinny calf?
If I had a mei like that
I would try and make it fat;
But, perhaps, you like it so—
Looks so genteel, don't ,you know!
Put some spats on, sonny, Please,
And try to covens up your knees;
don't, like to eee ehem so
For they are. so thin, you' know! .
I'm afraid that you well fall,
'Cause your leggies are so small;
You bre not to blame, poor lad,
'Cause yout .panties Ai;t sso bad;
Then your h* is shaved sce high—
Mistee Man, you are a guy,
You've a figure, I declare !
Someone's corsets you mast wear—
Throw away thbse corsets, dear,
For they make you look so queer:
Don't you think with that mouseache
with the. gees you'll make a mash
Yes, I think it safe to say
You'll be corralled some sweet day;
Some 'poor gin, • it's safe to bet,
Will get foeseei by mamma's pet;
Then, shell pot e string ors you—
Lead -you round for folks to view.
Now, Pen going to teal you
What I think you ought to do—
Turn. that cuff down on your panes,
Have them long enough for "wance",
Put en goad oid, homemade socks,
Unadorned by fancy cleicks;
Cover up yOUT skinny shanks,
Then vouel have the people's thanks;
Take from me thie little tip,
Shave teat down from off your lip;
Grow serne hair .beleind your ears,
Say farewell to baa-ber's shears;
Banish, too that monocle,
It makes you look so comical;
Throw away your cigarette
Lest it run you Otto debt;
Stand up etrairtly, if you can,
Do not be a `cessy mane;
So longo"Manneee, do not cry,
See you sometime soon,
Bye -Bye!
The eleresbyetery iof Huron held it
I -Heeler meeting in Clinton on Feb. 24.
Ma Rase was named moderator for
the next slit months. The annual re-
ports of the different standing corn-
mittees were aeceeved and adopted,
with , recommendations from some c one
veners., advising foe example., that a
definite. and .e.e.reeat eappael be • made
to, yoking peop;le for. theer lives ,for
the service of the Kingdom and es-
pecially in the foreign field; that the
• iersternabes made ainaiilabee for giving
enformetian •to the people Of' the
IUnrest rhe
The Forward MoVement.although
• nor fully reported,,,dtaS passe:d tkie,Atinl-
allOtted. to the Presbytery, $00,400.
Ceennittees were areseentea feee tlee
the year, The neet regular riiee
will be held et Heasese ors May. 11
Mise Lottie G%alster left on Tuesday
for Tcrrontos where, elle will attend
rnijJinery.openings, after which she will
resturie her po.sitlilon, as mieliner, at
Bowxnanselle,—Mrs. Q. Taggart of
South Bead, Ind.), attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. George lies, -..Mrs. Dennis Bedard, whio has been
seriously ill, is improvinge—Mr. Wrnt
Decher purchesed a, fine well -match-
ed iron, grey teem o•f horses five years
old, from Mr.'"Fratek Taytior of. Cred-
iton, far the handsome sum of $500i
This team hAs beers purchased for Mr.
Scott of Mato:re—Mr. F. C. ICalbfleisch
has idisposed of the black Percheron
team he purchased from Mrs William
Decher two years' ago, ,ta Mr. Gormley;
of near Dublin, the consecleration be
ing $450.00.—Miss V. Siebert of To.
ronto spent the week at her home
here. -
Mr, and Mrs, George Dick axed; fam-t
ily, who were all sick with the flu„, are
nerw well again,—Mr, G, C.
sold what was known in past yeargeas
the Henson property, to Mr. George`
Smele, who, will soon move into
Mr. Jas. Petty who ,recenitly under-
went an. (operation in London return.ed
home considerably improved.—M.
W. E, lfemphial who has been. eriou-
ill during the past few weeks, is oht
again.—eliss Nellie Zuefle left' for Tor-
onto where she will tvisit for ai
days.—Mr. Chas, Moore is beteg af-
ter being confiaed to his homeistiffer-
ing from a severe ettack of the 'fFle".
—Miss Erma Rannie of Detroitle vis-
iting her parents'Mr. end Mrs.z.V,iiZan,-
n...1,e.—Mrs Jolla Batifour et, Retitle is
is spending a few weeks here, , oho
guest ot Mr. and ,Mrs, Chas, ISeelesenne,
—Mrs, (Dr.) Hardee left for Tilsone
burg to visit her fethen who is ser-
iously ill.—Miss Snetsisiger, Aiello is
principal of the Shedders. Public School
visited Mr. and Mrs. ,A, E. Garret —
Mrs. W. G. Wilson, who Was called to
Niagara 9. few weeks ago, owing to
the illness lief her daughter, has roe
turned home, accomparged by •her
daughter Mrs. Charnberleere who will
spead a few weeks with het -se -parents
here.—A ouiet wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas- A
Redmond, "Abbey Lodge Forme' en
Wednesday ,Feb. 25, when their daugh-
ter, Hazel Laurene, was united in, mar-
raige to Mr. William G, Whitney The
ceremony was performed by, the. Rev,
A. E. Doan in the presence of the Im-
mediate relatives and friends of the
family.—Mr. Garnet Smallecembe, •is
moving to Guelph to resecleie They
spent some gyears in that city before
their last residence in, liensall.—Cha.e.
Arthur Parker, sea of Mr, aeee Mese
Enoch Parker of.Tuckersmith; cleedsof
pneumonia on Feb, 20, in. theMeitaiee
Hospital at Windsor, He was -2'3 years
of age. He was reported to be,re-
coverineowhen the end came silddenly.
1)eceased went overseas with the 161st
took part in. Mons and Verity Ridge
beetles, was last for three days, and
buried one Wilmile days. He was gassed
and wounded three times: He was
taking a course in engineering at
Windsor when, he was taken ill. Be-
sides his pareats he is survived by
eight brothers end one sister, Tire
remains were brought here reel •intero
red in MeTaggart's cemeteryon Feb.
tint.0 your food is digested With-
out the aftermath of paanful
the joy is taken out of both eating
and living -
11.1 I
are wonderful in their help t& the
stOrnath _troubled 'With over -acidity.
Pleasant to take—refief prompt and
144,14 fitir scan. BOWNE
KIPPEN—After Aloe years in bus-
ines,s ae a general Merchaet here, Mr,
Jacob Detweller retired last week. He
ie succeeded by P. Bowey & Soo of
STANLEY—jaae Germ aa, : of
the late John Hagantdied nt her home
itt Stanley on Feb, 19th at the ripe old
age of 77 years, 6 months_ The ee-
ceased had been. e reside:se of Stereey
for many years.—On Feb, 16th death
came as a welcome releise to Mrt,
John. Tough of the, Bronson Line. He
had reached the age of 84 years and
had been laid aside for soave yearn
He was one of the pioneers of Stareey
Tee, ane aseeesed the 'eteweethip ler
Ze years.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30%4:ars
Always bears
the .414144,
Signature of
TUCKERS:KITH—The dearth occur-
red at Portland, Oregon, reeently of
Joseph Cudmore, aged 69 years, afor-
flier resident of this Township Will-
iam Cudmore of Clinton and Henn'
Culmore of Harpurhey are brothers.
A wife, one slaughter, and one sorr
HIBBERT.—The home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert B. Wartow of eletcheli
was the scene of a. quiet but very
pretty weddine on the evenemg of Feb.
18, at 6 o'clock, evesees theie daughter,
Florence E. became the bride of Mg,
Henry E, fames, son of Mrs.
James of Hibbert.
' CLINTONS—Mrs. McNeil, wife of,N.
McNeil of Walton, and mother of Mr
James McNeil and Mrs. W. Cook of
Clinton. died at the home of' her
daughter Mrs. L. Peacock, Flunett.—
On Feb, 25th at the. home of Mr. Jae,
ere -Brown, the marriage was soletart-
' Vied. of Mr. Wm. Colquhoun. arid Miss
eeorothy Florence Maynard, both of
MactielleeWm. N. McMichael, who
hal been confined to ,his bed, for ever
ten years 'died ort Thurs lay at the
home of his brother -in -lave, elegise
erete Andrews atthe age of 82 yearse
e -Whitfield Crich deed euddeely Feb.
26th, Mr.. Czech haid nat beee in good
health for some time, but his death
was `entirely unexpected.—Word has
been receieed of the death on Feb. 26
in California: of Thomas- Walters, who
svith his wife, lormerly Miss Curtis,
went to Ca,liforria last Christmas for
his health.
A very pleasant event occurred at
the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stew -
SCHOOL REPORT; of S. S. e. 11, art Whyte Farm," Hibbert, on
Stephen, LOT the' month of Feleruary•, Wednesday afternoon, February 11,
Subjects, Literature, Arithmetic, and 1920, at 4.30 when the eldest daugh-
Spelling :-4—Pearl Lafond 83..O.OnorS)
3—Edna Wille,rt 85 (honors); Miiie
iert 72, Clifford Link ,61,
Bruce Wil-
lert, Elmore Brewer, Clinton....Adama
ter, Laura Elizabeth, became the
wife of Hugh Norris Sillery, of
Brueef(eld, second son of Mr. and
Mrs. Hobert Sillery of Exeter
Sr. 2—Herman Brenner 75 (honors); Promptly at the appointed hour Miss
Anna Stephan 64, Leslie Adeline, Mil- Pearl Stewart, of West Monkton,
deed White (absent), Jr. Ze-efeijory cousin of the bride played the open -
Moreau 75 (honors); Sadie Allen 67, ing strains of Mendelsohn's wedding
Violet Willert 63. Sr. 1—Elgin Adams march and the groom entered the
George White (absent). Jr. parlor, and took his place under an
ma:17.0•.Bmrerunroaer.1917..—Hazel. Moienz, Vier arch of , evergreens, decorated with
weehllit:eThfleow bride yen .Disjaedine (absent);• d,wleeadndiinngg
• and elanrtgeree
Susan E. Kleinfeldt,; teacheron the arm ,of her father and pre-
ceded by her little cousin Dorothy
Roney, who made a dainty flower
girl in her pretty blue silk dress.
What Prominent
• Rev. David Ritchie performed
ceremony. The., bride's dress was of
' -- white duchess satin trimmed with.
Ontario Women Say;
Tell and oraege blossoms. During
georgette.. She wore the customary
Tillsonburg, Ont. :—"I found Dr. Pierces the signing,.of a the, register, Miss
Favorite Prescription very beneficial during
-Irene Walkee isteg, "Until," very
expectancy. I felt
quite poorly,
sweetly. Af ter the ceremony, the
nauseated and sick; , guests to the number of about sixty,
could not eat any- sat; down ti a sumptuous ,wedding
thing and I was 1 dinhereseryed by young lady friends
extremely nem:Oils;
Favorite PreacriP1
Stew -
tion' and it of the' eiede'• ' The minister having
and weak. I took been cua ed away, Miss Pearl Stew-
art, proposed •the health of the bride
stopped the nausea, to which the groom made a suitable
myappetitereturn- respons,e;„:The bride was the recipe -
ed, also nay ent osmelly, beautiful and valuable
strength and I walk, presents' also a purse of gold and
ocoa several cheques including one from
d , :Fong' father for $500. The groom's
baby was tnte
and healthy and present was a beautiful set of mink
furs: To the flower girl a gold chain
bas always been so. I consider 'Favorite
Prescription' a great help to the e ectaiat and pendant and to the pianist and
, .
mother and am glad to recommen it.,,,t,- „, soloist, pretty pins.
wits:Amos MILLS. Box 238. , At eight o'clock a reception was
• held when over a hundred of the
• • • . . . frjends of the young couple came to
Hamilton, One:--es"A few mOnelis. ewe' e offer. eongraeulations. The young
iwas stricken down and was confined to BO
*ler afolka end some best so young spen
,.._• the, evenin with music and dancint
'aboutiendar• mY.stren,gt1.4..41.0446:a. ci"''1t .till the "we smail hours." Mr. and
was my first sllness SMOO acbild. IIo$ Mrs, Norris Sillery left Thttrsday, for
church's work; urging sessions to me pounds and felt awfully weak afterward. 1 their home. hebride wearing a
ciecate the Observance of family wor- • could'hardly do my wOrk. I Was adiised to pretty brownAult, witlt hat to match,
ship alnd the use of the Book of Fam- ••try .Dr. Pierce's Favorite T'rescription, in Mrs.: eilleree has been a great favors
sly Prayers presence by the, Assembze tablet form. 1 tried a couPle of bottleti`and ite anion the Young People and all
ly, ;. ureine. conferee oth .sister de-' r before I knew it, I was well and strong and wish ^ li-RT and her hesheed every
,nerainations to reele!deA \*-411-1tchin.g had gained ieenesounds. I can recomme'nd . ha.1)•18:1", sua'' They,. 'will be at home to
e • • • . heirm
-ends atter March 20th
of rural rhstricts; urging a trisitta,tion
by laymeroon behallf of the annualbucl- Favaaite Prescription. to build t
- E. •
get. The following were eV -Pointed' "oneu"—MRS. E MARTIN ;397
Ond sPe Ai,tken. ministers' and elder; d' g'Pam' egHOWi. CIC). 'P. "RE, A115 ?
. ,
CIDInntissloness to the next General As - • . d •
dereelee, messes. Hathiatoti, me•De'rnlid, -------- .stiffer'in'e -.---- ' 4*' 4
Janteieeeleenee seele?r*c 511
,r,e'eled*et4eee,YA°'sseh', ee.'1/4e!lee,"§;1)elei7tiVielaInv4,,teelliths•:e.-t4t11•-`eire.ise u.cia a W,oman ,,I.113,ti..,tt;c:(0.,, - sub
'Mr. -McDermid corres' ondi' ' Pie6°IiPti°° °f Dr* Pier" Cha
sea() .e, ceec,,,metwe ode, eeleeee_en,#ee y.seetored to, health.bY,:tlaOritvorita:: , eeeeeeee leenederelejaasee ileoete;.°e,ele-teefiae
friar*, Leehuin •BaYfelif'• • w?*'A4.116:*afrdg*4'63""i'li- "
' Peen, e flosses of her sex --with leeek On!' "%, ted
. .P b. la looks, for after ta"icmg e'pieico"%ialtv'rr: • 'q.poll‘ia-flicSeOjtr* kilatibdelest)?;,,.sTaa;tirfeYelle uans-cDtelsGn'angt haul.; r'
rcoxflfluttee fcx. mac, mf ere nce, iteFrescription the skin becomes elearilthe .• 20 °reel, It n epee es -1 are arrears
: .11
VerSi 0,1 ee
• roily veiletabis, contains DO DICOhoi, • kno,Yis that • Y•o•u•af,e m•at•
Message of 'the Pulpit .to tee -*Yes brighter, Ane cheeks plump. It is 11-1 s s petit wiper