HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-26, Page 8S hfr i'la.as -• seketeS EXETER 1�laYgGATE, THURSDAY, FEB, 36 18211 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat o.,,'Alf Barley ,, • .,, ., Pantry Flour nee. ,,,,,, Feed Flour per cwt. Sleor:s Bran .. Eggs Dairy Butter Creamery Butter ,. Par tai ;-lay per ton Hogs L95 1 O ,,..:L45 to 1.65 .,, 6.$5 4.00 Local Doings Mr. as, Lawson, is upagain after hie xec,eust serious illness. lefe R, W. Fulce i ate], his bed, but doing :aicelee tin Wes, Snell .on Saturday shipped 56.00 two cars of heavy ,cattle to New York confuted to e,. ,.. 4:8:00 Mr. John Miller of Exeter North got 62 a,n'impor.ted Clyde Stelios from Scot - $8 to 69 land, on Tuesday. 14Ir. G. J. Uaw's safe of horses, cat- 3,ses too nee tie, •sheep and hugs on .Saturday was :. eseee to 22,0 successful and good prices were real - 21:80 Mrs. .Thos: Hou, jde,n is able to be up After be n.e• confined to her bed a month with 'pleurisy and ltearjt Trivitt Memorialtrouble . Dr. Roulstaa desires to an that he re -:opened his dental office Church rch last week and le now resuming his, regular practice Serv:.•e : withdrawn until further notice Mr. W. G. Medd sof Exeter taas pur- chase.; a third interest in the Clinton R1.V. A. A. TRUMIPER, Rector. Creamery end will have charge of the smiles ',.department, and will handle the Ni�Tll'E TO RAT1sfT1iS p, o.Iucts of Winehelsen Exeter tmi l _nton. creameries. The Exoeutive at the Exeter. Mr. J. B. Hoover was in town on brand, of the U.P.O. have aecided,Tuesday, 1 -Ie accompanied the body to Gulp live stnen eo-operatively, l of h fsso sura', the late Chas. Ward. namely, cattle, hogs, and sheep. By 1 al. The Hoover family shipping in this, way the seller gets have be their bereavements during market value, minus actual ex:pensee the ,past few weeks, when both, daugh- if shipping. J. N. Rateli:fe leas been ters have lost their husbaz 1s, --Clinton appointedagent and will be glad to New Era. make arrangements with those who i The Church Army of Loaulen, Eng,, have stook for sale. Phone 7.73r4, have authorized me to receive apple- EIxeter, cations from farmers desiring help this esse ° gaming summer,, A party of ex -sere WANTED vise men, mostly inexperienced is due Smart boy to learn hardware; also i i Toronto about April 5th, For fun: one to learn plumbing antautsmithine. "cher ini,. Ex apply ,Rev: A, A. lieamares Hardware, Trumyoer, Exetteo r, phonee 69. Yds-o.t eIASON1C, Should the bale be lifted prior to Monday, Mar,:la lst, the regular meet- ing of Lebattoo Fesest Lodge' A. F. & A, M. will take place on that date, 'hest, the Second Degree will be ex- emplified, seesson- CARD OF THANKS, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Horne desire to thank the neighbors and friends who so generously extended their helix end sympathy dunng the illness and subsequent death of their daugh- ter. PROPERTY FOR SALE. One .and a half storey frame house, eight rooms sin good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- works in stable: Centrally located in Exeter. Apply to I. R. CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter. -- DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner Wlilia;m and. Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., and Sat., 10.30 a. in. to 4.30 p. m, a • nesneSEED OATS ANDE.AS FOR SALE A quantity of regenerated Banner Oats—clean and of goad quality; also a quantity of peas, perfectjy free froth weavel, and good sample; at reason- able prices'. Orders may be left at Advtocatc Office, Exeter, or at fann, Lot 22, Con, 2, Stephen, W. D. SANDERS.• GOLD FILLED CHAIN &' LOCKET Found, near Dr. Hyndman's stable. Owner cath hav4 same by calling at this •office ani payitres for notice. _ We have in stock, corn, oats, chap, and tankage—chaite quality. We have coming e, car of extra Quality western seed oats. Harvey Bros., Exeter WATCH LOST In Exeter, lady's watch, open face, geld filled case, rather small Finder will be rewarded on returning to Dr, Kinsman's offices -•H. M. Kinsman. NECK YOKES, Wli FFLETRLES. Farmers or teamsters haring suit- able woad brag it to the O. K. Cider Mill, and 1 wal, turn it .a standard, or any length or size you wish, also saws gummed. etc. S J. V, CANN Phare 11.5 Successor to A. Cottle BOARI:,ERS WANTED: Ladia, or school children Apply MISS H ARDING, Andrew Street. CORN, CONTRACTS, The Canning Co. is prepared to con- tract ,v;t:r growers of corn for the €ac:ory for 1920. the price per ton same as ;ast year: Choice seed corn has been secured from the same sour.:, sal w:'1 be sold at same price as ,as y: :r to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. NOTICE D runt the winter we will have Anyone 'e n hire, A s for ta Y and cuttetr f horses1� wan i.zc' sine phone 56. WILSON •& SIMS. .wMw • VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J, Welt) y, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to- R. Public Notice. TO "rI1E CITIZENS 'OF EXETER Notice is hereby -given that for the public safety and as a precaution to prevent the further spread of the Influenza Epidemic, an order has been passed CLOSING all Churches and Schools Public •Buildings, .Libraries, Theatres, . and tether Pilleeee of Public c�aiet 'Ogee ,1 risen' tee refr`aitifrom. b. land re «civ 91511t7o s, visiting;.. This peel to Ieereffecteen arad_ i�_.__ peeler .lar triter SUNDAY, FEB. 15, 192.0, and;tr renninrenninsea until re -opened by order of ;the Board.. ai U E. Huston Browning"H. .. E. J ;. Med Officer of Health. Chairman PRESENTATIONS. The 5ioung people of the neighbor - teasel gathered et the home` of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, London Road North, and gave them a very pleasant surprise on Friday evening last, the oceasioa being to do honor to the young couple as they start out on the matrimonial sea of life, by presenting them with a cut lass berry bowl, a sugar and cream set, and a crystal was ter set. The evening was most pleae- antly spent, and was followed by a very dainty luncheon being served, DIED IN REGINA, The death occurred in Regina on Feb. 9, sof Mrs. Thos, H. Wood, form- erly Mlis _Babel Irene Barrows of Ex- eter. Mrs Wood had lived in Regale for the past eight years, moving there from 'London, where she was been, 25 years ago. She was they daugiater of William and Emma Barrows and lived for three years at Exeter,, Fyne leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one little girl, aged two years and nine months, and an infant son of six mon- ths, cone brother, Edwin, of Yorieton, Sask., and her mother of Regina, HOCKEY Two weeks' ago the Clinton hockey team canoe; to Exeter, and the locals gave them a nice clean game, and in- cidentally exit it all ;oyer Clinton, On Friday last the same Exeter players went to Ceeetaa for the return game, only to find that the Churton team was loaded dawn with all the heavy- weights they could scrape up—so say the Exeter fans who went along. This did net daunt the Exeter boys, how- ever, and for the first period Exeter had the Clintaa team going all the time—so much sa that the latter found the only way to win was to rough it goad and plenty, and this they .did with the result tha*.Exeter bays camehome pretty well used up, and during the second and third periiodsethe visitors were unable to work to advantagesand Clinton piled up a score of 15 to 3. The rough tactics would not have got the Clutton team anything had the ref- eree penalized them as they deserved, but the fellow handlivag the bell was, apparently ate ,entire misfit. Exeter buys are not. kilckiing, but they would tike to meet the same; teams again with a real referee lin, charge. LETTER OF CONDOLENCE. The followiru- letter has been receiv- ed by Mr. W. I. Wllkin,son regarding the dreetla 1of his soon of, which we made mention' last week, Wels•eley Barracks, Londoin Ont, Mr. W} I. Wilkinson; Kippen, My dear Mr. Wilkinson, --On behalf of my officers, non-commissioned of - Eters and .meen, I wish to extend to you an.1 Mrs Wiekiinsoii and your fam- ily our heartfelt sympet:hy in the great loss, you have, sustained in the death of your son, Noe 20099, Pte: J. W. Wilk- insoin Princess Patricias CanadianLight Infantry. The regiment has sustained the 'Voss of a good ,soldier ase he has been considered ane of our smartest men; he has always ,stood, for smart- nes's and has been a shining example to all my mem, Hee was twice selected to be eon the, guard,of honor to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Waileses an ac - cunt. of hies gooa conduct and ` sol- dierly -bearing, and was a credit to the regiment pn both occasions I have Seemed alt an honor to have had the pleasure .of meeting both you and Mrs. Wilkinsjon. and I aen glad you were able ea come to London and see your boy wed hear personally from all tanks the ;giaod feilawship that existed be- tween him and his comrades and lois sesacot officers.. Oaice more allow me to tell you how much w•e( shall miss your ,son Gaud how ;proud"we-all were of hien i remelt:e, Yours very sincerely, Hugh W. Nevins, _Major P.P,C:L.h • CAVEN ` PRESBYETERIAN C1It RCH Rey, James Footer B. A., Minister, l.,.. —b ahShBi bee Sa b .t Scheel l.and B ble ry l d 7 ,pm Gond' Music a all•Services" The Minister Services withdievenuntit1, further natiee` LEAGUE STANDING e Won Lost Tie 6 1 0 4 2, 1 3 -.:4' '0 0 6 1 Clerks Oddfellows Bankers School FORWARD MOVEMENT. • The subselipt.nons to the Church 'Forward Movement in Exeter up to Wednesday morning are, as follows, James ,Street—Objective $6000, Raised adount $5,000. Main Street—Objective 53412; rais- ed $3867,00, Trivitt Memorial -.Objective 5 2550; Raised about $1850,00, Caves Presbyterian Church—Objec- tive $1830; raced about $ 2100.00. MORAL. Two merchants bid; for Fortune's prize In the self same field of labor, One had the sense to advertise, And soon bought cut his neighbor. IN VI 1'ED TO REMAIN. At a meeting of the officials of the Janes Street Methodist Church last week the salary of the pastor, Rev; M. J. Wits -i, was raised from $1500 to 51800 peryear Mr. Wilson, was givenan unanimous invitation to re- main another year. Two young men, Messrs Linden .Harvey, B,AL, and J, Earl Sauthcott, were recommended as candidates for the ministry, GOES WEST. Mr. A. E. Kuhn, who has. been trans- ferret; to the Canadian 13anlc of Com- merce branch at Kerr Robert, Sask., leaves to -day with Mrs. Kuhn ands son for the West; Mr, Kuhn during his residence here won, ni favorable place in the bus:mess life of the oommuruity, and he and Mrs. ,Kuhn will also be missed socially. The Advocate wishes them every success, in their new home. Mr. Chapman, the new manager ,here, with Mrs, Chapman end child, have arrived /sere and will occupy the hoarse `vacated, by Mr, Huhn, DEATH OF JOHN P. CLARKE.. Wore has been received here byhis cousin, lefrs. J. S. ,Harvey of the death at Los Angeles, Call, ,on. Feb. 11 of John P. Clarke, a, former well-known ,Merchant in Exeter., His death was due to bronchial pneumonia, and he was sick only a few days:, Tee de- ceased conducted a dry goods -busi- ness in Exeter for over twenty-efive years, and while a resident in town took a deep interest in .all things; per- taining to the welfare of the church and municipality; After leaving here he resided in Winnipeg ,for about twenty years, auud the last two years he has been living ;in California,, He is survived by his ,wife, also one son and two daughter, Dr: Wia1 and Mrs, Anderson. of California, and Mrs. Ma- gee of Winnipeg. JOHN MANNING DEAD. Mr. C. T. Brooks eeoeiered word this week that Mr. John, T. Manuring, a former well-known and esteemed resit- dent of :Exeter, had died in Cryetax City, Mara, after a prolongecf illness, Mr. Manning was born in the Town- ship of Stephen, on the farm, now oc- cupied by Mr. Sidney Snell, London Road south, being a sous, of the late Richard Manning. For many years Mr. Manning resided in Exeter and con- ducted a butcher , business., About twenty years ago he and 11is fainiily moved to Crystal City, where they have since resided. The late Mr. Man- ning married Miss Whitlock, who sere rives, together with one ,daughter, who is married and resides in the West. He is also survived by three brothers and one sister—Lute of Crystal City, Wilbert N. el the Sherlock & Manning Piarva C.o., of Lotridon, Russell E. Man- ager of the Royal Bank, Clinton, and Mrs. George Weir of De(t ten The funeral took place in Crystal Cirty on Wednesday. --_ Mr. W. J, Heamain wars in London Thursday. Mr. and blh-s, T(, H. Newell were in London on Monday. Miss Ethel Bissett spent Mondayand Tuesday in, London Mr. Wilfrid Stewart was home from Kjltchener over Sunday. Mr. Reg. Bis'aett of Chatham was home over the week end. ,Mr. Wm. Brawn of Loredan spent Sunday at hies home here. Mr. Case Howard spent a few 'days in Hamilton and Toronto Mrs. W . J. Haman spent a day;or or two in London this week: Mr. R. Gh Setldsan was in Londono last week taking some advanced 'Mas- onic work. • Mrs. East has returned feom Winds sor, where she has .b!eleln visiting- for two or three weeks. Miss Marjory Seldom returned Mon" day from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Newman, is Kingston. Mr. wind MZrs. Bert Andrew spent a couple days this week with relatives between Seafiorth and Clinton.' Mrs. David Ross and .children are here from Sarnia, visiting Mrs. Ross' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Co Rilvers, Mr. and Me& Garvey Acheson of St. Thomas visited over Sunday with the fonner's parents, at the Centra; Hotel, Mr. Drew Knight whia hats been vies - ;;ting with his %Other here for two weeks Reaves on Friday for Ontario, California, ,to spends some; time. Mr. Silas Reid, who, has been with, Heamoan's . Hardware for the past, four years, left last week for London to take a .positr,om iso Chowan's Hard- ware store Silas is 'a bright aned.r'e liarble- young ,,nahu 'bind ,will •have best wishes of has• friends here tor his,fu tune success. 'Reeve. Beavers attended a mee_ling of ' they. ,xecu. ire 'oif tthe •.1'or ward: lvfok'setrserat• of the Meih;odist•'Ch ; s..: urch Landoll, Derr T esda ,. Fro.m efh Mor: Reavers aaud Cowlncrtlor -_3,'erthale Wilt Yee °ta Pe s for vheres tise wilt interv>ew°tlae,l petyy111ynasterof'J��{{ _ - waymeats ," z'egaid fMet E;coter s et paVeee , PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Ei Attractive Spring Styles. Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses Spring Suits Our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Suits for spring is now nearly com- plete. Trucotines, Gaberdines and Serges are the most popular materials: Navy is the most popular color for suits this seaesont Browns and Blacks are also shown in a good range of styles, We guarantee every suit to be absolutely of all wool material. Prices range from $30 to ,$49. We have an, immense stock to select from. Spring Coats Our range of Ladies' and Misses' Coats for the Spring season is not yet complete. However, we have received a shipment of the advanced Spring Styles, These are very smart garments and well worth seeing. The popular materiels are Velours, Serges Tricotines, Donegal Tweeds and Covert Cloths,, in another week or ten days our stock of Coats willbe about complete. Ladies' & Misses' Serge & Silk Dresses We have found recently a growing demand for ready-to-wear dresses, so Dor Spring we have stocked a beautiful range of the celebrated Noethway and Rogers' Dresses in silks end all -wool Serges, These are very attract eve garments and moderately priced; See these lines early as they are vine fast. A Bargain in Dinner Sets at $25.00 12 good patterns of English make Dinner Sets, full 97 pieces; good. quality and meat designs, worth easily 535.00, to clear this month at $25.00, , WALL PAPERS—The new wall papers for spring are ;now in, stock. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Extra special values in, spring house fuenish- ings, including Rugs, Linogeums, Cur taints, Window Blinds, Etc, JONES & MAY A number of the boys of Main, St church took a tramp of ;five e miles' on Tuesday, put to Mr. C. Aildsweeth's farm, and the kiddies had a good time Those who atten,led the funeral of the late Mrs Keddy from a distance were:—Same Down of Prome, Wilbert Down of Lawrence, Edward Dawn of Shedden, "Miss Maud Down, Mrs. R. Firth, Miss Reta Wajllis and Miss P. Jefferson of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Carter of Clandeboye. MARRIAGE- LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST „ • Offiice—Blikers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister So1iciltor, Notary' Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money, to loan at llowest.rates of interest. .Office—Main Street,•' Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an, unaliinaited number . of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 year; old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 .Exeter. G: J. DOW FRANKITAYLOR Licensed Auctilonleer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, — Ontario, WINTER TERM FROM JAN 5th, CENTRAL Western Ontario's :largest aeul.,best Gorrinaercial. �S. e'give than •cw courses waD d have! ;ex ' rienced in=s e stru'ctors•Ii Coinm ial, ,Shorthatsd; & MTelegrspliyDeparttinent's. We°.assist' graduates., to .positions:, Write for our free catalogue, It may interest • you A. McLa,chlan.:Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We horse a urge amount of private funds to loan on farm and village prOpeerty at low rates of interest. --•-GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr: A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons Al] calls promptly attended to day or night Officte— Dr. Sweets old ,offico Pbone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON- LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Speciality. Office at Cockshutt Warierooms, next door to Central Hote<1, Main . Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Raulstoms L. D. S., D. D, S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office . Cioeed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled with all kiwis of Furniture which we are selling at a very small ,margin,, Be sure aj see us before buying as we have soret bargains. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20' Tea . & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, apices, teas, coffee- and every- thing.in the grocery Iii Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin.- Ce. Produce taken in exchange. Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. 3 Sp.eeials for February - 5 ONLY COATS at Money Saving. Prices. These Coats are this;;eeet son's Styles enlcl, are made of good material. Regular $25 and $27 value's a'i`rs'' clear this month, Your pick $17.50. FLANNELETTES 500 yards of Colored Flanuelettest in small neat patterns, worth to -dor' 35c. a yard. While this lot lasts. ,Special prices per yard ,..,..., e........ 2$, CIRCULAR PILLAR COTTON _--_ SHEETING You will do well to buy, Pillow Cot- of excellent ,quality,'-•' This cloth .'ll . tons at these1 J rices + Beautiful. even worth to -den 41.00,a Yand Take wlstt ya, r 87c, end" andwellghtperYard60c ydu aper xiSTRATFORD ONT, MEN'S ODD TROUSERS, , °VWe ,coin show : au y n1 1 . w ,lues sis<?1VIe1n s lNlls•ase GaYt tct � ire -r;.,. . . , .!Hall WALL Ar P FE RS B eautifu ct 'ins or `" o'ons 1 f art, resa . Y your ome na It' its a ,plriasurre to:sho.w von the netow papers ,h'for ih20 Odd Pants •. TI 6 S es., $4,25,:; $5,50' . tie. Whin. Y are s1�a1vta 0;5gr,, I . WE HAVE A. FINE.- ASSORT E T M �, Sotithcott Bros.