HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-26, Page 7.- that it'e
Average of
*:Gang Time
Results on Po-
tatoes 213 rears
'tt.ize.t sat reit.
tray na Atte,
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'Tests of ' Ot-
reaa sand Ohio
Test at Meno-
Fenec, seat hl of
Agrte.. Mich.
Btu eau
ertilleer Assn.
Toronto, Ont.
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Rich, Red Blood Necessary, to
Health and Strength.
If more people -knew how -many ills
and pains are caused by thin, watery
blood a great deal of suffering would
be avoided,' Men and women often.
si'fer for long periods from stomach
trouble, headache, palpitation of the
heart, and nervous complaints such as
neuralgia, without suspecting that
anaemia or bloodlessness is the cause.
The /blood goes to practically every
part of the body, carrying oxygen and
nourishment, The efficient action of
every organ is directly dependent up-
on the quality of the nourishment it
gets from the 'blood. If the blood is
thin it becomes weak in nourishment
and health fails. The best way to
keep the blood rich and red and thus
eujoy good health is through the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At the
first sign of weakness these pills
should be taken and good robust
health will soon follow. The state-
einent of Mrs. J. J. Murray, Corbetton,
Out., shows the value of Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills in cases of this kind, She
says, -'-"A Sew years ago my daugh-
ter, Lillie, was in a very badly run
down condition, She was pale, thin,
and scarcely able to go about. The
least exertion made her heart palpi-
tate so violently that we were aetual-
ly afraid one of these spells might
carry her off, She slept so badly that
often she would lie awake until msirn-
ing. Treatment did not seem to help
her and we were almost in despair
m when afriend advised the use of Dr.
„Williams' Pink Pills, A .few weeks'
use of this medicine shoaled a decided
improvement, and a further use of the
pills fully restored her to health, and
sale has since been a strong, healthy '
girl. Some time later I was taken ill
myself, being badly run-down from
household care. A doctor was called ,
In;but his ,medicine; did not seem to
bring back my strength, and retnem-
berh g what Dr. 1\ri]lialns' Pink Pills
had dune for my daughter, I decide:l
to drop the doctor's medicine and try
them. The results that followed were
like those in my daughter's ease, and ;
through the use of the pills I was
eon a well woman. I am glad to give
Conference on the Fur
winder the auspices of the Commis-
sion of Conseryation and of the Ad-
visory Board on Wild Life 'Protectign
the Second National Conference on
Game and Wild Life Conservation will.
-be held at the Windsor Hotel, Mont-
real, February 19th and 20th. A re-
presentative gathering of fur farmers,
fur dealers and administrative 'Oa
ficiais will assemble to discuss the
various phases of the fur industry in
Canada and to promote the fullest and
wisest development of the valuable
resources of the Dominion In fur bear-
ing animals; The rapidly growing in-
dustry of fur farming has become
thoroughly established lir Canada and
it is anticipated -that many fur farm-
ers will attend' the Conference. The
programme' will include papers and
discussions relative to, (1) The care
an, management of foxes and other
fur bearers, (2) Registratiou of silver
foxes, (3) The rearing of fur bearers
other than silver foxes, (4) Methods
of marketing furs and their improve-
ment, (5) Canadian auction sales, (6)
Trade navies for furs, (7) The sale
of game, (8) Game protective legis-
lation, (9) Game protective associa-
tions, and other kindred subjects,.
It is confidently expected that this
National Conference will be of the
greatest ,service in bringing together
representatives of the various inter-
ests engaging in- the exploitation of
our fur resources and will lead to a
more thorough appreciation of the
problems to be solved in placing all
phases of the Canadian fur industry
oil the soundest pees basis,
Butter Churns Made in
British Arsenal.
Even the great Woolwich arsenal
has turned from the manufacture of
war material to the peaceful pursuits
of trade, says a London despatch. Ten
thousand butter churn, have been
manufactured in the great building
which during the war sella; out vast
quantities of munitions for u e
against the Germans.
The nickel' purchar.e3 to nrtnufaee-
ture bullets is being used in the ar-
senal to make fivevent piecea for Ili
tish Honduras eurretley. There is „
world shortage of locomotives and ;
railway ears. To meet this it. has been
leeided to ni:titufacture these articue's
n the arsenal awl work already Is Ur.
der way there on orders for 2.5 00 ear. '
1,000 loecmotiveu and for repair work
my experience in the hope that some
ether eufferer may find the way to
health." •
Yeu can procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer In medicine,
or they trill, be sent you by mail at 50 't
cel;(' a box or six boxes for ea,50 by e
writing direet to The Dr. Williams' a
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. t
on 700 cars,
This• serves a doubtle, purport,. '!'lain-
y thousand yievsons now atree eutploy-
d in the arsenal• where 110,1iilil were;
t work in wartime, Thousand; of
heee nien are skilled ixullitir•n
. !. infanUa6 the Peen i:'a: c,7. e ee ?tol`a' ofeetilaee,e,ln tit e.nlen twit W
t i t et ,C 311f e this
uf '3...cads which ui.1 e onnec,t Brussels auounren:eut state the inauguration
9226 •
with all iruport:tee ewes and centre'•. of the high heels.
and will afford c'calirrlunication by 4•:-. - • - - _.... _
meaus of, good eros:;-terentry roads he- i •
ers. By keeping these busy making
Yocomotives and other peaceful pro-
ducts the government not only gives
them work, but retains their services,.
In event of another war they could
return immediately to q the munition
works in which they are skilled.
One of the side -line products of the
arsenal since the armistice has been
the striking of 6,000,000 medals! e
The Right ht
� Hen Ration. `
If you will feed the following ra-
tion to your hens they should not get
fat; if they do, I would advise you to
get some other kind of hell: Scratch
feed, equal parts by weight of corn,
wheat and oats, 10 pound's to 100 �'
birds per day. Three pounds in the
Morning and seven pounds at night.; I
mash feed, equal parts by eveiirlit
wheat bran, wheat .middlings,. corn-'
meal, ground oats, anti meat scrape
fed ,in seiffeeders and left before'
the birds at all times. Being dry, I
would feed all they will eat.
It will be ne::essary that you give.
some kind of oyster or clari ellen tol
your birds, if not, 1 would give
granulated bene..The best kind eft
gnit is a hard limestone grit or heavy,:
coarse sand and gravel.
So many haveNeuritis,
that painful,' paralyzing
Inflammation of the
'nerves.. Do not suffer an-
other day, It you are a
victim, try ,
Templeton P��d� S
Nothing Glee brings relief
so. quickly and so surely,
Send for free sample to
Templeton'; 142 Xing St.
W.. aororlto.
For sail; at reliable drug-
gists fox's 1.04 a box.
Templeton's RAZ-l.]AJI Cap-
sules are guaranteed to relieve
AST 111 M.A. Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write Ternpletons,142Xing ,St.
Toronto, for freeearaple.
Reliable druggists sell thein at
t,1.O4 a box.
$97 Tools Needed,
N -no hundred tied ninety aeveu cut -
In a Worse Plight.
To save transport, a certain English
landowner' decided to 'neat his timber
down a river - like he'd read about
them doing'"in Oanada. So he ex-
lained the method to hie foreman,
Old Bob.
But, like everything else, such work
needs experienced men, Old la,ob (11(1
his best, but managed finally to fall
into the river, making' a wild grab at
a log as he -went. He tried to lift
hixliself onto the log, and as lie did so
caught sight of his own feet, which
had risen to the surface on the other
side of the log.
Help was at hand. Tile other work-
men got a boat, and rowed -to his res-
eue. But Old Bob heroically' waved
theca olx.
"Never mind ane; I can hang en!"
lie said. "Save haat other chap who's
in head first!"
_-..,_.t _�_ large commission' Write for full Par-
&sa toa lard's an,d tales no oth+nr 8' 1Dundes Sti„EL andon.. Oat Monthly,
i.,Orsrt l t'il ig tools alone are required in mann- ii iO ti 'yr
facturing a modern rifle, The twit SYRUP F F
l I drill is one of tee busiest of Cheese,
t To slipl'i,y 1,000,000 rifles, 94,000,000
Ch>ssified Ad iertisements.
pyrices cod n frames -task for eceatalogue.°'
united- Art Coe 4 Terunswiciz Avy.. -To-
'derful inventions, viz,'"
- or oras Stops
stalling, bucking, e"rigiile racing, Sells
Positively gives bright light at all
engine speeds. Sells $2,75,
3. $PaZS PL.l7G �TRai78PORNEE for
all ears, Fires any ping with two
points left, irrespective of cracked
porcelain. irSTEERIi7etc,
more quivering and jerking stoerizig
w11es1 Saves gasoline and tires.
Seise 33.75, s,
All sold on money back guarantee,
'1OTR WELEsS . ii7'1`O f3PEGIar,TIl6,
83/ Richmond St, W. Toronto.
TARNS roz sar.E.
1 Utes' ride from Toronto op Metro-
politan Radial, from 6 to twenty acres.
3.350 an acre, 'with €small payment down,
Freston. 766 Broadview, Toronto.
abgut the new. modern way of
selling real estate. Sell deur property
yourself with our help. Our method
only costs you ;12 OQ Why pay a
e or u l par -
'. holes must be drilled,
py alnd contente=d, i\Iot]lel a, i; your . 74;lnarWs liniment Ltrluheruaali°s rriend,
little ones are caro:' and pie'r.:lt arni . "”"
clay a great dead the, -u- not well - i Women Labor in Japan, liver and l'+owels
they are in rlt•Ci.i of i,le,lie .lc ' -some 1 ! 'i.l'.'ea hours ar day is 3.110, Sho1'te'eit
thing that. ‘1111 set their' ilovwe.a sad working day .Japanese woniesn have
stomach in a r, for ninteacnths of -tied that, cit%tough they work seven
ail cllildliuod ailments arise front a dale's a i're.iek., seldom overage thea i
disordered state of the bowel•; and: more thee, $4.07 v week.
stomach. 'Snell a Inedic'ne is ihiby's °
O1vu Tablct�. They are a mild beta +- ,_ ,._ �,. ,, -0 te e,
thnl(lad' laxetiae which regul;ite tilos L 1 a
helves, sw e=icrt the stoat -wit, and tisk::, l.i t>;,�. g Viten P {s£e
diiy3 Qat ceestipatlon, I't1I11', it!1i! ° tery.
teen break ea f o]']s anal �hnp1e fee' ..� ° - &&CP 011 O r Ecce
teed maize e til belly 11cu.t!~y mid happy. ° 1
Co eco ting, ie:, 11. 1� Albert Baena?' ^r
,' 1
The well child is always a happy
child it :s ,t babe's nature''tia he leap •
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
l..rc.111_, i,,!.... k,Iat•' 1-3ub, s Try tit )i]iars:li il;:n pass
(2ei'2 l eble. ti
the ss st , l.rine I + tt slam to others,
know of for 1.tt e mice. They r relit ed it viorks:
nay Irttle girl frem c o2 :-t`l`:at en ellen
nothieg elee: est :fail :test 1 yen etron l;'
(•;'c,111 110n;1 te,e,1 to c?t11,:1' illcatlaor" duet:.' - : :' ' t ; hisel:inel of rough
'She Tttbh'lt, .ti'e 'fill by Ilre'ai]tup = ta1a; Yrl; Iep laearet lust ltest ill town 9f
!*(+� nr: 1. ale '&'r ei w:,ih elinin 1t ]ll follow
11"Slear; a1' by 511811 at ") re t5 11 box tale 4imj i�l arisire of (Ills t,tnelnnaa
from The Dr, \1'iiliunis' _vie•iac'iita Co ; . tt,teei its. le hca alalias that :( i'ew tlropa
1i ,. ll, On
f. 'c.a kvi f., (hi f:l a carp; called) freezonp when applied
'.e a te- der, aching corn stops sore -lees
�'t'stD113Y�i ir.g pe'l l`cn. ate S a:; erre. a t'l seer tale earn tirik?s up
and l,'t; re^,ht out withent pain.
in its rot+ntl .lrtl't t n , :paea 1, Bel-' 1'l;; masa freeze ee 1s an ether cent-
nlrm Is prepurleg e'nt ',vc mitt im-' rotted titl`r1€ia" rf'ies immediately and
pr:;re,.te-et"� 1'1,° asI?. s1.�S1a'I1.'a 'tee « + 05131 iil.i'ihnie Or Vet' irritates the
i'1$; free, tee
, urroundale tissue or s•l:ur. n quaeter
til.at. it is into l:'c; i iu ill :Ica trite nF vr of eel t"i;ate of treezone will cost very
ata t t ,any dug .torr, but is sutil-
C a a•
l,clgi a i lotela 1 lineal., if pe Alb's tie, t o remota every hard or port
Id+ Inc pet e ;rai11 torn or callus town one's feet, nillioue
No. 9317—Child's Rompers. Price,
20 edits. Kimono sleeves; dropped
back, with or without buttoning under -
the leg. Cut in 5 sizes, 6 months, 1,
2, 3 and 4 years. Size 1, with long
sleeves, 1% yards 32 inches wide; with
short sleeves, 1% yards 32 inches
No. 9325—Girl's Dress. Price, 20
cents. With or without collar and
peplum; _ two-piece straight skirt.
Cut in 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years. Size 8,,
with peplum, 2% yards 36 inches,
Wide; without peplum, 1% yards 36
inches wide.
No. 9226—Girl's Dress. Price, 25
cents. With or without politer and
belt; straight pleated skirt,attached-to
waist. Cut in 5 sizes, 6i 8, 10 12 and
14 years. Size 8 requires, wiith belt
and collar, 3%• yards 32. inches"wide,
or 2�� yards 36 inches wide; without
belt and collar, 2% yards 32 inches
wide, or :2% yards, 36 ranches wide.
No. 8810 -Girl's Dress. Price, 20
cents. Straight gathered skirt attach -
to waist. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14 years.
Size . 10 requires 2�,r yards 36 inches
wide; collar, cuffs, belt, % yard 36
inches wide.
No. 8808—Child's Coat. Price, 20
cents. Body and sleeve in one. Cut
in 6 sizes, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10, years.
Size 4 requires, one material, 2%
yards 36 inehes wide, or 1% yards 54
inches. wide; with contrasting collar,
2% yards 36 inches' wide, or 13.
yards 54 inches wide; collar, % yard
36 inches wide; lining., 1% yards 36
inches wide.
No. 9054—Boy's Double -Breasted
Overcoat and ,. Cap. Price, 20 cents.
Cut in 4 sizes,'1, 2, ,4 and 6 years.
Size 4, with.noteb : collar, cap, 14�,
'yards 42 inches wide, or 1% yards
-.54 inches wide; with round col-
lar, cap, 1%s yards 42 inches wide, or
1% yards 54 inches wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local MoCa11 dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W. ,
For .your table drink
the, safest., satisfying beverage -is
'Then tea or 'coffee disagre s--
when fussed -up 'nerves tell you
that 'either is r harmful -- ,
order tin of this rich, whole
sd , sat';isf int drink,
"Colin :find it b
and p1.e"as pg. • �.
et .••4' r . , � ` .. skis ,
Tore Reai�n
ot'i economic*
various t `i2[+ t 1 s, an the x' up
y .si NG N
plinc]pal deva,t I'd di�tlioi^, ail,3 the f3Ji9 "i
battlefield,; uf Ynlandere, a
The coat is estimated at 60,000,000 q
francs, an indication that good roads ! -
are regarded as a valuable aiationaI ? .
asset. - 2
. y
L'airFille, Sept. 30, 3902..
Minard's Lininaelit Co.,- Lililitecl.
Dear Sirs, --We wish to inform you
that we • consider your i\IINAIi.D'S
LINIMENT a very silperior ar't'icle,
and we use it as a sure relief for scale
throat and chest. When I tell' you I
would not be without it if thio price
was one dollar a bottle, I mean it.
Yours truly,
Just a Waste.
As the wagonette from the village
inn swung•round a corner, with a deep
drop on one side, the visitor involun-
tarily drew closer tothe driver.
"This seems to be a very dangerous
precipice," he remarked. "I wonder
why they have not put up a warning
• board?"
"Yes," answered the' driver, "it is
dangerous. They kept a warning board
yup for two years, but no_one fell over,
so It was taken down."
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
Seep Ninard'ls I4rriment In the house.
Stones Natural Magnets.
In Nevada are found curious miner-
al specimens knodr"n - as :"sociable
stones." No better name could be
given them, since when a few are dis-
tributed over a Level floor two o2• three
feet apart they Will begin to move to-
ward each other tib -era common -centre
with an alacrity that is ludicrous. -
Campers first noticed these stones.
They had used wrapping -paper-Tor a
,table cloth and weighted the corners
with some' of the stones spread over
the level -fop of a boulder. A. few mo-
ments Iter one of the men noticed
that the paper was flapping in the
breeze and that the four or irve stones
were huddled in a group in the middle
of the paper like- a nest"of eggs. He
thought taei wind was responsible,
straightened them and added ' more
atones.' •
The`ilext time he looked around the
stones were..back in .the (leap again.,
Onee•:more he replaced the stones. and`
sat down to watch them. They began
to roll and -hiteh along toward one an.
other ,again :until they were b a'pile
Tomorrow will be clear
and bright, if you take t
"Cascarets" tonight
heeling half -sick, bilious, consti-
pated.? Ambition *ay below zero?
Here is help! Take Cascarets to -night
for your liver and bowels. You'll
wake up clear, rosy, and full of life.
Cascarets act without.. griping or in-
convenience. They never sicken you
like Calomel, Salts, Oil or nasty, harsh
pills. They cost s'o little too—Cas-
carets work while you sleep.
Mother's Coughs'and
Colds Go Quickly
She cannot afford to besick
and neglect her household
dudes. At the first symp-
toms she prepares the way
for quick recovery by the
immediate, use of Gray's
as Syrup—a household
preparation of sixty
ears standing.
Nether altruism burs
the LargoSize
VR 9 „S.
Sloan's 'Liniment has the,
1 punch that relieves
rheumatic twinges
This warmth -giving, congestion -
scattering circulation -stimulating rem-
edy peaetvates without rubbing right
to the aching 'hot and •lfrings quick
relie7, surely, cleanly. A wonderful
help for ,• external pains, sprains,
strains, stiffness,headache, lumbago,.
Get your, bottle today' --costs little,
means much:. Ask your druggist for
it by name. Keep it bandy' for the.
whole family. Made in Canada. Tho
big bottle is;economy_,
36e., 70c., $1,10.
,iseuE No,t-a
Accept "California" Syrup of FIgs
only --lock for the name California an
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
Harmless laxative or physic for the
little stcniaeh, liver and bowels. Child,
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on eacb
bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must says"California."
Lmericit's Pioneer boar Iaomed.tes
ooh on
and Now to Dodd
Mailed Free to,any Ad-
dress by the Author.
N. Flay Glover Co., Eno.
118 West 31st Street
New York.
Use Cuficura to -Keep
Tour hair From Falling
How many times have barbers given
this advice to ween who are losing
their hair because of dandruff and
scalp irritation. "At night rub Cuti-
cura,Ointment into the scalp. Next
morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap
and hot water, A clean, healthy
scalp means good hair.
Sees 25c. Ointment 25 add Me. Sold
throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot:
L� agy Limited St. Paul St., A�ioatresh
utieara Seep shaves without mus.
large commis io 7
7*11 UTNE
i:WspAPLR, WE:KLy; BRUc8
Box county, Splendid
23 .Adelaide St, W„ Toronto.,
and job printing plant in Eastern
Ontario, Insurance carried 31,600, Will
go for 31,200 on quick sale: Box 'L
Wilson Publishing Co,. Ltd., Toronto.
Foxes. Also, we are buyers of Raw
' Furs. What have you—what price?
Reid Bros.. Bothwell, Ont.
'LI are able to euppiy, advise us, as we
will pay the highest prices. dry or reen
from the Kaw. geenan Bros, 1$lZitted.
Owen Sound. Ont.
' internal and external, cured without
pain by our horee treatment- Write us
before too late Dr. 13ellmaa Atedtcal
Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont.
Habits are like porus plasters, easy
o acquire and hard to get rid of.
GIRLSi A labii s
Let "Danderine" save and
glorify your Fair
In a few moments you can tree's -
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle. of "Dan-
derine" for a few cents, . Then moist-
en a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair taking
one small strand at a time. Instant-
ly, yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy and so
easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex-
cessive oil is removed. -_
Let Danderine put more Iife, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and falling
hair, and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful.
Not Aspirin at Ali. without the "Bayer Cross".
Tie `name "Bayer" on ;Aspirin is' of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin!' which
�_ like• Sterling on silver, 1t positively contains',,proper° direetio e Cel
u poi„ Gd_da,
entities the only genuine `Aspirin,- Headache Toothache, Ea'I telae;. "Nen-
e Aspirin prescribed by physicians 'ralgia, Lumbago, 121ielielatrsm,'Neuri
for over nineteen years and now tie, joint Pains, and Pain geuerally.
blade in- Canada. 'iia ;1 -loxes of 12 tablets cost. but
Always, buy as unbroken pa,nkarget; a fete a tints ' Larger "Bayer" packages.
There is logy one Aaiprfrlw...'It,ser' res =east say "n'syee"
-"Ankh.: Is the 'trade mark (registered in Cauadta) of Bayer Maarufactore of Mono-
;acetialaetdeeter of 6aiicYlioee54. Whiie•;tit,.1a .weld Iauewn that Aspirin meant Bator
reaitufacture, to assist the pubne againat,iriaitatton5, the Tablets of Bayer. Colleila4lr,"�,-
je111.1to i piped;with ;their goton'at Geode -stades tha'e'P,ayer drops;'!. , .,