HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-19, Page 8EXE E'ER A2]TZ1I ATE 111.11.31i511AY, FE. . 1.91 lean Exeter Markets changed each Wednesday Fal' Wheat 1,95 Oat, 1,00 Barley 1.45 to 1,70 Fairy Flour ,..n,,., 6.85 Shorts Bran per ton -....,.. E es Dairy Butter ,,,, 58 to 61 Creamery Butter 7 Lard........ .......... ... ,., 35 Potatoes .3,50 to 7 Hay per 20400 to 22.0 Hogs per .w` 17.25 52 00 ..:,....... 45,00 the house for a few , LocalDoings. Mitis Olive Prlou; is in Landon. Mr. Lloyd Baynh< ter a week's illness. 1slr, Ed. Stone has ill in, the hospital is out again' af- beers confined to days, owing . to The snow storm of Monday night i ^roused a 1 trains to --be cancelled on Tuesday. The Spring Assizes will be opened 0 at Goderich on Monday, 'March 1st when Mr. Justice Lennox will preside, Mr. James Lawson, who has been, edlliined to his bed for couple weeks Triv:t:t Memorial t�rrougb illness, is zioti. improving nic,e- Iy Church Sun las services as usual. Sundav was a quiet day in town. There were no church services, and a fair size i snow storm prevailed all dny. Mrs Lane of London, a former res - went :of Exeter, was married jn that NOTIt'E TO FARMERS ! city recently to Mr. William Lam- ! port, fornterly of Stephen,. The Executive of the Exeter branch of the U.F.O. have decided to ship .live stook co-operatively, namely, cattle, hogs, and sheep. By shipping in this way the seller gets market value, minus actual expenses of shipping. ,T, N?Ratcllfe has been appointed agent and will be glad to Make arrangements with those who have stock for sale. Phone 17334, Exeter. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Neil of Usborn,e !desire to express their sin- cere gratitude to the many friends for kindness shown during the illness and death ,of their daugi#ter. FOR SALE—On Main St., nitre roomed house in good repair, good basement, new furnace, hard and soft water, two lots. The property of the late Mrs. Howard. Apply to E. M. Dignan, I :Airs Lane has disposed of her dwel- 1 tang on William Street to Mr. A. A. Spencer ,of toss' The price paid was in the neighborhood of $2000. Saturday was St. Vaalentine's Day and the fold -time custom of sending land some kind of a card remembrance ! seemed to be considerably reg -vet this E yeas. 1 Word has been. received here by reI- ati.ves that Mrs. Crocker of Ottawa, a former well-known resident of Ex- eter is confined to her bed through' ,:?,ness and her reoo'er is quite doubtful Mr. T. A. Chapman, oa:' the Rainy River branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce will succeed Mr. A. E. Kuhr,, as manager of the branch in town, Mr. Kuhn is leaving for Rer- robert, Sask. We have in stock, corn, oats, chop, and tankage—choice quality. We have ,coming a car of extra quality western sexed oats. Harvey Bros„ Exeter WATCH LOST* In Exeter, lady's watch, open face, cold filed case, rather small. Finder will be rewarded on returning to Dr; Kinsman's off ce,s--H. M,. Kinsman. NECKYOKES, WHIFFLE -TREES. Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wood bring it to the 0. K. Cider 411, and I will turn it a standard, For any length or size you wish, also saws Qarmmed, etc. S 3. V. CANN .Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle' BOARDERS WANTED. Ladies or school children, Apply MISS HARDING, Andrew Street. _-- -CORN CONTRACTS. The Canning Co. is prepared to con- tract with growers of corn for the factory for 1920s theprice per ton same as last year. Choice seed corn has been secured from the same source and will be sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY.. NOTICE During the winter we will have horses and cutters for hire. Anyone wanting same phone{ 56. WILSON & SIMS. PROPERTY FOR SALE Three brick residences on Andrew Street , modern equipment; Also seven of the best budding lots ir,, town; also Ford Garage building and property C. B. SNELL, Exeter. VIOLIN Less.ans taught by Mrs. E. J. Weshey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to R. SHORT COURSES IN JUDGING HEAVY HORSES AND BEEF CATTLE. The Sf>u`h Huron Board of Agricul- ture wi.I hold short courses in, judging as follows— Cre.iiton, Monday, Feb. 16th Zprch. Tuesday, Feb. 17th Turner's Church Shed, Tuckersmith, Wednesday, Feb. 18th. Hcemesville, Thursday, Feb. 19th Kirktan, Friday, Feb. 20th. The courses wig be in charge of J. M. McCa;lum of Shakespeare, and S. B. S*others, agric. representative. Judg:n f, at 2 p.m., Evening meeting at 8 ,o'clock. JAS T KEYS, Aa. H. DOUPE Pres. S.H.B.A. See. S.H.B.A Pasture Lands For Sale Beate S, 54 LOT 11 and LOT 12 (together 191q ACRES) — 9n the AUX SABLE CONCESSION IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN These lands lie along the Aux Sable `ver rand are very desirable " pasture Canada Company Thea p y 110 YONGE ST„ TORONTO A SHOWER. A miscellaneous shower was tender. ed Mrs, Albert E. Andrew, nee Miss Olive Treble, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Treble, on 3fonday night last, there being about twenty friends in attendance. Many beautiful and use- ful tokens of remembrance were giv ea the newly wedded bride, ANDREW—TREBLE. A unmet but very pretty weddin took place at the James Street par sonaga. on Thursday evening last, whe Rev. M. J. Wilson united in marring Mr. Albert E. Andrew and Miss O1iv Treble. Both bride and groom are wee ami favorably known: in and abou Exeter an.i have the good will of evr eybo.ly ,Mr. and _Mrn Andrew wil remain in Exeter for a few weeks, of ter which they will leave for the Wes to oc4 u y the groom's farm. --- RUNAWAYS. LEAGUE. STANDING Won Lost Tie Clerks 6 1 0 Odd€elbows . 4 2 1 Bankers 3 4 0 0 6 1 SSchool HOCKEY. The Clerks defeated the School in the Town League on Wednesday ev- ening by•a senores of 8 to 5. The High School boys were strengthened some,- what by the presence of Harald Boyle of Toronto and Ed. ,Anderson of Sar- na on, the team, ,but still the Clerks were too much for them, The Oddfellows defeated the Bank - era by a score? of 5 to 2,44 the score, would have been: greater but for the e x: e.lent work of Abbott in goal for the Bankers. The game arranged between Exeter}sigh School and Clinton Collegiate Cor Thursday night last was called offowing to the latter team been; handicapped .by "flu". On Friday night Clinton, N.H.L. team came blown and played a game with Exeter, the home boys winning 12-5. The first period was disastrous to the visitors, being, 9-3 h favor of Exeter. The second period ended 11-4 told the third 12-5, Clinton was unable to accommodate themselves to the larger sheet of ice: during the first part of the game;' but latterly they got going wall, and it was a good game to watch. The lute -up for Exeter was —Goal, Abbott; defense, Stock and Harness ; wings, Wells and Bisney ; centre, Senior; with G. Wells sub, Mr, Arthur M. Elliott of Lueclan, Massey -Harris expert, curd welt-hnown to many is, this section, died, in Toron.- to General' Hospital on Sunday, Feb. 15. after only a few days illness of the flu. He evas aged 34 yeas and leaves a wife and three little girls, the youngest being only a year old. Mr. Elliott spent ?t great deal of time the company's agents here and had made many warm friends, who regret to hear of his sudden and unexpect- ed death. • FORWARD MOVEMENT. n The subscriptions to the Church e Forward Movement in Exeter up to WOnesitay morning are as' follows: James Street—Objective $6000, t raised, $4475.00 Main. Street—Objective $3412; rais- 1 ed.• $3657.50. Trivitt Memorial—Objective $ 2550; t raised about 1700.00, Caven Presbyterian Church—Objec- tive $1830; raised, about $ 2100.00. SOLDIER BURIED. While driving west on Huron Street Saturday evening Mr. Fred Hogarth's horse ttrtd rig collided with Gordon Wilson's rig and then ran. away/ Some distance further on it collided with Harley Gower's cutter, and both of the cutters were considerably smashed in consequences The same evening Elmore Wilson was driving into town from the south and the cutter upset in a. pitchhale, and becoming fright- ened the horse ran, away, and in. front of Mr. W, 1 unts's shop struck the cutter in which was Harry, Cantes, The impact freed the horse from the cutter and the beast continued its mad run right through town and on to Hensall, six males away, where it was captured and brought home,. Deep snow and pitch holes make the driv- ing pretty uncertain just now, nIED IN CLINTON'. After an illness of only 'wo .lays the death took place at her home in Clinton, on. Feb. 11, of Elizabeth Amanda Snell, wife of Cornelius Hoare at the age of 50 years., The late Mrs. Hoare had been suffering from kid- ney trouble for some months, anti had a severe attack a year ago. On Mon. - day she was feeling as usual, but .an Tuesday she became i21, and passed away Wednesday, Her husband was away at the time on business. The funeral took rpIace at Clinton an. Fri- day afternoont. The late Mrs. Hoare was a daughter of the late James Snell of Exeter, and besides the husband and three sons she is (survived by, six bro- thers and one sister—William, Sidney, Wesley and Frank Snell of Exeter, Rev. James Snell, Warren Snell of Toronto, and Mrs. Albert Bissett of Brantford. Deceased had resided in Exeter pad Clinton, all her life. DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner William and Sanders Streets, Tues,,. Thurs., and Sate 10.30 a, m: to 4.30. p. m', SEED OATS AND PEAS FOR SALE. A quantity of regenerated Banner Oats—clean and iaf good quality; also a quantity of,peas, perfectly free from weave", and good sample; at reason- able pricer. Orders may be left at Advocate Office, Exeter, or at farm, Lot 22, Coq;. 2, Stephen. W. D. SANDERS. GOLD FILLED CHAIN & LOCKET Found, near Dr. Hyndman's stable. Owner can have same by caging art this office ahold paying fon' notice. CARD OF THANKS. The family sof the late William O'Brien desire to thank the friends and neighbors for their many kind- nesses nduring /the illness and subse- quent death of their father. Public Notice. TO THE CITIZENS 'OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that for the public safety and as, a precaution to prevent the further spread of the Influenza Epidemic, an order has been passed CLOSING all Churches and Schools, 'Public Buildings, Libraries. Theatres,land other places of Public Getheiings ; a,1,1 persons to refrain from visiting land receiving -visitors. This osrder;to take effect on and after SU.NDAY,. FEB_ 15, 1920, and to I remain so until re -opened by order of the Board. Dr. , W. Braveni tna H. E. " 7 h Huston Med Officer af Health. Chairman The funeral took place at Hensel) on Sunday afternoon of Private Fred- erick Wilkinson, a member of the Princess .Pats Regiment, who died at the Military hospittal In London on Friday, the 13th of February, Deceas- was a son of Mr. and Mrs., Wl, I. Wil- kinson of the Usborne-Hibbert Boun- dary, formerly of Thames Road, Us - barn, This is the second soldier -boy they have lost as ;one dined overseas. They have the sympathy of their many friends. JAMES STREET CHOIR VALENTINE PARTY. A very jolly time was spent in James St. Church parlors last Friday even - in,; when the ladies of the; choir enter- tained the gentlemen of the choir and the music committee of the church at a Leap Year Valentine party. The ladies, attired alike in white costumes, decorated with hearts, welcomed their guests and provided an enjoyable program comprised of instrumental and vocal music, and a number of unique contests which provided much merri- ment, in. which Miss Mao Wood, Mr. Harry Rowe -and Mr. Bert Bisset won the favors. Them all repaired to the banquet room which was elabor- ately and artistically decorated with hearts, arrows red streamers, and bright red candles and flowers, while the song tables groaned under the weight of goad things to eat, After all had done ample, justice to .the bounteous repast, the pastor, Rev. 34 f; J. .Wilson. B.A., presided in a capable and happy manner over a toast list, which prayed to be\niot the least en- joyable part of the evening's program. At a late hour the party brake up with the hope that (this would not be the last of such pleasant gatherings. A hearty vole of ,thanks was tender- ed the ladies and many expressions of appreciation and compliments were ex- pressed to the camm.3ttee, consisting of Mrs, Wright, Miss Essery and Miss Gregory who planned and • carried out the arrangements for such a successful and happy evening. Mrs. Wm. Russell is ,visiting at her old home in Blyth. Harold Boyle of Toronto spent a part of last week with relatives here. Mr. Geo. Connor of Windsor spent a few `days in town during the week, his little daughter who has beep stay- ing with her grandfather and aunt, be- ing iitl for a time, but is now on the mend. Mr. Leonard Abbott of theMalsons Baulk taff has been transferred to the Harrow branch, of which Mr: De, jean, formerly of Exeter, .is manager, Mr. Abbott will report at that place Fri day, Mr. Harold Rost of Winnipeg, Mr.• Frank Ross of Forest, Mrs. Goodiaon and Miss Johns of Sarnia, and Mr, Lloyd Rivers of Sim mcoe attended the funeral 'of the late David Johns Ross on. Friday. Mr. August Id.ulim was inLandon for several slays during the week under- going an operation and treatment for throat trouble. Mrs. Kuhn accompani- ed him down non Thursday but re- turned :the same day. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURC1EI Rev. James Foote; B. A., Minister 10 a,m,--sabbath School and Bible Classes, 11 ain,- 7 Good Music at all Services The Minister PHONE 32 WALL PAPERS We Invite You to Come in and In- spect our New Spring. Wall Papers. The Prices are very moderate. Beautiful Tapestry Papers for halls and Living Rooms; Dainty Stripes end Floral Designs for Bedrooms. Also many lines of good p.'tpers at low prices for Kitchens. Washable papers far Bathrooms Men's Heavy Coat Sweaters We ,place on sale this week 5 doz. Men's HeavyCoat Sweaters, popul- ar range of oolorst Sizes up to 44; worth up to $7,50 each—to clear $4,95 First Arrival of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses for Spring We have just placed in stock our first shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, and. Dresses for spring. Thi. is one of the finest ranges of Cloths and Styles we have ever shows PRICES MODERATE. Ladies' and. Misses' Dresses We would call particular attention to the fact that we now carry a large stock of all wool serge and silk and crepe dresses zit a beautiful range of styles, and at wonderfully reasonable prices BARGAINS IN COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, WINTER. COATS, CLOTH ING, SHOES, GROCERIES, ttTC., FOR 10 DAYS MORE. Bargains in Men's Overcoats and Fur Coats JONES & MAY PHONE 3i. ktr. Jack Matthews bas been visit- ing at Mr. S. Fi ;toastsl, He will enter the Bank of Commerce as iunior shortly. Mrs. ,V Fren'elr u,tid child of Wet- askiwin, Alta, and Mrs. D. French of Clinton attended the funeral of the late Mrs. W. Howard, which took place on Thursday afternoon from the residence of Mr. E. M. Dignan, Mrs. French attd child will visit here for a few weeks. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offlicc—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calfs promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Sloliciltar, Notary Public, Commissioner, Soli,cjjtor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. • Office—Main. Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited, number of Horses in good condition, Geldings 5 year old up, weighing ' from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 nounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices -Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. WINTER TERM FROM JAN 5th Western Ontario's largest and best Commercial School We give thor- ough courses and have experienced in- etructors in Commerciaaj,'Shorthand, & Telegraphy Departments,' We assist graduates es to posiitiorts. Write. for our free catalogue, It :/nay interest you. D A. McLachlan, Principal. 1 MONEY TO LOAN We ,have a large amount off private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office aver Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H, Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night Office Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office "at Cockshutt Wasrterooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr, G. F. Roulstonl, L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoon:. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled with all kincis of Furniture which we are selling est a very small margin t Be sure ani see us before buying as we have some bargains. R. N. Rip •. ,E THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. 3 Specials for February 5 ONLY COATS at Money Saving Prices, These Coats are thus See'e�,.,- son's Styles end are made of good material. Regular $25 and $27 values' feet clear this month; Your pick' $17.50. FLANNELETTES 500 yards of Colored Flannelettes' in small neat; patterns, worth to - 35c.. a yard. While this Iot lasts, Specia_ 'prices Der yard 28;, CIRCULAR PILLAR COTTON BLEACHED SHEETING You will do well to buy. Pillow Cot -of excellent ,uality,�. This 'cloth • tons at these pricesi Beautiful:even 1 worth, to -day $1.00 a yard. Take whil weave and good weight per yard 60c.1 edit wont at, and s and 65c pea'y ,! MEN'S ODD TROUSERS. We ;can show you same .splendid values in Men's Odd. ' Pantst The ,goods are extra veueat pt7C�s ae are quatanlg. ,.;;.,., $k:25• 5;50•,' `�0 �$„,tea. ,--- WALL PAPERS Beautiful designs for any°room in your home is what we are S1164114.- It is a pleasure' ” to show you the new papers far 1920. WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT Southcott Bros. s, • tl