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The Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-19, Page 5
RAND TRUNK SYSTEM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT end CHICAGO Uatszceeled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night toilets and Parlor care on prineieal day trains. Full itufeamateen from any Grand Trailer Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ins District Passenger Agent, Toronto. N. J. DORE Agit, Exeter Phone 46w AUCTION SALE I News TOPICS OP WEEK important Events Which Have Occurred Dul'ine' the Week, The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into. Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper - A Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY. Two Detroit men died in Sandwich from driniting wood alcohol. Sterling exchange in NevrYork ad- vaned to $3,37% for demand. H. F. Strickland shot himself out- side St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Harry Pettman, of Dereism towne shill, accidentally shot and killed • OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY himself. AND HOUSEHOLD EFfeaCTS Guelph Board of Education deeid- on the farm of the late Jos. Edwards, ed on a general increase in salary of 1 1-4 miles south of Cre,.litom, on all teachers. j SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1920 "Benny" Leonard decisively out - At 1 o'clock sharp, the following boxed Johnny Dundee at Jersey MY Real Estate -Pe. apt 'S, Can. 7, Tp. Monday night. • Stephen, 84 acres, on which is situ- Fifty-five deaths from influenza, atee a good brick house, bank barn, and pneumonia were reported yes - straw shed, driving shed, bog pen, an terday at Toronto. nstesian well and name bush. Convene Harry Coulin of Buffalo- beat Dick lent ,school, town; and market. Atkins in ten rounds at the G.W.V.A. Hsousehold, Effects- Bedroom set, boxing tournament in Toronto. mattress aid spring, bureau, bookcase Labor members . of the Legisle- centre table, Z rocie ng chairs, 6 kit- tura in a five-hour caucus decided on then chairs, 2 clocks, incubator, and their program for the coming session. other articles tote nunerous to mention Copious rains have relieved the Terms -On Real Estate $1000 cash serious drought whi'eh has been pre- belance 'ate Nov, 1, 1920, S ..per cent, valent over wide districts of South per ;nnnunl allowed on sash deposit to Africa, date sof final payment, On Household The' Irish automobile drivers have leffeete, cash. declared their strike off wed are re-, For further partie:uiars apply to li, turning to work. hither & San,. Eli Kin, and Albert The infiueuza epidemic has resulted King, Cretelten, Ont. e in the weakening of many of the MR.'. FRED If. SMITH Prep, O.H,A. teams, and the cancellation of FRANK TAYLOR, Auet some of the games. Sidney E. Gale won the Canadian chess championship, defeating Capt. A7 T vas V ( h SALE J. 13. Harvey for the honors in To- (i at r L it ronto Tuesday night. • • OF HOUSEHOLD F»F iaC.T; , ETC. An announcement from Moscow is at DASHWOOI] nt to the effect that the Soviet executive FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20th, 1920 has siren orders to advance the clock At 1 aa'. lo. }: Owe), , , :l!uea Lee. tee on•' hour on February 15.. S;tleb'acnr"l, bedstead, waslist;nil, twoDr. Roberts, Medical Health Officer tablcs, hall dazes chaars, k nh. of Hamilton, announces that over 600 chairs, glass cupbtxt'ci, sink, bursa , eases of influenza have been reported, sofa, couch, rue, lamp.' water bench. with only live deaths to date. carpets, cook stove, wool or coal; cal e Hon. Manning Doherty Is elected heater 'washeng machine, wash tub, wash board, wringer, churn. 2 the k cans milk pail, crocks, sealer., 3 cider barrels, pails, tea kettle, pan ;;stet's kettles; dishes eef all i:in le, knave forks, etc Cutters, 1-ltorse plow, whet es new; light sleigh, anion, crates, 2 ball games. fish box, wheerlbarrow, shovers, rakes white ash lumber. Terms -Cash. HERMAN TYLER. F. TAYLOR Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF HIGH CLASS PURE-BRED SHORTHORN ANI) GRADE CAT- TLE, HORSES AND HOGS,. on LOT 5, S. THAMES ROAD, US - BORNE, 1% melee east of Exeter N. on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 24, 1920 at 12,30 o'clock, the fallowing, -- Gloster Ruby and, 130981, 3 year old with 5 months' bull calf at foot, and bred again to Major Mayflower, Imp. Beauty 37th, 128489, 4 year old; G. dant imported; springing to calve. Matchless Clara, 153296, 2 year old, springing to calve. Corday Prince, 133658, calved Feb. let, 1919; a Charlotte Corday bred calf, Swed by Diamond Master 116276 Rosebud 2nd, 126741, 3 year old; C. calf at foot and bred again, Rosen ,Belle, 150636, Z year old, bred to Corday prince 133658. L'tdy Mac 2nd, 122969, 9 year old; bus calf at foot and bred again. 1, say Mac 3rd, 153159, calved Dec. 6th• 1918, sired by Diamond Master, 116276. Maud of Usborne, 116995, due, in Ap- ril, witil heifer calf at foot. Mistletoe 21st, 116996, due in. April wit$ bull calf at foot. Mayflower 17th, 1169977, due in June with bull calf at foot. 4 Shorthorn bull calves from 10 to 20 menthe old. Grade Cattle -1 ;Cow due in April; 2 cows milking; 4 high class grade heifers supposed with caaf; 1 fat heifer 4 yearling heifers; 4 yearling ,steers, 2 baby* beefs. Woa'ses-2 agricultural geldings ris- ing 2 years. Hogs -2 broad sows due in April; 35 York pigs, 4 months old. Also a quantity mixed grain. Positively no ,reserve. Terms -8 months credit an furnish- ing approved joint notes. A • discaunt of 4 per cent off for cash.. ANDREW GIBSON and JOeIN N. RATCLIIFFE, Props. T. CAMERON, Auct.. by acclamation in East Rent, but Pre- mier Drury will be opposed In Halton by E. J. Stephenson, of Toronto. WEDNESDAY. Italian seamen stave refused to make war on d'Annunzio. Many schools are closed in South- western Ontario because of "flu." Sterling exchange was strong in New York at $3.36 i , for demand bilis, Wilfred Mills was accidentally kill- ed in Ontario Paper , Co. grill at Thorold. Bolshevik proclamations are being distributed among Japanese troops in Siberia. Rev. Wm. Ivens must chow why be shouldn't be punished for alleged contempt of court. John H. Moss, K.C., a well-known Toronto lawyer, died after a brief illness of pueumonia. Toronto builders and supply men decided to cease battling with each other for workers. United States Marshal Wilson seiz- ed 1,326 quarts of Canadian whiskey at Bangor, Maine, Tuesday. An impressive funeral service was held in Osgoode Hall, Toronto, for the late Sir Glenholne Falconbridge. An Ulster party reach Toronto on Tut ,statnenight to tell audiences here that not all Irishmen want a republic. Tex. Rickard has cabled an offer to Carpentier to meet Mike O'Dow i, middleweight champion. Rickard's offer is $250,000. The remnants• of the army of Gen. Yudenitch are threatened with exter- mination be typhus, according to a despatch to New York from Paris. The cardinals living in Rome have anked the Pope to increase their sal- aries, as they cannot make both ends meet owing to the increased cost of living. Premier Lloyd George announced in the House of Commons Tuesday shat the British were evacuating Batum. Troops were placed there to prevent Turks from penetrating the Caucasus region. The results in the North Schles- wig plebiscite up to one o'clock Wed- nesday morning show Danish major- ities in all except six of the 150 dis- tricts;'3.0,763 for Denmark. and 12; 756 for Germany. Te URSDAY. Silver reached a new, high in Lon- don at 891d. Eastern Ontario Liberals will meet on March 5 in Ottawa. Lake Erie Fishermen's Association is in session at St. Thomas. Gas Commissioner Estlin will maks a survey of all Ontario gas areas. A. civic reception was tendered the members' of the Ulster delegation at AUCTION SALE Toronto. Alex. Londry, defeated candidate, is 41><• FARM STOGIE & IiVfPLE\4ENT5 trying to upset the election et Mayor Gray at Meaford. On Zest Half of Lot 6, North Roue;- Casimir S. Growski is tke new prey - clary Stephen, on ident of the London dz Canadian Loan W EDNES'DAY, FaB. 25, 1920, & Agency Company. At 1 >o clock sharp, the •fallowoag :- Agents of the Prince of Wales are Horses -Heavy draft mare, heavy buying breeding stock for kis West - draft cell -rising 2, driving mare. ern Canadian ranch. Cattle -00w due Apria 21, cow due Drinking extract of lemon is Apr.i;i 26 cow due May 1, cow due thought to be the cause of the death Jttiy 25, 4 spring `cadres. '•-` of a Russian in Sarnia. Pigs -2 pigs weigh:mg about 125 lbs, Ontario builders, in esaveation at ]soul ry Etc_ -25 hens, 2 Pekin Toronto, decided on as effort to.stab- ducks Collie dog. • - dire the prices of building reaterial. Implements -Mower, wagon, seed- • Deep snow in Pennsylvania ie drir- ri,ridl, cultivator, Massey -Harris ; set of 'Ing deer from the -forests to seek harrows, bay ;rack, gravel box,. cutting shelter with domestic cattle in ad- bax react pu'per, waikieg plow; double joining farms. . alnw; rarnningrnill, " cream:separator, Thomas H. Black has bee* appoint- Stamdard; set double harness,°.top bug- ed to the chair of. Roman Law, Eng - scrape, bender twine, strainer pall, lash •Law and Jurfaprudeaes at the ti;e. 3 -inch; bag -holder, forks University of Toronto. shoves neckyoke, whif1letrees and Two regiments of Italian soldiers, other articles too m;umerous to nwin.yon accompanied by several batteries of `,Germs -$1.0 aun,d under cash; over light artillery, have sailed from tlmt aureaa 8 months' credit will be Trieste for Dalmatian ports. given, on furruishin a,ppreved joint In the event of Jack Dempsey get- nates, or a d sgouat of 5 per cent ting a $500,000; guarantee for boxing. fo,t cash. 'Carpentier in the united States the F1%/ NR TAYLOR JOS, GREEN clatter would.. take, .;3:04,350 of the, 1 laicfnotie€x' Proprueto�r ;, sum as income tax. The Supreme, ,Court. of.New York. tP,hi\t-Mr neeeeee leeeece has'plrre has imposed a sentence of trona five ch.1 the farm ehrinerly belongarng to to ten years on former Assemblyman the ';rote, George E.1gie, lot 11, comas:l ei-Mon, convicted of violating the seen. 5, Stanley, for $5000. beaters criminal anarchy statute, /7;07/!t'i The Toronto Mortgage Co, raised its dividend from 8 to 9 per cent:, and the Canada Landed ee National Investment Co. increased itsdividend from 9 to 10 per cent. FRIDAY. Twenty-three die of the "flu" in Cobalt. An athletic Medium is talked of for Toronto. United States exchanges were clos- ed all day Thurday. Oxford County Councillors decided to increase their own pay. A. Hope Gibson, a well-known law- yer and sportsman of Hamilton, L dead, School estimates of the Toronto Board of Education total nearly four million dollars. The Lake Erie Fishermen's. Asso- cietlou asks for a commission to in- vestigate fishing, James McMillan, an aged resident' of Port Lambton, was burned to death in his home. Moscow is without bread owing to disorganization of the transport, ac- cording to a wireless despatch from that city. Premier Lloyd George told the House of Commons tliat he Hoped to next intrweoduek..ee, the Irish Home Rule bill A Washington despatch says the mortality rate due to the "flu" epi- demic this year was about half of that In 1918. The House of Representatives of the Arizona Legislatttra, have adopted a resolution ratifying the woman stet- (rage amendment, Suddenly attacked by heart dis- ease, Jaynes Carey, aged 18, died in t Toronto doctor's surgery before 'iedical aid could arrive. "Joe" Stecher suceessftilly defend ee his title of world's heavyweight wrestling champion in a match -gainst Windek Zbyszko. Cheers were given in the British House when it was intimated that Canada desired to snake a contribu- tion toward the relief of Central - Eu rope. Strang criticisms of the attitude of the British Government and the tented States toward the Irish prob- 1 ern were uttered by speakers at three !arge meetings in Toronto, SATURDAY. Woodstock, N.B,, had a =120,000 tire. The Duke and Duehess of Devon- shire visited North Bay. Hamilton City Council bought a site for an asphalt plant, Robert Lansing, United States Sec- retary of State, has resigned. D. W. Long, a prominent woollen merchant, died In Hamilton. 1 The First Battalion rei laces the old Seventh Regiment in. London. Sterling showed some strength in New York Friday, advancing to $3.41 %. Detroit club women at a. meeting eame out strongly in favor of hygenic marriages. Premier Hughes of Australia has ordered the banks to pay no money to the engineers on strike. Several Sinn Feinees were arrested in the course of a round -up by mill- tart' forces In Dublin Friday. Edward Fleming fell to his death in an elevator shaft in. Christie, Brown & Co.'s warehouse in Toronto. The Swedish steamer Soufa arriv- ed at New York Friday from Gothen- burg with 1,475 tons of newsprint paper. G. P. Magann, well-known con- tractor and lumberman of Toronto, died at his home from an attack of pneumonia. During the attacks by Nationalist forces on. Marash and Aintab, in Asia elinor, about 2,000 Armenians civil- ans were killed. Deaths in Toronto from influenza yesterday numbered 3 0 -the highest laily total recorded since the out- bteak c4 the -Present epidemic. The. Ontario Board of Optometry announces in the Ontario Gazette the new rules and regulations affecting optometrists and opticians. Polish troops, standing on their own soil, dipped the national colors in the tide waters of the Baltic on Tuesday, after the absence of Poland as a sea nation for 148 years. A test case regarding fines for de- fault in forwarding income assess- ment returns resulted in a decision that the penalty of $100 per day must be imposed on all offenders. MONDAY. Brantford expects a 3 -mill increase ou the tax rate. - Sterling demand bills rose in New York to $3.453/*, David Marshill, M.P. for East El- gin, died in Vancouver, B.C._ Motor bandits held up and robbed several persons in Toronto on Satur- day night. 0. F. Rice, former manager of the Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto, died Saturday. Rey. Dr. P. L. „Richardson, for- merly ormerly president of the Montreal Con- ference, died in Brockville. The British Government has com- pleted the purchase of the whole Pa- tagonian meat output for 1920. Some officials at Portsmouth Peni- tentiary -refuse to resign, althougk they have reached the ase lieait. Major J. E. Hagerman, f©rraec Warden of Durham and Northumber- landcounty, died in his'113rd year, Forty -four -Winnipeg rinks defeat- ed an equal number of outside rinks at Winnipeg on Saturday by 4711 to 4115. -- Stanislaus Zybssko, the giant Pol- ish wrestler, has arrived in America, and will challenge. Champion "Joe" Stecher, The 'treaty between Britain and Soviet Russia for the return of prig- one's is now ready for signing, it is declared. The storm of the week end tied up York. County transportation, and many physicians were unable to reach their patients. A memorial service to the dea.d heroes of the 169th Battalion • was held in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Toronto, Sunday. Ex -Emperor Charles of Austria de nies that he plotted to enter Hun- gary in aneaattempt to regain the throne of: that country. A Silver Coinage Bill introduced`' into the British House of Chancellor of the Exchequers Chamberlain giro - poses to reduce silver Colas trona 995 to 500 Nino -_ CASTO R IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ��,�t.I� she 7 et/ ftigna>ure of SCF -1001, REPORT, of S. S. Not 4, Usborne, for the month of January: -- Sr. '4--.Gerte Huntee'r 81, Aaice Thom- son 73: Sr. 3 -Howard Hunter 81, Ina Harding 77, Garfield Thomson, 75; 2nd .Class -Lula Hunter 90, Edith Hun- ter 73, 'Marjorie Hunter 72, Hubert Hunter 71; lst Class --George Thom- son, Marjorie Weisitclott, Lily Hunter, Gerald Ford, Doreen Westcott; Pr: -Mary Hunter' No. omi roll 15; aver- age attendance 13, L. M, Davis, teacher.. Nature's Mirror When a wo- mae ira WA And health,-- there's a mfr in Let eyes; i1 roe -tint in he cheeks; and mike has rich rad blood. After taking grease's tonic which Dr, Pierce oallai "Favorite Pre- aeriptiouNI there's elasti- city in every movement e e a spring in her step. Lore tonnes to every woman who hue bounding bealth--but when she is pallid, dull eyed, languid, she bas no maguetiem nor does she appeal to any max, SAVED k LIFE Elmira; Ont, :-,"3 have a very kind feel - big for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for it once saved my mother's life. When going through middle age her health failed ray fest; she suffered with pain in her herd and baokacke, in fact, she had pains and aches all through ter body. She lost weight,' was very nervous, woule become dizzy and at timerYaint and fall wherever she chanced to bo. This necessitated our watcbing her all the time, wo dared not leave her alone. She was as miserable as one could be and live. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription wse recommended to her. She took six bottles and was completely restored to good health." -MRS. B. E. UPTHE- GROVE; Box. 223. Zurich While standing .gin a hand -sleigh which was ,being paned by his little boy, Mr .Alex, Mosseau of the Breen. - son Laine, islipped of azul fraeturedboth bones of bis leg, lvi'r. Mosseau will be confined to his bed for some weeks, -Rev. Morrjs Eines of New York is spendeng''the Week here, -Miss Atanie Worm bed the misfortune while en- gaged iter hanging up some washing the kitchen to fajl oft" a chair and fracture both her arms near the wrist. Mr, ,and Mrs. jos, Meidinger of Con- gress,.Sask., have returned to Zurich rote aantead to make their future 'tome in this vicinity, --Mr, Orville Ehnen left for same an Calgary, Alta.,after spending some weeks here. Cromarty We have in stock, corn, oats, chop, and tankage -choice quality. We have ;coming a car of ogre quality western seed oats. Harvey Bros., Exeter cGi livray Mrs - John Potter of ifc,G3.11ivetay sesta nee severe ;injuries last week. Her husband was away from lionieend she .was feel ng the cattle,. She en- teree ;1 stall where a, nervous eow was tied. it broke loose and attacked Mrs. Potter,' breaking her collar borne awl her left arm: She badly cut about she body with the cows hoofs and is also suffering from shock. CLINTON-After only a, few bays rtiness the .death took place in Sarnia of Charles Brown, son of Mr. John Brown and son; ;izi law of Mr. James Levy of town. -The death occurred at Windsor on Friday of Erma Jordan. daughter of Mrs. John Brown of Cee ton, end wife of James E„ Young Tine cause was pneumonia, following in-- ' fluenza,.-Friday Mrs, Morgan Agnew! passed away. Her maiden name was l Maud Osborne, Besides her husband a baby girl afew weeks' old survives, also her mother.-elarjorie R„daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick \V. Watts passed away after only a few :lays 113aess of prneunvonia, at the age of 4 years. --Word was received here that Mrs Stephen Boboney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Mansell, for- merly of Clinton, had died from ins fluenza. leaving an infant son. She was 20 years of age HOW DOES IT READ ? Our Ina$iing list was corrected on January 15, If you paid your sub scription to the Advocate before that date and your label has not been changed kindly notify us. Don't„ al- low your label to read anything but 20 or p„.11 it Toes you are in .arrears and everyone, who sees your paper knows that you are in arrears. PROMPT RELIEF for taw aedd-distressed stpmach, 'r7' two or throe :i•iioI�S fsl j . diiywlred on the atom,aeln e#f era --the new »Y SOW B0Wtee Off acCYrt"s FeenneSIoN BLY'rH-A horse belonging to Councillor E. Taman broke away from the Blyth C. P. R. station Monday anal before, it got through with its mad rust it had ket,ocked down Mr. Rcbert J. Powell, br ..acing one of his ribs, and inflicting other bod:lr injuries, tis well as breaking two plate ;la's, eee- dOK 4 • MITCHELL -Bertha Chap. -nen, aged• 30 years beloved wife o" Jahn Beggs and, daughter of lMr. ani Mrs, Barry Chapman of ev*]:che 1, ,,:!'ed at her Nome en Detroit on ,Feb. •,7,th, after only a few .says' illness. • Dee;ea.eed anti contracted influenza wiiich devel- oped into prseumonie, SEAFORTII-A highly respet:tcd resident of Seaferth dl on Feb. 10 in. the person of efaxy Ann Owens, the wife of Robert Johnstin'. Her husband and grown-up family survive, two of then residing here -T" acid H. Jehn- sto te. YOU Must 3 Le It is not enouYh that you stop the cough, you must go bade of the elect and remove tkte cause. Thousands subject to colds and coughs find that • -.w awa three or four times daily works wonders in buildhaq up «stance. Scott's ei srwes power to strengthen by power to nourish • Better let s Enzulsion help ve the cause. Scott at, Bownc, cnemis, Ont. 19-97 A) tl qtatiec707'4""1--Ped WE ARE Ford Dealers in this distri& and have formed an estimate of the number of cars we will require to meet the needs of this territory:. We cannot get enough cars to fill that estimate because there are not enough cars. being made to fill all dealers' estimates throughout Canada. The number of cars we can get depends upon the number of orders we send in and the early date at which we send them in, as the Ford Shipping Department follows the rinciple, First Come, First erved. Cars ordered now will not be delivered until March and deliver- ies will be uncertain throughout the year. If you do not want -'to wait for summer 4or autumn delivery, y, come - in an � �: d re er;.. .:. •" s ve our car b signing an ea era Exeter 352