HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-19, Page 2The Welfare of theHome r• A. little a:"hiid begins by "telling telling what be had told her hi eon •mother". everything. Bumps or, fidence He was a rather quiet lad bruises, joys or sorrows, all are; but vent' deteim ! cd, and alto the" brought to her as naturallyas the visitor left be went to his mother and • __ ... child draws breath, and this continues' said: "Mother, I passel tanner the Address communications to Agronomist, 73 Ade€aide St, West, Toronto as long es he is totally unconscious: window and heard you telling ?41!•s. Sow a Farrowing Time, they crawl under it and the mother! of Himself as an iakdlr:dual. Blank what I t l.ef1 t,� n ;t t , men - The Brood er The time fer special care is alien t=on to anyere 1 tem welt le let f the crushes thein to death.1 dl d` he becankes a4vare of himself as a you ltnoya that . long 1 4 1 ' '.i ldi separate entity. From this time an, .ver -grain t. ao2 1 ycl intcresteal ithit:i te, .I word of ridicule, ei 5 ° a�a3 -�t 1 t 1 et' 11 thed make' Neve she was the mon important ani-' What pkuis Have you matte or Now hew should she be Ian farrowing sea on? Have you atone fair these first ten days. She sho t a 'cold load =z tri f. e .a air. an t n c h that be petted rubbed and made to u •` ^ x- •t 1 *- to ET ani 1 l a t. everything within your rear . he t•'nt will save you Ino.- pigs, a22 U1 eer.oevem in(i \S`etl' 1 the t tido"' ` 121 weal. 41 ,Ill , ea r3ae t V4'Hy ` a you the most money? It has been mai on the farm To that she will: when anyone,' sense of confidence or int xee!so deet:- meat fe " cal a t': a 1 g un m•H'12 tisat-t 1y that will shrink ht €63.1: htntsel.r 'fit t n 1 i; t3` a ' 'truly •l t,' 'n t l I• 1 by a t with contentmentw e li v i fialf many plea, lklF to eS have, r3 art9:9r t 2» ol1 y '}1<t never l2 stain t-tli•',. 1 13 Inmost e x ie tt I t.�! t3...;.. er been dollars to the hog owner.'' There ment that one van get in the peri anal,he: thct ht a r most seared fs ell!};* to' tatel. is nothing in the hog env that yields hazel! the young;. .Ciht. linaw3 1 tda' 1 is mother Or:' to t1}1yu1"2e ( lee. I11- Ixt Y + .l� a ° aim. t ,.... :el,. ca such, large returns as the time spent herdsman :Is her friend and will ammaahle -halm i; clone thrau s'.^ t,ry i•, t tz '2•" tit t ::..y in proper care anal management of her no harm. ' tl2oug 12t1e sr tt cel ley 1.1 e filo cIc- t, i •4 ! iz2 iH : = j } '.• a ,,$ Her feeding is equally aS impart-' ,x-, a s , x•x . x ! to " the brood saw previous, at, and Hart- �''' � a � t att51 pat f ui.'. ! a ,1:. • ic) T• 1,,., .. dt . i e.i; * ,e . . ly after farroy5'ing time, ant, She should have been fed rather: the. stage c:x tl.(e .h11 - e.ev�laniylet2t wc3h cc : _:!i- a, 1:,.;,::::::::;:,".a',:-.;:.1' ..3la 9 `.,:: . To begin with, every brood sow liberally on a protein ration :]hill to I•ev C•1•enee his ntticicitiality anal I(1vlctr !1 1 `ai. rltx e :i owner should have a record of the date through the gestation period. But ills right to :t. The !tlother losee the ensweree le tacie ,,^: t , at his sow was bred. Then he knaves; now she should by all means be fed r" Cate: t Paw" far gaol She e,o sts'ses,' as they email a;e4.,t I .t.:: i t , m e that sixteen weeks from that time on a protein ration but rather ligrlit. ane( mi see the '1 •, '> t ,joy and r ll ort:tit c else! 7 ` .: v under normal eonditaons he can ex -:.A good ration its one made bran. t C.liild<•nsE she can have by •not' :t!' tatter...t tile-, e 1 'ere 9Y,. ,^+ } - :3 peet hie solo to far ow, This aeep-, milk and middlings or,1.g l:L"! 3^l .lac 1 ae "'I Y}'. TF kms. lti� ZSi1e t�acc '1A t+' t )• :� ing; of records i; very important for Then it is a good plan to feed o. little; trou111.xs and tri. i 1,:i2 . The bitter ex,ti.,1 -1151 a ,ani 1 tae ;ion a how often has many a farmer left. ehareoal to satisfy that mineral! e , e her snot}__ of alt; their zit mean a a ad: ^` perienee will (sine to t e. e ' the old sow go, forgot all about t11'.s"desire of eharaeteiistie of hogs. By'• later of realizing; that her cb let is life with eppreeactioe c, ;Fl( .•t ,,• x creature, and much to his feeding tt rather liberal protein ra-; ehar112r thee' with Weather pereen and h_ .2.:a art l cif x .,'•�' valuable vreatt,ke, ... � ,. +i � , surprise, walked around the straw' than maw the pig eating stn -tinct ia.., ee mu -,t, thc\rw fort^, 1 a RI)xe .. tr 2lxy lave mai t :+1: r:s':aS •, i., t e.. a.. " 1 e, , stack on a "ertt011 morning and found: oaten eetel'64xheated whieh many times 11.11 2' to 1:•111 thrall he is. i :lila }ata i 4 s` i • t : '':`. I c Off. 't. i o12e1 causes the old sow to go to the sham'- 'it�,1 :44'e C4 fa,u .3`+r`)ltiti'I - •t C^r• ''' laisPEh''' ie " ti'r s.z n: ".)la {::!',:; enice litter m pig.. G rx . n ease that I remember yvhere a farmer' bees. Three to four days before far- t rot: avatid.illg ;h1 <:4t.a-t t104. i;;nt»411 e, th:',:1 111(,1'.,4 4 °;� forgot all about that he owned some rowing the ration should bee. -rem- • R'l! ah 12 it teen ":..ta .2`:e9• a�"11 t\'e ra''* 1'•n :" Y^; } ,f".,a';, a v' brood saws and one of which far-ely light so she will not Have a full. a,'..nin 17y y;] -o nate -4 ila4:a1 111 tta'r 444.40H'n`9tOa' t�laaal2 e"4altil o, tee"r rowed her litter one night near elle stomach when giving birth to her tl,l4t� is, nc c i,.. fait tEa li ,ten :tt entivcth t ' ' la , Mt lie liea, a op t :*i: th.1".x' water in a -reek. A.. storm carate up! young.andi•l,'lllpathetilall,•, nu 01 tt'ter at Thie is 1 i':': '1+•t` i':i i 1? brat/eat' during the night, the stream rose and, At farrowing time SOUle breeders' tcllat int anvenieneE, ;;11 11g,. your hest in tl 111 r1 t i, ewe i he is mrlt al washed the litter away, only to be say stick right with your saw, anti S !schen to help your ti?Id sere Ilio et'4%t41 :el i -.b c h I s. for a chill mai found two days after on the bottom as each pig is bort see that it gets' llt'ot41t44*l t e:tr:y fat himself. iiaoii learn in *lull-- 4ti:sl It - of the creek. Why? Just because' a teat and is started right on {zt'. Ai2oti:er is, !•espvet y -(.*2I` ell:Id i.. a moll-:, that lathe, 1d e uet :+ porky road. Then too, in case t•ie s;,,ritual bei'1r, alt individual tee alit- llluvl! i313ere 1 1, SAP. `.. 3;:g.z 1,/:10 IS to he was too negligent to scratch down• a few figures at thee time of breed- - ing. Now it seems to me that was pretty dear experience and mighty poor business. Should our business the sow alone, as you tllsturh tier, make bila ::atnffor1n to tt patce,•a of c ally i -t 44!4. I. themat ' eralt 4:a houses today proportionately make, m.:'•:e her nervous and fretful. I be-: your Men. fft•,a. i tee 2, V. c -ape-, tire such mistakes they would be forced lie='e :tat have found it to be a good rtetpe*t ycii Cleilal's ai= it4a 1.. t4h- To a: * , 4 ie*x . veati . tat sow has any trouble one can ge, ferent from all other 2 eic amiIs as Lap, and just as g;oo;l or perhaps' a veterinary attention or ea,' Is l one alio God meant Ilim to be, Meet him on 1 otter :14i'.•i::' t 4'III he vac...them.' can. Others say stay away and lease his oval ground, alai do not try to Tlhemm, '11'==•a 4=va r hie 3t/bee .. ("s ee - to the wail Bat the farmer will per- practices if, diming warm weather and ctlutely. On(•e h;>tr:a,.e al. it may ne:•t, .tae• t=.cce. *i3• I ie t"' `4 ,•1} let.x t,.,1 silt in doing leis old way with n guard rail around your pen, be given ag~•n•2n, • 1 ea,l.iir M :le atclielate 1 1...1 ) 'mere:, Of Granting that we know the date one need not worry, but during the A, \01M1 • late- of 1.1 1 t . tata.,:. tail t ola ;tag • a k': *taloa. 2tt .; . a, our sow is to farrow, a week or ten Calot 'weather it is best to be on the Hip t2t,t°a''i' ;;�xltlftlkiltgC tea xi••g?.t. ':C •t fide,. E ,.it l : ;i' oar1'4.ce days previous, the sow should be put ,lob and lose no time in glett nga the tern-hd hi40, "zA 1 :t.' 1 he1• Tat 9 ,,40.1'",,,,,,h , aI . , • 14 an her own pen by herself. Her new pig to :11e teat and if *e:t1 cold tell al:14:ite :bout it. 1','c.' ill the rig Fi rata ,•lr 111- `� t e'te,e., •mice hone should not be too large nor too le meaty tinges a 1vis:.ble to dry the he pa' ,.4 43.•141(4• 31i,e 9 Ay T. i +1.x •, �9 t 1:> ' i at 1 ,k - is one 9 x 6 feet or 10 x 8 feet! newly horn pigs with a warm clan t a ,4 , 4 : 1' . 4 1 •. • ;u ,:+➢•f' - i" �- hrlxiaih. the ;!: i 191• it Si aa eY,l ... is about right. It should be warn! ket. Too often pigs have frozen to with the. i' E'e;aalz;, zu*4 hce i , e.l he'2 and comfortable and protected from; death where, by a few hours of eloseattention. many elie•,te treatment, '4() t•'` tele ;S that •'34414 t.:.I••°; V. t•.4-�12 t. tial 1l:i• all drafts. A guard rail should be' a dollar cot e } feeds after farrowing should he 1 ,eter:ituot I'OII x tl..ys; 1='et to to e t ret' i ,,,, 1t i 'iN. around the outside edge. One made; been saved. from a 2 , 4 with the edgst bounded A11 ee s a . hvlio may net have. 11, ar( of i+ it 3114 - 0e a lame Sall �t�1 .te' 44s 4t, t .1: so that the bottom edge is about six kept away from the Saw for:;at least' I inches from the floor and about four twelve hours, olid' elle saccead be left 1,e asd t11at. iH . ts;i hat•': sisiladealt a rua a lay oft' 4 • gee, an lilt,` et inches from the wall meets the re -1 entirely alone. She hue !:used throatg12 c caro, one a-hal and tin'n eel tc• 1 wirh scale 4 f ; ell ei ail im a !eat 'acritical period, is sl and an a fee--; air. orae teat t4. a t^ c me:an. of.:;,ty1 6 c t4". quirements. The pigs then men get in; p 4 under the 2'c •7 and the old sow car,-# ered condition. Some breeders -Rill: z ' et='Pa'i<Il incl t(tr.; 1' t4ai itis or It is b•; z .ti hell- nt,s not crush them. Nextthe pen,sb,ould4 she should riot be fed 1before twenty-. clean ed lea m.x: pieetle, ,i t( te4 a tH{1.41+ <.tic. !e , 1,,, . a <E' Ii' Op, be be tboroughly cleaned of all dirt and'=. four hours but that is too 11 g. From' rubber ttUbe '. Marg•. . teri4 .,c ria'1d Vtt aOne. to, -n.,i•'s, a• i •t!,s c a,in,.. •tal' manure, Then a good sprinkling of `1 twelve to eighteen, hours sb.e can be! tube E11ruut'h 4.1 "ht ,lir ;s Imalperl st,arting, want . some coal tar dip or other disinfee-1 fed a light slop of skim -milk (toot' into the uda]i!2 The z +I: is -feel: upon .tI,1 1a tat iii i t.4 rf "4''''''' -'Ole tint is a' mighty good practice. It! middlings or a light gruel. It must 1taar (Naas-. 12 ;le! e elloy:e:. to lit �a,il a ^,]e, Ti !i• i , y t i '. ti tle makes one feel as though he was be remembered that the udder is full,, upon her side .lie teal be likely to lire at is tag hay( a t ac4., ie e;f' 4:<xt4t ttttits,l making a healthful home for the ;sow. of milk and g t many,'of pneumonia. 6 120 observation I have noticed that the 1 and inevitably the pigs win get ilia !e 2 •" ` ' to make the soil su2ta`elo, straw that is broken up is much het-' scours. It, takes from three to four law nand will vhf?) e. '1 ]1:' rete! ", i� ion Mel f s to baing the sow up to full feed may give y po determine x. t st e mine butterra y the inflation t0 I,e,e] mitt. the emelt; i)i Ct �t ,51 's mortgage lifter will make her own; and .after Haat time you can eom- 1y ! by feeding 00 soon If Tet 9t. is to In' tlicameel. Lime, mai- After sprinkling, plenty of clean times serlalls results show themselves. Large quantities of medically meet "re.ha" lava"' f 1 wool 1 44's or Ostrow should be put in the pen From Sovvs have died from such feeding, t be admin stored 1)y the hvaty of other fertilize re ere to 1• welt t1 loath fee the gar •can n�' •t'ti h ' dern2l treatment r i*h ` Then the gamily le to be meals .1' ter than the coarse stiff straw the day.g1 temally feed liberally fo! you then suffices. 'When a quarter has been ramounoradtas S,, ct.<Pea eta an 'Tee eta" aee _2 . ��w Oe c ,241444t>4 ;1.2SO 494, 1 L'3, if �•��?�'t� do r' t\ t•.j�., oat Bate -, TAGFOR .- w Pee: eaa, ens: c -f t ae;. z tags to your package, bale or bales 1.. t!> enpr ess car post office and it will be on its way t:k\aa,,w.:::: of others already in o4zr warehouse, s �. i,z . la".oct ii'vi put up in best possible shape, for the ;rg�a� ctio : a1"iit bids ca hundreds of eager buyers. Voll '.'i1e ;;et the opinions on your furs expressed in the ^:•= it:3 form of RECORD PRICES' by at least 300 buyera from t=�. i ,1lief great distributing centers of t:!!a t; orl.l. The 3 TA1`.!., ` NIPPER is' welcome—we want to prove 1. _l. to all conk igr?ors, large or small, our certain ability to thtrn real results. E�4z " :Illy ix. I:ACHING to offer buyers at this sale but €genu,il t a et . g - , Canadian furs in. ORIGINAI. collec- tion —tha''s all—just the best in the world! Immense: a"r;, xit itis z, of every variety marked on this tag are on h nd---ret r:o have not nearly enough--- there are not r.:i):3';ik Fats 'vr15C to supply the universally keen deN :: March 1st i, last receiving date; µl3 shippers are cordially invited to attend the sale. ADDRESS: Fn Auction Sales -Co., 7,,I14I F.J) �" MONTREAL Temporary Offices: "Windsor Hotel, Montreal l ate 4. • 1�5 t 40 �� ftp. in Quantity t �V- 6 Quality y Q Y / i!` ahs p makes the REAL market \t, - 7 t< 7,ytp. ch`ae? �aeG f t.7^k `fly 4° V2* e'? 'V' C04 RA t114� t! ff-r.m. ndfm 9 ]lie'. 1 ••e' •;a lint.: or -- ,r•bols are drawn on the you will put three or feta. is etc'% ^: stand..rtl a•dail cried , ul s .•Uiietthl j'a•„11i •t. bed to Stilt herself and you need not memo t0 ef' ukn ed full of iii?', a ride itt e iS t • ,et- plea t;'• 1nt12dtate the Ll2ffer this all each bifid, SOnl2 ... a4 ,t.,i 1e worry about that part, About three` are on your way to pork success. I, 1A p p the I)I^il2sii)al1 crepe k In 'to call - a.. l3 . , udin treat the mesa lightly tied around the teal- a,id th:4 ?yea ent crepe, ilisertitig the date when vent, the base of the lila. meter each days before the s;to take weeks is up Briefly cid g, £_' other quarters are sxn1414)1y tl'e'ate.i; gens File ;num aa''.1:14).t la”' t utrc," ''i 1 ,V*11 is to be planted. Where a see- tvirig, down the back and around the it is a good plan to out all wet! as elm should! be for you can well a then the udder iii: y be gently nlc1:�- `i'roy4. }att,'ata+t, , rtlri•lnber>, ..nuaslz tel straw and to continue~ to do so until ford to do so, use every caus precaution b i c,n41 crop is to follow the same row, back of the head, you will find this time because too often `arefl. The treatment ie repented if n2clon-, v Iii:1} mate; to much %pegs' or avvupy the same ground, this may• will absolutely get rid of aus' 4.1 fill nn she farrows, each time putting dxyl at farrowing the cow (hoer, no, soon recover. in prapa41tion to thb� :4'l eIrlg be written �n red or t4?t1e, hv'==.lith indi-� lice. You must do this, htrc:cvar" on straw bac]( in the pen. One should• minutes at the erltical time have cost -��-y�., � . • I9ttle bed of l?ars_r=y, 4hive' o1 be 'careful not to give her too much, owners unknoyyn dollars, and finally!' • rates that ]t- is to be planted when ant every bird, without skiprieg one. • ether hobs may be .an+c,l s4n ac uu . t lx f d• bed,plain common sense and the' Plaan. our Garden No ' f tale ail n•• '' c " 1-- ' • • 3 tt ft x''i ,;idler crop is Quer. In laying out. v �u.s • enoug; ora medium as too . use ,fus , h o ' c :". t 4 much mal=es it hard for the young old brood sots' will bring you a2 hind -i It is a good idea to plan the gai'tlen spray !;hen 4vanttd. the plan the owner should consider ,.. caw 90.11 pigs to crawl over and many times some re;vard• 1 tie( amount of each vegetable neves- ` �t e, ' ,e, ion paper, keeping in mind the idea of preliminary l•lalzninc, of the eery for a serving for the famiIp. f _.,.�•._,., _-._ a._ - _ _ ___.__. thawing fresh vegetables throughout garden arouses. the ixlto .se of the ss selling- at the same old. urics a32- umstances, and the system of the, the season, making the land prmin:e children anal 2neoarag;eg them to ale Also beer in mind the ]habits of the Doted lone„ larlyPure sugar cine Treacle., c lanes �o as to allow space enough be - Cows, it regularly. 7eeed i. to Yo:zr oison d " a result.' two crops. The smaller the garden' their snare in cultivating sand weed Planta' th ie th 3 COW become:, p try eea2 e xf2 Such a cow is subject to milk -fever, plot, the greater the necessity of an- ,ng it.. The Health, outddor r crea-' t4 eenh for the interplanting of later or any other disease, and when at -i tensive cultivation. t tion and the Yalu. n training 1. ,rap = aaedtft;r ea -y caltivation. The While milk -fever of the cow may tacked is liable to suffer or quickly As soon as the plan is co,np.etea. ehilduen manually and inculcating, arul/a cultivation of course is easiest when attack the animal at any time of the succumb, obtain the seeds and fertilizers re -'habits of lldustry and order• is not to; the rows are 13� to 2 feet apart, was hen year, it seems most prevalent in late In addition to properly feeding=? cleared. Get the ground ready as soon be overlooked.,t this permits the Ilea of wheel culti- e winter or early spring. That at least xerci�iug and stabling the adult cow.. as the weather permits and sow the Having decided whet is to be plant- ; ar air proper Cows, Pigs, Horses, Sheet, and watch then take on weiffht. Sprinkle it over straw, old hay, ani2 all other fodder. It Keeps Stock HerlEhy Builds Flesh Faster 1 gator.%. u1...s which r:•tl-e a high tee writer; ca. erience of the but l -- p 6 ,that is nearan�, the calving time as: lot tiny and Climate may alter the preventives of milk -fever, it is rineport e22,27 in some Circumstances. We ant to treat her properly at the time' aU th, r', that it irdieat. s lack of rests- of calving- If she is .fat and const.-! tall power, , and the '3sease will there- pated she shaa.ld have bran mashesee fore l meet liable le' to strike when re- feentaining flea: -seed -meal toward the4 c ax t their to za " freshening, at 1 i Cows Give Mlle lag:k : growth and cam heave shade nater- • ��7 5�m :i � l ally hotzld not 1 e located where they at cants down cost or feeding, A vain, � j 1 - l+'f a a+ ( mala conditioner at decidedllr reasonaa'3le 71ti:4�e� ti��. �+l�av�e�} ` • will interfere with sail loving small cosy;• mate of pare sugarcane remasses. Buy it by the barrel. Obtained from all firaxt-claps dealers. � Dee plants. d°14 Know a� 1.;lily , O j The planning may be e�,tendecl also Se -sad for fcotl:11S circulars and 14rice. I to the planting of small fruits, such Cane Mei; Co., of Canada, Limited e^ 1. e a time or res 2en:ng, anu calving a �. 1 as currants, raspberries and grapes, 118 St Paul St. West, Montreal, Que Tia": iia.„ „lc,.n is when Cows have full dose of Epsom salts (one pound,- q To Ile farming is a ganae, lame' depreciation, and insa9'arace cost! and even to the locution of apple or been fisc; up in hot, badly ventilated or. more) in vearm tater as a drench, of us play it as a game of skill and money, one soon if :Fria s to figure the other fruit trees,s 11stab?es for many months, and duor smaller doses, say four ounces a; raaa., me win. Those who win lase their brain operating ..costs of a farm , motor! Where there are very small chit- •s a that time have been heavily fed a day, for a week before that time. It' as well as thein hands. They retinae truck, and once started an this fas-i (Igen in the family, a separate small �m retien rich in the protein necessary is best that the bowels should be ac=, that bumper crops alone do rot insure einatinggame we continue to use our plot should be set aside for their play Tor mill. production. It seems cer- five at calving time; exercisi, helps ..access. peneil until we know to a penny what i gardens. If they have their own vege- tali:, at hews-, that pampered cows, induce such a condition. :a 4 , The successful farmers of any cone- � oar, various falil, operations cast us, tables which they are free to pull up, " of dae_,. ,arced, that have had two er ' When the calf tomes the wideri inanity are the men 'who study rests n2 ,r;: calvera are most susceptible to should not at once be milked dry.) as much as :they study production. aft r+], and ,it is slut cows that are That is a common and serious error We must know what anything we art -erred- for the maximumin management. Let the calf suck milk produce costs before \ C can sell that ,t alzy.ction, _ i for three or four days and milk -fever product auccessful3,y. Havine =clt a cow the owner hates . will !Wait be likely to occur, or strip Among other things tile farm mo-• to dry h-er oaf far six week( before, away' c2,Iy a little of the milk three for truck has set us thinking about calving or to withhold rich feed. He or foul' tinges a day at first, for the cost o%,pioductiarl. With the team wish(.,, to have the cow give as much disease. strikes in ate worst form in method of hauling it was so easy to milk as possible and calve when in from a few hours to two or three gloss over the expense account with high condition, that she may again days' after calvng• the mistaken idea that, as we had give a big "mess'' of mill(. That sys- Remember that it may also attack teams, wagons, -horses, harness, hired tent of management is wrong' anti a cow that is going on lush spring hands, : etc., it did not cost us much often disastrous. {, ass. Keep the bigmilkingadult to perform' any farm operation. a We Mill. -fever never attacks a cowl co cow off rich grass just just before freshen- 'bad a hazy idea thaire probably cost; teat ,is in natural condition; It is un-• ing, and feed her dry hay and light, known on the range where cattle run` : Iaatiive mashies, as is done with the out, It is a disease of domestication,cow in winter, If the udder is great- overfeeding reat-o eerfeeding for great production, and ly congested and attended : before of weakened constitution, the result calving, massageit well two oe three of pampering, lack of exercise, pro -1 times daily, and even strip away some longed lactation, early breec:.ing,'stintof the serum which will be found ula4iilg feed and warm stables. present. Also give a physic and re - To prevent milk -fever every dairy duce rich feed. eoa•a elmuld be "dried off" for at least te!Phe first symptom of milk -fever +p� sis weeks before calving, and should * ually is > restlessness, as manifested have enough exercise every clay by stepping up and down with the throughout pregnancy tokeep her hind feet, thrusting out the tongue; muscular anti to regulate her bowels, then .'follows weakness of the 'nand The pampered 'cow beeomessoft, slug- parts, s,lpprese+ion of mlilk and feces, gieh' and constipated. Effete matters and finally paralysis and unconsci- oi the blood are riot elilnlinated by oneness, t'_,c :4», :cnLi kidney- under sL':,:11 c;i- it ..tell]:; almost unnecessary, to in -1 us something to haul a load to town, but we did not take the time to figure it out. . a It costs a certain sum to make a pair of shoes, a gun, or a damp. It also casts t1 definite amount to cut down a tree, to plaint an acre of corn, to deliver a load of produee •in town, or - to build -a iriae o fence. The shoe maker, the gunsmith, and" the lamp manufacturer know to the free - of a cent what it -costs •bhezn to place their finished product in the hands of „ the dealer, . but hew many farriers know what it costs attain to put their product in the dealer's bands. la Every Ben Nine times out of ten a thi2:king, examine or treat as they like, they are New system of ,poultry Keeping—Get i`armer is a successful farmer, and a less liable to .conduct their juvenile Dollar A Dozen Fops—Famous successful farmer is one of the most botanical experiments in the garden Poultrymttln, successful men in the world to -day. which is being grown for serious U1 `ar'hen we first began to use motor poses. trucks on our farms weefarmers had me. ' an idea that about the only saving T. Gera: Rid of Chicken dice. the saiviii of time 7 saysry e wanted to know for certain Ail the spraying of chicken houses ;Expert Tian ord, tio• i • iv h t t effected bu " ELLS HOW "The 'great trouble with the poultry business has always been tt,at the laky- M life of a.. hen was.tot, •4I ort? would be we • ' ch oil yuan- to -do will mot et teen so we oted down ex else items and which y g J p years I:tlitor .of Poultry Sucecss.: f aid of this insect, as It is found On rhe f35•erage pullet 1a.. 150 e,;;;'41 If ton -mile haulage in our 1'll, boobs liet,t the secor3d Year, she may lay 100 'ver faithfully, and ween too: struck the bird, while you are spraying the more. then she E;oes to nxiricel et. y y, ca very- it has been scientifically esital,lished a balance we got the surprise of our hails..' '!.'his louseyou n east 'that e • : pellet is born or hutch- bt It=ith lives—•.Hauling by truck only rest half what it cast to haul by team! After that we -sharpened up our pencils, and figured the cost of other farm opera- tions until we knewexactly lvhere we stood. The motor . truck brought the six- ton platform scale to our farms; we were curious to know what our loads really weighed. We had an idea that "guess weight" was as expensive as had ;'been the team -hauled method d delivery. The income tax gets much credit for putting maaxming on a business basis, but this is a mistaken 'idea. We motor -truck farmers were keeping R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. books 'before we thought of paying R Limited ily" get rich .of if you Ivill use sodeum over one thousand minute egg g'erixes in fluoride, commercial grade. If the her •system—incl will lay them on a' highly profitable .basisovi •• • pe •pr1 tiY druggist does not handle this in your four to six years' time i e 9,itt. ell • oper town, I feel- sure he will get it for care. you. Th's"„is a white powder, and if every hen; how to get .millets laying early;- how to make the old hens lay like. pullets; how to peep up l eat.y egg 'pro- duction all through. cold winter months when. e s aro hi -lest` tri,le o ' ro- :Flow to work to get 2,000 eggs (loin 0 l; K 1 5 Fog p .00 0 1 1 r .• ns h elle• : 6. t'"•t duction' mak sac to 74e u $ . t C [g 'TOS V 1•.... - in ':[. u•lnter ro it � n e e hen ai p y months. These and ;Many other money FOi4 malting poultry secrets are contained in Mr. Trafford's '1,000, EGCe `IIF,1'7'' sys- BEDDIf NG l� tem- of. poultry raisiflg, •one appy of, tq p ` p • which will be sent absolutcry • free to B Waw! it �fi arty reader of this paper who keeps six hens or more. i5ggs should go -to a dol - Write or phone for Special Car -tot lar or Mere'a dozen .this winter. This,. Prices. means big profit to the poultry heeler who gets, • the egg, lSr.•"7"ra,Lord tells how. If you keep chickens and. want them to make money Ter you, cut out. this ad and Psend it with your name and address to Henry • raffo9d, Suite 630 1), Tyne Bldg., Bingg is nteton, N. a ,, and a free copy of "TIE 1,000 144;(1 RIM" will be sent by return mail. an income t5Z; ;end, -,'hat is :Y1y t'e T- NTo. ' e2 YONGE ST., ORO Because gasoline, tires, repairs,pay this tax, --"al, A,