HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-19, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR
Our /�
lthe Advances property has been enak- �•.• l CAMPAIGN
Assessor Richard Haulier is on, itis
Corner official sounds just snow. Judging b
Dante Fashion having apparent
etteche3 the limit in evening gowns,
has now decreed that skirts for day ,
wear ishan come no lower than one
inch below the knee next season e
F'ourte,en inches is the regulation
length. Judging ,by the showings of itI�
models by the most prominent cestum I
ers, while there is c�an,siderabie 'tray_ j
iety in, cut anJ,texture, the main rule
followed by.the design;ers of next sea_
.son's go'sv is that woman's form must
be a-evealed as much es possible..
rang there will be some increases' in
The first two weeks of February
were all that could be desired for
winter weather but trouble in the
sham of stormis of wined and snow
came 'ea again this week.
It is rather surprising to learn,, that
the .Dominion Government, during the
past year, has deported moue than a
thousand alien Reds; The work was
Jone quietly, without any fuss, not
spectacularly las it was Sonne by our'
neigh_bors across the line, It is good
,Ii the .
country 'ediitor were to snap
r at all the induc{emeas held ;cut he
p' wound .soon, become, a millionaire, If
he ran, a paper according to. the popu-
lar notion. he would be in the poor-
house. If he published all the items
that were sent to him het would be irr
j If thetime and in the hospital
the other half.
AMERICAN DOLLAR WORTH $1,17 n{'rk: «ell done -Hamilton. Herald
Time was cn Cana;dja when,, the Am
erican ,dollar to -day worth $1,17 in ou
Canadian .money, could be picked u
for 40 cents, Those were the far -oft
days lof the Amer.Ican, Civil, 'war, be-
fore most of the Canadian money mag-
nates had entered the world, and, when
Sir Edmund Wacker, `president of the
Canadian ,Band; of Commerce, :was a
youth in his unele's private banking
office at Hamilton where ,to handle
h great influx of depreciated Ameri-
Casa money separate ledgers were kept
for ;it and our own Canadian cuzenc. ;
U*n't let people cough, sneeze or
talk be your face.
Keep all uri.eleau, articles and your
flingers out of your mouth.
Keep away from seek people, if you
your hands before eating.:
Avoid �exposurle and fatigue.
Get a proper prgportipa of work
OW and rest
Eat plain. food,
Breathe fresh stn `
Don't dower your resistance to dis-
ease by upsetting your stomach,
Avoid overcrowded places as fax as
Keep your feet dry and your body
Most ,important of all, keep your
fingers out of your mouth and nose.
I'ersaone showing the least suspicious
symptom of the disease, such as chill
heartache, muscular pains), fever, back-
ache, sexhaust:len should go to bed at
once end 'send for • a doctor.; Have
enough bed clothing to keep you warm
end hexa' the bedroom well ventilated.
Take a laxative and eat only light
foords. Allow 7n:e one to sleep Lo. the
saint room, Protect others by cough-
ing or sneezing into bandkercbiefs .as
cloths which shou!lc1 be bailed or else
burned. Stay in bed, two or three, days
after you think you ere well, or until
the ,physician says it is safe to get tie
-remember matey + of the severe .cases
are the ,result of getting up too soon,
Phone 81a
quick to seee, the merits in our
erin s of •ME '
have an abunudalnce of' seasonable
eepeglally selected.
on may -shop for the whole family
II an;i'effect a great e sa
Tailor& Furnisher
Federal health authronatti,es say that
epidemics of .ineluenzaa un, Canaria tare
rapidly subsiding., While outbreaks en
some 1oeal ties have been, fairly dee-
astrous it has not been nearly so. bad
as in 1918. Ontario las been the
worst sufferer'. Influence is rime- in
many places yet, -and every precaution
should be taken;
Mrs, .Been Gratton of Bounty, Sask.,
M remitting her subscra,ptiom to the
Advocate, ian,part says t -'This has been
a long, cold wirutert We have bad
sleighing since Oct. 21st, Ini fact the
winter set an so early that many of
the farmers were unable to thresh
their grain, and were also unable to'.
harvest their potatoes,
The Board of He;4th last week put
the barn on all public meetings -•-chur-
ches, scbools, theatres, skating rink,
etc.,-eommencimg last Sunday.. Exet-
er has very .retie influenza and the
Board is anxious to prevent .the dis-
ease from ;getting any serious hold in
town. 'Citizens are requested to ob-
serve. the regulations, amt] to do all
they can to assist the Board.
The Logic of cods is simple enough.
Treat a cold respectfully, put it to bed
for the first twenty-four hours and it
will retire from the sonee with grace
and speed. On the other hand ignore
the ,existence fora couple of days�rr�.d
it will gather such strength that soon
you won't be abee.to think of anything
ease, ,Keep up the fight ar week or
so. ;Conger, going about your business
as usual, and there's an even, chance,
inn the present state of heeeth statis-
tics that the cod woun'•t bet a cold any
more but will have put on the dignity
of iinfluenza, And influenza treated
with contempt can show its metal by
turning into any dine of a number of
things that etre worse.
The fraternal orders are a national
blessing They promote thrift, econ-
omy, sobriety, without freezing the
soul into ,selfishsuess, es, in apt to be
the ease tin, the usual struggle for
wealth dor a high social position. They
bring mein into closer relations, :end
cherish those feelings that thrive and.
put forth blossoms in each other's, wel-
fare. They make men thoughtful and
helpful, expanding the sentiments ,of
love, •charity and good will.. They
teach us the religion that breaks bread
to the hungry, gives a cup of water to
the thirsty, watches at the bed of the
sick, visits the imprisoned, the father-
less and widows -duties that are sad-
ly neglected,anid, for a long time were.
supposed to be confined to the church
The Township of Hay ,,has set aside
$1000, which Is tto Abe invested, and the
interest each year is 'to provide
scholarships for ,success�eul pupils in
the various pubee andsepa-ate schoois
throughout the township; such schol-
arships to�be known,as the War Mem-
orial Scholarships, and: to be awarded
pupils accordirnug to merit and as may
be determined by the Municipal. Coun-
cil. Also the Council decided to pure.
chase suitable and appropriate meed-
•cis for presentation to the parents, or
immediate relatives of the deceased
soldiers aof our Towaship, and to our
returned sroldiers, who; enlisted . for
service, and whose residence was, at
the thne of their 'enlistment, or now
is, tin our. Township, And for such pur-
pose thee (sum of x.400.00' be paid out
of the• ,general fund of the, Township.
For some time ae;gotattioms have
been going on between, the Ureter]
States 'and q !Canada a • authorities
tali. tt
regarding the unsatisfactory condi-
tions of the exchange, sfituatitom one.
postal' orders; between, the two. coun-
tries, d as aresult, he a; r
i n hereafter, when
a :nlon,ey order of te United States
is presented in Canada the payee will
receive the Amount of ithc•..face'value.
of the order, and;in addition. a Per
enetege of the amount to'brimgr the to-
sum..,about equivelert£t in Canadian
money lo the Amounit ;of the order at,
the current trate exchange; that is'the
Department will have to;pay approxi-,
mately enough to bring it up to par,
less a reasonable margin as, pra,cc-
titoan against loss on fluctuations. i:tt eat-
change. There .will be no premium on.
money . orders under five dollars At
presentht,'for example, on ;a $100 order
the Department will allow a premium
of ' $10.' The exchange now.is at 16
Per cent, the 'Department keeping
back 6 per cent, to provide for fluc-
.A ,regular meeting of the I\funicipa
Council was held on Monday, Feb.
Ab ' -'•
1 i Never in the history of the Chris- j err. Murray Mott is ill and can
time Church 'was there a greater fined to his roam.
task assigned to the church to a Ger cl i
complete within a time so short, ah Iarxlon. sprained his ankle
than the task involved in the Nation- th? ether day and is forced to remriin
al Campaign, and never did the peo- ut o rs as a result,
pie of the living God respond more air. Herb. Hanlon, traveller ,is home
nobly than the people are responding onTthe sick list.
now. On Tuesday a,m., 9 o'clock,' he Elston saw . mill, owee' Ity Mrs
(February 1 th) the churches of Tli"as. Elston, Ins been sold to Mr
Exeter District stood as follows: H Widlert of l)asnwaocl, who iv it
Promised Allotment convert it into a flax mill.
Main St, $3,628 $3,412 The objective of the Methodist
James fit. 4,5 09 5,706 church here in the ForwardMove
Parkhill 1,217 2,508 meat was 51619, alai this sum has
,325 2,604 been subscribed, end passed by abou-
Centralia 2,336 2,237
Eiimvilie 2
Hensel} 2,600 3,044 ° ;Ver Maxwell Bentham of Crow Lake
Crediton 1,1,223 2,106 Ont., came here today and wie. re
Grand Bend , 2,477 urn. with his wife and baby friday.
Sylvan 373284 1,921 t Mrs. Spencer and daughter, Jewel,
AulsalCraig 1,757 of St. Thome v ted with tete roan_
ca 3,600 2,9;}6:aater
Granton 2,877 2,877 .part of last week.
ae sister, Mrs. H. Mills, the I
Woodham 200 2,695 Miss Fortner evseted at her home,
Kirltvton3;625, 2,761 Hyde ,Park over Sunday.
Mein St. Exeter; Centralia, Lem,' A League has been orgamieed en
Granton and Kirkton went over the, eh .ra�neetiori with th•e Moeh
top, ° j ere. and offers were ethelecteddistChurlast
' The outlook is most eneourag- Wednesday night,. The newly form
Mg. -For thiswe thank God and take cell gue tvrll hold a membership
courage,. Storms and sickness have gathering routes', the present mem-
hindered the canvassers in many }o- bership dividing themselves into two
cantles, nevertheless it is .hoped that bo'lies for the purpose of soeiciting
with the extension of time for one hew members, the losing side to pro,
week, much will be aecompl}shed, vide a so-.•,iaj.
Dear reader, if you have not sub- Mr, William Colwell last week so' ;l
scribed you are not too late, for theeone of his farms being lot 6, Con. 1
door is still open to you, ddulp't, to Mr. Brown of Stephen,
he Publicity Man •l'he prac,, is said tes have been. about
Ceunciilor Elston, The min-
utes of the meeting held Jan. 26 were
read and approved.
Correspondence was read as re
lows: -Thames Quarry Co;, St, Mary
re. prices of crushed stone; elegers
vine Crushed Stone Co, re. price o
crushed stone; The H. B. Keened
Gravel and Supply Co,, re. price o
gravel: The Paris, Santd and Gravel C
Price 'list of gravel will follow.
Chairmen Hind, . members Huston an
Doerr at the Public Utilities Commas
sign waited on the Council regardi;n
motor pump for Water Works plan
After discussion it was moved b
Councillors Ward and Penhale, the
authority .be given the Public Utlitie
Commission to purcase and Install
hydro motor pump for the purpose o
Pumping water for the water work
,)avis and Penhale, that an adver
tisement be inserted in the Contrae
Record, also the Canadian, Engineer
Toronto, giving ,nonce usd asking fo
tenders for the construction of a
street pavement, Three insertions, Al
tenders to be in the hands of the
Clerk on or before leiarrch 20, 1920
at 7 o'clock p, m, -Carried.
Auditor eiawson was present with
his report, and the same wastaken
as read on motion, of Penhale and
Davis -Carried.
Per Ward and Davis --That the
Reeve and Councillor Penhale, be a
committee to interview the Deputy
Minister of Highways at Toronto, re
street pavement. Carried.
Penhale and Slaves --That the mo-
tion of January 12th fixing salary of
the assessor be rescinded, and titat
the salary be again fixed- at One
Hundred and Twenty Dollars. Car-
ried, ,
Per Penhale and Ward -.That Mr.
R. N. Creech be appointed as a mem-
ber of the High School Board. Car-
Tib following accounts were read
and passed on motion of Ward aid
Thos. Sanders, labor R&13 acct.
9,15; Sidney Sanders, do. 9.00; Rd,
Davis, team and labor, 17.40; John
Hunkin, team and Labor 4.80; F.
Mallett, labor R&B acct. 2.00; Sam
Elliot, Jr., labor R&B acct. 1.50;
John Gillespie, Jr., do. 2.50; Jones
& May, seeds, Library acct. 3.15;
W. 3, Bissett, laundry acct„ curtains
Town Hall .00; The Bell Telephone.
Co. messages 1.9 5.
Adjournment by Davis.
.Jos. Senior, Clerk.
Local News
Mr. ,Ch} s. Carse load: ,his house on
Main Street Monday to Mr. JohnRow-
1iff e, Landgn Road north, The price
was $2600,
Mr. Fred May has purchased the
dwelling of Mr. John; MacDonald sit-
uated ton wain Street nearly opposite
Main Street Methodist Church,
Mrs, Wm. Russell, Se, received word
Saturday of the death of her youngest
sister, Mrs. George Ryckmzn, at South
Boardman. Miche Deceased had been
a sufferer from bronchitis and was 59
years of age.
Dr.. Graham has been appointed phy-
sician to Returned Soldiers, who will
-be ,privileged to receive tr.eartment
at this hands free of chargee This is
a ,privilege that will doubtless be much
appreciated lby returned men.
The 'Church Army of Landon, Eng,,
have authorized me to receive appli-
ctatiions from tfarmers desiring help this
coming ,summer,, A party of ex-ser-
ve,ce men, money experienced, is due
in Tioronto about April 5th. For fur-
ther infiormat"vom,' apply to ,Rev. A. A.
Trumper, Exeter, phone 69.
The Traictor"Schaoe, by the In+ter-
national Harvester Company at Ward's
Walitehrousc was. well attended last
week and much interest was shown.
vfr. Miller, expert, was unable ,to be
presentt towing to illness, but Mr. Mc-
Conkey, the arssistam+t manager, at
Lo=ndon was pre,sanit and deinonstreted
the workings iof the 8-16 and Titan•
Mr. Peter M. Moor has sold his 100-
acre farm on the +Thames Road to Mr.
Thomas Camerae.: The, farm: is a good
one and the price was in keeping.
161st ,COLORS TO B.
Ata meeting of the 33rd Regiment
in, Clanton on Saturday lash, at which
General Penet was preserrt, it was de-
cided that thte'Regiment was to be
continued to be known as the 33rd
Regiment° and Col. Combe was chosen
• Q.
as the , ,
commanding nm d
n n aflscer, To � o � per-
petuate the_ nsemary of the Huron
overseas battalion the regiment's first
batttadiiou is to ire called the 161st. 'it.
wassa agreed
al to deposit the 161sT
Colors (which were presented: to .the
battalion at Camp Bordeln, by the
Soldiers' Aid Society ,of Exeter) ' in
:Exeter and a,11 honor's, ,to be- awarded
to the different battalions to which
161st (men went, namely, the " lst,18th
47th Celle 58th, are to be inscribed on
the Colors of the 161st battalijo;n.. It
was ,suggested that the colors be de-
posited on May 24th next,, "when°Gen;
P.amet will,be present The committee
in change of the arrangements is. Col;
Combe. Major Heamatn and Capt. Mc-
Kegney;` M.C., formerly chaplain, of
the 58th
Mr, Wel BairnGy visited in Brussels
a few Sys last week.
Mr. Richard Terry attended the fun-
eral of a niece in Londdoui, lash week.
$12,000, wixich es somewhat of a rer
oral in. this district,
was i
. hm;i re. Bradford
Gredi��or� aveifrr SirTn:lavo,.pso
Mrs. J. lent visited friends in
TOGS WANTED -The undersigned i,rlandeboe fora few days.
�r^lel purchase in the tree or delivered et. lee E ebb spenat the weer; eendBasswood, Elm and Maple Logs In;any 'tis home here.
quantity, far which the highest cash-----.�--
prices will be paid, -F. Kerr, Crediton,
We have in stock, corm, oats, chop, ElamVlIe
and tankage -choice quality.
We have ,corning a car of extra
quality western seed oats.
Harvey Bros., Exeter
Mr, August Bill, who has most sue-
eessfully conducted the hotel in this
village for thirty-one years, has retir-
ed from business, and on Saturday last
he was made the recjpient of a suit-
able present from his many friiendre
Mr, Hill has always been accomoclet.
?,ng to the public ate has{ well earned
a„ rest, 1 -Us successor, Mr. W, J. lfai-
;•eft, is ote of .the best known hotel
men of the district and it naturally
follows that.,,he will make a success
of the business; He took possession
on Monday aired+ is ready to serve the
public with medals endr,lodging.
Owing to the presence ,of a few
cases of infeuenrza, and in order to
prevent tarty further spread of the: dis-
ease the churches and schools have
been c c ed
untie further notice.
The short :course in •judging rrrf
heavy 'horses and beef cattle, which
was slated for Monday evening, under
the auspices of South Huron Board
of Agriculture, :failed to come off
owing to the stormy weather.
Mr. Herb Eillber is confined to the
fined to the house, being on the sick
Monday eight's slbrm blocked things
up- pretty well; and ,we got no mails
that .day. The noads were soon, made
passable, however.
We have in stock, corn, oats, chop,
and tankage -choice quality.
We have ,coming a car of extra
quality western seed oats.
Harvey Bros„ Exeter
Mr. Thos. Klurnpp has moved into
his new houses aid will soon hand aver
his confectionery business to Mr. F;
White, the purchaser,A Mr. IClurnpn
will be 'employed gathering cream for
the focal factory:,
etfr, and Mrs. Sam'l Hey 'of Blake
spent ,Sunday in towtnt at the ;hoarse of
Mr. 1'. Fassold
arr. end Mrs. Goch alnd daughter,
with her family, from the West, spent
the week -end with friends near Lan-
Mr, Clarence Kellierman is suffering
from blood poesonvng in his hand.
A few cases of ".flu" are in town,
but els. yet it has not spread very
much. A few 'houses are yet under
quarantine for scarlet fever.
Some of our scaicrstnific experts are
working on new inventions en the way
of sleigh -propelling devices by motor
power. An (exhibition was given on
the streets one day this week.
The r W. M. S�: held their monthly
meeting at the church on Thursday
ofa t
d week. -Mr.
a d
n ,,Mrs,. N. Ogden
and Mr, and Mrs, Albert Gunning were
visitors et the home of Percy Pass -
nitre on Wedtneeday ;-Services were
withdrawn yon Sunday on account of
stormy weather, which prevented the
pastor, Rev. SimclSlii, to be pres!ent,
-Mr. and Mrs. A, Gunning spent
Tuesday at Mr. Frank Parkinson's. -
Mr. and Mrs, John Wright were guest
at the home of Mr. Thos, Gunning on
Sunday last,o•Mrs. John. Stevenson: is
under the weather, suffering from a
very heavy cold; -Ml's. A'. ,Steele of
Toronto is ,spentdiryg a few days with
her parents, Mr, anti Mrs. Philp.
Fnooks;-Mr. Amos . Muxworthy was
confined to.the house last week, suf-
fering ,from.,;loom litis,--Canv4assers.for
the .Forward; Movement Met with great
success luring the, past week, they
having reached- ther' ,objectivet--Mr,
and Mrs. Win; Tookey of . Lucan were
week -end visitors with the {tatter's
pir.:nts Mr, and Mrs. Albert Gun -
Death of Lyda Horne, -There pass-
ed to the unseen world art the home
of her parents on Tuesday, February
17, Lyda daughter of Mr. and -Mrs.
Wesley Horne, alt the youthful age
of 13 years, 5 months ,ani 21 days,
She had been a victim of rheumatic
fever and heart trouble, from which
she suffered 'three attacks, beiay ease
fined to her bed for over six weeks,
an 1 while she fought the disease we h
a brave young heart, and at times there
were bright prospects of a comp u.e
recovery, but the ravages .of the dis-
ease •proved too great and her bright
young life was brought to. an ee-.It
Lyda was a favorite with all her
young school mates, who will, be great-
ly grieved to learn of her death. The
bereaved parents will have the heart-
felt sympathy of their many friends
The funeral will take place to Zion
c1enetery ' to -day (Thursday).
Mr, W, R. Abbott, who. has been
quite ill for same tilittle time, is now
improving necely and is on a fair way
to recovery.
Smith. -In Stephem, London Road, on
Feb. -11, to Mr. ,and Mrs. W. J.
Smith, to sron Stanley Stewart.
McAllister In London,, on Feb. 15th
to Mr and hers, W. J. McAllister,
formerly of Exeter, a daughter,
Cantu -In Exeter, on Feb. 18, to Mr.
and. Mrs. S. J. V. Cann, a son -
Thomas Bruce.
Andrew -Treble -At the Jaynes Street
Methodist iparsiiomnage, Exeter, on
Feb. 12, by Rev, M. J. W:1san, Mr.
Albert E. Andrew to :11iss Olive
Treble daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Treble, all of Exeter,
Horne -Tse Egan:11le, on Feb. 17, Lyda
daughter of M; and Mrs. Wesley
I Lorne, aged 13 years, 5 months and
21 days.
'tient- Irl Usboraiie, on Feb. 16th ,Ceara
Jane, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Wel:
ingtoat Neil, aged .17 years, 4 mos.
Wilkinson --In London Military I os-
tgtal, ou Feb. 13, Pte,, Fretlerlek
Wilkinson, son of W. 1. Wilk!nsoaty
Etat:et-3n, Toronto General Hospital,
suddenly on Feb. 15, Arthur M. re -
lion of Lucata, only son of Jaxa,e
Cobblt:Jick and William Elliott..
Eloare--•Ise Clinton, on Feb. 11, Eiieta-
beth Amanda Snell, wife .of Cornel-
ius Hoare aged 50 years,
Russell -In Toronto, Feb. 10, Margaret
Delta Russeil, aged 14 years and ZIi
menthe, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs T A. Russell
ercEachan-In London, on Feb,' 12th
Marv. relict of the late Allen Mc-
Eachvn, in her 37th year.
Hogan -Ise I,ucen, on Feb. 16.. Julia,.
bel••over daughter of Martin and Mar•-
ia biogam.a„ ei 19, years.
Field -At I)ashw.00d, one Feb. 23, 1913
Jo':n Held, aged 51 years,
"Gone but not forgotten"
-His two sister,.
Lawson -In loving memory of ur
father, George Lawson of Credit:ea
'lora Departed thee life on Feb. 18th
Gene from this world of careand strife
After the toil of earth is. done;
God has called a precious life
'To wear the crown, that he has won
The golden gates were opened wide
Ane angels can, the other side
We:c come l nur sato/ one home.
-His Faniiiy,
exactly when you order meat hese,.
We'll give you just the cult you order,,
just the quantity you mention and as -
liver it just when, you want it. .And
remember that your meats andprices
are not ordinary. The meats
higher in quality and lower in pie
than you can obtain anywhere else,
B. Makes'
where quality is higher than price.
Phone 16
Spring, Gentle Spring,
is on the Pay. ---
Are You R ead ?
How About linoleums and Rugs?
We hare, a splendid assortment of: the oed Scotch Limoleuma
Neira's Make in black and floral dosighs--these are very scaiee
goods don't delay in selectingaas . this Counity wi'j,l soon be bofilee
dry- ab far as Scotch Linoleum;a jet iedecerne;d.
Rugs for any and every roam in Tapestry, Velvet, Wilton,, Al --
minister and Breasels.
We are very strong in small and
oxtra Sage Rugs --and tai`e
from us, when theresent
P stock i`? Boirle, anyelow 1ines, to, come
tyilj be t p high' in rice thath
b price you vrd, have to call loud to be heaiYti'
If non want a very :speciaa quality Tug take
Y uS a lank at our Unyri-;
ersal Seamless Wilton Colors .,guar>,nteed,