HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-12, Page 8exErt Al;Il O[;AT S R BLJ SLA1. FEB, 121 13B11 Exeter Markets i, hanged each Wednesday Fall 'Wheat. ,,,r,,,,_ Oats Barley 1.95 1,80 1.45 to 1.70 Fatuity Fiala.., --6.85 Shorts „ ... 52,00 Bran per tonEgs 45.00 62 Held Eggs. Dairy Butter ,, 58 to 62 Creamery Butter 71 Lard 35 Potatoes par bag ,,,,,,,,, -,•_.2.-2- 3.75 Hay par ,on ZO,k0 to 22.00 flogs pat cw`. 17.25 +tri :v tt Memorial Church Local Doings July 12th will be celebrated in God- er ch this year. The. dental office of Dr. Roulst will continue to remain closed until further" ,notice. The Zurich Herald appeared in four page forir. last week, instead of the usual eight pages;. Miss Murray, teacher, was off duty Wednesday owing to illness, and her schtjars had a holiday. ltfr. Clifford Mallett has been trans- ferred front the Bank of Commerce at Dresden to Creditaa. Mr. G J. Dow shipped a load of vary fine horses to Montreal on Fri.: ("Ay, A. Delve accompanying them. Inadvertently the price mentioned for the sale of the John; Wood's farm :n Usborne last week was $16,000. It should have read $10,000. Mr. A J 'Murray of Cjth ton, trac- tor representative for the Jnternatinn:. Harvester Co„Tis holding a school for the farmers in, town this week,:: The .memorial tablet in memory oft the lata Rev S. F. Sharp will be un - on veiled - by Rev. S. "Banks Nelson of Ham*11ton in Caven Presbyterian Church Ion Sut>da,ty next. February has five Sundays this year having cone in. on, Sunclay it vvilll go out on a Sunday, the 29th., This has not happened since 1880—farfy years ago—an:: Will not happen again for 28 years. Mr. John Rainsford, of Clinton gave az address at the congregational ban- quet .given in the School I-Iaal of the Triv t Memorial Church on Friday ev- ening ,last in the interests of the For- ward Movement. The slate Mrs, :Penwarden, who was buried at Zion cemetery on Saturday week, ije£t ber husband, one sion and one daughter, all at home; also three brothers. Thomas, Samuel and William Brach, and two sisters, Mrs, William. Rourtcliffe and Mrs. William Stevens. Sunday sertizes as usual. The publication of the Parkhill Gaz etta will be continued by ':1frs. Daw son w31'e o, the late editor of the paper, and John; Dawson, her son. NOTICE TO FARMERS. The Executive of the Exeter branch of the U. '.O, have decided to ship live stock eo-operatively, namely, cattle, hogs; and sheep. By shipping in this way the seller gets market value, minus actual expenses of shipping. J. N, Ratcliffe Jas been appointed, agent and will be glad to slake arrangements with those who have stock for sale. Phone 173r4. Exeter. SALE OF HORSES AND CATTLI . There will be sold by public auc- tit+rn at the Central Hotel, Exeter, on SATURDAY, FEB,. 21, 1920, At Z o'clock p, m,, the folilowing 1 number of three-year-old colts, a few work horses that are toss thin to ship and a few cattle,. See posters for particulars, G. J. DOW, Prop. The Advocate can give you club- bin; sates with any ,of the deijy news- papers or magazines. If it is feed ,you want see Harvey Bros, NECKYOK1 S, WH FLETRI:.ES, Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wood bring it to the 0. K Cider Mill, and I will turn it a standard, for any length or size you wish, also saws gummed, etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A, Cottle WANTED -Wheat, oats and barley.— Harvey Bros BOARDERS 1'4.A,NTED. Ladies or school children. Apply MISS HARDING, Andrew Street. It is a wonderful achievement to take a flour as good as MODEL al- ways and make it as much better as it is now.—Hervey Bros. CORN CONTRACTS, The Canning Co. is prepared to con- tract with growers of corn .for the factory for 1920,t the price per ton same as last year; Choice seed corn has been secured from the same source and. .vatl be sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY.. NOTICE During the winter we will have horses and cutters for hire. Anyone tisa:nting same phone 56. WILSON & SIMS. PROPERTY FOR SALE Three brick residences on Andrew Street , modern equipment; Also seven or the best building lots in, town; also Ford Garage building and property C. B. SNELL, Exeter. 'VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (excepr Thurs,3ay) 4 to 6; ev- enings T'to I. emormaleemil TRACTOR SCHOOL A Tractor School will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 11tht and 12th. it Win. Ward's Warerooms Everybody invited. W, Ward. SHORT COURSES IN JUDGING HEAVY HORSES AND BEEF CATTLE. The South Huron Board of Agricul- ture will hold short courses in, judging as follows— Crediton, Monday, Feb. 16th Zur:.ch, Tuesday, Feb. 17th Turner's Church Shed, Tuckersmith, We?.mesday, Feb. 18th. Ho'mesville, Thursday, Feb. 19th Kirkton, Friday,Jeb. 20th. Th • e' ryes wit be in charge of J. M. McCa'lum of Shakespeare, and S. B. Stothers, agri;c. repres!enjtativeL Judg:n,^, at 2 p.m., Evening meeting at 8 o'clock. JAS T KEYS, A. H. DOUPE Pres. S.H.B,A. 'Sec. S.H.B.A Pasture Lands For Sale Being 5 3 LOT 11 and LOT 12 (together 191a ACRES) --in the AUX SABLE CONCESSION IN THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Theselandslie :al,osng..the Aux Sable River grid are very desirable pasture the Canada :'.Com an • 1170 YONGE ST, , TORONTO Mr. Frank Triebner last week moved with his family to town, and are nicely settled i.n the home he recently pur- chased from the late Mrs. Clark es- tate, Fr:ends wi I be pleased to know that Miss Rebekah Hawkins, who suffered a paralytic stroke while: visiting in Cal- gary with .her sister, is eecovernng sat isfae,torily, 1fr,' and Mrs. C. B, Snell receive word on Friday' ,Bast of the death their ,nephew, Dr. Hitchcock of Pon. tiac, Mich., who died on February 2,' aged 23 years. The cause of death was pneumonia following .an attack of the flu. The Executive Cram. of the West Huron Teachers' Assoelati7ori met in the Model School, Clinton, an Satur- day, for the purpose of preparing the program for the ,next teachers' con- vention. ,to be held inGoderich. Oct.. 14th and 15th. Miss Murray of Exe- ter attended the meeting Rev. and Mrs. S. W. Muxworthy Forest announce the engagement of their daughter, La Vera Hopkins to Grnet Samuel Passmore, son, o tlna late: Samuel Passmore of Exciter and lairs. Passmore, The marriage wid take place the latter part of this month at the Methodist Cliur, b, Forest, Mrs Clarke, who recently resided here with her son, ,Mr, NV. D, Clark. of the 3io;soxis•Bank, ant who left Ex eter about a year ago, died on, Jan. 3 at the home of her daughter, Mrs Leitch • in Chesley, and was buried an Hamilton on Feb. 2nd. Mrs. Clarke was a bright and intelligent woman and made many friends while residing in town She had been quite ill fo several months. FORMER TEACHhR HERE. Miss Irene. Pridham, teacher of Sea - forth Collegiate, and formerly of the staff of Exeter High. School, died in Seaforth on. Monday, following an op- eration. on, Saturday,. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mes, W. C. Prid- ham of Goderichi She was in her 25th year and was a popular teacher., Be- sides her parents she is survived by one sister and two brothers;! Friends here will regret to hear of her demise. INSTALLATION. Mr. Wm. Bai'ie of Goderich, Distric Deputy pi the LO.O.F., ,was in town on Friday last. Owing to an error in his arrangements he did not install the officers of Exeter Lodge on, Tues- day of last week as exPected, but lie made his official visit on Tuesday of this week and inns tailed the officers. a: follows,—J.P.G,, J. C. Snell; N! G., T. Walper; V,G„ R. W. Fuke; R.S., R. N. Creech; P.S., W. Johns; Treas,, E. 141. Dignan; War., Asa Penhale; Con., L. Day; O.G., F. J. Delbridge; E.G., E. Southcott; R,S,N.G,, E. How- ajd; L.S.N.G., H. Jennings; R.S. V.G. W. Hern; L.S.V.G., O Southcott; R,S.S., Harper Rivers; L.S.S. Nelson Shure; Chap., F. Boyle;. DOUGALL—FORD. The :home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, Usborne was the scene 'of a very pleasing event on Wednesday, Feb. 4,. when their daughter, Miss Elva Irene became the bride of Mr. Andrew A. Dougall ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dougall, London Road North. Rev. M. J. Wilson performed the ceremony at ,12 o'ciock noon. in the presence • of about twenty-five guests., The bride was given away by ,her father, and the wedding „march was played by Miss Alae Pard, sister of the bride. The - bridal gown was of white georgette, embroidered with si lk, and the bride's brucluet was of American, Beauty Roses After congratulations a dainty wedding dinner was partaken of, the diming room being decorated with white and green ,streamers. Massy beautiful and costly presents were received by the bride, the groom's gift being a set, of Russian sable furs. The groom pre-• senteid the pianist with a sunburst ,of scud ;pearls. The young couple took the`ievenang'train, for Toronto arANia- ala and have the best wishes of their many friends. They; will reside on the groom's •farm north of Exeter; DEATH OF JAMES CLARK#:. The death occurred on Sunday, Feb 8th, at the home of his son in London, of Jaynes Clarke, a former well-known resident of Usborne, in his 68th year, His wife, Mary Catnip, predeceas- ed'him. One son Charles W, survives - with whom he has been living for sometime. Two brothers, Thomas d and William of Usborne and me sister Mrs. Wesley Mils hof St. Marys also 01 survive, The remanrns were brought to Exeter on Tuesday morning and in- terment was made ian, Elimville ceme- tery., Old friends of Mrs; Clarke in this neighborhood deeply regret his passing, MUCII SICKNESS, Mr. Milo Snell has been confined to his home for several days with' a sev- ere cold, He is improving. Mr. Jas. Lawson, jeweller, has been quite ill and under the docltor's care of during the ,past week. He is still ill. Mr, Newton, Baker was taken sud- denly ill on. Wednesday evening last with, bowel trouble: and since has been confine.' to his. bed in a precarious j condition., A specialist was here on Saturday from London in consultation with local physicians. 'its many frren,ds will hope that Mr; Baker has an, early and complete recovery. Clarice U MRS, HOWARD DIES, Word was received here on Saturday of the death that morning at the home of her daughter in Wetaskiwin, Alta.,, of Lucy Palmer, relict of the . lame William Howard, aged 71 years and r 11 months, About two weeks prev- iously Mrs. Howard had been ordered to her bed with. anaemia, end pneu- monia quickly developed, the end coming as stated, Mrs. Howard went west to visit her daughter, Mrs. 'Vic- tor French, last June, and Was toliave returned to Exeter in a few months: Deceased was born at Brighton but near ly all her life was spent in Exe- ter. She was a member of Mairt' St. Methodist Church and was loved and esteemed by :all who knew her: Mr. Howard died eighteen years ago. Be- sides one sister, Mrs. French, who re- sided at Oshawa, she is survived by three daughter, Mrs. E. M. Dignan and Mrs. Wilbur ,Martin of Exeter, andt Mrs. Victor ,French of Wetaskiwin. The only son Luther died in England during the war: The remai