The Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-12, Page 7KEEP HEALTHY
Colds and ' Diseases May be
Avoided if the Blood is:'
Kept Pure.
Do not let your blood get thio this
winter, For people who have a ten-
dency towards anaemia, or bloodless-
ness, winter is a trying season. Lacs
of exercise and fresh air, and the
more restricted diet are among the
many things that combine to lower
the tone of the body and defflete the
As soon as you notice the tired feel-
ing, lack of .appetite and shortness of
breath that are warning symptoms of
thin blood, take a short course of
treatment with Dr, Williams' . Pink
Pills. Do not wait until the color has
entirely left your cheeks, until your
lips are white and your eyes dull. It
is so much easier to correct thinning
of the blood in the earlier stages than
later, This Is well illustrated in the
case of Mrs, E. Williams Elk Lake,
Ont., who says: --•- "I take great
pleasure in letting you know the bene-
fit I have found in the use of Dr.
Williams' kink Pills. T was in an
anaemic condition, and was very weak
and run down 'elle least exertion
would leave me breathless and it was
difficulty that k did household
work. I was advised to try Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink PIlls, and after the use of
four boxes I felt like a new person.
In feet, my system seemed filled with
new energy and new life. I strougly
recommend this medicine to all who
'eel weak or run down."
• The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is to build up the blood. They
do this one thing and they do it well,
They are for this reason an invaluable
remedy in diseases arising from bad
war deficient blood, as rheumatism,
eeuralgia, after-effects of the grip or
'levers. The pills are guaranteed to
be free from opiates or any harinfal
drug and cannot injure the most de-
}igate ey'stein,
You can procure Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills through any c',ealer in medicine,
or they will be sent you by mall at 50
tents a box or six boxes far $2,50 by
writing direct to The Dr. Williams'
,Iedicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Signals From Another
Interruptions of the Marconi wire-
ess instruments by mysterious unde-
;ipherable signals, which were noted
iefere the war, and have been public -
;r referred to since, are specially fee -
:urea In the Daiiy Mail, London, and
li,cussed by Marconi in an interview
ubiished by the paper.
"We occasionally `get very queer
totuids and indications, which might
.once from somewhere outside the
earth," said Signor Marconi, "We
nave Ilad. diem both in England. and,
lenience. The Morse signal letters
eceur with much greater frequeney
than others, but we have never yet
picked up anything that could be
translated into a definite message,
"The fact that the signals have oc-
curred simultaneously at New York
and London with Identical intensity
seams to indicate that they must have
originated at a very great distance.
We have not yet the slightest proof
of their origin. They might conceiv-
ably be sue to some natural disturb-
ance at a great distance, for instance,
an eruption of the sun causing electri-
cal disturbances."
Asked whether possibly attempts
were being made by another planet to
communicate, Signor Marconi said:
"r would not rule out the possibility
of this, but there is no proof. We
must investigate the matter much
more thoroughly before we venture
apes a definite explanation."
He added that the mysterious
'founds• are not confined to any par-
`ticular diurnal period; they are
squally frequent l y day and night,
New Restaurant Plate.
in addition to food a new plate for
restaurants holds in separate com
partments a knife, fork, salt and pep-
peri'shakers and a butter dish.
New Postage Stamps.
It has been calculated that about
2,000 new postage stamps have been
Issued in Europe eincethe end of the
war. This shows how useless our old
atlases are when we come to study
the political geography of that cont)
neat: w
Spiders' Threads For •
FOR WOMEN The threads of the garden spider
are fixed by astronomers in their teles-
""' - J' copes for the purpose of giving dine
lines to the field of view, by which the
relative positions of stars may be ac-
curately measured, t
For a century astronomers desired
to snake use of_ each lines of the great-
est possible fineness, 'and procured at
first silver wire dram out to the ex-
trewe limit of tenuity attainable with
that metal, They also- tried hairs
(1 -500th of an inch thick), and threasi s .
of the silkworm's cocoon, which are
split into two component threads, eaeh`
only 1 -200th of an inch thick, But in
1820 an English instrument maker
named Troughton introduced the
spider's line. This can be readily ob-
tained three or four times smaller
than the silkworm's thread, and has
also advantages in its strength and
freedom from twist.
In order to obtain the thread the
spider is carefully fixed on a minia-
ture "rack," and the thread, which at
the moment of issue from.. -the body is
a viscid liquid, is made to adhere to
a winder, by turning which the desired
length of tirm,but elastic thread can
be procured.
0111141 )1100D CONSTIPATION
k236 6175PAW
No. 9236—Ladies' and Misses'
Breakfast Coat; Price, 20 cents. In
ankle length . Cut in 3 sizes; small,
34, 36; medium, 38, 40; large, 42, 44
inch bust measure, Small size re
quires 5Y. yards 32 inches wide, or;
3% yards 40 inches wide,_
No. 9175 --Ladies' Dress Price, 25
cents, With or without vest and'
tunic; two styles of sleeve; two-piece
in skirt, ,instep or shorter length. Cut;
' sizes, 84, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 andi
46 inch bust measure. Size 30 requir-
es, instep length, with tunic, 5 yards
36 inches wide, or 31is yards, 54 inches,
wide; instep length, without tunic,
85s yards 36 ,inches wide, yr 2.3 yards.
54 inches wide. Width around .het
tom, 1% yards,
No, 91t7—Ladies' Mannish Shirt-`
waist. Price, 20 cents. Adjustable'
collar, two styles of sleeve, French
cuff's, Cut in 8 sizes, 4 to 48 inch'
bust. Size 36, 'with French cuffs, 21/4
yards 36 inches Wide, or 1% yards
45 inches wide; with gathered sleeves,
2 yards 36 inches wide. or 1% yards
4:i inches wide.
No. 9231 --Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.'
Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 38
or 30 -inch length, Cut in 8 sizes, 24,
26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 inch
waist measure. Size 26 requires, 38 -
inch length. 2% yards, 40 inches wide,
or 136 yards 54 inches wide; 30-inc1$
length, 218, yards 40 inches wide, or
1% yards, 54 inches wide, Width
around bottom 113 yards..
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or.
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept, W.
-- ,
Beep rainara's Liniment in the house,
The Thoroughbred Auction "
Swift foot, single toot down the or-
chard lane; "
All the old, deserted farm still be-
neath the stars;
Nickered soft a low good -by till hoofs
beat home again,
Satin nose from satin nose across
the orchard bays.
Swift foot, single foot down the valley
Iron shoo and flint fire up the rocky
Slanting ear for stranger voice—does
some evil bode?
Past the empty pastures where the
shadows lie so still.
Brown cast, velvet coat, .pointed ears
Jasmine, the stable's pride, had
blocked the swinging door;
Shying from the waiting' crowd' as
though she feared a hurt;
Heedless now of man's command as
never once before.
Thin hair, silver hair, shaken voiced
and slow,
Came the master to her side, at the
word they sent,
Laid his hand upon the rein, with his
head bent low,
To lead her to ths auction block—
then at Iast she went.
Swift foot, single foot—dying far
Empty stalls, a vagrant rat prowling
to and fro;
Silence where the hammer fell on the
bids today; - -
Silence where were stamping hoofs
only hours ago,
Swift foot, single foot over all the
Alien hands upon the :reins, silver
tears; the stars,
Apple bloom and_ clover bloom—but
never through the days
Will satin nose touch satin diose
across 'the orchard bars.
Youcannot do anything in the
world, achieve any . success, unless
ybu believe in yourself.
lbw orCoffee
often dasa$rees -with _.
some one m the Cam- _ :
illy. Ari:easy- sway to
get away from such
annoyance as tb drink
If -agrees with everyone in
,the family. No 'sleepies�i
ni `
nights, disturbed digestion
,ror Irritated nerves follow it
its use, 'Theres'aRe%wn
Constipation-. spat disordered 'State
of the •,t islei
h digestive tr.ta, which )early
..ways ceased by improper g
its ro ex feedin —.
can be readily regulated by the use of
Baby's Own Tablets. There Tablets
are a mild but laxative.
They are easy to take and are abso•
Iutely free from injurious drugs, Con -
corning them Mrs Joseph Dieu, Ste,
Perpetne. Clue., writeeeeeni have rants$-
ing but praise for Baby's Own Tab-
lets. 'When my baby was three
moeths old he was terribly constipated
but the 'Tablet;, soon srt him right and
now., at the ego of fifteen months bele
a bigiiealthy boy and this good health
I attribute entirely; to the use of the
Tablets." They are hold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 'an eerts a box
from. The Di \Vlllutre : , iedieiue Cn.;
rer $:t=ill;?, Out -
As Friend to Fr ie10.
By t neer it:g :!peer!!.
By loving tined,
iiy friendly smile
(Give joy awhile;
To lhu,o in need
True t ;urage teach;
Let love beguile
Aed kindly lead
From wallah gri'eei
And pasteicns vile
'I'o the up••rc'seh
i.'hc'nee clod would Iced,
Where all are freed,
Nan' eine
1s c" u l se. c'aeb
(lives I('ving heed.
'i'lte ;,afe way to send money by mail
by. , ,.
is >7einiuion Dspra. ,s 1Vlonoy Order.
Bubble in a Sapphire.
There is exhibited ' in the British
iiIw'uia ea sapphire weighing nine
carats wheh eontains a Nubble that
appears and disappears With ehauges
of temperature.
It is believed that a cavity in the
gem enclosed a quantity of carbonic
acid gas under groat pressure. When
the temperature is such as to corres-
pond with the 'critical point" for that
gas under the particular pressure 4o
)which it is subjected in its brilliant
prison house it liquefies and becomes
visible as a bubble.
The publisher of to best Farmer's
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states: e
I would say that I do not know of
a medicine that has stood the test of
tiii\e like MINARD'S LINIMENT. It
has been an unfailing remedy in our
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would-be
competitors and imitators."
Carved Himself in Wood
The most marvelous woodworker in
the -world is I3ananuma leasakichi, of
Tokyo, Japan, who has carved a figure
in wood so like himself that when the
two are placed side by side it is said
to be almost impossible to tell which
lives arid breathes and which does
By several, connoisseurs in art this
wooden figure has been pronounced
the most perfect image of a mail ever'
made. Masakichi has faithfully re-
produced every scar, vein and wrinkle
to be seen on bis ba'dy. The figure is
composed of two thousand pieces of
wood, dovetailed -said jointed with
such skill that no seams can be de-
He drilled tiny hair's to receive the
stairs and placed in /the wooden figure
eyelashes and glass eyes that as far
as anyone.cansee are exactly like his
.The Japanese ]artist posed between
two mirrors while'modeling this•figure.
and for some time after its comple-
tion he posed frequently' beside it,
to the oonfue4on of spectators, , wiie:.
were often unable to
tell'Which was
the artist. The figure stands with,a
:little mask in one hand and an instru-
ment for carving in the other. - The
lifelike eyes fire 'apparently gaging .at
the mask, and the face wears a look
of intense absorption. 1
An ounce of assistance is
-Oland of •a{i"llC'e,
This is Just tiie. season.
whenFheu xuatism`wit hi is
rinding pain andstiffen-
o of Fight it With old of
Templeton's Rheumatic
Capsules bring certalix
relief, and permanent re-
sults. They are recom-
sold by reliable druggists
everywherefor:31.04a box.
or write to Templetons.
142 King St, W., Toronto:
Afnilod anywhere on re-,.
,: ceipt of price,
Templeton's RAZ. M A H Cap-
sulee are guaranteed to relieve
AS '1' LIMA. Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write'i'ernpletons,1423King $t.
W., Toronto, for freesampie.
Reliable druggists eel: them at
#I.Oa a lana.
bwiftness .of Revenge,
Timothy Brown was a commercial
traveller and a valuable asset to his
Oa one of his periodical rounds he
lucluded in his list of ealis a certain
yarn merchant, Jones Perkins by
name—a crotchety, ill-natured indl-
1 vidual—who invariably treated hixri
with the greatest discourtesy, ,and
fi who on more than one occasion had
Made a Flit, Anyway.
a41r., Iligginsan bad been away from
Moine for a weep and on his return
found that burglars had visited the
house during his absence, and, ala
though one had been wounded, they i
had.•Stleeeede:1 in getting away,
"And so you shot a burglar while
aloi.e atirl unprotected," be said to his .
wife. 'You are a b ay e l;tale woman!
What became of him?"
'The oilier _mac carrir'cl hint off,"
she replied,
"The other man?" he ;eskers.
Yee," Biu' eei•l, "the ane I :billed
torn his card up in his presence and
thrown it on the floor. As becomes
a good commercial, however, Timothy
was undaunted. and vowed to be re-
In due course he called on lath friend
again and presented his card.
"Hallow!" shouted old Perkins, giv-
ing the card the n'uai -wench. "What
the---" But here he interrupted
himself with a yell of pain, accom-
panied by .a miniature war dance.
Timothy's card was made of enamel-
led tin!
� • Pr'ce of Radium.
Radium, which was discovered in
Paris by Madame Curie, and which is
used in meeieine and for many other
purposes, 1• worth allow $5.000 •a
Regiments, Oi' our awn necessity, we
I Fhoulci woes beraui•e of the need of
the wool&
I—o—' -,-0—ok�o.— 0
-.o-.-0—e-0-0„--o 0 0 -.0 -.0 -es
Let foIl;s step on your rpet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send eleetrio
sparks of pain through you, according
to phis Cincinnati authority,
Hr' says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, achlug corn, instantly re-
lieves rareness, and soon the entire
sure, Aoct atld°all, lifts right out.
This drug is a sticky ether com.
pound, but dries at once and simply
ivup the corn without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
It is claimed that a quarter of an
ounce of freezane obtained at any drug
store will cost very little but is suffi-
cient to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out.
especially if you are a woman reader
who wears high heels.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
If Bilious, Constipated
or Headachy, take
Feel grand! Clean up inside! 'Your
system is filled with liver and bowel
Poisan whi h keeps your skin sallow,low,
your etoraach up"et, your bead foggy
and aehing,a. Your meals are turning
into paleou and You can not feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
splendid always by tailing Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or
nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little
too C'aecarets work 4lrile you sleep.
elansa "a 6esi Iweeessi►#daf
A Kidney Remedy
1 Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtakis these organs to
eliminate the irritant acids
formed. Help your stomach to pp
V properly digest the food by 6
taking 15:to 30 drops of Extract
of Roots, aeI
d as Mother Scia
Curative Syrup, and your kidney ' '
disorder 'rill promptly dis-
c ear.
pp GetScrania.
e 7
lineecomscarer? mustem,ms a¢aaensoni
1lrner'ca's Tcioneer Dog F.omeilea
hook on
and 7a'.oW to Peed
]failed Free to;any Ad-
dress by hA
It. Clay Gloveter C�uthor,., Sno.
11S West 31st Street
New York, 'U.S.A.
You'll find Sioan's Liniment
softens the severe
rheumatic ache
Put it on freely. Don't rub it. in.
Just let it penetrate naturally. What a
sense of soothing relief soon follows!
External ache;, stiffness, soreness,
cramped muscles, strained sinews,
back "cricks" whose ailments can't
fight off the relieving qualities of
Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient,
econo-ntical, . Made Made in ,Canada.
35c., 70c,, $1.10.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for, the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomNach, liver and bowels. Child.
ren love its delicious fruity.taste. Frill
directions for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear.
`Mother! You must say "California.'
Coughs and Colds Mean
Restless Nights` ca
which sap'4he vitality.
Danger lurks in every
hour a cold Is allowed
to run.' Assist nature
sabring your children
quickly back to health
andstrength andavoid
serious 'complications'
by the prompt use of
Gray's, Syrup - over..
60 years in use.
Always' buy thm.
Large Says
', BRE D Io'ar� iYaly Est:'• 1'
1 of 1
ISSUE No. 6=--'20
Classified .Advertisements..
good prints and finishes—dower&
prices on frames -ask tor catalogus
United Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave., 'WO -
r onto.
.1.1 County, Splendid opportunity Writs
Box T. Wilson Publishing Co.,,
73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, '
v r and job p
plant in Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600, Will.
go for $1.;200 on quick sale. Box 62:.
Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto
T'tZScL"Y,r,Ai zOtJS,
-I Foxes, Also, we are buyers of RaW
Furs, What have you—what price?
Reid Bros„ Bothwell, Oat.
`� are able to supply, advise us, as we
will pay the highest prices, dry or .green
from the saw. Keenan, Bros., Lusted,
Owen Sound, Ont.
vinternal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late Dr. Penman Medical
Co.. Lisptted, Coilipgwood. Ont.
A Busy Implement.
The shovel, ever on the go,
nett now impress the soul,
'Tis either tossing out the snow
Or throwing in the coaL
Aim for fi$tnard'e �'.wed taire no other,
Shadows of History.
d from his history,
"William the Conqueror landed ia, Eng,
a 1006
land in A,D.,:
"What does `A,D, stand for?" in-
quired the teacher.
The small boy pondered,
"I daft exactly know," be replied at
iast. "Maybe it means after dark."
Let CuticuraiielpeIp You
Look Like This
Nothin better to care for your skin,
hairan hands. TheSoaptoeleanse
and purify, the Ointment to soothe
andheal, Use them for daily toilet,
Soap :25e, Ointment 25and see. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
Lvtrikess. limited. St. Raul St,, Mautreal-
;��-+ per+ q ,��rL�g��g
Girls'! Have a mass of long;,
thick, gleamy hair.
Let "Danderine" save your hair and
double its beauty. You can bave lots
o1 long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back its color, vigor
and vitality.
Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug store or
toilet counter to freshen your scalp;
check dandruff and failing hair. Your
hair "heeds this stimulating tonic, then.
its life, color, brightness and abund&
ante will return-2itirry!
Not Aspirin at All without the Bayer Cross"
R'hc name. silayer' is ilio );hums;- bi' 73ager Tablets of Aspirin which
forint of genuine Aspirin. it posi-
tively identifies the only genuine
!aspirin, -the aspirin 'prescribed by
physicians ler over nineteen, years and
contains proper directions for Colds,
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-
ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri
t.s, Joint Pains, and Pain generallyt,.
now made in Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but
_9lways buy nn unbroken paicl;ai,ge a, few cents: Larger "Bayer" packages.
There its only ame Aspi 1n._`5t,ayei"-•-lion must say "Bayer"
Airpirin is cher trade math. (registered it Canada) aa' Oa r Pdanufaetore.of Mono-
itcticcacidestor of b 11, rli { 1 S��7aIi t, w 'l known that, 0 s1»ran moans Bayer
rc.m lfer tnx ,to as , t'1 iL c')iga a t ni ati i the t: T Ts of 'Grayer CumpaaY
still b. slnxnre:1 a ,,, ,a... i,"Bayer i resc,'