HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-12, Page 5SINCE 01870
30R8PsC(31Jc pis
(▪ Jnexcerl;ed dining car service
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Florn-
int;' District Passenger Agent, Tororuto
krone 46w Agent, Exeter
O. Lot 10, Can. 1, Tp. Flay, on
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following;-
Horses -Horse 5 eyears old; mare 9
years old; driving mare 5 years old;
egedrears ar ; snare 9 `years .old; horse $
Cattle -2 ,cows duee to calf .jn, liar.;
tow due. in May; 1 two-year old steer,
2 spring calves, 2 two-year steers,
Pigs --Sow due to litter in Feb.
Implements -Massey -Harris Binder, 7
foot cut• Massey-Harrjrs Seed 1)411;
Frost & Wood mower, Frost & Woad
hay rake. Frost & Wood cultiicaitor,
.Frost & Wood disc; Cockshutt bean
harvester, Fleury walkeng plow, s'h-
gle furrow fil ng plow, steel roller,
wagon, Cliation fanning mill, 2000 lb,
scales; .diamond.harrows, Massey.Har-
ri. roc; pu„per, hay rack, pig rack ;;
light wagon, toad cart, gravel box
sleighs, cutter, buggy, cutting box,
cedar posts, hayfork rope, 125 feet.
trip rope 50 feet, ladder, team har-
ness mew; set sarigle harness nearly
new;; sugar kettle, barrel, wire stret-
cher, water tank, forks, hoes, shovels
and -many other artic les ton numerous
to mention.
About 11 tans Hay, auaniity turnips
Positively no reserve as the farm
has beear, sold.
Terms -410,00 and under cash; over
that amount 10 months' cred on furn-
ishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent
off for cash.
G. and E. STANLAKE, Props.
C. W. Robinson, Auct.
BORNE,- 1% nu{ies .east of Exeter N.
on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 24, 1920.
at 12.30 o'clock, the following, -
Gloster Ruby 2nd, 130981, 3 year old
with 5 months' bull calf at. foot, and
bred again 'to Major Mayflower, Islip,
Beauty 37th, 128489, 4 year old; G.
dam imported; springing to calve,
Matchless Clara, 153296, 2 year old,
springing ,to calve.
Corday Prince, 133658, calved' Feb.
lst, 1919;, a Charlotte Corday bred
calf, siren .by Diamond Master 116276
Rosebud 2nd, 126741, .3 year old;
C. tag pit afoot and bred again;,
Roan Belle, 150636, 2 year old, bred
to Corday Prince 133658.
Lady Mac 2nd, 122969, 9 year old;
bud calf at eo.ot and bred again.
Lady Mac 3rd, 153159, calved Dec.
6th 1918, sired by Diamond Master,
of Usborne, 116995, due he Ap=
r7, vr-ith heifer calf at foot."
eisstletoe 21st, 116996, due in April
with bull calf at ,foot.
Mayflower 17th, 116997, due In June
with bull calf at foot.
4 Shorthorn bull calves from 10 to
2,0 moantht: old.
Grade Cattle -1 cow, due in April;
2 cows milking; 4 high class grade
heifees supposed w:uth, calf; 1 fat
heifer- 4 yearling heifers.; ; 4 . yearling
steers, 2 baby beefs.
Horses -2 agricultural geldings ris-
ing 2 years.
Hogs` -2 brood sows due in April;
.35 York pigs, 4 months old.
Also a quantity mixed grain.
Positively ,no ,reserve.. '
Terms -8 months credit an furnish-
ing approved joint notes,; A discount
or 4 per 'cent off far cash..
On East Half of Lot 6, North Boun-
daey Stephan, fan
WEDNESDAY, FEB, 25, 1920,
At 1 (o'clock sheep, the. following :-
Horses Heavy draft mare, • heavy
draft colt rising 2, driving mare.
Cattle -Cow due April 21, cow due
April 26, clow` dike, May 1, cow due
July -35, 4 spy=atg tcalIves
Pigs-2pigs weig1 ing about 1251bs,
Poultry .Etc. -25 hens, - 2 Pekin
ducks; • Collie dog.
"Implements -Mower, wagon,; seed-.
drill, ,cultivator, Messer eHarris , set of
harrows, hayrack, gravel box, cutting
box'root teepee 'walking plotiie doable
Plow, fanin n,g sill, cream separator;
Standard; set ;doub1e,•harness, top bug-•
ggy, ',scrape,. hind.er twine, strainer pail;.
400 ti,,e, 3 inc l bag -holder,.'- : forks
shoves ,neckyolce, whiffletrees'' and;
Other articles toe numerous to mention
:Terms -SO and under cash; over
'F that • ain!oun 8 motile' exedit will be
giver, ion furnishing approved joint
ttotcs, for a SI:epaul t of 5 per cent.
f r case
-Auctioneer Proprietor
The.„,dvacate, to anxious to
c,orre�l5on iE2nts r in all 'i" 'districts�
your ter story. is nat,,represented lay.
our staff eorrespot}dettts wi�li you
tends u the news, 'or •• sun est the
nameof someone who•,'wou d be likely
to da' a We furnish stampedet -
velep s, -and writing supplies.•
Important Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape tdr.
the Readers of Our Paper A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
It is suggested that the city of To-
ronto enter the dead meat business.
Sir Robert Borden arrived in Eng-
land to -day on board the battleship
New Zealand.
Turks raided a British "dump" at
Gallipoli and secured a large quan-
tity of munitions.
The Montreal waterworks est-
ployes, who have been on strike a
month, returned to work.
The Ontario 'Tankard finals will
commence in Toronto to -day. Sixty-
four clubs are represented.
Thirteen of Canada's best chess ex-
perts commenced play Monday in To-
ronto for the national championship.
As a result of a referendum Ver-
dun, Que„ will remain '"dry," the
vote showing 718 majority against
the "wets."
The British Columbia Government
has decided not to appoint any new
commission to inquire into the ques-
tion of compensation.
The Dominion Government has
given the Navy League of Canada
the steamer Restless for training boys
in practical seamanship.
Preparations for the proposed
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair were
discussed by several live stock or-
ganizations at their annual meetings.
A new type of;electric arc has been
discovered by Supt. J. W. Dorsey,
assistant Professor of Electrical Engi-
neering at the University of Mani-
Authority to deal with the ques-
tion of eligibility for membership in
the U. F. 0. was left by a meeting
of directors in the hands of the in-
dividual clubs.
Ulric Soulliene, twenty-seven years
of age, of Tecumseh, was drowned
while crossing River Detroit Sunday
afternoon, when his boat struck some
lee and capsized.
Lincoln County Council will, in-
stead of erecting a county memorial
to men who lost their lives In the
war, make grants to municipalities
individually erecting memorials.
Ottawa's' mayor will proclahn day-
light saving from. May 1 to Sept. 30.
James Watt, a prominent Guelph
citizen, died at his residence, "Sunny
Numerous stock breeders associa-
tions were in convention in Toronto
on Tuesday,
Mr. A. hicks, of Centralia, was
named party whip by the U. F. 0.
members -elect.
• Fred Fulton knocked out John
Lester Johnson in their bout at Bos-
ton. Tu;sday night. ,
Demand sterling was offered down
to 3.33 dj at New -York following a
steady downward movement all day
Shortage of power in the province
last week was attributed by Hydro
officials to trouble with ice at
A Budapest tribunal is trying and
ordering terrorists to execution as
result of crimes committed under
Bela Kun.
Two carloads of whiskey and one
of beer, estimated at nearly $200;
000, were seized -at Calgary by the
provincial police.
Frank Mobley, M.P.P. for Atlin,
B.C., and a well-known mining man,
a former Ontarian, died of influenza,
aged about fifty.
Discussions relative to the question
of a. defensive alliance between
France, Britain and Belgium are pro-
ceeding at Paris.
Commissioner Lamb of the Salva-
tion Army will arrive in Canada in
a few days to confer on the Govern-
ment's immigration policy.
The ferry City of Cheboygan had;
a thrilling encounter with ice cakes
when the ice bridge across the River
St. Clair suddenly broke•up.
Emilien Clement and Albert Massi-
cottee of Gouin, Que., were killed
when a locomotive struck their hand-
car on a curve near Harvey. •
The French Chamber of Deputies
has passed a Daylight Savings Bill
which provides that summer will be-
gin on March 15 and end October 25.
Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of
Agriculture for Alberta; was chief
speaker at a' banquet' 'given by the
citizens of Weston to their new
warden, Mark Gardhouse,
Canada's population is • estimated
now at 8,835,102.
Ex -Mayor J. l3: Fischer of Water-
loo died at the age of 68.
• Premier Drury announced that a
seat had been found in East Welling-
ton for Hon. W. E. Raney.
Lt. -Col. W. N. Moorhouse was re-
commended- by the Board of Control
as city,. architect for Toronto.
John A. Webster, ex -reeve of Leeds
and Lansdowne, and warden of Leeds,
a prominent dairyman, is dead n,.
Janes 'McGinnis, of Wahnapitae,
fell While' repairing some machinery
in a sawmill' and 'broke his neck
• Geo. Coppen was sentenced in To-
ronto; to hang, for she murder, of; his
wtf4, on the ,night of November 27. .
Prices received at the Miller --Dry-
den sale of Shorthorns set a new re-
cord for,the Canadian live stock
industry'. •
s�� ..
Oscar W. ' Bennett lecturer at the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
died of pneumonia'after nearly two.
weeks' illness.
A man, so` tar unidentified, was fat-
ally . shot by Constable Bluteau :of
Montreal in the act of holding up an,
automobile's occupants.
The farmers' executive in Emit
Wellington:decidccl to accept Albert
Hellyer's resignation to open. the trill
tng', for ,lion '"W. _E. Raney.' `'
speelal;train,service"is being run
through.,;t ie '.tunnel at Sarnia owing
to iee, blocking the: Itieler `St. Clair,
making it impossible for the ferries
to cross. "' ,
Josephat Barsolon, Rosh Melverin
and Joseph -Daudet were burned to
d a h nd Al lions Carrier bad -
r muse a tit's w foh destroy
the paint shop of the Blain Carriag
Works, Montreal.
Addressing a convention of th
Fairs and Exhibitions Assoeiatiea, D
H. Clark, Dominion Seed Commis
signer, suggested that committees b
organzed in each county to eonduc
field crop competitions..
Poland is to have a Senate of 70,
members, -
In Vienna, Austria, last year, 50,-'
000 died,
Great Britain will set a price on
grain to British growers.
Premier Drury announced that the
Legislature would open on May 8.
The Toroan_to Board. of Control ?-
proved the expenditure of $200,000
on athletic fields.
Charles B. Graveile, of Owen
Sound was electrocuted at the Chau-
diere Falls power plant.
Little hope is held that a strike of
maintenance of way and railway shop
laborers will be averted.
Nominations in East Wellington,
where Hon. W. E. Raney is to run,
will be held on February 23.
All the bakers in Hull, Que., have
amalgamated, and they plan to erect
a modern sanitary bakery.
The protest against Mayor Mae
Bride's election in Brantford has
been dismissed on both grounds.
The Canadian Manufacturers' As-
sociation. will at once start a cam-
paign in favor of daylight sawing.
Wm. B. Putman, jr„ four years
old, was burned to death in a flee
which destroyed two houses in. Hall -
fax, N.S.
Three children of Mrs. Fordham,
of Ansley .Arm, B.C„ ere drowned
when trying to save mother, who
was saved.
Capt. •Harvey, of University of To-
ronto, is yet unbeaten in the Cana
dlan. National Chess's Championship
Guelph Union curlers won the Go
+'rnor-General's prize in the fins
came with London Thistles In To
"onto on Thursday.
'Canada's official war memorial will
take the form of a museum, pressure
nobly at Ottawa, to house the Cana-
dian forces' war trophies.
The University of King's College
Windsor, N,S., the first establish
in the British Overseas Dominions
was destroyed by the, with a loss of
probably over $200,000.
George Lansbury, editor of the
Daily Herald, the British Labor jour-
nal, has left Helsingfors for Petro-
Three French boxers in various
divisions will accompany Georges
Carpentier to this continent next
The Provincial Chapter of the Im-
perial Order of the Daughters of the
Empire is holding its first meeting
in Hamilton.
Demand sterling at New York, af-
ter showing early strength, eased off
to $3.29% at close.
V'� , S. Dinniee was freed of all
blame in connection with the Grand
Valley transactions by Liquidator
Frank Kennedy, a Toronto employe'
of the C,N.R., was cut in pieces by
t C.P.R. freight train near the North
Toronto station.
St. Boniface will be the first city
in Manitoba to extend the franchise
to women, if a charter amendment
sought is allowed.
Ten Paris bandits entered a dance
hall in Paris and held up the dancers
for their valuables. Two of the rob-
bers were caught.
Rear -Admiral Sims will again ap-
pear before the Senate Investigating
Committee to answer statements
;wade by Secretary Daniels.
It is regarded at Ottawa as in-
evitable that the rates on the Gov-
ernment Railways will have to be
considerably increased. '
Seven members of- the Canadian
Royal Mounted Pollee with five dog
teams have started from Twelve Mile,
Yukon, for Fort lecPhsrson.
Sir James Grant, one of the last
survivors of the first Parliament of
Canada, and a distinguished physi-
cian of Ottawa, is dead, in his 89th
Dr. Hastings, Medical Health Offi-
cer of Toronto, has asked the clergy
of the city to make special pulpit
appeals for volunteers to attend
those suffering from "flu."
• r A c'r
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Migmatite of
Sharon, for January. Those marked
with tan asterisk being absent for part
of the time :-Sr. 4-H, Rader, R. Mi-
ller. Jr. 4-E. l i ojiock. Jr, 3-G.
Weber, L. Schwarz, L. Wein, M. Wein*
Sr, 2-I. Brokenshire, I. Staley, 'R.
Weber. K. Morlock, E. Fahner, R.
Schwarz, Jr. 2-S. Rader, I. Martene,
A. Becker, L. Wein Pt. 2-M. Mar-
tene', C. Martenie*. Sr, Primer G.
Becker, T Weber, L. Wim. Jr. Prim.
er-G Hodson, E. Martene',
M. Ehlers, Teacher.
Professor 33. Pltzauss, i1d. D:; of the Roe's
Charity Tloepital, says, "'The cause for in
_ attack of gout, rheumatism, 1u/recap; iir
supplied by the increase of uric acid in tee
blood serum; the result of various cauree;
the moot frequent of which is renal. Before
Gov an attack, one suffers sometimes from bead -
1 eche, neuraipa, twinges of pain bee sad
When your kidneys feel like iumpe of
lead, when the back hurts or the urine is
_ cloudy, full of pediment, or you have rhen-
matie pains or lumbago, gout, awttfe
obtain at your nearest drug 'tore Anuric:
ed This is the discovery OR Dr. Pierce of
Secretary Lane of the U. S. De-
partment of the Interior has re-
Gen. Yudenitch has been allowed
to leave Esthonia with several of his
staff officers.
Hon. Duncan 'Marshall at Hamilton
urged farmers to take more pride in
their occupation.
David Kyle, M.C., vice-president of
the Algoma Steel Corporation, died
at Sault Ste. Marie.
- Ingersoll public institutions and
places .of amusement have been dos-
ed to prevent spread of the du.
Robert McLean, world's champion
speed skater, was` beaten at Chris-
tiania Sunday by Oscar Mathieson.
Sir Glenholme T+'alconbridge pass-
ed away at his- home, 80 Isabella
street, Toronto, a victim of pneu-
Hon. • Manning Doherty said he
would introduce a bill making the
sale of milk on 'a butter -fat basis
The Independent Labor Party de-
cided to hold their annual meeting at
London on Good Friday and the fol-
lowing Saturday.'"
President Flynn at Massey Hall,
Toronto, said it may be necessary•for
50,000 veteransto march on Ottawa
to enforce their gratuity demand.
. Sir George Paish, in his appeal for
help for Europe, to the people ' of
Philadelphia,' made a charge of ex-
travagance in living against Amer
Bolshevik uprisings against the
Japanese on the Island or' Sakhalin
are reported. Important Japanese
ruining, and petroleum plants have
been destroyed:
Mr. •J. G. O'Donoghue, reviewing
the; charge of Mrs Justice Metcalfe to
the jury in. the .Winnipeg trial,said
it would be necessary to have the
crime of seditionclearly defined.
The electrical 'workers drew up
the_ basis. for a new agreement,.whicli,
i! Carried through, will mean', mil-
lions to the Hydro -Electric Systeni
and; the Electrical Development Co.•.
LIN al di' Hotel. Buffalo, N. Y. -Ae-
uric" is en antidote for this uric acid poison-
ing and dissolves uric acid in the body much
as hot coffee diaeolves sugar.
"Anuria" will penetrate into the joinia
and muscles, and dtewlve the poisonous
accumulations. It will stamp out toxins.
Montreal, Qua: ---"I cannot praiser Dr.
Pierre's Aiutde (anti -uric -acid) enough for
what it has done for me. For three menthe
I was under the doctor's care and got no
better. I was always complaining of my
kidneys. I did not know what to do. I
reed about Anuric and made up my mind
to try it. I have taken two boxes aid
don't complain any more. I have gained in.
wei;ist and am still gaining. My appe tits
le great and eleop has come to me. That it
hat the Anuric Tablets have done for me.
do recommend them to those who
are suffering the way I did. Tho tablets
are mighty good, though not expensive.
to buy, but hard to beat.'; -T. A.
B WN, 388 Dorobester St. W.
• Send 10 coats to Dr. Pierce's Invalids;
Hoie1,' Buffalo; N. Y., for trial package.
Miss Elsa Thompson, who recent-
ly went to Guelph, is still seriously illi
-Mrs. W. G. Wiis�an was called' to
Niagara Falls owing -to the 'serieiis• ill-
ness sof her daughter, Mrs. Herbert
Chamberlain, -Mr. Wrn, Bell, who has
been salesman in MacLaren's hard-
ware for the. past ,five years, left Wed-
nesday morning for Windsor, where he
has secured a similar position -Rev.
Mr, McLeod of Atwood and a former
rector in the Anglican church was the -
guest of Mr. and Mrs, Weir Acheson
and >athei friends in togas -Mr. W. C.
Montgomery has fitted up a room in
cron.nection witli'-his jewelry store in
which to do eye testing.
SEAFORTH _Lloyd A. Martin, a
pupil of the Seaforth Co Ilegiate, and
eldest son of Mr. Peter Dodds, of Mc-
Killop gassed away on Feb. 3, from
pneumonia. The deceased was in. his
his i8th year and had been ill only a
short time.
CLINTQN--On. Feb. 4, Rev, S. Ancl-,
erson tied the znaltrmonial knot be-
tween. :4iiss Olive Beatrice eldest
daughter of :his: and 1%, s, \\'''H. Cale
of town to :lir. Robert P, Fisher, also
of Gunton.,. -.-On Tuesday, at the fam-
ily residence, Mary lode, beloved wife
of Mr, I. T. Marland passed away, at
the age sof 67 years and 11 months*
The deceased and been, in ill :health
for some time. Besides her ,husband
she is survived by two daughters, Mi .:
ses Marion and Amelia, and ane son,
Leonard, all at home. -Word was: re-
ceived in town Tuesday that W. L.
Prison. lecturer }at the O, A„C., Guelph.
and husband of Eileen Hoover, had
passed ,away that morning from prneu-
BKINSLEY-The funeral Of Frei,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert 'Harltton.
of Brinsley, whose death accurr'ed nn
Detroit from the flu, was held from
Stephen's Undertaking rooms, Ailsa
Craig, on Thursday morning at 10
o'clock' to Brinsley and St. ?1larys cem-
etery. Services were conducted by
Rev. , T H. Wheatlen., The deceased
was in his 22nd year, and and only
in Detroit a short time,. The, funeral
was private, as ,all the members, of his
family at Brinsley are ill at present.
AILSA CRAIG -At the regu lar
meeting of the Council Wednesday
night Miss J. Wyk lie was appointed
vi Hage clerk, owing to the resignation
of Mr. J. S. Smi(th,--Wm, Cochrane
of Lobo, :formerlly of this place, has
purchased the store and business of
McKay Bros., and takes possession an
April lst.
Conditions affecting the publishing
business are such as to make it es-
sential ter adhere strictly to the rule
of having all subscriptions paid int ad.
some, It is simply oversight on the
part of a few yet behind and for a
short while tldnger we will accept set-
tlement for arrears at the $1.50 rate.
to pot off to -day's duty u t to-
morrow. If your itomaOt
acid -disturbed take
the herr aid to digeetios comfort
ztodry. A pleasant relief from:
the discomfort of acid -dyspepsia.
MA>FSMS QF wows nano);
0 '
IF" L.
Sprinkle Cane Nola over your
straw, old hay,, corn stover, fod-
der, ensilage, screenings, etc.
Reduces cost offending.
Cam Mina
Is 100% Pore Cane Molasses and
not it Prepared Stock Feed*
Makes snore milk at leas cost*
Builds Beall faster:
Keeps stock healthier*
Soli in strangiron-hooped barrels, 600lb
net each, at a very reasonable price.
We rant •andrilMelmri
t .Fret ensk txtrpjtt__Rf.
ash Fei in KDniniRS4
Good I'esag.rta
wanta4 uses where.
veiteeetck for
r vt.ri,
t 5 CANADA. Limited.
tit St NO Streit w,
tow -MEAL.
viwtm lr -
TF the Ford Motor Company of
Canada, Limited, is able to build
up to the limit of its capacity, only
27,350 Ford Cars will be built for
use in Canada between January the
first and July the thirty-first of this
.year. Divided among the total
population of Canada this means
one car to every three hundred and
ten people.
It is easy to see that many people
will be unable to get their Ford
Cars at all, and many will have to
wait for summer or fall delivery.
As Ford Dealers a ors in';thls territory,
we desire to deliver a� car
to every ..
person in this distrix
who wants
onebut we cannot
get the cars un-
less we send in the orders now.
a car •later on1wait till spring
before order
n .
'L7.t.. 011e
self at the -t •
g Y o oaf the
dl ver i -
• Y _
Y an
:ilo �Sn.ell, ,Dearle`r,