HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-12, Page 1THIRT};-THIRD YEAR
Influenza is contracted, in only one
7•7•77 774 aa
way and that is by corning into per -
Haat, Maiming Dolt.erty, :,!mister of eoual ca tract with somebody who has The sale of stook aha chattels
Agriculture inthe Ontario Government it, It Calm:cit of be carried by a, third
has begat, elected by acclamation, but person, an the clothes or any other
Premier Drury has to run air, election, fashion You can't get it second-hand,
which, however, looks 'like a walk -over It cap.'t float ar rass the street to ,you.
for the premier. But if you shake hands and talk with
--- somebody who has it, the germs are
A oommtutit Laundry is one of the , likely to find- their way to you before'
y they have been, killed by exposure to
Iiv:e questions in connection with the theair. Unprotected coughin: and
i\'iiomexas Institute:° The proposition sneezing is the most dangerous thing
is to .cover a rural territory of per- that can be mat, And this is only
haps two and a half miles and have dangerous when near at hand.
the 16 family washings all done at a
, run.
central laundry, _ by hydro or gaso-
line power .machines« This would not $50 AND COSTS IN
only cut out "wash day" at the inch-
victual home, but would help solve the
problem of hired help- The o acti- The adlournetl case of Bissett vs,
bilrty of the plant has been evidenced Hooper came up again. on Thursday
before Magistrates Hawkins an.f Tay-
lor, and further evidence was taken,
Mr. }Roper geing i;.tto the witness box
on his own behalf, - L4tt1e new was
brought out in the .evidenc+s, and as
we report had been received of the
e. iminetion rif the Parks of the. beast
s n o the P av 1 Board of
t r ,,tie B
The committee of the Huron County tlealth at Toronto, the magistrates re -
Home, consisting of Dr. Clark, God- served their decision and adjourned to
ericit Dr. Griever Seaforth, Reeve Tuesday afternoon of this week.
Moffatt, Turnberry, and Mr; Trewar- On, Tuesday after iocee the court was
tha, Goaderich Township, will, meet at again in, session, and as the analysis.
the House to -day (Thursday) look ov- hard riot been received, the magistrates
ex the premises and dine, as is the gave judgment against the defendant'
custom. One xpatte,r which will likely for $50 and .casts,
come up for cootsiderationt by the com-
mittee will be thee advisability of ob-
taining some more lands .tanager
elaeynoide thinks that if the farm was
***efficiently large the institution might
he made self-sustaining, or nearly+ so,.
arra the committee intends to look in-
to the ratter. -Clinton: !dews Record,
by the Community Kitchen in some
places, Careful estimates will show
the idea is not so far -!.fetched as some
might think and will,filt a reaT need
to the women folk of Twiny a commun-
ity., -$russets Post.
The attention of all having rural de-
livery mail boxes is called to the fol-
lowing clauses from the Regulations
of the Post Office Department of Can-
ada. Roads on which rural mail deliv-
ery is about to be established must he,
rx good condition, It is to be under -
stool, that for the effective perform-
ance of the service they must be kept
passelele for the vehicles at all seatons
of the year .either by the municipality
or the residents, who are being served.
Rural !nail box holders should un.
stand that it is plot the duty of court
iers to break the roads after storms.
During the winter seasons the roads
must be kept open and the approach
to the box sufftcgeeitly, clear of snow
to enable the courier, to cover :his
route without being unnecessarily de-
layed or inconvenienced. -
Phone 81a
'air Thus Powell near Farquhar
Tuesday realized 51,990:
The Forest Standard has the
lowing yreference to a former pastor
of Main Street Metho:tist Church: -
"At the regular meeting of the Quar-
terly Board, of the Forest Methodist
Chu _tell held on Tuesday evening, an
unanimous invitation was extended to
the pastor, Rev S. W. Mexworthy, to
retrain for another_ year. During ?Or,
1fuxworthy's pastorate the church has
been most ,abundantly blessed, the past
year, being .one of the most successful
La its history."
Ma. E. i1, Dignan went to Toronto
on Monday to meet and aecompany the Farquhar
remains of the late Mrs. Howard to
of Exeter, Mr. L D. Felton has been moving,
his household goods to the farm the .,
on Mfrs, .Esti Heywood; who' Fisited'past few .lays, he high; sold the
her sister, Mrs, W. J, Mallett in, store business: Stock taking is be' ,ng
London the later part of last week,14ont, in, the ,srrre and Mr. Milton I•Io-d-
t d h Saturday, aceami>au' �d ►
The subscriptions to the Church
Forward v1ovemeat an Exeter up, to
"Tuesday g; ht are as follows, -
James Stret-Objective $600.0,
raised $$3360.
Main. Street -Objective $3412; rais-
ed $1800.
Trivitt aleroorial- Qbject ve $2600,
raised $1000,.
Caveath rc t yetcompiled.
C tt h--a>Io
The Presbyterian Church at Thamea
Road has r.lready gone over the top --
their objective was .$3700, and they
have already passed the ':4000 marl;
John. E. A. Sim's, aged 32 years, who
After the.first sittings of the ease •ltrs mother, was ti
a Frank Sims, ist Evisixeterng, diedtristtnc.:e .on
Magistrate Hawkins wrote a letter to Monday, Feb. 9th, after a short illness
l?. Torrance, Veter_aary Director Gc from pneuntonial Both\fr, Sinn and
case Ottawa vvhieh he revdened thehis .mother 1taN'e been troubled with
easea reported the Adv*Deice :tsthm : and They rams east from :tiara
last week, With this letter he en
closed reports of the reterinariee, and f.oba,, to: try the Ontario climate, Both
asked the follow` question, -"From Sims
heavy colds and in, :sir.
this letter and the following
of the vet- Sims case it developed into pneumonia.
erinaries would y ou consider this meat Ile was unable to gr a it a strong fight
he Passed away after a fe
fit :for consumptioe and would the ariaw days'
carcass of an animal in such a condi-: illness. The remains will be stripped
tion be; allowed, to pass as fit in apub- west ion tha arrival of a brattier who
lie abattoir?„ is now as the way to ESelter.
Apart of the reply of the veterinaryDEATH OF WILLIAM O'BRIEN
director general is as follows, -
On Saturday, Feb. 7th, the death
"The description contained .;at, your took place at his hone on the 3rd
letter together vutla the affidavit of concession of Flay, of a .native of the
the veterinaries would`be sufficient to
reasonably warrent ante inbeing sus-
pichous or the matter in question and
a very Careful examination. would be
required to be made before the car-
cass would be safely pa,s:,ed for food. the end tcame suddenly on Saturday.
With reference to your statement that Bora en Hay he lived there all his
the owner claims that be sent portions life and was esteemed and respected
of the meat to Toronto ands London to by a wi,ie circle of friends„ He was
be examined, end claims to have re- a. on. of th e late Henry O'Brien. His
ceived a report that the meat was fit wife, who was a Miss Cann, predecease
for !food, based on. this examination or ed him, but he is survived by ;one son
analys.s, I would say that such anal- Bert pn, the homestead, one daughter,
ysis would be of very little or no Mrs. Jolus Northcott of Hay, two sis-
value whatever, as it is impossible far ters, Mrs. H. E. Huston of Exeter and
Mrs, Jas Gould of Stratford, .and one
brother, John, T. O'Brien of Spokane,
the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday,
re Tune orae u rc .
by Mrs. Mallett, , pert will be 5-i charge in a few Bays, :
' t --Mr W. J. Vanc:e', ,who has been. very
Mrs, J. W. McIntyre, who. has been iow suffering from bronchitis anal pneu
visiting for several weeks here with s moria is at the time of writing, on the
her • parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas 'mend. filer brother George .'1rm.
Sanders left with her two ettildren stroaK of pares sisite.1 her the 'past
for her home in. Wgtson,, Sask., on week-end.-Quitea number of the
Wednesday morning. ' citialren en. this vicinity have had the
BAND 31IANAGER CIIANGE, ',, measles but are recovering. -The Hall
Mr, A .E, Kuhn; manager sof the Company There has been repairing the
Bank of Commerce, bas eece ve4 word i wal.lsof the hall, and will hot d a box
from headquarters that he is to re- , so-aa,f In the near future to help the
port at Kerrobert, Sask., on March 1st finances. -The auction sale of Mr,
to take charge of the branch at that , Powrell's .sto-k and 'implements Tues -
place, Keerrobert is ane of the best s'iay was largely attendedand good
towns an the West and the move is a ;Prices realized-Fra'�,ends in this vie -
step up in band in for Mr, Kuhn. By , inity were sorry to bear of the death
s' o li obliging manner, his kindly and on Sunday et Mr, Jas, Clerke, formerly
'tis bl i a ' ,3smade him ' of the 10th concess_o+n south of here
genial disposition. he- but lately of Lotsl.auz.--efess Rett Pol-
len with all. _ of Mitchell spent the week end at
---.. len p t
. her home here, --Mr. Arthur Campbe:l
a,z�t 1), •Brown visited frien.ds in St.
'Marys on Saturday and Sunday, -
township in the person. of William'
O'Brien at the age of 66 years. For
some anonths Mr. O'Brien had been
troubled with rheumattism and it ape
parently hats affected the heart, as
any Patho ogist or Histologist to take
a small portion of meat and determine
anything by the aid of a muexoscope,
and pass judgment as to its fitneas for
food, His report must be based on.
the condition; found, in the whole car-
cass, and not upon the -examination, of
a small portionewhich might be taken
from a part quite remote from the
seat of the lesion, We are in, ree
ceipt of information to the effect that
in the case in question, the abscess
was opened' and pus was permitted to
splash 'or run down over the, remainder
of the carcas. Had this occurred in
art inspected 'Establishment it would
have been immediately condemned and
destroyed as being unfit for food. One
of the regulations states, --"Na car-
cass or parts thereof entering into the
production of .food sthall be allowed to
come in, contact with anything that
willcontaminate, or deteriarate them."
In giving judgment the magistrates
had these two letters read, to show
whereon they basted their judgment,
algid they strongly urged the Board of
Health to have an inspector appointed
so /that all meat might be properly in
U. F. 0. ??ARTY WHIP
List week Mr. Andrew Hicks of
Centralia. M.P.P. for South Huron, was
chosen U. F, 0. party Whip in the
Ontario Legislature Mr; Hicks is
capable if any mann is to fillthe duties
of this office satisfactorily;It will be
no snap job with the -Government hav-
ing a very small majority, and Mr.
Hicks will be a busy man during -the
session, which, opens -on Match 9,
yt quick to see the merits in our
�e have
ye an abundance
b ndace of seasonable
rc andise-
especially selected.
You --may Shoop for the whole family
Were ani effect a great saving.
lour & Furnishe r
Dome Rink, Exeter
Clinton O.H. A
vs. Exeter Sr.
LOGS WANTED -The undersigned
will purchase in, the. tree or delivered From Another Source,
ayswood Elm and lvia l
e Lees in tiny enss '
a Pollen
homea from Lx-
quant-tyfor which the highest cash etcr --eir Eat Pollen and lack Hoe-
a g wood &t Menai Mc-
Curdy's, Plugtown, this week.-A.Lox
saaiaat will be held here oa Fee 27.
t)an t forget the date„ Marc partic-
ulars later, -,The Women's Institute
met last Tuesday and the papers on
WON Sugar vs. Brown sugar were in-
deed both very interesting, as was al
se the talk on ,S.un The annual
meetingwise be held oa the 2nd of
inin�i trc't, s keep it mind, -Mr. and
Mrs Archie Ho le,ert will move to ;
Chiselhurst tn• the farm of Mr, Robt. '
Cee: recently purchased by Mr. A.
Hedged of Russeldelee
i nese will be
p. -F. l err, Crediton. gent .,re cutting
Ther.: are quite a ,number of ",flu"
cases in, this neighborhood, but so far
the ,patients are progressing favorably.
The trustees took the precaution. to
have .the school thoroughly disinfect-
ed, but as yet the Board of l-lea!th
haven't taken, any =teen as to closing
the churches and. schools in: the town-
ship, as they consider the prese it
uation doesn't warrant such action to
be taken. We top: there will. soon
be a change: for the better, as these:
arra anxious times.
The C. I. C. .Adult Bible; Class were
entertained at the home of theirlires-
idertt Daniel afclsaac, on, Monday ev-
ening. The boys eertainiy-enjoyed
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Geiser of Denver,
Colo. are visiting relatives its our
A number of our people have Leen
getting en their sttpply of coal, as they
consider there yvill be am. advance in
prices before long. Won't it be love-
ly when things begin, to drop?
CliffMallett has been transferred
from Loather►, to the Bank staff here,
sur seeding L. E. Chesney, who has
been transferred to Seaforth.
Miss Mable Wenzel has returnee
home from Detroit after visiting her
sister, Mrs. Benke.
John Ma;lett, the new proprietor of.
tile Central Hotel, has arrived from
Liondo:t and is taking over the prop-
erty from Mr. 133.1I. It is expected that
Mrs, Mallett and family will arrive
here the beginning of next week.
Our roads are in bad condition( and
it is almost impossible to draw a load
of any size these days. The Credi-
ton MiJJle% Company had considerable
' their coal
trouble t week g ata
from the ,stational Upsets were com-
mon, much to the disgust offall con-
Our ,masa courier, Isaac Hill, is un-
der the weather. James Cockwill is
taking up his route. We hope to see
Isaac's smiling face around again be-
fore long.
errs. John, Bedford's condition isn't
very favorable just at present.
Miss Elia Leek and Miss May Arm-
strong .of Exeter are spending a few!
days in our midst.
The Sunshine Class presented the
Trustee Board of ' the Evangelical
Church with a beautiful pulpit bible
last Sunday.
=William Schwarz is in London where
he went through atm operation,. We are
pleased to know that his condition is
auite fav-orable.
Herbert Fahrner has returned home
from Detroit where he has beers work-
ing Lor :sometime, s .
Miss Hazel Snell of Dashwood vise
ited at the home of Mess, Mildred`Sch-
roeder, and they spent Monday 3n
On. Friday evening, .Feb. bth, the
"Queens sof {Serviice" Club hefts their
regular meeting in the -Sunday School
rooms. After a shoat program Irene
Mawhim ey Spoke, to her .girds on "One
Girl's, in�fluenee", a memorial of Lucy
Stockton Andrews'; It told of how
the girl served Jesus Christ, and sof all
the good work she,.did in the Sunday
School and Church, during her short
twenty -ane years, before she was col -
to the Home alT
Holtzman also ,spc+ke, to her girls on
"Living Together" r Both topics were
much appreciated by the girls, The
bays then took charge of the next part
of the program, consisting of several
contests which proved very enioyabr"e:.
The sad news was received here by
relative:; this week sof the death of
Mr, pagoda J. Ross, who died in, Sar-
aiae on. Tuesday tparni,ng last et the
g years.; Deceased was a
victim iaf pneumonia, and had only been
sick a few days Mr. Ross formerly
resided its, Exeter, having for a -num-
ber of years followed his trade as a
carpenter anid 'about tea years ago
rowed to Sarnia, where he has since
resided, The deceased was a son of
the late Hugh Ross of Wintjipeg,
Man. The .deceased married Miss May
Rivers.. slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liana Rivers of town,and besides his
widow he is survived by two small
children. ,a soon, and daughter., He al-
so leaved his mother and one, brother
in 'Winnipeg. He was a man, of in-
dustrious habits and much `esteemed
as a friend and citizen; The remains
will be brought here an Friday fox
buri,af>" ;'Oo add to the sad circum-,
stances sof the death Mrs. Ross ahil
one of her little children acre con:fin-
ed ito their bed ,and waill be unable to
attend the funeral.
....Clinton ,has a fast team and is still
in the funning, They are,z,oty playing
dff with Wiinglalaiinf Exiete;r has the
fastest team ethat we have, had for
Years; and we w*anit to see haw ' tee
stand -far •9)HA. hockey in Exeter.
It wi111' be a grand game.: Everybody
dome an,J help the bays to win. ` '
Admission 25c
The death occurred very suddenly
at 3 o'clock out Susnday•of Mrs. Charles
Camra, at the family residence, Main
street She was apparently in her us-
ual . good health until a sudden, heart
seizure soccurred a few nun' utes before
she passed away., Her sudden death
was a great shock and surprise ,to her
fete,n,ds, She tvas aged 57 years and
7 .;months. A wounaan of sympathetic
nature, a kind. hearted friend and
neighbor, and very much devoted to
her family, Mrs. Cann commanded the
esteem iaf all who knew her. Deceas-
ed was born in Eliitnville, °being
a daughter of the late Richard Coultis,
and her whole. lite was spent in this
community. Mr. and . Mrs. Catrin, "mov-
ed to Exeter fram.Usboirne about six
years ago anid iiav'e since made this
theca home, Beeed'es her sorrowing Particulars later. -We are pleased to
husban0 she is survived by ,one San, bear that Mrs. P. Glavin: is improving
Rev, R Eifert of Tavistock visited
with friends a few days last week.
Mrs, S Adams of London was a
visitor in town, one clay last week.
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical
Church held their meeting at the home
of Mrs. John England . last week.
Mr. Snider ,af Gormley is, visitin g
with his brother, Mr. Wm. Snider,
Mr. Oscar Simons of Fairdale, Sask.,
is visiting friends and relatives here,
Mr, Leeland Guenther :af Landcn
spent the week -end at his home here.
Miss Ada Fassold lett for--Is:Auden,
Saturday where she has acceptel,
a position.
Mr. Percy afallard, who has beencn-,
gaged with Messrs. Aunsford Bra,.,
Lake Road, has moved with his fam-
ily east of Grand Bend, where he has.
gone ma farm.
Gfbert--On Jan. 31, to Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Gilber., Perkhili, a daughter-
: teKicha.n--Ln Parkhill, on Feb. 2, to.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mclichan, a son,.
�isber--Coil-in Clinton, on Feb. 4th
Robert P. Fisher to Miss Olive, Bea-
eatrice, eldest daughter or Mr. art
Mrs W. H. Cole sill of Ctiszton.
1.*Ss-l4 Sarnia, ,on, Feb. 10, David
Jo ins Ross, aged, 32 ,years, 7 months.
Pune,-..1 r. r lay at 2 p.m. from Cav-
en Presbyterian church, Exeter.
Clarke -In London, on Feb. 8th, Jas,
Clarke • formerly of Usbosne, in hie
68th year.
Cann, --In Exeter, on Feb 8th,Mare
Ann Count's, wife of Charles Cans!,
aged 5I years, '7 months, 18 days.
Howey -In Exeter: on Feb, 5tb, Ham.
nth. Harvey, wide of WI Main Howey,
aged 1 years, 19 days.
Sinus -Ir. Exeter, on Feb. 9, John Ed-
gar Alexander Sims, recently from
tate West, aged 32 years, 27 days,
Cloward -In Na'etaskiwin, Alta, on
February 7th, Lucy Palmer, relict of
the tete Howard of Exeter,
agel 71 years, 11 months.
O'B•r:en—lar Hay, ort, Feb. 7tb, Wslliant
O'Brien, aged b6 years.
Seaforth ax Feb. 9, Irer+te
Pr1ctham, formerly V Exeter, inher
25th year.
Harland --In Clinton, on Feb. 3, Mary
Po:ie, wife of Mr. J. T. Harland, ag-
ed 67 years and 11 months.
Weil -Ar Los Angeles, Cal,, an Jan.
19, elan.\Valper, beloved wife of
Henry Wee, formerlly of Hay Taw,
ship, Bronson. Line.
Mount Carmel -
On W.edn'esdray at 9 a,m. Revs, Fr.
Tierney united in man -lege Mr, Joseph
Rowland to Mies Emma D;isjardine.
Orval., ,af '•Usborne, anid Ave daughters,
Blanche apt home, Mrs. Jas.. Ferguson,
Irkban, Mrs, Jas. Earl, Woodham
Mrs. John'Passmore, Heinsadl aid Mrs.
George Dunn, ilsbarrse She also
leaves three brothers and five sisters,
Widliaan of Toronto, and Henry anti
Eli of town; Mrs. S. Clark, London,
Mrrs.. Wm Lrankimi, Graintlon, Mrs', F.
Mills, Woodham, Mrs. Jas. Kyle and
Mrs. John ,Bend of Exeter. The fun-
eral took place to the 'Exeter Ceme-
tery on Tuesday. .
Mrs. Wm.: Sanlcrs and daughter,
8rernice. tot Stephen visited .in Lan,-
don Wednesday.
Mr. S. 'Fitton returned Monday from
a .visit with relatives in 'Torottto, while
Mrs. Fitton wet remainfor a few days
Miss Corliss, who bas,lrec,n visiting
at her home an ,Bolton,"returned to
atter her recent ihlness.-Master John;
Hail returned home from. Sandwich
Fiat week. -Mrs. 1', Gaffney ,of Mitch-
eil -is the guest of Mess, E. Sullivan.-
ullivanJames Carey is on ;the sick list. -Miss
Clara Glavih attended the Murphy and
Gooding weddl g at Parkhill this week.
---Mr, Louis Rowland is ill Chis week,
with a cold. -Mrs. 'IJ. Collins return-
eturn-e l home, after spending a week vis-
iting friends at Detroit. -Mr.. Joseph,
Glavin called on friends in London
last week. --Misses Josephine and Nora
O'Rourke are confined to their beds;
with severe cioilds.-Mrs. John Potter
of the ;loth concessionr of McGillivray
met 'with' a -painful accident a' few days
ago while milclii'xtg a caw, which, kick-
ed. her:.,vicipus,ly and ;;trampled upon.
her, wish the result that she sustained
several ;broken, ribs and a fraetured
elalletbone-air. Patrick Glavin receiv
Miss L. M. Hartaeib is visiting in
Mr. and 'IIs. Geo. Cook visited with
their daughter in Wilton Grove this
: g
Miss Rose Guenther is improving,
after her regent illness,
Ifiss Edmeston spent the week -end
with friends at Cre•d'itee .
Word has been received here of the
death of a former resident of this
town, Richard Hamilton of Keating, B,
C. The deceased conducted the
death Will bvrymhrgrttd band y
a ;large circle, of friends. -
Mr W. W.ilie,rt spent a few days iii
London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Klumpp moved into
their new home on, Monday.
Dr. Taylor spent Friday in London.
towtt, Tuesday to take charge of her ed the stews Mast week of the death
millinery rooms, of his sister, Mrs,_'Carroll of London,.
exactly when you order meat h,•eiY'ee.
We'll give you just the cut you ordere
just the quantity you mention and da -
liver it just when you want it, And
remember that our meats and pricels
are - not ordinary., The meats ea*
higher in quallity and lower in price
than you can obtain. anywhere else;, -
B. Makins'
where quality is higher than price.
Phone 16
Spring, Gentle Spring,
is on the Way'. ---
Are You Ready P
How About Linoleurns and dugs_
Naiirn's Make.- in blackand floral designseethese are very sae**
goads,- diolny't delay Tri selecting an -this County wall soon be borne
dry- pia fan as Scotch Linoleums Lear -melted.
Rugs,SmallBig s
Ru s,
Rugs far any and every 'room Tepcs'try, Velvet, Wilton, are
minister land Brussels,
We are very strong in small and -extra large 12rgs-ad take
from ,us,;,whert the present stock is igo,ne, any !knew Ones; to. come *i
vailt be € `a
high in price that you will have to call loud to be heard
a s' Ccial unlit ru take a look at oar tures-
If you .want very .�,p i q 9. g
ersait Seamless Walton.. Calors tguara,nteed.