HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-5, Page 8Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Oats Wheat .,..,...,,.,, .a . ...... Oats ,ix t tet., lr} i•9x o8 Barley 1.45 to 1.70 Famai"y Four . 6.85 Shorts ,...* ,e., ....e.,,, .... ,..., 52.00 'Bran per ton, , ,„45.00 Eggs . ...,- 4. k,,, 65 'Yield Eger , 3. ,,. 55 Dalry Butter 58 to 6e Creamery Butter .. ,...., 72 Lard .,„ 35 Pot:t'o' tv •.• bag 3.75 HI o.`r ...... .. 20.00 to 22.00 Hogs ,.,.... 18.00 `E)1111rEtt A.11111 TE, ` kilIBBILArY, FEB, 51 1920 Local Doings Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Stewart, "Whyte Farm," Hibbert, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Laura Eliza- beth to Mr. Hugh Norris Siferry of Brucefield, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sillery of Exeter, the marri- age 'to take place in, February. Mrs. Joseph Regiee has sold her 100 acre lane in Stephen to Mr. E. G. Kraft who .awns the 100 -acres just to the west. Mr. Fred Regier .has pur- chased the line 150 -acre farm on the Gusher. Line south from his broiler John, Regier. Possession in the both ares is given son April 1st next. _ Memorial MUST BE IN ADVANCE. r rxvitt Conditions affecting the publishing business are such as to make it es- sential to adhere strictly to the rule Church rch. of having all subscriptions paid in ad - dances It its simply ]oversight an the Seeley c.: is es as usual. part of a few yet behind and for a ' short while longer we will accept set- `':YFfted: TO FARMERS ds. eutive of the Exeter bra eh of ties L F.O. have decided to shit 1;v s stock ca -operatively, namely. eagle, hog , and sheep, By :shier tic: , i;I this way the seller gets market r: cue, minus actual (expenses of ship]•, ;, J. N. Ratcliffe haft been appolntea `agent and will be glad to make arrangements with those who have st ;. for sale. Phone 173r4, Exeter. The Csriadien... Bank of Commerce here anew for de livery to sub•, ace/bees sal the last Victory Loan ail , form o: bonds, coupon and fully registered. Subscription receipts may ,now be presented and the re la- tive bowls will be delivered, The A'vra .te can give you club - bias; roes e with any sof the daily news- p,pr.rs n?; nragazhses. Dr le aulstads, desires tto atnnouece tlt IIt &err ;; office will be closed c'u ; , , , y gseetee part of the next week, Furth - ;:n,:,•oun'cment will be c z;.,.d week "s issue of this p,per. It . , . .e:.: you want se.: Harvey Bros NECKNOKES, WI3IFFLETR1sES. Farmers or teamsters having suit- able woos bring it to the O. K. Cider Mill, and I will turn it a standard, or any length or size you wish, also saws gummed, etc. 5 J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle DRUGLESS METHODS. Dr. John Ward, successor to Dr. B. Knight. car. William and Sanders Sts. i Telephone 43. (Drugless Methods.). Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. - 10.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. All. unfinished cards will be finished free" TRACTOR SCHOOL A Tractor School will be held on. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 11t1E and 12th, in. Wm, Ward's Waretooms Everybody invited. W. Ward. CARD OF THANKS. Mr;. Cottle and family desire to thank the many friends for kindness shown during their recent bereave- ment. $5 per day the year round. Send for free plans and sample case free, A yearly contract given. -H. V. Martin, We lsor. Ontario. WANTED -Wheat, oats and barley. - Harvey Bros BOARDERS WANTED. Ladies or school children. Apply MISS HARDING, Andrew Street. It is a wonderful achievement to take a flour as good as MODEL al- ways and make it as much better as it is ;tow. -Harvey Eros, adases GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE. Three -horsepower, good as new. M. M. RUSSELL, Exeter, R.R, 1 PASTURE FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres. For particulars apply to B. Makin, Butcher, Exeter. ' NOTICE During the Winter we will have Horses and cutters for hire. Anyone • Wanting same phone 56. WILSON & SIMS. PROPERTY FOR SALE Three brick residences on Andrew Street , modern equipment; Also seven of the best building lots in town; also Ford Garage building and property C. B. SNELL, Exeter. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings venin s 7 to 8. Pasture Lands For Sale Betirka S % LOT 11 and LOT 12 (together 1914 ACRES) - in, the, AUX SABLE CONCESSION- IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 'STEPHEN the able Aux Sable. These. lamds:l3e: algm(g re Raver gale] are very desirable ., •; p"stu� „lanuds..' The Canada Company 1170 YONGE ST,, TORONTO dement for arrears at the $1.50 rate, SOLD FARM.- Mr. Jahn Woods of town has dis- posed of his 100 acre farm in the Township of Usborne, located on the St. Marys Road, to 11r. R. Skinner of town. There is an excellent gravel pit on the farm, ,but no buildings. The price paid was $16,000. Mr. Wood re- cently sold 75 acres in Hay -pasture land -to Mr, W. J. Bowden,. DISCUSSED FORWARD MOVEMENT. The Todd Hall was filled to capac- ity on Wednesday evening of last week to hear addresses on Church Forward Movements\ Addresses were given by the chairman, Mr. W, G.Medd and resident ministers -Rev. Trumper speaking on "Pensions for Ministers" Rev. Foote on "Candidates for the elinistry" Dr. Medd on "Educational and Social Service' and 'Rev. Wilson on "Needs of 1-lome and Foreign Fields", .although questions had been invited n..oae were submitted. Rev, l'rump.r pail a tribute to the press for the way the movement hal been receiveJ and helped by the newspa- cr of C:anala. KERN ICK-MMOIR. The home of Marr. and Mrs, Peter M, MM3h, "Rose Lawn Farm", Thames Road, ljsborne, on Jam 28th, was the scene. ,of a pleasing event, when lathe presence of about seventy-five guests their daughter, Miss Jessie Lila be - carne the bride, of Mr, William J. Ker nicks of the same Township; Rev. Foote officiated and the ceremony was performed under enarch of spruce and silver with white bell at five p.ma The bride was given away by her fath- er and she was gowned- in, ivory char- meuse satin with overdress of georg- ette crepe trimmed with pearl beads and white satin ribbon. She also wore a tulle veil with lily -of -the -val- ley wreath and carried a bouquet of carentiions and fern. She also wore the groom's gift, a pearl and diamond necklace. Lohengrinils wedding march was played by Miss Vera Bell, cousin of the bride, During the signing of the register. Mrs. Foote sang "0 Pro- mise Me" A dainty wedding supper was served in the dining room which was decorated in. plink and white. The present: were handsome and costly. The groom's gift to the pianist was a pearl brooch. During the evening which was pleasantly sp,eant in games and music the bride wore Burgundy. charmeuse satin with bead and floss trimmings. Congratulations and best wishes are .extended to the young couple who will reside on the groom's farm in Usborn:e:: HOCKEY In the local hockey schedule last week the •Clerks lost their first game for the season, the Oddfellows win- ning by p score of 4-3.. The game was closely contested -throughout and at no timewas one tenni more than a one-poiat margin ahead of the ether. The winning score was made by the Oddfellows less than a minute before "time"' was called in the third. period. "Happy"' Wells was the star ,of the game. He plays a neat and clever J game and wastes teatime on rough stuff,. The line up - Clerks -Gaal, Rivers; -de Tense, W. Snell and Delve; wings, U. Snell and Birney ; centre, Senior. I,O.O.F.-Got11, H. Rivers; defense, Wells and Harness; wings, G. Wells and Heywood; • centre, Southcatt, I:O,O.F. 4; Clerks, 3. The game between the Bankers and the School resulted]' 4-1 its favor of the former. The game was closer than the score would indicate, as Abbott' in goal far the Bankers played a great game and stopped many a fine shot. The kine up Wee, - Bankers -Goal, Abbott; defense, In- gram .and Stock, wings, Fuke and, Tay - tor; centre Acheson. School -Goal, Russell; defense, Fol - lick and -Harvey; wings, Stathain and Davis;'center, Lawson. Bankers 4; .School 1. LEAGUE STANDING Wiori Lost Tie 4 ,1. 0 3 - 2 0 2 2 1 a 4" 1 Clerks Bankers School' EXETER_ HIGH •SCHOOL DEFEATS LUCAN. Exeter I-Iigh School defeated Lucan High Schaal hockey tenni here oh Thursday,'' 5:tb;At By periods the score' was 2 ito 1, 2 tot, .anci 1 to 'Powell bhicl",Mara, starred'for, the .via - toes, while the locals played a' very even, game;; with plenty of combination The game was free from penalties. The High School after ,the, game held a..receptioit foe'playersi and, supporters- e:,, .lane. T u lz ti .s,•. E,,,"tit :24 e E a°' ler' . M. s Id,. gl.. a;, D .its, . i. defences ;Mf. ffeeViey, 1•;delfense G:' cetnter ; W (LaVit n, left Wing ;' Statham;.airig-ht• wing, Lucan-C. Robinson, goal; E. Powell, i. defense; M. Mara, 1. defense; P. Conston, center;. H. Downing, 1. wing, A. Stanley, r. Fang. Mrs. A. Cottle ;is recovering nicely from her recent illness.. Mr. L, Day lost one of his fine work ,horses last week through death. rile animal had been sick for a couple of weeks. Mr. 1, Armstrong sold' his eight- months old standard bred colt last week to S, McMann, of near Parkhill The prioe received was $180. don,Henry of conducted the iservi eseenn. } L, he Trivia ifemorial Church on Sunday last, preaching two excellent sermons. Mr Wm. Passmore has moved to Ex- eter from Usbarne, and is occupying the residence he purchased from the estate Qt the late John Colwell, North etret,. Miss Corsaut of London, who is visiting at the home of .her brother, Dr. Corsaut . sang a pleasing solo, in James Street Church on Sunday ev- ening Mr. James Weekes recently made the Public Library Board a valued presentation, being all the specimens of minerals and marble, belonging to the firm of Weekes Bros, They will be placed in, a cabiirtet in the Library. Two members of Cavea Presbyter - Church have presented a brass mem- orial tablet in memory of thelate Rev, S. F. Sharp, a former pastor, and it is to be unvegled at the, morning ser- vice. on Sunday . Feb. 15th, the, service to be conducted by Rev, S. Banks Nel- son. elson of Hamiltoeil, It is a common remark now -a -days to hear ons who ,has been driving say that be experienced an; upset that day but no damage was dames When ee- turning; from the country Saturday last Dr. Vining's nutter tipped over at Mr. C. B. S.uelI's corner; The doctor was thrown out on his ,shoulder, but he kept hold of the ;reins and succeeded in stopping the beast after he had been dragged a few rods. Saturday saw the. end of January and there was not a thaw Junin the whole month, The year 1918 was also with- out the usual January thaw and it is now up to some .person to prognosti- cate the significance.; During Sunday, however, the weather showed signs of turning mild and on Monday the thaw set in; and the day was clear and fine. There was no mistaking the fact of the bear being able to see his shadow that day and if the jlegend set for Feb, 2nd holds goad bruin ,went back into kris winter quarters to let another six weeks of hard, co Id weather pass. On Friday evening last the Hensali branch ,of the Tackson, Mfg. Co. Iiejd their "opening" ,when thfeir plant was open to the public) Two loads of the ladies from the Exeter plant went up for the occasion, and ,all of then be- ing experts, their skilful and master- ful demonstration of the various oper- ations was greatly appregiatted by a crowd that filled the plant to over- flowing. Everyone was most enthus- iastic and greatlly interested in seeing all the various methods the garments followed in the process of .manufact- ure, and the evening went off splen- didly. and it wa,s a great success. Af- ter the work was finished lunch was served in Parlmer's Restaurant, where some good] things were partaken of, and them the; start was made for home. The roads were not good but no one seemed to be worried. WILLIAM WELSH DEAD. Word was received of the death o{ William Welsh int Toronto). on Jan, 21. Mr. Welsh was 67 years ,of age anal was well known in and around Hens - sail, 'Deceased was born in Devon- shire, England, and came to this coun- try with his mother and settled in Hensall. For a number of years he was proprietor of the Hernsall Plan- ing mills. Some six years ago he mov- ed with bis family to Toronto, where he- jived until the time of his death: For the past two years he had not" enjoyed ,the best of health, He was married to Miss Maria Blatchford, who survives him. Besides. his sorrowing wife he leaves flour sons and two daughters. also three brothers, John of Toronto Henry sof Exeter and Rich- ard of Hensall, and two sisters, Mrs, John Newcombe, and Mrs. 'Thomas Brock of 'Exeter The funeral took place in Toronto. DIED SUDDENLY, A sudden death took place at the home of Mr. Alex, ,Dow, on Saturday last when his sister, Mrs. McLaughlin, passed away froth- the effect of a stroke of paralysis, en her 75th year. Mrs. McLeughlia's maiden, naane was Dow. She left these parts- a number, of years ago for the West where she resided up to a little ,over a year ago when she came back to Ontario. Since then she has been living with her brothers at Stratford, Mitchell and Exeter. About two years ago Mrs. McLaughlin Bost a daughter and a grandson, who met their death by be- ing drowned in. the Assiniboia River. Mrs. ,McLaughlin is survived by ,one sister in the West and four brothers, John. in, Winnipeg ; James ism Stratford; William ,of Mitchell, and Alex. of Ex- eter. At the t*tnte ,of going to press aggangeinents for the ]overall had not been. completed. Miss Ho.igert visited her cousin, Miss Patterson ,of Seaforth last week. Mr. Will Davis ands friend, Mrs Geo Grant of Stratford, visited with. the former's parents here over the 'week' Mrs. Thos. Elliott, who has been vis- iting relatives ,in, Flint ,and, Marlette,' Mich., for three months; retuned home' last week. Mrs. W G. Bsissett returned. last Thursday from a visit of eight months.' with relatives iso the Western Prov- inces.'and in the ,Urnited'4 totes." Fred Amy of -Crandall, Man., arrived: here tan. Friidely :last, he having been called here owing to the .serious 311 ness of :his faat{her, who resides in Hamilton,.'] but whc formerly resided isi rStephen,. Since comirng. East he .has een w e sou wtth fxnetvdts and...resesa s d and Exeter ',i,v�e tut -oat, aro,, S 4' 1<z Ne R.vPlt ':ntlt W%° a ,Ilas; beets ;visit ;hex, is Mr..azul' Mrs R '°G. 'Seldon; retur"n,ed tisds her; home min Kingston on Monday. Her sister, Miss Marjory Seldone accom- parried her to Kingston and wiU,l , visit for three weeks. 1 t 1 esseis-aess-4020'011.•01111.4 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 3t DON'T MISS OUR BIG MID -WINTER SALE Only 10 Days More Woommaieemainotermammmumungegaumgmmo Bargains in Ever1y Department Corset Special This Week at 98c pair 60 pair good quality,1) & A. Brand Corsets, 'size's 19 to 27 -ons speciaf safe this week at 98c. a pair,, First Arrival of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses for Spring We hav*e just placed in, stock our first shipment of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, and Dresses for spring. This ars one of the finest ranges of Cloths and Styles we have ever shown PRICES MODERATE.. Ladies' and Misses' Dresses We would call particular attention to the fact that we now carry alarge stock of all wool serge and silk and crepe dresses.in a beautiful range of styles, and at wonderfully reasonable prices BARGAINS IN COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, WINTER COATS, CLOTH ING, SHOES, GROCERIES, ETC., FOR 10 DAYS MORE. JONES & MAY Principal Dobson. of Alma College, St. Thomas and Rev. Johnston of Parkhill preached in the Methodist churches here on Suauday. Marvin Leake, aged 57, a successful farmer in Logan Township, near Mit- chell, hanged himself in his bane Sun- day afternoon fast; He had been in poor health for some years, and this, with other troubles is supposed tahave been the cause., He was Township Clerk for some years. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of - lice, Strictly coafiidential; no witness. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office -Mann Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED "' l want an unfimdted number of Horses in, good condition, Geldings 5 year old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mayes from 4 years old up,weighing from 1300 pounds up.' Parties having... the required stuff, write or photne 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Horton and Middlesex Pricers Reasonable and Satiafactloai Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario, WINTER TERM FROM JAN Sth CENTRAL S'TRATPORD, • ONT. ,' Wes eTn Omario -1a rgest ad best "Cemmerciai School Wegivo Thor= rough courses'and have experienced ins ksfructors'tr-Co mercial, Shorthand, & Telegraphy Departments. ° 'WS' assist `graduates to -positions:' Write for our; frees' catalogue. It may interest your D A. McLachlan, Princiai MONEY TO LOAN We have a (targe amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fiee. Strictly confidential; na witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or" night. Office- Dr. Sweets old office Phone N. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshu'tt Waalerooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr, G. F. Raulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office ts Closed Wed ,esday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled with all kinds of Furniture which we are selling at a very small. margin; Be sure and see us before buyitng as we have some bargains. R. N. RO.1E THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Pi one 20 ,' a Tea & Co .e Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery hnei Gall and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange �o Jas. ' Gould ld 2- SOUTHCOTT BROS. • Cold Weather Needs. STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR There is no better make,' It wears- well earwell and is ,made from pure wool Red : Label $3,00 '36 IN. WIDE FLANNELLETTI lin splendid quality and patterns. This is a special value and well -worth Penman's snake' in as sizes for boys, •the money. A good ;weaning, garment.: 10, . yards' for $4.00 "Per Garment 7 •"r IIEA VY ;SOCKS; AND RUBBERS CANVAS - & Y, EATHER LEGGING At old Prices. s.advasace 1 pre • All :rubbe;r d � Im: catnvas' or 'leather. "'The' are in price tha,fprst of the, year. Wye are for : -;the deers atom, aleariing ail. lines art the old Prices. I Canvas $1.65 " Leather $2,25 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW' WALL PAPERS FOR, SPRING ALL WOOL SWEATER COtleTs- It will pay your to see our a11-wOof coats. We can save you money, $5.00 $7.50 '" $9,00. .'. FLEECED LIN1a,D UNDERWF' FOR "BOYS Southcott Bros.