The Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-5, Page 7A TONIC FOR THE NERVES
The Only Real Nerve Tonic is a
Good Supply of Rich, Red.
Ix people would only lY
their blood, instead of worrying them-
selves i11," said an eminent nerve
specialist, "we doctors would not see
our consulting rooms crowded with
nervous wrecks. More people suffer
from worry than anything else."
The sort of thing which the special-
ist spoke of is the nervous, run -dawn
condition caused by overwork and the
many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers'
And themselves tired, morose, low-
spirited, and unable to keep their
minds on anything. Any sudden noise
burts like a blow. They are full of
groundless fears, and do not sleep
well at night. Headaches, neuritis and
other nerve painee are part of the
misery, and it all comes from starved
Doctoring the nerves with poisonous
sedatives is a terrible mistake- The.
only' real nerve tonic is a good supply
ot rich, red blood. Therefore to cure
nervousness and run-down health Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills skould be taken.
These pills actually make new, rich
blood, which, strengthens the nerves,
improves the appetite, gives new
strength anis spirits, and makes
hitherto despondent people bright and
u t al o of
cheerful. I a area l "out If
sorts" you should begin curing your-
self today by taking Dr. Williams'
Pink kills,
You Can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr, larilliazns' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
fit the "Campaigner," thus appreciably
simplifying having to serve out ra-
tions from bulk, he would simply is-
sue the necessary vessels to each man
every one, two, or three days.
"Rejoice, and Again I Say,
And all the lovely things of earth;
The little leaves that clap their hands,
The health and wholesomeness of
The wonder in a baby's eyes,
The clinging clasp of loving hands;
The glee of frolic waves, that chase
Each other up the golden sands, ,
The morning stars together sang
When this old earth of our was
'Tis we have lost the 'hearing ear;
Not they who leave their songs un-
Some poets dip their peus in tears,
And some in wormwood and in gall;
With ev'ry 'bush afire with Cod,
And love the banner over all!
Ole, were my quill a. leather dropp'd
From some bright angel in his
My muse might soar on higher wing
To spread the gonial of delight!
Canadian N. W. M. P.
New Food Container for
the Trenches.
during the late war one of the coln-
monest difficulties with which the
soldier in't11e trenches bad to cautend.
was that of preserving his food from
the depredations of rats and the con-
taminating attentions of flies, To
overcome this difficulty, 'Mr. E. A.
'Dennis. who spent four And a quarter
years with the N.Z.E.F., Lias invented
a tin receptacle for foodwhich exact-
ly lite into an ordinary mess -tin. The
ends of this food -container are pro-
vided with four lever -topped vessels,
for butter, milk, jam, and condiments
respectively, while the middle portion
is available for other foods. At the
end or a march the new food -recep-
tacle, which is called the "Campaign-
er," could be taken out of the mess -
tin, leaving the latter clear for the
protection of the iron rations from
rats. The system would also allow of
jam, margarine, and dank being issued
in lever -topped vessels which would
Canada's famous law -enforcing or-
gauizatton, known since 1873, the year
Of its establishlnent, as the Canadian
North west Mounted Police, has been
renamed, untl Is about to undergo
other important changes. Tlue new ap-
pellation is the Royal Canadian
Mouuted Police. Plans are being
made to move the headquarters of the
force from Regina, Sask„ where they
have been located for 37 years, to Ot-
awa, and to increase the size of the
territory to be patrolled by the scar-
let -clad officers,
73aby's Own• Teblots are an excel.
lent medicine for little ones. They
are a mild but tborougli laxative
which sweeten the stomach and regu-
late the bowels, thus bringing relief
in eases of constipation, indigestion,
colic, colds and simple fevers. Con•
cerning them Mrs. L. J. Chlasson, Pa-
quetvilio, N.B., writes: --"I have found
Belay's Own Tablets excellent for my
young baby in the case of constipa-
tion and colic and it gives me great
pleasure to recommend them to other
mothers." The Tablets are sold by
'Medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from. The Dr. 1Villianes'
]]Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Three Styles of Drees
No. e232—Ladies' Negligee. Price,
25 cents. With angel sleeves, or
sleeveless with overdrapery. Cut in
3 sizes; small, 34, 36; medium, 88,
,40; large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure.
Small size requires, with overdrapery,
yards,„ 40 to 45 incites wide; with
angel ,sleeves, 3r/ yards, 40 inches
wide, or 3% yards, 45 inches wide.
No. 9211—Ladies' Dress. Price, 25
cents. Inset vest, tucked or plain;
two styles of sleeve; instep or shorter
;length. Cut in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 inches
'bust. Size 36, instep length, with.
plain vest, 2% yards, 54 ins. wide;
with Welted vest, shorter length,
2% yards, 54 inches wide. Width,
9211' Sen
1% yards. •
No. 8973—Ladies' Tie -on or But-
ton -on House Dress. Price, 25 cents.
Instep length. Cut in 9 sizes, 34, 38,
38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches
bust measure. Size 36, tie -on dress,
long sleeves, 4% _yards, 36 inches
wide, or 3r/s yards, 54 inches
wide; collar, pockets, rj'z yard, `36
•inches wide; button -on dress, short
sleeves, '4 yards, 36 inches wide, or
2% yards, 54 inches wide. Width
around bottom, 1%4' yards.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St„
Tbronto, Dept. W.
If you have Asthma. don't
imagine that you must al-
ways suffer untold Misery'.
Relief quick, sure andsafe
is guaranteed in even. the
worst cases by using
'We are so certain of re-
sults we will send, you a
free sample of these cap
6311013. confident that you
will and them all we have
claimed. write to Tem-
piotoas. 142 King St W..
faold by reliable druggists
everywhere for $1.0i a box.
Tor fifteen
years the standard
epeRheumatism, Neuritis. Gout
Sciatica, Lumbatlo. Neuraiyle
Manydocters prescribe them.
Wrlta to Tcrailetorm 242 Wipe SL W., Toronto, fat
fres ssiopte. So144rzeaabie 4ruyrlstaaverywher.for
e1,e1 per hes.
kcir:S,:nt,tiy 71.?-r,i%`, s ta. i^y "Wf21—.5,r'.'uCn
.eritirer food values
wheat and malted.
barley are fond in
food ln every sense.,
,orizgishins, delicious,
Easy to d' est tecta' ' e
-of twenty ours in .
: o serve e
An Island Where Deer
Are Safe.
The deep Music of a deerhound's
voice came faintly down the wind,
shortly it blended • with the sharper
voice of a hunting'AMredale- The
scream , of a hungry cougar Is mat
more terrifying lei the timid deer of
than 13ritislz. Columbia coast site
bay of the bounds on the trail, Wizen
they hear it they get up and go ---
straight for water.
The little spike buck, born a few
seasons before on the rugged, foreet-
clad coast of the Pacific province,
lifted his bead. His eyes and his ears,
his very pose displayed the high ten-
son of his taut nerves. Ile looked in-
to the forest of the island on which
he stood, and he saw nothing alarm-
ing, He turned and ,stared across the
water toward Nelson Island. The only
thing that caught his eye that did not
denote restful uaturo in primitive
grandeur was a smudge of smoke that
smeared the horizon and showed that
a C.P.R. coasting steamer was out-
bound from Powell River. Then the
boom of the hound's voice rolled
again aerosa the waters, from Nelson
Island. The deer moved nervously,
bent his bead to bite a mouthful of.
Everybody Stumped.
Parson . (at christening): Who
Mother: " 'Meliaraune, sir."
Parson: "H'nn! How do you spell
Mother: "Well, there, sir—I'm like
yourself. I can't spell it, neither."
A Cocksure Physician.
"Are you sure," an anxious patient
once asked, "are yon sure that I shall
recover? I have Beard that doctors
have sometimes given wrong diag-
nosis and treated a patient for pneu-
monia. who afterwards died of typhoid
"You have been woefully misin-
formed,"" replied the physician, indlge
nantly. "If I treat a man for pneu-
monia he dies of pneumonia."
Need a Guide.
"Um—yes,' Ali', Um!" remarked the
doctor in bis best bedside manner to
his patient a$ they stood, in the eOv
salting room. "I'll give you the fol -
towing prescriptions,'"
And he handed atm three small
"A powder for my headache," Ile 1
I c rhe
aid. nla 11 a pellet for my
s p
continued, "and a capsule for My
gouty foot."
r Then he stopped, and pondered
deeply for a moment.
"I say, doctor," he querried, "howl'
the little beggars know the right piece
to go when they get inside?"
Put aside the Salts, 011, I
Aiinard's Liniment Ca., Limited,
Sire, --I have used your MMINAHD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years and
-Millet I have occasionally used other
liniments I can safely' say that I have
never used any equal to yours
H rubbed between the hands and
inhaled frequently, it will never fail
to relieve cold in the head in 24 hours.
Itis also the Best for bruise." . sprains,
Yours Ugly,
looked all round a ,sin ---and calmly
grass. He was safe. 7Ie was on Smallest British Airplane.
Hardy Island. Weighs 220 Pounos.
Hardy Island is the city of refuge to C;lear1y inspired by Bantus-.131In.ont's
all the deer that know about it. „1)omoiselle" of 1907, is Me "Crow,"
Threo years ago it was good hunting; lslnallr is airplane on the Englishmar-
grounds. .tIt is taboo to niers icet. In both monoplanes, the twin -
with guns, lled ud hell pops, as the say-
g , if nuell ith both and
eylitxler engine is set on the leading
dogs appear. It is unlawful to hurt
deer with dogs in British Columbia,
but it is still done in certain districts,
in spite of law. Two, years ago, or
perhaps slightly more than that,. Mr.
C. J. Leyland of England purchased
Hardy Island, a gem of land situated
just off Nelson Island at the mouth of
Jervis Inlet.• He bought it to ex-
periment with British trees in the
B.C. climate. There were 2,500 acres
of rich lands and forests, and there
was a good orchard, He placed a
watchman, Tom Brazil, on the proper-
ty, and did no mare toward develop-
,ment, preferring to await the end of
the war: Brazil, a lover of animals,
caught two of the wild deer that fre-
quently swam to the island from the
other nearby lands. He tamed them.
They in -turn brought other wild ones
Many of them had been run to water
by dogs and took 'refuge on Hardy Is=
land. There, seeing how intimate the
original tame pair were with the man
who' controlled the orchards where
the luscious apples grew, the wild
newcomers gradually grew intimate
too. To -day a herd of thirty deer,
most of them born in wildness, re-
spond to the voice of Tom Brazil when
he calls. Some of them will step for-
ward from the herd when called by
name. They have no fear at all of
man, when on Hardy Island. Some-
times they swim to other parts of the
coast, and range about a bit, but they
come back, often fagged from some
fierce run and swim.
Tom Brazil's herd is becoming a by-
word on the coast, but no dog and no
man dare brave what might happen
should he try to hunt on the island of
refuge. So the deer are fat, are bring-
ing new little linos •into the world,
and are adding to their numbers by
recruit "volunteers from the wild
ranges where such safety is not
Mineral' Liniment Cures Distemper.
Ancient Falls of Niagara
Found by Carnal Diggers.
Niagara Falls, nature's American
masterpiece, is merely the successor
to a grander cataractthat, axons ago,
shook the forests about the present
site of Thorold; Ontario. Phis opini-
on is held by several engineers who
have inspected the local excavations
for the new Welland ship canal. Here,
10 miles ' south of Lake Ontario and
the same distance west of the present
waterfall, precipitous ledges have
been uncovered, over which water
from Lake Erie is thought to have
poured inseeking the lower level. In
support of this theory is adduced the
remarkable evidence of the rocks
themselves, these bearing unmistak
able Signd of erosion through countless
"The world always listens to those
Who know how to• be silent.
A lawyer should never depise a
horst,. Both get their living by draw-
ing conveyncee.
edge of the -single plane, only a few
feet above the head of the pilot, who
sits with his feet between the landing
wheels. This new mealtime shwa the
modern tendency, however, in the
elimination of every possible stay and
wire, The entire lifting service may,
in fact, be removed after unscrewing
a few nuts. The propellor, engine,
ailed gasoline tank farm a complete
unit, wbich is detached with similar
case. The wing span is 15 ft., and the.
'over-all length 14 ft. The speed is 65
miles an hour, which can be reduced
to less than 30 for landing. The total
weight is but 220 lbs.; the price is ex-
pected to'be 32,000 or less.
The peak of Teneriff casts a sha-
dow 50 miles long on the ocean.
Calomel, or Pills and
take `"Cascarets."
n ,•a M•Y. Y
Are you keeping your Bowels, liver,
and stomach clean, pure, and fresh
with Cascarets, or merely whipping
them into action every few days with
Salts, Cathartic Pills, Oil, or Purga-
tive Waters?
Stop baying a bowel wpsh-day. Let
Cascarets gently cleanse and regulate
the stomach, remove the sour and fer-
menting food and foul gases, take the
excess bile from the liver and carry
out of the colon and bowels all the
constipated waste matter and liaisons
so you can straighten up.
Cascarets to -night will make Yoe.
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep -never gripe, sicken,
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
ea little too.
The. Greatest country,
Two American sailors who bad beep
indulging somewhat freely were sit-
ting beside a kilted soldier on the top
of a tramcar in 'Edinburgh.
""No doubt about it," said one of
them loudly "We come from the
greatest country in the world,"
'1Veel, was the quick retort oC, the
man in tartan, ye dinna speak with
a pure Seotele accent."
Buy your out-of•town supplies with
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Five Dollars costs three cents.
Prolific Egg 1 -ayes.
The female turtle usually lays at
night in the sand, depositing from
one hundred anti£ fifty to two hundred
and ]lite eggs, which she covers with
Classified ,Advertlsernen
frames• frames --ask $fork catalogue..
i.3niited Art Co, 4 Erunswick Ave, To-
firs SALE
!l!! County. Splendid opportunity W
lc~T. Wilson Publishing Co.,o.,�inited.
73 Adelaide et- W., Toronto.
and Rob printing plant in Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,500. WIII
go for $1,200 on caloric sale. .I3ox 62.
Olson Pubiisbing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto,
1 XBOELLarenaK1a,
light serving ate home whole or
lipase time, good pay, work sent any die -
faucet es paid• Send stamp for par»
oculars. ationai Manufaeturint* Oom-
any Montreal.
1 oxer. ,Vso, we ary buyers of Raw
Pura, What haus you --what, prie.?
Reid Bros., Botl,weiI, Qnt.
i,.7 are able to supply. advise us, as we
viii pay the iltgheat prices. ary or :seers
bora the saw. Keegan Bros•. l4mttud,
Owen Sound. Ont.
CANCER, TT/14QRTi, Intl 6, ETC,
V :eternal and external. oared without .
pain by our ,hozae treatment. Write us
before too late Dr, Rehman Medical
Co.. Limited. Coiuingwood, Ont.
Iron rust steins can be quickly re-
moved if you saturate the *pose with
1lemon.juice and immediately hold aver
the steam; escaping from the tea ket-
We should avoidpersonal extra-
vagance if we would escape national
THEY do not
1 fear coughs,." nee,
Y�� n
colds and allied v*.
complaints. For eN^6' ,'1y •
over 60 years they . ' =
have relied on �`..47:'
-AY'5 S'YTtU P`
for prompt results. With the lowered
strength and vitality -of age they realize
more than ever before the importance
of having Gray's Syrup on hand for
immediate use. 62
They always buy the Large Size
Montreal D. WAISON & CO., New York
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and'bowels
e e
Yon recicioss mea and women who
are pestered with corns unci who bare
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison are
now told by a Clnotnnati authority to
use a drug tailed freezone, which the
moment a 1eW drops are applied to
any corn, the soreness is relieved and
soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts
out with the fingers.
It is a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it is applied and
simply shrivels the corn without in.
?laming or even irritating the surround•
fng tissue or skin. It is claimed that
a quarter of an'ounce of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet
of every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn is a auieidal habit
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only Iook for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
harmless = laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and_ bowels.
Children , ' love its delicious fruity
.taste. Fuil directions for child's dose,
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
*Mother$ elrou must say "California."
613. !$$UE No v6 -?gds
On Face and Head. Itched
and Burned. Disfigured,
"`Last year I became affected with
eczema. It started on the cheeks in
*rash, and the water spread and
made my face sore all around the
ear and partly manly head. The skin
was very sore and red, and the
breaking out itched. and burned so
that 1 could hardly help scratching.
My face was very disfigured.
"Then I used a free sample of
Cuticura% It helped so I bought three
cakes of Soap and one box of Oint-
ment, and my face was healed."
(Signed) Miss Martha Berger, Span -
away, Wash., Feb. 11, 1919.
Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum the care of your akin.
Some 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
vmans,Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.
Cuticura Soapahaves without mug.
lcini.zd'a r4al.uent efa;.'eel Margot in Cortex:
Oei'ore the war Belgium was the
third zinc -smelting y counts in the
world, producing about 200,000 fonts
of unmanuf'acturedzinc per year, of
which 75 per cent, was exported.
Get rid of every bit of that
ugly dandruff and stop
falling hair
To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dand-
ruff, got a small bottle of "Danderine"
at any drug or toilet counter for a few
cents, pour a little in your hand and
rub well into the scalp. After several.
applications all dandruff usuilIly goes
and hair stops coming out. Every hair
in your head soon shows new life,
vigor, brightness, thickness and more
color. -
America'* Pioneer ileo Statneatta
Stook on
eai4 Now to Fed
Mailed Free to,any Ad-
dress by the • Author.
!, Clay Moyer Co„ lea.
118 Welt 81st Street
New. Pork, U.B.A.
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort-
ing relief
Once you've- tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relief you never
thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying sure
to give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist bas it. Made iia',Can-
ada. Get it to -day. 35c., 70c., $1,40.
Not Aspirin at Alt without the "Bayer Cross"
The name "Bayer" identifies :the contains proper directions for Colds,.
only genuine .Aspirin,—the 'Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu -
eupprrescribed' by`physioians for `overnine raigia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Nouri-
teen years ,and now made in. Canada. tie, Joint Pains, and Pain ,generally.
Always buy an unbroken package °.Clot boxes of 12 tablets coat but
lei "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few. cents. Larger "Bayer" packages -
There is cub' aae Aspiriu-d'Bayes"—You must easy "Bayer"
:aspirin 1a the trade nark (reglatered In em da) ot Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
r�cetteacideeter et Saneylloacld. While it le well known that Aspirin, means Bayer
nufacture,r to (oast the public against Imitations, the Tabieta et Barer company
a to •lstupsii #,R1 ► UV* IIMOriitsgi4t3 iNRi% Mit t*War Cr9za."