The Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-5, Page 5r. •w 'icor+, y ',A,w�p? �c n. "I
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HEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Masked .meta held tip Hailey-
F,,O'Brien in tall home an the Hailey.- tt RR "
4 9 3'' bury road, near North Cobalt, and * �!1,rc��� � ��A 11
r /. Party of Tourists, Holpeetl Pretty
S1NCf 1870 tx ''` • at the point of a revolver robbed hits a
�,~ l American Woman to Kis# kho , . ,.
Im Important Events Wh(ch. Have of t95, leaving hint trussed to the , For Infant* and Cbaldron A,., . , .
d p bed. Real' 8lxrntq $tone
Occurred During the Week: Daniel Donoghue', the veteran trap' . 1n Use For Over 3OYearB -•-�- -I The Clause of Sore S op'l.`m, iii
op. par, whose body was found in his Always bears Three or four of us made`up a little ;
l tone aback near Crerar, was shot he i*rt . to go to Blarney castle to, inn ��� Na'Ses>
The Busy 13'orld s Happenings. Care- t Y _
}fir- _ �r_ _, twice through the head, and had en- signacuz- of • 1',Ay,e oVr ability in the art of lklag
Y p Into Tlmo 13f[iu scoldst!i%-F a'tr .IFAII e
�"!' , p art auoney and watch be __ y Out -.-
fibs Readers of Our Pape a fir Cot.
the $ ouba stirs, aayMl ;
troll Compiled and .put 1►ItrnwNda or 't°urdol lliay
Hand and Attractive Sha Cay(. filbert R. Wonham !n "spun
• r -A found. ,,, 4 • -- Yarns of aa' Naval Officer," The say- 'Form ---• Toeutme nt suggested
Solid Hour's Lina Enjoyment. p'RIDAY. THE OLD HOME PAPER Planting ym Ing that all roads lead to ]lows applies ing i'leld fleitna;,
Th Two horses have died and three When I read the cifty papers with somewhat to Blarney, too, but ,,the TUESDAY. (Contributed by t7ataxi,> 1.)epanCmeat qt
THE DOUBLE TRACK ROU , others are Ill of a strange disease, their headlines flarIng out, I'm so Irish miles -T cannot think how they Agrlcultiw-b. Toros,to.).
Between Sterling dropped to ;3.58. in New near Bothwell. proud o£ modern, doitgs I could fairly
TORONTAI, reconcile them tvitit ills rat record- HEN a horse h.�s beer( pra-
Xork, Hot. lunches are now being served dance and shiout • the are clever, wise
TORONTO ' • y . ed by the taxicab lndlcatars
Brantford wards are to be redia- in Ferscholye Public School, Dare- and witty, and the.y. hard
� gi,�ra mN+ all rho nd.perly fitted .for
- and The Powhattan is nearing Halifax Window washers in Chicago have the ramblingEof the muse • but the Ing up the stone stairs, reachedtrthe
ribs#ed. g ham township, news arced athe dash of science and theW work, the collar [its pro- r
DETROIT However, we of there, and, bo
CHICAGO In Dtow of ; R J. tugs.
o s u ern den week of 44one on rhaurs.emanding' ;48 per thiInmel frownt sets n. is to et the weekly smi ling and will t top of aerehtd #h rowan Two ina a d persons II were perly and the driver oFi.
Um�xoe7,Iad dinSng car ferules z wy , s p".I ten t of y y t e, o d n ae o e of ,serves reasonable precautions t*
ae ' ears on night tmins and St. Michaels Hospital, 'Toronto, died. Midland business men have organ paper from the said home old towrl. the loveliest women 1 ever saw. ;Ve `avoid trouble, it la seldom that shwI1•
l p g suddenly of heart failure. !zed for town advertising and gen•• 'There's the Mt. Carmel items an:dthe'
Parlor ea¢'s on pryn,cipal day trains gyral community welfare. happenings of St, Ives anrd the mews were rather pressed for (fine, and so der trouble occurs, but where the
The governing body of the ,inter- The Jamaican welfare.
is can- that Hiram Hi I proceeded to kiss the stone.
Full information from any Grand P horse has not been pr pared for
• Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- first me labor organization held its ggimi is .izz te,f with the
first meeting at Paris Monday, sidering a proposal to put the liquor hives, that Jam Smith is stepping high I The Blarney stone facer( the outside work, or the collar does ns,a tit pro--
inK District Passesnmer Aaeat,TorOnto Fire damaged the machine works traffic under state control. these days 'because he is a dad, that' of the tower, about three'feet perly, or the driver is, can, -lass, iron-
N, , DORE of W, & J. G. Greey, Toronto, to the Saskatchewan Legislature will ash :Mess JenkNns Aga" a party and a p leas- If you wish really to Ulss It you must
X extent of $65,000 Monday night. the Federal Government to talcs a Ing time was had-ioh, I feel that life be let dawn headfirst, do tihe triek. wird , b!e m very Tfab o to uca est. YYtaeia
Phone 48w Agent, l rtcr, plebiscite on stopping importation of means soaneth1ag sore than mono and be hauled up. All, round the top of the horse has a 10,09: coat of hair zit
The revolting tribesmen in India y the spring It Is llo*d practice to clip
"'�`�""- "_-'--"-`-.-`�""'�'-"'- still continue to refuse to bring: In liquor, renown whets I gel the wesklty paper the toast is, a hanging parapet project -
rifles in payment ai fines Imposed. Transport of German prisoners from the old home :town:;+ It's a long Ing about a foot from the tine of the the .parts: with which the: collar comes 11
. :AUCTION SALE through Switzerland began Thursday.
A proclamation has been issued and lonesome st distance that my weary tower wall, built to enable the defend- in contact, as a preventiv; measure..
OF FARM STOCK & I1wil'LE\TENTS wfthdrawfn the restrictions, against the first 10.000 ,going by way of steps lzav�r strayed, but the of d town •
g >K - ers when the castle was attatkmit" to ill fact, In many cases it as wise to
C?a Lot 10, Com 1, Tp, Hay, an fairs and markets in Galway, Ireland. 13e mpo has ars memories that never gadeL T
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1920, Important questions were discuss- see rtbe old-time buildings and pasty boiling water or ons+]tied least son clip the whale hares,
Lt, -Col. FI. C. Cox, of Toronto, has ed at the conference of the Canadian(
At 1 o'clock .sharp, the following:- been invited to act as one of the the tidy, at'na]pact street, t, and the shady top of the enemy operating on the Shoulder troubles a usually case
.Horses -.Horse: 5 ffeaxs old; mare 9 National Committee for ktental foaling, corners, where the neighbors front door, ed by Ill-fitting callarsti but lit parser
judges at the Hors. Shaw at Qlympia used. to inset, and, seems to me that Halving let ane naother down. wa
yeasts odd; driving na,axe. 5 years cid; In London in June., not lescue#otnexl to work, may +cent
mare, .mars+ if ,yeaas old; bars. 8 Alex, McKinnon died in. Woodstock The 'Board of Commerce is to ' life guts on is br htest glary gown finished under the wonslering i;a�e of even when the collar Eats pro'periy,
Years m3 ( -barge and try any grocers or gra- when I get the week ly ;paper from Tlrirmost cowman slivuldcr trouble
of pneumonia at the age of 3fm, ex- ,ly Arms teamed b the Attorney- the lovely wamuu, "'L:seuse nye, ;;en -
Cattle -n ,cows due, to calf in, Afar.; actly a week after the death of his Y the Old Home 1'owrat-Strathroy Age, tietuen,11 she said, "hart what bave you is Practically a ipnm of scaidmng The11
cats clue. $n May; 1 two-year old steer, father, Daniel .McKlnnan, .',`neral, skin becomes Inflamed. and tender,
2 spring calves, 2 two-year steer,,;, The Liquor ,4et is the main issue01 , been doing?" the hair drops out, a i3' wank bet
Toronto City Council by a large ,>: fi>ra the British Columbia Lois- We told last;
Pigs-�-S+ars• .due to, Jitter in, Feb. • continued utas harts become K•a�w. This
vote demanded a probe of the To. lature, which ,opened at Victoria, on Rev. A. A, Trumpet reaclie.f Win; With a disdainful took site turned to is often due to ii* lec•t in cleaning
I,mplemcsats•••-Massey-Harris Binder, 7 p
float cut- Nt,4ss,ey-Harris Seed Dr;11 ronto Police Courts, following senna- Thursday. behalf of the Forward &fova:ment a.t the old fellow :and said, "There, the face of the collar reguiarly. aiso
tional charges made by Aid. Joseph. K,C, has asked the Ber'a'ir *a:t Swrr I 9nd addressed meet- „ thoroughly clean#ng the shoulders
Frost C. Woad mower, Frost � Wood •, H, Fl. Dewart, George, I taiti ysrst that,. iratattng
hay xake, Frost & Woad cultivattar, singer, Attorney -General to open an Investi- gs at Hayfielt! on Monday Xkht and
Wood A tank of 7,004 gallons of oil tQQk ga:tion into the affairs of the HaMil- at V'arna,oaa; Tuosclay rar;ht isu the same to €t snack lookln ; .tone lazatsta>, "`auras regularly, and #allure tv rallove the
Frost & o disc, QQckshutt bean not the Blarney stone, land I have not sellar at ureal tla collar tee allow the
harvester, P'lcury tvalkntzg plow, s:'at- etre at the t.anadian Shovel ,� Tool on Aafry Ca, aht-terests.
" e furmir raury Co.'s plant ria o-onilton from a work- A, F. Rutter was chosen, president --- kissed the Blarney attune'. I haxve not :shouldeatm and le4nface of become
„1 b plow, steel roller, man's candle, The lass is about of the Toronto Branch of the Cana- corse all the way from America to go dry, and then clesen them icicle put -
wagon, Clinton fanning mill, 2000 lb. } ting the .collar ant again. For treat -
scales; +dbinoncf harrows, Massey -liar $5,000, ..]fan Iced Cross Society At its annual CLIN'TON,--On Wednesday mormag away without dolue; It. As she saiai went, a Iotion made of one ounces
Polish despatches report that In meeting Thursday, about 4.30 the slaug,bter house of S. that she looked ap >ealin •iy- sit us, for
rzs roe: pulper, hay rack, >sg rack l 1 each 4f acetate of lead and sulphate
the eracuatian of the right bank of The American Relief Administra- Castle, art the 101(50(( Road, mast of
light waagan, road cant, gravel box George did. not sszetn lnr•lineI to rise of zinc, In a pint al" call water, is
Sleighs, cutter, buggy, cutting t.o�, the Vistula the Germans bane car- tion say that thousands of packages the bridge, was totally destroyed by to the occasion, probably the best application; This
ct dor R sts, dsayfark rope, 12"a 1'cat. +'led away all available provisions of food sent from fire United States fare! No}v the Sire started is a mays rl,lre cad of it tit+Bas that we lasht>d' should b4 applied three ar four times
trip rapt 0 feet, la=dder, Main har- `znd have removed stores of coal, are rotting on the docks at Dantsig. ter}. -� her dress round her ankles; lowered tinily, and, l pathree. the animal
ness anew; s.�t single Iharncas ne rly James young Smiley. of Wood- E. pavan Gray, A1,A•, LL.D., has should n given rest le worked In l
+tock. a prominent man in business, been appointed Provincial Superin- her, and pulled her up triumpbant.
new; sugar kettle, barr�.i; wire stret BRUCEI~IELI).--The cxy of fire : breast collar,
cher, water tank, forks, boas, shove,c, icipal, church and other public tendert of Insurance and Loan Com- ,*There, georJie, now I can go ]rack
.nun Nr:ks heard sn ,our �a^j:11aKe about 12 Atrscesses- or tumors may form on
and ;(+arty other attic, les to;> numemus affairs, died at the age of fifty-five. ponies, with F. Sanderson, actuary, ,trclo4k au :(fondry rwa3it, jaattt ?6th, to America and say that I have kissed the shoulder ,as, a result of pressure
N to mention
the first vmetfnr ai sleeping sickness tis his assistant. when it was foun%ti that Dr, David. Aic- the Blarney stonel" she cried, of fife collar, Care form of this trou-
`f „nV About 11 tans Heti•, quantity t,aarn' s In that city, SATURDAY,
p lntosh's stable was on firs„, A s;.ratvd T stns bound to sat that txeorge, who b1e appear3 susitieisl}C. A swelling oi'.
positively ora reserve as the farm WEDNESDAY. Guelph Chamber of Commerce has soon gathered but nothing could save proved to be her husband, did ;tot look vonsidevable size fiat noticed. It Is not
has beeA sold, Sterling made a new low record of decided to form an out-of-town the bur!d^ng. His horses and Cows happy or pleased, HiQ reputation for very tender or Bove to pressure, and
Terms -S10.00 sand under cash; over $3 5571, farmers' section, were ta?:en ,out, but the hens were telling the trntlt bud �uffs,r 1. and I is found to be start and fluctuating
that amount 10 months' creta ora furn- Samuel Gompers, president of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, burned. The.h�ousei which. is but s, few ane pretty sure Haat lie wished we when handled, TIS is called a "ser�-
ishing approved joint notes. 4 percent A. F. of L., was 80 years old Tuesday. Toronto, was totally destroyed by Are feet away d$,J not catch on fire, It nus" abscess, It contains a thin
of for cash. J. X. Gardhouse was elected ward- Friday evening. was sated by the,wlad being from the ((ever had casae, fluid, about the conalsteuey of water
G, and E. STANLAKE, Props• an of York county by a majority of The Cabinet of Premier Millerand west, called, "seruau" which is situated just
C. W. Robinson, Auct, • nine, of Frazee has been given a decided "Boys" Got Good American Food: beneath the skin..
County Councils throughout the vote of confidence. If the American mother could conte Another more slowly.
-_ --� Province of Ontario elected their The Federated Community Service ince to face with some of the wosnell The horse evinces, pain wbon pressure 11 I
• CLEARING wardens on Tuesday, campaign in Toronto closed with a -_....., .- cooking meals for her soldier boy at is put upon the shoulder, a:sd exam-
/'� �r r
Mrs. E. Robertson, 84 years old, total of ;303,17.5, flew Legs Saved Him. the Y. M, C. A. but over hero it ,ina:tion reveals- a wellin , he Ant-
AUG �LitY SALE was fatally burned in #her home at Justin B. Edwards, accountant in anal can work and evinces 1 •z pain,
Bouch's•11111, near Cornwall. the Bank of Toronto, Barrie, died Not every man Is bolegs. l or proud would Bladders beer heart, aa!xt a Loa -
FARM STOCK, STALLION, I1I- unexpectedly Friday. of possessing bowed IeSs, but when data (y wo correspondent,
'except for a short time ali+sE he Is
Three thousand Ave hundred and - put ke work,: until niter he i:.. flawed
sixty Chinese coolies arrived at Hall- Joe Stecher beat Earl Caddock for said creseent-sbaped nether limbs bury They Wath] prove to the re Is et- to stand for a few mliiut..�. The
PLEhIENTS, HAY, GRATN,ROOTS the world's heavyweight wrestling saved him from possible serious In (nether that last boy (chile ]sere !s get- soreness and enlargement f; .adually 11
TRACTOR • SEPARATOR„ GAS- fax on Has-;\finnehaha from Europe.
OLINE ENGINE, LTC, More than 50 cases of 'flu" have title In New York Friday night. or death from an attack of st vicious ting real good aid "Yankee Doodle" increase, and while the swella,ag way
on LOT 9, CO T. 14, HIBBERT TP., been reported to the Medical Officer Grant Hall, of the C,P,R„ an- butting ram, he is apt to take x dif- nw,,%ls, cooked l►y real American moth- not appeal to the touch, as solid Intl
ora TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1920 of ,Health for the border district of nounces a heavy building program ferent.�vmew: of the matter during his ers Just Like herself, harsh as at first, it has not the flue -
at 12 +o'clock,"noon, the followyaig,- Windsor. for the company during the current after Afe. `these women --most of therm Amer- tuatfng condition of the seraa,us ab -
HORSES -1 registered Clydesdait Counsel for the Liberty League re- year. A resident of Brarier, N, Y., starfied 1<an volunteer workers --supply about scess. The -,rolls are thicker. This.
sta!•liion enrolled iForm 1, No. 20184, The Cabinet has refused to accept
plied to the rating of the Deputy the textile men's protest, saying cow- across tits Miller farm to go to the ?,f,00 meals a day, besides hundreds contains pus or matter, and L% called
w t 1800 lbs., a grand individual, attorney -General regarding the reser- _ a purulent abscess. Treatment in
elgh plaints must go to the Board of Com- cider mill on the Tannery road. When of 'teas' (yes, mothers. hes ,gat then
clean flat bone, good action and sure; endum recount. either case consists in making a free
I xegfstered iClyde brood mare, sup- James Prentice, formerly a promi- marcs itself. nearly In the center of a large pas- 6:ngltsh tea Arbil( now; you'll have to itxeislon through the walls of the ab-
wsed to be with foal,; one pair of nent Minta farmer, and a Queen's Samuel Gompers, president of the ture an old ram started for him. The give him tea every afternoon when he seers at the lowest part, to allow flea
high class Perchexan mares; 1 Per- Bush pioneer, died at Harriston, in A. F. of L., has declared himself op- man ran, but soon realized that he gets back-), luncheons and night meals. escape of the contents, and then
claeron eldisug rising 2 years, 1 Clyde his ninetieth year, posed to the Compulsory Health In- could not make tlae nearest fence, As The "`chief cook-" Is Hon. Mrs. Ar.'- Hushing out well three or tour times
g g Cornwall Electric Light & Power surance Bill. the +ext beat maneuver he made for thur Coke,, and her specialty is grid- ' daily until healed, with a five per
gelding rising 3 y ears ; 1 sucking Cly- g Chief Commissioner Carvell of the ,. • ,
desdale (.*It; 1 farmer's drivinghorse Co. has Increased the supply of power a large bowlder a few rods away. elle cakes fat for a king.' One month 'cent. solution in water, of one of the
quiet and reliable, by connection with the lines of the Railway Board has given f ruling re -
greatly the use of telephone, Just as he reached the rock the ram recently she turned out 211,000 of therm, ,coal tar antiseptics or carbolic acid.
CATTLE -1 registered Shorthorn St. Lawrence Power Co, g In this case the patient must hate
� telegraph and express. franks, tlrtrtook him and with. lowered head six of which wsas•e eaten by no less is
cow supposed to bq,with calf • 1 reg- The Indian Government has pro- premier Lloyd George will offer batted through the fugitive's legs. He personage than Bing George himself, rest, or be worked in a brews, collar.
psterecl Shorthorn, bull calf; T Cows, hibited enemy aliens from entering Another condition frosu like
the miners a proposition that +ref- hit the bowlder and (rushed his skull. The king and queen recently visited causes is a fibrous tumor. This forms
clue ,,bout time of sale; 2 cows, milking India. The prohibition will extend erendum be taken in Britain on the Eagle hut. They gave the king three of slowly, is more or less sore, in fact
5 11:iforz due jai May; 8 steers and over a period of five years at least. nationalization of the coal mines. Peeled Chicken. the cakes. He <lenaed his. Pitta and
hei:.xs rising 2 years; 13 yearling Daniel MacLean, 46 years of age, The racing inquiry was concluded acts much the same as a purulent
ster.s and heifers, 6 calves. a former member of the 185th O. S. in` Ottawa, and Commissioner Ruth- Tkree-year-old Ruth came from Ch!- eame back for a "refill, abscess. In some cases, it is not pos-
fiDGS-1 purebred Yorkshire sow, Battalion, died at Glace Bay, N,S., erford will now prepare his report cago to visit her grandmother on a sible #a diagnose definitely between
w ith littex; 1 pure bred York saw due Hospital, following a severe beating. for submission to the Government. farm In Knox county. Everything Real "Sky Pilot" a tumor and a purulent abscess with
later, 99 shoats about 100 lbs weight. Hon. Mr. Rollo and Mayor Mac- About a million dollars has already about the farm \YRS a novelty to Ruth, A preacher literally comes down out very thick walls, without exploring.
100 hens and pullets, Bride of Brantford agreed to bury been pair. to ex -soldiers out of work, of which she never tired. Another of the heavens to preach the Gospel A small Incision is made right Into
IMPLEMENTS -1 3-4 lumber wag- ,the hatchet in the interests of the and Gen. A. E. Ross, who is in. charge, gland. the centre l the enlabe present
expects that the total will not exceed pant thing about the visit was to American aviators In En even a very little pus be present it
an and. box complete, 1 tap buggy; 1 I.L.P. at a meeting in tke• Walker grandmother's constant questioning of He is Rev. Reginald Crew, American
Mas- House. � will yield to the treatment !'or as
open buggy, sleighs and cutters, three millions. "New what shall we eat today?" One Y. M• C. A. past*r-avisstor, who flies abscess, but if no pus be present the
_. 4,4. sey-Barris binder; 6 ft. mower, man- The Allied Naval Commission Victoria and Alexandra industrial from one aviation cam to another,
are spreader, threshing separator, cow- which visited Kiel found complete morning she asked the usual question P only treatment is dissection. The
plete -,Md in first 'class order, ha Schools, Toronto, in their annual re- holding rel! ous services for the whole fib. us r'owth must bs: care-
, y inactivity at the dockyards there. ports, `stated that the food allowance as to the menu. Little Ruth studied a �
;aa�ler, sloe! wake, side -delivery wake Only two cruisers and four destroy- was no longer adequate to meet the minute and then made answer: "Oh, "boys." He has no long-distance rec fully dissected out, the wound stit h-
a!nd tedder comi;iied; 3 -wheel riding ers were In commission. high cost of foodstuffs. grandma, won't you please catch a ord, but he has flown as far as thirty ed, except a portion at the bottom
plK>1v, walkin+p plow, . 2 -furrow plow, Five of the seven sugar plantations Miss Margaret Bonfield, secretary chicken and peel it for dluner?"-In- miles between camps for a prayer to allow escape of pus which forms
stiff-tooLli i fit• cultivator for four on the Island of Ohau, Sandwich Is- of the National Federation of Women meeting, during the healing process, and
dianapolis News. treated as an abscess. -Dr. J. ff.
horses, 7 -ft, .tisk, set 15 -ft lever har- lands, have been tied up by a strike workers in Britain, has been adopt- Arriving at a camp, he frequently Peed, O. A. College, Guelph,
rows, steel land roller, team scuffles, of the Japanese and Filipino workers, ed by the Labor party as Parliamen- What Clemenceau Said. gives his Yank birdmen congregation,
13 -hoe seer] dria; McTagb rt fanning- which began January 20, tary candidate for Northampton. thousands of feet below, a rellminar
mall, Toot puLpex, set 2500 lb scales AiOND1iY, This is green me as the truth of P y Planting Field Beans. ,
with stock treIgbing attachment, 10- THURSDAY. what M. Clemenceau said when the exhibition in the "corkscrew,' `loop -
inch Jolii"ette. grinder, cutting box, Sterling fell to a new low level at Ottawa wins the championship of draft of President Wilson's original the -loop," "apple -turnover" and other Of the various kinds of the
beans 4
o the first series of the pro. hockey fancy stunts. Tkat insures their, at- floe greatest of which
is for the Com• 14
,7 and, lis inch leather belts;, 2 7 -inch New York of $.,.50 /a, sate with. the 14 points was handed to man 64"bite, of which there are sev14
-,c*vas belts 15 and 30 ft, long; r 6- Mrs. Mary Armstrong, a well- league. gym, He said: "Quatorze poluts i Mais tention. eral nan.ed varieties such as Early
]corse ,gasave engine, bag truck, hay known resident of Blenheim, was George W. Howell;.+ pioneer farm- Then he vol lanes to earth, ,climbs s
aJtrcm stock rack combined, gravel box, found dead in bed. er of Ontario, died in Toronto in his dela c'est un pen fort -le bon Dieu P Wonder, :Scholfield, >lliott,• etc, It 4
and sto k rack
combi ed, Brion and Mr. Eric Whaley, senior partner of 88th year• e'en wait que dix." ("Fourteen points r s>ut of his chariot, removes his foot- is important I:o, secure an early strain, 4
shoTt ladders, set heavy brass mount- the firm of Whaley -Royce, Toronto, A local Council of the Women Etat tkat is a little too strong -the ball k*ad=ear and starts "church." -The to test tilu germination, and to plant, �
eel teuhn harness, set heavy wh$te music dealers, is dead. Workers of Canada. was formed at good Qod kad only tea.") boys call him the "sky pilot" He is a 'early in the month of June, i
mvuntexi team harness; rct of '411gle The United States is arranging -to Quebec City. creast favorite and tkey eagerly clock Field beans are grown successfully 4
]wavy harness, 2 set of sifngle harness send four eight -oared crews to the Whitney G. Sterling of Simeoe lf*orestd, too services.-Exehaage.11 on a great variety of soils. They do 4
car, ro-bes, pulleys aa>d slisngs, sap 1>an, Olympic regatta at Antwerp. passed away after a week's Illness at „� vel � �, tkat conjasror look Particularly well on fertile land 4
buck'e:z. nand spites, 50 gallon coal oil refer F. Hopkins, a pioneer of Nor- the age of 9.0 years. An Allied Uniform. iLoam, (stay be elassesi , loam, sandy 14
tank, b:urels, pais, mo,ik sepaatatoT wich, died at his daurliter's home in Richard Grey, Toronto attest tall- tie raitilt 11ese1a the hat2" fossa, gravelly loaut, or gravelly
way motorsaan, died of Injuries pus- -N*pe• I Wad hard to eattah on, Is a vaudeville tk*ates• at *tie Of the clay.. A41 soils for bean production. - a
boxes; whiffletrees, meckyokes, forks, Woodstock, at the age of so Fro*ok s Were was a comedian should be well .un'derdralned either 'A
shovels, ire, horse b1a¢uttct3, tabes, Hamilton manufacturers will "k tamed in a collision Saturda7. wear. lt,waaii idt rrdace fife ebMt of ports
+. w"he had at ,tet wklria ke earle•d' `*Le naturally or artiiecialiy. With proper`
sand other art3clbs too numerous to the Government to lnquir*-into prw - ]toast Preabyts fal Church, To �rrtaQ,-Lruisville Croner-9orttlal.
inenrtxt. s1Lilities of snore trade with then slessf ` mato, honored its fallen soldiers at -- Nsw*1 ldeasifor>.e." )[e .w*re a 11`re�aoh 'd;•ainage even clay enol have p; uGuc
Quaivility hay_ and roots, same misted 1a41es. an Impressive anniversary service. _ sh+sl ]cellaet tat�t.t wli ire cock
ed beans satisfactoniy in reg�.�ru to,
, �r4-i and seed oats, duanttty of first- A unanimous call to eke ptrl)it of Two Scotland lard detcetivts ]tit
�`# ' i Jlostbovs of Ire Iftilwr. lits cwht and`i (uoLh yield and quality. Beu,as do
class potatoes 25 cord 32 -in wood, St•, Paul's Presbyterian Cksar&, To- to. Rutland Sunday with an Bag j broomb mt were *t %&aid. Abet his•; Particud ar were after clover i. grass
ltitew10-20 TBtus farm: tractor, don ionto, was tztestded to Rot. ?.. Y, 1lslhmsa, charged with *mnbesslemtnt.. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS waist ~ shag a So� �� sod and are frequently (olio+. ed by
1[acDosu►rd. Queen'e University memorial to winter wheat in some lsicaliti s and
bJe dink And plow complete
and � T>are,e; motor Yandlts s*rs n*nbmcer etudeats wbo fell in the war is to be We would � our cocrmpondeats ;.e`er /W � �! *f one „y spring grains in other sectii,..s. it
fi st-•class cbat>riatinn. et Stud'snta' U>•iaa to ssrt �lrrss�s. sot to'include n thew;,mews budgets' M i>a>+ u » A is of great Importance to, ha; a the
implemea>its all practically new and ed in Toronto, tw i men to Ne yesr4,
• the woman to iv* years aad su 'yrax George R. Defoe of the Trenton advance notices of event3, uode3s their like+ ower of tie Asrsrlemsa thoroughly cultivated .,,ha a
jut, hast -class concl,<tatln. for b, m ],oat cines staff, weer sentenced on add a acts indicatiIIhg to- vrlm66 suck be saa,g a +*tag it -at alae 1►eachAas seed ' bed which is both trot : and '
Terms- Of stalllam; one ' half in Dote y 'f **Lk1- a Ploone bamaa a tateapre ta- .
ywe4- and baitanc+c is 2 years at 6 per told threiw charges of robbi>•s registered items am . be ckarged. ua.eilaw.
LonQon will Arid a track sad
t' the last "ear. Terms •of balance meet on Victoria Day, at width' cons• mail. . i tion at an 1ao*a+iam ]clam+. of Biawaiiams in chose sec'tioris where field beans
la r d. under Uetltors from .city Irish 9ekools ars'. Samuel Barron, of .Chettham, was are grown 'extensively, bean planters
pf :++ails', al -I sums at :10.00, aaY attend. fou><d dead on the root of his, house, harsatrrny i Oartaima� notlatag' cautd are sosaaetimes employed. On the sna- -
etas]+, t>ver khat aanourit, 10 anianths azpected to }hawse C+►eea +sere silld -2t*y Dtir-
o Herlton.,,Simonbvitc was senteno- Where: he had been-cleaaing off the stlnA, far Scribmsr's Massiolue. Jority of tarsus, however, the Ueasis
credi, oa fur=` hing, approv'. 1 ed to twelve years in the penitent snow. are planted with an ordinary zraen
11 clic-t•es., A..d$scauntof 5 py1ff • •
,. Y cent, off 'ai.ajy for manslaughter of John Rely Eris: Gen. R. .A Helmer, C.I1i.G:, dri17 b3 using every fourth tube..
J, c:�sh .aa crc+dst amountsU fclo Co-oia*rxttein, Three peeks, per acre of the pea beans
I ro _ :iaijister a Hamilton. Dlrepotor-General of Musketry; died r
?Kxii.,ively ,juo reserve ,as the p pri: o- . eration'between at Ottawa of pneumonia, aged about r "I always try to make the best of are 'usually planted on averag: soil.'
a ( a , trade c op RiiaR testi-rwei rsiNr►ee
utror lv3s sa,� tus'. farm. as ur ed"at the 55 yci►ra. a ti9ad situation; remarked Mr, Glith. it fire :+psi as particularly rich, how-
TIDOS POWELL, I':na�>. u,.+• ... -_crud I3ratasn w g it George Farah, at the Open p,w lt; ery. ever, the quantity mWit. be rc.juced ,
ROBiNSON . ''` i i n;r•.eting of the Canadian As•' S '
m CA{MTTRO!f & C,. W, , , .; , i h Manufacturers: , .Forum, Toronto,,,. said the Peace "\ hat do you do when our water slightly; When the tots of the ;row -
1 Aticitionerrs. u n of Br its
r ir. _" 1 a.Lean rofessional. Treaty musE; be modified to nralte it y` y, fug crop are dry the beans sho,,td .be
..i . , , s �. professional. . -. _ , :pipes freeze and•' thtii bus7st. P
__ ._. ,. e, S;, racticable tett- Germany. ,r ;, ,; " , culttvated occaasaaially throi gl,out ,,
-- >• ting ch. of L? P111CO Oh, Isine a little son,,,just to shore he season to dextro the weeds ,1
i 'ria , to . meet The' Montreal ]Cemorial, Work- t r., Y . _ and , t
anxaous to .have , ,., ,zv il. •sea ,.,Chi st a
The ;Agvo-ate za, r%' rsiaanent employ-, to to --as that I'm not, worrying." to form;a fine surface, mulch. -Dr',,
w.r •fh:e. ' o" we' ian champ s shops, X)roviding pe Dismribe Yon a g , ,.
ncieatsa at dustrtcte::> . If �.. lV, r , > .. .. -
cUrre,Po to .Ii ed soldiers ` h sical , ",phots highly commendable. C: A; Ga i Q",A. College, GlaelPli..
s.",,�,itji ated•,..,t ,e,. Monarchii,p ment.for return P 7 to ttww as erfr. Kesel► ,
r ,. s not rc a•esenteci. b Ii.;t -
aur tesha ary > P Y :... d to-do +,But whew the vv&lei. ,be Ins tw eak
5 an el ctaohm 1 : disabled, will be opener y �:..+
;.,, . vo.0 , ,;er fta _the ,,Austr. ¢. , y eatwtaieh sweet, iht� 1p-arWs x
ourIll. r„ staff coxresrytonden.s well - t heron of Belle- your a eb le wleo`occu'" the'fla Royts cabbage, fine alfaiPa;hcry, or',
, . , e cent. of, , th4 Major. Wr<l. Ke. a bn tiv >? P pY t be- L,
.e the ,ap.c)a..a51,.� ed 135, p 4 ..,,,,_ •
send ar, the news, or Sugg st ]n reit] erator 1U►pt taY lcotT,cMM►tMC ., � . ; even a �sttle silage, will be reJ+ bed'.
suss • .o .batlbts .. 5 eculation ville was found dead a f ,.,. ,• .., aoiih mlae to care my life I ca,u t er,,.,.
a ne who, woar'�<i l>e: �,a.k.l #c>L,,:l ,lt+, b t. 2.r. g; .P saT1"s il, m b owl and
trasne ak ckm! Y r d' on whd car at (raiton Saturday 'morninj ,w;7w Rs tamr sae: 1aAs iwmriory uch . y
" t na dd en- is nu�v . sato to :be Gent a Cmiade, them to Join snQ,, JUL slnMang."-. r Wal] keep
to r1r> z'a p 'W e ..{ urnt5,h,., s a I>v , , will, by kinit. , probably the result of oveir-exertion. Birsnfns ham Ace Heraald. thein in good health.
ve, op ,� and wrrta mg sup, .S. .
. .
.. .
I.'•..• ••.•1•• ...vp.m,. Mvmr _.r .:'Mh �H;'udM1rrypytj6+Jn.ux �r.x'+e '.s. lx i ,n..• v v: ..- .n.
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