HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-5, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's R13 noes.\easseeseenesseesseseesesseeseseeseses*.ea esssressessoeseeaseesesse, o oi e o .I-.--.. - +mow . , , .. . 'a T .T .,T, T• .\ TT . \ w.w 1 , :e1etcher's Castoria is strictly •a remedy for.,Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are nal interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven, What is CASTORIA? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom,and by regulating the Stomach and, Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Ch1.dren's Comfort -The Mother's, Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ,ALWAYS :n Use For Over 30 Years THE CQNTAtUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CtTY The Exeter Advocate Ml'r frWz'lert shippe:i a•ar iaa(l Of IAN 1`ist week. Sanders 8;, Creech. Proprietors aubscrpiiort Price—la . w .,itunca $1 50 jar year in. Canada; $2.00 in the UUite•i States. Alt subscriptiaus not. -teal.' in advaaee SOc. extra bargee. ADVERTISING RATES : iispl ly Advertising—Made karou 431 aplaiieatioa. Stray Animals—One ursertson Sue three insertions $1.;10. Farm or Rea; Estate for sale CO asset) insertion. for one month v; four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent arsertian Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice less an 25c. Card of Thanks =50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a. tine Auction Sales $2, for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moderate u. Processional Cards not exceeding 1 knch—S6 per year. THURSDAY, FEB. 5th, ie20 Seeere item here attended the U. H. 0 C)ystL.,. Sapper at Grand Bend Fri, r'ty n ;;alt. lr. Pe1erse=n is putting in Ms ice i sums for hie creamery, SCHOOL REPORT St, V., :ut;ti 500-V. Fassold 421, I. .:1 itesae- 403, H. Ire lanxl. "143; Jr. V., n..tt 5x'0, E.Howard 390, C. Stein.- rogest 344, M. Tiernan, x363, M Jen.- niso;n x. Sr. IV.total 450, A. Hoff, can. 394, T. Hartieib 389, E. Guenther 3h ►, P. i' reinsurer 375, l:, Zimmer 3tr6 j. Gear.`her 339; Jr. IV., H. Zimmer363 i La. Wi Bert x357, A. Rader 307, C. d Sne,I 27o. Ia W,tllert x316: L. Eve- la,rrl x169, T. Tientsin x158, G. S. Howard, Principal. Roos, IL --Sr, 111. tot* 480, L.Reil .408, V. Baker 322, S. Bcttsehen 270, E. Ziemer 252, A ,Guenther 214. 0. ller 20)x; G. Fischer 193, x1,t. Rin. ker "162, Jr. 111., total 480, V. Birk 369 E. Grsupaer 362, H. Ke Merman 356, L. l Balser 391, C Fischer 265, C. Bender 253, xH Ha.raeib 241, L. Witmer L37 1 A. Kellerman 219 ,MI, Schade 141. Sr. le, total 430, G. Guenther 385, A. 1 SteSahagen 337, A, Willert 338, A. Ma- ; ler 29e, E. Hamacher 294, E. Mesmer 293, C. lurmeirter 289, xWalter Stire 7.51), V. Tyler 234, A. Grigg 221, xE,.. G 'i d; 139, xA, Res;ezneyer 126. Tie death occurred at the home of shit;; brother, J. Trothan, London an Friday. Jan. 30th, of Frederick Trot - hen, formerly of this r. sse, at the age of 38 years. He is su• waved by his •wife rand one daughter. Centralia Jr. II., total 430, H. Hoffman 376, n'. stifie,sea Irene Essery and Veva: Davis were. home over Sunday, Miss Mabel Heaman, who hs.s been home for hes past week, has returned 6o London. Mr. Archie Hicks, who has been sick ear the past week is improving. Miss Manion, Neil has been sick weal tough (of prueumonia, but is some- et improved, Mr_ Hanlon, has been in Goderich at - res the funeral ,of his brother. . A Hicks, Mi.P.P., has gone to Tierce -lee He has been appointed whip or the U.F.O. party. Mr. Al bert Parsons of Lonrdoar spear.t theweek end with Mr. and Mrs. W. i?araoes. . Mr. Wilfrid Anderson was Name ov- er Sunday. ages. J West lake of Exeter spent day with Mr. and Mrs. W. West - ,e. Mrs H, Wade has gone to Norwich to, attend the funeral of her brother- ett law. A. ,number of the friends of, Mr. and ..eifrs. Hector Mitchell met at threiu- iraime ,last week to spend the evening old *so to present the young couple h a handsome mallet le.clock and a t ly worded address.; Mr..Mitchell e a suitaban toreply, A pleasant liel> evapong was spent ya 11. Dashwood s. Herman Zimmer of Stratford fi a Lew days with relatives here, H. Ca alas sof Peace Rsrer, i'+lta,, ,is visiting friends and "relatives here *Liss A•da. Fasso Id spent a .few days o¢tdon last week.. e are pleased try ' report abet da, the little daughter of ,Mr; Mrs. R. Hayter, who has been is . slowly improving, Ake. , J. C. Re,id spent Saturday fun Grodoni. Mr, G..Oe treilcher has moved Onto rias. new home in Mown: Miss hose Rader left last week •or `.=$eettit. 13r, Catt, V.St, .has arrived and earl' (Mair office -opened ea Matin Street. Miss Ena Guenther is able to be orsuf_ again after her receeet ell wens, Mr. E. G, Kraft ,has purchras'ed a •farmrom Mr. Reeler ox the Goshen ' fie present, Dearing 357, F. Kleiaistiver 325, E. Tiernan 298, ;sidenn,eth Wein 207; xT. El se 195, ;cA, Tiernan 180, xE. Har.» Leib 164. OvvOng to the irregularity in aitten,aaace R•oorn 1 is unable to re- port, Those marked x were absent a number of days owls.; to Illness and quarantine. Christen. Edmeston, teacher Greenway The members of the Methodist can- een:lea here bought an acre :rf woodland in the swamp and have had some :bees drawing- it home{, They gave a few loads to the pastor Rev. J. W. 'Wallems, who 2s very grateful tor the kindly act. —Mr. W. Humble of Ai,ls3. Craig has been visiting here ernees o jd friends.—The local church- es axe plauiiag for the financial can- ves as ape/sects= with the national campaign,—We have been, having cold weather ;here all winter and water is a very scarce arac le.—Mr. Walter Eng tend is in. London Hospital where he had an operadose recently. His ,mine mall be pleased to learn he 3s doing mice ly,—Mr. Henry m„rdy: of Hartsell visited relatives here for a few; days.—Death cllaimed the feat twila daughter of Mr. acid Mrs. Henry Bartle last "Saturday:—Rey S. A. Carriere conducted the funeral on Monday end interment was made in Grana Bend cemetery.—Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Daubs of Parkhlj spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. Geo. Murch.—Mrs EJwai-dshas been, ill ,but is, tow cone ,aaescent. Mrs. Annie Hicks has re- turpe1 borne after visiting, relatives in Londoun for serezail, weeks. , — Mrs. Walter Englarei spent a few days in Ganders with her husband and other reps ayes. Lumley Mrs; Margaret Glee of London, who had been in A1m.ira attending the fun- eral >af her brother, Mr. R. Stewart. On' • her way Lome she spent a few days with her two sons, The neigh - bars were pleased to have her .in their midst agank.—Mr. Bill Harrton, who is atteadia g Stratford Business College, spent the week end at hie home here, He was, accompamaled, by has friend Mr. O. Garnish,—Mr. John Selves, Sr., had. a very successful wooa:1 bee on. Tues =; any and got between thirty and forty codas of wood cut, and ie the.e^re"rang the ,yoUng folks were treated to a slen,Ce. Mr end Mrs. Jahn Selves, Jr., l`z'so Ire c, eery ,enjoyable .party c n- . Thur clay evening fcrr the young folks. r—Mr,.'\V, 7:.',r ice end ,.da?u.hter, rs. F. eraser are bath, ,very spa k Exeter Council Monday, January 26, 1920 A regular meeting of `the Munici pal Council of the Village -of Exeter was held, with alt renileses present. The minutes of the uteetines held January 12th and 15th were read and approve& Communications: Huron County Childress' Aid.; The Hospital for Sick Children, Tor - mato; National Sanitarium Associa- tion, Toronto; Milton Hersey Co. Lt&, Engineers, Montreal; Tice Cen- tral Ontario' Provincial Association, Stratford. All ordered filed. Letter from the secretary of the Western Ontario Boards of Trade, asking for a representative to be sent to Loudon for the annual meet- ing, February 6. The Reeve was asked to attend. Letter from the Tborpsou Monu- ment Co., Toronto, asking to meet.. with the members of the Memorial Committee. Monday evening, Febru- ary and. A notice from .the secretary of the Library Board, Mr. H. E. Huston,' stating that the salary of the Lib- rarian had been fixed at Two Hull- dred Dollars for the year, Filed. Mr. John C. Snell waited on the Council regards the cost of frontage charged on the Construction of pave- nlent along Huron street, claiming that he had signed the petition only on the grounds that be would not be taxed for the full frontage of his va- eattt lots. No action. Mr. Richard Hunter addressed the Council re his appointment as assessor, asking an increase in pay, `ae action. Mr. Bradley, representing the Weldon Mfg. Co,, Windsor, addres- sed the Council regarding a fire ex- trr (ia:is1wr, .giving a demonstration. ..n zction. Councillor Penhale reported hav- ing interviewed Mrs. Elizabeth Har- ness and had agreed with her re- garding the ringing of the Town Bell. Price $65.00 per year. Also that Mr, Peter aleTaggart would take charge of the weigh scales at a rental of $10,110 per year. Per Ward and Elston, that report be adopted. Carried. Per Elston and Penhale that the Reeve and Clerk be empowered to borrow the necessary monies to meet current expenditure for the year. Carried. Clerk was instructed to order Ave copies of the Municipal World for the use of the Council„ ' Tenders for Municipal printing were opened and read and an motion of Penhale and Davis that of the Advocate office was accepted. Carried The following accounts were real and passed on motion of Elston and Pothole. Children's Aid Society, Huron Co., 10.00; W. J. Heaman, cemetery acct. 3.00; Cecil Ford, labor, cemetery, 4,00; The Ross -Taylor Co., lumber, cemetery, 66.70; W. S. Howey, Board of Health acct., 5.0.0; Times Printing Co., printing and supplies, 50.0”"0; The Bell Tel. Co., Bissett'si phone rent, 5.50; Isaiah Hall, suety' ploughing 15.50; ° Ontario Flax Co., snow ploughing, 15,50; John Hun - kin, snow ploughing, 37.00, manure. for cemetery 2.00. 39.00; Richard Quante, labor R&B 13.20; Enoch Rowcliffe, labor R&B 6.60; John lorry,. labor R&B 10.20; Sidney Sanders, labor R&B 6.60 Ed. Heid- ermann, labor R&B, 7.20; David Russell, Sr., labor R&B, 4.00; Thos. Sanders, labor R&13, 6,60; Richard Robinson, labor R&B, 2.40; Thos,. 'P eish, labor R&B, 4,80; Ernest ^lain=wood, labor R&B 4.80, clean - lug hall 4,50, 9.30; Richard Davis, term and labor, 4.80. aesseurnment by Elston. • Jos. Senior, Clerk. Zurich A quiet wedding took place at St: , Boniface Church, Zurich on, Jan. 24,1 when Rev. A. Mf. Strode united in marriage Mss Gladys Jeffery, dauesh-1 ter 01 Mr ;rn'1 Mrs, Leal Jeffrey, 15 concession. of Hay, and Mr, Wilbur Dewey of North _lfar;den, Essex Co. —Mr. Caixir Walliena Bu:falo. Mr. i :)aa liaise and son Melford of Carie, M1i.ir,; and Rev, M. Ehnes of New York Coty atten-led the funeral of the late Mr. A. G. Ehnes, as dial also Mr. Orville Ehnes of Calgary, Alta. He wi l remain a week or two.— Mr. Barney Mittleholtz of Saskatchewan is visiting relatives here.—Mrs. L. Jeffrey who has been. with her daugter who has-been all at Chatham, has seturnted hone, Death has removed a well-known resident of this place in the person of August G Ehnes, w1110, was born in Oxford County in 1851, learned the grist milling business at Plattsvillek After coming to Huron he worked in Dashwood and Zuriioh mills, them for years was in the merchamtile business with the late D. S. Faust., In 1883 he and J. A. Wiilliams'purchased the lo- cal mill and five yelaa°s later he went farming from whi,cih he retired fifteen years ago. ale was councilor, deputy Saud reeve for several years. He; leaves to mourn his loss his widow and two sons, Rev. Morris Ehnes of New York and Or vi:'le of Calgary, also two bro- thers and one sister, The funeral was held to Bronson Line cemetery. Kirkton Wiliam Bibby still continues -in poor health and may have to under. - go another operation,—Quarterly Com- munion service was held Sunday ev- ening in the Methodist Chhurch.-A1- lam Doupe and wide have returned iram a visit nv1.th the latter's, parents in' Toronto;—FJ.etcher Switzer, who .ia;1 a very pleasant visit among friends and re,1a'•ives here bas returned to Calgary —We are glad to knows. that Mass Liz 71P Coale, who has been under the .Doctor's care, sufferiig from. blood- pr» ,oanitrg. has almost recovered.—The postponed ,box soca* under theaus-. pies ref the. Methodist el -thole on Fri •- •slay ina.,ht was( a :success. Judge rix ks:ars of Gadratuc i .sxre Lryiiiday' 5 tbvrn: .., 5tj spend' From Cherry. Blossom Land Ile Japanese Give Good Example. It is a pro- verb of Cherry flloasom Land that beauty ei face and fi4-. sae depend on eaith. a p l y What is it that makes our Canadian wo- men often pale, sallow -faced,. with dark cir- cies under the eyes, and very often old at forty-five when they should be in theinaprimei Women Buf- fer in girlhood froze backache, spine -ache and headaches, fol- lowed by irreg- ularitiee and as x result diseases of the womanly organs are more common than any on. but a pay.- sictan in satire practice *mild uppoae. ONTARIO WOMEN TESTIFY Chatham, Ont,.—"Dr. Pierce's laseli ;Ines have been used in roof family et lwme (especially by my father sad mother) ever sinew l eanrernember. They always proved very satisfactory, Through oveirwodk I at one time became all run-down in health, was on the verge of a complete nervous break -down. I 'went, on ailing for about two years, during wbieb time I suffered terribly, 1 took D.r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it Soon built me up in good health and .cured rite of the nervous condi- tion. I consider it as excellent medicine forthe ailments of women.',; MRS, CHAS. TI'.fU8 Jr., 28 Duke St: Crediton LOGS WANTED. -.Tile undersigned will purcbase ia the tree or delivered Basswood, Elm -and Maple Logs in ;tny aluantity, for wallah the highest cash prices will be paid,—F. Derr, Crediton. '.i'he bear certainty saw his shadow on Moaday. The mild weather was a welcome cirli e after the cold weath- er of the previous week. Saturday heel the record at 18 below, withal was plenty cold for us, we assure yc a The roads are in bad shape , The track is high which males itt danger- ous to tura, out ,when passing rigs. In some paces the bed spots are l.eing plowed out. Ezra Oestrezcher made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Several cases sof the "flu" :have made their appearance in McGiillvra.y. It is to 'be hoped that this dreaded malady will net reach the number of people it did a year ago. Every pre - metiers should be taken not to mingle in crowds and not to allow your sys- tem to rtmdowns • Miss Marion McDiarmid of Lucknow is visiting Mrs, Herbert Eilber for a few days. Mrs. John. Lawson, has sold her property west of Crediton to Robert Gower, and Mrs. Conrad Kuhn, dis- posed of her residence ink tosses to Mr Wm. Smith of Shipka, Mr. Smith will move here some tl'ime during the com- ing spring, - We are pleased to see Godfrey Nicholson ,out again after his illness, Jos. Finkbeiner is the proud" father of a. fine young sons His brother Dan, can. boast of one also; We extend our congratulations. The Diplomas and special seals a- warded to the scholars of the Evangel- ical Sunday School for the work dur- ing uring the past year, were distributed at the chase of the school last Sunday. Revs. Hauch and Whiting made ' the presentations with a few appropriate remarks. L. E. Chesney of :the Bank staff was ca leal :o. hi; :'some an Seaforth Mon- day on account of his father's illness, Grand _Bend Mr. Benore, who has been here put- l ting up, ice left :for his, home in, Point Edward.—The fishermen are getting a few herring and trout.—Mr. Percy Mol - lard has moved here from near Exe- ter, coming are Thursday last and is rending a1n Mr. Clarkson's house.—It i; reported Mr. Hayes bought John W. Holds house last week.—Mrs. Bert. Ho It and Mrs. Mark Wild have gone to hospital where they went through opera ions. They are both doer g well a': last reports. Lucan A quiet werld:,ng was solemnized' in St. Patt i en's Church, Lucan, by the Rev. Father Hagan, when Mires Sadie Mcllhar•gey, youngest daughter of Mr. Zechariah Mclthargey, became the bride of Mr, William Ryan, of Seaforth. The. bri:le wore her travelling suit of navy blue; with smart blue hat and marabout ruff. She was attended by Muss Kathleen, Gibbons of Winvgham, niece of the groom, and Mr. Wm. Mc- Ilharrgey, brother of tell bale, was the groomsman's Mn and't13rsl Ryan wal reside on the grooms farm near Sea - forth. KIPP1rN--Mr. 3. P. Collie, who re- cently ,soli hie farm ' pear Kippen has bought Mrs. E. Leatherlaakd's farm near Seaforth an. the Klippen Road. BRINSLEY—The hoose of Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Webber of Tolland, A3ta., was the scene of ,a very pretty wed- ding, when.. their only daughter, Hazel' Muriel was united in, marriage to Al rey Russel 'Trevethick, sae of J: Tre- vethick pi Brindley. AILSA CRAIG. --The death took place at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, ou.. Friday everuiin,g, of Thomas Brown in hips 90 year, 'Mr. I#rown was born:; at Car';itle,, Em land, and came' 'to this country as an early age'• For 40 yen's' he lived a,t Ailsa, Craig., He had r_si'1ed ilk London. fee 25„ years: His sea, J-0,1 predeacreaseed him eleven' yelws. , JN addition to the brandy at Exeter, this Bank has branches at the following nearby pcints:— Crediton Dashwood THE CANADIAN BANK OF GfJMMERCE, PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $I5,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, A. E. Kuhn, Manager, la,eotpore ted in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVED $9,0a0.t 00 Ovtr 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANE SAVING BUILDS CHARACTER,—Start to Save.. Systematic saving strengthens character by inducing ee)f- denial and creating independence. The easiest method of saving is by deposati.ng a+ certain, por- tion of your earnings regulaa'ly in THE MOLSONS BANK. With the addition, of interest at current rates a substantial sum soon acquired. Small accounts receive the same attention as larger one efficient courteous service to - EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. HOW DOES IT READ 3 Our mauling list was corrected on January 15. If you paid your sub scription to the Advocate before that date and your label has not been changes kindly notify us. Don't al- low your label to real anything but 20 or 21. If it loxes you are M. arrears and everyone.,vho sees your paper knows that you are in arrears. DIED OF SLEEPING SICKNt:SS. Hyde Park, Jan. 27—The daughter of airs Charles Connor can, Thursday last carne as a shock to. her many friends. Mrs. Connor had not been ,velli for many weeks, but nothing ser - sous was thought until she was "strick en with sleepme, sickness a week age: She is survived by her husband, one tiittle daughter, her parents, Mir, and Mrs. James Tuckey of Hyde Park, Lour sisters and four brothers, Mrs. (Rev.) Powell, Lucan; Mrs. Douglas, London Township; Mfrs. Armstrong Hyde Park; ,Charles, Exeter; Robert Melrose: Cecil, London, and Rev. Geo, Tuckey, Sprnngwa'ter, Sask, Hensall Mir. and Mrs. A. alc•Murchy and fa-milyo who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rich, Welsh and other friends, left Tor their home in Unity, Saslc,-- Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ateacander of the and of Hay ,were ;called to Guelph, ,owing to the illness /of Mrs. Alexaard- er's sister, Miss Eliza Thompson—Mr, Bert Morrison from California was in town renewing acquaintances„, It is some 28 years since Mr. Morrison left here Mr. Wm. Vanvhorne was in Lon- don Wein.; his mother, who is ser iei ti aa—Mrs. Veru Crouch of Wirrl- i ' \side her parents, Reeve and airs. Petty.—Mr. Wes. Simmons and daughter Annie of Fillmore, Sask., who have been visiting friends near Iiensall. left Wednesday for their home.—Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Watson, wh,o shave been,, spending several weeks with their daughter in Niagara Falls, have returned home,—Mrs. George Brown attended ,the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Welsh, wldch took place en. Toronto Swollen Joints backache, rheumatic and sciatic pains, constant headaches, constipation, stone in the bladder, mucus deposits --kidney trouble in all its phases can be effic- eatly relieved and operations avoided by the timely use of FOR KIDNEYS Get a box from your druggist, 50c.' Yorr money refunded if you are not re- lieved.' Free sample on request. Address: The Notional Drug & C1.mical Co. of Canada, Ltd.. Toronto. U.S. Address: Ns-Dw-Co. Inc., 202 Ma* St : - Buffal.,,N.Y. A Timely HeIp The face is often the fust to betray a decline in strength. When you fed rundown and your face is colorless, the need for scows EMULSION is plainly evident. Those who have tried Scott's know its power to strengthen the body, enrich the blood and put the color back in the face. Don't be pale -fared --tads Scott's Emtt sion. - scot & nowne. Toronto, Ont. 1945 RAW FS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS LIMITED MANUPACTUREiiS Established 1885 LONDON - ONT. BIGGER E PROFITS'' FROM LIVE' STOCK AT SMALLER COST Cows yield more milk at leas. cost. Live stork gain weight rapidly and look better if you we •Cris lMvt: Endoroed by Govprnotent Experiment Stations. It is selected 10096 Pure Sugar Cane Molasses.. Sprinkle it over etraw,enr 1. age and all roughage and fodder. Keep your live ptock, in A-1 Condition. Makes all feeds tempting and digestible. Sold in strong iron -hooped barrels at a most reasonable price... Obtained from all tiratrolaea dealers CANE $OLA CO. OF CANADA, LTD.. 118 St. NI St. W, . Montreal, On Local Distributor ii l?: Soldarr