HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-2-5, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR
Our Corner during the come* summer. Montreal'
Toronto es to lane eayeight saving
Automobile 'owners, wilt be Interest-
ed &the feet that it is practically cer-
faea that a general advance in the
prices of rubber teres will be enade
in the near future* While the price
of crude rubber hasahown, very little
change over the east year, iacreasee
wages end the steadily mounting price
of cotton materials ;Take higher tire
prices inevitable.
A tow a that has never anything to
do iaa put* way es on the way to
the cemetery* Any citizen who will
o nothing for his town is helping t
dig the grave, A man that knacks th
town helpto make the coffin. Th
man who. is so arafesh as to have no
time from his business to give to pub-
lic affairs is making the sbroucl: The
man WhCewJi (not advertise is drivine
is also nneanig en. the same direction.
The annualeCounty Meeting of the
L. 0. L. took alone en the ;Lodge
Room here on Tuesday of this week,
over sixty representatives being pres-
ent, and the roost of these young men.
The f
Local Arews * Amelia, Acheson 64; Aljoe Sweden
The Committees Were, appointed as
Executive -Alen Neeb, John. Mc-
Nabb, Wm. Elston, Dr. Clark, James
*flowing officers were elected,- Special -N. W. Trewartha, Crich
Co. lenster, J. B. Armitage of Gran, Jos. Hackett, a Laporte, Grieve.
teal Deputy Master Robt
. urray Finance -James Sutt, David Webb,
of Bayfield; Chaplain, Rev-- A. A.
Trumper of Exeter; Rea -Sec., Peter
Canteloa of Clinton; FinaSec., Jobe
Sproule of Liman; 'areas.. Adam
Cantelon of Clinton; Lecturers, W.F.
enekner of Seaforth and Eli Carter
o of Lucan; Der. of Ceremonies, C,
e Robinson of Exeter.
the hearse. The roan who, is %way
pulling beck from •any public enter-
prise throws bouquets cm The grave,
The Juan who is poi stingy as to be
always howling !hard times, *readies
the funente serviee zed sings thel dox-
Tae ftp flowing donations were re-
mixed .by the local treasurer for the
s rineineez Fund and riot previous lyre -
As A result xef the increase in the,
cost of newspriat and other things
that enter into, the ,cose of publishing
over 100 newspapers went out of bus-
iness in Ca last year* Some pa-
pers were absorbed by, or amalgamate
ed with *there, Other papers cease
ed Publishing.
The xeason. for the increase el news-
prsnt prices, is tit* the supply is not
equal to the demand ia United States.
The large majority of the American
newspapers are supplied from Canada
and as a matter oe fact the. American
papers centime over 80 per cent, of
the newsprint manufactured, in Canada.
The 'result of the Jan. 1st increase
and the one that will be made six
months hence will undoubtedly be the
suspension of many papers cluing the
coming year . This is very much to
be regretted, for the, fewer the news-
paper; in the country the easier it is
for wealthy, sellash designing persone
to control the situathera A. free and
independent press is absolutelY nee es-
sary for the safety of the masses, even
in a democratic country like Canada.
Another result wel be that those news-
papers that desire to live will have
to raise their subscription price to $2
et Ieatt, la the Ilisited States price
of many weeklies is SZ and $3, 'and
some weeklies en Canada have also
adopted these rates. Certain it is that
under prevailing conditions it will not
be possible to survive long et the $1.50
Phone 81a
.1:kaa; MAN WHO
Js quick to Seel the inerits in our
ering s of MEN'S FURNISMNGS.
e have an abundance of seasonable
*manly selected.
Yon may shop for the whole family
' fere and effect a .greet saving,
W. W. Taman
ported, -
James St. Church -Hiram Shaptoa$5
Miss Horton's glass $3,75, Mr, and Mrs
W. F. Down S3, A, Richards $2, Sam.
:Tarts $2, Amey E. Jeans $1.00, earl 11.
Jam $1,00
Main St. Church -T. J. Kest le $5,
Mrs. H. Hoskins $2, B. 5, Phi Dips $1,
Miss .M. J. White
E lianville afetle-Chas johns S5.
Presbyterian Cburch-e. A, Stewart
$5, Rev. Foote $5, Mary Grigg $3, Tas:
Ang linen Church -John Triebner$Z
. ron ,500; County Clerk, $1.- A.t tbe close a a- three weeks' suc-
All those interested may eontribute
Mos. .1. Richardson, M. Armstrong, S.
T. Plum.
Eclueetion-M, Jas. Miller, A.
Tioling, F. McQuaid, J. C. Purdon.
Road and Bridge -Gordon Young, A.
Mitchell, Peter F. Dole B W F Bea -
The little baby girl of Mr, and
Asa e ale has beer very ill for sev-
eral days, and at times there has been
sleght hope of ,per recovery,
Trains running somewhat
Number enrolled 36; average at-
tendante 34,
late durie..11 week. Saturday night's
traleerTall'i not reach. Waugh= un-
til .realSkt. untlay, being stuck at
Bly e. t.
Mr, anet VOA Anderson met with an
unfortunate accident one day last
week when ha missed his hold on a
ladder in the bare, and falling back-
ward broke his co Ilarbonti.
, airs. Andrew Hepbur.a, sister-in-law
%nes, J. Douglas. of firs Geo.. Wesecott of Usborne,
die as week en Guelph from en-
fluenza. Her home was in the West
and she was visiting, in Gueloba The
husbanJ and one little son surieve
County Peoperty-John Douglas, E.
aleraer, We J Currie, W. K Spottton
Thos. R. Wallis,
Huron. County Home -Dr, Clark, N.
Trewartha Jas, Moffatt, Di:Grieve Tee prettv little French, poodle dog
Warden's Committee -B. NV, F. Bea- owned by alr. John. Wood, passed to
vers, A, Mitchell, Dr. Clark-, Jno. Mc- dogdorn CA Tuesday. "Poed les" had
Nabb, Jute 1,,aporto. met ;with an accident in some inex-
plainable way and "Poodles" succumb-
ed to the effects, He *well be very
much raissea in theehoree.
afessrs, R. F. Clark of Goclerica
and D. F. McGregor of Seaforth were
appointed aeditors,
Rev Truraper was appointed county
member of the Exeter High School
Board for 1920-1-2.
Salaries were fixed for 1920 as fol-
lews-Keeper of Huron. County Home
Tee death recurred in Ilsborne on
Thursday, January 29th,, of a highly
respected resident ia the person of
Martha Ana Brock, wife of William
H. Penwardea, at the age of 62 years,
1 month and 12 days.. The funeral
toe* place on Saturday to Zion, Cem-
350, and the County Treasurer $1650,
Domestic Science C lass, Exeter. $27 cessfal short couree in agriculture the
at theCanaarset Bank of Commerce, as
the lona treasurer will continue to
receive, report and forward the funds
free or charge.
Total donations to date $639,65,
The case of the Exeter Board
Health in the person of their in
spector, W. J. Bissett, against Adol
phus Hooper of Hay, came up befo
eeagistrates Hawkins girl Taylor
the Town Hall on Thursday afternoo
last. The charge was that the de
fendant dist offer and dal sen and de
liver meat claimed as unfit for lunna
cioirisumptiare. A large crowd wa
preseat in the hall, as rumors nbou
the natter had become very manor
ous for the last ,two or three week
Mr. L R. Carling coaducted the cas
for the Board af alealth and Air, 7. G
Staribur) Lor Mr. Hooper. eVitnesse
examined for the prosecution were,
Messrs. Ben. Malans, Wm. Greenle
H. Rivers and Robert Luker, all con
nected with the butchering busines
Dr. Sweet and Dr. Vining, veterinar
surgeons, and Mrs, P. Skinner and Rev
Yelland, For the defendant Dr
Eckert, veterinary 'surgeon. of Creel
iton, was examinedAt this stage o
the request of defendant solleator the
magistrates grantee an adjounemen
until Thursday afternotin. of this week
on the condition that the defendant
through Dr. Vining and Dr. Eckert
send proper parts of the frozen, car-
cass together with a history of the
case to the ProvincialBoard of
Health at Toroneo, for their opinion
The evidenoe as given. by the men
of the butchering
business ,went to
show. that aboutthe middle of Dec-
ember a steer was purchased' by Me.
Makins from Mr. Hooper, was slaugh-
tered and Oa being opened was found
to have a growth on the liver, which
burst. Drs. Sweet and Vining were
calleJ en. by the butcher and they pro-
noimcni the growth, which was said
to, be the size of two pees, an abscessl
and they said the carcass should be
,Jestnoyed. Mr. Hooper then took the
carcass home, and after seeking ad-
vice from Mr. Eieber of Creditate had
Dr. Eckert send a part of the jiver
and other glands to authorities in
Toronto and London to be examin,ea,
Replies were read from these people,
the letters stating that an abscess on
the liver did not neoessatrily make
the meat (other than the liver) unfit
for human. consumption, and from the
parts examined they pronounced the
meat fit to be eatene Oir the strength
of these letters Mr. Hooper, according
to the evidence taken,. sold some of
the meat,
The point in, the case ,seems to be
whether an abscess on, the elver of
a beast may. be either local or general
in its nature.' ,That is -if local only
the liver is unfit to eat; if general,
then the whole carcass is unfit for
human consumption:,
from the medical standpoint there
may be a dififeeence, but ,from the
standpoint of, the consumer in general
they prefer to think that the beast
was free from disease of any kind.
Dome Rink, Exeter
Hensall Sr.
vs. Exeter Sr.
AT 8 O'CLOCK, SI-I.A.Ria •
Be sure to see this game( as it will
be a fast one -both teams being 1*1 the
best of condition and anxious to win.
Admission 15c
A grant ot $4000 was made to the Junior annersaImprovement Assoele
live high sehools and collegiate insti- wan with tea 'fallowing executivee-
tutes of the eotutty: This is an in- Has, pres„ Siothers; Pres., El -
crease of $2,000 over former grants E leowceiffe; Vice -Pres., Verne
wbieh was for four schools onlY, Ev- kenneae; Sec.-Treas., Wilfrid H,
eter havine been added to the e list
t Year. Ancreased salaries of the ,and Writ Jeffery; Auditors, Albert E.
Slaapton: Directors, Edgar 'Monteith;
teachers was 'another reasan, for the
eacrease in great; The 1919 grant to Etheringten. and Enos Heldman.
younc atgeotized into the Exeter
High Schools was overlooked last HURT IN RUNAWAY,
as well. Of this Exeter will receive Mr. Thos. Houlelen sustained a pain -
year, so that groat f $2250 was made
a half -year's share. ful injury on. Thursday last He and
Mr, 7, W Wolper were el/riving out the,
$500 was granted, to the Sick Child- Thames Road after loads, and both
renes Hospital to be erected in Lon- were sitting at the rear of Mr. liould-
don; $1000 to the .Navy League, and en's sleigh, with Mr. Waiper's team
$500 to the Armenian fund; following. For some reason. the sec-
ond team got frightened and running
An. appeal for $60,000 .for the Lour away cltimbed onto the sleigh where
county bospita.es for exteasion, work- the anen were. Mr. Weeper jumped to
$15,000 for Goderich, $16,000 for Wing- one „side and escaped injury, but the
ham, $2,000 for Cliatom, and $8,000 for tongue of the sleigh struck Mr. Houle
Seaaorth-was made, but was „left ov- een, ete the eliest, and broke two ribs
er f.or the .next session:. But in, Me' away ee.'-n the breast bone., He has
inearttime each hospital was granted been confined to his bed sirice. The
$1000. horses were ,attle the worse.
The Childreres Aid Society asked A LIVELY RUN.
for $1,500 and was ,given $1,200,
On Monday afternoon Dr. Hyndman
$25 wee granted to each public lib- had just driven up to his office door
rary; $25 to each agricultural society; when his horse accideatly caught the
and $10 to each Wornmes Institute, bridle in the. ring ,of the tie -post, and
in jerking back the bridle came off.
The petition of the readmits oe Naturally the beast was frightened and
Grand Bend to make it a police vile. made a bolt, and turning around it
age was granted and Feb. 23 has been struck and brake two, of the posts
set as the date for electing the police supporting S. Fittona verandah. run -
trustee:, nine to. jones 8r Inv's corner it' turn,
ed "east and then took a dive through
Exeter was made an Entrance Ex- a few of the back yards, and got down
ananation Cen.tre, which means that in the deep snow behind the Bank of
the writte,a papers of the candidates el
this district will be read in, Exeter in ever, and was but itttle,the worse
Comme.rce, It was soon. released how -
future; the examining board being the fee the run: The cutter, which was
inspector...the principal of the High
School and the principal of the public muting a close second all the way,
was somewhat damaged,
EXETER ROAD ASSURaD. Mrs. William Gillespie received the
The Vietage of Exeter secured a sad intelligence this week of the death
grant of $32,000 for improvement a of her father, Mr.,Janaes Dickson,who
Main. Street. The motion! was as foe- died at the home of his daughter, Mrs-.
By B. W. F. Beavers. and A. Mitchell Irwin ,cer. Kerwood, ors Monday last, at
the age of 87 yearse Deceased met
lows -
that as the Village of Exeter intends with an accident about a year ago by
putting (down I. 3-8, miles of con- falling from whiCh he le-er recovered
creep road tle;--siyear, and a.s this road and he has since been in dericate
is a con.necting link in the designated health, The immediate cause of death,
road system of the county, and as the however, was apoplexy. For a num-
village of Exeter has passed a by-law ber of years deceased resided here
to raise funds for such a road, thee with his daughter, Mrs. Gillespie, but
the county pass a by -jaw granting the about a year and a half ago went to
sum of $32,000 for the purpose, the reside at Kerwood .$ He is survived by
the sum of $19,200 and the( balance of fuaeral took place at Kerwoode
three 'daughters and lone gee!, The
village of Exeter to pay the county
the grant, vie: $12,800 be made up by ---
the Government grant, the government Mr. Earl Southcott went to Toronto
halving already approved of the Monday for two or three days.
scheme. Mrs. i.A. Dun,caa and son of London
As to Mr. Beaver's motion for a ere visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G,!,
grant from the county for concrete Kant le.
road work in Exeter, the mover ex- Rev, Dr. awed Mrs IvIedd were in
plained that. this did ,aot mean a dol- Blyth th• .week . •
lar s expense to the county, b ' Y . es attendang the funeral
enig• of these brother-in-law Mr. Moses Mc -
'simply a plan, to get the government vittie, who died on Monday
grant on the full ,expeacliture, the
county making the grant for the full Mr. Archie Davis left Wednesday
Doe Ingersoll to leant Linotype oper-
exoenditure in •the first case, and re-
ceiving this sum back in the way of /tang' under the sysitem for heaping
$12,800 ,governennt and, $19,200- from returned soldiers as carried on by the
Dominion Government.
the village of Exeter. This plan wa.s
suggested in, conferende with the Dep- Mr. James Morrow of Lariviere, Man,
uty minister of Highways. who. has been visiting with Kippen
._._.e._.__.. friends and relatives, spent a couple
days here with friends, Me Morrow
Npow that the improvement to, Main was a forme,r resi'dent of Stephen, but
Street is 'assured, is it not a good trine left that township over forty years foe
mamma either at the expense 'of the the West.. Mr. Morrow is one of the
to consider making Station street per-
municipality or by volunteer ocetribue ince and f°1 2' PilMbeX 2‘1 Yea° was a
moat prosperous farmers en, that Prov -
tion frem people of the community? of the Manitoba Legieeeture.
School Report
' A large gathering of women from ROOM I.
all parts of the town,, -responded to Sr. 4th. Honors—Grant Sanders
the invitation given by the ladies in 87; Kenneth Stanbury 85; Ruth An -
charge of the tea, held at the home drews 85; Lilla M. Snell 84; Muriel
of Reeve and Mrs. Beavers on Wed- Bissett 82; Irene Stewart 81; Nellie
nesday afternoon last. Medd 80; Ruby Creech 77; Mary
The weather was exceptionally Nelson 77; Mabee'Wallter 75, Pass—
fine and favored the occasion. Those Marion Woods 74; Ronald Witwer
in'elearge of this successful tea were 71; Helen Dignan 71; Ethel Houlden
Mrs. (Dr.) Medd, Mrs. Wickwire, 67; Ruby Davis 66; Fred Heaman
Mrs. Abbott and' Nies. Willis Powell, 66.
.Who gb kindly provided the mimic for Sr, 4th. Honors—Grant Coiling -
the afternoon. The committee wish wood 81; Vivian Collingwood 80;
t thank all those that atte d
o n ed, a d Ella Kuntz 75. Pass -George
Who so generously helped towards Beavers 71; Helen Wethey 71; Wan -
the funds for our County Marine De- da Von Wascinski 70; May Abbott
M. A. Horton, Teacher.
Senior 3rd, Honors—Marion Bis-
sett 83; Herman Gower 81; Meta
Salter 80; Mildred Murphy 78; Mar-
garet Jahns 77; James Penrice 77;
Harold Whyte 76; Pass—Harold
Nelson 74; Susie Reeder 70; Robert
Gambrill 69; Harry West 65; Wal-
ter Spencer 68; Elsa Hunkin 68;
Reta Klwortha 65; Hazel Sanders
64; Margaret harness 64.
Jr, 3rd. Honors—Eugene Howey
83; Frank Creech 78; Pass—Edna
Russell 72; Wallace Makins 72;
Greta Brock 71; Margaret Dejean
69; Flarrie West 67; Hugh Creech
65; John Kuntz 61.
Number on roll 32; average at-
tendance 30,
Jean S. Murray,
Jr, 3rd. Honars—Kathleen Rea -
Mall 75; Pass—Dorothy Dejean '74;
Lyle Dinney 72; Garnet Beavers 67,
Sr. 2nd, Honors—Marjory• Medd
75. Pass—Teddie Taman 68; Nona
Reeder 68; Golda Wells 63; Edith
Walters 62.
Jr. 2nd. (A) Pass --Reggie Bea-
vers 74; Jack Gambrill 72; Marvin
Howey 70; Russell Brock 65.
Jr. 2nd, (B) Pass—Irwin Ford
64; Irene BierIing 63; Harry Jenn-
lugs 62; Harold Skinner 61.
No enrolled 36; average attend-
ance 32,
H. M. Kinsman, Teaeher
Class 4, Honors—Donald Madman
83; Myrtle Beaver 75. Pass—Sydney
West 71; Catherine Woods 70; Clif-
ford Lamport 65; Clarence Boyle 64.
Class 3, Honors—Nellie Robinson
93; Vera Mooney 90; Stanley Wal-
ter 81. Pass—Gladys Hunkin 74;
Willie Ellerington 71; Roy Sanders
Class 2. Honors—Greta Bloom-
field 88; Billy Balkwill 83; Nelson
Wells 83, Pass—Cecil Laing 74;
Verne Brimacornbe 73; Russell Snell
72; Dorothy Dinney 60,
Class 1, Honors --Russell Coiling -
wood 85; Rosie Jennings 83; Ruth
Collingwood 79. Pass—Billy Nelson
73; Gerald Skinner 69; Ila Apple-
ton 69
Smith -At Cerarellia, on, len 28, to
Mr. and Mrs. C tarence Smith, a son
Smith --At Zurich, on Jan. 26th, tee
Mr. and Mrs. O. Smith, a daugh -
ter -May Ingold„
Buswell -At Evesham, Sask., onaJan
23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. A.`. E. Bos-
well, formerly of Exeter, a son
Robert Ernest.
Dougali-Ford-At the residence oi
the bride's parents, Usborne, on Feb.'
4th, Andrew A. Dougall, to MIIS
Elva Irene, daughter of Mr. end airs
Wiliam J. Ford, of Usborne.
Penea-en-In Usboene, on, San. 29th,
Martha Atm Bro-cic, wife of William
Peowarden, aged 62 years, r
and 12 days.
Tratisen-In London, •on, Jere 30tb,,Ur.
Frederick Trothan, formerly of Cene
tralie, aged 38 years.
McLeughlin-Lie Exeter, on Jan 310,
Mrs. MeLauglein, sister of Mr. A lex.
Davy, In her 75th ,year.
Dickson. -At Kerwood, on Feb, 2rale
Janice Dickson, formerly oa Exeter,
aged 87 years,
Just look over these prices before
you buy your next piece af meat, -
Ceoice Sirloin. or P. 11. Steale...30c1b,
Prime Rib Roasts, heifer beef -.25c.11).
Meetty Pot Roasts .........23c
Number on roll 35, average at-
tendanee 3 1. Rib Boa, young and tender .....20c
Reta N. Rowe, Teacher
Class 5. Honors—Violet Gambrill
95; Kathleen Reid 93; Velma Willis
83; Mary Wells 80; Lois Statham
'77; Pass—Harold Beavers 61.
Class 4. Honors—Loretta Little
90; Kenneth Vale 85; Charles Lod -
der 80; Pass—George Robinson 60.
Class 3. Honors—Margaret Mar-
tin 88; Gladys Hutchison 87; Madel-
ine Stewart 84; Grace Christie 80;
Helen Penhale 75; Pass—Jean
Sheere 69..
Class 2. Honors—Mary Cann 95;
Helen Heywood 80; Florence Brock
75; Helen Salter 75. Isass—Margar-
et Ellerington 70; Raymond Pryde
70; Marguerite Bloomfield 65; Stella
Little 63.
Class 1. Pass—Sohn Paine 65;
Harold Snell 60.
Number enrolled 34; average at-
tendance 27.45.
Loin or Rib Pork Chop ............30c. ib.
Hem Roasts Fork 25c ib.
Choice Legs Lamb. . . 40c. et._
Shoulder Lamb 35c. ib,
Veal Chop ..e. 35e. lb!
Roasts or Fillet of (Veal 30c, ib.
Stewing Veni . ........ 25e;
Ali Pork Sausage, our own. make 30c.lbe
Head Cheese, Mrs. Harness make 3k,
Smoked, Cooked and Cured Meats
always on hand at
B. Makin.'
where quality is higher than price.
Phone 16.
Stewart Made
February Sales Popular
Values Extraordinary
35c, Prints of umusuall quality per yard
45c, Widest Width good weight Flannellette
$1.25 Marc's Lined Durable Leather Mitts
40c. Fancy Tuekish Tow eat per yard
$2.00 Men's Brown Army Rubbers e all sizes
35.c. Good Wearing Roller 'Dowelling pee yard
, 23c
• , 25e..
a. $1.15
Grocery Specials
Largest Size Ammonia Powder .... .... .., for 25e
, 2 for 2k.
A.. , 3 for 5k
, for 15c
Quart Jar Forest Cit,y Baking Powder .
Jelin. Powders, all flavors , . , L...
Canned Corn or Peas ,,
15c. Stove Polish' , .iwee
Best Extracts , 8c, Table Syrup 10e
Royal Yeast . .. ea, ...,e; „,, , 5c Pure Lard ,,,. , , „35c
Large Salmon , '20o Pitcluerd's (canned) ....... ....... Zit
.00c. PLUG T: & a TOBACCO ' J....se , e... .e. e. . 1, 75c.
ZOc , McDonald's Chewing and Smoking t...,/s.,0 , ' .i i.. 2 for 35e,
40c. Fruit, and Apricot Jam Jam Cookies, . ib. 30c.
pertinent and other funds (if our W. 70; Oswald 13rown 68; Cha,rlie
C. T. V. work. The proceeds areoun- Acheson 68; Dorothy Snell 67; Clif-
ted t t d .1' A STEWIA.117
o over. en oilers. ford eVebster 66; Francis Abbott 65; • •