The Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-15, Page 7RHEUMATIC PEOPLE
Can Only Find Relief by Enrich,,
ing the Blood.
Rheumatism fs a disorder of the
blood, It attacks people when the
blood is overchar ed with acid and
'impurities, thus setting up inflamma-
tion in the muscles and .joints. ''Vet
weather or cold weather of autumn
may start the tortures of rheumatism,
hut is not the cause. The cause is in
,the bloot1 and the blood only. Victims
of: this malady have every reason to
Pear the first dull ache in the limbs
and joints, followed by sharp pains
through the flesh and muscles; these
are the symptosis of poison in the
blood o d which may shortly leave the
victim painraeked and helpless.
There is only one way to Cure rheu-
matism, and that is through the blood.
Liniments, hot applications, and rub-
bing may give temporary ease, but
cannot possibly root the trouble out of
the system. That can only be done by
the rieh, red blood v:lhieh Dr. Williams'
Pink ,Pills actually slake. This new
blood drives out the poisonous acids
and impurities, and the rheumatism
disappears. If you are a sufferer from
this painful malady begin curing your-
self today by the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and see how soon the.pains
and stiffness of the joints fade away,
leaving behind new energy, and new
• You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any medicine dealer or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
12:50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
clue Co., Broekville, Ont.
Mahogany in Furniture.
It is interesting to note that more
than twenty nhahogauyllke woods are
now offered as true mahogany, not to
mention a, considerable number of
woods cunningly stained to imitate
mahogany. In the present circum-
stances, therefore, when the demand
for mahogany is greater than the sup-
ply, mensual interest attaches to such
woods as Cariania or Colombian ma- ,
hogany, which is acknowledged not to
be mahogany, but which is so *duhilar
to it in color, grain effects and work-
ing qualities as to serve for the rare
The statement is Made that while
Cariania differs widely in its botani-
cal and anatomical ohartnetehs, from
true mahogany, it.y.close superficial re-
semblance to mahogany and its physi-
cal properties at once distinguish it
as a high class cabinet wood. When
properly seasoned It does not warp,
check or shrink; while hnuch of the
lumber is beautifully figured. It works
well, takes a filler readily and eaube
highly polished. r_
• Lost People of Arizona.
By far the Most interesting remains
of the lost people of .irizona ...ire their
network of canals which prevail
through the valleys. The longest is
the one 'tapping the dila 'river awl
which supplied with water the aneient
city, now marked with the one stand -a
tag building, This is the Ceee, Grande,
about which rh so lentil ]las been written
and which has excited so hili it..
tore t among arelhaelogisis in the last.
ten years.
The volume of\water taken out by
this canal must have been immense,
for it supported millictis of .teres. In
most places the canal bee been. fillet 1
with drifting sand, but ite course is
easily traced. Engineers who located
the Maricopa canal made use of the
old 'Aztec ditch and to -day water runs
over its pebbly bottom just as it did.
2,000 or 3,000 years ago.
For miles and miles` around mounds
tell the tale of hawses destroyed by
the ravages of time. 1'horuix was
built on the ruins of this ancient city
and there relics frequently are found
of this ancient civilization,
Mrs, Alfred. Naud, Natagan River,
Que., writes: -"I do not think there
is any other medicine to equal Baby's
Own Tablets for little ones. I have
used thein for my baby and would use
nothing else." ghat Mrs. Nand says
thousands of other mothers say. They
have found by trial that the Tablets
always do just what is claimer] for
them. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus banish indigestion, constipation,
colic, colds, etc, They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The DrWilliams'
„Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Latest Styles in Skirts
No. 9239 -Ladies' Three-PieceM1Cir-
cular Skirt. Price, 20 cents. High
wwaistline; 38 or 36 -inch length. Cut
lin 7 sizes, 24, 26,- 28, 30, 32, 34 and
36 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re-
s quires, 38 -inch length, 3 1-8 yds. 40
!ins. wide, or 2 1-8 yds. 54 ins. wide;
,86 -inch length, 3 yds. 40 ins. wide, or
2 Yds. 54 ins. wide. Width around
bottom, 2'4 yds.
No: 9209 -Ladies' Ruffled Skirt,
•Price, 25 cents. Panel front; two-piece
!back foundation lengthened bytwo-
piece lower section; 89 ' or 37 -inch
length. Cut in 5 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30
and 32 ins. waist measure. Size 26
tregwires, 39 -inch length, 4 1-8 yds. 36
sins. wide`, or 3s yds. 45 ins. wide;
+87 -inch length, 4 1-8 yds. 36 ins. wide,
or 3!14 yds. 45 ins. wide. Width
Wound ,bottom 114 yds, •
No. 9231Ladies' ,:Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 20 cents. High waistline,: 38
or 36 -inch length. Cut in S sizes, 24,
26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 ins. waist
measure. Size 26 requires, 38,mnch
length, 2% yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1%
yds. 54_ ins. wide; 36 -:inch length, 21/4
yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins.
wide. Width around .bottonh, 1%
No. 9223 -Ladies' Skirt, Price, 25
cents. Three-piiece tunic; underskirt
with front lining; high waistline; 38
or 36 -much length. Cut in 6 sizes, 24,
26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 ins. waist mea-
sure. ‘Size 26 requires, 38 -inch. length
3% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 21 . yds. 54
ins. wide; 36 -inch length, 3% :yds. 36
ins. wide, or 21/e yds. 54 ins. wide.
Width around bottom, 1i/Z yds•. •
These patterns .lnay be obtained
from your Iocal McCall •dealer, or
,franc the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
J1;` you have asthma, don't /mag-
i that you must always suffer
untold rataery, Relief quick, sure
and safe is guaranteed in even the
worst canes by using
We a,re SO certain of results we will
eerie' you as free sample of these cap-
sules. confident that you will find
there all wP have e.aimed.
Sold by reliable druggists ever•e-
,rvhere 1.or $11.04 a taoa'.
For 'free sample, write to
142 !Sing $t. West - Toronto
Fur fiat -en years 016 standard
'+pr'rif1,• for I'beumattisu[, :euritl$.
�+. nrt1+„ 1 U raj a o '.Neuralg#a.
aIan} et ,•fors prescribe them.
Write to Templeton's, 142 ming
St. W., Toronto, for free samtr1e.
Sold by reliable druggists every-
where for $1.04 per box.
Bits of Information;
The ..uetraliau `tar 1)ebt is $L500,•
000. /
Tlic salary of the German President
is 5240,000 , ••
The total =tiller of Girt Guides in
the British isles is 72.519.
There are nineteen peeresses in
their own right in the United King.
There are 0,000,000 motor vehicles
in use in the tani.ted States to -day.
The Victoria Cross was awarded to
sixty-three Australians during the war,
The record dine of 2 minutes 27
seconds for skating one anile was made
in 1912.
Between August, 1914, and February
26, 1919, 563 Victoria Crosses were
"Soviet," in its original meaning of
a "council," was used in Serbia as loug
ago as 1805.
The journey from London to Paris
by air takes ;.'% hours compared with
7 hours by land and sea,
It has been estimated that war -e
work for women drew 400,000 recruits i
from donle*stie work end dressmak-
ing in Creat Britain,
The .first cinematograph perforiih-
ince ever given in the British house
of Commons tcok place an August 12
of this year.
Chilled fish. from Newfoundland is j t
prepared in a „cold storage plant, which slrh
can deal with 200,000 leas. of fish a S'au ply say to the drug store
day. man, "Give me a quarter of an ounce
of freezone.' This will cost very little
The Republic of ("zocho-Slovakia has but is sufficient to remove every lard
an area of bet wren 50,000 and G0,000 or sort corn from one's feet.
square lades and a population of 12,- A few drops of this new ether tom•
500,000. potuld nppIied (Iirectly' upon a tender,
Bombs for use with air machines aching corn should relieve the sore-
oiiginally �re?ighed 20 lbs., but at the ness instantly, anti scow the entire
eu of tix war the a <•e f cora, root a.nd alt, dries up and Lean be
I Are We Ail Pigmies?
The huge .giant, 'Whose fossilized re*
mains have just been dug up in the
State of Vera Cruz, strikes a severe
Mow at those who boast of physical
development in the twentieth century.
This giant is claimed to he eleven
yards high!
Loushkiu, the Russian giant, was
Well under slim feet, or three yards.
The biblical giant, Goliath, Was merely
a dozen feet, and the great Hing Og.
of Masan, did nc.t stand more than six-
teen feet six niches in his socks, Og.
held the record before this eleven -
yard champion enure ,tiong to upset
11 ilk.
Put hi.n In the kitchen e a modest
four -floored house, and his legs would
, teaelt the t i a.
d n -r
h oeiu al3ove, his chest
would thrust up into the bed -room, and
lits head cense out in the, attic!
The average height of the. measly
specinhen of humanity who inhabits
the globe to -day is about five and a
Half feet. flow we are dimini,.hing:
Iinal'd's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,- Theodore Dorais, a
customer• of mine, was completely
eu^ed of rlteumati m after rive years
of suffering, by the judicious rise of
The above facts can he verified by
writing to shim, to the Parish Priest
or any of his, neighbors,
A.COTE, lierchauit.
St. k-i'iore, Que., 12 May, '98.
A Prayer For the Day.
Christ, who bled and died for me
On the sacrificial tree.
Oat of Thy great charity,
Hear the prayer I lift to Thee:
By the spear that cleft Thy side,
Purify my heart of pride!
By the thorns that crowned Thy brow.
With Thy Iove ley soul endows
By Thy pierced hands and feet.
Make my halting faith complete!
By the bitter drink they gave,
Make me hunhble, make me brave!
WTomea outnumber the men in
Great Britain by 2,000,000.
d e w largest st we ghed as Ilftecl out with he lingers.
much as a ton and a half. This new war to rid one's feet of.
At the signing of ilie Armistice, the corns was introduced by a CIncinnati
total of German bombing and scouting man, who says that, while freezone Is
aeroplanes had fallen to 1,700; while sticky, it dries in a moment, and sim.
the Allies had three machines on the ply shrivels up the corn without in -
front to the German one. flaming or even irritating the sur•
rounding tissue or skin.
While the total steam tonnage of the
British Empire is over 2,500,000 tons
less than in 7.914, the steam shipping
Of the ljnited States shows an increase
of nearly 7,x00,000 tons.
=nerd's Tinlinent Cures Distemper.
All About Chins.
Square cabins. with little flesh. de-
note firmness and executive ability. • •
Broad chins signify dignity, unless
vertically thin, whezh, • f f with it there
be thin lips of the bloodless kind, you
find cruelty.
Protruding chins characterize men
and Women of the forceful type. Suc-
cessful people usually carry their chins
thrust forward, with compressed lips.
Retreating chins show lack of force
mentally, morally and physically, and
denote that the possessor' yields, is
soon discouraged, and desires protec-
tion. The development of other facul-
ties often makes up for this defect.
Long chubs. are poetical, unstable,
and delicate ih. constitution. People
having them are said to be subject to
internal derangements.
Medium chins, with small mounds
of flesh on either side, eharacterize.
generosity and cheery natures.
Short chins show a great love of or-
der and detail -"a' place for every-
thing and everything in its phage"
type of person.,
A Canadif n Salt Lake.
A lake has been discovered in the
Denzil district of Saskatchewan whieh
e. .
produces: almost pure salt, and"
yelopment is being actively proceeded.
with. -This lake is the more remark-
able from theefactothat it is the only
one of a group of 190 'which possesses
these saline prope"lties. In area it ex
tends over about 15 acres at* is cover
ed with a bride; which, in •itself, does
not possess any pure salt properties.
O,n boring, however," it was 'discovered
that the depression had a rock foun-
dation, about six feet below the sur
face, and as, each bore was put, down,
a salt spying iieveloped,,each: of which
contained approximately 9 pee cent.
pure salt.
Aft Alike.
Patient -"The doctor's bills ate'
higher and my syife say .the medicines
cost nadir° than they did,"
hitirse-"Don't Worry' about thlit
now. I want totake your tempera-,
Patient -"I'll bet you 'll"find oven
that Is going, up,"! ED.
Don't let father die or infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but clip this out gaud make him try it.
Let "Danderine" save your;
hair and douTie •
.►,.}r.}. } Kr•}n}•,},.Y 4 r},.}•,l.r} s.r�..l„} M-t...,,}U�}r�.•Y,rpI
tb fS
I)ciutt shock your Liver an.]
Bowels, but take
i rCascarets,''
eascarets end biliiouShiess, head-
ache, colds, and constipation, so gently
you're never even inconvenienced,
There is no griping and none of the
explosive aftereffects of cathartics
like Calomel, Salts, sickening Oil or
remaining Pills. To -night take Cas.
carets and get rid of the bowel and
poisou which is peeping you
miserable and half sick. eascarets
cost so little and they work while you
For a New Icing.
After the batter is in the baking
dish, sprinkle brown sugar and cocoa-
nut on the top, and when it is baked
it is just the prettiest brown, as well
as good to taste.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. rive
Dollars co: -t; three cents.
Classified Aclverti lxaerxLa. r
09,0-0142,S Vir.8.1,1TBD.
Ukt,:1.'.1Z.+3,i`.l` .AGENT'S ' WANTINQ
good prints and finishes -lowest,
prices on' frames -ask for 'catalogue,
'United Art Ca., 4 Brunswick Ave., To--
county Splendid opportunity. Write
Box T. Wilson Publishing Co., .Limited,
78 Adelaide St. '4Y, Toroc10,
-----•-•-^--.:.-....,ter:._-' .-.,•,
anti job printing pLarit In Eastern,
Ontn.r#o. Lit: warier. Parried $1,500, Wii
fin i'or $Lt'IU on quick sale. Dox 63,
Wilson Publishing Cn., ,T,t,,r Toronto,
-1� a Pound, an; size, f.a.b. your ti u[ star irfti•
tiithin �vu iniles 0f Toronto. Ship
O D. itt crates or boxes. Albert Lewis,.
668 Dundas west, Toronto.
(`Iur)Ier :41 rxrirt nI,ACrr ,CRI:EDi G
1 Foxes. Also, we are buyers of I:aw
' puts. -What have you --what price?
Int 1.) P.rc c.. Bothwell, Ont.
T.v are as*,Ie to supply, advise e es. as we
will pay the highest prices d`•y or green
from the saw. •Keenan tiros., Limited,.
Owen round. Ont.
iAtvCF, , '11, -MORS, Lours, ETC.,
r irnternal and external, cured without
pain by our horse treatment. Write us
before too late Dr. I;e11man ;yledical
Co., Limited, L'ollinq^wood, Ont.
Laugh a. little Iess at your n&gh-
hor's troubles and a little more at ! /
your own.
Minard'e Diniment Curet Gar ;•et In Cows,
Scientific research shows that the
peoples who have fed liberally on milk
ami eggs and leafy foods actually have
=rated ahead in progress, .v,h,ile
those 'who have. lacked gthese foods
have lagged behind and are not ,so
well-developed, physically or tnentally.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
Little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's dose •
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
Mothers You must say -California."
A Cure tor
a Breath
1�C � 4 I •
' "Bad breath is a sign cr decayed
teeth, foul etozriach or unclean
bowel." " 11 your teeth are good, In
Iook to your digestive organs ati
- . Its beauty,once. Get:Sein is Coratire Syrup
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops
after meals, clean up your food
passage and stop the bad breath
odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
Do not buy substitutes. Get
the genuine. 6 ti
MerigMKOZI SY 3 3tO:b
SINCE T870/e
Oh, girls, such an abundance of
thick, heavy, invigorated' hair: a per-
fect mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious-
ly. fluffy, bright and so easy to' man-
Just moisten a. cloth with a Iittle•
"Danderine" and carefully draw it
through your hair, takng one small
strand at a time; this magically re-
moves. all dirt, . excess oil and grease,
but your hair. is not left brittle, dryer
stringy= or faded, but charmingly soft,
with glossy, golden gleams and tender
lights.` : The youthful glints; tints lend
color are again in your hair.
"Danderine" is a .tonic-beaatifier.
Besides doubling, the beauty ox the •
hair atonce, it checks dandruff and
stops falling hair., Get delightful:
Daucicrine for a few cents at any drug
of toilet 'counter and use` it as a dreas-
ing and invigorator as told on bottle.
JUnericare :'loner Dog Ilkmeates '
/look on
astd Now 't0 Wood
Mailed Free to any M-
. dress by the Author.
II, Clay Glover 'Cto X e.
118 West 81st Street
New. York, U.S.'..
4other'ts Coughshaud
Colds Go Quickly
She cannot afford to besick
and neglect her household
duties. At the first symp
toms she prepares theway
for quick recovery by the
immediate use of Gray's"
Gs Syrup -a household
preparation of sixty
years standing.
- Mother alwsya bo t,
Um Lora* Vise.
Baby Happy After His Bath
With. Cuticura Soap
Nothing more refreshing for baby
than a warm bath with Cuticura
Soap, especiallyy. if his skin is hot,
irritated oftrashy. After bathing,
gently touch any rrritationwith Cuti-
cure Ointment. They are ideal for
all toilet uses..
Sona 25e, Ointment 25 dna SOe. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
L mans, Limited, St. Paul St.. Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mus.
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity,
suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief.
. Always ready for use, it takes little
to penetrate without rubbing and pro-
duce results. Clean, refreshing. ,Made
in Caneada. At all dreg gores,
86c, '70e, l(; 1,40.
Not -Aspirin at Ali without the " B&y'er Cross,":)
the naine "Bayer" ideatsbes the contains proper tiieoetiont for coldp,
only genuitine Aspirin, the eadaehe •,Tootheche, Earache, Neu-
preseribetl'b l}hyeicittlns for, rie)ritiine lgi a, Luiubago, Rhouinatiem, Neur!-
teen yearsiitnd now made in Can'aa„ tie, Joint Paine, and Pain generally.:
Always buy an unbroken paeleage Tin id9rxes :vf 4,tableats east , but
Of "Bayer Tablets of .Aspirin" :which a few cents. ;,Lamer `Bayer" packages..
There is oily one Aepsria 'BIR,7er"....tO mltai ;441iy 1611siyer"
Aspirin la •rise trade mark (reg15+cion to Canada) of i3aver Manufacture of 'Mono
aeeticacid'sa'ter of 'Salldylleaeta; Whsle -it Is Well known that .a'iplrtn means 1 e er
taaaearaetnee; to•'aeeltbttthe public n$itirist lmttettoha, the 'Tablets of Del'er e.ompani•
Uilil,•sae ataorrid ith"ttttir 401141,14Pdo Marti, `1110 "ii.yer croft."