The Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-15, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's
e\ \1.\' \\\\\\\eneeee\\\, eesseneeassow e + .e.eoeo. ,, ..meas aaeee a es
.1* .1k 14
rletcher's Castoria is star 'may a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. .A baby's medicine
is evenmore essential s ntxai f,,r Baby. Remedies primarily Y Pre orad
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made fer it that its use for over 3Q
years has not proven.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than : thirty,years it lads
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleet.
The Children's Comfort—'The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
We aro sorry to ,a'epart eIrs, aenry
geeing, oa the sick ,list but we •,listple,
to a speedy irecloverye ,Mr. 1?. ;Me -
In v).1; has returned; from the West and
is visiting Keel friends here. Mr, and
, Mrs Les:tc Hutchinson have gone to
,r)•etroit for the welter Miss .Martie
# J3eittranu speuat .the Jtofie ays at her
home here,—Mrs. Roy Hutchinson has
been very ill but • s convaJtesceznt•,
Several from here attended ,the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Thos.Mallard of
Grand Bend &on Saturday, -Miss Hobbs
of ThorelaJe js tea,cjaing at Ito 10
Stephen Miss Lutceiffe having resign-.
eee—The Y. Ps S. well hold a Leap
c d
Year Sa aa, ~>< Moaday, or, 19 riz
Jen in
Y, J
the Methodist Church —hisses Mabel
end Jean Foster trf Beyelielld are the
guests of relatives here,--leless Ettle]
Oliver is staying with Mrs. Gep, Beet,
Mrs, Toll and family and Maas Millie
Mason. visited with their parents Mr,
ani Mrs. E, Mason during the Ilea -
•Jays. --Mr Lawrence Pollo::k Iles sold
his pacing horse Harry Grattaa toMr
R. Ptotoiu of Montreal fora hand-
some figure.
The Exeter Advocate! brothers and sisters: Services were
held in the E'tangeli(cal church at
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Iwhish Rev, Wellans of Greenway, Rev
Subscription Price—In advance. $1.501 "Lager e, Dashwoed and RevHaugh
seer year .eat Canada; $2,00 in the sot e r :diton officiated„ Mrs, Sweet-
TYntte,l States, All subscrip,tiorta not xer vas years pf age and was the
.;rola in advance 50c. extra t'harged. I wife of our neve councillor. Apoplexy
ADVERTISING RATES was the immediate cause of death, _ol- ,owing accouchement.
Display Advertising -Made known. Rev. i.:anamrauri, the "Moody of ,Ta„
ern application. pan'e wee address a union Service in
Stray Animals—One Insertion 50c. the Evengeetcal church on Sunday
aha' a insertions $1.00. evening, when a rare treat is in store
Farre or Real. Estate for sale 50: tor the ,people of this vicinilty.
esach insertion far one month of four cry ,person should avail themselves of
.inserti.ons, 25c. far each subsequent the privilege of hearing this excellent
eves:rtiots spereeex. -Rev, Kanamouri has been
Miscellaneous articles of not more actively 'engaged in Evangelistic work
=gage, five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or amen•tti;a own people with marked.
Wanted Lost, Found, etc., earls in- success, He wife also deliver an in.-
eertion 25c. i<ereatsng lecture on Social and Moral
Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per Reform(: • The thatnks of the commun..'
diene per insertion. No notice less ity ,arc dtie Rev'. Whitliang for secur-
, 2Sc. Card of Thames SOc, ing this very able preacher, and for
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line givin.; the people an opportunity to
Auction Sales. $Z for one insertion hear him.
sad $3 for two insertions if moderate Mr 1. E. Chesney of the Banat;
etme, staff wa, called to Jiis home in Sea,-
earProfessional Cards not exceeding 1 Borth on account of ,the serious ill-
inlch—S6 per year, ness of his father.
The new Stephen Council will 1'e
sw•brn iu here on Monday..
THURSDAY, JAN'Y 15, 1919
LOGS WANTED—The undersigned
:will purchase in the tree or delivered
'l3asrswood, Elm and Maple Lags. fanny
rivantity, for which the highest cash
prices will be paid_ F, Kerr, Crediton,
The remains of Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer
were lai,i to rest in the e •netery here
On Tuesday, January 13-h. The cir-
cumstances surrounding her death are
indeed sad. Besides the sorrowing
:ftusbanr she ,leaves four small children,
the youngest .of wham is onlly two
•weeks old. She is also survived by
her father and mother, Mr, •arzd Mrs,
Jahn Rate of Stephen, and severer
Women of Canada
Who Testify
Tillsonburg, Ont.:—"Ever since I can
:itemember, Dr. Pieice's medicines were used
in our family at home
and they never failed
to give good results.
The 'Golden Medical
Discovery' was used
as a tonic and blood
purifier and for bron-
chial trouble, and it,
proved excellent. 'I
have personally tak-
en 'Golden Medical
Discovery' for bron-
chial trouble, and
the 'Favorite Pre-
scription.' to build
me up when I was
sun -down and they both were very bene -
Mother always used Dr. Pierce's
',,Compound Extract of Smart -Weed for
'pain; it also was very good, I feel safe in
recommending all of Dr. Pierce's medicines
' knowing them to be good."—MRS. CLIF
Central Butte, Sask.: "I have used Dr.
; sieree's Medical, Discovery for a. number
:of years and am pleased to recommend it
as ablood purifier. I know it has no equal,
as T used it for my boy for tuberculosis of
the knee joint. My neighbors and friends.
'were surprised with the results • in fact, I do
not -think he would be ative,todayhad it not
r beenfor the 'Medical Discover'.' I. also..
keep it on, hand for coughs as it differs so
from `other cough medicines; instead' of up-
setting the stomach as most"cough syrups
do it is good for: the stomach. .I only wish
had known aboutDr. Pierce's inedi in
.sooner"-MRS._PE RCY WOOD;
When : ou take G lden Medical DIB
it eave>�,:3eu are dettirig.the benefit of tfie
rertenceofadoatorlloso"' ,reptttati
on goea
t11 noun lthe earth. Stillulore>,et a'.
... k. r
.em erane'e me seine'tlro .container not a
fro • of ateohol -or,-narcotic of • SAO kind,•
l:ong ago Dr. Pierce . combine& .oertaiui ,,
valuable ,vegetable- ingredients—without`.
al ho thathi
the use. of co ao_aremedies
always ' have been strictly temperanceauledieines. '
.. i n .,,'•"tea
nese -
• On Iiee. 29 The Bright Jewees end
Buds ,of •Promise classes of 'Calvary
Ev. Sunday School spent a social even
in at;the home of Mise, Alice Pfaff..A
very pleasant time was spex t in play-
ing games etc, During the everting
'A efi d,red Schroeder was presented
with a book by her ,class mates, the
Bright •Jew•els, before leaving far her
neve• benne near Crediton, Alice serv-
ed no very dalaty lunch to all before
departing for (home..
lvl,iss AAiice Lane of Dorchester is
viseinse her sister Mrs. A. E. Oe Strei-
cher_ I -
Thede„. the ,little daughter oaf Mgr.
and Mrs R. Hayter is quite ill at pre-
sent. We hope for a speedy recovery
Mr E1giia Sdh;astz left last week for
Stratford where he wile ,attend- Nor_
mal College.
Our business men have recti ved
their ice. supply.
Toesti hall, Jan. 12.—Coun( met
pursuant to statute and subscribed to
their declaration, and oath of office,
J. J: P‘oeee, reeve; A', E. Rosser, dei
uty. reeve Dan Lewis,- Weston Ma-
guire ,and Wm. Dixon, councillors.
:The luinurt•es of the last tneeitin,g
NS el'e :read and signed •
't)iuon—Rosser—That By Law NOP. 1
of 1920' ciinL rming the appoinattnetre of
L'ownsltirp officers, be read a third,
t,i e and ,pa.ssed-Carried.
Rosser—Dixon,—That Dan Lewis be
appaoi;nted to oversee; the proposed ale
rfetatrlari:s and repairs,to the Township
llalin�Cai vied,
Megult e--Lewis—That whereas the
.eiltree Creek end Pete Seebe River drain.
oerstra<r' • exxceeds else amount of the
eiritrettiee estimate providing foie the
:by' the 'sum of $2747:39, and 1
Whereas the .Said sum is re aired; to
clarnale e the :awarded coneract, and
wheraas sof .tient Punier have allot be•e'n
r?avided in any .By=,law ,• ' hereeoffare.
.Passed, ` for than,., completion. of
Work ,be it there£oteetesolved that
1 arnc afarbe, CIE., be.. appointed
as-:"ra ided
tee: Make PA ,'e��Caminla.'ti,on P,' vI.
toe ,.by ':thy lyrairzage ;Act wi,1th estim-
i,ttes: and ,asaes3�ments ars, therein div-
c-tr_ •ed
Rosser-i3i<io01-Thatt the Reaeve
tistruct`,.ed ,b,Tt
`i a ,e',:aPts caf3an to the 'Lieutenant er
at atetrr. in„iCeeneitt#oragrant
0 leNie Crtet,n,d Pete S
rmge` wOk ander: the 'Act
Pno?trzrc�tt �o';era1 age
RS j, CarrLed. ,
rte er IJf cogit, treresp?assiJe
and eiOtiirlr.a, adjourned, to meet .lt.rolr
ray, !March 1st, at 1 o&clock.
I. D. brumnrasnd, Cletki
An announcement was made from
the ,pulpit of James Street church
last Sunday that donations were to
be received by A. E. Kean, Mana-
ger of the Canadian Bank of Com-
merce, on behalf of the starving An.
mentans, This appeal was made to
the adherents of the above church
but on Miond:ay, when donations
were being reived, others wished
to give assistance. In order that each
church may- receive 'full ereditfor
what their members contribute, ar-
raugeutents have been made, sanc-
tioned by tate clergy of the other
churches, allowing all citizens and
those living in the country, to give
at the above bank where the names
and amounts will be properly sub-
divided and each denomination will
receive full credit.
There was a hearty response and
approximately $300 was received the
first day,
This is a worthy cause, donations
will be received all week, and we
trust that the objective of $1,000
will be reached by the 17th inst.
Should any persons or persons wish
to contribute next week or later,
same will be gladly received and for-
warded free of charge to :lir, Canter --
on, Treasurer of the fund, Toronto.
Below we give the names and a-
mounts, which were received up to
Tuesday afternoon:—
Members of James St. Church
Donations of $25—Rev. M, J.
Donations of $16.65 --James St.
Sunday school.
Donations of $10—S. Martin and
Son, S. and Mrs. Fitton, J. G. Jones,
S. M. and Mrs. Sanders.
Donatoins of $6.—Mrs. Jas. Snell
and Mrs. Jas. Pickard.
Donations of $5—Elijah Jury,
Rev. J. D. Kestle, Arthur Freecis,
Southcott Bros., Edward Shapton,
R. W. Wilcox; Paul Coates, :',John.
Pedlar, Samson Parsons, Albert An-
drew, Elizabeth Amy, Charles “Ker-
slake, Thomas Harvey, Charles Hoo-
per, Jeffrey Fisher, A. E. Kuhn,
James Lawson, Mary A. Tom, Rus-
sell Skinner, R. T. Rowe, Joseph
May, W. E. Welsh, John T. Wood,
Robt. and Mrse Kerslake, Miss A.
M. Wood, Edward ,Kestle, George
Easterbrook, Adult Bible Class:
Donations of $3—W. S. Cole, F.
J. DeIbridge, Sidney Snell.
Donations of $2—H. Ford,P.
Madge and Son, J. M. Southcott, J.
Shapton, Josiah Kestie, Eli and
Feeoda Coultis, Miss Allie Hand-
ford, Frank Sheere, Phillip Hern,
Arthur Kerslake, Hubert Jones,
Henry Coultis, Mrs. W. D. Yeo,
Mrs. Richard Pickard, A. Ford,
Richard Coates, Wesley Snell, Mrs.
Ed. Treble, S. and Mrs. Johns, Dr.
Roulston, Nelson Sheere.
Donations of $1.50—John Bell
and family.
Donations .of $1.—Mary Delbridge
Mrs. J. Sutton, J. S. Harvey, Chas.
Godbolt, Jonah Pedlar, Ella Shap -
ton, W. H. Kestle, Mrs. Geo. Snell,
Peter Frayne, Miss Hattie Sweet,
John Hunter, John Gill, G. H. Wind-
sor, Ed. Short, Jas. Hern, C. B. Snell
Chester Harvey, H. J. Puke, May
Jones, a friend, Mrs. Chas. Perkins,
Mrs. Frank Coates, a friend, Miss
Jean Pickard, Miss Ella Jones, Ed.
Harness, Emily Frayne, Thos. Jones.
Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. E. Ersery,
C. A. Homey, J. T. and d Mrs. Miners,
E. J. Horney,
Donations of 50c -Francis Blatch-
ford, a friend, A. Gould, Mrs. G.
Kerslake, a friend:
Main St. Methodist Church ,
Donations of $10-D•, C. Mclnses.
Donations of $5—W. May, W. G.
Medd. '
Other donations—B, E. Bicker : $5;
Total $33'9.15,
Prohibition failed to carry in” New
Zeallaad. -
.A!fter. January 1.5th; the Royal' Air
Force ceases to •exist.
The first meeting of ,the Leaeue cif
I Ttaftirn$ es oto .be •; held in. Paris.;( on,
Last reuarts say the ex-Kapl,er of
Germany is ,quite -insane at his padac!e
in Holland,,
Heat.`Between: the P.ianets,
rr. If there., ls; soy• exchange of neat be,
twt.en the:,lanets. no .huntsn de i ^ ev ca
t? ,
can. rneasure it, :for the,—bolometer. can
net,' he ,increaagd in iti 'delicacy,,, elide
cleat •to detect the minute amuntit
Tbat' is, .th0.?,platinum wlre—the 'nerve.
more rinsitive than hrgian nerves,
aoi be made anytfr,rhiner and hold'.to
getber`in use No t%,fluence, of the plan
on each a.tte
r b
een dP •
iectea by � Moat accam litled
re ” with
ve insarro•o'
is ,tna't`ca
. be-maa
FrnvifsC1oa �nd.)g t, e(
frOM:,9,te sun
to the i)jtlie '.le 0":
b .tie
[n 8 Q •FAQ
�, e e e �
s>a Y- , t cin P u-''
'a rtb b: r: ,,,
(1119. a io
3` .relfeck...0 intguse att,.N?it.h.,.,
for;,he'--mea8nred no eeluFoene
thinner than a .pider's .thread; -Neap;
York anlerlcan,"
On January 2nd a very pleastent
gathering took place and two of our
oldest and best 'known and beloved
resident, were 'sery becomingly hon-
ored by their friends and nletigihboa-4
They were presented with two gifts
and the following address ;
Jan, 2nel 1920
To Mr, rind Mrs. Wm. :Hoagies,
We, the members• of St, 1?atriuck's
church Saintsbury, and _neighb,,arss
having learned that your are about to
leave our midst, take this opportunity
of expressing to you our sincere ap-
precaitltie+:u of your goad work in our
During your whole life you hare
away ives among us, an,d beengobd
church workers rind goad .neighbors.
We ask you to accept these gats
and hope that you use them in your
mete• home. They wee recall the hap-
py day; that we have spent together,
In leaving us you have our heart-
Lest w t.hes for all happlisiess and
prosperity in'your new hone, also
that you bath may be long apareid
to continue your good work in the
cbureh and community re which you
arc. ,;chub. We also hope you will of -
tee cone to visit among us..
Signed on behalf of the congrega-
tion and (neighbors.
The death occurred at St. Joseph's
Hospital. London, on January llth of
Duncan McDonald, formerly of Tuck-
crsrnith Township, aged 74 years, The
funeral was held ae Hensall on Tues-
day aan,!the arrival of the morning tram;.
1 -ie is survived by his wife, who was
formerly Catherine McDonald.
Word has been, received of the death
o'r Mr Frea eleDo-ne11 formerly of
:•fensal: area Exeter,: See Exeter items
Miss Emma Thompson left for
Gue,ph, where she will visit friends.—
Mrs Datil Geremette, who recenitly
ureter .tent an operation in St. Joseph's
Hasps. a, London, is recover-ewe—Mr.
1i A. McEwen, former manager of the
Stereng Bark, has became manager of
the Muttua Finance Corporation, Lim-
ited, Windsor,—Miss Irene Douglas is
teachix'ig at S. S. Not 1, Tuekersmi,th.
—Mr, Jas McColl of Yale, Mli:eh:, and
Mr. Howard Frtecieh of Forest spent
a few days last week with Mr, ar+rd
Mrs. Owen Geiger.—Dr. Harry Croak-
er .ot 'li'sonburg, with Dr. and Mrs,
Hardie—There will be a Masquerade
carnival held In the ;rime on Friday of
this week.—Mr, Andrew Boa, who has
been visiting friends in and :trotsnld
Hersa'1, returned to Belleville, where
he is attending Albert Colleges—Mrs.
A L Case, accampan:ie:I her sis-
ter, Iles G,•e1, to Doitroi;t, where she
w,il remain for a few days, Mrs, Glen
has entere,l ,Grace Hospital, where
she will ,trala for a nurse.
Mr Well Hodgins, has been on, the
sick list for several days.—Mr. Alex,,
O'Neil has sold his residence on Fran-
cis' street to Mr. Joseph Winllsor of
McGillivray,—Mrs, Be Long left last
week to spend two or three months
with her brother, Mr. B. Marley, near
Shallow Take,—A week of Mission
Services will be held in; Holy Trinity
Church beginning Sunday, Feb. lst.
—Rev.. C. L. Belkey ,of Brantford will
preach in Holy Trinity Church on
Sunday next, Jan. 18, in the interests
of the Forward Movement.—On Wed-
nesday, January 7, at Holy Trinity
Church, the marriage was solemnized
by Rev. K. McGoon of Annie, daugh-
ter of edr and Mrs, Alfred Hodgins,
of the Coursey Line, to; Mr. Ray Fair-
less roe the Crows, Milling Co. of this
peace Mr. and elrss. Fairless left,_itn-
meee3.tely after the ceremony for Lon-
don and other points and on their re-
turn will make their home ea Lucan,
—The banns of marriage have been
published of Miss Sarah McIlhargey
of Landon Township and Mr. Wm.
Ryan of Dublin., Ont. and the cere-
mony was performed at St. Patrick's
R. C. Church ,on Wednesday, Jan. 14.
—The induction of Rev. D. Johnston
into the Presbyterian charges of Lu-
can and. Fraser tope place on Friday,
Jan 2nd, in the Presbyterian, Ch urch,
Lucan,,—The by-law submitted to the
ratepayers to, ,raise a loan of $8,000
to cement Mann street road becl-from
the 1i!ttte brick school to Mr. 'Thos.
I -1,a dgene' residence, North Main! Sr.,
did prat draw' out more than oneehajlf
of the available vote, .but the, vote was
in flavor of the by Saw by 25.
Rumrr` says that the attorney -gen-
•eral Hon. W. ,E, Raney;having found
difficulty en, securing a seat, will re-
sign e •
The .Railway commission has ordered
the Michigan Centrad Railway ins On
tr,xia to take Caanaidian,mioney at par,
tvhirah' the railway had, prev'iously re-
fused•too do.
Highest .cash, prices
Paid for
,S k
and .
• .�rT u
r rtim t
an we
TED' •` ' . M
,�11f AIQtf'frAC
lab 'd 1
Eatabl o e , ,885
N - - ONT.
Incorporated in 1:855
Over 120 Branches
14lsaiy of our customers who started art a small way, have
now a well established busixz.:ss through the essistande and co,
toperatiort of this Batik over a p erase of years.
Open an account in this Bank where your interests
faithfully Looked after by experienced officers.
The Manager is always accessible..
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Safety Deposit Boxes to Cleat at the Exeter Branch.
will be
Mount Carmel
A number attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer Tuesday—
Mrs James O'Rourke and children vis-
ited• Mr. O'Rourke at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, last week. -Miss
I'athleent Malpchue of London visit-
ed Mr, and Mrs. D. Mahaney far a
few days last week,—Miss Ilene Ke -
Rourke of (near Khiva returned to 3e-
troit, alter spending his holidays with
her parents,—Miss Irene Brander Mary
Houlihan and We nssiired Madden left
on. Thursday for Ursuline College,
Cleetham—Miss Mae Patton returned
to her home from ,St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, Landon, very little improved in
health.—Mr. Patrick Buckley of Clan-
deboye was a visitor at the home of
J, J. Madden on Sunday —Mr. Frank
Coughlin is improving, after his se-
vere cold.—Miss Gereldine McKeever
returned to Landon do Wedstesday,
accompanied by Miss C. K. Madden
and Winifred Madden.
Miss Ann Blackwell, daughter iof
the late Mr. and Mrs, George Black-
well of London, died ,in Viic;tor at Hos-
pital. sort Monday in her 69th year.
The remains wih. >be ,brought to Clan,-
deboye to -day for interment in St;
James Cemetery:
The U. F. 0. ,glu,b hes installed a
eteanyn;g =achieve an the mill and the
farmers will be. able ,to draw, their grain
right freer the bins—Many of the
farmers 11. te, obliged to buy .feed for
their etack: Oatts are selling at $1 a
bushel end barley at $1.68 a bushel.—
The death took place on Thursday,
Jan_ 8th after along illness-, of ‘Mrs.
Herbert George, who has resided here
!n.. .host of her life.. She is survived
by her husband, three clef dren, en ag-
e•9 mother, three . sisters, Mrs. Taylor
of Parkhill, Mrs: Hardy of Deerfield,
and Miss Amanda at home; also by
three brothers, Elmer, whet liveseln, the
West, Ellison and Ward I-iadgins, of
this •place. The funeral took place to
the Methodist Church at 2.30, and .in-
texment took ,place at St, James :ern
et ery.
Mr. Elmer- ,Jahns tele af. D.ak(ota'is
visiting at .the halve of. Mr. Wm- Lae
moot -Mr,' Wm. Calfass, who was re
Gently appointedamai eceurier from
leensall station. •ltd tweets ch . O. Coms
meenc•ed bis duties last • week,, havung
purchased. (the.'stage: •auttiti frem Mr,
E.. WurneeeMa, cC E. Hey attended.
the, funeral Of hie father infla;w, the
late Micliaae,l Kaercther, and' ,,will 're
,main et few weeks el acing relatives and,
friends,' Hey alrsd sone Percy 'have
a muffle •store in Bas: Axe, Miche-A
quiiet y edding. ,weals•- solemnlized, at the
Lutheranparsanag�e; an Dec. 31, when
Rev f3 Rembe grunted itt•, nerrfa:ge
Miss Etltel; daughter of 'Nee arse Mfrs. •
John Weido, ',Zulriioh 'Road, and Mr.
;Georg,e Hess . of • Dteltrort , Mr, • , and
Mrs,ss aeft or'Detrowt,- whoa tfiey
will ; make (hep '. future hannei, A, gttieil
µ eiddri:ug avas .oateai hued et the halite
of Mt; and. ,Mrs`,Ed,,,.Bossexibtynry
Mandwj', Dec •29, • ,when. Mrs el ssen,
berreeee.Sister, - Mrs. '0 Za1treer Oif Part;
Iitraa,.Mich.,: r b:ecamel the•briclie: of bi .,
Fetes- . l ioeliler 'af Zwrich
Christiaii Z itnmerniia,re Passes --
_ ,7aa .;, 1n � the-
ss'n : ;tot. C 'r'atva
1� an b h, t , n Zimmerman, ' ive
again- :_lose ' aese of ,'Hay Townw ' p ,b
od1 uneitzars H s
W t:-
teelabuag GC:
rmmany, if1iy,
ands' cam
eo,CartadaWhen quiteYee g, aoiltde
fotr,ua»ra,rs • ori> tln.Goshnyine
worth with his sotu Sc(tomarf - npi1
f eft y 4,ar abs., he mored L,x rSehri'yg
t 7
r'' t w tts .1 u
Otto, 3'ere 'Ihe a led at 82 eaa,rs..
aige of ilei! on�y a Eew,:: ays i41xnes"s, Fre
ieaves ,three stuns atari live da.ughterss
• The remains. wet a .brought ;here. Lor
interment on Monday of last 'weak,
Mr. Michael Kaercher, who died re-
cently, was One of the pioneers of
Hay Townshiii, having moved here
from Wilmot some: 60 years ago. Ile
had reached the age ,of 87 years and
is survived by his widow, four song
aaul nitre daughters, Mrs. John Gall-
ivan and Mrs. Mos of this peace be-
ing of the number. The funieral 'took
piece to Bronson Line ceme,tery.
A Subtle Foe to Deal With
The subtle, unsuspected enemy,
which, taking hold on the kidneys,
saps them of their strength and vital-
ity; rendering them inactive and unable
to remove the poisons and waste sub-
stances from the blood, should immedi-
ately be dealt with. All who suffer
from backache, pains in the sides,
sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, con-
stant headaches, constipation, that
helpless feeling of lassitude; stiff,
swollen points, hands and ankibs, sore
muscles, sleeplessness, floating specks
before the eyes, irritability, should at
once begin treating the kidneys with
Gin Pills, sehicli are by far the most
effective remedy for diseases of this
vital organ.
The first sign of pain in the back
or side is warning enough. Do not
delay. Once the kidneys and bladder
get out of order, most serious, and
often fatal consequences are likely to
follow in quick sequence. Get a box
of Gin Pills today, and correct the
derangement -before it is too late. At
all druggists or dealers,` 50e. Money
refunded if not satisfied, Free sample
on request. -
-The National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto. United
States Address, Na-Dru-Co., Inc., 202
Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 250
Cutting Down
Feeding ped g Costs.
Cows yield more
milk. Youngcattle
develop more
Horses gain flesh.
Are vigorous, ener-
Hogs will gal n
weightquickly. All.
animals healthier
if you use Cane
It! is the best fat-
tening milk -pro-
ducing, and;
conditioning feed-
Molasses on the
market. to -day.
Avoid cheap
41" ;imitations.
5 rinklert rough flay
Sprinkle it oven ouistaW, Old r, R
and ensilage, �.�ble tor:
si ode,' and make them•
anE O i!00
Viet .e ares.,
e ee D l%
utaaeleEted Laralit 4100- kureSugar
d e4 jo
UTlne 'ol
SaId b�ylx Y,Cheba
t ...d,t
yeasonabYecogt ;
8 & 8
fit....... .
AN N104A �CD,.OIM, &A1�R A , L?Q:;
a .,
1-111-n. ►��, w�c rio :Est, ONE.
• iognl'ijrattibuE'o[;g ,G. 5al
N addition to the branch at
l Exeter, this Bank has branches
the following nearby points:.-
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $1 5,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, A. E. Kuhn, Manager. ,
Incorporated in 1:855
Over 120 Branches
14lsaiy of our customers who started art a small way, have
now a well established busixz.:ss through the essistande and co,
toperatiort of this Batik over a p erase of years.
Open an account in this Bank where your interests
faithfully Looked after by experienced officers.
The Manager is always accessible..
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Safety Deposit Boxes to Cleat at the Exeter Branch.
will be
Mount Carmel
A number attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer Tuesday—
Mrs James O'Rourke and children vis-
ited• Mr. O'Rourke at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, last week. -Miss
I'athleent Malpchue of London visit-
ed Mr, and Mrs. D. Mahaney far a
few days last week,—Miss Ilene Ke -
Rourke of (near Khiva returned to 3e-
troit, alter spending his holidays with
her parents,—Miss Irene Brander Mary
Houlihan and We nssiired Madden left
on. Thursday for Ursuline College,
Cleetham—Miss Mae Patton returned
to her home from ,St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, Landon, very little improved in
health.—Mr. Patrick Buckley of Clan-
deboye was a visitor at the home of
J, J. Madden on Sunday —Mr. Frank
Coughlin is improving, after his se-
vere cold.—Miss Gereldine McKeever
returned to Landon do Wedstesday,
accompanied by Miss C. K. Madden
and Winifred Madden.
Miss Ann Blackwell, daughter iof
the late Mr. and Mrs, George Black-
well of London, died ,in Viic;tor at Hos-
pital. sort Monday in her 69th year.
The remains wih. >be ,brought to Clan,-
deboye to -day for interment in St;
James Cemetery:
The U. F. 0. ,glu,b hes installed a
eteanyn;g =achieve an the mill and the
farmers will be. able ,to draw, their grain
right freer the bins—Many of the
farmers 11. te, obliged to buy .feed for
their etack: Oatts are selling at $1 a
bushel end barley at $1.68 a bushel.—
The death took place on Thursday,
Jan_ 8th after along illness-, of ‘Mrs.
Herbert George, who has resided here
!n.. .host of her life.. She is survived
by her husband, three clef dren, en ag-
e•9 mother, three . sisters, Mrs. Taylor
of Parkhill, Mrs: Hardy of Deerfield,
and Miss Amanda at home; also by
three brothers, Elmer, whet liveseln, the
West, Ellison and Ward I-iadgins, of
this •place. The funeral took place to
the Methodist Church at 2.30, and .in-
texment took ,place at St, James :ern
et ery.
Mr. Elmer- ,Jahns tele af. D.ak(ota'is
visiting at .the halve of. Mr. Wm- Lae
moot -Mr,' Wm. Calfass, who was re
Gently appointedamai eceurier from
leensall station. •ltd tweets ch . O. Coms
meenc•ed bis duties last • week,, havung
purchased. (the.'stage: •auttiti frem Mr,
E.. WurneeeMa, cC E. Hey attended.
the, funeral Of hie father infla;w, the
late Micliaae,l Kaercther, and' ,,will 're
,main et few weeks el acing relatives and,
friends,' Hey alrsd sone Percy 'have
a muffle •store in Bas: Axe, Miche-A
quiiet y edding. ,weals•- solemnlized, at the
Lutheranparsanag�e; an Dec. 31, when
Rev f3 Rembe grunted itt•, nerrfa:ge
Miss Etltel; daughter of 'Nee arse Mfrs. •
John Weido, ',Zulriioh 'Road, and Mr.
;Georg,e Hess . of • Dteltrort , Mr, • , and
Mrs,ss aeft or'Detrowt,- whoa tfiey
will ; make (hep '. future hannei, A, gttieil
µ eiddri:ug avas .oateai hued et the halite
of Mt; and. ,Mrs`,Ed,,,.Bossexibtynry
Mandwj', Dec •29, • ,when. Mrs el ssen,
berreeee.Sister, - Mrs. '0 Za1treer Oif Part;
Iitraa,.Mich.,: r b:ecamel the•briclie: of bi .,
Fetes- . l ioeliler 'af Zwrich
Christiaii Z itnmerniia,re Passes --
_ ,7aa .;, 1n � the-
ss'n : ;tot. C 'r'atva
1� an b h, t , n Zimmerman, ' ive
again- :_lose ' aese of ,'Hay Townw ' p ,b
od1 uneitzars H s
W t:-
teelabuag GC:
rmmany, if1iy,
ands' cam
eo,CartadaWhen quiteYee g, aoiltde
fotr,ua»ra,rs • ori> tln.Goshnyine
worth with his sotu Sc(tomarf - npi1
f eft y 4,ar abs., he mored L,x rSehri'yg
t 7
r'' t w tts .1 u
Otto, 3'ere 'Ihe a led at 82 eaa,rs..
aige of ilei! on�y a Eew,:: ays i41xnes"s, Fre
ieaves ,three stuns atari live da.ughterss
• The remains. wet a .brought ;here. Lor
interment on Monday of last 'weak,
Mr. Michael Kaercher, who died re-
cently, was One of the pioneers of
Hay Townshiii, having moved here
from Wilmot some: 60 years ago. Ile
had reached the age ,of 87 years and
is survived by his widow, four song
aaul nitre daughters, Mrs. John Gall-
ivan and Mrs. Mos of this peace be-
ing of the number. The funieral 'took
piece to Bronson Line ceme,tery.
A Subtle Foe to Deal With
The subtle, unsuspected enemy,
which, taking hold on the kidneys,
saps them of their strength and vital-
ity; rendering them inactive and unable
to remove the poisons and waste sub-
stances from the blood, should immedi-
ately be dealt with. All who suffer
from backache, pains in the sides,
sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, con-
stant headaches, constipation, that
helpless feeling of lassitude; stiff,
swollen points, hands and ankibs, sore
muscles, sleeplessness, floating specks
before the eyes, irritability, should at
once begin treating the kidneys with
Gin Pills, sehicli are by far the most
effective remedy for diseases of this
vital organ.
The first sign of pain in the back
or side is warning enough. Do not
delay. Once the kidneys and bladder
get out of order, most serious, and
often fatal consequences are likely to
follow in quick sequence. Get a box
of Gin Pills today, and correct the
derangement -before it is too late. At
all druggists or dealers,` 50e. Money
refunded if not satisfied, Free sample
on request. -
-The National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto. United
States Address, Na-Dru-Co., Inc., 202
Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 250
Cutting Down
Feeding ped g Costs.
Cows yield more
milk. Youngcattle
develop more
Horses gain flesh.
Are vigorous, ener-
Hogs will gal n
weightquickly. All.
animals healthier
if you use Cane
It! is the best fat-
tening milk -pro-
ducing, and;
conditioning feed-
Molasses on the
market. to -day.
Avoid cheap
41" ;imitations.
5 rinklert rough flay
Sprinkle it oven ouistaW, Old r, R
and ensilage, �.�ble tor:
si ode,' and make them•
anE O i!00
Viet .e ares.,
e ee D l%
utaaeleEted Laralit 4100- kureSugar
d e4 jo
UTlne 'ol
SaId b�ylx Y,Cheba
t ...d,t
yeasonabYecogt ;
8 & 8
fit....... .
AN N104A �CD,.OIM, &A1�R A , L?Q:;
a .,
1-111-n. ►��, w�c rio :Est, ONE.
• iognl'ijrattibuE'o[;g ,G. 5al