The Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-8, Page 81:. • EXETER. ALlITI ATE, THUR8UAT, JAL 85 4820 Exeter Markets Cheetted eaeb Wedneeela.y Fail Wheat „",,, Oats Reeeari y Flour .,.., ,.. Short Bran ton New Laid Eons Heid Eggs ...,.,,,. =tear' Butter a:ree,mery Butter L:tr t l,. tir tee 20401 to 22.00 Hogs ...... et ... 17.00 * 195 92 1,20 to. 1.45 6,9Q 52,0.0 45.00 ,60 ka 62 325 95 . Triv t t Memorial . Church Servi. e: a, usual. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXt~T1•R i ee r 4 : , c -tend my thanks to the ewer *or,, end cspecirlly to the ladies, who so: ttel,Y supported me on Elee- rioa til ty. U. N.V. F. BEAVERS, Reece T '1 li t.. 'TORS OF Tim VIItitAi7e eee EN.ETI. R Lediet tele Gereeemen,-1 4:Tesir4* to terel a eat. • ta: thanks .0 you a:e tee speeeei tete volt gays: :,n teen ,.lay 4o ere t me as a member of Ex. 4 ter Coulee) ;Boar.! tar 1920. I ex - Pea 1 147'4 fl' mistakes int. ei..1 en:le..tver to .be worthy the trust teat a:enase ,int me. .YOurs truly. wee. WAiu) FOR SALE e One goof Cow Heater, nerdy -new, Fat etaiek sale no reasonable softer refee. & A. J. Perrett, Elizabeth St., Exciter. 1111.1001.11.., 10 ELECTORS OF EXETL• R, I theme, you all most •heartily • for the excellent vette given me on Mee.- ..ley en.ley et the polls The town's inter- ests during 1,920 well be mine. Yours truly, JOS. DAVIS HANDBAG LOST. On Main street, Exeter, a Taney ,aeantlbag. conttth tg sum of money and aaa pair new glover. .Finder ;leave at Advocate ,office, _PROPERTY FOR SALE Three brick residences on Andrew Street , anoderm. +equipment; Also seven wf the best building lots in „toe►'aai also Ford Garage building and property C. B. SNELL, 'Exeter. GRAY ROBE FOUND. On December 20 on the road to Exeter. Owner can have same by et-protting property end paying expenses. Jas. Oke, Centralia. OGKE'I' BOOK FOUND. Small !socket book on Main street. Loser can have same by calling on. F, :llerington. STRAY STEER There strayed onto the premises of the tuneers. gned a red and white steer. Ownet can have same by proving _property and :+dying expenses. Gilbert Grieve, Crediton P. O. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to R. ti.RL AND COOK WANTED !Experienced Dieing Room Girl arta also Cook wanted at the Central Hotel, Exeter. SOUTH HURON - 3OARD OF AGRICULTURE. The S 2.1. Poard of Agri.ujlture will .11a_ l mete lees on Wednesday, Jan. 21. at Varaa; on Thursday, Jan, 22, at Hense t ..n•1 vie. Friday, J.ao. 23rd at :Grand Bend, when topi s in, the inter est: of agriculeuree will be discussed by Mrs. Pelee Pa person of Gaddsh.iet, Mr. -A, R. G. Smi`h of New Hamburgeead Mr. J.:\ 1,1at, B.S.A;, ,of Dunnv le; set 2 to'co•ck and 8 o'clock.; For fur - eller pere ulars see bills. jos. T. Keys, A. el. Doupe. President Secretary ANNUAL MEETING _ EXET; AGRICULT'L SOCIETY, The .Annee Meeting of the Exeter Agri ul u::s,! Society will be held in the ;Tow e -Heel, Exeter, on Tuesday Januar,, .:0':h, 1920 at 1.30 a'ctack pen. „dor the vu-poae of electing President, ape -P e d Vat_, r n. and -Directors for the .ensulee year and transacting Dither a•mer .i •t. bu ' ly S Hess A11 memsere and ,interesting -parties shioud attend this meeting. The i)jreetors etre particularly re- -quested to meet before the ,annual !nee './tee at 1 ,o'clock sharp. 'i3TM. AN'LRE'W R. G. SELD:ON Piesu len: Secretary pp h 1 t11 t ,+ Works. ALL WORK. GUARANTEED' Engines and Machinery overhau ed. Gas or steam c fillers reground xlor 'bared as you wish,, and'pstans `alt. s made.. to filt. ' ..ring' ` '• . . • All repairss for.1'rernier.Engin'es.•.an1• grutlerse • Pu1levs, hangers and •sdTafting made o `(wdef, All kinds of kaiutves an=_t oke sharp eired. . , •, Skaltes 1 o'ilaut ground. Briaag a jab evorth "repa,etna 'that lave canti,ot da Oxy Acety lene weldi ig- done- eHONE 135, `> Local Doings The new Methodist Hymn Books are now being used in the churches. School re -opened -o:n Monday with the same staff of teachers as rpt '1919. Miss Dorothy Balkwill is confined the house with a abscess •o;ther neck. Major Heaman has been appointed Musketry instructor of the 33rd Hur- on Regiment. :Hiss, Regan e»cperiencee to nasty fa l at the rink otre night last week, and suffered a nasty cut on her face. The local Rural mail Carriers are >leaased with the kindle remembrances received from the patrons along her routes. 't r. W H. Gregory, soa ,of Mrs. T. Gregory of Exeter, has been. re -elect - se! alderman of Stratford ,'er the sec- ond year. re the first of .the scheduleof leeaI he -key games •the Clerks defeated the Oddfellows on New Year's eve, by a s ''=r4 of 10-6. Rev. Wilson of James Street 'flet!!-. o'ist .Church and Dr. Medd of Main Street Church exchanged mepiI_s on Sunda} morning. Doherty Pianos Limited, Clinton's largest nn'i oldest lrsdustry, ^s -,haat;.• l.0 hands, been taken over by the Sherlock Manning - Co., London. The Clinton grocers wee close the tea. -es of business every evening at tewek -Amine the week, exceet Sa url'tvs and evn1;nas before holiday Mr. Turner of Zurich has purchaa,,,1 7ft0 nc r.' tarns ;from the Forrester estate :near Clinton for $16,000 ar,'1 tvi l :ail,; possession, in a few menthe, Speenl servi;es are being conducted in the James Street Methodist church for two waeks, commencing last Sun_ day. The pastor, Rev. Wilson, s ton :lu tin a t1ie services. it 6 t- s. Mr, A F. Hess has sold hit intereet en the. Zurich Herald to his partner, Mr. C. L. Smith, And hereafter the paper w2,l.tee published on Wednesday instead of rhursdaay, Mr. jonas Sims last week when feed - mg marigolds, noticed a pretty large one, and weigh'•ang it found it io tip the wales et --19% lbs.. He says there are many more in the cellar like it. lir Maurice Brenner -of Grand Bend has an ice cutting ,machine itt opera- tion on the pond here. Those who generally putawayeesupply of ide for the summer are ;gelding it done early this winter.. John McClary, the Famous stove manufacturer of London celebrated his 91st birtisday,on Friday.. He started business in a little tinslvop 72 years agcy, ant now the ;business Is the largest of its kind ,on two continents. Even at his great age he keeps in touch with the business daily, Walter J. ,Blackburn, .president and general manager of the .London Free Press, -died on January 1st, following an illness of several. weeks.. He hail dessated his life, to ;the interests of the newspaper with which his family name has been connected since its inception; and was also widely known as a horseman. He was, the eldest son of the late Joseph Blackburn, -who founded the tdaity issue of the Free Press ea 1855. WATCH NIGHT SERVICE IN MAIN ST. 'CHURCH. Watch Night service was observed. in Main St. telethodist church on New Year's eve, and was attended. by a large number, of both young an old. The service was especially bright and interesting and was in charge of two of the laymen of the church, Mr. W. G. Medd and B. W. F. Beavers, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Dr. Medd. A duet was sung by members of the choir, and a chorus by the young men's class from the S. S. Mrs. Fowell and Mrs. Beavers had charge of the W. M. S. half hour, both giving . short talks on the W.iVLS. part in the great forward movement and the power of prayer. • D 0' so res th w tic hn sirs in ag y et wh rt" U ba ea en en Ar w et P' a u ne lb: Sw DEATH OF AGED RESIDENT. The ,death ;occurred about -one clock on New Year's morning a sin epi resident of Exeter, in the pee- n of Richard Downey, who had ched ;the age of 85 years, 10 -mune s, Deceased, had been ill only three eels from kiidney trouble and seri- poisoning., Born at Beverley near oronto ,he carne; here as a boy with s parent, settling on a farm onthe Thames Road. The ,,caumtry at that ti was ,nearly all!" bust, and he as- tecl in c,learin the fine farms- now the :district. About forty .;,--years go• he . n vel west, g+"d a ng to try - al Ci He ...resided there tsihtil 15' Bate ago, when- he returned to Ex- er to live. He : was respected by all U knew him. um. Mr. Downey was s rnar- d. twice, first to Miss Crawford cf sbor e' .n sill about fu,teern years a ' . Deo Miss Flossie McTaggart of Exeter. Ti b 'the feest •unieen three- sons, arid: once ughter survive,=-rohn, superintend-" t !of then'Provinc1K jail -:et-Winnipe"g, obert. turnkey of the western penit- dery. ,James of Wissnipeg and 'Mrs, gue `iof Edmotetpni,, The •" funeral! hicl Was t w s private bank place to. Ex"- e,r cenveteery on:.Saturdays,• LEASE- CLOSE. Dwrtir-the,hour'front, 3. -fiat, 4et, P. s'epees, factories ani;: nantefac.tueee• e Aske t,,ta close th1eer ielac es. a.f : bush' ss. S., . W. .1; B., 'CENT OFFS • , ei pei- cent ttiff, on ' Unl iterwea1t, eater. Coats Rubbers• tttay3 Mitts' fore 3e H 1#E41.14 TG, Exutel 2+1 O O. •F E'` R PiEAR"SA A reltareil of the I,t,rst. Degree tv ll. take Pe ce'after the' ,ree`teleett business next Tuesdray detertinC , '1ease attend, • 11r. Peter Bawden, is r=ecovering faint a rather severe illness. DIED 274 LONDON. - \Xr. Alex. „k I. Telt, a former well, known resident and busianess man of Exeter died in London en Wednes- tlxy', Dec. 3.L, at the age ,tet' 60 years For a nuniber of years deceased was a partner with. Mr. fames Murray -of Ow.c in the foundry business, after whirl). he went an the road as a trav- eller and later settled int Lo,ndpa, where he has since resielecle Mr. Tait was a member n tber of the Masonic order •anll was much esteemed by a large .imide of s riends. It is about twenty years ago that Mr. Tait .left Exeter, rhe funeral took place from the resit vase of his daughter, Mrs. 1. Jack - see, Deleware street, London, oa Fri- day to Woodland Cemetery. JAMES STREET CHOIR ENTERTAINED. Miss Stella Gregory very hospitab- ly entertained ;She James ,St Chair end the Music„ Committtee of that church, alae; with a few other friends n't Friiay evening last at her home. The members of the choir ,ante in tn` squer.,cte and the varied and clever etostumee evoked .much merriment and enuts'ement, The pastor, Rev, M. J. \Vi sad 13. A., acted as ,the genial chair ot en enjoyable mttsieal program, 'tee Reeve II, W, F Beavers in his usual pleasiee manner, presided over a meg-rant o1 add'r,esses in which all took part. At midnight the hostess, assisted by hisses ;Marguerite Pickard t Amy Jahn- and Elva Ilarvey, served a bounteous and deleetable lunch. ?rises- for the literary contests were -twirled, the. first being won by di.ss Fmtna Fisher and Mr. Oldforcl, the second by Miss Amy Johns and Mr. R N Row; and ;the third by Miss El+",t Harvey and gr., ,Harry Rowe. A 1ery helve evening was brought to c,'ese by a hearty vote of thanks being tendered Miss Gregory, and all le n n;, heves tend singing "For o Jo'Iy Good Fellow„ PHONE 32 JONES &MAY PI-IONE 32 a : ^ Mr. Aquila Sheera returne.l to De- troit oa Saturday. ' tele and ,'firs, Gerald Fitton returned :•; Tor -4:1t s-`1ionday night. Bob lledden tot' Brantford vii; ted hie hone her test- week. :Messrs E,1. and Oscar . A:ntderrt'on vaxtt:..l thea: parents here for New Year. llr. Jonas Peder of Petrolea its here vie ling with his brother, Mr. John Pedler. Mr. T. Or`Southcott spent the New Year with Mrs. Southcott in Brant - fiord, Mr. Henry Goued of Windsor visit- ed lira mother and ;sisters 'for a, few days. Mr. Geo. Holman Of Goderieh spent a day or two here with friends last week. Mr. Davis of London). visaed his parents, ,Mr,. and Mrs, ,Jos. Davgis a. - the holiday. Mrs. Shosenberg of London visited her mother, Mss. Wm. Hawkshaw, ov- er the New Year. Mr. Leon Treble returned to 'Tor- onto Monday, after spending the holt. days at his home here. - hiss' Cora Sanders left Monday morning to resume; her studies at the utratforcl Business College. Mies Potter, who. was visiting with 1'Ir, and Mrs Ed. .Treble, returned to her home in. Detroit '1'hursday:'• Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May were \l: - ors at the home ,of the, former's bro- ther. is Toronto, for New Yetars. Mr, H. •O. Southcott, "traveller, who has be,e.-t vistein,g his mother here,left 1.1or Toronto -Friday to resume his dut- ies. Mr. J. W. Humphrey of Chaeham has returned home, after spending -a week here with Rev. Dr. Medd and family. Miss Ruby Wood, after spending the h•a :da+ys at her home here, returned a her teaching duties ,near Barrie, on Saturday. Statham left on Satur- day to -visit ire Chicago and Milwaukee Miss Homey, nurse; returned to Chic- ago with her. Mese Hannah Kinsman returned home Saturday ¶night after spending the... ho i ays `n Guelph with her sister, Mrs. H. S. -Necktie. Mr. Eber l eogarth, B .A., Mo3een Language Master in Hamilton Colleg- iate Institute; visited his brothers and sisters iii Stephen .last week. Mr. Coleman ,Moncur, after spend- ing a few +days with his parents Here, returned to his home in Peeterboa-o Monday. He leas accompanied as far as Toronto by his father.. Mr, Roy Oldford of Newfoundland who is affeeiding Tortenect. Unieersi'ty as -td was, formerly a member of the Princess Pats Regiment, spent, New Years at Mr. W. Johns, Mrs<;t1tiier,.w.ho bas been visiting. her paients, Mr. ani s• ,Mrs. Geo W'm d- sor returned toeToronto slur . da She rec-:ntly' und'erwes t a severe •its erat- on.and has not"yet• fully i•ec!ovrere.d' her health. • . . Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Medd spent the Christmas holidays, at „L• ondesboro. On Christmas day. Rev. Dr. Medd offs ilated. at the marriage of his neph- .eft',v, a. FranccRalbinais ArthurMamtnipgTam:.j blyn to Miss Al ` Mrs. Jerry. Jn t, after a, • 'e skeeks' : visit "with releitiv;Pt es and friende !fere .and • in- Varna leaves „ tla,clay '(Thursday; Boar;her home in Oven, Sound. Her daughter, Mrs. James Mc-' Cslmof..'1x.ns o °lay after a°+ewnrm° daays'e,unvisit here to- NNUAL STOCK -TAKING and Clearing of Odd Lines - THIS WEEK WE COMMENCE. OUR ANNUAL STOCK -TAKING SALE. ALL ODD LINES AND REMNANTS MUST BE CLEARED OUT RE- GARDLESS OF PRICE. Ladies' and Girls' Winter Coats, Greatly Reduced Tiles ee the faunal clearing 0.1 Ladies' , Misses and Children's Winter Coats. this range are a number of up -to the' -minute styles in Silvertons, velour seal plush and baby lamb! These are all sharply reduced le price, Iadias' Silk Seal Plush and iiaby° lamb Coats, a real bargain, reduced to .29.50 each. Ladies' Wool Sweater Coats on Sale at $7,75 In order to reduce our stock of Laeies' Sweater Coats, w•o place on sale 30 only of the .most popular colors, nearly every sweater all wool. Our spe"aal stock taking price only $7.75 each, Ladies' Silk Crepe Blouses at $4.95 5 dozen Ladies' Silk Crepe Blouses an most popular colors, sizes 36 to 44, re;ularlY worth $6,50; our special stock.takin.g sale price only $4.95 Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear at $1.50 a Garment Men's heavy robbed wool and cotton underwear, good winter sizes 36 to 44, ex'eleptipnaal value, et only $1.50 a garment Furs Furs quality Furs will be much higher next season Make your selections now from our large and well assoirted stocki: THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY, JAN'Y 9, AT " 3 •O 1CLOCI AND UNTIL AFTER THE UNVEILING CEREMONY IS CONCLUDED AT THE TOWN HALL. , JONES & MAY MONEY' TO LOAN We have. a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANB URY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. -Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night, Office- - Dr. Sweetssold ,offiee Phone No. 120 - Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed.' Crediton, — Ontario. C: W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER . AND VALUATOR for Counties' of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales' aS Specialty. . P Office , Y f a t Cockshutt-Warerooms,. MAXI door to Central Hotel, MainStreet, Exeter Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D, S.,`D. 1). S. DENTIST Office over Carling's taw Office ` Cloyed after Wednesday ` . n Dans: HORSES. FAN TED l 'want an .. ,.urtlimp.,a t cl number Off Horses in good con dutroaGeIdarg s c Y•as; ori, weighing from 1500 . pounds up. ;Maros ;froin 4 '" years up, weaghcng; (roan 1300 pounds up. Part*- '.having,. the `;' required,, • stuff, wrrito;"or phi 83 Exeter. " In Use -Or. Always beers 'ebbe Signature of ISAAC R. CARLING, B Banister Siolne or ` ;.Nat Pu , Notary bPc CioFpriMissRoauer S;olntcuitor for the . 401- POW oil- .,$, • Etc •Mo ,ey to :loan - at lowest rates of ttttene:St, OiffiOe-Marg; Street, Exrete.r. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT, VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets London, Ont. offers an .up-to-date business training in Stenography and Book-keeping'. Winter term begins January 5th, J. Morritt, N. Stonehouse, Principal- Vice -Principal WINTER .TERM FROM JAN 5th CENTRAL -y S F=AYF'ORD.. ONT. Western :Ontario's largest and best Commercial School. We give thor- ough courses ,and have experienced in- structors in Commercial, Shorthand, & Telegraphy Departments. We assist graduates to positions. Write for, our free catalogue. It may interest you: D Ars, McLachlan; Principal. Tea & Comae Store For the choicest groceries, fruits; epiees, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange - Jas. Gould Loaded Again Our rooms are filled ,with all kinds of Furniture which we are selling e,t a very small margin[ Be sure end see us before buying ,as we have some bargains.. , R. N. ROVE.. THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER' Phone 20 THCOTT PHON E 134 r° 11 1 moo da b netne d ^', 1 s,a a eves Irl w d s ` oil trOpaiglY advise -tthe'' publiic to aniticr' ate' n heti , nec ts. Qur aldv r n101 to tock up, but be you th' k vottf wt,.l neecl,,lor this year, ' Januaryanal ;Febi:ua''+are" ' . ., ry „gaol mo;tuths as d seg ti iy n We. ,hav'e a' splendid ° assovtnt..nt Of she .'followinglines. -that titin be• much:tli;her lits price ittlaJeer: tttk h's,= f ghee' Shope' 'Shoes Flantsellette Blankets 1'rrth,ts • AO W,cso1 ' lanketstee rnueha to Setein -Bed Spreads Shtxt"n .s- G;aoo.l Sheeting ]ill an' e , et e r. 1• nh.t.s • TOW e lr' y mgs Ovtia ills'' 12ubbers Circular Pillow Cotton Gaiateas CI*tz I:foe Oil L U derw,edll tOeiere t t