HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-8, Page 7Some Charming Blouses J� 9207 920$.. 9238 No. 9233 --Ladies' Waist. Price, 25 cents. With tie `without two-piece pep- lum; back closing; sleeves in two styles, -In 8 sizes,. 34 to 48 ins. bust measure, Size 36 requires, with pep - line, 2% yd 40 ins. wide, or 2s',s yds. 48 ins. wide; peplum, 1'x yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 48 his. wide. No. 9235 -Ladies' Waist. Price, 25 cents. Side -front closing; draped bod- ice; sleeves in two styles. Cut in 6 sizes, 84, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 ins, bust measure, Size 36 requires, with dart sleeves, 1% yds, 36 ins, wide, or eel yds. 54 ins, wide; with puff sleeved, 1% yds. 30 itis, wide, or 1% yds el ins; wide. Ne. 0288 --Ladies' Waist. Price, 25 cents :ewe styles of franc and •sleeve. Cut in 8 sizes, 84, 80, 88, 40, 42, 44, 40 and 48 ins, bust measure. Size 30 rstraireee with pleated side -front,' yds. $6 ins, widc,•or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide; with plain side -front, 1% yds. 36 ;ns. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide. RECORD PROGRESS BY ROYAL BANK Institutions Semi. Centennial Report Best in .its .History ---Liquid Position 4trong- Profits For Twelve Months Showed Gain of $613,418 at $3,423,264; Asset& at 1 .New High. Zn further celebration of ite firtieth anniversary, the Royal Bank of Can- ada, in its statement for the yea_• end- ed November 29 last, reports a twelve-" monthly period of record progress from the standpoints .of financial strength, liquid position and profits. Recent exhibits of Canadian banking 923x 9233 institutions have indicated that, al- though the period throughwhich the Y banks Have passed have been difficult No. 9205 "-Ladies' Blouse. Price, 25 ones owing to the important zeadjust- cents. o sleeves, panel front, 1 meilts necessary, they slave been able Kimpn e , to further strengthen the ` already gathered peplum, Cut in 7 sizes, 34:( strong positions occupied at the end 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 ins. busts of the xvar., measure. Size 36 requires, without The Ztoyal Bank in its annual state - trimming -bands, 2% yds. 36 iris, wide, Ment, made public . yesterday, proves or 1% yds. 45 ins. wid.e; with trim, - ds ei yds, 36 ins wide, or rule, the report being the most notable that it is no exception to this general. 11's yds. 45 ins.. wide; without, trlln- ming-bands, 2% yds, 36 ins. 'wide, or 214 yds, 45 ins, wide; ribbon for straps, 3% yds. No. 9207 --ladies' Waist. Price, 251 issu d b he ro ressive instil Depend on Yourself. Don't lean upon others while walk- ing alk- ing threegh life, Yon might make another roan fall; Each one has leis burden of sorra* and strife, The weakest will ge to. the wall. So if you want honor, or power, or pelf,, Den't lean • upon others, .depeU(T on yourself. Tea all very well to say times are so hard That others get more than their share, That from getting the best of things you are debarred,' Unless others ;some' help, for you spare• Away with Dependence! 'tis but a me''n elf, Don't lean upon others, depend en yourself. So don't be a leaner, 'tis better by far To lend to some weaker one ^^ strength, ', o plod along bravely, 'neath Hope's guiding star, e :. You'll find you have won through at length. So put all yourshelf, daubs and your fears on the Don't lean uourselfpon« others, (leveret on ever e y t P g u tion. `Total asaets for tke first time iii, its career roe over the $500,000,000 nark, being shown at $583,047,084, e gain of $106,134;102 over the figures of a year ago. To this splehd;d a - cents, With tucked ov erblouse; clos- gregate liquid assets contributed ing on shoulder, Cut in 7 sizes, 34e 5273,908,862, representing an increase 36r 88, 40, 42, 44 ,and 46 ins. bust, measure. Size 36 requires, waist, 1% yds. 80 ins. wide, or 'iet yds. 45 Inc. wide; overblouse, /a yd, ee +se 45 roes. wide; one material, 2% Yds, 06 inc. wide, or 2 yds: 45" ins. wide. -• These patterns. may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., '70 Bond St., Dept. W. Irrigation Extends in the West. in the year of almost 49 millions 0w1 being the- equivalent of slightly �n1 excess of 55 per cent, of the bank's liabilities to the public. The latter compares with 56,6` per cent, a year ago and 5.2 per cent, in the 1917 period. Profits fon the year were $3,423,264, compared with $2,809,846' in 1918, or. equal to 21.74 per cent. on the aver- age capital employed during the twelve months. This eon).pares with 20.1 per eent, in 1918 and 18 per cent. What Human Hair Indicates. in the preceding year. The capital Accordingto £aiklore contributed of file bank was ;nerea4sed sl $3,000, 000 Burin the ear, an issue of $2- TAKE NOTICE. We publish simple, straight . testi- monials, not press egeists', interviews, zi om well-known people. „ Frani all over America 'they testify to the merits' at MIArA.RD'S LINI- MENT, the best of household Reme- dies. MINARD'S LXN1'11ENT CO., LTD, 1 1 1, But if you `won't. exercise ,/ vigorously you mu$t take `.`Caeearets." There is nothing like bending ever clime, taking long walks, or Chopping wood to keep the liver and bowels active, but most folks take their exer- ciseee an easy chair. Such folks need Cascarets, else they auger from sick 31,eadacbe, sour, acid stomach, indiges- tion, colds and are miserable. Rut don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by' taking Casearets occasionally. They act without grip" ing or, incop.venience. They never sicken you like Carmel, Salts, Oil, or nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little too-Cascarets work while you Sleep. A few well placed trees on the side prevailing winds will shelter of the xe n }n F g the home and save coal during winter. As a matter of fact, trees lower the temperature in hot weather, to they are serviceable at all` times. Pariil- houses should have sufiieient rows of erees about the house to afford ample shelter in winter. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If leaf or stolen you get your money back. ClasiClassified,(I�,dvertise�;le>lxts. AGENTS' Wl>t 4'i'Btr, :. FORTR?,.IT AGENTS WAN' IlQ( Ids good nrluts and $masses --lowest pprieee on frames -ask for oa.taiogua. United Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave., Ta- rento. • NillitfeletLs fOVVL (''�i �lNdleft, - TU MoR9. 1.415i,t'R, 1sT aw internal '.&rill eXtereal, cured. 'witholt. pain by oltr Bolsa treatment, Write- Ur' ,store too lite, Dr. 73eitntan Mediaslt tCo,. Ltmfted, Coiltngwo,od, Ont. Lri'P$.l'tLPE:it..WF I£i'vk. IN BRUCE county. Splendid opportunity. Write dole. T. Wilson Publishing Cu;« salted:' 53� A$Qlasde $t, W., Toronto, WVaal:. EQUIPVED NEWSP.al'Ele V r and lob )printing plant In ,flask rf Galeria Insurance carried $1.500. Wt14 go for $1.2011 on quick sale. Box 62. Wilson Pubs ,shims/ Co.. TM.. Toronto. V FOoxes $,Al o weER sa.reClauyeers�of Rawvq Furs. 'Wbat have you -what priceT Reid Bros.. Bothwell. Qat. DI'FIN STOCif WANTED, lIle YOD V) are able to supply, ad'rise us. as wo will pay the highest ;prices. dry or green from the saw. Keenan Bros., Limited, Owen Sound. Oat. Realizing that the airplane is llandi'i Capped because forced to take off and" land at dangerous speeds, the French Aero Club offer 500,000 francs ($100,- 000) $100, 000) to the inventor of an apparatus that will rise and descend vertically,' yet attain a horizontal speed of 200 kilometres (1,24) miles an hour). t` ff ]M[ixiar4..'s �SulruGaxG';k:es L�hara•atdtn Certs: Tlie year 1919 stands out in the agri• e y y puts g 000 000 p it valui beam* issued -•- y, ' -t Tures 1 that aharehaldcrs at 150 early 1n cu A mierophorre suspended from a 1 cultural history et Alberta and Sas- lent calends yea; while d d ell thewtn as having provedenf beyond vamen with short dissue L d signs and their origin? boat, with a telephone receiver at the all douilt the enormous benefits to be hair. The .Albanians says cslth i ox d. P Bank, V1z is from the first two letters of boatman•s ear, is a method now derived from farm irrigation, for in the drought which infected nearly the whole of these provinces, the south colliery within the irrigation belt not only produced excellent crops, but in many localities yields were harvested. well in excess of the average of what. are called good years.. On 145,500 acres In the Lethbridge .District, 66,200, tons of fodder crops and 3,775,000 bushels of grain have been grown to the total value of about 16,790,000. Wheat was the largest crop produced, there being well over two million bushels. Other erops har- vested included more than a .million bushels of oats, nearly 400,009 of bar- ley, 26,000 pf flax, and 66,000 tons of alfalfa. In addition vegetables were grown and sold from this area. As another exit . ,le et what phe- nodienal yields may '' a taken from ir- rigated Iand, the ease of a farmer at Brooks may be cited who on his farm produced a $9,000 harvest of alfalfa • seed. The yield was 14 bushele to the acre, which sold in the neighborhood at 80c. per lb. and netted him a return re ot $740 per ac , In the large .irrigation block of the Canadian Pacific Railway set of Cal- gary 500 23 gory there are .approximately , acres of irrigable land, and the amount in the Lethbridge district ap- proximates 110,000 acres, making a total of 733,500 acres. Of this less than 20 per cent. was In crop this year, On the basis of this year's average Production on irrigated land this total area in capable of producing crops to the value of between thirty and thirty - live million dollars yearly with an average ot over $40 per year for each acre of irrigated land. With such examples as these of the. fruits of ...irrigation it is little wonder that the farmers of the dry belts of Alberta and Saskatchewan are clam- oring for lamoring.for extensions to the existing systems of irrigation or the installa- tion of new projects; or that the au- thorities should be devoting more time and attention to the furthering of the schemes of irrigation. ,-. A. new project is already under way - in the south area of Alberta *biota will take in the land.in the Raymond, Ster- ling 'aiad 'Magrath districts, and ,the Commissioner of Irrigation, with' head- quarters' in Calgary, has recently re- ,Y;urned from h-reconnaisance trip in the' Buffalo Lake country, where he, has been gathering' informat on as' to the feasibility of another "projected scheme. This provides for the diver- sion:of the hoots 'watel's of the North Saskatchewan. Ritter • to irrigate the 1andis lying to the east and.;south of Buffalo Lake all tfie way to the area between Youngstown and Saskatoon. •The echeme,:_ u outline, is to tap the North SaskatchewanRiver, at, or near, Rocky Mountain -House, and' by means" of canals and 'ditches carry the water to lakes and depressions". lying to the east, utilizing Buffalo' Lake as the main reservoir., The Alberta Provincial Government from loan art of the lobe, a heavy head of hair indicates little, if ' " ther. an virtues. The claim wile a secbn' ad- womenintellecthave longl was soldto the London more ditional County,Westminster Parr's finality, "Long hair, little brains!' Limited, with `which the Royal forme Other-, contributors declare that much a close w oreieg arrangement in April. Bair indicates ungovernable temper last ata price of $200 per share. circ}, inclination to'xnelancholy. " If a Tlrese increases brought the outstand- girl has a great deal of hair," accord up to $17,000capital of ,000, the 1prean institution unls Ion ing to another source, "she will Marry. the new stock amounting to $3,000,000 poverty, while the girl with little hair were added to reserve, bringing the. will 'marry rich latter up to a parity with the capital. Next in bad grace with the folk- P- & L. Balance Oyer- Million. lore authorities is the enviable curly After all deductions, which includ- hair. "It's the aign of a scold," says ed disbursements among shareholders one, "If the hair falls in little curls during the year in the way of clivi at the, back of the neek it means an dends and the anniversary bonus, early widowhood. amounting to $$2,206,196, there re - Quaint and amusing are some of the " other character delineations which the hair prophets have set down. Kinky hair is a sign of a -variable, and hasty disposition, they say- while smooth, plain hair dentes that the owner is peace -loving and courteous. • A. long,and peaceful life is promised the *liner of hair that grows low on the forehead and retreats up the head above the temples.' Coarse hair indicates humble birth and a coarse nature, Black, short and curly hair indicates uncertain temper, a tendency to alcohol, and an amorous nature. The darker the hair the more pow- erfule p erful the physical organization. Chest- nut or dark brown hair denotes fair- ness in dealings,, generosity, absence of deceit, but unhappiness in domestic life. Thick, straight and glossy brown hair `indicates a robust constitution, energy and eagerness in the pursuit of life; thick, coarse and wiry brown hair, great determination of character, but natural ingenuity and ability;, whilst dark brown long and smooth hair indicates faithfulness -in love, many children, good health, and much happiness. HER FADED, SHABBY 1,, APPAREL DYED NEW ' is also considering the establishment of an irrigation experimental .farm; at a• point on the Saskatchewan River two . reties north of alediciiieHat; webv- •ering a d'istan`ce of twelve Hiles along the river , adjoining' the • city. -There"" are approximately 35;000 acres of *land which can be brought under irrigation under, this Many. The finest feature of irrigated ated lauds " is that thay'caY?ecrustod•toiodace at least gond average crops every year; and .indeed -e so' far from tiie quality of the souls deteriorating,' its tendency ii to be ,oma moie'prodee- tivo a3 the larnmer, learns; by study and obeervatloit'"weet'quantities of water to Ilse, and the hest system of crop rot -mean' . mained a balance at. the credit of profit and less account of '$1,096,418,' or over twice the amount carried into the 1910 accounts from the previous year. Comparative figures of the po- sition of the profit and loss accounts of the -past three years are given"in the following table: 1919 1018 1911 Profits $8,423,264 $2,809,846 62,327.979 Prev. bar. .E35,757 564,264 862,346 Total ....$3,959,021 $3,874,110 $3,180,3`25 Less: - Dividends $1,866,196 $1,614,702 81,649,4:4 Bonus 340,000 Pension F, 100,000 100,000 100,000 Premises 400,000 400,000 250,000 Govt. t'x's 156,408 138,651 128,357 Patriotic . 40,000 60,000 IIalifax F. ' 50,000 Reserve ., 500,000 528,300 Balanced,.$1,096,418 $ $535,757 $ $564,264 $b64,264 The balance sheets of the last two years compare as follows: ASSETS. 1915 Coln and notes..$ 65,681,547 842,124,658 Cent, Gold Res... 24,500,000 26,000,000 Notes oth. banks 3,464,200 10,678,020 Cheques, do. 23,757,240 2Q,.0.34,899 Due •., by Can, hits. 17,103 6,042 Do. outside ...18,101,373 10,391.516 Govt. securities. 45,323,598 36,599,976 Other securities. 5,815,433 44,705,300 Call loans, Can. 16,435,614. 10.067,481 Call loans, out.. 33,812,751 24,374,191 "Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up Old, Discarded;.0arments. Don't worry about perfect results. ". e uarariteed to Use. Diamond Dyes," g "give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen; cotton or mixed -cods, - dresses, blouses,, stockings, skirts; children's. Coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, everything. The Direction Bgok with each pack- age ack age tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have' dealer show you; "Diamond Dye .,Color Card. English. Customs. in Egypt. Egypt, ' notes a correspondent,: is enthusiastic' for. English elrstonis: In the case of yisiting cards - they are leaving us far behind. " -, have one before :me with the name in the centre written in Latina and Arabic characters, and the` address be- low. In the right handsomer in gilt let- ters is the 'SI3anish greeting "Feliel- dades," and in the opposite corner a - gilt anchor and chain wreathed' with pale blue forget=vie-'slots. The who e card is bordered with lotuses.• ... 'ti e�squite an A.notlxe' Egyptian s card, the letters "P.T.O." Englishneatly printed 4n the lower right has i tlyp g the Cali?, over corner. On ttitxz?sna 3 Yi ` d; OXIe is advised to '"Keep's; ii1i g," Tot. liq. assets.$273,90S,862 $224,982,093 Curr. loans, Can. 143,259,518 119,18.4,715 Curr. loans out. 90,210,271 6,178,163 Overdue- debts.. 366,089 388,6.13 Real estate .1,495,271. 1,171,131 Bank premises'.. 7.016,444. 6.492.011 Letters credit • 16,467,978 10,162,629 Cir. deposit ,._ • 750,000 742,818 Other assets .... 173,648 213,910 Totals • 5533 647.084 $427;612,982 LIABIL TxEs. - 1919 1918 Deposits, dem... 5159,656,229 $135,243,278 Do. notice . • - 259,465,169 • 197,348,439 Circulation .. • 39,837;265 39,380,975 Due Gov't 4,000,000 9,000,000 Due other banks x.463,823 6,096.721 r 8 06,776 • 316,058 '115 a• 0 Bills s n } 10162" 29 •i 16,467,978 6 red t Letters e Why Viz. and Oz.? Do you know what these everyday mean, , sue - videlicet, a Latin woad meaning eessfully used by Norwegian market "namely,, The z is a corruption of fishermen for detecting and locating an ancient sign, something like a 3, schools of fish. that was placed at the end of an abbreviated word. In course of time this 3 has become z, The same thing applies to oz., the abbreviation for ounce. The letters lb., ,standing for pounds in weight, are the first and third of the Latin woad fibrae. Cwt.. • (hundredweight) and dwt. pennyweight) are also abbreviations of Latin words. C is the Latin num- eral•for a hundred, d the first letter of denarius (penny), and wt. is short for the word `,'weight. L. s. d. are the first letters of librae, :solidi, and denanii, all Latin words,. meaning pounds, shillings, and pence. Sie, meaning "literally," idem, meaning "as before stated," and meaning "in the `same plate," are also front the Latin. The purest breeds of Arab horse have pedigrees going back 500 years. Public liab. 4497,697,243 $397,547,102 Capital •, 17,000,000 14,000,000 Resew. ye. 17,000.000"°' 15,000,000 Acca. days., etc .,' `, 858,422 430,122 ,P. & L. bxlahce 1,096,418 535,757 �. ' Totals ".5533,647,084 8427,512,952 German submarines take on an av- erage ten weeks to reduce -to "scrap," which has a value of about £2,500' o -- -=a-a--o,--a-^'•q. r.. I Works Try It rd •::Mix , stove polish with. equal parts of amlrion a and turpeltine and apply a coat'to your stove;. rub off with a soft woollen cloth and the result will ranee lvill' keep be'' a black xa� g :which ... U12.c1t. Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts .,y outyiwithout 'potn, Good news spreads rapidly antidrug gists bore. are kept busy dispensing freezone,-the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is "said to loosen any corn so it -1ifts....out{ with the fingers. ; Ask at' any pharnlaoY fora quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said', to be sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard orsoft corn or callus.' row drops :oa the You' apply lust n 1 tender,.aching corn and instantly thea it .slide is relieved, and soon • the corn if' With•. is so slirlvelod `that it lifts ont out pain. r. it is .a ' sticky 'substrates which dries when eeelied and`"saver: inflames or 'even irritates he 'adjoin- izg tissue. • ' ' join - Tl .discovery will prevent thou- sands of. deaths annuially from look• el i heretoioi'e resulting: jaw and -infer lxl is•oi}i the au nidal habit of cuttilli;;:, GRAY' e""t SYRUi RED SPi11 1 e_w GRAY'S SYRUP of RED SPRUCE GUM`- d4fo,.lreof-wiekT( N`2 'CQ ivewYork' For Coughs, Colds, and the relief of ire. 0= flammatory..coaditions of the throat arising from Bronchial, Asth• matte affections and, derangements of the Respiratory Organs. Prepared from Spruce Gum and other meds• oleos agents. Success• fully used for 60 years. Aiv,ays lay ihu Lama Size 3ee -SYR& Of. FI9r CI4n LAXATIVE Look at tongue!' Remove poi- sons feral little stomach, liver and bowels Figs Accept "California" of 1~s Syrup g only_ -look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic 'for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Pull directions tor child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Man wants but little here belew, As you 'have heard before; Butt when he gets it, then also He wants a little more. ii•.;rd's Eifitmeat Cures Distemper, Chicken pie is excellent made with » scuit crust. America'' Pioneer Dog 1seraedies Boo cn DQCuDISEASES and now to Peed Mailed Free to .S.ny Ad- dress by the Author. 11. Clap Glover Co., Ina. 118 est 31st Street Nevi' York, U.S.A. A Cure for Pipl s "Y,oudon'tneed inercury,potash or;anry other strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots druggist calls it "Mother `Seigel s Curative Syrup -and your , skin will dear up as freshas a baby's. It will s weeten you r stomach and regulate your bowels." ' Get the genivanc ° SOc. and $1.00 Bottles., At drug stores. �_.F NEGLECT A DON'T IEUATIC PAIN o ..aft9er ��lt :wit Sloan's Liniment before it ,gets dangerous , • DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FAILING FAST "Danderine" will check - that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out To stop falling hair at once and rid. the scalp of every partinle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Danderino" at any "drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub It into the scalp. After°seeeral aptilicatians the ,hair usually 'stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright; Hess, thickness and more color. TROUBLED WITH ffCHY 'ECZEMA InRashOnFace dLii . Cuticula Heals. "I had' been troubled withecsenee on my faro which tookthe form of e rash. Later it broke out on my limbs and they itched very much, causing ale to scratch them until they were bleeding. The rack would often keep me awake at night. " I tried some remedies, which failed, i nd then thought I :Would toy Cuticura Soap ,-pnd Ointment. It. was not long till the rash began to disappear, and I used three cakes of Soap and" four boxes of Ointment, which healed me." (Signed) W. M. I niers Ont, Sept.2 1010. I'y Paris, ,, SINCE . 1870 f 11 " Cuticura Soap to cleanse, Cuticura Ointment to soothe t.nd heal. HIT Son 26c Oin1ratest 115 and Sec. Sola. tnrougho ttheDomio n. CanadlanDepot _ ,q4.tLnpeaa,Limitee9 r'atl st., 3O5 (3Pit:araL^dale i3I2G`PSS ijaS . Mr -Oakum '.^akum.50, 2 2C -7e4 it atit1cEag,. - Apply a Wile, don't Floss' let _it,pen,e-' i;~afe,.and-good-by'twinge! Same for external aches,' pains, strains, stiffness' of joints"• or muscles, lameness, bruises. ' Instars relief without mussiness or- $oiled clothing: Reliable the; biggest selling liniment year atter year. Eco- gomieal be reasonof enormous sales: . :. ' allsaes, . Keep a big bottle ready at t ¥iide-in Canada. Ask your druggist for .Sloan's Liniment.' 6c ,:. ? .0 c 153U6 No. 1-'20. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN '- Not Aspirin at All without the " Bayer Cross" For Golds, Pain, Readecho Neural- package :which contains complete oid giL, Toothache, ,earache, and, for tedious. 3;hen you are getting reel Rheumatism, Lembagb,:&uittica Neu- Aspirin.' -the genuine Aspirin < . .. dm e ritls, take Aspirin marked with the sc ibed p PhYalnsan s for over' Pine - nine `Bayer" or you are not taking teen yews. -Towmadein ,4anada. :As irin sat all. - Aandy'tin boxes coutaix ing 12 y tab- ccept only `Bayer Tablets of lets cost, but a, few cent:.: Druggists 'Aspirin" in an xinbroken `Bayer" also gel larger "Bayer' packages. 3 ,: r'la..r'�w" or--om- l�:st' These lir only one ,9,spi 9 m say "k1.� er< y Aspirin 15 the trade mash (registered to Canada): of Darer atanaractnre oT Ita3;10. saetlaaetdestar a! Ballcyitciiaid, Whne it 1s well known tha,t.:is11rlr .,•naaha 1;,yar lmanuta.aturo, to assist the public ssainnt In ttatioss," tate Tablets VA' i:,ayar Conootiiy Will to stamped with their Rea+erat trade mark, ilia "Bower Cross," "