HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-1, Page 6(NO PERSONAL LIABILITY)
General al Ofiices: Sterling Trust Bqding, Toronto, Can
Capital Authon;,ized, $5,000,000-
Div,iced into 5,000,000 Shares of par value, $1.,00 each.
of Denton, 'Mitchell & Duncan,
Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto
Importers &. Manufacturers' Agent,
Wilson & Cohen
lntp i fere and Manufacturers
President, John Harlan, Ltd,
Furs, Hides and Wool, Toronto
of A, Bradshaw & Son, Ltd.
Wholesale Dry Goods, Toronto
Vice -President, Anglo-American
Lumber Company, Toronto
of Wagner, Brasier &. Co.
Wholesale Fur Merchants,
rat. Winner, Reo Sales, ,Ltd,
President 'Quincy Adams Lumber
Co,, Ltd., Longford Mills, Ontario
s4LiCITORS---Starr, Spence, Cooper & Fraser, 120 nay Street, Toronto, •Canada.: Cote -leek & Mackie, Edmonton, %Alberta.
BANKERS --Canadian Sank of Commerce, Head Office, Toronto, Canada-etiranches throughout Canada.
TRANSFER AGENTS—The Trusts & Guarantee Co., Ltd., Bay Street, Toronto, Canada.
FINANCIAL AGENTS—W. C. Goffatt & Co,, 10.12 King Street East, Toronto.
The Charter of Incorporation gives this Company power to control oil lands and operate oil welts—build pipe lines -erect and oper-
ate reflnerles--own end operate tank Cars, railways and steamboats—to produce natural gas --operate and sunpiy municipalities with light.,
!teat and power, also to manufacture gasoline from natural gas,
(Gasoline ruaitufi:etured from the wet gas that comes front the wells at Peace River hould become -ui enormous revenue-producing
asset to Peace River Pets ; euuns, Limited),
The Company ai:.4 has power to operate and develops coal, iron and other valuable mineral deposits.
The Company coutrols over 48,000 acres of what are considered to be the choicest and richest oil lauds in the Peace River distrust.
The companies whoee lauds have been taken over and the amount of land they controlled are as follows:
The Consolidated Ott -fields of Peace River, Ltd. , .. , , .......... 13,000 acres
The Smoky River ori Company, Ltd, , .......... ........t..,,..,.,.....,..,....... 10,000 ('
The Feace River Syndicate ,,.,..,,,...,.,.,,.....,., 25,000 ,,
These lands have been paid for in the capital stook of Feace River Petroleums Limited. One share of stock iu the new company
has been paid for each share or its equivalent In the former organizations, no cash whatever being paid.
The purpose of the present offering is to raise the funds necessary for development of the compauy's immense holdings. It is esti-
mated that the .proceeds of the; issue will be sufficient to carry on development work for over two years.
The names of the directors, listed above, are alone a guarantee that development work will bo aggressively carried on and that the
funds will be wisely spent,
An Opportunity for the Small Investor
The Oil Fields of Texas and Okla-
klahoma have possibly enriched more people
than any other disooveiy of modern
times. Opportunities were offered the
public who were not in a position to make
large investments , but nliany cif whom
have since become independently rich
from the profits of their original small •
To the Canadian Public
The fabulous wealth returned from small investments in other 011 fields
reads like a fairy tale.
$100 inveated lit
U .i
1, if
(t ,L
t( i.
Final 011 Co. paid; .... $ 10,800,00
Lucile 011 Co. paid 16,000.00
Home Oil Co. paid . 40,000.00
Paraffin 011 Co. (in 10 years) paid 492,000.00
Celine 011 Co. paid 50,000.00
'while each $100 invested in the Fortuna 011 Co., Texas, returned a quarter
of a million ($250,000.00),
During the four years I spent iu the Peace River country I watched the oil development in all its stages.
Eight wells have already been drilled in and near Peace River Town. Every well has brought in oil --not one well has been
drilled dry.
Pay oil has been discovered in at least five of the wells drilled, a record seldom attained in any new oil field on this continent.
That oil would be discovered in Peace River was predicted by George Dawson, Canada's most eminent geologist, over
thirty years ago. During the past five years a score of the world's best known geologists and oil experts have visited Peace River,
and in every Instance these men of science endorsed the prophecy of Sir George Dawson of long ago.
A valuable by-product of the oil fields of Peace, River is wet gas, from which, by simple process, gasoline is extracted.
From three to five million feet of wet gas belches from the wells already drilled into the gas stratum.
Every man who has visited the wells at Peace River knows that oil is there, because lee has seen it; but the wealth of the
earth, be It gold, silver or oil, ie of no value unless money is efficiently spent for its development.
I believed the geologists andoil experts of this continent when they said that by drilling deeper Into the oil sands at Peace
River the BIG OIL POOL would be discovered.
Because of this belief and my personal knowledge of the actual discovery of oil in the wells drilled at Peace River I feel I
am acting in the best interests of Canada when I recommend the Canadian people to join with Peace -River Petroleums, Limited,
and help to secure the big production of oil for our industries, ..., !
No Bonus or Promotion Shares
There have been and will be no bonus or promotion shares issued by the Peace River Petroleums, Ltd. All the direettos have paid Dash
for their shares; every dollar received for shares by the company goes into the treasury and will he used for drilling and development
work and legitimate expenses.
We own and offer shares in Peace River Petroleums, Limited, at the low price of thirty-five cents (35c.) per• share, fully paid up
and non -assessable par value $1.00 each.
We reserve the right to withdraw this issue or raise the price of shares without notice.
a Share
This is a genuine oppor- t
tunity which looks as if it
cerins not -041 to return big
profits in the near future,
35ero St/ye 100 Shares •
- -$ 70.00 Buys 200 Shares
$ 175.00 Buys 500 Shares
$ 350,00 Buys' 1000 Shares
$1,760,00 Buys 5000 Shares
Fill _ in and mail this application form to -clay:'
10.12 King Street East, Toronto.
°se enter my application for , .: „ .:.... shares of the Capital Stock: of Peace River Petro-
leums, Limited, at Thirty-five cents a share (35c), fully paid up and non -assessable. Herewith I send
you $ • • .. • . being the amount in' full.
. Address
Have shares issued for
Province ....... ........
Make cheques, drafts, money order, etc., payable to W. O. Goffatt & Go.
bred hen lay 200 eggs a year, and the
goal leas Dees .se'r much Higher, which
breeding and selection may attain .in
The - 0 Cl ;fkek.s given i;ht prc'per core, ha average hen lays from •i0 t
150 eggs iyear, extra good ones'now Think er,,et it .a
id succito in-
lay 200 eggs. Not so 'Jong ago the crease bas; 1,00 the number ak ee „ ?ale
200 -egg hen was considered-eornet]liug on tee a-eeeaee by the belie or L nar a:
of a marvel, and the elevation , by It.; is z etimate %. thattheee are ,l nice:
Address communications to Agronalnlst, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
Diversified Pertains.
The planting of every crop that
can be raised on thw farm is what
most of us have aimed at for years
other feeds as rich in plant food as
these, and feeds differ greatly 41). this.
Cottonseed meal contains about the
t 'cine phosphoric acid and potash, but
and years. To raise every possible nearly three times the amount of
bit of farm produce that is possible nitrogen; and this feed would be worth
and so keep the money on the firm is over two dollars.. a hundred pounds
the aim, T have been brought up for the plant food returned if the
along that line and so far I have been manure was taken care of properly so
bothered quite a lot, I believe, by the its plant food would not 'be lost.
idea 1 have inherited—so to speak. Then the value of the manure to the
When a farm crop or a vegetable soil is not all in the plant food that is
takes more time for the production of returned, for humus is necessary to
it th^n the crop comes to, then it is profitable production on any soil, and
time to let some other fellow raise from the manure we get this humus,
that crop and let me raise something There are sources of plant food that
I that' I can make a go of. Beans is a are unavailable that the chemical ac-
CrQp i'hat we used to monkey Frith, tion of the gasses released 'ly the de-
but we ltaveri't just the right condi- composition and fermentation of the
tions for growing the crop. We do manure make available that would not
have the climate fora dozen other
`the manure, or at
crops that we can produce also profit least not so quickly. Then the manure
and also with pleasure, because it is a makes the soil more suitable for the
pleasure to grow a crop that yields roots to penetrate and helps to bold
well and brings a profit. moisture, thus in a mechanical way,
We are told very Osten by wiser men assisting in production,
be available but for
than we that we must not put all the Z\!hFre wo systematically work to
eggs in one:basket. I tins!l say that five ! improve the soil continually we are
roust not put our eggs in the wrongs adding to our farm instead of selling
basket, but when we find the right ones: it orf piecemeal. It is like depositing
or two or three baskets, then fill the? money in the bank, but it .is where we
baskets tip as high as they will hald,i can be„siiro to draw it when we want
Certain farms are adapted to eer-1 it, and no abscondinghank cashier, or
fain craps. We can't get around that.' huindits, er panics, can touch t.
can raise one or two crops on this et.—
� .
place that my neighbor can't make go Food by 100 Calories,
well, and he can raise something that At a recent course in food values
I can't snake a success at. That is not the various foodstuffs in 100 calorie
a matter :of climate, as we have the, portions were emphasized. There are
same wind and the same sun. And' many housewives who would like to
another thing to consider is that dif- memorize this table of food us mcas-
ferent men farm differently. I have
half the acres that my neighbor has.
His farm must be Arranged differently
than mine, 1 can't have as much area
as he has, but I can do my farming a
little more intensively. That in itself
makes a different line of crops fit each
particular farm.
To find the crop that fits the farm,
and also the crop that fits the man, is
the biggest problem we have, 1 think.
Bigger production will come only
wlien I can get sense enough to stop
monkeying with a crop that does not
pay and start with one that is adapted
to me and nay farm. If I can't find
that then 1 had better let someone
else have the farm or let the farm
have someone else to run it. Either
will allow both of us to serve our pur-
pose better. ,
Seliingethe Parma Piecemeal,
I have seen a lot of farms that are
being sold piecemeal, though their
owners don't seem to be aware of the
fact. They think they are keeping
their farm in their own possession,
but in nlany cases they have sold quite
a chunk of it already. Then, again, it
isn't such an easy matter as it. appears Sic clams.
at first thought to keep from selling Six sardines.
some of !the farm a:,• are go along. It codfish ball.
fully, i
is a pretty good farmer that has de -One *One codbodfsh.
veloped a system that prevents this
Every crop we„grow takes a certain
amount of plant food from the soil—a.
fact we all recognize. There is plant' 500
food stored in the soil that gradually
becomes available to meet this de -If deleasitedat3%will amount to$697.751,
mond, but under ordinary conditions I If invested at 4%, Interest oom-
this is insufficient to • make up the loss, founded quarte °r 1 y, will
and if the cropping is eontinued a
available each year will not produce amount 'to $74426
time must come when the plant food But if invested in our $4z%
a paying crop the farm will have
been about all sold.
year this means- that- this year the.
egg output of the world is 10,000,000,-
000 eggs less than it :was five years
ago. Perhaps wee
can see in s0)112
for the •prices We :are paying,
e.l'aere hells and better Ilene, the kind
that:;la 200 eggs ' -
y 8'b' Scar cn the, a ver.
age, is the need o£• the world..
breeding of the average hen to the :'ttiaa ,100,000,000 less hens in tile m oils!
200 -egg mark was set as the ultimate to -day than .bel:ore the, war. i
attainment,' Now thousands Of pure- At the icy a, erg.=?til „ol.s.
ured by the new calory unit. A good
way to do this is to pin this table
in the kitchen, where it may be studied
for n moment many times a day:
.A. Email lamb chop ,,neighing one
A large egg.
A small dish of baked beans.
An inch and a half cube of cheese.
An ordinary sized ranee dish of
sweet corn.
A large boiled %potato.
A .mailer sweet potato.
Ai ordinary thick slice of bread.
Tro 2)lacaroons.
Two small baking powder biscuits.
Two-thirds cup of cornmeal mush.
One cup oatmeal (cooked).
Three-quarters cup steamed rice.
One anti a third cupfuls puffed riee.
Ttvo scant tablespoonfuls granulated
sugar. e
One seunietnblespoonfui batter, oil,
or baton fat.
One and a half tablespoonfuls eon-
densed milk, sweetened,
half a eup macaroni and cheese.
r One large raw apple.
Pour dates.
Half a 'cup of grape juice.
Scant three-quarters cup milk.
In Ten Years
Farmers have learned that it pays
to put back on the farm as much of
the plant food removed as they can
conveniently, ;but still a good many
neglectto duo it that know, and some
' others will not give the matter much
consideration, These go right along
•selling their farm's fertility, which
measures -the farm's real value. Farm
buyers are coming to take these things
, into consideration and a wise buyer
will find out how the farm has been
treated and whether a large part of
the fertility has 'been sold before he
invests. He can build up the soil in
"'time but he knows that he will be the
loser for the time it takes, him to do
Now to keep the farm from losing:
any of its fertility we will be obliged
to replace somewhat more than the
manure that stock' eating the crops
will produce, but many farmers do
this by judicious feeding of boughten
feeds, as''well as by growing legumes:
Alfalfa is a very strong soil builder,
for -it' not only takes;; nitrogen from
the air and stores it, in lits' roots to
become a part, of the soil, but it is
very rich inplant, food. which it re-
. turns, and when we buy alfalfa to feed
we are buying a valuable fertilizer at
the same time -one that -contains
about .fifty pounds of nitrogen, ten
pounds of phosphoric acid, and forty
pounds of potash to the ton. If we
buy bran to feed with it we get with
each thousand pourids twenty-six
Bounds - of nitrogen,- twenty-ni•
Debentur s will amount to.. $660.201
rite for Booklet.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 2 King St. West
Iti{iheet Prioes Paid Por
Write for price lists
and shipping tags
.,o,$ Years • of Reliable 'Trading
Reference -Union Bank of Canaaa�'
320 Vit. Pater' ±'t. W., Moatreai, 3�,t$, .
can' overcome any liarnosre or
j 'saddle.:..fall in a few chiyrd. with
Dr• A. `Dam OeiS'
-ALL � Td3
C,talns- no poison. .You can work
the horse or not while the remedy le
rie doing' its work. Largest box :and.
• best- cure ,for all -sozles. ` Cures
acratebes ori horses. Stops itching
heads. ill.rGtaln its goodness for
years and :rezncmber this: your
pounds of phosphoric acid, and sixteen
pounds of potash. Fattening anitnalsl
on swine. Sheep olntfnent for gore
Pork should alwa Le th • •hlv make the greatest use of the carbon.
money will be refunded if it fails
cooked. in the feeds and return almost
per cent. of the plant road; and while
Mach of t'he' .hind ,cos
t of living is. dairy cows return a low peiicentage-
due o t, e fact that ma ly fcllcs de- '1' et about tt h
e2id out oth El°s to d tl :ops that , t ire a ou sib. y per
sen .—�v .ere
m lit.
the nail: is fed ole t:le.La2rn and onl
better be 'dere by themselves, b ui y
huctet•fat S,o-1 laetceilo_,"e re
Sensii l
�. e ti, by.
., .
maks ,: * _. .
n&' over turned al�,ogethe is high ` From these
cud clothes because they realize that ordinaryarm feeds we can see !low
the rn l.e-•11 • -- h- the old artAcles are > cansupplement he` er 'l
., ,- „ •, v e, „t fertilizer i�ea re-
. ,�'->;inilnaper.'..,V±ill, help ellarpef seeke. pette ,:1;ee 't;ez ea:. -
J• . ,.??.iziiy noNy at three turned to the farms and get "n c�+�
tel the irreeL eerim thn silo of thw iasis. .'iherr. ane
Reep'a box in yon stable always--
it costs little and inay be necessary
any day.
s . and 60c
BI Anii I
9 lla rli^
iNe �.
ai; Book Ssit ..r•
Ll1° sass::Loa, Szazreeare
. KNOWL,TONM t uEar.=c