HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-1-1, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR' Our Corner Mr. L. M. eltrnicin'of in renewing his subscription to The A„eneeate, says, "'I should be very sorry eo drop The Ade/locate as its weekly visit 'is like a letter (nem home'. We have been having winter weather here since, the middle of tea. ober. Down around 40 below for some time, hut muth milder yesterday and to -day, Dec. 19th. Wishing you the comineineents of the teasen.' In hes celdress to thc shareholder the getental manager of the, Bank of csiae en prices is \at least "n.ea.rer, and it is to be hoped theft the delay is not that the standards of these last few ceencetetion on this point would con- stitute -1114.11.4Ce alike to borrower rend banker. It seems certate, that kood Pricee will drop presently and -that all ooze:nod:lies well, decline in price.'" The Automobile license pletes for 1920 for Ontario will be combination of blue And white beert letters and fig- uxes being painted on a field of white. At aeast thts- wee %the plate of the De- partment of Publie Highways before the change of Government, and it is Possible that the new plates were or- dered some time ago. The Onteeitolefe- tags be fixeel on, January eeatiorists are advised bo their iecense, shop ping early—as soon as the applicatioa telanke ter: issued. A. -Petition hes gone% into the Ontario Goverameet to ap- point Ur. Wm, Ware of Exeter issuer of auto licensee, It win be a great oonveniertee lo motorists im this dis- trict 3,f the appointment is made. EWSPRINT GONE UP. Newsprint such' as weekly pepers use %vas advanced last week SZO ten, which means ',that the paper which The Advocate uses en. its weekly edi- tien will eost us, AhOut 2,5 per tenet other sereous blow to the .newspaper publisher.s, but Tile Aeleoe,a+te is go- ing eo !try to worry along through,1920 without encreesing She price to the subscriber. Our -subscribere, how - will pay promptly for their paPert Many /newspapers are already intbnat- ing that the weekly papers will have goiag toren: ail:lade more than fair with our subscribers long as wq can, aod main et $130 just as long as we cam stand it. Do your pert, subscrebers, Phone 81a TAMAN'S YOUR NECKTIE ADDS COLOR ..an otherwise sarnber clothes outfi.t. neiseible in the scheme * ill, inert's apparel., Our offer- cekwear .fcir men cannot be „Pattere,:: colorings, quality, eat varietY. EXETER NT tit 0, 1920 SA era' end the Obeerver, have been Noiriina ions ,aznalgarnated, to be issued as the-Tille The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union was held on Monday afternoon last, at the- borne of Mrs. Soutbcott, Sr., on Andrew street. It was decided to give a. donation of $10 towards 'the neer/aerial beinn erected 4n our town for our fallen heron , The County President gave a. shbrt talk on items of interest trom the Provincial Convention, and Also bad the 'banner tte show" the *omen, which heti 'been won by our County for the largest percentage of new inernbers during the year. ° Mrs, (Rev.) Fear was also a irl Itor at the meeting and gave a verY interesting talk. - Much interest is being taken bY the wonten here in advancing the in- terests of` the work. Next eneeteng will be held at the home of Mrs. A, Canon. Press Supt. School Report ROOM 5, EXETER SCHOOL,. Class 4. Honorn—liathleen Rein 90; Violet Garnbrill 86; Mary Wells 80 Velma Willis 75. Pass—Lois Statham 70; 1-Tarold Beavers 65. Class 3, Honorse—Loretta Little 80; Kenneth Vale 76, Pass—Verna, Beavers 70; George Robinson 65; Sheldon Sanders 60. Class 2. Honors—Helen Penbale 90; Grace Christie 86; Madeline Stewart 84; Margaret l‘Tartiu 80; jean Sheere 78; Gladys Hutchison 77; Maine Snell 76; Edith Kestle 75 Pass—Marguerite Bloomfield. 68; Stella. Little 60. Class C. Honors—Raymond P3nele 85; *Helen Salter 80; Florence Brock Class 1. Hciner,s—Margaret Eller- ington 86; Helen Heywood 80; John Parte 76. Pass—Harold Snell 65 Vera Keetle 64. No ort roll 31; average attendance Teacher. FATAL AT CLANDEBOYE. The ele,eth of Mrs. Charees Morrell occurred Sunda.y morning, Dec. 28 at 6 o'ceocke at the home of her sister, 11.1rs. Louts Kilmer. Mrs. Morrell has has been suffering' for the last wee]; from sleeping disease., Besides her husband sheds survived by two sisters here, Mrs. Louis Kilmer and Mrs. Stur- gis ; her paeents, a brother and sister in Engla,tel. VOTE TO FORM A BOARD OF EDUCATION. The +electors on 1VIondey well be ask- ed tot vote on the que,stion, 'Are you in favor of the formation of a Mueic- ipal Board of Educlatiiorn" as well as a Public School in the Vill- age, it is ttecessary ta form such a Board with- juilsdiction over both Boards, one for the Public School, the members or which, are elected by the ratepayers, and the other far theltligh School, half of the members being ap- po,iated by the County Council and the remainder by the Council of thef Boards of Education in Vielagees con- sist of senetnennembers ;elected by the .ratepayers in the same manne'r as the Public Schexel Truseeese .Pour of the members bold offece for two years three for one year. This year we can loney dedde fan: .0•1' or the .formatinin of a Mehlogleall Board of Educationc Next year the electian gnay be heldi As the advant- ages Jeff a Board of Education are so apparent, it is hoped,:that the resolu- teat' will be ce.reied unanimously. SHORT COURSE IN AGRICULTURE Arrangements have been made to hold a short course in Agriculture in Seeior's. Hall, Exeter, from Jan. 6th, to Jan. 30th, 1920. The course will cover work in a great many live subjects of Agricultural interest such as:. -Drainage, Surveys, Soils, Co-op- eration and other up-to-date farm 'We are anxious to see -every young man within reasonable distance take part in this short course, SPeClai 8peakers have been arranged for by the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. Theee will be specialists in their special lines and will be able to treat their subjects ia a practical way. NO fees ere charged and no text books are required—tne only expen- se being boaed and lodging. Education and organization are the, passwords to success in the pre- sent xiiite.try. No line of education * !din:04410g the attention of the day so much as agricultural elence will. be heid se to which we direct. the the girls of the iOction ee With -the above cblirsee on application to .ri44ton, Ontario eel to ett reforms were needed, B M. Francis said that although only 1 short time 4-esixleat here he had been and Elections asked by irony 'to allow Itki nettle to ereed clean bye town end hoped hend the poll; He seed he was go- totneke no promises, but mext year he hoped to be able to eell them what hti had done. Joe Devie 424:i he wAs ;1. the field as a. representative of the ixoeth Part of the v feage anti hoped to be elected Reeve Beavers went into. terther. x - P. W Gladmen on. behalf of she School Board, reviewed the work ef the board,,,geve reasoas for the change ocu Continuation to High Sao*: and owed why it is desirable -tie ehanee High School Board and Peblic School Beeed to a Board of liduee- "he eeeectien on ItIontley, And e? eere Board of Educaelotre in Exeter. .tend EXETER ed the nomination, meeting at noon, ten Manday in. the Town Hell, and ,the following were nonainatese.— Pm Utilities Cotrimission For Councillors W. Perthele--be W. johns, G. Mantle W. Rivers—by G. Mantle, W. Johns Wilson N'el .1 Beer—by C.1... WilseXte TeNeIsO Herb. Ford— Sid. Sanders, J. Griee eon THE EXETER BALLOT the election cm Monday aeet,— Joe Davis—by C.L. Anson, L. Oa y. following names got ont tthe cr For Schoel ,Trustees J. G. Stanieery—by Hill. 13.fineel Rev. Truniper—J. Grieve, E. l)ignan The evenstg .rneeting was largely attended. and Clerk Jos. Senior was chosen. en cheirmane After reviewine the elomenetioas made, he caned on the cennida.tes and others for ehort ad lotus R. Hind, chairman, of the Vee. - statement as to waterworks and hydro, showang that the reduction in hydro rates had effected a saving oi.- about $1000 to the users, and also some ST/6 had been returned to the it -own en cash by the Commiesier k Hydro, he se4d, tble one„ thing in the world no -clay tbet is being reduced in cost, and consequently it must be on a sure and soli foundationit Our eystem ea ,Exeter is payhig well, eve' hope to get a runner reduction, an Nest or Another return in, cash, next Yeer The waterworks, on the other haod inn on a paying basis, and cannot be so untie meters are install- ed, bot than woeuld cost $3000, and ke the present we .must. tom to tee honesty of the peopl:e in. the use of svelter. The commissmon, had been eheekiag up pretty ,closely this yeee and trying to preveAt waste of waten H. E. _Huston, also spoke along the same lines, and asked the people to be honest ist the use of water. Reeve Beavers seed 1919 had been, a year of peace and begh taxes. The boys are back—those who will come eoecle—A memorial monuneent will Ina few cloys be erented to those whofen and I believe we should give a ban - covet. ea those who returned, Mrel3ea- vers at some length dealt wiith,County matte.rs, nnentioning the request for memorin. hospitals, the Child.ren's shel- ter, the House of Refuge, now. called the eittron County Home, the agitation for eonsolidated schools, the oew in- spectorate, the formation, of Exeter High School destriet, and good roads_ The question ol good roeds is the big matter before the county councie and also before the Exeter council., lathe county 360 males are under the sys- tem, tractors, stone crushers, graders, etc., have been bought. He reviewed the Exeter ,good roa.ds scheme and said that after we get the etelounty behind us, then the government wial help.; pad he hoped ehe job would be comp•leted in town next year: He said he ,stood fox a cleaAn. town, protection for ehe homes and permanent streets, aloe ewes An the fend kor re.electtoott Mr. Elston as chairman of 'the 'fin- ance comniettee said he ,had tried ta that ne ptood for good roads and en economical 'Administration, pad said he was in :the field for reeelecteme: L. Day said ,he was a canclidaee for the reevesleip, having been, a member of- the council for !four yeArsr.s. He saki the team of horses had not been well. bought, but ,even, then. he, qeoted figures to show that a town team is a, paying- pr000settiorn He sketched enel 'ealid that the present system by which ehe road commissioner had tee many jobs, was not good businetss, and as aresult siclewalk,s built cost $200 more then they should have., He con- tended that the council should have purchased tile, done drainieg, build the curbs and g,utters .6or the good roads this yar, pa as eo. be reedy to nee demerit road tor station. stroet. • Snell said , we must tackle the roads ceueStion courageously, get the best gravel even if \we hael ea ship, .it ire Station toad shotod also be made perm -mime. co•mplimenteell 'he pee orial monument 0114 stioace ire! praise of the great ,work done hy the boye over - W. H. Petilteete said he was not a good !talker or he w,ould boo -veining for !the freeVeSillitY too, but he! weuld needs artd \voted .like to remain en :WiarCi, a new aspirant, said he seented to see Exeter put on, the 3flap and he wanted the votes of the ))!eo- pee to help it eionge 1.:Cee want good paved streets, free of rubbish. end of reguteece L'OWn-• -1-11L' way -thee iltad ,f urn and pork bere,ts ameee and a disgrace, Tnese and other For Reeve For Counctiors C, B. Snell, Wm. Ward, and Rieherd School Trustees F. W. Gladman. E. Digaan and Rev, A, A. Trumpet' were re-elected by acclamation. 411ORNE NOMINATION. The municipal nomination for the Township of Usborne were held al Elineville in the townsitte hall orl Monday afternoon, at whicli the fol. 16wing nominations wee,: made: Reeve—Arthur MiteIteli, and John feetmeillors—Wm. Coates, John Morgun, John Hanua and Fred C. Stewart. Jobe. Duncan withdrew leaving the old council only in the field, wbieh were elected bY acclamation. There was a general turnout of ratepayers and a crowded hall. .A. splendid dis- euseion was taken part in on the ad.- vleelenity of giving a banquet to the retarned men on the occasion of the unveiling of the soldiers' monument; on the workings of the county road system in the township and on tne permission of stock running at large especially horses. 'Phis gave the in- coming council a good idea of the wishes of the ratepeyers. THE STETHEN BALLOT In Stephen Township the following names well -appear on the ballot,— For Reeve, John Love, Alexander Neeb, 13. Sanders. For Deputy Reeve, David Webb, William 'Yearley. For ,Councinors, Michael Finkbeiner, John Hayes, Ge,oege Penhale, William McGILLI'Vl• ZAY.--Reeve—j. J. Poore Gate .Rogers, Lewis, (aciamation.) H. A. Hodetins, Councee—F. Dickins, Eli Hodgies, James Kelly, Ree.hard Hodgins, Jas. P. Ryder, Caleb Ryan. BLANellARD—Reeve—Geo. Cooker Bennett G. Copeland, M. Evans, G. Local News Mrs. George Fesher.is quete het home in town. A heavy fell of snow on 'Neon:lay night smade eieigheng good in town, but in tho country much oe it blew off the roa,i,s. THE PAGEANT. The Pageant, "The Rights of a Child" presented on Teesday evening by fames Street Sundae- SchOol drew aaege ceaw'd -and proved, et)! be a most iastructive end interesting affair. The Pageant consested of song teed story and nearey one. hundred of the scholars ,ol the school took. port All who missed this pageant missed a rare teeat A !quiet wedding was solemnized at nesday, Dec. 31, when Mr. john Les- lie leyda, soti of Mr.. and eirs. Jan, ethan Itydd, Exeter N., was ntarreecl to Nisei. Lavine Fredie Willard-,ecieugeter The young Couple intend making their home et the noxeh send of the village. ste.ieltave ehe best wishes, of their SMITH —AR leeS'FRONG. Th e man Lege, tof Miss lcla Armstrong emu -re -est daughter of Mr. and .leIrs, 'reed. Arrnsteang, to Mr, Demean! B. Smitb, :took place quiettty at the home Huron, str6et, Exeter, Teesclay,ev- ening,, December 30i The cpremony .was pereertned be Rev, Oil." j..vVictai-yu, pastor of fames St. Methodist Church, in the peinere:e ,of the itrunediete reo ktiv:es of the bride., ele. and !Mrs, SIThi,,11 'leave, this learning (Thersdne) for Toronto, where they wia reside, eerryiee, with them zbe best NV -1S hes of 1 Mr. Peter wdetnt ea his 6'311 Freak ev Toren* eir. pod Mrs. Rol* Sweet 1Y earni were here ter the Chrlitmate spent .N,oneay here with ,frienele, Rev. mei Mrs. A. A. T.nenaper are front a visit with his deughter in To -- et. Goderiele 1 elite Blanche Senior Ieft ruesday to Mr. C. IL MeArey atter a few elys' visit et his borne ;here, eeetuieeed to Mr. Sid. F. Heeler of Belleville, son .of ;eft Pred. Hector, formerly of, /ix - vs ire liderton and St Insotteas, ;es company with her nephew, Capt. W. J. Mrs. J. Weseelake, wire has been, vie - 'Mg het daughter, Mrs. 1,). A. McNiece • 'reroute., has returneel to her home Miss Anne Sanders returned Mon- day morning to. Streeforci to resume her du les oe the Beepten %tele eller spending a tew daystat her home here eIr Frances gel, who has been of lie Dwane= Beek te the 'reran to brenclt, spent Chrietraas with his parents here. tile ho:elaye, vieth her eNter, Airs. H. man spent Christmas Day there aleo, returning en Frialr• , front the West, who have bee'', Nisi -title Mr. tend eqrs. Thos. Hervey, left Mon, the States for a month. They wil re- turn here ngain before going West: with Centralia POULTRY WANTED. Highest prices Delta for all kinds of live Poultry, delivered on. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of taeh week Parsons -Davis Ca Misses Irene and Woven Essery spent Clarlstrnas at their home here. Mrs. Boyle and Messes Madeline and 3.1Iyrtle ,Brown awe spending the holi- days with friends in and around the Mr, Robert lt,Icralis spent a few days at the home, of Mrs, T. Wellies. Miss Veva enavis is at home from London for week's holidays. Miss E. Hell of Toronto University is at home for the holidays. :Mrs. T. Carling and family left for their home in Brighton last Friclaye 'elks elable Elliott has gone. to 'mit in. Toronto for a few Wee.lese Mr. Herb Haneon. is home 'for a few Mrs. C. Feirhall has, been ae the home of her sister for the past week previous to the death of her brother- inelaw, Mr. Sam Plaskett, of near mi:,,theal-111 Tot -erste, eir reel Mrs. William kenebire—In Exeter, Mr. awl Mrs. 'Mervyn eliteheel—In Stephen, on. Dec. Manee, on Wednesday, Dec. 33:e Rev. J. Foote, Mr. John. Lew* dee ot and Mrs.. Alleert rrnstrone—At the homc or Smith of Toronto, to Idet Arm. strong daughter ..ot. Mr. and .Mrr, .4.rnestrong of Exeter. 20, Rev. elk. W. Brown official' Annie Gertrude, elaue,hter of Mr, Nod Mrs. Reehand Paynter, to Mr. joareple A. Oleenv of London - Manse, Rental!, by ,Rev, NileCoreteell oa Deeember 24th, Miss L. Grow of Cseerel Bend to Weljnim George DEATHS veung—in Fullerton. Pee Dec Yonne. in his 64th year. 244h, Thomas Hodginel- years. EXSES ISSUED. tr y cont tial; no, wintry:, OLID, HIGH GRADE QUARTERS of beef are constantly canting later our store from the ,best souroes 0! supply in the countrye Our meats are of ex.traordinary qunlity and helot Our eervien too, in every way is On a par with our merchandise, Gent ac- quainted with our methods. Sire value your orders. We wish you a, very prosp aus and happy. New Year. B. Makine Meat Market J. A. STEWART 1..notoostt Kappi.40 Special Inducem nts for Early Buying in COLORS AND S..T.TLES, PRICEID FRONI 12:75 TO $3,50 choose yours at $2.50 - WE WILL -CLEAR THE BAL.A.NCE OF OUP. STOCK! OF LADI*Se, 15e: end 20c. values 25, 35 ez 40e, eoeues 50; 60• 8z 75e: valuee. pretty colored Corners' Stviss Irisb bend some 'Mire 'linexteNe and edges, some initials embroidered careers ored silks s eel at 2 for 26c ON'S PEST CLOTHS, SE 2 for 40c 2 for STUN OV,ERCOATS IN 1 N.D1,,`S' CLOTH AND' PLUSte STYLES AT -PRICES. eln YOU NEED ONE- "GIV oNr-