HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-25, Page 2JOCK'S TERMS
A Tale of the Malta Hospitals.
PART L --(Cont'&) alt' then ower his ain shouthers, an'
' me alae ,
• t still r tiv13n began to haul g
"1 dinna ken tivhether 1 spud tell it st 1 >.� , g
tae ye ee no, but as 1 hae gine sae I helped as much. as 1 •e'ild wi' zny
far, 1 may as weel gang the hail] haunds, but the agony o' thee mo-
Iength. I telt a lee aince. It didna newts beats a', Every nerve i.n my ` ing'conditions in the various provinces
seena a bigg thing at the time, but it body seemed to be a bayonet stickin' ofod out
the Dominion. These reports cover
wfu'conse consequences. It sent as ir_til me; yet it was naethin' tae what xn the vnlous sections of theations xcountrr
hada q I wr a suffeiin' in m hair.. Here'\v s
guid a mon as ever breathed to the y and on this account become of very
dogs. It slipped air my lips a'ma. st 1 bein' tared by the men 1 had ruined, special interest to the. mercantile and
afore 1 kent. Ye see, 1 was in love wi' At last 1 cud staund it nae linger, an' farming communities desirous of
Janet Fraser.. an' I was verra jealous' when he halted to tale a rest 1 said, keeping in touch with the important
ll developments that are occurring g
Bank of Montreal Annual Meeting..
ever-present fire hazard, To be sure,
they were'a lot better than the candles
and tallow dips of the generation, be -
fare, but they left a lot to be desired,
In the barn it was a more serious
matter. A lantern was the poorest
Complete Reports Suitmitted on Conditions in the Various Provinces of the kind of a makeshift. Large open p€ts-
Dominion at Annual Meeting of Abe Bank of Montreal Will Be of
Special Interest to Mercantile and I;arrrring Communities,
At the Annual Meeting of the Bank Bath these situations are improving,
of Montreal complete reports were and larger production has taken place
submitted by the Superintendents of at the gold mines.
the Bank, dealing with trade and farm- Both wholesalers and retailers re-
port it easy to sell goods. Credits are
shortened and bad debts negligible.
Larger eepeuditures were generally
made by municipalities this year in an
effort to overtake works postponed
during the war.
Population shows a general increase,
with a tendency to drift to urban and
ntatlufactuxln centres.
o' Sandy 41`Gilrb, especially as I saw g over,
he was takin' her fancy. Ae day she e're,heaPxxx coals o' fire on my lxexd, tend mit reports as follows: Sion in hydro -electric power during the the burning liquid kerosene had every
an' 1 were thcgither, an' our talk, an' its causin' me mair pain than my pntario, past year, and works at Nipigon and chance far destruction.
turned tae Sandy. "I'm hearin',' I wounds. 1 <iirr{a deserve to be saved aianuZicturing iu Ontario has been Chippewa, as well as at other graces
What a difference there is now in
said verra jauntily, "that he's tryin' by you.' " limited only by shortage. of supplies less important, will within the next manycountry homes. Instead of the
break atF wi' that ('rlesea' girl to " He was ge - tired an' had to listen, uxld disturbances in labor. Cavern- t vo years aid very largely to the
to a Sae I made a clean briest o'my sin,; went seed' f d sold t E available power for manufacturing and coal oil lamp lighting just the centre
marry ser money. She looked at me; p p ,
startled an' innocent like, 'Ye maul' an'telt him a'about my lee to Janet have sti 1 ft
d d
1 sageway: s aaad open- lofts without any
papered walls to reflect the light made
the lantern a mere pint of light, the
rays from which seemed to be im-
mediately absorbed in° tho darkness.
It was a case of holding the lantern
close to the work itt h7.nd iat ordereto
see at all. The'leetern had to be pick-
ed up and carried from job to job, and
this made a mast one -handed and con-
sumed a lot of extra time. Finally in
the barn the fire hazard was inaapeas-
urably greater than in the house. A
lantern balanced mss' ably an a straw,.
covered floor had an excellent ohanee
'Sandy, I I1ae some. fir to me ye. , tht•ou bout Canada. Our Superb. There has been a continued extexe !
of being upset. And once tuned
xts or goods o Europe other 11t uses throughout Ontario. of the living room, carried from room
nx13 a e manufacturing. in generally speaking, the year has to room when light was needed, and
be nista'en; was a' ;she said; hut her. Fraser, that had caused her xefu.a , domestic demands have been insitnt. been orae a „neat Activit} throughout cleaned and filled every day, 'we find
+ an that has atarte4i helm on the trach and industries have been started,
balterrr.' torte let me see tha,, my words and a number of successful manufae- the Province. elegant electric fixtures. On the liv-
ed.ta'en effect. `]iista'en!" 1 Iauch o' ruin, He said ec'aethin', but I s.de taring concerns iti the United States Prairie Provinoes. ing room table is a reading lamp with
ed. 'Weer. ye eau read the proof wt's his feelzn s were t�orkin hard, I ended have been making enquiries with the During part of the past season ea- a shade that softens the bright rays of
yer ain eve.' I happened to hae a , by beggin his Torg i mess, though 1 intention of locating in Ontario, rensive areas ia1 of_ the.
AI- B the electric bulbs; hut straws them to
le . pocket frae a Preen' in' :4a:knewlectged 1 had nae richt or claim.. Ontario farmers have been eteadiiv Inerts experienced, in common with the thech elle farthest earners w she room.
leaver inmyThe Efter I had feeni hed, it was a Tang hettering their positlon in recent ' orib- esteru Stattes, severe d4o,tgllt n•
Gle:4:, at.tli.xrin' aboot .anis. Then he said iu ,reit':, instttllpxg ulodern egnlimtent a:nci loss of craps, but -own g to good Bracket l.ieilits on the walls and a
de'il aye has ;a mil really to pit intra time .Ifoxe he .pollee 1 e
�c asTran `Y e h: E' tear `rt• � and improving their modes of living. yields in ather areas steal ao birth special lamp on the piano, give plenty,
;1 rite iz'a hsuxad, :lis Preen wanted be :i voice ,.. hard , Tse past year has been one of fair crines, the value of grains raised ex• of extra light whenever it is needed..
ken a ncet Sandy's bane. account, as he ell. -nm The nicht mair than I hae ever a.rops and high prices. i Net sprint; seeded that of the your 1b16, evlteu go..
;Simpler but just as effective fixtures
hail a 1 -ill cubes :andira'. He enclosed been tempted afore. I. made up my; was followed by an exeeptionaliy dry largest crops in the history of the ! •are Simpler
all the other roams of the hoose,
Sail«3r' ain letter,, n wlliri. there were' mind to heavy ye here to dee like a summer, and grain crrlps, with the ox• t+est was produced. i upstairs as well as down, in the halI-
Ml. word:: _ r settle frac aectaont r'`'g, the vile eratur that ye are; but certicin of fall wheat, fell below file failure of pasture and hay in eerw t way's and basement and on the porch-
these e5 t+�... T t ulI %t
efter a' 1 hae risked to get ye in, I'll average. Root crops were good; corn Iain districts caused anxiety to ranch
ass I am rc+mxn twill .orates ca and tomatoes were a record yield alae era, and while aut•timts rains broui;ltt er Hall lights can be turned on from
mance. �laig;area Page threatens me no gaun to gie up at the last. a `e.istan was poor for all fruit except miiei, the scarcity and high price of upstairs or down, and eeta r.t.''1 lights
eel' lawsuit if 1 break my contraact;; seine' ;hang. I'll save yet life, but grapes. Cheese production showed s1 teed for winter usa forced the sale of are controlled from inside the home.
but a, a• , china's ye ever oak me again to forgi c
I :, tars" my sitz H•;:y: There, I ,' t, falling oft. 'There is a shortage of some utrfinished cattle at pricer; lid• i In the barn the old lantern is known
.i ,r.'. Yet for 1'll no dae it—na, never. ]togs; sheep raising is uta the increase, a ersely attacked by worse prices ma . no more. a lamps are strung
said, snati; In her the letter, 'you ca.. „`i. i' that he starieii to pull lie oar The cattle situate) i%s somewhat we
see for yerser that what I say is true.;, then he seemed to hate the strength settled, owing to tile liuxited :zxnuuut Tse Rest oa
t'om's, money is t he speak o' but ,.1a t eof feed available for carrying through
yours, an' why is this Mies Page but o' a Samson, He had else ler au. far
the girl he's engaged tae?' A' the; nay wounds, an' though I eried oot for the winter.
c ti • �: :pain, he didna stop. 1 suppose he ` The
production of lumber has been
time I kent it wu> a ICE, sandy _1 Iter, et.ouely reduced owing to shortage
had at sura' os-ntil'•, an' Isis lettere was right' sae in «'s mind that he of labor, lslli has been an excellent
dealt wi n.aehirciy° he was gettin' ; frrgoa a'else. 1 believe if the putter,. marketing year, with heavy cries to
se ,' in r:road remark had broken he wud lase left me; hat• Great 13rrtain and. the ten -deed States,'
free C.c.,a, are tin
,a t • g ter.* .• they
held, an' sae we rearl.ed the and a4 steady daxale tic' deslalttl for all
&netburin Margaret re„ I1.ae,e win En_.. Ai a i t , •> tis s 1. '' r. Prices have been
ane. It reft:•1�•,� : t� a Aim- trt�rtc!1, He had .n y�,sutti up there to 4.1`:a...t'a of um:,e � ,
bel t e..=s t at . unusually h: =lz, them. leu aegui ntla•
l,hlnhillo p that had idol; ':sane -ea to r• "'" me l'I "t`r, an' juts : at that n1o?13e1 to
1 the ratite' mean pe.'+ic:3 through a cloud, tion of dt;dciia Cil hand, ane nrlt�vitlt-
* ph vn o taut name, late n e ]•ler, standing the scarcity of labor and in.
da itn the iusin es laid aeon c.,.raiea `'n thewal us up, an' r.'xt instant a creased cost, of c,1r4:r:ltiug," the year
" + * ' ` but it suited , sniper tired an' hit hii'i V e were ria:: been a Fuece: slut cue. pulp seal
an as beagle,. ni'e. T AC lh tc, �,
my purpose r, * to explain it at the filth •a'irried demon the line. The Fat 1 paper huva been in lace and increase
n;ai cwt, wi' the acyl:?t that ,Trane# heard 4;' hen vies that he was cl:.t in . ing de. tueinil, vele soaring prices for
Fraser believed whit I sa:idt. She left: ' vicel, :,cif had Leen tale Malta also,' the latter.
me in great Langer at San.Ty, an' 11y l ... it's en ee, ex thn;g to fbe uafor- i Mining production amine the year
some ill -lack he diose taxa: terve niehtl ut r:z" an' That • what I'm .eelin' thea inickel has 4�efell n uofiil tLter the he d.'nia flee,
Wgang an' ask her to iia `. = erife.� lioRo'i ri -k �S Y_plier;4?ii ended his t+Zee' strikes lessened the ever output.
What hes said 1 didna brae but It with a
avian of misery that seemed'
mann bac been pretty stinaine for the
in the united States, everywhere they will do the most good
los tet oats ear, texeept onshe whole hbeiusng the ! and the switches are conveniently Ia-
pdistricts it: which crops were lost carcd, No more carry itis lanterns or
through drought. worrying about fire,
British Columbia. The farm of to -day is enjoying just
Graincrops were affected by drought as complete electrical service ae the
and were below the average. Fruit and c':w home; because electricity on the
vegetables have been good crops with farm affords power as well as Nat.
prices ruling highMore attention is Pumps, ashing nochines, seParatore, r
being given to agriculture. and fanners elxurns and a wide variety of other
and growers generally have had a 1' h • appliances are run to -day
profitable season. tg t power P.
Wholes ale trade has been good and with small electric motors at a great
vtail trade :alv
of both time
and labor,
The population ilas increased. and All this service is developea right a
further immigration is expected due• on the farm by a small electric plant j
next day he was a changed leen. Heto rise from the eery depths of his
.selt his saw -mill an' left the: ,:air?sir soul.
'Roderick,' he said tete me the Last. "I'm glee ye hie telt me a' this,"
time I saw him, 'I'm ream tee the; `ait1 Jock. 'ifaybe I'll find Sandy, an'
dogs:;' an' if. re;�•oit he true, he diir,arbring him to anither frame o' mind."
' "If ye cud do that]" said Roderick,
auk' Inns aboot it" 6 as his eyes shone for a moment with
"Ay, ye've got suntnaat on yer can -I joy. Then he shook his head, and
science,," remarked Jock gravely.1added, "It's nae use. I ken Sanely.
"Was the lee ever fund oot?" an' he said, 'Na, never!' "
"That it was, but ower late to undo (To be continued.)
the wring, though no to punish the;
cell:rit. Janet made inquiries,. an' un -i !`'`
bekno n tae me wrote tae me Preen' F grains VVill 'Win the Prize.
in Glesea; an' wur
when 1 went in my tun}
to propose tae her, ye oeht to lino! Canadian farming has reached a
heard her words. I didna wanner then point where brains, more than any
that Sanely had fled, an' when I left' factor, and more so now than at any
h t the b'
consisting of .a generating unit and a •
set of storage electric" plants in the
last few years that to -day they ac'e
more easily taken care a than the
average farux imlile1xtent. They in-
corporate the best features of mech-
anical and electrical design.
Lttnseeet Zinlniont Cures tohtae i,a,
An estimate of the total wheat pro-
duction for Western Canada for 1919
is 166,225,000 bushels.
' ,t ee
is both re-
freshing and
Ready in a min-
nte---the minute
you want it,
ing the coning year.
Conditions throughout the province
on the whole are better than they have
been for some years, and prospects
appear good for continued business
activity into the new year,
A Unique Party. I "Tables were now brought in, and
"What kind of a time did you haver for two hours 'progressive games fol -
at Elizabeth's last night?" asked! lowed. See our score cards?" and she
Mary's mother. dangled from her finger a cat about
"Just the jolliest kind of a time; four inches high cut from black card -
imaginable! Betty is so original. She; board, with eyes, mouth, and whiskers
never does things like anybody elm! drawn in with white ink.
other time are going o pay a xg-
her door that nicht 1 kent there evas I gest premium in agriculture, By. You know, she arid Edith Carlson gavel "It must have been a lot of work for
nae linin' for me in the same pairish.l brains I don't mean scholarly training this party together, and we were all somebody," said Mary's mother.
I left tae as sune as I cud, an' I've; particularly, but rather sound sense consumed with curiosity from the] "Oh, the girls worked together get -
never been back since. I eudna face' and good business judgment as a moment we received our ,invitations.' ting things ready, and they said it
her for evat•Fds. I wud raither ehairze foundation, and a capacity for pro -
a hundred Bulger trenches than gang'gressing from ]earnedfacts and ex-
hame. Weel, I thocht it a' ower that perience, whether one's own exper-
nicht as I lay there, an', mon,my i ience or that of others. The cost of
wounds were naethin' tete the pain at' piodnciug farm commodities is on a
,°rt. It mien hae been shoot ane rising scale. Labor, materials, every -
my etathing entering. into the running of a
You recall how the envelope was seal-° was great fun. The plan was carried,
ed with a eat cut from black paper, , out in the dining room, too, The cloth
and two black cats decorated the head and napkins were decorated with black
of the sheet on which the note of cats, and the cookies served with the
invitation was written? Just the word- ice cream were cut in the shape of
ing of it led us to expect one of Bet- eats. I don't see where tjtey fotind so
a again, -
I h are at unheard-of ocock when g , farming business rd of ty s unique affairs, you rem- many different shapes, but there seem-,
ember, it read, '.Two black eats invite ed to be no two alike:
you to spend the evening of December "After supper we did one more,
tenth at The Elias, 203 High Street." stunt: Betty and Edith gave to each
The girls showed me some of the notes of 'us a large sheet of drawing paper
of acceptance they received, and they and a stick of charcoal, and toad us
were quite as original as the invite- to illustrate the jingle we found' on
tion. Clark Leeson wrote: the back of our sheet. Mine was:
"Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you
I've been to London to visit the queen.
"In a few minutes the girls, collect-
ed our sketches and exhibited them
one at a time; asining the audience to
guess what Mother Goose or nursery.
rhyme the' drawing was supposed to
represent. If the sketch, was so im-
possible that no one could guess it,
the artist was compelled to riee and
recite Ms verse. Some of them, were
very cleverly; donee especially: -.
"Heigh diddle diddle, . the cat and the
The cow juniipedi over the moon.
"Ding, dong, bell, pussy's- in the well:
joist as the nicht afore. This time it; prices. The prices the farmer receive
was nearer me. I tried to answer, es for his goods are keeping pace in
but words stuck in my throat, though. some cases; in others they are not.
1 managed to mak' •some kind o' 2.1
In all cases, farming is on a new
,*gond. Then the ca' cam' nearer still,1 plane economically, and to cope with
an' sune I saw a mon ceawlin' slang i off wih tlita prs of ofit and not a loss come so as to `
require wits and shrewd management.
" 'Whist! Quiet!' he whispered. It means that poor farming will be
'There are Iiulgars aboot' less and less profitable. It means
"Hes words startled me, no because that headwork will be more and more
a' what they said, but on account o' profitable. It means that the man
their accent. I dream?n' or who has braille, and will use them, can
their in' in m r mind? The voice was beat the corn game, for instance, at
y the start by using better seed, and
that o' Sandy M'Gibb, the men I had thereby assuring the increase in yield
been thinkin' aboot, •an' that I hadna needed to make sate production pay 8
seen since he had gine tae the dogs. profit. The live -tock man can play to
" 'Sandy, is that you?' I gasped. a surer thing by quitting his scroll
" 'Ay, Roderick, it's Tree,' he answer- stock lottery and taking to pure-bred.;
ed. '1 didna expect to find you here. He can still further cut the corners
It leak's me a' the mar gled that I and assure his profit by studying feed-
dndma turn back. Last nicht I heard ing rations, and by ,substituting the
cheaper feeds for the expensive ones.
yer ca' an' tried to find ye, but had 1 believe we're going to profit by
to gang back owin' to a patrol o' Bul- true high cost of producing. If the
gars ju'ist aheid o' me. There are some year 1320 doesn't see an increased
o' them gaup aboot the nicht, sae we
mann be gey carefu'.'
" 'It'•s guid o' ye, Sandy. to risk yer
life for me -as ye hae done,' T replied,
.'i -i' remorse in my hairt.
" 'My 1ifeas no mrackle worth, Rod-
erick boy,' he whispered. "I hae made
a bad mess o' it. I touched bottom,
ant' that's gey far down. Then the ea'
on his haunds an' knees tae me.
o' Kiri; an'' country fanned the last Naturalists assure us that, with a
spark o' guid left in me. I felt there Pew exceptions, there is a marked
was ae thing I .cud dae wi' my mud- equality between the lengths of the
died life, an' that was to gie it for necks and of the legs of both birds
ithers. The chaps say I hae been gey and quadrupeds. Whether they be
reckless wi' it, but then they dints long or whether they be short is de -
ken the reason. Ye'll be the fourth termined, it seems, chiefly by the man -
mon 1,111 hae hrocht in since oorr stunt, Wer in which the animal feeds.
are' yet somehoo, mon, it, disna ease Crocodiles, lizards and fish' have,
the conscience.' ' virtually no necks. Fowls that feed in
" 'Ye're troubled I c,at wd'y tae,' I the water also offer an example of this
raid. 'Sae ani I.' correspondence between the aneinbers,
" 'Weal, this is Ito a place, to dis- with the exception of swans and geese.
r ,4 it. 1 m9izn. stet ye 'back if I i;
c n;' he reph'e+. 'We canna •staund ''
1,. or we'll be Veen I'll hae to drag; The first postage stamp was printed
' in, since ye canna cine onythixi' wi' x GreatBrltaie. in 1840; it was black
lege' I in color.
"Ile ,-ntied his puttees; inacle a rope
' ill' nr, r1,....3C,] it under my.aitms, rti.ea.:!i s Lt Cures Colds.
practice of thrift and good farming on
Canadian farms, Til miss a guess. It
takes a period of stress to bring our
wits into play—a necessity to Mother
Invention. The next season will seek
out and reward brains. You'll be able
to and them in that way.—J. R.
Legs and Necks.
"I'm glad to find I'm in good grace
With two black cats about this place;
And since I' find I'm ,on their slate,
I'll meet them on the given date.
"Did they carry out the ,idea
throughout the evening, Mary?"
"Indeed they did: During the half-
hour while., the guests were assembl-
ing, envelopes containing pictures of
cat's sliced in irregular sections were
handed us, and we worked together in.
little groups of two and threes to
place them . correctly. This broke the
ice, and prevented any stiffness at the;
beginning. Soon after the Iast ar-
rival we were each given a card albout
six inches square, decorated with two
black cats, and containing a list of
twenty short definitions ' deseribang
some word the first syllable of which
was 'cat.' Let me get mine and see if
you can • guess any better than I did."
Mary ran from the room and. quick-
ly returned with the card from' which
she read, "A waterfall."
"Cataract," replied her mother
promptly. "That is easy."
"They made the first easy to en --
courage us, I guess. They are not all
so simple. Let nae read you several'
frrom the list just to .show you what
they Were like: 'An unconscious state,'
'A •calamity,' 'An ancient burial place,'
'A beam .at. a .ship:',s end,' No.one had.
over seventeen of the twenty correct,
but we had lots of full figuring them
out. If we had been allowed to con-
sult thedictionary we might -all have ones time, and unless there were a
done meat better. We wereallowed number, of them used, it Was usually
twenty minutesin which to make our a, matter of those nearest the lernp.
attempt, and then. Betty read the cox- getting the light and those farthest
rect answers and we checked ours. A away getting along without it. There
pretty calendar with a picture of kit- had to be lamps to carry upstairs at
tens on it was the first prize, while a bed time, one for eaeh eeooni. And
copy of the 'Black Cat Magazine,' tic's these meant more cleaning 'and filling,
with black ribbon, was thecon.solatiox: conoiderabie ineonvet'uence, and an
"It certainly closed one of the joie
hest evenings we've had. .this year,"
and Mary weaned ,back in her chair
with -a sigh of satisfaction.
The great " key
food"that snakes
other f ooda more
Power of
Bovril taken
Assreserent System
Whole Femily insurances
The Order furnishes insurance to It.
ni'rnbers at untarlu (lover:anent tenth•
xud rates.
Sick and Densestl i;tncilts ale also
girux If desired.
'Ina Juvenile Department furnishes
the test l,o: -Ode insurance benefits to
the enildr.:n of our {dnit *n: tubers.
Tht, Order has already paid over $fi80,-
0.1o,uu ,n Si4•!c``a.iid P'urtsrally �lst'netits, and
nl tiv 'batmen litd1, ns {'x DOTlars An iu.
Sit 1..416E e,
t "
l;11/1“ 11!1 in ennacla. IP there Is
not case in your l{�- .tit' there should he.
7•i . f ill ii,ti 3 t -..I. ori wraie. to any 4+S'
tit. !iii owing tea E4.. r»:
3 L. Davidson, W. P. Montagu*.'.
t,t:end t:"urolllnt Brand Rce� r=ice
I1 i . t s sat i1elie t 11. 3 ori '1S.n:
ow" i :mnaz4 ', i i.•a 1:�:.
11 -TON a-'•`•T,lC'
You wan hen sped a*.d hex dy,
'cu cvnnt him bra and strand.
Than Rive him a pure wool jersey,
Made ty his friend, Bob Lend.
Let hem ramp wltll all his vi^ar
He's the blot bay in the lane,
And hell always be brreht and
11 he wears e, Bab Lona Brand,
•-i3ob Lang.
Independent erienT4fic.experiminra hair
eonia,ioety tir-out.that t?q $urs-buiTifinR
Power of Booed', from 10 To 20 ],mea
Jhe amou„: of Bourg taken.
LO grades- Writs for prima.
Light for the Short Days.
Itis a rather strange tieing that
with tremendous improvement along
every other line of agricultural activ-
ity the provision of ,good_ modern light-
ing systems (should have been so long
in corning. Until the, last three or
four years the great majority of farm
homes still got along with the old
kerosene lantern for barn and yard
work and with the lamp for the house,
In the house these lamps were not
very satisfactory at best. Cleaning
and filling them took a lot of some -
lbtown f om "Coasf to Cocst'f'
R. G. LONG & CO. Llano
143 Look tor the Label
;$; r
The clean -burning ,;qualities of Imperial
Royalite add a new feature of satisfaction
to oil heating and lighting conveniences.
For 'the oil heater or cook -stove Imperial
Royalite is the source. of abundant clean,
quick, economical heat. And for the oil lamp,
too, you'll readily see • its superior quality
dclightfu11i . emphasized by . the clearer,
brighter- light.
You can't buy better coal oil . than imperial
Royalite, so why pay higher prices?
For sale Py Dealers everywhere