HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-25, Page 1''Z THeRTY-THIRD YEAR EXETER, t ?T& , ,U, ¥ PM, 25, 1919 SANDERS et CREECH. Our Corner The School Trustees, whose terms expire this year in Exeter are F. W. Gladman, E. M. D,iignan and Rev: A..+ A. Trumpet, Those ,elected a year l aro jos a two term were, terwere, J. H, f Grieve, Jos. Harrvey and R. N. Creech. 135,000 automobile owners in On- tario paid ova a million, and a half of 1ojars for liicct»ses'in 1:419. 37,758 of these cars were owned by fanners; 27,1.44 by merchants and manufactur- ers; and 6,634 by people lathe skilled trades, Mr. H. E. Hltstoees ,teres as Utility Commissioner expires this year. Mr. John R. Bind was selected one year ago fora two year term, We hope to see Mr. Restore re. -elected by ae- c;lamatien, as there is every reason to -believe. t this oonerelesinee is doing ` The aspirants to Municipal horrors in Exeter have not yet anneusriaecl. themselves, But rumor says, Messrs. Beavers, Day and Snell are to contest the reeteship, Mr, Richard Welshes mentiloned for councillor, Awl would be e, good choice; Mr. George Manson is also a possibility. The War Saving Stamps are to be .lisoonti,uecl, In, their place War Sav- ing Cext&le c/rtes ev ll be issued in amounts. of $5„510, $25, $50 and $100, payable three years from date of is- sue at ,5?j. per .B:entrFor the purpose of encouraging children: in saving Thrift Stamps will be c+ontinueti and may be purchases at the Post Office, _lion__,.. This is an, age :of reckless extravt- ganet and little good comes from protestations. A low priced article is no longer looked at, and le many cases a long price es bei paid for inferior goods, and then we cry about the high cost of living,: It is the costoliv- ing ,high that is the triauble. Wise economie observers are beginning to ask how long this revel can continue, and with what result ,to the. general welfare. of the country. Aand citizen dropped into the office yeaterday and suggested that The Advocate advise the people to have n look at their chimneys. The late storsn possibly blew some of the bre Bks clown ,into the chimney hole, ane you are gettinga little gas' lathe house,or the fire oes ace burn well: Our god; friend says they suffered for weeks from pole gas, and on investie gaaneon brick's biocleing the passage. Take aok Phone 81a TAMAN'S SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SHOWING IN MEN'S WEAR There is no green Christmas this 1 X O,...1 News year, .although there are only a few 1 4t L:�it [I► inches of snow en the granum. eine- LOOK OUT FOR, THEM. Counterfeit ten -cent pieces made of a shilnsng, hard, ringing 0111dy, are in circulation. They are,an, excellent im- itation, while the millieg and other de - tads make et an easy matter to de- tect. The counterfeit coins are par- ticularly shiny. They are an imitation of the Canadian 1918 series. School. Report Ceasing exerceses were held in each room of the Exeter Puttee. School on Friday afternoon, Dec. 19th, In Room I. the program was in charge laI Master Kenneth Stenbury who acted as chairman. His address of welcome was given in a very able manner .and ,showed marked ability. The ;grogram 'consisted of choruses, solos, duets, read$nge and dialogues by the chd9laren, and a number of splendid Addresses from the patents and the friends, which were listened to with interest by about fifty guests. After the program the pupils presentee their teacher, :Miss Horton, with a hand- some Christmas gift. Later on house - made candy wee served by the girls and boys to all present, • YOUR NECITIE ADDS COLOR to An otherwise, somber clothes outfit. It is peraliiss, bje is the .scheme sof things in men's apparel., Our offer injgs of .neckwear .for men cannot ' be sx:ceged in pattern, colorings, quality, and gen.exai variety. .;u, SHIRTS, COLLARS, )NOSE, UNDERWEAR ETC will also appeal to discerning men. Taman. Tailor lb Furnisher Roo:: I --For November and Dec- ..(..-embe--, IV„ Honors, M. Bissett 88 K. Stanbury 85, G. .Sanders 85, I, Stewart 84 Lina M Smell, 83 R An- drew 81, R. Creech 80, H. D,ienan,78 M. Nelson 77, E. Houlden 75; Pass, R. tPacis, 73, F. Neaman 65, eaWoodr 64, M. Welker 61. Jr. IV., Honors, n. Collingwood 8e, G. Collingwood 79, l -L Wetlley 77, Bane:ate 77, M. Ab- bott 76, O. Brown 75; Pass, W. Von Wrscnsia 70, V. Roulsten 69, A. on Aches68, C. Gladman 67, F.Wal- ters 65, E. McNichel 65, F. Abbott 62 A. Sanders 62, C. Webster 62. No. on roll 34; average 32. M. Horton, teacher. Room III. -For November ane Dec-. ember -Jr III, .Honors, D. Mejean 83 K. Hempen 75; Pass, G, Beavers 72, L. 1)inney 67. Sr. II., honors, T. Ta- man 80, N. Reeder 78, I, Mitchell ?6, M.. Medd 76, M, Howaed 75. Pass, W. Nelson 72, E. Walters 69, G. Web- ster 64, V,eSeeclonald 60. Jr. if. A., Honors J. Gambrill 80, R. Brook 79, Howey 75; Pass, H. Laing 69, C. Hutt:a:Insole 69, at. Beavers 58, O. Beavers b7. Jr, 11. B., Pass, 1d,Slcan,- flex 70, I Ford 64, H. 'ennings 63; 1. Bicrling 62, Not on, roll Noy. 29, Dee. 31; average Nov. 25, Dec. 29. H. M. Kinsman, teacher. ' ROOM N Jr. 2nd. Horrors: Donald Gladman 90; Myrtle Beavers 84; Georgena Nelson 84; Sydney West 83; Cather- ine Woods 76; Clifford Lamport 75,' Willie 1 a s• Clarence P Boyle 74; s Y Sanders 74; Stanley ' Walters 73; Roy Sanders 70. Sr, 1st,,Honors Gladys Hunkin 87; Willie ' Ellering- ton 81; George Andrews 79,' Pass Dena Kestle 72; Gladys Griffin 6'8 ; Cecil Laing 6 6; Verne Brimacombe 65; Dorothy Dinney 63, Jr. lst, Honors: Billy Balkwill 83; Hugh Walper SO Gladys Smith 80; Helen Vale fig, Pass: Gerald Skinner 73. Part 1, Russel Collingwood 86; Ru th Collingwood 83; Billy Nelson 82; Rosie Jennings 78. Pass: Da Ap- pleton 6 2. Number on roll 35; Aver. atten. 3 2.2. R, Rowe, teacher nn Editor N. Bryant of the Thecliford Tribune announced In. his last edition, that he 'wins accept subscreenons to the Tribune for six months eels. The regrettable tact es that Mr. Bryant is not enjoying good healthand he may have to. retire from newspaper life,' We trust Bro. Bryant win recover his health anel that he ,will; be .one of ,us for years to come, CHRISTMAS TREES. On Frilay evening last the children anal older people of Caven Church en- joyed their annual Christmas Tree anis. Concert, lased can Monday evening the children sof the Trivitt Memorial Church enjoyed a sign lar occasion. \ ROOM V November • and December, (in part) Sr. M. Honours--- Marion Bissett 86; JamerPenrice 84; Meta Salter 83; Harold Nelson 78; Mar- garet Johns 77; Harold White 75. Pass, Bob Gambrill 74; Elva Hun - kin 73; Walter Spencer 73; Harry West 71; Rata ' Elworthy 70; Her- man Gower .7 0;, Mildrel Murphy 67; Maragret Harness 66; Hazel Sanders 65, Jr. 3rd Honors, Frank Creech 82; Wallace Makins 80;Hugh Creech 77; Morrie West 77; Mar- jory Clark 75. Pass, Eugene. Howey 74; Greta Brock 13; Margaret De - jeans 72; Jon a John Kuntz 71 Vola . Ford 64; Muriel Luker .60 'No on roll 31. Average attendance. 2e. Jean S. Murray, teacher. SHORT COURSE IN AGRICULTURE Arrangements have been made to hold .a short course in Agriculture in Senior's Hall, Exeter,' from Jan. 6th, to Jan. 3Oth, 1920. The course will cover work in a great many live subjects of Agricultural interest Such as: -Drainage, Surveys, Soils, CO -op- eration and other up-to-date farm topics.. Weare anxious tosee every young mastwithin reasonable distance take part in this short course. Special speakers have been arranged for by the Ontario Dept. of :Agriculture. will be specialists There is in their eciali s special lines and will be able to treat their subjects in a practical, way: No fees are charged and no text books are required—the only expen- se being beard and lodging. Education and organization are the passwords to success in the pre- sent century. No line of education is demanding the attention of the people to -day so much as :agricultural” education. Come prepared to take part in the discussion and assist in making the course a success. Heuseholcl Science will be held at the same time to which we direct the attention of the girls of the section surrounding Exeter. • A circular in connection with ,the above courses may be had on application to S. 13. Strothers, Departmen t of Agriculture, Clinton, Ontario Mr. Richard Downey is quite ser- eousiy 111 at his ho,:ne. on Main Street An exceilen Harvey, brother of Messrs. Thos, :and Joseph Harvey of town appears in the city papers this week., He was 'se- verely e-t qtly elected as a farmers' candid- ate to the Seskeecnewan Legislature.. Mrs.:T O. Southclo:t iia visiting in Toronto. Miss M. Sanders is in London for the holiday. Mr, C. H. MelAvoy of S'l'ier}lsnr is home for the holidays, Mss Annie Sealers of Stratford is helm! to spend Christmas. Miss Icli Armstrong, teacher of Te- roasts+; is home for Christmas. Mrs. Amos ie. spending the ho qday with r4letives ,near Ails;t CraiI• Mr. .Frank Johns of Toronto spending Christmas ,with his p freers here. efr. Aquila Sheere of Petra' is spending Christmas with relativ.: r t picture of Mr. W. 11. town: Mr. and Mrs. George Easterb•o• '; e anal Miss Phoebe are spendin Xu. in Snef Tree, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Newer c r e Kingston are .visiting with "ha le is parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G.' Se ; ar+: Mrs. John W. tiTeIntyre, art : herr_wo children of \Ve son, Sask., arrived here Slonday evening and, will spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and t!r GUEN'THER—ROOPES. Thos. G. Sailers, A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Hooper, Lake rd,on Wedues- day. Dee. 17th. when "their youngest daughter Clarise E. was united in marriages to Mr, Earl R. Guenther, eldest son of Mrs. II. Guenther, of I)asitwood. The ceremony was per- formed in the presence of the immed- iate families, by the Rev, Dr, Medd, of Exeter, The bride, who looked very sweet in her wedding gown of white mull trimmed with baby rib- bon, was given away by Iter father while the wedding march was being played by Miss Euoleen Guenther, sister of the groom. During the signing of the register, Miss Guenther sang, "I Love You Truly." After congratulations the guests entered the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was ser- ved. The wedding room was pret- tily decorated in pink and white.. The beautiful gifts bespoke the high esteem in which both the bride and groom are heln by their mane' friends Besides the presents were several fine cheques. The groom's gifts to bride was a set of mole skiu furs; to the pianist a pendant set with pearls and to Miss 'Edna Folliek who sang during the evening, a broach set with pearls, Mr, and Mrs. Guenther left the same evening, by car, for their home in Dashwood. HIGH SCHOOL CLOSING ENTER-: TAINhXENT. Those wbo were fortlenate enough to attend cenoyed the railed and pleas - Mg Christmas Concert presented by the talent of Exeter angle School on Thursday evening in the School As- sembly IBesides lest d Hail. the student body the gathering was comprised mostly of their parents and friends, who were oordtally'welcomed by the staff at the head of the sta4;rs.• The roon7 was- tastefully as tastefully decorated.! Mr. F. W. Gladman, chairman of the Board, pre- sided in, his usual affable and, efficient manner. He ,offsi'cia:lly conveyed the greetings from the Board and express- ed their pleasure at the. splendid, pro- gress which the pupils had made dur- ing the term, A most interesting pro- gram was given, consisting; c of the sing- e ing sof ; tale Neti.'onal Anthems of the Aalied Nations; Christmas Carols, in- strumental and vocal solos and duets, choruses, readings and recitations, a short play "The Quarrel of the Flow- ers" or 'Who Shall be Queen". Some twenty-seven numbers in, an were giv- en and the editor regrets that they may riot this week be commented on is rletafj•, The program was a .most excellent one however and reflects credit on the •staff,. Mr. Watley, and Misses Gregefy and Medd, as well as 'ton the,scholars. A pleasing feat- ure of the evening was the announce- ment by Mr, W.ethey ,of the winners in ,the Essay C+oanpeltitfuon on "What Victory Loaeus have done and will de for Canada". This competitvon is un - ,ler the directeen, of tlrc ProvrncielDe- easement pf Education, all High Schools- taking part, 'Poe first prize essay4* ju each school come into com- petition with ,each other and are jud- ged by a central hoard, The lis-st provincial prize in a $50 Victory Bond, Bund the second 525. In each scheoe the forst and 'second prizes far .each division are silver and bronze medals. In Exeter High School the sucesessj:ul essays were written -in the Middle School by Misses Muriel and Emake elogasrtb, i;n .the Dower Schaal by Muss Kathleen Hicks and Mr. Jas. Morley The judges 'oaf the Middle School es- says were: Rev. A. A. Tramper, Mr; J. G. Stanbury and M,'., C. J. Wel hey, of the Lower SchocjL, Rev. Wilson, D. 1)., Mr. Creech end Rev. Foote, Miss Turnbull en behalf •of the flow- er girls in thee,play, ' "The Quanel;,of the Lovers," ,gave a very p;•easing ad- dress to Mrs. F. W. Gladman,. `vice of the Chairman of the Board, wren little Miss leuth Balkwill presented her with p beautiful bouquet of carea- tions nn't terns. Mrs. Gladlnaa grac- iously replied. Reeve B. W. F.Beavers spike of the ,t,a;lue of an eth ga'1on, send sug- gested that the'pupels write nal essay on thi .op.c,, and the best be printed in the local newspapers: - A few words and the ben,ed,u ,tion by Rev. Medd closed the program. Crediton LOGS WANTED -The undersigned t� sin leure ease in the tree or delivered Basswood, Elm and Maple Logs in any quantity, for which the highest ease prices will be paid, -F, Kerr, Crediton. A Merry Christmt°ts an,1 a Nappy New Year to. all the res lers of the A,,la oeate, Judging from the business done in town this Christmas promises to be the best ever. The footle folks are greatly eV.ea;te.tover Santa Claus' visit The :natty frames or Joseph i1aist win be please -1 to learn that he has been eine to come home from Vle- torlt Hospital, London, where he went through an operation for facial trouble!. A,ltbou;;h much improved he is oblig- ed to remain in his home, for the time being. i " closed Friday for the Our s. rola.on li t y Christmas holidays. Mr. .:and Mrs. RoseenandiittleNPme are Visiting aft 'Ilamilton during t`lle vacation pexicia,s. On. Friday afternoon, the parents of the section were invite:1 to attend a program given by the children.? Mr. Roszell madea very acceptable chair- main, The. recitations, Flo nes and choruses were well rendereda:nd all enjoyed themselves very much. Her- man Hauch read the first number of The Maple Leaf News, a paper t0 be published be -monthly by the pupils of the Intermei ate room.: It 1ti • s full of spice and provoked much laughter by the opt sayings of the eontx butors to the different departments. e would suggest that :the section install a print- ing press 4o take care or the subscrip- tions, as the demand will exceed the supply. On ThuisJay the pupi's f Sharon scboo; !gave their Christmas program. A number from here ,were• a`attend- ance and speak very highly f the na- ture of the entertainment. Much cred- it is due the teacher, Miss Ehlers, for the success sof the evening. An organ has been placed in the school, and the proceeds of the evening ex aded the price df it by ,ett.ite a nice sum, William elotz ltas returnedhome for the holleays, after working n Landon this coast season. Monday is Nomination Day. No ,loubt :there vl+ ll. be considerable in- terest taken din the procee. gs,t in the evening the Police Trustees will be nonrinat•eJ{. Let there be a good attens.lance et thin meeting particu- lar. Now, :sasnce, Hydro is a our dour, it is up to us as tow.nspeta. le.to give our trustees every sencourag ment and help them ,in this, enterp iscjt Mr. Doerr nor Exeter made a canvas of the town a few days ago and th response exceeded his ,expectations -Forty- roar hatl signed up for.resi ent light- ing, as well as .over 100 h rse-power was aske•1 for. With the. other pow- er users to come An yet, .a d . inose houses, our village bas ever prospect Of receiving the power at • fair cost. Mrs. John Stei;nracherand her daugh- ter, Leona, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Messner sof Buffalo. Harry Thick ,eft Lor D • e& last week to take charge, of on of the boats during *later storage. A !number took a lvantag of the fine roads to go to London thin past week on business. It is some time 'since the highways have been. in such goal condition. Last Friday evening thee annual. Methodiet Church. Christmrs eater - daughter inn Detroit. Our town is rap'?ly dee-eloping in a Greta Green, It is c;ti te• a common thing to. have a wedding or two each week. Our young people are reaping a harvest by attending the home -roan ings of the bridal couples,, Last Wed . I neselay° Mr. Joseph Franklin Kern/eh of Ushorne was unite:l ;l, marriage with • _Miss :Iat6lda • Brown, elciest daughter of Mr. B. ,$roen,. at -the efetholist parsonage. • On Saturday Mr. Coarse: Kuhn and Miss Elizabeth Hauch. Mr. ane Mrs. Kerns •k will re• - i -Y CK.1S.4.N--PASSMORE. A very quiet wedding, was eolemn- idea at Main St. Parsonage, Exeter, et 8 ,o'clock m on Wednesday oresag,, Dec, 24, :when the Rev. Dr.:tledd unit-- ed la marriage Annie Rosetta, d3ueh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pnssmo-e, and Wi,:l am John Rycktnaa, noel of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ryekman. The bride, wore anavy travelling suit and black ,hat, Immediately after the cer ompny.the ,young couple lets en the eventing trains for London, Toronto, and Thorndale. On their return they wiI' visit among their many frieals before leaving d e r their hie near efoose Jaw, Sask. Oestrez.,her were masse by i Revs side rn Usbarne, e Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn, will xteseee. Crediton, tee extent ;o these .h appy cowrie: our hearty congratulations awl best wishes for aCoag ani happy ,wine , • i Lorne Brown is home for his hoi- :;iys,. Lorne is making rapid progress • at the University, Toronto,• eel we . 'eh hint every success. Centralia !)etth :61 Mrs. Il.i.ks.-Atter ani11- neer tot about seven Weeks, rue to neleignant growth, the death o..curred az iun'tay afternoon, at 4 u,'lock u+ )flry. J H;,l":a?t', wife o`' Mr. Frees lli ks, sa 'It.: a ;e zf e9 ware • teal 10 months. During her illness she •ut'> reel a great deal, but ell was borne with :Chnstenn, fortitude. The tate Mrs. Hicks was a woman of more thee e erase .in'ellgenee,- n iovizg W:Ce az'4fond mother ;1ughly esteem - e.l and t -res ;a,e :tee by all wive knew het. She was a Merhe sot. in religion an;t . lw cy. took a deep miter st ;n the work or the church. Born et Vale - fleet ai-:t + t in Stephen Township or Feb...2t> l e, t, 4h.' svk't :a thisei imersao. d her Bir . :she m'srre l .her Int5t,.lnd erty ':;t. years ago, sal h' with one ;•Doli George E., and use daughter, Andrew #;inks. sure ere, as well e, two brothers and three siit.rs, Dr. E. Elliott of °rerouto Wtil,,am of Stephen, :tai;s M. 1. ltll:a:t of Forest Park University, 4t. Louis,, M., Mrs John. Paisley of London, Mrs. George Hill of leec•kwood, Sass. The funeral trek glad. an Tuesday :ti ter- nsoon from the• residence of -"Mr. An drew Heeks to the Exeter cemetery, The Chr.• tmas concert held in the church here Kase F4day evening was largely attended and enjoyed by all, cspecitlly by the junler members • of the Sunday school, •when the Christ- mas trey. was unloaded of its burden. The Sunday School' Treasury realis- ed a nice sum from the anniversary e l vices previous and from the results of the poneert, :Ines E. Weston, who has, resigned i her .nes:ition as school teacher here, was presented by her pupils on Fri, day last with a silver meat fork and berry spoon, anti a box of writing ma- ternal. - Last Sunday services were well at- tended, A large choir rendered spec- cisal Christmas music a:n i both serv- ices were senjoyei by all present. On, ldion lay evening about fifty of the young people of the neighborhood stet at the home of Mr. and Mes. C.. Teener to spend the /evening and to present them with en electric read- ing lamp previous to their .lepar'ture for Philadelphia, d b1 uc p *a u i W al L 0 i a z a ee i d�e inn u itu t glia e n oat al a nn Y a d� e, e a am e taiament was held. Plie exercise, "Joseph ,and His_. Brethren," was well worth the price -'of ardmisivate Several Line numbers _were, gave•: and at • the cease Santa Claus, la the person oe our genial Frank Taylor, came onl the pltaform and distributed, the gifts. Mrs - (i r.) Orme was presented by the Trustees et the church with a beau- tiful •table mirrerees amass of appre:c- tit:oa of her services as Choir Leader. Mr. Thos. '1rev;etbeck read a, nicely worded address and the presentation was abase by Mr. Geta• Hirtzel , Mrs. Orme then mole a brief rept, thank- ing the members of the church •fer the -. t. • Rev. Hauch returned Psoras Chicago on Saturday night. Mi;. rein Mrs: Godfrey Nj;choa sen•car.e sveail,ing ,the Christmas holidays with reaeriees in Croswell.. Mrs. W. H. Wenzel is visiting, her BIRTHS Squires -11r Blanshard on, Dec. 21, rrr• Jr anal Mrs. Frank Squires, a re*l,, MAR,RI4 GES Ryekman-Passmore---At the Ilaua,' Parsonage, Exeter, by the Rev. 1>r•. E. Medd, on Wednesday, Dec, 24 Mies Anne R..Psssnxore, to Air. William J. Ryckm ui of ?Hoose Jaw,. Sask. Kernirk--Brown.-At the Methe lst parsonage, Crediton, o Dec. lite., Joseph Kerne*, son of Me. and Mrs r;.a.k Ker-nt:k, to Miss T 1y, laugh tee of Mr. B. Brown, Cre,inon, teeupe--Fari1;.-Oa Dec. 17, at entitle:el street. Larn'io .* , by the Ries. W. 11 A. ("lams, Mn Allen !r. i)o?ipr, gat Keektoa. to G,tasles I. Feed of Leolon. The lamps' s upls v iU re smile at Kiri:eon. DEATHS 1Ix kr•--A, Centralia, an Dec. 21, 14ary • J E'li:'t', wife of Mr. Frank Weeks, a ge;1 69 years, 10 1aorcths, elei:lcmen-in T:,ronto, on Dee. Ibth 'Janet 1-To;;ar:h, were O. \Ir. Williane Flei.ler, an, aged 24 years. H:tsenett--At Vitoria llospitel, Lon Jon, on December 22, Samuel M. 1'Iaskctt of Bi.Iduiph, aged 61 years IN 'MEMORIAM smith -No. 799941, Corp. George Smith. k iilee nee. 31, 1913, troop :rain to rs n ant 01 Glen t•, ne, eetwecr . Eomut ,icon, N. B. and Moan. Qua lee pi tura! ! ben L e treeee,. ' reaei to 4.13,;. 1 i 'r;t;t,l, bet (i.'. ;lits, i,ee:Ai el1.' l:l pin";. 'Pee.: be in the Letter laal. A year len were, but none an tell The :loss e i .t:e we lay. 1 so well; The pin es hard, ve.ell not complain, But ,trust en heaven lits meet agar.; Not now, but in the earning years, It vete be in the better eine. \ e'ti seed the uremia.; .; sof Oar years, Anl then, up there, wee untierster,d `ileo» en, dear son, le your lonely give Your dife .for ,•our country you nobly 4+a loved one stood near to say fare- well, But ea Goa.s kc ipn. now you dwell;, -Father, Mother, Sisters erBrothers 13rs. Nelson St. Clair, Crediton, R.R. 1 IN MEMORIAM Pe eneden-In loving memory of our dear ,tvsether, Mary Penwasden, who passed away one year ago, Dec. 26th: L;i„ht alter daric:rtesee'gait aster Toss; strength crafter suffering, crownalter Bross; ja;• after sorrow, calm after blast, rest after weariness; sweet zest tit last. Anchored by love death can- not sever; sadly we mess her and. will fore'e '. Some clay, some time ere - hope to see the ,dear face we hold 1.n sweetet memory, Angels guard _ you darling mother; may your harp ring loud and clear, leaving notes of love behind you to the ones who loved yon dear. -The Famey. The Cbristmas Turkey is some, bird this year, J. A. STEWART Christmas Greeting We sincerely thank our many. friends for their expressions of good- will will during the past year, and wish them a Merry Christmas and a New Year abundant with prosperity and: heal# • J. A. STE WART, Exeter