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The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-18, Page 7
chicken coop, •seta trlsp alongside of THEthe building and cover it with chicken' feathers. Road culverts area favor - OFGOOD HEALTH ire prowling place for skunks, and a v L! trap set at either end of one will likely produce results. EasilyMaintained the As anyone who has tried it knows, Throughcatching a skunk is only part of the job. - Next, and some think most im- portant, comes killings and skinning. The best way to 1611 a skunk is to shoot him in the centre of the back of the neck with a .2.2 -calibre rifle, using a short cartridge. If eou have no gun, break his back vi th .long pole, which will have the same effect. Lots of people, especially boys, who skin a skunk advertise the fact for days afterward. Ilowetpr, it is quite possible to do .the job in,such a man- ner that half an hour later you need not be a total outcast of society. The secret lies in first greasing the,;liands well, then use a sharp knife, and be Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There is not a nook or corner in Ca- nada, in the cities, the towns, the via 'ages, on the farms and. in the mineses and lumber camps, where Dr. Williams Pink Pills have not been uses), and from ope end of the ,country to the other they have brought back tc bread- winners, their wives and families, the splendid treasure of new health and t;trength. You have only to ask your neigh- bors, and they eau tell yon of some rheumatic or nerve -shattered man, care to cut ot1Ty skin deep Whenseine suffering woman, a#ling youth or anaemic girl who owespresent peeling the carcass. 'Unhappy caper- beanie and strength to 1]r. Williams' lienees are nearly always the result of Fink bilis. For more than a quarter cutting too deep. Stand on the wind of a century these Bilis haus been side of your animal, and when you known not 1 in Canada but have finished wash your hands well throughoutoff with the grease If you get any A COAT DESIGN : With the Fingers' . Says Corns Lift Out ithout Any Pain Bore corns. bard corns, soft coma or any kind of a corn can ehortly be lifted right out with the fingers it you will .apply directly upon tlfe torr~ a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinhlat,l authority. it is claimed that at email cost ono r aaounce a t e• COMget u.rter of t e aa a sl zone at any drug store, which is auf11• dent to rid one's feet of every coax or callus without pate or soreness or theda. infection. ager s;t In c a Tilts new drug is an ether Compound. and. while sticky. dries the moment it is tippled mad cities not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. This anneunceinent will interest many women here, for it is said that the present bigleheel footwear •#s•put• ting corns on bra tleally every women's feet. i Gta•Mss Tltat'it Hold. Him." only They were very fond of each other • with kerosene, and the scent will come 9154 and had been engaged; but they had all the world, as a reliable 91.5`4 -Girl's Coat. Price, 25 cents. quarreled, and were too proud to melee tonic, blood -making; medicine. scent on your clothes, fresh air and .4ddustable collar; side seetions and, it up. He called afterward at her The wondexfui success of pr. Nitsleeve In one. Cut in 5 sizes, 6, 8, 10, tiaras' Pink Pills is due to the tact time are the best deodorizers house—to see her father on bu mess. in that they go right to the root of the yds, 40 ins. ~nide, of 1% yds. 54 6ns. , o c: e. "M your father r in ." Louvain, These patterns may be obtained "No, sir,„she replied, "father 1's not, every organ and every nevus, inns The destruction of property in Bel- from your. local itleCall dealer, or at present. Do Sou wish 'to see him driving out disease end pain, and male, glum was the most wanton of Ger- from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Ste ' personally?" v menu's many crimes Colonel William Toronto, Dept. W. "Yes," was the bluff' response of the active and strong. son, one of the best known and most .A. 12 and 14 years. -Size i3 requires 2% $he was at the door. disease in the blood, and by making , Great Britain to Restore . . �Iict+ Blains+ I believe?" said the vital gum rich and red strengthen wade; lining 'ds, 3a fns. nide. h IS ori ftihe ' lug weak, despondent people bright, Mr. W. T. J hn- ,-- �,, felt that hfs former sweet-, Ilarclay••Parsons told members of tilevisitor. who f ' Mandy esteemed man in Luuenburg Nrtional Committee far the Restora• i t , • i , f heart wag yielding --"I wanted to see c avi tion of the Library of Louvain Uni• CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION' 11 ,O Trim on very particular business—" aunty, N.S., says. I aru a. f n verslty in a letter iudors ing the move- and. Ile tnr:led away haughtily. tial Land Surveyor, and am e::posed for the :greater part of the year to very went. • Constipation le one of the most "I begyour pardon," Sha called after 41uch lhas been said about the hde• nem ailments of Babyhood aiitl child- him as he reached the last step, "but hart) work travelling through the structioli t.ronght by the Germane in , , who shall 1 enc colica forests by tiny andtcomicsg cut b1_ Walnce;' the letter said, "But, terrible li` o 1 and unk[,s,4 it is promptly cured night. and I find the only thing that, , will undoubtedly lead til disastraus it was the deetrus•t.ion wront;llt in MONEY ORDERS, will keep me up to the math is Dr. as results, To euro this trouble nothini Williams' Pink Pills. When I leave Bel sum is worse. can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They A I?+=Wen l xpress Honey bonne fora trip in the woods I am rs it was not caused by shell sire in arc a mild laxative wlfich instantly re• far five tis>lizrs cots three cents. interested in having ray supply of Plias , battle; it was not committed In ma- gulate the bowels and sweeten the rues ria provielons, and on such occasions, ram. is of excitement. Houses. fac• stomach, thus banisbing constipation, The Essentials. s terms :tnd publls buildings were i11ten- calif, gelds, etc. Concerning them. "And so you leagued French t11o:- I t. ice then) regularly. The results h I a., . iwa I never t lie col andnominee and in accordance with plans hiy.5. Eugene'4a11l;lncuurt. St. a?atlfieu, ougllly while over there. son: sal+! l l Is fit.a cold. carefully prepared. razed to the , ran th eir all ]sinus of food snot as We. Que., writca: 'li<l en nay baby was the proud father of the returned sal - have to put up with haatilz cao'tesl in ° ground :incl tries; content : carrie[i aft constipated I gave her Buby's Own . diet. tit to Gc meet, or burned. the wools. Having proved the value . Tablets and am well satisfied w:th the "Sure! 1 got so I could say hello 'f1s them crimes-bveanse theti nen. result. r ...,,,,tri t,,,,,gtt, recommend and taaduii;iit and order ham and tit Dr. Vailliahns' pion fills, as a tonic an health builder, I ani never with- out them. and I lose no opportunity in ec:an:mw n.ling them to wean people wilem I meet." Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills should be kept in every honkie, and their occa- sional use will keep the blood pure and ward off Illness. Yon can get thr'•;o pills through any medicine deal- er, or by mall at Sri cents a box or six' formed to direct tht' tnevement. It • fry sausage in e::kes just the size we boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' will rept. ce. trees:tree that were des-' use on the table, put them in glass medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. t� troyed and Mee these carried off to jars. cover with 'melted lard, screw tip Teat ,r -"'Willa.t are they.„ Little Bey --"The male oex, the fe- -_-_ ____,,e -.,-.. Germane'. tight, and it is ready for '1:e at any crines- -the wilft,l destruction cif the to all =there foe this trouble." . eggs, and 1 could ask a fellow to lend great library of Louvain. ;shish by no The Tablets are sold by medicine t me money and tell a girl I loved her stretch of the wildest imagination needealers or by mail at 2S cents a box better'n anything and that's all a fel- cuuld be deemed a military necessity,' from The Dr, ti tiliams' medicine Co., ' low needs in any language." steeds pe* I1,ip ,.s the 'greatest." Brockville, Ont. Great l3rit:+in h.:5 undertaken the ._.-. - _,,,.->...-� Min3,74't1 ntninlant Cures Distemper. restoration of the art and literary ; tre.isures of Belgium, it was an- %eepzrlg Canned Sausage. A New Seg, noahlced. A eonhmittee has been' In fall when we ):ill hogs I always . Teacher - "iirnv many sexes are a The members of tile English corn- time. I have kept it thi:3 weir as long male sine nati the itte f;ts." uutW3tIIEEatwlte .774t'd3I . nittee include: Lord altar Mackenzie,' az a year. There has always teen one Mr. Skunk with lis: unsavory repu- chairman; Sir Frederick G. Kenyon,' drawba.•k---it takes so much lard to The few inieetee after sunrise is Latina is probably the best known of Slr Alfred T. Davies, Sir Alfred Hop.' cover the rakes, and while it was never; usually he nolcl�st pzrioti of the day- tier ayour fur bearers. It is an exceptional ltlnson, Vaned Gosse, Hugh Butler, entirely lost, it was never so nice to. farm which cannot boast of a skunk I. Gollanez, Henry Guppy, Librarian of use again, Last year I tried a new den ar two. Civilization may drive the John Rylands Library, Manehes-t seheme. I used only the grease that, the larger denizens of the wilds afar, ter; Dr, al. Rhodes James and Dr. C. fried out of the cakes as they were but the skunk readily adapts himself T. Hagberg Wright. 1cooking, two or *tee tablespoonfuls to new conditions, and becomes domes- --- -- - t to each jar of sausage; after screwing: :seated to the extent that he is nothing New Way of Stumping.. 1tight 1 turned the jar upside down tui loath to take up his abode under the I cool. Of course, the jar was perfectly barn floor or to burrow into a straw' A novel method o£ clearing a field? atr-tight when the lard cooled and my stack. While it is true that this ani'- of stumps is described in the following' sausage kept perfeetly. I left the jars :nal is in some ways a friend of the letter from a farm woman: i standing on the tops, as in the warm farmer, by destroying harmful insects "I had purchased a steam -pressure( weather the lard plight tneit away,. and mice, yet he has a black mark canning machine, but d,idn't have any and the sausage would shall. against him by virtue of his relish land on which to raise the tomatoes tor chicken, He is a troublesome roost with which I had hoped to snake my( robber. canner a profitable investment. Even -1 I was cured of painful Goitre by In closely settled neighborhoods Mr, tunny I persuaded my family to let 14TIIVARI]'S LINIMENT. Skunk will often advertise his pres- me have .the use of a two -acre stltipl BAYA12D 11ici1IULLIN. slice by odoriferous means, and by that had been cleared off during the Chatham, Ont. depleted chicken yards, yet trappers winter. I managed to roll the logs I was cured of Inflammation by will tramp the hills over and fail to together, ettd either burn them en -i hS1NARp S LINIMENT. a.. find his den, especially if he has been tire or in small enough pieces to tallow MRS. W. A. JOHNSON. much trapped. In this case you will' me to roll them entirely off the land. Walsh, Ont. very likely find him holding forth in But the stumps stood so allele that the I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by some old building, under a stone pile, land was practically useless. tllh ArD'S LINIMENT. d thet f tree."Coming in th lamenting house ^one dayIT l' Ont . or around roots c a par is a e, n , S. It BAILEY. When you find his den -set your trap found my mother overthe (No. 134), digging a shallow trench number of holes in the bottom of the in the ground so that the trap sets heater that was being taken out of level with it, then fasten the ekain to the dining -room. I asked far the stove, a stake and, drive it down level with and was given it, with a lot of ques- the ground. Too often trappers make the mistake of leaving a stake stick- ing' up above the ground. Cover your trap with straw freely mixed with chicken feathers, and scatter a few grains of corer about. You will find ' this one of the best sets for skunks, and one that can be used anywhere. When you catch a skunk, do riot muss up the surroundings too much, Skunks often den up ten or niore in one hole, and if things are not too much dis- turbed, one set may prove very profit- able. r Mice make good bait for skunks. It you, can find where a skunk visitsa tions and wondering looks. I hacked the bottom out of it and carried it out to my new ground and set ;it over stump. It worked fine. I put on a joint of pipe t,to keep the sparks in. It burns them'out quite a distance into the ground, and does even better when I dig a hole through .under the stump next to the taproot, as it seems to draw better. And 'speaking of draw- ing, everybody knows how a heater can draw. Of 'course, the stump has to he chunked up, and it isn't very`fast work, but I find I can burn: out any stump the stove will fit down over, and do it well and safely." • : - ratammrIIS** a*1ftttgIIIIII nrlltpta■4t5****""2*am+ama **0•m•6% a ■ r a ■ 1• • ■ g‘a ;mMAatfaaat aliflere's something realty, fascinating about the nut. like flavor of Gra Tstrength .and nutrition 'gleaned from the wheat lnr mattes barley food Make '_. . . �lke ka: xirl.�st sensible .. ,bre fast cereal", while its low cost adds true economy. s+s ■rrmeTro AlYeterampai&m.aEssrrdlt.8l.OstsenseppommMOa'sm -. English Scheme for Second Garden City. A new project in industrial town building to be called the Second Gar- den City is in course of formation in England and the development will be on the lines of the First Garden City, which was established at Letchworth in Hertfordshire, fifteen years ago. The estate chosen is in Hertford- shire, about ten miles from Letch- worth, and twenty-one miles from London. Provision will be made for a population of from 40,000 to 50,000. While the offshoots from the Letch- worth experiment have been many, they have taken the form of garden suburbs, with the idea of providing better accommodation for the workers. in the city and, to that extent, have served a useful purpose. But no single development has embodied the prin- ciples of the First Garden City, which postulate a highly organized . indus- trial town complete in itself and sur- rounded by a permanent agricultural belt, that shall not suffer disintegra- tion by the expanding needs of the ur- ban centre. The idea{ is that a chain of small towns properly equipped for all the uses and amenities of life and permanently in touch with agricultur- al areas is better for public eaelfare than aafew large and overgrown cities constantly destroying the land areas that should feed the population of the cities. It also includes ttie,fdea of pub- lic ownership of land and publicser- vices so that the increments in value of the land and the profits of public utilities shall-. be conserved for the people who create them. A woman's brain reaches its great- est weight about the age of twenty- five, SINCE 6 1870 6 aU 5TQPS CO GI -1 "SYRUP. Of AGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue] Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Chasthflet Advertisf:rnents, Labor Trouble. His Better -Half (regarding him from the bedroom windows)—"Where you bin this liour of the night?" "I've bin at me union, considerin' this strike.” h ere t •' e. " Well, you can stay down there an' consider this 'ere lockout:' Modern Version. The story of the good Samaritan was being expounded to the class. The Sa- maritan was pictured lyres bleeding by the roadside, where the robbers who had set upon biui had left Binh. "Now," asked the teacher, "does any little child know what had l'appened to the poor man?" One child lied, the aaswer. "Please, nla'anh," she sail, "I 'think he was run over by an u:ut<,,xnobile." True to Form. Old Giles was taking out an insur- once polies on bis life and be and his Site were puzzling over the forms that had arrived for hhn to sign. "See this?" said Giles, "it says: 'age of father if living.' 1 suppose I must fill it. in. The form was at last filled and a few days later 11les received a visit from the agent. "What do you mean by your form?" salted the agent. "You state that your father's age is 110. That is ridicu- lous.' "No, it ain't," replied Giles. "Your form says 'if living,' and that's the age he'd be if he was alive now." a'ts 1"io Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only -look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without.. fear. Mother t -fou must say "Califor'nis.." ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVE You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Put it on freely. Don't rub it in. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! External .aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back . "cricks"—those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical,' Made in Canada. 55c, 70c, •$1.40, 0OD. EQU11''1'1dD, SASK. R.Twig.- f IVAN farm, and coat mine. Easilr' worked. Y*ery profitable. Bargain. fart cash ti• Ontario property. Owner, 2L Prescott, Toronto. ii*DWTS V7k1I4'1'I±Fl. _ u11TItAIT A,'•..;�`N .G�1%S1EINa I Prints, Finished Portraits and I''rames, write for Catalogue and Price List. 7-nit,?1 Art Co., 4 13runt,:wick Ave.. Toronto. tlagtOEzAdatneo ANT?±Ia V ENS ' AI,IVI~. 17 CENTS a pound, any size. I pay express within 2Qt1 guiles of Tors,nto. Samuel Lewis, COG Dundas 'West, Toronto. CANCER. LACER. TCAfoRs, I,USis'n. ETC. internal end external, cured witltout nista by out horse treatment. Write k■ Wore too late. 17r. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collfhgwood. Ont. Language In China. Threc•flftlts of Chinese speak prac- tically wee dialect, the Mandarin, and the educated among the other two- fifths are becoming familiar with it, l qs:.'s 7riu* aQnt Cores Q•arget in Cowl. To make kitchen aprons last twice s long, make a seam down the front. Then when the front is wearing thin► sew the two sides of the apron to- gether and open the treat seam and the apron is practically a new one. To prevent pockets from catching on doorknobs and tearing, put them on wrong ride of apron. Danger--' , Cold* and more serious complaints a r ontracted la mean weather. L'e_Frotetted,Tzdte 35001, c s DUG DISEASES rntt Fo 7 to matt Mailed Fre? to any Ad- dress 6h; :ire Author. V, Clay Glover Co., She. 11,Z.4 :, =st 41st `.itrenit New 2 t-rb. c.6. ,. .......,. TONIGHT! Take "Cascarets" if sick, Bilious, Constipated. 1 ........a.r..a,.a-a-a..a,n•n..�.a•.aw..,••a«a•.aww,a-a•.a..a� Enjoy life! Straighten upl Your system is filled with liver and bowel poison which keeps your skin sallow, your stomach upset, your head dull and aching. Your meals are turning into poison and you can not feel right. Don't stay bilious or constipated. feel splendid always by taking Casearets occasionally. They act without grip- ing or inconvenience. They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, 011 or nasty,. harsh pills, They cost so little too--Cascarets work while you sleep. .ED. .. ISSUE No. Clamlard,Y n Need ForYour fly ail Sedp Dandruff kilts the hair. Cuticura ):itis dandruff. Try this treatment. Before retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into part- ings all over the scalp. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse vrith tepid water. Dandruff usually disappears, hair stops falling and becomes thick, live and healthy. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lvreans, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. Ei:ffi"Cuticera Soap chews without mus. from the first entitle or .a S' :1 it 1n time and do not gaes':1.• w,'tn ,ttr health, Used over iQ :cars ti treattnd coaibr, aids and alt ,4 £ee'ss a.?a1t:,. twee:betty bays 1'i I,ept es G1 �fonfre©l D. WATSON&CO,.Rbe: York R SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP A little "Danderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty Totc stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" at any drug ei toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops conning out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. A Constbatiorire 7 A druggist says: "For nearly thirty years 1 hare commended the Extract of Racal, known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of ecr-stipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggists. 2 ainnantreillialearaaleeellan 4 NLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not .Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" The, name "Bayer" identifies the •contains proper direetlom tot Cold* only genuine Aspirin, ---the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache Nein trescribed by pbysieians'£br over nime:" ralgie, .Lumbago, Rheumatism, iNeux*e een years and now shade in. Canada. tis Joint Paige, and rain generklina Always buy an Unbroken package Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost bin of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a fern cents. Larger "Bayer"'pae'kagetnti There is only one Aspix uan—"Ein,ye3r". -•Peso. must say "Bayer" Asp! rtn;.is the trade marl. (registered In Canada) o4 Sayer Manufaeturo o ;monde a,;othcacldoster of SslrcvItG cicl. Willie itis well known that 4 spirtst} meane Bayst, inanufacture, to a,slsL the ha 1St e. at 'rin t. imitations, the Tablets of rower coinpaa* 5v1I1 te'&teinPed wttL' t;t -, t,.;..n '..mac ,•.1r.., the 'iiaydr crook"