HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-18, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's i tchcr' . Castaift is _;r,:y a remedy for Infa.n^ tat and Children. :i''oods are' saeci.tl° Tor, -red for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential ,lr Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown -taps are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the c. Trace, ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castcria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 ye ins has not proven. Want is CASTOR1A? .eastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Cys ops. It is pleasant,. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its. age is its gtarantee. For more than thirty years it h n been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Valid Col c and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the r.=sireilatft`n of Food; giving healthy and natural The Children's Comfort - The Mother's. Friend. GENalin CASTORI ALWAYS Bears the Signature of _-._..art In Use For Over 30 Years SHE CENTAUR C1 MPANY« N¢W YQRK CLTY The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech. Proprietors Subscription, Price -Ica advance $1,51' per year at Canada; $2.00 in the United States. All subscriptions not pail in advance 50c. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES I)lspla Adv„ertis .!i -:Mind' known .ott application. AFI saiio.a Stray Animals -One insertion, 50c. ',three insertions $1.00, Farm or Real Estate for sale 50. -each insertion for one month of four sertions, 25c. for each subsequent imsertion Miscellaneous articles of not more than five limes, For Sale, To Rent, or .ranted Lost. Found, etc., each in,- •sertion Z5c Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per {ince pet insertion. No notice less 'film 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal. advertising 10c. and 50. a. line Avctiahn Sales $Z for one insertion '.And $3 for two insertions if moderate size. Processional Cards not exceeding 1 i.ch-S6 per year. THURSDAY, DEC. lath, 1919. Grand Bend Ir. Ereleston left Saturday for London for the winter. 'Miss Gladys Patterson was called home from De - ..trait Friday owing to the death of Mr. 'Oliver. -Mrs. Taylor who has been -..siting her dau„ elite -s, Mrs. Bruce Bassenberry and Mrs. :tauriee Bren- ner, returned to her h e e in Forest last week. -Miss Hilda e evade who -has been operated on it London Has- pits , for aptienn .:s came home Saturday.-Word was received here 'resdty of the death o: D z3;d Ma-heMa-he r5 better known as "Paean" die taa.vin;; wed here mitt' last fan in Mr. Ee •.lstem's park. -Death e=`t re=i The home or Mrs. James Nio:;ia, i, rr., .fast Tuesday morning, Dec. 9th. and tasole, away her husband M:. \io:'tard. He had been I°1 far s>x months ?blood pressurein the head. Mr. 'It.p 3rd was a man well 'liked by ec'zryore 'He t.yed far years in. Duluth where he ;vas married. His wife died and about 'are years ago he carne here to 1iv2 About three years ago he married Mrs. Kerr :of Crediton,who survives; also :tis aged father, four brothers .and four si-iters. 3,1r. Mo lard was aged 57 years. The Tuner i Thursday was larges at 'eerz=ed. The bereaved have th_ scm loathe ot Jae co.rmuru:y.-Last Thurs- xay word was rc_ei.- d h•e.re of a sad KEEP THEM VIGOROUS When a child suffers from the slightest exposure and is thin, listless and easily tired, that child ought to receive plenty of regularly. It is an essential • factor in the health records of .,thousands of children., Given egularly, with or after ]reals, it helps keep them in normal weight, 'vigorous and spirited. Try SCOTT'S for your boy or girl, Scott & Bovine, Toronto, Ont, 19-31 a. , i lent w'tae h betel Richard Oliver. wit.) was ;tried by a train. Mr. Oliver was working at a cheese factory be- an.; built at Be !moat... He was in the t os goinb fear a drunk of water and ,no"s n;; the train he was struck in I 1;110 instantly. The remains were brought here to Wm. Patters'on's, from whcr:t the funeral was held Sunday af- ter:m s, He was aged 20 years, 9 - m .ont hs and days- la s He :was . 1 young man much esteemed by all who knew him. He is suryive3 by one sister and a .large connection of relatives„ The funeral Was largely attended, showing the high esteemr in which he was held The casket bore many beauiiiul floral tribute,. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all.-:nlr. Wm. Oliver and son Ware were called here from Kitsnh.ener .last week owing to the 'eath of Mr, Oliver's. nephew, Rieh, Irl t)liver. Dashwood Mra. Pape has returned to Hensall after v <itin, with relatives in town. Mrs. tDrelBroughton of Toronto is vw,;t.net her parents, Mr, and firs. J. Kellerman. s1r E. G. Kraft received several new Gray Dart Cars last. wee;;. Mr. and ails Gat:h. er oaf Cred :on shoat Sunday wi:h, Mr. and Mrs T. K.lumpp. Mrs. Gr.aybi'' h ts- re.turne.I fro^. :n ti. w.'1 -h relatives in Toronto. Mr. `1•i bur Ehlers o; Detre: sp,•nt a few- days will his p+ren:s :tfr. Earl Guenther was yesterday married to Miss Hooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Hooper, near E:ieter. Parti:tars .next ;reek. Following ;s the rep.trt of S. S. Na 4 Sh::r?n, for November, stan.'xn.4 bas- e on.exam.-Sr. 4-E.. forlo;.k, R. E1'_ - b r H. Railer. Jr. 3-1I. Wein, G. Weber, L. Schwarz, L. Wein. Sr. 2 - Pass 3'd' honors, I. Brt,kenshire 491, R Weber 449, E. Fahner 444, K. Mor- lo‘k 43; R. Schwarz 392, Jr. 2-S. Rader 374, L Martene 337, A. Becker 293, L. Wein 167. Pt. Z. -NI. Martene C. Martene. Sr. Pr. -G. Becker, L, .Vela, T Weber; Jr. Pr. A., E. Mar- tene; Jr. Tr. B., G. Hudson. Average attendance 23 -Drina. Ehlers, teacher Centralia POULTRY WANTED. Highest prices -paid for all kinds of ' ve poultry, delivered on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week Parsons -Davis Co Pr::paratians are being male nor the Xmas concert and Xmas tree on Fri- day night. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. B'at-,hford vie it_e.I with Mr. Albert Mitchell's while 'lr. Blatchford took charge of the Sunday Sshoo'- Anniversary cervices whish svere well attended and much enjoyed by all. .hiss Vera Essery of Exeter span` Sunday with Mrs. Alvin, Essery. Mr. Wilfred Anderson spent a gas' Jays at the home of hi, aunt, Mrs. Ai Brooks. Mr. Fred Parsons, who has been xor':ing for • :lir. T. W.y11is the par. year, with Mn Parsons have move 7. to Exeter. Greenway 3i1rs. J, Bnophey has recpvered from her recent i.ln,ess.-The stork haF been busy of late, leaving .a son wvi`}1 iir..and .firs. James Gardiner, and tw'a, rirls with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle -Mrs. J. Foster, sr., has returned .frarr Bayfield and has been quite lli I.Ve for a speedyjecovery.-M1ns 01- t r Dea,r'n 4 spent a wa ac .h , bur- reoentty.-Several from here attend :hs lunerat o!' the late Ri':har.1 01=s+t' 0:t Grain l Bend ,on Sunday). The syn; o?hy of the entire communijty '_s ex - teal eo hi bereave I s ate t, Ethel Gnawer. 1 t'SBORv'E C''OVNCx , Elinnville, Dec. 15th.. 1919 Usborne Council met at Dliztivine on above date pursuant to statute. All the members were present. Min- utes of the meeting of Dee, 6th. were read, considered, and approved which included the passing and pay - hag of .accounts to the amount of $.2596.94. By -Law No. 10 for the Township was read and passed which .fixed time of the nomination as one oelock on Monday Dee. 29th. at the Town- ship Hall and if an election is nec- essary polis shall be open at the fol- lowing places on Monday Jan. 5th, 1$20 at 9 a.m. viz. Div. 1 at the Township Hall Elim - vale. Geo. Zellett, D.R.O., John G. Hunter, P.C. Div. 2 at the house of H, H. Brown S.T.R., William Jeffery 1). 11.0., Sam W. Dougall, P.C. Div. 9 at the house of George Beckett, 'Hugh Berry, D.R.O, Wm. Div. 4. at the Public Hall b'arrqu- har, John Duncan, D.R.O., Louis Fletcher, P. C. Accts. were passed and orders is- sued for the payments of $4410.55 including the Anderson Drain No. 2 Assessment for the amount of $3,- 629.50. Connell adjourned to meet at close of nomination, Dee. 29th, Henry Strang, Clerk, Stephen Council. '1'ho COMO; of the Township of -tephen convened in the Town Hall, ::r; r';itort o,. Monday, the 15th Decem- ber. All present. Previous minutes. approved. Neeh- 'penhale-That Alonzo Fiod- itn* ta.. hereby author i.. 1 ta e o.:` -nue the levy and coi.e..: sol, 0 .:ewes :n the *laann„r an -I with h' power provided for by..:11:- .law ar die general levy and ro:ie. ton . ;a\es." Carni d. A peti'ion signed by the 22 rmite,. wv'e.rs ::,1,'sng that . a plebiscite he rtken art what is known as the Cow- .: By-law, was received and ordered ,s be ti..ied. Orders to the amount of $2,4 35.42 era pail. A detained statement win la: pri-nted in the Treasurer's annua report. The Canna adjourned seal die. Nominations for Reeve, Deputy -Re- eve and Coune men for the year 1920 will take place in the Town Ilall. Crediton, on Monday Dec. 29th at 1 I). in. Henry Eilber, Clerk. ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION As anticipated all seven ministers in the Drury Government, whose nomin- atons took place on Monday last, were re-elected by acclamation. The ele: tions were mere matters of form. and little interest was taken. The ministers in question are, -R. H. Grant, minister of • education, Carleton; Peter Smith, South Perth provincial treasurer; I1 C Nixon, North Brant, provincial sec- retary ; Walter Rolla, West Hamilton, minister of health and labor; Harry Fort William, minister of mines; Benials Bowman, Manitoulin. minister of lands and forests; F. C. Biggs, N. Wentworth, minister of public works. }'e Olde Carol Singers The Carol Singer of Te -day "Ikkms-Creatt'inii 't yr N EDISON -ate Vhonosraillt with a ad" OU will probably want some : new "RE -CREATIONS" at Christmas time, a :d of course you have friends who would like some new music. If you will come to our store you will find a very com- plete stock of om-pletestockof Christmas and other selections. ` Here are a few "RE- CREATIONS" that you should hear. Joy to the World Hark 4 the Herald Angels Sing Church in the Wildw-cod Throw Out the Lifeline. Silent Night The Vamp-Oaestep. Tenth Regiment March Peace Chimes March Johnny's in Towyn. We advise that you come in as soon as possible in. order to have a good selec- tion to choose from; heavy Christmas selling is making some numbers scarce. J WILLIS POWELL, Edison Dealer Exeter, - Ontario. 12 Cutting Down Feeding Costs • CQws yteid more milk. Youngcattle develop more rapidly,. Horses gain f esh. Are vigorous, ener- getic and active. Hogs will ga i n weightquickiy. All animals healthier if you use Cane Moll, it is the best fat. tening m i l lr•p ro. during, and conditioning seed molasses on the market to -day, Avoid ohe.ai imitations, 7.10 071;M ML4 THE 1111R1T> 1E0 STOCK ER Sprinkle it over your straw, old rough hay - and ensilage, and matte thein v :,ble for feeding. Cane Meta Is nota Prepares . Food. i .:t aselected guaranteed 109% rum Sugar Cane FAolasses, Sold 4y the barrel at vera Seasonable coat. obtaiued from e -.it er,t.cisss deaterir CANE MOA CO, OF GAMMA, LTD. In St Pial St. test IIPITLEAL 49E. Leial 1>iaoributor- It, 0, Salda.nh Woodham the L.O.L. elected officers as Col- ;•ow•s,-WM., D. Goulding; D.L.jW. E Wynn; Chap., R.Switzer, Rec.- Se 'y, C. Calm; Fin, -Secy, A. Breth- ourt Treas., H. Hopkins; Director of ,.7er., Wm. Thompson; Tiler, C. Atkin- son; Au.htors, H. Berry and W. Sher. Mr Bert Run* .of l:sborne has paved onto. the farm Ot. the village, ne-• c•ently purchased from Mrs. Wm. Han- na. 1Ir. James .1tcElrea, the village blacksmith has moved tanto the farm vacated by Mr. Rundle, and 1Ir, Har- ry Webber of Crotaarty has taken possession of the blavksmithshopand lna<<,1 iu o Mr. McEirea's house. Kirkton Hiram Hanna, who sprained his ankle some weeks ago .is able to be around again. -Mrs. James Beatty of Alberta spent a few clays here with nt h triends.•- fir Alfred Path, who took a large number ot baby beef to Guelph last week sold them at high fi gures.--Miss Eliza Shier has moved her household efteets to St. Marys, where she will reside. -We are pleased to hear that Miss Clara, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wellington Neil is improving nicely, after seven weeks' illness of inflam- mation of the bowels. RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered. RO LI NH TED MANUFACTURERS E..tablir e31085 LONDON - - ONT. A. SAVINGS ACCOUNT It is always well to have a Savings Account upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to draw at any time should you have a good oppor. tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Ready Money. fisc. '1iH CDIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, A. . Kuhn, Manager. Int y,np, toted in 1$55. CAPITAL, REsEHVED $9 000.100 gleet, 120 Branches 1. � E MOLSONS BANK tFHE SAVING HABIT like all other good habits i>;: the result of resolution and practice By depositing regularly a portion of your earnings in THE MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired. Your money grows by the addition of the interest which we pay at current rates on savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn upon when. really needed. Avoid careless spending by open lga savings account with us 'METER BRANCH T. S. 'WADS Manager, Centra iia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Brants h.. A Merry Christmas To All. Make Home the';,,i Happiest est ,Place.a , This Christmas IAC:. YOUR CHRISTM;IS KIT BAG AT WILSON & SIM',S GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY AND THEN THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL SMILE, SMILE, SMILE. We have stocked up with an excellent assortment of CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES, FIGS, ETC., ETC, For the Festive Season." LOOSE CHOCOLATES AND FANCY BOX CHOCOLATES . SMALL BOXES OF CIGARS AND LARGE BOXES. PIPES WITH GASES AND WITHOUT. SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM ON HAND DURING, THE HOLIDAY, SEASON Phone 56 \vVilson & S. OPERA HOUSE, EXETER ONE NIGHT ONLY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19th THE GREAT SCOTCH COMEDY, ."BUNTY PULLS THE STRINGS" Prices --60c., 75c., and 95c. War Tax dc, Extra Saats Now on Sale at Howey's -.. Not a Moving Picture