The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-11, Page 8EXE rER. ADVOCATE, THURBTJAT, IIEIL 11 1B1B Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat ;,e.,, -meet, - e. 1. 'Barley 1,35 to 5 1.35 :Oats ..,-lex ,..e 't•,, 85 -Family Flour ,.. .,. 5,70 Shorts 52.00 Bran per ton .. 45.00 -New. Laid Eggs ,..,.. 80 to 82 Held Egge . 4 Y. 55 Dairy Butter 58 to 60 Creamery Butter ,..,.68 Lard . ., 35 ''oto o:•: p^r bag 1.75 to 2,00 II ,......,17 00 to 20,00 Hogs • 15.25 Trlvl t t Memorial Church as usual. "THE FACE AT THE WINDOW." This papular ;slay will be put on by home talent at Farquhar on Dectem- ber 18th in al'T of the Women's statute. Two hours of amusement ' Lots of act?on humor and variety. Do I not miss at. A:dmisa,ivi 35c and 25c. FOR SALE. Cream Separator, used one year; eel at stave, both nearly sew; also, other articles. See same at Fred Hod- ens, Zn 1 concession, Biddulph. WEATHER STRIP. How about the draft eom:mg through around your doors? " Why not shut it • out by buying Wept/ter Strip from J W, Herne who ems an expert, G. Green of Woodstock, coming this a Local Doings Eggs for breakfast? No, we had none —not at 6% per, Mr. John Carlrack, Lake Road, lost a go e cow by death on Friday last. The . snow of jest week made fair steigbing, and, also put the roads in good shape for automobile use. Mr. William Howey went to St. Joseph's Hospital; London, on Friday last an.i underwent an operation on Monday. The operation was a success and at ,last reports she was doing nicely. Owing to en, east bound freight go - big off the track at Hyde Park Sat- urday night the L. H. & B. train, was delayed about three hours, but thanks to the poet office staff here, we 'got our mail the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford, London, announce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Gladys Irene, to Allen Hamilton. Doupe, sort a Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doupe of Kirkten, the wedding to take placethe early part of Decem- ber. If ,the new :Minister ,of Educlat•,ion can get the schools into the way of turning out boys and girls who can, use the English language property, write legibly and have a decent regard for manners he ell be an immense success, —Goderich Signal. The Thursday cation of the Mail arid Empire contained the following reference: to a former Exeter young man: Mr ud Mrs. D. A:, Macdonald,. Cobalt, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. Her- bert G. Planed of Haileybury, son of Mrs. Richard Pickard of Exeter On- tario. The marriage will take place the latter part of December. The prize for the Champion steer t the Guetlph Winter Fair went to John Barr of Blyth, who also won first or Junior yearling steer. D. A. Gra- am won 3rd for Senior yearling steer; Hastings Bros. of Guelph, brothers of Mr. A. Hastings of town, won lst for Shetland stallion, lst for Shetland mare tnd lst for Hackney stallion, Pony Championship. week to put it pa, • MAKIN'S' MEATS. ;h Having purchased the butchering business of W. C. Rivers we solicit the patronage of the people of Exeter and community. We aim to please and want you to be satisfied; at all times. Our Christmas meats will be something special. Let us supply your wants. BEN MATINS. LOST The front plan of an Overland car.- an between .:my home, Con 2, Hay, and COPIES OF ADVOCATE. The Adsaocate would be pleased to receive copies of the paper of Oct. 23, d Nov. 2:, from subscribers who may have them. We are short on hese and need a few t'opies. THOMAS SELDON DEAD, The death took place at Ingersoll en relay of an outstanding citizen, in he person: of Thomas Seldon, a resi- ent of Ingersoll for many years. He Brucefieiu. Feeler please report to Nelson Stanlake, R.' R. 1, Exeter. ` -Customers are reminded that now is the time to order their office etat- F ionery. We handle this work with t neatness and despaeclt. d vas widely known as a successful ape le expoz ter, and, carried on a big bus - ss overseas. Deceased was aged 76 ears and besides his wife, leaves one s"Mall son. A brother Richard Seldon, Iso resides in Ingersoll., The funeral vas held on Monday afternoon, inter- est being mace at Ingersoll, Mr. R. Seaton. of Exeter, a nephew of de- emed attended the funeral. We are earliest with the latest P thins. Try our jar oysters, Gran- isle berries, etc., etc., y HARVEY & HARVEY. a GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE. t Internatiionel Gasoline Engine for G sale, 3 Ii, P.., in good order. Cheap c for ciuiick sale,—Exeter Canning. Co. BNSILA.Gk. FOR SALE, D The Exeter Canning Co. is offering ensilage for sale at $4.00 per ton, D Purchaser to pay for weighing on R. G Selclon's scale. Payment for -en- m silage to be mane by,March 31, 1920. EXETER CANNING CO i EATH OF WILLIAM TURNBULL The death occurred in Exeter on ecetnber 7th of William Turnbull, at the age of 53 years and 7 months. Mr Turnbull hal been ill for several. onths, and op more than one occas- on his life was .despaired of, but the end came on Sunday. Some years ago Mr. Turnbull came to Winchelsea from Innerkip in. Oxford County. Af- ter farming for several years he retir- ed to Exeter three. or four years ago. His wife survivees: The funeral ser- vice was head at his •late residence on Monday eventing, and on. Tuesday the remains were taken by train to Inner - kip for burial, FOR SALE. On hand one Fairbanks -Morse 8 in, grain grinder and bagger; also Fleury roller crushers and grain grinders; In- ternational and De Laval Cream sep- arators; McLaughlin cutters and In- ternational sleighs.—WM. WARD. WINDLASS. The party who borrowed Mr. John Hunters windlass will confer a favor - by returning it at ;once. l; A :'TERIES CHARGED OVER WINTER. We are prepared to take care of batteries through the winter, and also to overhaul your cars. Storage is free on cars while being overhauled. T NELSON, Huron Garage,. VIOLINLessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to 8. WANTED Kitchen Help, State wages. Apply New c ornmercial Hotel, Woodstock. GIRL AND COOK WANTED Experienced. fining Room ' Girl aid also Cook wanted at the Central Hiotel. Exerer. SHIPKA STORE Having returned /Team overseas I have de.idel to take over the general store business at Shipka, conducted by Mr. W. D. McKellar during my ab- eence,, and I shall be pleased to wel- come all my old customers and others who see fit to deal with me. M. E. RATZ. FARQUH ,B The Store at Farquhar will close every night in the week except Wed- nesday and . Saturday nights, Law- rence Fulton. abortion Free ; h , on acterrx (Bovine) will Il be supplied to all: farmers and stock owners for the prevention against and for the treatment of contagious abor- tion in cattle. Apply to H. A. Eckert, V. S.,. Crediton, Ont. NOTICE Having disposed of the` butcher business to M•r. B. Makins we Sieg to express our appreciation to the many customers for their patronage in the palate All accounts are now due and wewill appreciate a prompt. settle- ment Accounts may. be paid at the bntejier, shop, 4. WM. RIVERS VERY ANNOYING, INDEED. In a crowded omnibus a stout wo- man vainly endeavored to get her fare out of the pocket of her cloak, which was tightly buttoned as a pre- caution against pickpockets. After she had been working in vain for some minutes, a gentaeman seated on her right said, "Please allow me to pay your fare'. The lady declined with some ascerbity and recommenced her attacks on the pocket.. Ater these had continued for a time her fellow passenger said, "You really must al- low me to pay your fare,t You have already- undone my braces three times and I cannot ,stand it any longer." JOHN B. WILLIAMS DEAD. After a efew weeks illness John Brooks Penny Wilhelm, of Fillmore, Sask., Passed' Away at the age of 45 years, 6 months and 15 days, at his home on Nov. ` Stn, at 8 o'clock./ The late Mr. Williams was born in the Township of Clark, County of Dur- ham, Ontario. He lived at Exeter from 1879 to 1903, when he went West and settled. in: Huronville, Sask., where he homesteaded along with others from the same distract; About five years he had an apolectic seizure, and two years ago he built a home in, Fillmore where he has since Jived. Deceased leaves a wife and two children, Haz- el Olive end Winton Earle. BAZAAR ,A SUCCESS. The Bazaar given by the .Ladies of the Trivrtt Memorial Chunch in the Parish Hall on Friday was well patron- ized. The ladies shad .an sale a large quantity of usenet and fancy articles cooking candy, etc.;, and everything was d spored of in all departments; In the evening a program was render- ed, consisting of pleasing magic lan- tern n viw s singing, etc g g,• Two violin: selections were admirably rendered, by Mrs. Wethey which ,proved; highly pleasing, as was ats,o the singing by Mr. Arthur Middlemists., A. very pleas- eng number was the quartette. . singing of Mrs, N.J. 'Dare, Mrse T. Newell, Mr. Middaexmss ;and Mr. H. . Jennings, The total proceeds amounted to about $105.' TO CORRESPONDENTS The new railway time table makes, it necessary for Advocate correspond- ents to get their news budgets away a little earlier—so,as; toreach': us not later than Tuesday hart, ;Please re- member each week Monday, tai 29th, is nomination daft' The fall assizes are being held in Goderch this week, ' Mr. Silas McFalls has taken a posi- tion. in a Bank in Ciliate*, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith have taken up housekeeping in Exeter North. Mr. and airs. Bert Ravers intend go- ing to England in, January, and will reside there. Mr. Wilbur Marten .last week mov- ed into his handsome new residence on Albert Street, Beverley Acheson passed his ex- amination in London on Monday for entrance to a Bank; ,* \1r. Chas. Wood has been off duty for some time owing to .illness, suf- fering from an attack of diabetes. Subscriptions taken at the Advocate for all publications.. We save y ou writing letters and buying money or- ders and money besides: Just hand in your subscriptions and we do the rest. We club with all the dailies and per- iodicals. Those conternplatiag a distant jour- ney by rail will do well to consult a station agent before starting out, as the general passenger service, Owing to the shortage of coal, is badly dis- rupted, and hundreds of trains have been cancelled.' Some business men wonder why people go to the city to buy goods. And yet, it one ,searches the: columns of the la::a1 papers he would never see an advertisement in a whale year advertising the goods of that business man. And then, the reader wonders— and then, he goes to buy where he sees the goods advertised, CANNING FILMS. A special feature in connection, with the Movies at the Dome Theatre on Friday and .Saturday nights next will be 1.a set of films prepared some months ago, illustrating the process of handling sweet corn at the Exeter Canning Factory; These • films em- brace Peery feature of the process --from the growing of the corn, in the field until it reaches the warehouse and is ready for shipmcnti These will be particularly fascinating pictures as they bring to our view an industry we are all more or less interested in. Mrs. W. J. lieaman' returned Mon- day from a visit in London. Mrs. N. J. Dore ,left Monday morn- ing for Windsor to visit friends. Mr, Ferguson, late of Teeswater, is the new accountant at the Maisons Bank. Mrs. M. Fow gli returned last week from a visit an Toronto and Wood- stock. Majors '"1-leaman attended a meeting of the 33rd Battalion at Clinton on: Friday night. Mr. Little and family have moved .into Mr. C. S. Sanders' house on Laughall street. Messrs Wm. Welsh and Chas Tuc- key are in Guelph this . week attend- ing the Live Stock Show. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fulke arrived home the latter part of last week from their honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Treble, Mrs, Ed, Short and Mrs. C. H, Sanders were in London Monday for the day. Mr. Preston Dearing, after a Lew weeks' visit in Winnipeg, returned to his home here on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Enos Windsor of Toronto visited during the week end with the farmer's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. George Win,dsor, Mrs Miller, daughter of \Ir. and Mrs. Geo. Windsor, -e,•eatly under- went an operation for appendicitis Toronto. She is improving nicely, Miss Emma Heideman returned last week from Toronto, where she was at- tending her sister-in-law, Mrs, Wm. Heideman, who is suffering from an attack of diabetes, Mr, J. C. Sne,1l returned from De- troit, there he was in attendance up- on his father, Mr. Eli Snell, who is steadily improving, and hopes to re- turn for Chrilstmest Mr. and Mrs. Wiilliam Kerr, re- cently Iaf London, who have been vis- sting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr in Stephen, left Monday morning forLos Angeles, Cal., .to spend the winter.,. Misses Lily and Marjory 13uaton returne 1 last week from Dunnviee, On- tario, where the latter had been as- sisting in the millinery business during the severe illness: of the former, from pleuro -pneumonia, TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby that a meeting given mtg of the electors of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on MON- DAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1919, at 1.00 o'clock iin, the afternoon, for the pur- pose of making, and receiving nomina- tions for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Councilmen. And further norice is hereby given than, in the event of more candidates being proposed. fox ,any particular office than, required to be elected rthe proceedings will be ad- journed until MONdaY, JANUARY 5, 1920, when polls will ,be opened at 9 a. m., at the following places, as fix- ed by Township By -]saw, viz,— noel D,R.O. Polling Clerk Booth. 1, Henry Mills, Nelson Baker, Mills' Shop, .Lot 5, Coin. 11 2, Wm. Dearing, Asa Penhafe, Pen- hale's Kitchen, Lot 20, Con. 2 3, Alonzo Hodgins, Geo. Hirtzel, Bar- ber Shop, Lot 11, Con. 6 4. W. H. Wenzel, Freeman, Moriaek, Town Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7 5. leaved Lippert, P. Sullivan, Jr Walk- er's Kitchen, Lot •11, Con,. 3 6. Ed. G. Kraft, John Graybiel, Zim- mer's Hall, Lot 13, Coon. N. B, 1 . Davi McKenzie, Ernest . Keys, Mc- - Keller's Hall, Lot 11, Con. 17:. 8. W. H..Hayter, Jer. Brophey,Pool-• lock's Hall, Lot 40,' Con. S.03., 9. John Gill, Leo IJesjardine, 'l3ren- �, ,per's Hall, Lot 1, Sauble AND all electors are hereby re- queste!a to take notice and govern themselves actor tirllgly, • HENRY'- - EILBER Returning Offircier.. Crediton ,Dec. 10, 1919. PHONE 32 JONES MAY PHONE 32 FINAL CLEARING OF LADIES' & MISSES' COATS Every Coat Must Go IN ORDER TO CLEAR OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR STOCK OF LADIES' AND MISSES WINTER COATS WE OFFER A FINE RANGE OF STYLES IN SALTS' SEAL PLUSH, SILVERTON ES VEL OURS, BABY LAMBS, ETC., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET A GOOD QITALITY COAT AT THE PRICE OF A CHEAP ONE Char Xmas Stock is new Complete We have an exceptionally fine range of Christmas Goads to select from this season. We feel sure that a visit to this store will solve the Christ- oeas-Gift problem tor you. Below we offer a few suggestions.— FOR LADIES AND GIRLS FOIL' MEN AND BOYS Sets of Furs, Are Beck and Silk and Crepe Blouses Fancy Shirts Boudoir Caps Silk and Cashmere Socks. Silk Camisoles Sults and Overcoats Fancy Parasols Fancy Neck Scarfs. Cap and Scarf Sets Pyjamas Purses and Hand -Bags. Umbrellas SweCloth Coats Suit Cases and Club Bags. Paris Garters Bath Robes and Kimonos Underwear. Furs as Christmas Gifts There is yeothing that will give greater Pleasure for a Christmas Gift than a set of Fine Furst; We have a spslendid stock of Sets of Furs in wolf, Oppos!sum, Persian Lamb, Sable Wolf, Badger, etc., at particularly attractive prices, Kimonos and Bathrobes for Ladies We have a fine range of leimanas and Bathrobes for Christmas Giving. Our prices are moderate. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS S.I-TOPPING EARLY Georgettes and Crepa Blouses just arrived. Dozens of styles to select from JONES & MAY MONEY TO LOAN We halve a large amount of private funds to loan on farm end village property at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANB UR.Y Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth ,.extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter THE WATKINS AGENT ,jrand(es all ash of opelng tonics for both man aad`iaast; aims toilet articles. Their apices and flrtvorts are the purest on the made& Only sold by their heats to the consumer. War Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 DRS. SWEET Sr VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 • Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — , Ontario: C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED -AUCTIONEER AND 'VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm. Stock Sales a:.Speciality. Office at Cockshutt Warlerooms, next. door to Central Hotel. Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. •Roulston L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carlin.g's Law • Office • Closed :Wednesday afternoons. HORSES WANTED 1 "want an unmimited number of Horses in good .condition. Geldings 5 year= old up, weighing from • 1500 pounds ,up,• Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 :pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or•phone, 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW ISAAC R CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor, for the Mol - sone Bank, EtcMoney to loan :, at lowest rates of interest. Office -Magri Street, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—B,ek.ers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. Corner Dundas: and Richmond. Streets London, Ont. Oux aim is to ,,tum out efficient graduates; enter now and become one of them Bookkeeping and Stenogra- Phy J. Morritt,:. N. Stonehouse, In incipel Vice -Principal CENTRAL &'MRAT-ORD,. ONT. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 The largest and best Commercial School he Western Ontario. We give individual instruction and students may enter our COMMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND or TELEGRAPHY Detpartm•ents at any' -timeu ` We as- sist graduates to positions. Write now for our free catalogue . and learn the nature of our work. D A. McLachlan. Principal.. Tea do Coffee Store For the choicest groceries. fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery lile� Call and see ue. A. trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and Undertaking R. N. RONN E. THE FUNir LAL DIRECTOR AND 'FURNITURE DEALER s 0 UT.HCOTT BROS. Its time to think . about MAS. e SHOPPING -. GIVE USEFUL GIFTS THIS YEAR_ HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS- FOR MEN FOR LADIES FOR CHILDREN Sweater Coats Beautiiful Neck Palaver Sweaters Sills Shirts Silk for Dresses Sweater Coats Cashmere Hose Sweater Coats, Cashmere Hose Silk Hose Silk Hose Leather Mitts Wool Groves Camisoles Wool Mitts Suede Gloves Fancy Handkerchiefs VV'ozol Toques Fancy Braces -Cashmere Hose Fine Shoes Linen I3andkerchiefs Felt Shoes Hockey Shoes New Neckwear Fancy Linen Towels ' Rubber Boots Rubber" Boots Boudoer Slippers Felt Slippers HOCKEY SHOES FOR 'ALL THE FAMILY BOYS GIRLS WOMEN MEN