The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-11, Page 7For Winter Days
91ai_I)1 9131
:'+;o. 9131—Ladies' Coat, Price, 25
cents. 'Gathered side sections; adjust-
able collar; 50 -inch length. Cut in 7
sixes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36,
Wit Qat nap, 3 yds. 4ii ans, wide;
with nap. 3?.1s yds, 54 int:. wide; lining,
41.1 itis, 36 ins. wide.
No. 9259—Ladies' Suit Coat, Price,
25 cents. Adjustable •collar; 40..inei
length, Cut in '? sizes, 34, 36, 88, 40,
42, 44 and 4.6 ins. bust measure. Size
86 r: u res, without nap, 31.; yds. 48
Ins. wide; with :fall, 234 yds, 54 ins.'
wide; lining, 31;K "yds. 36 ine. wide.
9138 --Skirt. Size•-, 22 to 38. Price,
20 cents.
These patterns, may .b obtained
from your local iliet;'a11 dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,
reroute, Dept, W.
The Phantom Breaast.
"" he -.•.irked in one par-
i meals and am so gratified with what „
Make the Blood Rich and Red by
'Using Dr. Williams' Pink
Thin blooded people generally have
stomach trouble, They seldom recog-
nize the tact that thin blood is the
cause of indigestion, but it is. Thin
blood, weak, watery blood, is one of
the •meet common causes oT stomach
trouble. The glands that furnish the
digestive fluids are diminished in
their activity, the stomach muscles
are w ealoened and there is a loss of
nerve force. In this state nothing will
more quickly restore appetite, diges-
tion and a normal nutriton than good, Tile Fire's singing the song you knew
rich, red blood. In the night's when the Mother was
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills set directly singing too—
on the blood; making it rich and red, Singing. the child in her -arras to sleep,
and this enriched blood strengthens Who trembled to hear the witch wind.
weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles, creep,
and awakens to normal activity the Or over the housetops, storming, ery
glands that supply the digestive fluids. To the ghastly dark and the starless
"Life is sweet as life is long;
world was not planned for duplicity.
Nature neverimitates, One flower
does not deeeive itself that it is any
other kind of a flower. One animal
does net deceive itself that it can imi-
tate any other animal.
Nothing disintegrates personality so
rapidly as this effort to be a iiounter-.
felt. It creates a false nervous energy,
a constant fear of discovery and a final
revelation that is deadly. .Chou shalt
not be found out" is the commandment
upon which the tool builds his earthly
Be thyself. It means contentment.
It assures self-respect the only road
to the respect of others. It leads
to confidence and power. Be thysself,
In those two words dwell the phiioso r.
pity that spells happiness and peace,
The Singing Fire.
The first sign of returning health is
an improved appetite, and soon the
effect of these blood improving pills
is felt througbout the whole system.
You find that what yon eat does not
distress youand that you die daily
With never a sigh or a farewell song:
Life is laughter, and lite is play,
And the Dark will dream itself away;,,
That's the song the Fire sang to you,.
f�:•owiil stronger awl more vigorous. There—where the Mather was singing
\Ir. 3. J. Murray, Regent Street, To. too.
route, bears testihnony to the velue of It is singing the sante old song to -night
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of To the wintry dreamer, with temples
this kind. UI;e says:•-"IDuriug the lat. white,
ter part of 1918 I was .a sick man. Aly After the years, rata Clark with tears—
stoloach seemed, simply down Rud out. After lost dreams of the beautiful
1 had no desire for food, and when I years;
ate it distressed. me. 1 was pale, did For the singing Fire has never known
liot sleep well, naturally got up in the That the listening dreamer dreams
morning feeling grouchy. My wife alone;
was worried over my condition and. Change, friendly Fire, that singing
urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink ward,
Pills, reminding ine of the good they And let this song in the 'Dark be
had done our: eldest daughter when heard:
she was in a somewhat similar condi ""Ijlfe, is lonely and tempest tossed
I decided to follow her adti lee ,,Coo long -too long when Love is Iest!"
old got a *imply and here is the story But the Fire still sings the old loved
in a nutshell: T have got wy appetite* song:
Bainter ieastiol► of the frac 1 counter of . back, sleep soundly at night, enjoy lily "'Life is sweet, as life is long',"
enc cif New 5i ot•l:'. !wow s nee 111e day the pill^ +tare done for mo that 1 i �}i��I
It nes opened, is the best. waitws's; t1 ngly advise their use for all pale, �1r t: l 1 (r lri'i>71' fiD
that ever set down a dish without a i i>711 �!i t
spill ore so say the discrii el- you can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
szai um, deims s, her quiet nhan-
tiers, her prornptnct s•--•:thore all her through -any dealer in medicine, or by
. ufe lin g llolttenc e. stamp her as one leenil n, u4 Lents it box Or .,iw boxes for
ea.50 from Tim Dr, Williams' Aledlcine
taPert from the sisterhood. :the was Coe I3roeltrllle, Ont.
;:suns. and eampoe:l while she dealt
with ede of those peckish, snappy
'men who had dropped in under the
Be Thyself.
impression that ueeaui e one situ aft Know then thyself, presume not God
stool in this excellent place it is to scan; •
:heap. It isn't. Ile woe tt little The proper study of mankind is man.
ash":hued to fuss :about the priree, so he —From Pope's Essay on. Man.
fusel:. about everything el:e. But at Likewise be thyself. One of the
faint be departed, and serene Jane per weaknesses of mankind is to copy, not
/flitted herself a weary smile. originate. The geniuses of the evorld
"Yon have to get along with ttll have been the creators --the origina-
1,inele, don't you?" remarked a patron. tors. It is better to die with ohne
"Indeed, Yes." said Jane. "I served
a ghost yesterday morning. •a
An old gentleman came in quite
early, for breakfast. He was beauti-
fully dressed; I think he was one of
the hotel guests; at least he came In
original great thought to your credit
than to live in the midst of reflected
The miasma of delusion Is fatal to
individuality—fatal to originality. If
you think you are like somebody else
that entrance. He chose a stool and instead of yourself you are dost in an
when somebody tried to sit beside impenetrable swamp. If you go
Rim, lee said, "Pardon me, but can't through life trying to ape somebody
else you never will be what God in-
tended you to be.
Tie thyself and observe how you will
,grow and be content. tie thyself and
make the most of what God has given
you. It is more valuable than the
cou iterfeit of imitation. An ounce of
originality is worth More than tons of
imitation. A mental crutch is worse
than a physeal crutch.
Parents make a fatal mistake in not
permitting their children to be them-
selves --children. A child knows noth-
ing of deceit or delusion until its in-
divduality is dwarfed by repression
and an over -supply of "don'ts." Child-
ren who are permitted to be just child-
ren—to be themselves—make the best
and purest men and women. Amid the
trigls and sorrows of later life they
remain little children in tt'eir hearts
and thus are nearer- the throne. In
illustrating her method a kindergar-
ten teacher once gave - a' class of
learned and scholarly men the most
profound lesson of their lives by tell-
ing them they must be themselves—
like little children..
Those • who are forever imitating
others and never are themselves are
losing their own souls—not allowing
a genuine, true expression of their
own spirit. Nervous exhaustion and
depression result from trying to pass
for something different from what you
The Almighty intended that each
man should, be himself, each woman
herself and each child itself. The
you see that seat is taken?" iTe or-
dered toast, soft boiled eggs and cof-
fee. Then he turned to the vacant
stool and asked, "Wlmt would you like,
my dear?'
"He paused as if for an answer. Ap-
parently he heard one, for he said to
ine with a smile, as if amused at the
notion, 'A piece of pie and a cup of
milk and, some rolls.'
"There wasn't any pie at that hour
and so he ordered sliced peaches. I
brought all the thiahgs and arranged
them as if for two. By that time
people were moving away from him.
He buttered the rolls at the vacant
place before he ate a bite himself.
pen the made his own breakfast. I
thought there knight be a scene about
the two checks, but no. ITe added
them up aloud and correctly: counted
out the change in his hand: left a
tip in front of each plate and then
asked for a paper sack. In it he put
an unbroken roll. Then he paid the
cashier and went out. They found the
paper bag with the roll in it outside
on the steps: ,
"Could you make out whether he
thought he was talking to a man or a
woman?". asked the patron.
"I thought it was a little child,"
said Jane softly. "He always looked
down when he spoke to it, and he but-
tered the rolls, and the nee order for
4,reakfast ` was childish, too — I
thought," and Jane's eyes seemed a
little misty. "I thought maybe he
had lost a favorite grandchild."
,..If your tea or coffee
does make you restless
or nervous, try -
This delightful cereal drink " is
not only wholesome and, econa i -
cal but is truly satisfying in pts rich
coffee -like flavour. It can be served
to the youngest as well as oldest,
• for it leaves absolutely -no no harnl-
fu ; after -effects.
I;161" 0117N TIBLI 11'
Airs. Brune Malette, Aiontpeller,
Que., writes:—"I Ileac used Baby's
Own Tablets tor some time and am
well satisfied with them. They aro
surely the best medicine I know of for
little pees." What Aim Malette says
thousands of other mothers say.
Once they have used the Tablets for
their children they would use nothing
else. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative; are absolutely free
from opiates, narcotics or other harm-
ful drugs and may be given to the
youngest baby with perfect safety and
good results. They are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Why They Are Coupled.
Locomotives would riot be able to
pull their loads, especially on wet or
slippery rails, unless the large wheels
were "coupled" by side -rods.
The pulling power of a locomotive
depends on its "adhesion" that le, the
weight that comes on the driving -
wheels, and makes then grip the
rails. By coupling two or more pairs
of wheels together, the force of the
cylinders is caused to resolve them
all in unison, anaernuch more'of the
weight of the locomotive is istilized
for adhesion.
That is why engines for heavy
goods have often eight coupled wheels,
and sometimes tweiv
I was cured of terrible lumbago by
I was cured of a bad case of ear-
I was cured off sensitive lungs by
Check ugly ruff! Stop
hair coming out and
double its beauty.
A. little "Danilerine" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish, itchy scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimulat-
ing tonic penetrates to the famished
hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat.
Wise Men Say-
That the mould of a malt's fortune
is In his own hands.
That he wko blackens others .does
not whiten 'himself
That much has been achieved by at-
tempting the'ihnpossible.
That the man who is not afraid of
failure seldom has to face it.
That tears never yet wound up a
clock or worked a steam•engln.e.
That the man who expects to sue-
ceed on sympathy will surely fail.
That one thorn of experience is
worth „a whole wildernessof warning.
That you may have the ability to
start, but you're a failure if you can't
That many a great effort owes its
final success to the sound of a faint
That successful men owe most Of
their success to the opposition they
meet with.
That no one is useless in this world
who :lightens the burden of it for any-
one else,
That :natty of the world's great men
'e unknown to fame. They are great
because they share their pleasures
with others and keep their troubles to
mg every hair in the bead, thus stop—ping the hair falling out, or getting Order. Five Dollara costs three cents.
thin, dry,or fading, EtactrlG Headlights.
After a few applications of "Dander-
ine" you seldom gad a fallen flair er a Au Arkansas inventor has patented
particle of dandruff, besides every an electric headlight to be mounted
Bair sllovcs; uew life, vigor, brightness, on a horse's bridle, furnished with
more color and thickness, curreiht from dry battexies attached
A few cents buys a battle of de- to the harness.
lightful ">)anderine" at Any drug or
toilet counter. 26inere's Liniment, Cures DiItepnptr
`W'orld's Busiest Station.
Nearly a quarter of a million people
use Charing Cross Underground Sta-
tion (Loudon) daily, The number of
passengers entering and alghting at
this station is made up of 190,000 or-
dinary and workman's ticket holders,
and 32,000 season ticket holders. The
District, Bakerloo and Hampstead
Railways serve this station, and a
total of 2,920 -trains pass through the
station daily. The new stairways now
under construction will relieve to a
large extent the congestion during the
rush hours of the world's busiest sta-
Conclusive' Proof.
Photographs by Lightning.
Killed by lightning while standing
under a tree, during a. storm, it was
found, on medical examination, that
the victim's body was :narked with
the imprint of the tree.
Such a freak is not uncommon. The
markings on the skin are reddish
brown in color. and resemble photo-
graphic imprints, of trees or shrubs.
Lightning. however, plays Many
strange tricks. A girl was once cross-
ing a meadow during a thunderstorm
when she was struck by lightning,
Although every shred of clothing was
torn from her, she herself merely ex-
perleneed slight. giddiness.
In all cher a ztra ordinary case a man
was kills al. by lightning while riding
a harso through a store, but the ani-
mal Was untouched and unalermed,
and carried his deed master home at
a gentle trot.
Where It Was.
The teacher had written 92.7 on the
blackboard, and to show the effect of
multiplying by ten rubbed out the
decimal point. She then turned to the
class and said: --
"Now, I'faary, where is the decimal
"On the duster, miss," replied Mary,
without. hesitation.
• • e o O
Spoiled the Yarn.
Uncle (telling tall yarn to young
nephew): "'ire had more than a mile
to go to get out of the forest when we
heard the bawls of a pact of wolves
behind no. I strained every nerve, but
all in vain; Now I could bear their
panting breath; at last I felt their
muzzles touching hue 'chew----"
Nephew: "You must have felt glad,
Uncle; "Glad!! Why?"
o 0
you f nd u they
had muzzles on."
I Rid System of Clogged -up
Waste and Poisons
with ``Cascarets."
• 1 • 0 0 0-0—e-0 m—f'
Let folks step on your feet hereafter;
wear shoes a size smaller it you like,
for corns will never again send electric
sparks of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re.
Heves soreness, and soon the entire
corn, root and all. lifts right out
This drug is a sticky ether cora-
ompound, but dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
It Is gleamed that a quarter of an
ounce of freezone obtained at any drug
store will cost very little but is min -
dent to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Cut this out,
especially if you are a woman reader
who weans high heels.
"Yee," said the traveller,,"I had an
amusing journey up to town. There
were two Scotsmen in the carriage.
"How do you' know they were Scots-
men?". asked the cashier curiously..
"By their accent, I suppose?
"No; you see, they both happened
to take their pipes out together, Well,
they filled ,them, and then, eachcalmly
waited for the other to strike a
match." •
"11011 what happened?"
`'Oh, I brought "out my pipe, so botb
of them .waited for in; snatch!,"
There axe more t'han•.875 women's
clubs in the Philippine );stands,
Look at tongue! Re/love poi.
sons• from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo-
tor, so the excess bile in liver, and the
constipated waste in the bowels, pro-
duce foggy brains, headache, sour, acid
stomach, indigestion, sallow shin,
sleepless nights, and bad colds.
Let gentle, harmless "Cascarets" rid
the system of the toxins, acids, gases,
and poisons which are keeping you. up-
Take Cascarets and enjoy the
nicest, gentlest laxative -cathartic you
ever experienced. Cascarets never
gripe, sicken, or cause inconvenience..
1 box
workwhileyou sleep. A
They 41h 1 p
of Cascarets costs so little too.
-accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name Cral1fornia. on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most,
harmless laxative or ,physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions ' for 'child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must"say "California."
ED, ISSUE No. 49'19. 1
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort.
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, r+heu
matic Twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relief you never
thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying, sure
to give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it Made in. Can-
ada. - Get it to -day, 35c., 70e., $1.40.
Classified Advertisements. ¶,
J. Prints, Finished Portraits and'
Prairies, write for Catalogue and Prigti
List, United Art Co., 4 Brunswick Aver
.1l., Canada's most successful ten
solOtst, supplies concert talent for whol
or part programmes. Re knows all t
best. Write now for terms. Nordbel
ers, Toronto, a,
State' experience and wages wants
Reid Bros.. Bothwell. Ont.
11:1110Xi itat Eotas.
rt teas000nfid of }IO-MAXDE BREAD
IMPROVER to Your regular baking and"
get a larger, finer, and sweeter loaf.
which, will not dry Out so quickly, Per-.
fectl}f wholesome. Ask your grocer, or
send fifteen cents for a nackage. $o-
¥ayde Products Co.. Toronto.
V internal and external, cured without
vain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late. Dr. Eeliman Method;
Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont.
Hardly a Compliment..
"The school mistress is interested fu.
you, dad."
"How's that?"
"Why, to -day after sized told z ae she
times to sit down and behave myself
she said she wondered what kind of a
father I had."
shear .'s nieeeent cater( Qereet iu COWL.
Fowls of the heavier breeds cease io
produce a +profitable number of eggs
at the end of their second baying year,
This holds true with the lighter breeda
at the end of their third laying year.
SINCE 1870
Ame?rica'a I?ioneer Voir . nomadism
Soot ozi
rw .,
and SOw to 7c' e4 3
•ri _+ F t Any Aa -
Free Q i1
Mailed }
dress LS tie Anther.
V. Clay Glover Co :no.
118 West Slat Sir -et
New )York, IT S.A.
'Yes, Cold Ail.
Gone—Not A
Bitot Cough
Feel great this morning. As soon as 1
felt it coming on yesterday 1 used
Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud•
lust couldn't miss an hour at the office,
we are so busy and short-handed.
Gray's Syrup is a habit in our family,
the folks have used it for sixty years.
IAiwaYs Say the Largo slap Ge
When 4 Days Old, Cross
and Cried, Cuticu ra Heals.
"My baby brother bad eczema
which began when he was about
four days old. It cause
in little pimples and then
a rash, and he was cove
ered. He was so cross
that he could not sleep,
" and he cried.
"This lasted about two
*r.• •%' months before we' used
Cuticura. It helped him, so we bought
more, and he was all healed after we
had used two cakes of Soap and two
boxes of Ointment." (Signed)Miss
Almeria Williams, Youngs Cove,
N. B„ May 22, 1918.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
Soap 25c, Ointment, 25 and GOC. Sold
throughouttheDoinlnion. CanadianDepen
Lyman% Limited, St. Paul St., RSlontroot
aliXF"-Caticura Soap shave; without sans.
Not Aspirin 'at All without the `Bayer Cross"
For Colds, Pain,Readaehe, Neural• package which contains complete di-•
gg"za, Toothache, Earache, : and for reetions: Then yoir are getting real
Rheumatism; Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu, Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the :scribed by physicians for over iiine
name "Bayer" or you are: not taking teen years. Now made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Bandy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Drug gists
Aspirin.'• in an unbroken ",Bayer" also "sell .larger "Bayer" packages.
There is os£i1. one Aspiriu,.•."93ayer."—T'ou - ifust say 'ak4ayr"
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of 13aver, Manufacture of Mono-
neeticacldester of Salicyllcaeld. While it is well: known that Aspirin means i;ayir
manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of ".layer Company.
will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayes Cross."