The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-11, Page 4Children Ci7 for letcher's Nee eee dee C: st.ur1.A 3 .s re ledy fair Iwit pts and Children. :t cods are specL Ula . 4 d for babies. A baby's medicine even more ess I 1.•-r Daby.. Remedies pxinmarily prepared t r grown-ups are't i^`,rrhangeablh, It was the need • of s retnetiy for the t .,ii lent .;.1 Infants and Children that brought Castor .t the public after years of research, and n9 claim has been made. `^r it that i.s use for over 30 years has net proven. s CASTORIA9 •Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing, Syrurs, It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance, Its age is its '.tt»rant:e. For more titan thirty years it has been in constant it icy `,r the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic an :;..trr1t..:.t ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by r4 roi:sting the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation cl" f:k ng healthy and natural slee- The C1;`1dreu's Cr -•d .; : Toher's Friend. c' NE the FC..i,aiiatora of In Use For ityver 30 Years THa CANTAUR COMPANY, NEW Y©RK C4TY The Exeter Advocate Smeiars t Cowie 1're►rietorc SubecaiPtieet Price -la advent* el,50 ter year lilt Caelr ; Stec in the United Vie, All sueicriptiores not said in tempi ee 511c. exira charged. ADVERTIeliNG ICATES DieeltY Advertising-?iia.de known est meelication. Stray Animals -Ona insertion 50c. three inset -Woe 31.00. Farm or Reel Estate for sale 50, each insertion for one month of four inecrtinns, 25c. for each subsequent irn..ertion Miscellaneous articles of not more than five !sites, For Sale, To Reit, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion. LSc. Local P.eaeting medicos, etc., 10c. per line pet ,insertion No notice less than t5c. C*,rd of Thanks Sc.9 Legal advtertieine 10c. and 5c, a line. Auction Saler 3!i for one insertion and $3 for two hawdrtiorm if moderate size. Pratuaionee Cards sat exceeding 1 Inch-Sh per year. THURSDAY, DE'. 11, 1414 Elimville Wednesday night, Dec. 3rd, • it r Farmers' Club met to discuss business New oiiicers were elected for th coming year ane 'uf wars. I1 el:n:in and Peaft were c,eaeeel, y gate tq at tend the Farmers' (t.iv n: of le Ter - onto. -Cottage prayer t.ec, stnte. are being held with great u e ss,- "lr. Wesly Heywood is Lai;i -r thi owing to,nbscess on the h nil. -tie': are all enojying the sleighing McGillivray Coun•:il met pursuant to aijoitrne meet is the Town Hall, :McGillivray, Nov. 27. On rnation, of of Lewis del Maguire accounts amounting inn, all to $2.457.40 Rosser and Maguire, that By- law No. 8. of 1919, appointing a place for holding nominations, Deputy Re- turning officers an.i Poll clerks, as read a third time be passed. -Carred. The council adjourned to meet in Town Hall Dec, 15 at 1 o'clock. J• D, Drummond, Clerk. Vie. s-1 .,l without any contain ail time good of Gin of the alcohol. gt . F^. -c the kidneys to nor- mal action. Relieve pain. For Ivacicache, swoHee Jaunts, stone in the bladder, rheumatic 2.0 pains -They brie f/xeu[t}r 3.sujf'arers, x ra Get a bo -day. At druggists, 50e;t sold on ttioney•back: guar curse. Free sample on request. Address: The :ia lekal arcs & a :l:-mioM Ca. • et. Calais, Limited- Tennis.U s. Address: thi•ara-Ce., inc., ,U2 Main St., Satiate,N.Y. Zurich J. Laporte, ree:eve. of liav, attend-. • I time meeting of Huron County Conn, at Goderi:h last week. -Mr. W. C; techs., has bean awarded the contract a arryin.; the mail between; the; post a>t e: in Zuria•h end the railway station at lienal], -.Mrs. C. Frit,; is visiting at Toronto, --Miss Ida Well of Toronto its eisiting at her home here. -lir. and Mrs. Hy. Llaters have left for New Hamburg where th.cy will resile, -Mrs S.'hluecht<r of Michigan. is visiting in this vicinity with. relatives and• friends -Mr. F. A. Aikenhead of Brucefiield has taken a. posilti,on in the 'Mcleod -et, Bank here. -lir and Mrs. 'Wes. Kaer- eher of efiUiigaln spent their honey- moon with relatives and friends here, -Mr. C. Kehler has moved into the house he purchased from Mrs. J. Kalb- fleiwh-While cutting a tree Andrew Prise ha.i a narrow escape from cevere injury: The tree which was being felled went over before: expected and its swinging around caught Mr. Price and threw hint 15 feet against a fence. He es.°.tpe l with only slight injury to his bask. Hensall Mr. Mervyn Johnston has secured peet'on in a large store in •Walker et t > eel his entered upon his dude -elr Grant Caldwell is here from lit e visloing his father, lir. John Oattiwe!!, wlt:> has been so serteusly ill, anti edendo remaining for a month nr so Mr. George Gram, a few miles west of the village, who recently sold his farm to Mr. Milton Love, has pur•- s'hasee the residence and skating rink from dr. Fred Smallaconmbe.-Mr. Geo. Niter of Virden, Man„ who. has been visionfriends in and around 1-Iensall, 'eft Sor h s home -Mr. Jas. Simpson„ o i his rc. iden:e on Main street to Mr. Wm • Buchanan. -Jia. Jack Reid, who has boon 'aa the West for the past few month, has returned home) -A very pretty wedding tope place on De.:. 3r•1, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. D. �t i's•on, in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the •,ontractine parties, when their young - t st daughter, Annie Hobkirk, was un.- °eeil in marriage to Mre Roy F. White of London. The Rev. A. E. Dean of- f;; ittee, assisted by Rev. A. R. E. Gar- reet The bride looked charming in a wedding gown of georgette crepe over blue silk maisseline and carried a bouquet of mums and ferns.t After a ".rip to 1)etro;` they -Wel reside in I,onrlo — Mr. -and ,1lrs. Harburn, af- r 2') yeers resittenre in t{ensall, letee moved to Fent, Mich., to reside. - elle death lotcurred Weene:day of Mr tleceo:hv Busch, aged 78, at her home, 18 Renwick avenue, London, Med. Busch, who wvaa 111 only a week, w.a, the wi=flow al tihe late Henry Bu s'h. The remains were forwarded to Hensald, and. interment made in Roervi'le cemetery. Lumley Mr. Wm. Doig, the, framer, who wis en;•aged to repmir a number of the barns which were badly wrecked i>y" the wire wind storm, was hurriedly called away by telegram, telling hen hi> brother wan shot ',n the West. - Mrs. .Hannah Simons ,wa.s visited this week by her niece, Mrs. T. 'Davildson. of Leedbuty, i4lc8 1llop.-ver. John Bolton has gorfe to Nissouri,, . where he wee sees 1 • . few clays with his un- cle, J. Boltone'seeeMr. Jas. Hereon. is attending Guelph Fair this • week., -Mr Sid M rfhur, :who. has just returned home from Regina, spent the week end with his sinter, `Mrs. Stewart Mc - ,Queen. Fax-ouhar :irate,. The Farquhar young. people are husy pr nirinr the hre,gptiler elite "The Ite't- at the •Weidiew, for December tette leap it in. mline,,and; clot rot mice it. About Temperature, The best authorities ou the science of meteorology tell us• tbat without the various changes in the temperature there would be a perfect calm at all times in all parts of the globe. A uni- form and unvarying barometric pres- sure would everywhere prevail, and there would be no ebauge or seasons, no evaporation or condensation, no Clouds and no rain. Iu short, without changes or temperature, which we sotuetimes think so uncomfortable, the atixeneitere would soon become poison. ons, Stagnant and incapable of sus- taining human lite. Climbing the Ladder. The prudent, penniless beginner in the world labors for wages awhlle, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or land for himself, then iihors on his own aeeoinit anotber while and at length hires another beginner to help blue This is the just and gen- erous and prosperous system whieta opens the way to all, gives hope to all. and consequent energy and progress and improvement of condition to all. Men Classified, Patriot --One who goes with his wife to buy a bat and eujeys himself. Martyr -One that goes with her. but farts asleep in the store, ('oward--The eueaaky character that ttin•:lys renaeuabers he has an engage. oast. She Wasn't Old. -There's no rise setting; your ca.p fele Me. burros. deur. He's eu old womatii te.ter " "les, gut fere at young woman." Some Hope. ° v n. t ht' (tonna give you any hope?" 'Its. etched. Iia* told its yesterday met to worry about the size of his hue" Top and Bottom, "My friend," said tile long haired passenger to the young man in the seat opposite, "to what end bas your life work been directed':" "To both ends," was the reply. "I bare the only first elass hat and shoe store in the village." To Clarify Fat, Fat is easlly clarified if a few pieces of raw potato are added to it and then it is heated slowly in the oven or on top of the stove. Wbeu It ceases to bubble, strain through cheesecloth and. let it stand till Grni. Keep In a cool place. Geed Reason. "Why don't you ever laugh at any of may jokes?" "Because T was brought up to re- spect old age and feebleness," -Barb• teertReeteerien n. Hut Between the Planets. if tiers is say exchange of beat be, (ween the pfaaeta, no human device teen ate .aur. it, for the bolemete , can- not be increased in its delicacy earn- cleat to detect the minute ataeatat That te, tis plaldarm wire• -the server, more wealth* thaa human servers, can- not be grade say thinner and Laid to - ;;ether to use. N. influence of tits plan• •ta upon each ether has ever gear de :e.tted by the rent aoeeatpUaked eb- :pryers with the most *exalters lnstou- dents that earn hr made, Imelda two% xruyttattoe aad light It must. M tiutt na•ut from the sun to the planets is ab- sorbed by teem, since none comes to h a the earth by redaction intense eeesurlt to be meaau.red by an electric nerve thinner than a spider's thread. -Neat York American. Winter. In the winter nature menses from Ger ,abors and prepares for the groat rbange. The wind sweeps through the great forest with n e.ound like the blast of a trumpet The dry leaves whirl In addles through the air. A fretwork of hoary frost covers the plain. The stagnant .rater in the pools and ditch- ea is frozen into fantastic figures. In the low hanging clouds the sharp air, like a busy shuttle. weaves her shroud of snow. There is a melancholy and continual roar In the tops of the tall. pines like the roar of a cataract, It le the funeral anthem of the dying year. -Longfellow. Th. ;Secret. At a bat masque a group of girls de- manded of a maglelan: "Tell ■s, oh, tell ns, how we may re main always young and always beau- tiful!" 'H,unspbi Nothing easier," grunted the magician "Get a million and stay single," -Exchange. Qualified. "I'm stere my daughter le going to stake a great' singer some day." "is that .or "Yee; she's always quarreling with ner mother, who tells me It Is abao- lutety;impossible to manage her." -De trot i'ree Press. • Knew His Dad. t'eachee-Several of your examples In arithmetic are wrong, .lohnny. Wby didn't you ask your father to help you? Johnny -'(rause 1 wasn't looking for trouble, there wtay.-Exchange. Lots of Checks. "Can you apply a cheek to your wife'd extravagance?" "Cant. I? fibs just keeps me and my account bony supplying them."-Bai13. snore, Ann:dean. , Health and cheerfulness ;mntnally beget each ether. --Addison. Highest cash prices paid for Sia: r:1:). Raccoon azel Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROE':, LIMITED b1ANUFAGTURERS Eatabrisho a 1525 ONN"DON - - 03.w. CHURCH ANNOUNC M !(TS. !titer due consideration and inves- tigation of the nmeteo4s and practices adapted by other newspapers in ret- erenee to chureh announeeanents of sermon*"and coming exente the news- papers of tovrn have decided to piece a small serriee charge on all such items. In most places the church officials have arranged with the newspapers to carry a small advt. tor the purpose of lteepiaag the pub- lic informed of the a.rvisss on the coming Sabbath, BRUSSELS -Mrs. Donald McDonald of Morris Township died Sunday as :t resultof being thrown to the cement ,walk during the recent high wind. She had been married two years. TUCKERSMITH:--The death occur- red at his home in this township on Friday of Edgar Leatherjand in his 52n1 year, after an illness of several months. His widow and five children survive. PARK.HILL-Frank Wiaisoa, died in Victoria Hospital on Thursday, where he had been undergong treatment for two months. The rernsins were bur- ied here on Sunday. SEAFORTH,-The ,hath `occurred at her home on. Dec. 5th; of Isabella McKay, widow of the late George Mc- Intosh, a former resident of blcKi.11op, The deceased was a slater of the late distinguished missionary, Dr. G. L. McKay pf Formosa. She was over 80 years of age and leaves six ;ons and two daughters, SEND US THE NEWS. The Advocate is anxious to hare correspondents in all districts;. If your territory is not represented by our staff correspondents will you send us the news, or suggest the name of someone who would be likely to do so? We furnish stamped en- velopes and writing supeelles. Ye Olde Carl Singers r h�/Sa"r.,..I n.. • . -ilii '4'.lf;!. ; _y dot -i, X!7q1 eteeeeilei}Ii IS-'fiT�m`�lalit ll is le. 44 The Carol Sisteer of To -day e=(re tion " for e NEW EDISON • :,I€kr `.f'honovr mph a*7s ¢ S91( �TOU will probably want s01ele new "RE -CREATIONS" at Christmas time, aild of course you have f r keds who would like some new music. If you will come to our store you will find a very com- plete stock of Christmas and other selections. Here are a few "RE- CRA.TIONS" that you should hear. Joy to the World',, Hark 1 the herald Angels Sing Church in the Wildwood- Throw ,Out the Lifeline. Silent Night The' Vamp-On.estep. ,Tenth ' Regiment March Peace Chimes March Johnaty's in Town: We advise that you coxae in as soon as possible in. order to have a good selec- tion to choose from, heavy Christmas sellingis, making some numbers scarce. J WILLIS POWELL, Edison Dealer Exeter,' - Ontario, 12 Inrorporstt-d in 1855 Over 120 Bra*ehee THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL RESERVED $9,('oo,f00 Doom -next' of importance are absolutely safe- goarded if prised m one or our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES =INTIM B R ANCR T. S. WOGDS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily, Greenway A meet wedding was solemnized at the Corbett parsonage, by Rev. D. Wil- liams, M.A„ on. Thursday, Nov. 27th, when Miss Mabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, I•iutcithsoe be - became the bride of Mr. Merton Mor- ley of Detroit. The bri.ie was dress- ed :n a travelling suit of navy blue. They were unattended. MARRIAGE ISSUED by C. H. Seeders at the Advocate Of - fiat Strictly cosafiatt tial; too wittier" CLINTON—George Hayes died at his homeitn town on Monday, after but a few days illness,; He was in: his 77th year. -Very keen sorrow was felt in Clinton on Tuesdayenorning, when it became known that Murray D. Jack- son of Port. Colborne, only son of Mr;Fre. aced. Jackson, of town, had passed y, tor an illness extending over several weeks Donald Macdonald, an old resident of Clinton, passed away on Dec. 3rd:--Joiui, R. !Hall, after an i,llncss of ,soma weeks, passed away on Monday at the age of 24 years, "Jack" Hall was a returned soldier, having en- listed with the 33rd Battalion and served with the engineers in Franc etee edette 2s# tett •,r:r pf l n t 11 (c if �lll�lllfll 111 y flltfl'i TAUS. a llil '����� II i4 I t1�1 it ;a LENGTHEN THE SHOPPING DAY Shop illuminated by HYDRO Gas Filled a 1/ Lamps invites patronage and confidence, Goods appear as they are The business day is extended Hours that otherwise would be dull are made busy and profitable. If your business stops when dusk falls the reason usually is found in poor or inefficient lighting. You can improve every hour of the business day by installing HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps. You flood the gloomiest corner of. the shop with the brilliance of a noon sun. HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps carry' theendorse- ment of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. This means that they have been tested in the laboratories of the Commission and are perfect in every detail. " Let us demonstrate the superiority"of HYDRO Gas Filled,Larnps. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER .COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR SALE BY Hydro -Electric Syei'et, Hydro Shop" • • ASK THE HYDRO' MAN POWER eeeseeree .D R O Gas Filled Iain s / IN addition to the brands) at Exeter, this Bank has blanches at the following nearby l;:." kap s r-. Crediton Dashwood 00O F COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 ' RESERVE FUN!') - - $ 15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, A. E. Kuhn, Manager. Inrorporstt-d in 1855 Over 120 Bra*ehee THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL RESERVED $9,('oo,f00 Doom -next' of importance are absolutely safe- goarded if prised m one or our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES =INTIM B R ANCR T. S. WOGDS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily, Greenway A meet wedding was solemnized at the Corbett parsonage, by Rev. D. Wil- liams, M.A„ on. Thursday, Nov. 27th, when Miss Mabel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, I•iutcithsoe be - became the bride of Mr. Merton Mor- ley of Detroit. The bri.ie was dress- ed :n a travelling suit of navy blue. They were unattended. MARRIAGE ISSUED by C. H. Seeders at the Advocate Of - fiat Strictly cosafiatt tial; too wittier" CLINTON—George Hayes died at his homeitn town on Monday, after but a few days illness,; He was in: his 77th year. -Very keen sorrow was felt in Clinton on Tuesdayenorning, when it became known that Murray D. Jack- son of Port. Colborne, only son of Mr;Fre. aced. Jackson, of town, had passed y, tor an illness extending over several weeks Donald Macdonald, an old resident of Clinton, passed away on Dec. 3rd:--Joiui, R. !Hall, after an i,llncss of ,soma weeks, passed away on Monday at the age of 24 years, "Jack" Hall was a returned soldier, having en- listed with the 33rd Battalion and served with the engineers in Franc etee edette 2s# tett •,r:r pf l n t 11 (c if �lll�lllfll 111 y flltfl'i TAUS. a llil '����� II i4 I t1�1 it ;a LENGTHEN THE SHOPPING DAY Shop illuminated by HYDRO Gas Filled a 1/ Lamps invites patronage and confidence, Goods appear as they are The business day is extended Hours that otherwise would be dull are made busy and profitable. If your business stops when dusk falls the reason usually is found in poor or inefficient lighting. You can improve every hour of the business day by installing HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps. You flood the gloomiest corner of. the shop with the brilliance of a noon sun. HYDRO Gas Filled Lamps carry' theendorse- ment of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario. This means that they have been tested in the laboratories of the Commission and are perfect in every detail. " Let us demonstrate the superiority"of HYDRO Gas Filled,Larnps. HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER .COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR SALE BY Hydro -Electric Syei'et, Hydro Shop" • • ASK THE HYDRO' MAN POWER eeeseeree .D R O Gas Filled Iain s /