The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-11, Page 3{
Three Big Companies Send Experts ' Into Great Slave Lake
Country to Complete Exploration by Next Autumn
of Vast Oil -Bearing Areas.
A despatch from Ottawa %aye:— The Shell Oil Co,, the great British
'When navigation opens on the Atha- company, which attracted general at-
basca River and Great Slave Lake next
spring three parties of men, represent-
ing as many companies, will push into
tention in Canada by its attempt to
get exclusive rights for a large area •
of ail Lands in the West, has evidently
not lost heart as aresult of the Hon.
the oil -,bearing areas of the north, Arthur Meighen's refusal to entertain
where prel minaicy investigations by its appneation. It is stated that it has
Prospectors, grim*eyors and geologists three or more survey parties in the.
have led them to expect alien -ter un- north.
tapped reservoir to add to those al- The Standard Oil Co. is reported to' '° � ?. '.t' y . ;'l vl� - ' ; ,a 1� cantarto wheat—No, 1 Spring, :¢.,-42 to a
' to 82c; e1ga, $..dies, 20 to 3Ic.
ready supplying the world, be sending two outfits into the areas Jnr. Lionel ti. Clarice, the newly Tr L make,wife of the new S=' as xo• 2 Spring, to ;2.14; No. $ i bard-1?iire, tierces, 29 to 293ac;
These companies are the Standard it has leased on Great Slave Lake in appointeeLieutenant-GovernorIts S
poi Co., the Shell Oil Company, and order to mace a thorough test of them. Ontario.
the Anglo -Canadian Oil Co. Mr. A..Contiguous to this property are sev s
R. Coyne and Mr. W. R: Martin of eral thousand acres which were lo- , *-
lo -
Medicine Hat and five others are nowv .sated by �a. Canadian -American syndi-
in Ottawa. on their way to London for
consultation with British direators of
the Anglo -Canadian Oil Co. This coni -
panes survey parties have been in
largec i anies mention- A. despatch from Ottawa says:— 'Airs. Mi11ro'. of Knockrevte House
they have made contracts for develop- by the three on p hasgone was recently elected a member of the `
ment `earl to extend over five years ed there will be a florlc of prospectors The Solder SetticmentBoaid IZirkcowent Parish Council, " �
e •to make further search over the fifty million ]nark in loans to Jute bags, prompt shipment. Gc S. to 680. Eggs, fresh, 9Q to he,
le the 240,000 acres which they have unci experts n e tx y, The number of lambs fn border
. 111tlt:tcecl•—D^t• lots, delivered etentreinIselected, 65e; No, 1 stack, 58e, No. 2
leased. The company expects to spend far strata which might be oil-bearing. returned soldiers settling on the land. i 1be under the average der eretg#te, bags included: Bran, per ton,. stock, sae, 'atatoes, per bag, ear lots,'
Million dollars to locate definitely Bynext autumn the areas reputed so The returns are completed to Novein- coMgt es e e u , o }
a rand total of 550,- Ing to the recent bbzzatrci, o45a shorts, per tan, $6:., good recd hour,. $2.-a to $2 00. Dressed hogs, abattoir
the oilbearnng strata on its area. rich in oil will be thoroughly tested, ber 15 and show a g 11i]. and Mrs, John McLellan, of 32-1G to $3.60. killed, $?4 to $24,50, Lard, pure, woad
f loans a - Iity•No.°1 per ton. $26; mixed. p,:t•.palls, 20 lbs. net, 281/4c.
ton. $11 to $23. trade, Toronto. i Live Stock Markets.
Country Produce ' \Vtho1esale, T0i Oflco, Aee, 'J,-•- 0l1c ee heavy
1 steers, ?18,25 to $18.50; good 'heavy,
Butter--D'dry, tubs and rolls, 43 to steers, 512:50 to 13; butchers' cattle,i
44e; prints, 48 to He; creamery, fresh ; choice, $11,75 to $12.25; do, good,'
Weekly Ma rket Report
Breadstuffs, Beane—Canadian, hand-picked, bus:,
Toronto, Dee. 9 ---.Manitoba wheat— $5`25 to $5.75; primes, $4.25 to 914.7'5
No, 1 l�Tortbern, $2,30; No. 2 Northern, Japans, x,4,75 to $5; imported, iiand-
$2.27; No. 3 Northern, $2.23, in store poked Burma, $4; Limas, 1711 to
Fort William.
Manitoba oats—No.. 2 CW, 88%c;
No. 3 CW, 86i/se; extra No•- 1 feed,
84a/se; No. 1 feed, 81%+c;, No. 2 feed,
80Ine, in store Fort William.
Man. barley—No, 3 CW, $1,491%21
Na. TCW, $1.32, in store Fort William..
Amer; can corn --No. 2 yellow, .$1.70;
No. 3 yellow, $1,60, track, 'Toronto,
prompt shipments, Provisions W#ia#wale.
Ontario oats --No. a white, 88 to 90e, Smoked ute�ats —Hank, med., 36 to
according to freights outside. " 38e; do, heavy, 131 to 32c; cooked, 47
Ontario wheat —No.1. Winter,per to 'SOcr, r:otle, 30 to 81+c;. breakfast.
ear lot, $2 to $2.01; No. 2 do, $1,9 to $aeon, 42 to 46e; 'backs, plain, 47 to
$2.03; No. 3 do, $1.98 to $1,99, f.o.b. 48e; boneless, 49 to 52e.
shipping points, according to freights.: Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 31
honey Extraeted clover, 51b. tins,
27 to 28e; 10-1b. tins, 26c; 60 -lb.
tins, 25c; buckwheat, 604b. 'tins, 18 to
20c; comb, 16 -oz., $6 to $650 doz.;
10 -oz., $4.25 to $4.50 doz,
Maple products—Syrup: per imper-
ial gal., $3.15; per 5 ,imperial :gals., 53;
sugar, Ib., 27 to 38e.
1 of Sr,ring >sr.45 to $2 :t. t..o,b. shipping tubs, 29 i/ tp 30e pails, 293'$ to 3014cq
I,:eutetiant-Governor of Ontario, i
points. according to ft-'<hts. prints, 30 to lie ec, Gompaun , erea$0
Pen"—:do. 2, $2. 0. 1271/. to 23e twos, 28 to 28' e pails,
� I', i1,,,.._ ,altinl;. ,S1.G4 to k1.G3. 0.,122°8741,;..
28',. to 28%c, prints, 29?t to 300.
„,riling to frr,ights outside' Montreal 4larlcets,
l:u,•htvhest --51St to $1.3':, •
to freights outside. 1 Montreal, Dee. 3, --•-Oats, extra No.1,
Rye—No. 2, $1.87 to ;1.40. according feed, 990. Flour. new standard grade;.
to freights outside. 9 811 to $1;1.10. Rolled oats, bags, 90
Manitoba flour--Coverntnent stand- lbs., $4.75 to $4.85, Bran, $45, Shorts,:
ard. $1l, Toronto.
2$52. Hay, No. 2, Per ton, car lots, $24
Ontario flour --Government standard 'to 525. Cheese, finest eastertrs, 294n
$9.60 to $9.60, Montreal d Toronto, in to 30e. B atter, choicest creamery,'
tate, which also plans to'send an out-
fit for testing purposes next spring.
Other smaller companies 'have secured
areas in the north as well, and in addi
Northern Alber,a for four years, and tion to the testing parties being sent
TOTAL $50,699,003
5,433 Soldier Grant Entries
'Reported by Board.
A Co-operative • Enterprise in
Lake St John Region,
Prince Replies to
The King's Welcome
A. despatch from London 'sayse A1-
though the welcome lionxe dinner to
the Prince of Wales at Bunking • m
699,003. The number a p
proved is 16,175 and the average loan I(illywbau, near Dumfries, recently.
is $3,134, celebrated their golden wedding.
Advances were made for the fol- The turestile receipts for the Glas•
lowing purposes: sow and Paisley Spring kloliday were
Land purposes:
more titan double those of last year.
p $28,125,250;
Provost alis 11i11an, of Rothesay; Pias made sonde, 62 to 030; prints, 03 to, $10.75 to $11.50; do, med., $9 to'$9.76•'
Amount for purchase,
o n egaon, ha
improvements, 4,528,325; stook and asked the County (Amen fol a grant one. - 751 do, tone, $6.50 to $y; bulls, choice, $lel
mp ' of .1,10,000 for repairing the roads, E 52 to 54e; new lard, , a to $11, da, med., $9 4o $9,25; •do, rough,
N. Quebec. Palace Monday night was a private equipment' $10,336,537; total, $41,990,- 0c. Held,
3 g greeted 1' 112. Bohn lti. Aloot�, advocate, been to 80c, I$7 to $7.25; butcher cows, choice, 5101
A des etch from uebec. •says:--A,;appointed s to rff substitute has Banff o poultry—Spring h 1 to Sll, do, good, $9. to $ .BQ, d ,
p Q c• c. ow 2 a
function, Kin • George reete his
son Dressed e ickens, ; 25 9 ; o
in a set speech, addressing him as 1Ky On Dominion lands. in the Place oY Dudley Stuart, pro• -6 to 30 , roosters, 2a „ fowl, to, med., $8.25 to $8.50; do, com,, $6.50 to,
railroad built:and operated by a group dear son ” and adding, `4I wish you a Improvements, $1,375,173; stocic and �5c• geese 22c• duckling>, 25 to "30e; $7• stackers $7,50 to '$1Q• feeders $10.
g, I p , meted.
turkeys, 35 to 400 squabs doz $4 50 $11 0 • tt 4a 25
of farmers, in a remote region of Que-
bec Province is the latest in ro-opera-
tive news. The district aF L;tice St,
i ; 3. to' .5 canners and cut ers, 5
Mrs. Louisa Sidley Davies, who died Live poultry --Spring eliihkens,� 19; to :$$0.25` milkers good to choice, $110,
recently at her home in Moffat, be-
queathed to 20e; roosters, 20e; fowl, 18 to 22e; `to 1+175;'do, eom.'ad rued., 565 to $75;
1S.0a0 to elfin italale insti- geese, l+e; dueklin;s, 22e; turkeys, springers, $90 to 51 5; light ewes, $`T
tutions. ' 35c. to S8,5Q; yearlings, $9 to 5x0.60;�
Rev.. B. 13. 1lcGtasban, Gatehouse, : Cheese—New, large, ,81� to fees, sprig; lambs, -per ctvt., $14.'Fa to.
Grand total 50 699,003. 1. has been appointed chairman of the twins, 3.. to 32afee; triplets, 38 to $15.50; calves, good to choice, 518 to'
G , $ , new Educa.tional Authority for the 33tlac Stilton, 34 to 35c. I ; 20; hogs, fed and watered, $16.25; do,�
Tire board alta reports a total of Stewvartry, Butter—Fresh dairy, choice, 5o to weighed off cars, $10.;,0; da, f.o .,
5,433 soldier grant entries completed A Celtic Cross has been erected by 58c; creamery prints. 66 to. 68 ; $15.25; do, do, to farmers, 515.
up to the 22nd of November.
public.; subscription in Leitliolm, a5 a Margarine --33 to 38c, Montreal, Dec, J, 'butcher
ex heifers,'
"""-" ^' ""- '" i it who had Fallon Eg3S.,... 7o. 1, 6i0 to 61c; selects, 041 earn., $0.76 to $8; 'butcher co�ss, fined:,
memorial to men
most hearty welcome on your return equipment, $8,882,267. Total, $5, -
home, safe and sound."
The King expressed his pleasure at On land owned by settlers:
John, in Upper Quebec, is the st'ene; the remarkable enthusiasm with which Exrcumbrances, $1,726,279; � nzpilove-
of this novel enterprise. The eompanyl the Priuee had been everywhere re- menta, 5583,29ee, $1ck and ; sim]ment,
will apply to the Quelaep Legislature
a charter. eeivei anti because he had fpxTgei a 51,X41,618. Total, 3,451,091.
at its se.,i,ron next week. fornew link between Canada and the
Another railway to develop s:aun 1> otherland.
ties in Quebec Province close to and The Prime of Wales, replying to
leading to the Ontat;io border is pro- his father, began:
posed by a recently organized corn
"Your Majesty, I feel very diffident
pony 'which will apply to the Quebec in attempting to reply to this toast.
Legislature next week for ineorpora- hen y311 bade ins farewell I felt very
Proud of the mission you entrusted to.
This hotter ro]npany e • Mem name me. 1 wvas following your footsteps,
will lie• the Quebec Colonization 11'i tatting out to see the Empire for, my-
i itproposes
w • orn ti a ]dli
+! Company, w„ J � • , self, and I meant to do my utmost to
orate a •railwyaw: •line „ream a point at or he worthy of your confidence..
reili• 11Iont I' uiwiei•, itr The county of "It .is stili a prouder moment for me
Labelle, in a southwesterly direction Pacific,'
when I hear from your Pips that you're not true that
a erihere s with referencany e 4' a paint on the Canadianpleased with the way in which I ear- stops or wv v g . nw eror William
Railway at or near 1l:aniwak], in the' vied out my task, and' I am deeply the trial of former Emperor
county of Ottawa, and running vest- ed Germany: The law officer:, he aie-
erne in the direction of Lake Expanse giateful for the far Loa kind words ed, were continuing most careful pre -
and Lae cies Quinze to a point on the you have used about me. I have bad orations for ,it. Fifty thousand wilt -
Canadian Pacific Railway at or near a wonderful journey, a wo]xder�fi]l ex- en statements with reference to the
Temiscamingi]e, and :further to build pen epee, and earl never. adequately
express my gratitude for the universal matter of prosecuting criminals for
and operate a railway line from a , „ their acts during -the course of the
point at or near the Colouge River in kindness and hospitality shown me.
g , : �_• war had. been exalmined. From this,
the county Pontiac, in a nor ei, northerly the speaker 'said, the audience could
direction to a point on the National Queen Mary Accepts .appreciate the magnitude of the task
to 65e; new lain, 85 to 90e. $6 to $8; canners, $5; cutters, $5.25 to;
Ex -Kaiser s Trial in the war. Dressed poultry --Sprang thickens, $6; 'butchor bulls, coin., $5.7 to $6.50-
Take dace A mural tablet will be erected in the 30 to 83e; rooster-$, 23 to 25e- fowl, grass calves, $7; veal calves, $15 to
A • despatch from London nye:—
ays; —
County Buildings, Wigtown, in memory 30 to 32c; tnrlceys, 450; ducklrnga, 34 i 510; good veal, $14 to $16; ]nedium, $9,
af�`the late (:oriioral LOnis McGuiiie, to 35e geese, 24 to 27e squabs, doz., to $14; grass, $7; ewes, $7 to $8;
Speaking at Pontypridd, Wales, on VS $6.00, lambs, good; $18.75 to $14; come,
and Marchioness of Live paultrw-.-Spr,rtg chickens S12.a0 to $1,i.2a hogs, off �•!x we]ghts,.
22 A I
Thursday, Sir Gordon Hewart, Attar he Marquis i
i was Bute were present at the Bute Cattle to 260; fowls, 23 to 25e; ducks, 22 to selects, 51.6.50 to 1?; lights, $14.50 to
hey -General, said the suggestion ^ Show, ]•esuseitated after a three years' 25e; geese, 19e.
$16,50; sows, $10,5`0.
Transcontinental Railway at or near
Notlaway to a pe,int at or near the
Bell River, north of Lake Shabogaina,
Indian Woman's Name
A despatch from Brantford says:—
and not be deceived by suggestions
that the matter was not receiving the
closest attention.
The whole, with the necessary connect- That'Queen Mary has been pleased to •---
ing lines and branches, such railway accept the Indian name of "Ca -non -
line to be operated -wholly or partly Ronh-Nwa" from the women of • the
by steam or electricity. Six Nations. Indians, whose reserve is
Tho Legislature will be asked to near Brantford, is the information .re- d d 11 An agreement has been reached bee
authorize such company to own and .ceived here from Ottawa. The name A desp they a th r is 1 tween the railwaymen's unions, the
operate ships and boats, to acquire, given is the Indian name, of Mrs. Helen Premier y g TZ d ih t" f U F lion dollars a yea] , In addition to this
develop and •a eeate watei; and electric i ent of the Si. Nations Wo- House of Government and the railway creep
p Hill, Prep d t Church, Selkirk, presented ex -Bache ' w,,,hiel] supply the raw or Half -finished Live' `
powers, timber limits, fishing rights, men's Patriotic League. The Queen p Anderson with a wellfilled wallet on Some young maples, a gift from the:
licenses and patents, saw -mills, mines, :also extended her gracious thanks for would be ratified ;before the end of the occasion of his jubilee as an elle 1 materials used in constructing ellipse! Toronto branch of the Overseas Club,
ores and clay•products, and to carry on the -address -sent to her by the Indian the month. He thought Parliament
Lloyd George Thinks Pact
to be Ratified This Month
The death Is announced at her rest- DOMINION SHIP-
dente, Ardendree. Kirkcudbright,' of i YARDS ARE BUSY
Lady Lft1ord, widow of the fourth 'Vitt- ; ENGLAND.
con' Lifford.
Individual communion cups were in- • Twenty Thousand Men Ern-
troduced for the first time at a recent ; pioyerl in the Industry, ,, 1
communion service in Kircudbriglit' A despatch from Ottawa says:—In-
T3•F. Church. I chiding the two 8,350 ton steel vessels King George le expected to pay of
The Military Cross has been award- ordered recently from the, Wallace visit to Zeebrugge at an early date•
ed to Capt. R. J. Mackay, son of R. Y. ` Shipbuilding Company in Vancouver Bowling Green Farm House at Had:,
Maclay, Proctixator-fiscal for the the Derain -fon Government has now don Hall, Derbyshire, has been eom-
County of Dumfries. contracted for 57 ships. pieteIy destroyed by fire,
Major 3. Tait, son of Thomas Tait, Three months ago there were 23, -Four judges granted undefended,.
Moffat has been uppointed to eom- 500 0 ipayroll of thirteen divorces at the rate of 16 an hour,'
0 mer on the p y mostly on the petition of soldiers,
mond the Special Military Surgical Canadian yards, and. there are prob.3'
Hospital at Woolaston, Newport,Frederick lzzard, a l•Iitchin fireman,
ably twenty thousand men now active- was instantly killed when his bicycle'
The Marquis of Bute, convener of Iy engaged In the construction of vet
flip Bute County Council, has asked all gels in Canada, The menu me in colidecl with a ]rotor lorry,
etch from London says:-
• Lloyd George, speaking in e
Commons on Thursday, ay, ex-
ressed the hope that the peace eay
householders ail farmers to o;, a , wages is estimated at forty-two mil-.
canto exterminate e a
The congregation o West23,000 employes_ of other industries
all trades and businesses in connection women, and presented to the Prince of
therewith and for other objects. Wales on the .occasion of the visit bf
The other railway comp -any seeking the Prince here on October 20.
incorporation at the session of the
Legislature that opens here .on Wed-
nesday next is the Farmers' Railroad -Fernand in South Africa
Co, of Normandin, in the Lake St. For Canadian Newsprint
John Tegion. It will build and operate
st railway line as far as Peribonk, and A despatch from London says: ---
from there as far as the Saguenay Robert Muir, representing South
River at St. Fulgence, or near that
place, at deepwater, and will also ask
for all the necessary powers for the
accomplishment of the above purposes.
Only Two-thirds Wheat
Has Been Moved East
A. despatch from. Winnipeg says:—
, It is estimated that not more than
two-thirds of the season's grain has
been shipped out from the West. To
date 70,000,000 • bushels have passed
over tlbe Canadian Pacific Railway
lies, •ard lit is said that between 30,-
000,000 and 35,000,000 bushels will yet
1]e shipped out. The early cold spell
is responsible in part for : the slow
movement, all available cars on rail-
way lines having to beused for the
transportation of !coal.
African paper importers, will sail for f
Canada' shortly to negotiate for a
large export of Canadian newsprint to
that •country. He' hopes Canadian
manufacturers will ease theirprices,
and ocean carr] rs their rates, .as
otherwise it will be cheaper for South
Africa to obtain supplies from Scan-
dinavia, from which steamship rates
are lower.
177 Head of Holsteins
Fetch. Sure of $51,000
A despatch from Fond du Lac, Wis.,
.says:—A total of $51,000 was -obtained
for 177 head of registered Holsteins
at the annual fall sale of the Holstein
Breeders' Sale Company. The average
price was 5288. Korndyke Press
brought the top price of $975.
r making engines and rigging and out -
are being planted on Viiny Midge,
would rise Dec. 23 until February. - fitting them, earn about forty million An Irishman giving evidence at W1I�1,
' dollars annually. Iesden court said that he had Iivegt
The actual money invested in Cana- there all - his life except the last 2011,
dian shipbuilding yards is $47,000,000, years.
Eighteen ships of the Government Grenville Napier, a New Zealand
fleet are now in commission, and there ,
will be 22 before the end of the year. soldier, was drowned while bathing
The Canadian Aviator, one of these with his sister in the Thames at Chert-.
vessels, is going on the first voyage Sey'
of a Government vessel to Australia Robert Charles Levitt was sent to
with a cargo of paper. The steamships prison for drawing
ou -hree f -works. aty Stockport
ter and Canadian .for drawing out of -work pay while em
Canadian Volunteer ployed.
Trooper have sailed for Great Britain Elsie Williams, aged 21, was placed
via the Panama Canal with lumber. It under probation for 12 months at
is stated here that the British 'Govern- Liverpool for being a stowaway on an,�
ment ;;is buying seventy million feet American transport.
of Iunx�ber in British Columbia
60,000 Names en Walls
of Church.
A church will be erected in Notre
Dame de Grace, a suburb of Montreal,
upon the walls of which will be in-
scribed the names' of every man who
died for Canada in the great war. The
church will be used by the gombined
congregations of the Anglican Church
of the Good Shepherd and Trinity
Church. Sixty thousand Canadians
were killed.
Swimming "Agony" Feared.
Investigations have been made by a
life-saving society asto why deep sea
fishermen were not taught to swim.
It was stated at an inquest at Grimsby,
England, recently, that not one -fisher-
man in twenty could swim, and in
quiry at all the fishing ports of Eng-
land and Scotland revealed the as-
tonishing fact that a similar percent
age'of non -swimmers existed.. -
The belief among fishermen of all
parts is that those who know how to
swim -' only prolonged the agony of.
Memorial' Cross to be given by the
Dominion Government to the wives
and mothers - of Canadian soldiers anti
-sailors who fell in the great war. If
the soldier left ,a wife the Cross goes
to her, otherwise to his mother or,
nearest female relative.
13E berTIN' UP iti'THE
PARLOR FEr'v ME -el 40E5,'
1'M INN'FE A biA441L
`at -n-100' HEF.5li
ME -1'M SAirt : tn,llz
SHE MOST. li Aer
ri\L-Lelst iwSLEEp
DAWN `f1iERe.-
King ald.Queen Are . Coldest Novernber Since
Proud of the Prince
A despatch from London says; --One
wito was present at the banquet given
by the King at Buckingham Palace in
honor of the return of the Prince cf
Wales says the oceasion was the first
time the King had heard the Prince
make a formal speech. The King him-
self concluded his own remarks by
saying: "His mother and I are proud
of lien."
Away Back in 199E
A despatch from Winnipeg says: --
November, 1919, has been the coldest'
on record since 1896, according to t
official observer at St. John's Colleg
Observatory. The lowest for th
month was recorded November 30,, .
when 18.9 below was reached.
Buy Thrift - Stamps. y
511-S H: 4ET TO
nowt. ;M i E ANY
0AU411TER iS
EVER•e t'4-tHT IN THE.