The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-4, Page 8RXBTER DvarsiS.TE, TH 3 t6D1tY I1En. 4 ID111 Ex 'ter Markets Changed each Wedzues.Klay Fell Wheat .4:,..,... •• ,,,,.. 1.95 Barley 1.25 to 1.35 Oats ...... • ., e 85 5,85 amxly ,Flour •52.00 Shorts Bran per ton 45.0000 New Ladd Egg, ... Held Eggs . '*5 55 -58 :�zary Butter...,..... 68 Creamers' Butter 68 LardY.' P- trig - er i • 1.75 to2 II ., ..,17 00 ,to 20.00 inion ...15.00 Memorial hurch Scrvi-e,..i, u ua1. SOWS S el Ele. Twa Vor sows. I have same in my. barn. Owner .ant, :hare same by pay- iue tier Oa see. ,and expenses:. If not clainie.l w;.'.,' sell :to pay expense;, R. E. Foley, R. R. 1, Woodhull .ere elrli it with the latest thinks. Try our jar oysters, cran- berries, etc., HARVEY & HARVEY. Local Doings Cauttiy Court will be held in God- ezich on Tuesday, December 9, Judge Dickson presiding. The reeves of the various munic- tp iities are attending County Counei1 n Gselerich this week. Mr W. H. bearing of Stephen has pur.ehaeed a lot from -Dr. Browning, north of W. J ,Bissett's and iv91,1 erect a house eext summer. The use of bi-carbonate of solei as a tooth pow der assists in whitening the teeth Tooth powders containing charcoal have a similar effect. Mitchell bets had all the pupils of the Pubin school vaginated as a pre- cautuort against smallpox. Stratford lend Dublin have several cases. "Mickey" put on at the Dome Theatre. ,on Thursday afternoon and evening attracted U. packed jlouse on all occasions. It is a charming picture show, On Nov 19th the marriage took pace at Thames Road Manse of Mr. Nell McGill of Usborn• to Miss Jessie :1icCu dy , daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Thomas McCurdy of Exeter. The" dame given by the young men of town oa Thursday- night last was well attended and a very enjoyable time was spent by all. The music was furnished by the London orchestra. STOVI. FOR SALE— Good second-hand stove foo' good, baker and as good as new. „tsp- ply to Mrs. MMAvoy, Huron street GASOLINE, ENGINE FOR SALE. Irrte.rn:.tinna1 Gasolisne Entinefor sale, 3 H. P., in good order. Cheap for quick sale.—Exeter Canting Co. ENSIL.GE FOR SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. is offerieg ensilage for sale at $4,00 per n nR, ppurchase to pay for weighing a G Seldon's scale, Payment for .en- silage to be made by ?,larch 31, 1920. EXETER CANNING CO • FOR SALE. On hand one Fairbanks -Morse 5 grain ;rimer and bagger; also Fleury roller crushers and grain grinders; In- ternational and De Laval Cream sep- arators; Me au ;hlin cutters and In- ternation:tl sleighs.-- W 1i• WARD, OFFICERS ELECTED, Exeter Lodge No. 67, LO.O.F., el- ected their officers for next year at their regular meeting last week—Noble Gran:. ,,Theo. Walper; Vice Grand, R. W. Fuke; Financial Secretary, Welt Johns, Reeorditag Secretary, R. N. Creech; Treasurer, E. M. Diapers ; Medical Examiner, Dr Graham; Trus- tees. VVT Martin, W. ,Johan R. N. Creed,_ Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 133, A. F: & A. M., elected their officers for 192') on Monday night last,--Wor. Master, R N Rowe; Sr. Warden, A. E. Kuhn; Jr. Warden, E. 115. Dignan; Chaplain, i1I. Eacrett; Trews., C. H. Sanders; Secretary, R. N. ,Creeeli ;. Tyler. S. Sweet, Auditors, T. S.Woods and A. Rastiags; Board of Examiners, M. Eacreit, W. W. ,Taman, R. G. :Seldom The Installation wild take place on Monday evening, Dec. 29th. Mr. Ed Heideman has returned af- ter a visit in Torontott :lir. W. S. Cale ,was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr. S. M. Sanders was in Toronto on business this week. Mr. T. W. Hawkshaw of J..ondon was in town this week. !Sirs. S. Fithian,has returned from a visit with her son in Toronto; Miss Grebe Redden of London I311,41 - ness College was home over Sunday, Miss Hume Heideman has returned front e visit with her brother in .Cor- onter. ;Sir. T. 11. Newell is attending • e tueetin of the Shrin,4rs in London this week. J. Soethaott extended the. Press Assocaa,tionmeeting in. Toronto last week. Mrs. Dui Schroeder and little 1)otris who have been visiting in Milverton, Stratford and Isitclsesner for two weeks have returned home. The idolwelll House will be opene 1 out again shortly John «'..art of Dasiteeod having leased it. The place has been. closet up since J. Sparks made an assignment.—Thedford Tri- bune. _. The wedding took place at Van.- vetiver anmover recently of Ernest Rivers, son of Mr ane Mrs. W. C., Rivers of Ex.- eter to :hiss Catherine Ann Lefech, jeughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.Leitclt of V rcouver. Mr. Rivers is resident engineer for the C. N. R. The y oun .•oup,e spent thein honey -moon in Cal- ifor-nia. WINDLASS. The party who borrowed Mr. John Hunters windlass will confer a favor by returning it at once. BATTERIES CHARGED OVER WINTER. We are prepared to take care of batteries through the winter, and also to overhaul your cars. Storage is free on auled. T. NELSON, bHuron eing Garage. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. j, Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- norms s nods (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to 8. WANTE30 judge Dickson in passing sentence n Blanchard tcai11 Puts, who cyas on trial for committing an outrageous tre•- fen.'. against his daughter, sixteen years at age addressed the pr!saner at some length, irisin,; that his first intentaa i was to give the maximum punishment of fourteen year., but up 0,1 counsel for the prisoner ,ieser b-' ng the environment of Williams in his early life he had changed his mind semew1tat. He felt that he should sentence the prisoner to a term that would allow his Youngest child to grow old enough to protect herself before Williams would be. around to have any influence over her. He said that the Children's Aid Society was taking care of the children. under the ago of sixteen years and that some provision would shave to be made for the daughter he had ruined for life. "The sentence tviji be nine years in. Kingston Penitentiary where you will have a chance to learn an honest trade and repeat the awful crime which you have committed." ,said the judge. POULTRY SHOW. The 34th annual exhibition of the Huron 'County Poultry and Pet Stock show will be held in Goderich on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan 14th 15th and. 16th. The prize list has been revised and made more lib - Kitchen .Help. State wages. Apply era. to +exhibitors. New Commercial Hotel, Woodstock, ANNUAL BAZAAR. TEAM RAN AWAY, Remember the Annual Bazaar in b the Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall, Fri. Dei. 5. Admission 15c, afternoon tea included. Good picture and musical program at 8 o'clock; admission 25c. STRAY HEIFER The undersigned had a two-year old red heifer stray from the premises of Mr. Pcnhale Township of Hay .some time ago. The animal has a pig rine in the top of the right ear. Please communicate. with W. H. Mor- ten( R R. No. 2, Crediton. GIRT, AND COOK `WANTED Experienced illnina Roam Girl and also Cook wanted at the Central Hate'. Exe+er. SHIP STORE A team of horses t b elonging to Mr. Harry Eiworthy of Usborne at'td driv- en by the hired maga, broke away from Harveys' mill on Monday afternoonand made a lively run down. William street. O. reaching Huron street they turn- ed east and in. passing R. N. R1ow 's the wagon struck his buggy d been left standing outside, beading the axle, and doing other damage. Mr. Robert Dinney succeeded in getting the team stopped at this paint. The wagon tongue was broken, but other- wise the damage was light. TRAINS CUT OFF. Messrs. Richard Bissett and Wal- ter Dearing of London and Mr. Young Creeeli of Detroit attended the fun erd of the late James Creech on :.fe>nalay. .1r. Victor French of Weitaskiwin, Alberta, spent a day or two here with relatives, after attending the Canadian Sress Association meeting in Toronto, 41, .frs. Bislu35 and daughter Winnie of London, En;;., arrived here last wcee. to reside. They are motherand sinter, respectively, o1 Mrs. Norman klo;:key of town. Mr. and ltrs. Henn Coultis ee- turne'l home from their weddieg trip fast week and were givers a warm en- thusiastic reception by their friends who gathered at their home to wel- come them. - Having returned from overseas I leave decided to take over the general store business n Shipka. conducted'by Mr W. D. 1+fcleelllar . during my ab- sence, an1 1 shell be pleased to wel- cone a,1 my odd customers and others who see fit to deal with me. h. RAIZ. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. G. A K. ,McLeod wishes to thank the members of the Masonic Lodge fot their letter of sympathy, also all the friends ,who were so kind to Mr. McLeiotl in his last illness. CARL) OF THANKS. In addition to the remuneration the Exeter Canning Co. wish to heartily thank the men who so loyally came to heir assistance to repair the damage lone to the factory after the storm. WEATHER STRIP. How about the draft coming through around your doors Why not shut it out by buying Welather Strip from J W. Hera, who has an expert, G, Green of Woodstock, corrin; this week to put it ion, • Giving the shortage of coal as the reason the Grand Trunk on Sunday last cut oli a large number of trains, seven going off on the London clivi: - ion. The Loddon, Huron and Bruce is affected to the extent that we now have but one passenger train each way —going south in. the morning £ram Winghan, to London. and back at night. t. This ,means that we get no daily papers until evening.. Why the railway company cannot give us the morning, train: north and the evening train south is a mystery, as it would+be much more convenient for the people travedelrs.1 Why forand the commercial merth Grand Trunk ,too.alter this arrangemeznt, and failing, in this make applic$tion,td the railway .board? DEATH, OF JAMES CREECH. • MONEY TO LOAN We ;nave a. large amount of private funds to loan •on farm and village property- at Iow rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANB JRY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter FA1 QITI-Lele The Store at Farquhar will close every night in the week except Wed- nesday and Saturday nights, Law- rence Fulton. Free abortion bacteria (Bovine) will be sump fed to all farmers and stack owner , fol the prevention, against and for the -treatment of contagious abor- tion, in cattle. Appy to H. A. Eckert, V. S., Crediton, Qat. NOTICE Having disposed of the butcher. 'business -to Air. E. Makins we beg to express our appreciation to the many eustom.ers for their patronage in the past. All accounts are now due and we will appreciate a prompt settle- ment. Accounts may be paid at the butcher shop. WM. RIVERS Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPARING Gas Engines Overhauled, Re -bored and New Rings on Piston made to fit. Wagon Axles re-fitterd and New N ;Made. I 4—kinds of repair ' work pramst yr deet Oosrtnor Gasoline En•gities for sale. Phone :135, THE WATICINS AGENT jtandlee all kinds of spring tonics for both man and -beast; also toilet articles. Their spiced and flavorings are the purest on the market Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 One of the pioneer residents of Ex= eter passed away on Friday mtaridag last, Nov 28th, in the person of James Creech., Huxan Street, at the age of 83 years, 9 clays., The d ece as- ea I ad been s. failing health t for sev- eral years from general isnfixmnity, and. for about four yealrs had been dating finned to his bed alnnost continulously, gradually growing weaker•• Two weeks ego has appetite failed him! and the end came more .rapidly., The laste Mr. ,Creech was born art Somersietsinire England, and came to parade. when a bowith turn- e.sbis to, England Mr. Cr evshe cater � Creech for years was uonstabler And road commis- sioner• inn Exeter, but retired from these'rluties yseveral years ago, and lat- er sat can the council'. boardefor a time. As e public servant he was eminently succ.essiul, and as a citizen he was respected and >F siteemed by all. In religion he was a Methodist and in politics a Conservative. Fifty-six years ago he married Grace Bissett, daugh- ter pe the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bissett, amid ,she. survives, tog:eit'her with one son, James W. of Roctestee, N.Y, and one daughter, Miss Jessile,at home. The late Thomas G. Creech was1 a so a sex ;One.; brother, William of Exeter, end'a sister, Mrs Richard Bu,ss,ett of London aiso survive. The funeral took place on Monday after- noon ',teExeter Cemetery. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Ofiiice-.Bakers' Livery Barn, Calls promptly attended to night. Phone 8: Exeter day or PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 3Z' Come In and Let Examine Your Feet and Advise You FREE If you are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and permanent correc. tion. You are invited to consult this foot ipcilist while he is here. He Will Be Here . eth 9 a# m. to 11 p. m. DRS. SWEET & VINING V eterkary Surgeons All coalspromutly attended to day or night. °Woe Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. Corner Dundas and Richmond Streets Lo¢n n da Ont. , Our aim is to sturn out efficient graduates enter now and become one of them Bookkeeping and Stenogra- phy. j. Merritt, . N. Stonehouse, I'yineipea Vice -Principal Don't wait until the last minute and, maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort. Come in any time during business hours and tack it over with the expert. Mere a 114. Scholl Appliance orRanitj krEverivermuele There is no need to suffer from any foot trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance. He can telt Just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddly shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet JONES & MAY "Watch Your Feet"- J 1 FRAN'l TAYLOR Licensed Auctilatneer for Counties of Huron and• Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guararuteed. Crediton, Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON • LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND 'VALUATOR for Coentiies of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Office a t ,Specialty. Sa,1es a Stock 1 Cockshut't Waorlarooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Tea & of 'ee Store For the choicest, groceries fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery lime Call and seei ns. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange as. Gould Dr. G. F. Rouistore L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. HORSES ” WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good, condition. Geldings 5 soar; old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old. up, weighing from 1300 rounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW, CENTRAL STIR Ai F@RU,. ONT. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 The largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. We give indiridual'instruction and students may enter our COMMERCIAL; SHORTHAND or TELEGRAPHY Departments at any timeu. We as- sist graduates to positions. Write now for ou'r free catalogue and Yearn the nature of our work. D A. McLachlan. Principal, ISAAC R. • CARLING, B. A. Barrister: Solicitor, . Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor ,for the Mo1- sons ;,Batik, Etc. Money to loan at `,lowest rates of interest.. Oifface-Main Street, Exeter. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE. FUNERAL DIR1 CTOR AND FURNITVRR DEALER SQUTHCOTT BROS. Its time to think about XMAS. - SHOPPING GIVE USEFUL GIFTS •THIS YEAR HERE, ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS— FOR LADIES Beautiful Black Sulk for Dresses Sweater Coats Silk Hose Camisoles Fancy Handkerchiefs Cashmere Hose; Felt Shoes:,. Fancy. ie Linen Towels au d ' rs FOR MEN' Sweater Coats Silk Shirts Cashmere Hese Silk Hose Wool Gloves Suede Gloves Fancy Braces Line. HandkerchiefsNew Neckwear Rubber Boots p B d �' e E FAMILY FIOCKEY SHOES FOR ALL 'TillMENBOYS GIRLS WOMEN, FOR CHILDREN Pullover Sweaters Sweater Coats Cashmere Hose Leather Mitts 'Wool -Mitts 'Wool Toques Fine Shoed Hockey Shoes Rubber Boots. Felt SlioPer;