The Exeter Advocate, 1919-12-4, Page 3}
The Winter Wardrobe. b'
4 '.,i"rr�; +`, ''.'fJ mfap L?Pw;'fvz•."Iw'.'gai
93.81-9163 8942-9176
No. 8941—Ladies' Waist. Price, 20
cents. Body and sleeves in one; under-
sleeves attached to lining. Cut in 6
sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 ins. bust
measure, Size 36 requires, body and
sleeves, 13g yds. 36 or 43 ins. wide;
collar, cuffs, vest, 3 yd, 36 iter. wide;
one material, long sleeves, 11 yds. 30
ins. wide, or l e yds. 45 ins, wide.
N. 9176—Ladies' Four -Piece Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. With side, yokes;
with or without circular flounces;
high waistline; 39 or 37 -inch,• length,
Cut in 8 sizes, 24 to 38 ins. waist,
Size 26, with flounces, 3e -inch length,
uta yds. 40 ins, wide, or 21/ yds. 54
Ms. wide; without flourees, 39 -inch
length, 2ge yds. 40 ins. wide, or 21�s
yds. 54 ins, wide. Width, 1? yds.
Ilio. 9181—Ladies' Mannish Shirt-
waist. Price, 20 cents. Pleated front.
f'ut in 7 sizes, 84, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and.
4G ins. bust measure, Size 36 requires
23 yds. 30 ins. wide, or XTs yds, 46
ins, wide.
No. 9162—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.
Price; 2 cents. With side -pocket sec-
tions; 39 or 37 -inch length. Cut in 9
sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and
40 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re-
quire•a, 39 -inch length, with side-
pocket seetions, 2% 'ads. 36 ins. wide, i
or 21;; yds. 48 ins. wide; without side-
pioeket sections, 39 -inch length, 21,41
yds. 36 or 48 ins. wide. Width around
bottom, 1% yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your kcal McCall dealer, or
frim. the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Department W.
Armed Cruiser Reconditioned
The latest addition' to the great
D. Williams' Pink Pills Act Dir-
ectly On the Blood and
Food is as important to the sick
person as medicine, more so in most
eases, A badly ¢ chosen diet may re-
tard recovery, Ill health the natural,
appetite isthebest guide
pp t
in sickness the appetite is often fickle
and depraved..
Proper food and a good toniq will
keep most people in good health, Dn
Williams' Pink Pills are the most popu-
lar• tonic medicine in the world, harm-
less and certain in their action, which
Is to build up the blood and restore
the vitality to the run-down system.
For growing girls who. become thin
and pale, for pale, tired women, and
for old people who fail in strength,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal
tonic. Thousands of people have
testified to the health -giving qualities
of Dr. - Williams' Pink Pills, and in -
many homes they are the only medi-
cine e used. Among the liotnes in 'which
the benefit of this medicine has been
proved is that of Air. E. A. ,Under-
wood, Kingston, Ont., who says:—"I
have used Dr. Williams' Piulc Pills
with the most beneficial results. As
1 the result of bard work I was very
much run down, and .my appetite was
• very poor. I got a supply of the pills
which I used.regula.rly for some week,
with the result that they restortcd me
to my old- time strength. Tliey also
proved a blessing to my daughter, wise,
was in a very anaemic condition, and
who seemed' not to get more than
temporary relief from any medicine
i until site too Dr. Williams' fink
Pills. She took the pills f about
three months, and is uow enjoying th
best of 'width. For these reasons I
can strongly recommend Dr,
Hams' Pink Pills."
At the first sign that the blood is
• out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and note the speedy improve-
ment they make in the appetite,
health and spirits. You can get these
pills through any dealer in medicine
M or by mall at 50 cents a box or six
boxes for $2.50 fivhin Tbc I)r. Williams'
1llecliclue Co., Brockville, Ont.
Lover's Wedding Cake.
Four pounds of flour of love, one and
one•half pounds of buttered youth, one
and one-half pounds of good looks, one
and ane -half pounds of sweet temper,
one mid one-half pounds of self -for-
getfulness, one • and one-half pounds
of powdered wits, one and one -halt.
ounces of dry humor, two tablespoon-
fuls of sweet argument, one and one-
half pints of rippling laughter, one and
one-half w ineglassfuls of common
sense. Put the flour of love, good
looks and sweet temper into a well -
furnished house. Beat the butter of
youth. to a cream. Mix together
blindness of faults, self -forgetfulness,
powdered wits, dry humor into sweet
argument, then add them to the above.
Pour in gently rippling laughter and
common sense. Work it together un-
til all is well mixed, then bake gently
fleet of C,P.O,S. Steamships which' ply
between Canada and practically all the
important ports of call in the world is
the, ""Empress of France," before the
war popularly known as the SS. "Al-
satian" and one of the ocean grey-
hounds between Canada and Liverpool.
The vessel lias been reconditioned
since the war ceased and recently
completed her maiden trip to Quebec
under her new name. Her interior ar-
rangements and fittings Will .compare
favorably with the great Leviathans
in this
respect, The 'Empress of
France" has a length of 600 ft.; beam
72 ft„ depth (to 1) deck) 54 ft, 6"in.;
and a tonnage'of 18,000 gross, A
striking peculiarity is the cruiser's
stern, which imparts a warlike ap-
pea'aance to the vessel. Her war re-
cord is one to be proud of.
The "Empress of France" as the
SS. "Alsatian" was requisitioned for
war purposes under Royal Proclama-
tion immediately on her arrival at the
port of Liverpool, midnight on the
6th of August, 1914. `After. completion
of discharge, the entire reluuval of all
passenger accommodation and other
woodwork, she was armed with 8-6 in.
guns, commissioned and manned by a
naval crew under the command of
Captain V. Phillimore, D.S.Q„ and 'wae
attached to the 10th Cruiser Squad-
ron on northern patrol duty, sailing
from Liverpool on August 15th, at
which port she has been based during
the entire period of her commission.
From August to December, 1914, site
remained as above stated, but in
December she was made Flag Ship of
the Squadron to wiiiclh she was at -
t aelhed, and Vice -Admiral Sir Dudley
R. S. DeChair, K.C.B., M.V.O., hoisted
his ting, wlpich flew up to March, 19 6.
when ha wa.a succeeded by Admiral
Sir Reginald G. Tupper, K.C.B., C.V.O., i
who was succeeded in November, 1913.
t by hear -Admiral C. W. Keighley ! Fp D 3 o)u,ii
1' ' ON TSE
Found by the Plumber.
plumber had a bit of luck some
time since when lee was called to. a big
hotel to discover the cause. for the
stoppage in a certain waste -pipe. He
found in the bend of the pipe a dia-
mond ring, which, leaving gradually
collected and arrested all sorts of
odds and ends, had effectually block-
ed the passage of the water.
The plumber, being an honest man,
gave the ring into the custody of the
proprietor, and he, being also honest,
and remembering that one of his
guests had complained of.the loss of
valuable ring three months before,
wired to that gentleman to come at
once. On his arrival be identified the
ring as his property, and bestowed a
crisp ten -pound note on the plumber,
for the ring was worth twenty times
that sung.
Cite of the .directors of the Bank of
England a good; many years ago
bought an estate, and drew a single
note fo;' •hirty thousand pounds to pay
for it. On reaching home, he put the
note on the mantlepieee, was called
from the reoui, and, on his return,
missed the note. Where could it
be? Theft seeined out of the question,
for nobody had been in the room. A
sudden draught and the flaming fire
seemed the true solution, and another
note was %cued to replace the lost one.
'intim years later the first note was
presented at the Bank, and, .being p:ay-
able to "bearer," was honored. In-
quiry showed that the banker's house
Lad been bought by a builder, and
one of his workmen, as the house was
beir.,,, demolished, lirtd discovered the
i old note, quite uninjured, though much
soiled, to a crevice in the ollininey.'
Whet are the rights and wrongs of
that transaction?
'SYRUP ' OF f IGS" aw_. _..
Look at tongue! Remove poi- .f
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
A,ccept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the nam. a California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directionschild's for eh 1
ads _ o
an ti C
bottle. Give t Gl it
ewithout h ut ter
Mother! You must say `"California.'"'
A curious nest is made by the tailor
laird of India, a tiny' yellow creature.
To escape snakes and monkeys, this
bird takes a dead leaf, files up into a
tree, and with a fibre for thread and
its lain for a needle, sews the leaf to
a green once hanging from the tree,
The sides are sewn up, an opening to.
the nest thus formed being left at
the top. The leaf, apparently hanging
frons. a twig, would never be taken for
a nest.
it Made No Difference.
b'p and down the railway platform
scurried the nervous old lady, evi-
dently searching in vain far some one.
Then she tackled a porter.
"What time does the Iast train go?"
she demanded anxiously.
"Nine -fifteen, ma'am," -replied the
Per another five minutes she rushed
about, looking wildly round Then she
met the porter again.
"What time did you say?" she asked.
"Nine -fifteen," said the porter, a
trifle curtly.
The lady stood wringing her hands
by the entrance, her eyes searching
the darkness wildly, vainly, for her
luggage. Then, for the third time„she
sought the potter..
"1 say, my good man,” she wailed.
I've got a tin chest, and you said—"
The porter cast courtesy aside like
a worn -mit garment.
"I don't care if you have a brass
neck," he yelled. "The last train goes
at nint<-tifteent"
Breaking the Set,
The lady district visitor- was trying
to get friendly with little Johnny.
"Do you think your mammy would
let nae buy you, Johnny?"' s1 a asked.
-Buy hue what? An airgun?" asked
Johnny quickly.
"No! No!"laughed the district visi-
tor. "Would she let me buy you from
her and take you away with me?"
"Sipe . inight, " replied Johnny. "But
I'm afraid you havdn't got enough
"Well; about how much do. you think
she would ask for you?"
'•:\ thousand dollars," promptly an-
swered Johnny.
'011, but that seems an awful lot of
motley!" expostulated the lady. "Are
you quite _ sura you're worth as much
as that?"
-Weil, p'r'aps not," admitted Johnny,
"but, you see, there's six o f us, and
if mammy sold me it'd break the set."
Sending One Back.
Little. Edward's twin sisters were
being christened. All went well uptil
Edward saw the water in the font.
Then he anxiously turned to his
mother and exclaimed:
"Ma, which one are you going to
send back?"
"Build thee more stately mansions,
0 my soul,
As the swift seasons roll!
Leave thy low vaulted past
Till thou at length are free;
Leaving thine outgrown shell on
life's unresisting sea."
—Oliver Wendell Holmes.
Tattoo artists '
ssi London don have been
busy since the armistice. One soldier
has had the names of all the battles in
which he participated indelibly writ-.
tea on his arm.' It was a rather long
job, for he had been through the war
from the start in 1914. In Thames
Court recently a man appeared with
his head quite barren of hair, covered
with tattooed butterflies, stars, eta.
To remove inkstains rrom a carpet
or tablecloth, sprinkle immediately
with salt; allow this to soak the ink
up, then' brush 'off and apply more
A blend -of wheat and
barley reined to -�
gest easily' and make.
and -keep , people strong.
there's a Reason"
Peach, under whose flag she terrai, '
nated her couhmisslon as an Armed
The Squadron to which she was a
taelied, and later became Flagship o
consisted of 2.4 vessels, the maiorit
of which were Armed ilercantil
Cruisers. The duties of the Squadro
consisted of the stopping of vessel
boarding them and examining thea
papers, and should on examinatia
they prove to be at all of a suspiciou
nature, a Naval Officer was placed 1
charge atul they were taken into a
United Kingdom port for closer ex-
amination. This similarly applied to
any members of the passengers or
crew, as each and everyone had to
give a satisfactory explanation as to
their nationality and business. Avail-
able records show thatin all the
Squadron intercepted some 10,000 ves-
sels, but it is impossible to state how
ninny of these proved to be engaged.
in work hostile to the Allies' interests.
In the early part of 1918, circum
stances permitted' of the 20th Cruiser
Squadron being considerably reduced
M numbers, and vessels so engaged
being allocated to Convoy Protection
Duty, the "Alsatian" figuring amongst
the number and being stationed on
the North Atlantic route in such ca-
pacity. While so engaged she escort-
ed nine convoys of about 20 vessels
each, carrying an estimated number
of troops per convoy of 30,000, prin-
cipally . Americans.
While engaged on Convoy Escort
duties the "Alsatian" also carried.
troops and cargo, the number of form -1
er per voyage being about 600, and
the weight of cargo per voyage be-
tween 2,000 and 3,000 tons. She made
her last voyage on Government Ser- 1
vice in November, 1918, sailing from
Liverpool on the 14th; and redocked
at that port -on December llth, 1918,
having steamed a total distance on
Government Service of 266,741 miles
and consumed 170,571 tons of coal.
On January 17th, 1919, she left for
Glasgow, having been placed in the
hands of her builders—Messrs. Beard-
more & Co.—by the' Admiralty for re-
conditioning, being- redelivered -to the
C.P.O.S. at the Port of Liverpool on
Thursday, September 25th, and sailed
for Quebec on Friday, September 26th.
Captain Outram, her captain when.
war broke out. was given the rank of
Command' r R.N.R., and acted in that
capacity, which, was of :an advisory
nature, under both Vice -Admiral Sir
Dudley E.. S. De Chair, K.C.B., M.V.O.,
and Admiral Sir Reginald G. Tupper,
K.C.B., C.V.O., and was granted the
D.S.O. for services rendered,. being
succeeded by Captain Cook at the
same time as Admiral Tupper was
succeeded by Rear -Admiral C. W.
Keighley Peach. Captain Cook was.
appointed Flag Captain, and granted
a commission as Captain R.N.R., and
now commands the vessel.
t'anadian fall weather is extremely
hard on little ones. One day is warm
!and );,inert and the next wet and cold.
These sudden changes bring on colds,
cramps and colic and unless the baby's
]iftle stomach is kept right the result
i may be fe riot's. There is nothing to
!equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping
the little, ones well. They sweeten
III the st..:h:lila, regulate the bowels,
tt break up colds and snake baby thrive.
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by nail at 25 cents a box
frontThe Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,.
The School of the Future.
She conducted her school on the
strictest and most .approved hygienic
principles, and before deciding to
take little 'Willie as a scholar she
asked him the usual questions.
"Have you had your vermiform
appendix removed?" she :inquired.
"Yes, ma'am, said Willie.
"Have you your own • sanitary slate=
sponge,.. a disinfected drinking -cup,
certificate for inoculation for the
croup, chicken -pox, and .measles?"
"Yes, ma'am" '
Do you possess a patent antiseptic
dinner -box, and do you wear a col-
lapsible life belt, a camphor -bag round
your th{oat, and insulated rubber
heels for crossing electric car lines?
And have you taken out a life'insui'-
ance policy against all the encroach-
ments,of old age?"
"f can truthfully say 'Yes,' ma'am
"Then hang your cap on ilia au .t;
laced• peg, and proceed to learn of
sanitary inc.
"A man needs philosophy more for
the commonplaces of this world than
he does for its miseries, ennui being a
steadier foe than pain."
Kinard's Ltnhaent Cures Distemper..
"Well, George, are you perfectly
satisfied?" asked his uncle after the
Christmas party was over. "No, uncle,
I ain't," was the plaintive reply.
"Bless my soul, how's that?" "Why,"
replied George, "auntie told me to eat
as much as I wanted, and 1 couldn't."
Mother's Coughsdand
Colds Go Quickly
She cannot afford to be sick
and neglect her household
duties. .At the first syrup,
toms she prepares the way
for quick recovery by the
immediate use of Gray's
as Syrup—a household
preparation of sixty
years standing.
Mother always buys
tho Large Size
wtl iv..,s`vgwalyelee\sie 9egv6gy'
a m
2 a�
A i r�
(,Q M. D.a lvizes: "Persons who *)
anger from. severe 'indigestion %
e and constipation can cure thein. •
o selves by taking fifteen to e
• thirty sox ogss of Esstract of Roots y
• after each meal and at bedtime. C
.6 This remedy is known as Mother
m Seigel's Curative Syrup ir: the clrtrg m
• trade." Get the genuine:`- 50c. •
hand $1.0013ottles. •
• s •
Sloan's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied without rubbing,
will' penetrate immediately and rest
and soothe the nerves.
Sloan's Liniment is very effective
in allaying external pains, strains,.
bruises, aches, stiff joints, sore mus-
cies, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu-
niatic twinges.
Keep a big bottle always on hand
for family use. Made in Canada.
Druggists everywhere. s
85c, 70c, $1.40.
1 vv
;dinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen, ---Last winter I received
great benefit from the use of MIN-
ARD'S LIN3AIENT in a severe attack
of LaGrippe, and I have frequently
proved it to be very effective in cases
of Inflammation.
Throwing grain on the ground for
the hens to pack up is not economy,
Cast it among litter •so that the fowls
will be compelled to work for it, and
they will not only be benefitted but
will give you an extra reward.
Buy Thrift Stamps.
Don't blast your Liver and
Bowels, but take
i ,`Cascarets."
You men and women who can't get
feeling right—who have headache,
coated tongue, bad taste and foul{
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili-
ous,'nervous and upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered .stomach and
Are you keeping your liver and
bowels clean with Cascarets, or shock-
ing your insides every few days with
Calomel, Salts, Oil and violent pills?
Cascarets work while you sleep;
they cleanse the stomach, remove the
sour, undigested, fermenting food and
foul gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry out of the system
all the constipated waste matter and
poison in the bowels. Cascarets never
gripe, sicken or cause inconvenience
and Cascarets cost so little too.
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
DOGBook onC
Dfe: DiSt3 SES
and low to re -ed
Mailed free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Z. Clay Clover Ca'Ann.
11S West 31st Street
New York,
Clasiifed' AcMve.rtisemlenti1
/OM z
Also twenty other pairs. Reid Bross
Bothwell, Ontario,
whet >?rice? Reid Bros., Bothwell..
s" State experience and wages wanted,.
Reid Bros., Bothwell. Ont,
WANTED �Iv,�.'<za Clamart
a pound,. any size. l -pay express
within 200 miles of Toronto. No dodoes
tion for shrinkage. Samuel Lewis. 66d.
Dundas West, Toronto. -
C4A'ht it, d'UMOtis, Lumrs, ETO,,
viaternal and estergat,, ,cured- without
pain by cm- home treatment, Write_us
before too late. Dr. Beliman Mecal
Co., Limited, Corrin¢wood. Ont.
In one region of government forest
land in Argentina it is estimated iil*A
there are at least 1,000,000 pine tree
large enough, for gkofitable lumber;
The safe way to send money by math
is by ,Dominion Express Money Orders
Your thousand pretences for not
getting along better are all nonsense;.
they deceive nobody but yourself.-,
Abraham Lincoln.
Mivar .'s Liairtaent Caren Gaxget is Cow‘t
Changing breeds may be all right,
but before it is done one should ?bd
sure to give the present breed a fair
chance to de well. Many a flock has
been condemned as 'lzn hrofitabie be,
cause it was never ro ere c ed
• • •. O * 0 0
n: .
You reckless men and women who
are pestered with corns and who kava
at least once a week invited an awful
death front lockjaw or blood poison are
now told by a Cincinnati authority to
Use a drug called freezene, which the
moment a few drops are applied to
any corn, the soreness Is relieved and
soon the entire corn, root and all, little
out with the fingers.
it is a sticky ether compound which
dries the moment it Is applied and
simply shrivels the corn without in•
Gaming or even irritating the surround.
Ing tissue or skin. It is claimed that
a quarter of an ounce of freezone will
cost very little at any of the drug
stores, but is sufficient to rid one's feet
of every .hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn Is a suicidal habit.
SiNCE 1870
Lade$ Pethane Your Skin
With (S i ic'7 'r Takurn
Antiseptic, prophylactic, deodoriz-
eodoric-ing, fragrant and zefreshing, Cut%-
cura Talcum is an ideal face, skin,
baby and dusting g powde Conve-
nient and economical, takes the place
of otherperf'uy-iec for the person. A
few graitis sfficientOne of the in-
dispensable Cticu a Tcilet Trio for
keeping the skin pure and sweet.
Cut -tours 5oan5 ., Cin "hent 25 and 52r.. "tal- Caner.iandi is So13 everywhere.
For sample earl, free address: " enticura, ]?apt..
N, roston, tr. S.
Not Aspirin at`A11 without - the "Bayer Cross!
For Colds, Pain, Rheumatism, Ach• package which contains complete di-
ing Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica, Non- ructions. Then you are gettin • real
ritis, and for Headache, Neuralgia, Aspirin -the genuine 4sp rin ire -
Toothache, Earache, take Aspirin scribed by physicians frr ever mile
marked with the name' "Bayer" or teen -years. Now 1.11 :160. in Canada.
you are not taking Aspirin at all. Handy tiro., boxes eontahiin, 1' tab
Aceept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cent D c :.,.,F,td
Aspirin' in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Ba cs' I
y T' .�..
There is CT1:17 c ,1r.s7 ,;-.,:"lanyer"-.'l.?ou must say "",..i r;,,
l t tj is the tra c 1 . r a In Canada) of. 'layer i:. , c - til e tt}-....
cce tai cf i it as well known t ath, , tic. tags
iia a to t • u.• 2 n t imitation:,. the ')'ahle a
wire 1.e 5..., _ c,l