HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-11-27, Page 8EXETER. AlIVEMATE T1iLTH.aflAY N0V127, 16113 ;,:eter Markets Local Doings l'haaged each WedneselaY Special services ere being conducted 195 in. Main Street church tens week, leer Whet neeene, %awl,,e5 to 1.55 The Advocate this week replaced Oat': Flour Shorte Brei pee ton. . new laid Ht Egg - D ere But:er Creamery Butter Lard , , Fanny, ner bag ...... -1.75 to 2.00 H• it 424 85 5.70 52.00 45.00 75 55 53 to 56 64 17.00 to 20.00 Hoge pet lewt. 16.00 T ivitt Memorial Church St:n-1 e, as usual. ell. teen.. Greffin oe near Vancou- ver, Beee. vneting, his sorts, Messrs. Gzfn Inee, at the garage, far a item,- weeks BAZAAR tO the Bazaar ea the Tewn Hall, tweet the 213$.plic es of 'Nettie St. Leeies* an, Friday the 28th from 3 to lt. Aprons, Fancy work, home - meet. C ooeing, candy, Chickens, Eggs Etc. Admiesion to. Bazar and Lunch- epn 10c Came and pick out your Chrestmee *resent. Tree -tit Memorial Girl's Auxillery tn Feeklay evening; next presents "The Blue. Cashmere Gown." Adirtission- 15e. and 10c. STOVE FOR. SALE - Good second-hand stove for eale, gated baker and as good as new. Ap- ply to Mrs elcAvoy, Huron eteeen 111.1•0•111., GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE. International Gasoline Engine for sale, 3 H. Pe in good order. Cheap or quick sale, -Exeter Canning Co. GRAND BEND ENSILAGE FOR. SALE. The Exeter Canning Co. is offering ensilage for sale at $4.00 per ton, purchaser to pay for weighing on R. G Seldoies acalee Payment for -en- silage to be made by March 31, 1920. EXETER CANNING CO FOR SALE.... On. hand one Fairbenks-Morse 8 in. grain grimier and bagger; also Fleury 34ol1er crushers anti grain grinders; In- ternational and De Laval Cream sep- arators; McLaughlin cutters and In- ternational sleighs.--WM. WARD. ROMANCE OF TARZAN is coming to Dome Theatre Nov. 28th and 29th. Among the very best of picture shows BATTERIES CHARGED OVER. WINTER. We are prepared to take care a batteries through the winter, and alea to overhaul your cars. Storage is free on care while being ovenhauled. T, NELSON, Huron Garage. qmoimmo.v.vd== VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St, Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- linings 7 to 8. WANTED Kitchen Help. State wage& Apply New Commercial Hotel, Woodstock. ONIONS, J. H. Grieve will take in onions at the old Temperance House on and after Oct. 14th, except Saturdays. WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS FOR SALE. Barren laying strain; half price 31.50 -to make room for winter stock. J. H. GRIEVE, Exeter. GIRL AND COOK WANTED Experienced Dining Room Girl and also Cook wanted at the Central Hotel. Exe+er. FARQUHAR The Store at Farqubar will close every night in the week except Wed- nesday 'end Saturday nights, Law- rence Fulton. .„.. Free abortion bacteria (Baviate) will be supplied to all farmers and stock ,owners for the prevention against and for the treatment of contagious abor- tion in cattle. App'y to H. A. Eckert, V. S., Crediton, Ont. ATTENTION Ali of our groceries are fresh, there - lore we have no rea,son to cut our prices in order to ,get rid of them. So Phone your order to 56 and have your groeries delivered at once. WILSON & SIMS. Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPARING Gas Enzines Overhauled, Re -bored and New Rings on Piston made, to fit. Wagon Axles re -fitted and New Nuts Made. • All kinds of repair work promptly attended to, Connor Gasoline Engines for sale. Phane 135. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of 'County of Huron will meet in the council-- diameter, in the Town of Goderich, on. Tuesday, December Zinl, 1919, at 3 reolocie in the afeeinacen.' All accottate should be in the, hands of the Clerk on or. before that eate. Dated at Goderieh Nov. 15, 1919. GEO. W. HOLMAN, Co. Cleek thetr gasoline engine with an electric motet,. An eleetric nrator to run the, organ b' -owe r was installed in Main Street church last week, Mr. elainice Quence has purchased the residenc,e of the late James Beer on Sanders Street, . Miss :Spicer has been confined to her home for a fe.w hays owing to rhetunetism. She is improving, Mr. Luther Penenfle has rented Mr. 0. Zuefle's house on. Andrew Street and is moving therethe-, week. eir. N. Sheere has .purcha.sed the residence of the late. John Gill on James Street and .will ia the epring make some alterations in it. Mrs, Clubine .of Henneton, is here owing to the illness of her father, Mr. Wrn ?arsons, who .is suffering freni pleurisy, but is improving slowly, 71r. Janice Creech, who has been confined to his home owing to iTt- heatth tor some years, is worse and shows signs of the final breaking. up. Mr. J. A. Stewart was in 06110 last week attending the funeral Of his brother, John Stewart, who died on the 16th. Deceeseti leaves te widow, one emend one daughter. The contract for the Soldiers' Mem- orial at Hensall baa been awarded to elesere Cenninghern & Prycle of Ex- eter for$2500, The 1110AUTOCAt will be of „granite and. •the ,statute well be six feet the whole being about 14 feet high. Two Jeus were hi -Ought befere Mag- istrate: Sanders, Hawkins -and Reeve Beaver:: by Coaetable Bissett 'Thurs- day last charged with selling goods without a hawker's license. Both pleaded guety and were fined $15.00 each and come, erne:planting, in all t� $46,00. eft. W. R, Stewardeen, who recently disposed of his barbering business to Mr. John Hockey, moved back to Lu - can, Ms home town, where he will en- gage in the auto tire and repair busi- ness. Devlin!. Mr. Stewardsoree resie clenee litre he has made many warm friends who will wish him every sue- eess in his nek undertaking. The annual meeting of the Elim- ville Farmers Club will be held at Elimville on Wednesday evening Dee, 3rd. All interested in the U. F. 0. movement are invited to be pre- sent. Delegates will be appointed to the Toronto convention. Enos. Herdman, Secy, NOTICE Having disposed of the butcher business to Mr. B. Makins we beg to express our appreciation to the JIMMY customers for their patronage in the past. All accounts are now due and we will appreciate a prompt settle- ment. Accounts may be paid at the butcher shop. WM. RIVERS NOTICE The Thames Road Farmers' Club will hold their annual meting on Monday evening Dec. 1st, at 8 o'clock The members are all requested to be present. Also the ladies are invited with the intention of organizing. Leslie H. Robinson, Secy.-Treas. CARD ,OF THANKS. Will the friends and relatives who rendered spacial assistance in con.nec- eon with the funeral services of cur beloved father, William Down, accept the sincere thanks of his sons and daughters eor their exceeding great kindness. Signed in behalf of ,Sons and daughter& "MICKEY," Many were disappointed Monday last in not being able to see "Aleckey" the much talked of movie, advertised to be put on that day and night. For some unaccountable rea- sonnthe reels did not come, but itt will be put on in Dome Theetre on Thursday at 2. pen* 4 p.m. and 7.30 and 9.00. , WINDLASS. The party who borrowed Mr. John Hunters vvindlaes wiel confer a favor by retuening it at pace. SPECe.AI. MEETING L. 0. L. A .sPecial meeting -of. L.O.L., No,. 924,will be held in their hall on. Fri. evg., Dec. Sth, When the installaitiom of the newly electedofficers will be held.-Hermen Powe, W. Master. LOST'. On Nov. 1st, art auto -harp in box, between Dashwood and Kitchener, on Fullerton, St. Paul and Stratford route Finder will be suitably rewarded by potifying Mrs. David Zinn, 66 Brubach- er St„ Kitchener, Ont. ANNUAL BAZAAR. Remember the Annual Bazaar in the Trivitt lelem,orial Parish Hall, Fri. Dec. 5. Admission 15c, afternoon tea included. Good picture and musical program at 8 o'clock; adraiseion 25c, STRAY HEIFER The undersigned had a two-year eld red heifer stray, from theepremeaes of Pereeale, Twnship of Stephen, some time ego. The animal has a -pig ring in the top of theerieht ear. Please communicate, with W. H. More 1,c'ci ,. R. Na 2, Crediton. ESTRAY STEER There came on, the premtsee of the, urteersignece Lot 13, South Boundary ney. a year .011d. steer. Owner nen have same by proving ownerehip and peyerig expenses. WM. PFAFF.ARTTFJCJAL LIMBS , . =e, e Man Wantedeyeno''will fejeie,eent liege A trieili:an...'eaticeiti; inentifeeteeingare. eq,lecinele.eim.les; Meke 'Peeestee bates -..caetse•Fneeeettrenteries, etc., fell -M- eter:141M eteePlre'dnefleer new le limb furntshed, oli a reeeetteble basis; gond renioneratio,reeeleat U„ Exeter, S. Fitton i4visiting in Toronto, Mr . Freston. Pearin j visiting in. Detroet and Marlette. • „Newman Hercly of London spent Sencley with his peeeats here. ejr, Garnet 'Pee:imam left Monday to Visit in Detroit for same weeks, Mrs. Richard. Coates leaves this „week to visit relatives in the, West. reetr, and Mrs, John McMahan. have 'gene to Toranta to spend the winter. Mr Harold Kuntz left Monday last for Toronto to leaert the battery. busie nes s. Mr. and Mrs. fertile Bissett of Lon Jo were week end ,visitore with rele atives here, Mrs. Wm, Dignan of Lecan spent a few days of last week with relatives ite town. Axelde Davis, who: is working in Londoa spentee few, days weth his par- ents here. Mr. Hurlbert ,of • London visited. with Mr. and. Mrs M. E, Gardiner oe-- er the week end. Mess Ina Haskins of London visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs Samuel Parsorte. Mr. and Mts. C. le; Snell returned Thursday last after spending several weeks in Detroit ane Pontiac, Mech. Mrs. 0, Ileelfenel and daughter Dor- othy of Landon vieeted with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Arresteang over the week end. •ele, W Whitney ..oe...elaverton. end Miss ii L. Re,Imorite Were guests of Mrs. john Dignan leet week end heard Dr. Nelecefe lecture. Mrs, G Warner of Detroit, who has been esiting with Mr. and Mrs. Woods, at •the Molson.s Bank, 'returned to her li.orrie Monday, Mr, and Mrs. White and two child- ren are visiting, Mrs„ White's par - cuts lein and Mrs. Those Harvey, ar- riving from the West last week.. Dr. Will Knight, wile bee been over- seas siaceearly in the war, is .ex- • pected home shortly on two months' leave, He is still with the :Imperial forces, Mise Terre: *bo has been visiting her aunt, :Mts. M. E. Gardiner, and other reletives, sang very acceptably Sunday morning and evening in -Main Street Church. Mr. John C. Snell and Mrs. Joseph Northron were in Detroit during the weele to see their father, Mr. Eli. Snell who is reported as slowly int:Proving under • treatment, Constable Charles Triebner of the Royal North-west Mounted Police paid a hurried Neat to his home here on Tuesday last. He was on cfficial duty, returning Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Fe Rodriguez, who have been. visiting with the lattern parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Bagent, London. Road south. last week- went to Lori:Jon, where they intend making their future home, Mr, and Mrs. We .3, Homan, were ta London Sunday attending the fun- eral thefarmer's aunt, Mra. Deck- •ei, whohas been. ell for four tr ears, at the home • of ;elle and, Mrs. Welittem, Heaman. . ter. J. A. Rollins of London and his brother, Mr, Frank Rains of Win- nipeg, Men., visited here on Thursday last with relatives. The latter is on his way to „California to apenct the winter, being badly crippled up ow - Mg to illh ealth. A Wonderful Combination 41.•••••••••• The Family Herald, and Weekly Star of Montreal is a wonderful combine - don. of a newspaper, family magazine and agricultural journal. It is be- yond auestion the greatest value on this Continent. The yearly aubscrip- tion price In S1e25 and each subecriben receives a handsome souvenir portrait of the Prince of Wales„ 16 x 22 inches. The portrait alone is well worth the money., The Family Herald is acredit to Canada. It deserve a place in every home. $1,25 could bot be bet- ter spent than. in a year's subscription to that great paper. The -home with- out it is cert 'ainly missing a great fam- ily treat BEAUTY SECRETS! Whereshe gets hes good looks, her heal - thy skin, her pink cheeks, is - known to every on?,' because it is apparent that it is not due to cosmetics, paint and powder. But the true womanly' beauty_comes from good health; and this good health is a WOMaIIIS secret. Health comes with good ph* ical-machinery ad -good spirits, _ an a-ifive-aiiestion. A. body free froM-Rains and aches comes with atonic known. for over- fifty as -bi41-"terape,ran-c,e"-tome .4r • and nervine for woman—name. Dr. Pierce's Favorite PreSctiption. _ It can be obtained in any, SCO're in liinid-Or-tablit'formroe Psei)d 100 to Dr. Pierce Invalidie Hotel, Buffalo; N. Y: Cleansing Of the inteU1 trial is important: Take"castor oil oi Wed a vezetal2le-, pill. Such a one 1.8' com_posid of May7apple, . leaves of ales; r--ojalap, and 'tied Pel- „up4op into tmY sYg..a.r-PDa tat every drug store - ea LV. Pierce's Pleasant_ Pellet. eeleenenele''eeeeeeeenneeennneleeneeenne_ PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHON 34 Special Sale of Ladies' Seal Plush and Baby Lamb Coats 41 WE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK EIGHTEEN ONLY BLACK SILK SEAL PLUSH COATS AND SALT'S BRANT) OF BABY LAMB SIZES 36 to 44, These Goats were regularly priuced at $34.50 and $36.50. On sale this week at only $29.50 each. These coats are rare bargains. Ladies', I‘ 'Essen, and Children's Cloth Goats, all popular colors, at particul- arly attractive pres. FURS OF RELIABLE QUALITY November is the big selling month f -or Furs. We are well prepared to rneet the demands with a large stock of Neck Pincers and Muffs in all the 1.›0Pular lines of furs, We stand at the back of every fur we send out and rout prices are rensortahle. MEN'S FUR COATS We can save you dollars on Men's Fur and Fur -collared Coats. Buy Rugs and House Furnishings now You will pimply be arnazod at our wonderful values in Rugs; and infect all lines of House Furnishings. These lines are becosning scarcer every month; also„priees will be much higher for Spring. Make acientinen new. COME TO THIS STORE FOR YOUR WALL PAPERS. Imitation Wool Blankets We have just received another shipment of beautiful imitation wool biankets. These range in price from $4.50 to $740 aecording to size. Felt Shoes for Women Start the winter right with a pair of warm Felt Shoes. No use waiting till winter is half over. We are selling them at the same price as last year, Largest assortment we ever had of Felt Shoes and Cosy Slippers. Men's and Boys' Overcoats Newest Style. Best Colors, Good Quality at Medium Prices. JONES & MAY Headquarters for the CC/shire/tad Sandford & Lion Brands -Clothing lb! Men and Boys. • MONEY TO LOAN We lame a 'surge amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low Mies of interest. GLA13MV.T & S'IANSURY Bastielisra, Sensitises, Elsner Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office. Main Street, Exeter THE WATKINS AGENT bandies ill kinds of fapiing tonics for both man and -beast; also toilet articles,. Their' spices and flavorings are the, purest on the market Only sold their agents to the consumer. Wro Andrew, Agent, Exeter. PhonP 43 DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All coals promptly attended day or night Office - Dr. Sweets old office Corner Dundas and Richanond Streets London, Ont. Our aim is to nurn out efficient graduates; enter now and become one. of them Bookkeeping and Stenogra- phy. J. Morritt, N. Stonehouse, incipal Vice -Principal DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Mike -Makers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls Preraptly attended to day or night. ' Mese 8. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL Phone No. 120 Exeter. sTRATFONO. ONT. FRAN'Ki TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron, and Middlesex Price e Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, -- Ontario. T.he largest and best Commercial School in Western Ontario. We give individual instruction and students may enter our COMMERCIAL, SHORTliAND or TELEGRAPHY • Departments at any time., We as- sist graduates to positfions. Write now for our free catalogue and learn the nature of our work. D A.. McLachlan, Principal, C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEh.R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt Waseroorns, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roadsters. L. D. DS. DENTIST over Canines Law Office Wednesday afternoons. Of rico Cloned HORSES WANTED up, 'weighing from 1300 pounds up. Partie.; having the required stuff, want an unlimited number of Horses inn good condition Geldings 5 yea,r4 old up, weighing from 1500 Pounds up. Mares from 4 years nnt ,.,ito ar pthoiie ss Exeter , ISAAC:IL CARLING, 13. A. Barrister, Selleiltor, Notary Ceaninlaciner, ;Solicitor for the Mot - ons Bank; Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Office -Main Street. Exeter. en:nen Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL' IMMO-TOR AND FURNITURE DEALtsR Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and everr thing in the grocery Oall and see us. A trial as to quality will COI1V1ii- 0e. Produce taken in exchange Jas. -Gould SOUTH-COTTPHONE 134: MI$SES and LADIES' COATS greatly reduced in price Om' first seas,on, for Misses and Ladies' 'Coats' has been a great sucn cess.... This week we reduce the price on eneryncpat as. we want to (leer out eery garmet. SAVE MONEY, WY,. NQW We can't afford to carry them over HEAVY SOX AND RUBBERS You Will be needing then this' kind of , weather, carry a hilt .range • MeavyRubbers, 82.30 to $4,25 SWEATER COATS FOR ME That are well worth the 'money, xuae with roll collar and are all anion Cogars-Maroon, .grey and Brown Special!. at $5.00 New Wall Anyone wanting. WAIL PAPERS We havea brand new stock o' papers vcry- moderate prices,, We want you to apers ihoiald see our benutifist range. "' ta suite any ,roorn incyour .home at pee ;them