The Exeter Advocate, 1919-11-20, Page 7GENEIUG
F{LL1G1FiUa Seasonable Models,
I 4—
Strength Can Only be Regained
by Enriching the Blood..
Following a wide spree(' epidemic
of influenza, general debility is on the
increase, and its effects may be no-
ticell in the worn listless apeeeranco
} of so many of the men and women you
meet. Influenza alines leaves behind
it impaired vitality, and with idle
modern conditions of life that -use up
nerve force so rapidly, general de-
bility becomes one of the most com-
mon maladies. The symptoms of de-
bility vary, but ri ealmess is always
present. There is poor digestion, l;tn-
gour, weak, aching bac' , waicefiriness
at night, often tlisi.ress i.g headaches
and a feeling of fatigue. These symp-
toms indicate impure and impoverished
blood. It is significant of nearly every.
,attack of influenza that it is followed
by anaemia and debility.
For all such run-down conditions,
new blood Is the most reliable cure.
Sufferers should at once begin tee
make thin blood rich and red with Dr.
Williams' Pink Pitts, Under a fair
treatment with this medicine they will
realize more and mere the health -re.
staling itiiiuence of good rich blood,
and hew this new blood brings a feel•
lag of few strength exud increased vi-
tality. .Proof is given in the case of
Mrs. Robertson, Winghani,
who ei--"-"When the Spanish in-
fluenza ;,l,reead over our town I hap -
pelted to be one of the first attached,
and the attack was a very severe one,
and worse still, the after effects of the
trouble left me in continuous misery,
I Lad severe pains iu my side, felt
low-spirited, and with no ambition
whatever. My head ached almost con-
tinually, my eyes felt heavy, and
piniplelbroke out on my face. I'was
ahisecl to try Dr, Williams' rink Pills,
and after taking them for a time 1
reit like my old self, able to do My
ileiueeworlc, and feeling well and
strong, 1 can strongly recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the seri-
ous after-effects of influenza as I am
sure they will restore all sufferers to
gaol] health."
You can get these Pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail, post
paid, at 50 cents a box or sex boxes
for S2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Dining Out.
It is a real education to eat away
from home. The houseeeper herself
enjoys the opportunity to taste foods
prepared by others and even familiar
viands take on a new zest when served
and Mixed by some one else. The proof
of this is for one only to think of the
picnic, breakfast on the vine -screened.
porch, or the pleasure of a meal in
some well-known and perhaps famous
eating .:ace. It is really good for us
to eat away from home once in a
while, for we have a chance to observe
the way other people do and how they,
One woman who had been held closee!
ly beneath her own roof by a growing
family was astonished to discover that
there was any other way of serving
carrots except ,put lin thin slices and
buttered. She had read of creamed
carrots and the rules for preparing
them, but being somewhat lacking in
imagination, .she had never thought it
worth while trying any of these. So
when she took dinner with an old,
school friend or.e day, she was quite,
delighted with a big dish of tallyho;
peas served to her—a well -seasoned
mixture of green peas and tiny, cubes
of carrots.
She had grown just alittle careless,
too, in training her children in table
manners and in permitting them to
interrupt and bA overdemanding in
their likes and dislikes. When she saw
how well trained her friend's chiildren
were and how much more comfortable
it was for every one concerned, she
returned to her own home determined
to turn over a new leaf.
People who live in remote places,
or who stay alone by 'themselves a
great deal are almost sure to become
eccentric. Little by little they drop
the small niceties which are called
forth by actual mingling and inter-
course with the outside world, and
after a time ]rife becomes a burden. As
soon as we wall ourselves in, we lose
all chance of progress and get into
ruts. Plan deliberately to eat away,
from home occasionally, and let every
such opportunity prove a distinct
benefit. -
9135-9Q44 8141
No. 9141—Ladies' Coat. Price, 25
cents, Adjustable caller, 61 or 48 -inch.
length, In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 ins. bust,
Size 36 requires, 514.ich length, with-
out ilnp, 31/ yds. 48 'ins. wide; with
nap, 3 yds. 64 ,ins. wide; 48-ineli length,
e ithont nap, 334 yds. 48 inc. wide;
with nap, 2.9, yds. 54 ins, wide,
No. 9135—Ladies' and Misses' Sports
Scarf. Price, 20 cents., Cut an 8 sizes;
small, 84, 30; medium, 38, 40; large,
42, 44 ins, bust measure. Small size
requires, with or without eollar, 1�'s
yds. 44 to 54 ,ins. wide; lining, 1% yds.
36 ins. wide.
No. 9044—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 20 cents. With or without
"caught -under" panels, corded at low-
er edge, in 39 or 35 -inch length. Gut
in 7 sizes, 22 to 34 ins. waist. Size
26, with "caught -under" panels, N-
inth inlength, , r
i1/2 yds. 36 ins. wide, or
331 yds. 40 irs. wide; without panels,
”4, yds. 36 or 40 ins. ~vide. Width
around bottom, 11/2 yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Ste
Toronto, Dept. W.
Flamingo is a Queer
The flamingo, oue of the queerest of
birds, sits an its nest while standing
straight up, says a writer in the New
York Sun. The birds build their nests
in shallow ponds, where there is much
mud. This they scrape together, mak-
ing little hillocks, lila small islands
appearing out of the water about a
foot and a half from the bottom. They
make the foundations broad, and leave
a small opening, or hollow pit, at the
top, where they deposit their two egg%.
the number the flamingo. always lays.
To hatch them the flamingo stands
over the nest, with its body just above
the eggs. It couldn't put its long,
awkward legs inside the nest, and to
sit on the hillock would jeopardize the
Young flamingoes do not fly readily,
although they run very fast. Once
they Learn to fly they show speed and
resemble sky rockets, with their bril-
liant red plumage.
Flamingoes were first noticed in
1683 by Dampier, on the Cape Verde
Islands. Ever since they have been
hunted to provide feathers for milady's
Canning Poultryy
Just at this season, many poultry
keepers . are culling their flocks, pre-
paratory to the winter laying season,
and the "slacker" hens are being dis-
posed of. Many housewives find that
it pays to can them for an emergency
meal or for use next summer.
Canning of poultry is not radically
different from the canning of fruits
or vegetables, the .same general painci-
ples 'being followed. Among the .gen-
eral rules, however, are these: Birds
should be killed and dressed the same
day of canning; theyshould be singed,
washed, cut up, and cooled as for
table use; new rubbers should always
be used; covers should be fitted and
tested; the time of sterilization is
important and should not be shortened
a minute (count time after water
around cans begins to boil). The
length of sterilization varies from one
and one-half to three hours, according
to the method used.
"A great man cn'n live a great life
in a small sphere."
;tee `f,k.f
Look at tongue!. Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you, are surd your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Ftill
directions for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear,
Mother! You must say "California"
Cold "Don'ts."
This is the season for colds, If you
went to avoid one—
Don't be afraid of fresh air. It can-
not of Itself ever give anyone a colfi
in the head,
Don't forget exercise, and add as
niueh fat as possible to your daily con-
sumption of food.
Don't overburden yourself with
thick clothes, Ventilation as well as
warmth should be aimed at.
Don't toast yourself by the fire,
Tilts only heats one side of the body,
while the other may be chilled by a
current of cold air.
Don't treat a cold as a trivial mat-
ter. It may lead to influenza and
serious illness;
Don't sneeze without covering your
mouth with a handkerchief, A man
with a cold can easily throw bis poison
germs 12 ft. by a sneeze.
0. • • o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Hurrah! How's This
I • Cincinnati authority says corn* e
dry up and Ilirt out •
o with fingers. •
R--• o —Q'-+•
EIospltal records show that every
time you cut a corn you invite lock-
jaw or blood poison, which is needless.
says a Cincinnati authority, who tells
you that a quarter ounce of a drug
called freezone can be obtained at lit.
tle cost from the drug store but is suf-
ficient to rid one's feet of every hard
or soft corn or callus.
You simply apply a few Adrops of
freezono on a tender, aching corn and
soreness Is instantly relieved. Short-
ly the entire corn can be lifted out,
root and all, without pain.
This drug is sticky but dries at once
and is claimed to just shrivel up any
corn without inflaming or even irri-
tating the surrounding tissue or skin.
If your wife wears high heels she
will'be glad to know of this.
His Plunder.
A man will chase a dollar as a dog
would chase a hare,
And after it he runs up hill, down dale,
and everywhere,
And as he keeps pursuing it for many
a weary mile
It seems as if 'twas shrinking, grow-
ing smaller all the while.
When first he starts out after it its
size is huge, immense, •
But when he catches it at last it looks
like thirty cents.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
Cloves Are Flower Buds.
,Cloves are the unopened flower buds
of an evergreen tree which grows in
the Spice Islands. They are dried in
the sun a week and then packed for
Mlnar_'s Liniment Cnros Garget in Cows.
In Plain Language.
As the Liverpool train steamed into
Wigan ' station a porter, recently
transferred from London, ran along
the carriages, shouting:
"Change here for Oldham! Change
here for Oldham!"
Nobody moved, and the porter was
Another official, a local resident,
went to see what was happening, since
he knew that there was usually a num-
ber,of passengers to change trains.
"Eh, h, lad," he cried, on hearing the
new porter's announcement, "the folk
canno'unnerstan' thee!"
He turd ed to the train and shouted
lustily: ,
"Swap trucks for Owd'arn! Swap
trucks for Owd,am ! "
And nearly half the passengers
hastily bundled out.
Teacher: "And what is your name?»
First Pupil: "Jule, sir."
Teacher: "Don't say `Jule': '"say
'Jape's.' And what is your name?"
Second Pupil: "Bilious, teacher!'
Keys cf a piano tail be cleaned b
'tiTiping them with milk.
How It Happened;
"1Iow did Blank lose the fingers
his 'right hand?"
"Put them in the hor se"i mouth many teeth he bade":
"And then what nappened?"
"The horse closed his mouth to see
how many fir gars. Blank had,"
Just So.
The quiet -looking boy at the foot of
the class had not had a`question, The
teacher looked at hint •severely, and
"In plat condition was tho patriarch
Job at the end of his life?"
"Dead," was the reply.
Faithless Bait.
Two miners went on a fishing ex-
pedition, But they were novices at
the game.
"Ifoo are ye gettin' on, Jock?" asked
"Och, simply rotten,!" was the reply,
"I don't believe my Ulooniin' worm's
When Women Vote.
"What a wonderful family! A charm-
ing wife and five beautiful daughters,
You must be a very happy man."
"Yes, I suppose I ought to be, and I
suppose I really ani, but right now I
want to say that. I can tell sou a •lot
about the difficulties of being outvoted
six to one."
Minard's Lininfont Co„ Limited.
Gentlemen, — I have used MIN -
ARDS LINIMENT on my vessel and
in my family for years, and for the
every day ills and accidents of life I
consider it has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage with-
out it if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Seine "Storke," St, Andre, Kamou-
Singeh>g Instead of Scalding.
Why worry about having the water
just right for scalding hogs? We
don't. After the hogs are killed we
take a rag that is partly filled w::h°
gasoline and Nib the upper side of
each carcass. When we have rubbed
on about a half pint of gasoline. we
use a torch and ignite the gasoline.
The flamt singes the hair from the
carcass. Then we turn the carcass
over and singe the other side. It takes
about a pint of gasoline for each car -
&SS." 'Do not pour the gasoline; rub
it on. After singeing the carcasses,
scrape them just as ,if they had been
scalded; then wash them.
O'ce of the biggest advantages of
singeing is this: We can rub the
gasoline into the depressions and
wrinkles on the head—into corners
where it is almost impossible to
scrape. One of our neighbors uses..a•
gasoline blow torch for these corners
about the head.. S. R.
America's Pioneer Dog Bemedieo
Book on
and Troia to Seed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
H. Clay Glover Co., moo.
118 ~Vest 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Coughs and Colds
Restless Nights
which sap the vitality.
Danger lurks in every
hour a cold is allowed
to run. Assist nature
tobring your children
quickly back to health
andstrength and avoid
serious complications
by the prompt use of
Gray's Syrup -- over
60 years in use.
Always buy the
Largo Sisa
Give Cit Yi.iC a the Care
Of Yea
And watch that troublesome erup-
tion disappear. Bathe with Cud -
mita Soap, dry and applyCutidura
Ointment. For ei'uiitions, rashes,
irritations, etc., they are wonder-
ful. Nothing. so insures a clear skin.
and gond hale as making Cuticura
Your every day toilet preparations.
-�`Cuticurn Soap Ointment 25 s
uand Me., Tel -
2.5c, plus Ganadion dation. Sold eaarywhere.
•„ Ver_somple each free address: ' oettenra, Dept.
ISSUE No. 46--'19.''
F ix ARM
The Fall is the niest severe season
of the year for "-dads::-:-One. -day is
warm, the next Is wet and cold and un-
less the mother is an her guard the
little ones are seized with cents that
may hang on all winter. D by's Own
Tablets are motheeee brmt frie" in
preventing or banishing colds, They
act as a gentle laxative, Reeping tee
bowels and stomach lime and sweet.
An occasionaldose will prevent colds
or if it does come on suddenly ,the
prompt use of the Tablete will quick-
ly relieve it. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at. 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Garden clesiaing in the fall is as
important in its way as housecleaning
fin the spring, 'whether flowers or vege-
tables retake up the garden plot. The
achievement of garden elc rliner's at
this season will often do much toward
insuring 'healthiness and thriftiness of
plants during the next growing sea-
son. The foliage anti 'branches of
plants which have been attacked by
disease or badly infested by insect
pests should be cleaned up especially
well and burned.
ealiaard's Lininreut. Cuxoe Distemper.
Canada's steam mileage totals 88,-
In cold weather feed about one-
third of the scratch grains in the
morning and two-thirds at night. In
this way the hens are forced to exer-
cise more if they receive all the grain
they desire at the morning feed.
If Bilious, Constipated or 1,
Headachy take
To -morrow the sun will shine for
you. Everything will seem clear, rosy,
and bright. Your system is felled with
liver and bowel poison which keeps
your skin sallow, your stomach upset,
your headfoggyand aching. Your
meals are turning into poison, gases
and adds, You cannot feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
splendid always by taking Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or
nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little
too—Cascarets work while you sleep.
SINCE 0 I870
Classified Adverti
rq .: Wel
f` is called,
r, often
,� Y""
. wheat
E �.d
. r.
l -Bal
is what
need Cereal
Grape -Nuts -food v
because it supplies .
mineral elements so
1n other foods.
b n
all the ood1-les
barley Its easily
and has a,woncler--
for ;' ,.
Aan Grocers r :.
.;ietrw..:'4,-,nr .y vr�ryr-.t+ r ✓rw.,.!, r.C,e...:`o,tx.tezt, :v'r�•'Rc.-,,Vii; rl+',-
. G\�\'\ ♦Y:\K\. 4�\WA\\ \!C`VO\\. \','�1Y "�.1.\'h
;tee `f,k.f
Look at tongue!. Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you, are surd your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Ftill
directions for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear,
Mother! You must say "California"
Cold "Don'ts."
This is the season for colds, If you
went to avoid one—
Don't be afraid of fresh air. It can-
not of Itself ever give anyone a colfi
in the head,
Don't forget exercise, and add as
niueh fat as possible to your daily con-
sumption of food.
Don't overburden yourself with
thick clothes, Ventilation as well as
warmth should be aimed at.
Don't toast yourself by the fire,
Tilts only heats one side of the body,
while the other may be chilled by a
current of cold air.
Don't treat a cold as a trivial mat-
ter. It may lead to influenza and
serious illness;
Don't sneeze without covering your
mouth with a handkerchief, A man
with a cold can easily throw bis poison
germs 12 ft. by a sneeze.
0. • • o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Hurrah! How's This
I • Cincinnati authority says corn* e
dry up and Ilirt out •
o with fingers. •
R--• o —Q'-+•
EIospltal records show that every
time you cut a corn you invite lock-
jaw or blood poison, which is needless.
says a Cincinnati authority, who tells
you that a quarter ounce of a drug
called freezone can be obtained at lit.
tle cost from the drug store but is suf-
ficient to rid one's feet of every hard
or soft corn or callus.
You simply apply a few Adrops of
freezono on a tender, aching corn and
soreness Is instantly relieved. Short-
ly the entire corn can be lifted out,
root and all, without pain.
This drug is sticky but dries at once
and is claimed to just shrivel up any
corn without inflaming or even irri-
tating the surrounding tissue or skin.
If your wife wears high heels she
will'be glad to know of this.
His Plunder.
A man will chase a dollar as a dog
would chase a hare,
And after it he runs up hill, down dale,
and everywhere,
And as he keeps pursuing it for many
a weary mile
It seems as if 'twas shrinking, grow-
ing smaller all the while.
When first he starts out after it its
size is huge, immense, •
But when he catches it at last it looks
like thirty cents.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. They are payable everywhere.
Cloves Are Flower Buds.
,Cloves are the unopened flower buds
of an evergreen tree which grows in
the Spice Islands. They are dried in
the sun a week and then packed for
Mlnar_'s Liniment Cnros Garget in Cows.
In Plain Language.
As the Liverpool train steamed into
Wigan ' station a porter, recently
transferred from London, ran along
the carriages, shouting:
"Change here for Oldham! Change
here for Oldham!"
Nobody moved, and the porter was
Another official, a local resident,
went to see what was happening, since
he knew that there was usually a num-
ber,of passengers to change trains.
"Eh, h, lad," he cried, on hearing the
new porter's announcement, "the folk
canno'unnerstan' thee!"
He turd ed to the train and shouted
lustily: ,
"Swap trucks for Owd'arn! Swap
trucks for Owd,am ! "
And nearly half the passengers
hastily bundled out.
Teacher: "And what is your name?»
First Pupil: "Jule, sir."
Teacher: "Don't say `Jule': '"say
'Jape's.' And what is your name?"
Second Pupil: "Bilious, teacher!'
Keys cf a piano tail be cleaned b
'tiTiping them with milk.
How It Happened;
"1Iow did Blank lose the fingers
his 'right hand?"
"Put them in the hor se"i mouth many teeth he bade":
"And then what nappened?"
"The horse closed his mouth to see
how many fir gars. Blank had,"
Just So.
The quiet -looking boy at the foot of
the class had not had a`question, The
teacher looked at hint •severely, and
"In plat condition was tho patriarch
Job at the end of his life?"
"Dead," was the reply.
Faithless Bait.
Two miners went on a fishing ex-
pedition, But they were novices at
the game.
"Ifoo are ye gettin' on, Jock?" asked
"Och, simply rotten,!" was the reply,
"I don't believe my Ulooniin' worm's
When Women Vote.
"What a wonderful family! A charm-
ing wife and five beautiful daughters,
You must be a very happy man."
"Yes, I suppose I ought to be, and I
suppose I really ani, but right now I
want to say that. I can tell sou a •lot
about the difficulties of being outvoted
six to one."
Minard's Lininfont Co„ Limited.
Gentlemen, — I have used MIN -
ARDS LINIMENT on my vessel and
in my family for years, and for the
every day ills and accidents of life I
consider it has no equal.
I would not start on a voyage with-
out it if it cost a dollar a bottle.
Seine "Storke," St, Andre, Kamou-
Singeh>g Instead of Scalding.
Why worry about having the water
just right for scalding hogs? We
don't. After the hogs are killed we
take a rag that is partly filled w::h°
gasoline and Nib the upper side of
each carcass. When we have rubbed
on about a half pint of gasoline. we
use a torch and ignite the gasoline.
The flamt singes the hair from the
carcass. Then we turn the carcass
over and singe the other side. It takes
about a pint of gasoline for each car -
&SS." 'Do not pour the gasoline; rub
it on. After singeing the carcasses,
scrape them just as ,if they had been
scalded; then wash them.
O'ce of the biggest advantages of
singeing is this: We can rub the
gasoline into the depressions and
wrinkles on the head—into corners
where it is almost impossible to
scrape. One of our neighbors uses..a•
gasoline blow torch for these corners
about the head.. S. R.
America's Pioneer Dog Bemedieo
Book on
and Troia to Seed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
H. Clay Glover Co., moo.
118 ~Vest 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Coughs and Colds
Restless Nights
which sap the vitality.
Danger lurks in every
hour a cold is allowed
to run. Assist nature
tobring your children
quickly back to health
andstrength and avoid
serious complications
by the prompt use of
Gray's Syrup -- over
60 years in use.
Always buy the
Largo Sisa
Give Cit Yi.iC a the Care
Of Yea
And watch that troublesome erup-
tion disappear. Bathe with Cud -
mita Soap, dry and applyCutidura
Ointment. For ei'uiitions, rashes,
irritations, etc., they are wonder-
ful. Nothing. so insures a clear skin.
and gond hale as making Cuticura
Your every day toilet preparations.
-�`Cuticurn Soap Ointment 25 s
uand Me., Tel -
2.5c, plus Ganadion dation. Sold eaarywhere.
•„ Ver_somple each free address: ' oettenra, Dept.
ISSUE No. 46--'19.''
F ix ARM
The Fall is the niest severe season
of the year for "-dads::-:-One. -day is
warm, the next Is wet and cold and un-
less the mother is an her guard the
little ones are seized with cents that
may hang on all winter. D by's Own
Tablets are motheeee brmt frie" in
preventing or banishing colds, They
act as a gentle laxative, Reeping tee
bowels and stomach lime and sweet.
An occasionaldose will prevent colds
or if it does come on suddenly ,the
prompt use of the Tablete will quick-
ly relieve it. The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at. 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Garden clesiaing in the fall is as
important in its way as housecleaning
fin the spring, 'whether flowers or vege-
tables retake up the garden plot. The
achievement of garden elc rliner's at
this season will often do much toward
insuring 'healthiness and thriftiness of
plants during the next growing sea-
son. The foliage anti 'branches of
plants which have been attacked by
disease or badly infested by insect
pests should be cleaned up especially
well and burned.
ealiaard's Lininreut. Cuxoe Distemper.
Canada's steam mileage totals 88,-
In cold weather feed about one-
third of the scratch grains in the
morning and two-thirds at night. In
this way the hens are forced to exer-
cise more if they receive all the grain
they desire at the morning feed.
If Bilious, Constipated or 1,
Headachy take
To -morrow the sun will shine for
you. Everything will seem clear, rosy,
and bright. Your system is felled with
liver and bowel poison which keeps
your skin sallow, your stomach upset,
your headfoggyand aching. Your
meals are turning into poison, gases
and adds, You cannot feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
splendid always by taking Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil or
nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little
too—Cascarets work while you sleep.
SINCE 0 I870
Classified Adverti
fps *Azo.
Also twenty other* pairs. Reid Bros:,
Bothwell,' Ontario„ -
Lib What prier Reid Bros., Bothwell.
Ontario. • ' '
I State experience and wages wanted.
Iteid Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
-CA. ING to prove your ability? Or, are
You just drifting along on the principle
that "everything comes to him" who
waits"—without much thought of your
efficiency? If you are in the latter
class. be up and doing—train your anind
and memory so ria to be ready for Op-
portunity when it cornea your way. Ing
other words. Pelmaniso! If .you know
you have ability, why not use the wait-
ing moments to improve your efficiency
and incidentally acquire that Personality
which means so much in seeking Suc-
cess? Small town or big city, or on the
township side line, it matters not -the
1'clman Sv,atem Is conducted by mail.
'Mind and Memory" tells you all about,
it. It is a book that's free and lays no
o'.ilication upon you to enroll, though
vou'l' be surprised to find how moderate
le the fee required Write for the boo$
and particulars to -clay to the Telma*
Institute, 753 Temple Building. Toronto.
Cav aOa.
Advertise—Men--Wornen, Start one
of our
Specialty Candy Factories in
your home, small room anywhere. Grand
opportunity. We tell how and furnish
everything, Candy/palters FIouse, 1819
Itaustead St., Philadelphia, Pa.
.) TILTS, Ontario and Western farms
for sale or exchange, Davis, 129 Victoria
St., Toronto,
Internal and external, cured without
vain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late. Dr, 13eilrnan �iedtesi
Co. T.imit"d. ratlinewood. Ont.
At the Theatre.
Uncle Carge: " 'Ave yer got any
good seats inside?"
Box Office Clerk: "We've got a few
stalls vacant, sir,"
Uncle Garge: "Now look 'e 'ere,
young feller, I may be oop fra t' coun-
aIn t no bloomin' boss!"
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloanl's the
World's Liniment
This famous reliever of rheumatic -
aches, soreness, stiffness, painful,
sprains, neuralgic pains, and most
other external twinges that humanity
suffers from, enjoys its great sales
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use, it takes little
to penetrate without rubbing and ,pro-
duce results, Clean, refreshing. Made
in Canada, At all drpg stores,.
$6c, 70;
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- package which contains complete di-
gia, Toothache, Earadhe, and for rection*. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre-
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine -
Dame "Bayer" or you era not takingteen years. Now made in Canada.
!Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of\lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages..
" There is only one Aspirin-"Bayer"—Yon mast say "Bayer"
Aspirin is the trade mark (1'egtstared in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aceticacidester of SaIlcylicacid. while it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, tho Tablets of Bayer Company;_
Will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross,"
Ask Your Druggist
Dr Miles' Calendar
- • For 1920
IT is FREE and the best large -figure
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ther forecast for each day in the year, also
time of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of
the Moon: "An exceptionally complete and
useful 'Calendar!" That's what everybody
says. The edition , is limited, �
is there-
fore very important that you call
early so
that you will be sure t9 get this splendid
free Calendar at the beginning ,df the year.
Just go to your druggist, tell him_' your name
and . address, and . that you want :: Dr. Miles
1920 Calendar. He will do the rest -- FREE.