HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-11-6, Page 8er Markets Chaanged each Wednesday Fall Wheat .....-p,. 1.95 irwev , . 1.20 fio 1.25 Fate mily mily°our ;. ...., Shorts ........ NOVI i Eggs Heat Veer, Dairy Btter Creamery Butter ......... Lar~ Potateee per bag. if>g tr.:n 85 5 70 52.00 t5 45 53 64 35 1- 25 to 1.35 ..,,,,,. 16.75 Trivitt Memorial Church Serve e. .• so neereing and i w'e'nira VICTteRV LOAN FOR Hi; RUN. The 1 tory Loon tot; is for Hur oa Coun?t., t!p tea Tuesday might, Nov- ember 4th. anaaunt $1,530,05 2. Exeter eta,~ L „°Fere were Sle7,Z5e, the ob- peet.v , ng $Z05,e ee) ; S tephee, $73.- 100, the Qbjecteve being S150,e0R. BATTERIES C'H A.RGED OVER WINTER. We alt, preps rel to tate are cit batter -ie.- through the winter, :and eleo to overhaul your cry. Storage is fres: oe care while being oveehau,ed. T, NELSON, Huron Geragc, VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mee E. J. \V tlley, Andrew St. Apply :siter- noons eiseept Thu. iay° 4 to ta; ev- enings 7 to th CLUB MEETING. The i hernee Res w Farmers' Club vial no:•i their regular me:.a? 1 Monday, November Vth,t ` a, ' eek. Les" -'e Rebenso ., -Scree", WANTED lelte1w help. 't et vase''. N vv i.s� rater;.:a. EXERERgnrdA E, THURt8OA x, NIJV s,1111 s Local Doings po •not miss ~tearing Herman . Brou- w er Monday evening, Nov. 10. . James Street lefethodist Church an- n:iersary is on the 16th and 17th. Rev Brown of K rkton• will cc 'copy , Jamee Street pulpit next Sun- day mare -.ng. Wort from lir. Eli Snell .lays he to doing very well ,under the that- meat he le receiving in Detroit. lir. D Richards has moved . from FIuron street into the house on ~lain street recently %neatest by Mr. B. M. Francis The Advocate to any address in Candela to new subscribers from now utatie the end of 1920 tor. one y•ear's subs ription, $1.50, 'Meet Edna Bissett having resigned a. stenographer is lir, I. R. Carling's nftiee>, the vacancy has been fill- y Mise Fern Short. A meeting of the .Deanery of Hur- on. well be held at Clinton to -day ;Thurs„ayj, at which Rev. Trumper and others from her wvifl be in at- te:n.b4we Dr. eliihael Steele. 'LP. for South Perth, wa., reirei.tly Married at • tit. George', Church. Ottawa, on Theirs - e.w Oct 33rd, to Mre. Caverhill of thee city. Rev. Dr and ieIrs. eledd will ,tt- en:i the ittreeral in London Thursday of the letter's brother, Mr. Jno. Hiles, who the on Tuesday at his home. 82 Byron Ave. lir • Freak T'ricbrter of .Stephen on Seture ay pureha,ed the resIdene owned by the late Mr& Clarke on Ane lrewv street. The priest paid w•as $l.int+. 4r an Airs. Tr.cbner will move to town shortly. Mee (Revel Trumper was hurri•lly •e le.1 to London on Sunday owing to the .eu.dden death of her uncle, Mr. Re leir.d loathe, a tnember of the fin o eland:» ol, & Fisher. lawyers. M Trumper wee also in attendance at th uneral At the auction sale, of stock, amps went,, and household elfe.,ts o� 11r Ogiert, U sberne. oa Thur sde last, t? :.arta of Sit :teres was sold to Mr +rte t. o,te s of the sant; township 1: gra: e grin $3t'it4T, All the chattel el angle said Mr. Wes. Snell last week shipped seventeen. cars of:choice heavy steers to New York. This is a. very large shipment for on eweek. :t Mr Snell on Saturday went to New York in con- nection with the deal, Manias Bros, Show Company held k'otth int the Opera House on lion- c'av night to only a medium crowd, while Guy Bros, Tuesday night drew a crowded hall. Both performaneee were wee! up to the average, A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis, Stephen on Nov. 3rd, when Rev. ''Til- Coult Land, Mrs. El zab Mr.ge Richard ig nn R k both of Ext�lttere Mr. and liars. Coui- tis left the same evening for Detroet ami other places to spend .a . ,short honeymoon. 33rd VOLUNTEER. RETURNS. Corp. Fred N. Maltlett, son of Mr, ani Mrs Frank ?tfallett sof Exeter, re- turned oa Wednesday from Overseas. Corp :Mallett was- one of the early vo;untee and after several months in the trenehee was wounded in the face, and sines: hes been in hospital and on duty an Eng,Iand. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. At rnee Street Methodist church, Nov 10th. The choir will appear int thee: new j,owns for.the first tittle. A treat int musleal numbers is being pre - paled by the choir assisted by other.;, Rev. Dr. S. Banks Nelson of Knox Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, well be the preacher. Dr. Nelson, is known in Exeter and *eeL.pies one of thelarg- eet churches in. Canada, which Sab- bath after Sabbath is crowded to the .loose, suggests his ability aspreach- er. On Monday night, Nov., 17, 1)r. Nelson will give to James St. Meth- odiet Chureh his noted lecture, en- titled, "Russia and Us.R' He is emin- ently fitted, being quite fluent as n reader and writer of the Russian Lan - r. gunge, also having made Russia. a sub - e iect of study and travel. Admission tn> the leatture 25c for adults and lSc, lar children. The public are invited . to enjoy this treat. ONIC?1� li J, it Greeve we; tee. :at t tr.. Q t Te ;pere:,,e.e: Hou on reel Biter eget 14th. ee 'ept eeture..t) TONE L. FttR te r v Co:a heat. r. ot:teetee i Ottlee Appy :a .. ,w ..-... SEND US THE NIi\ The Advroate s ns:ous to ha've correepoa lents ;-t eel deetreeto to your territory is net r.preseeted by our Stat. Ferris Pere e. t`; wv d yen send u: the news, er ,ugne:.t the name tae uorneone who woul',l b likely to do zer We fury eh statnpcd c velepee anti writing `tt1?p,iee, WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS FOR. SALE. Barren Laying str in; :elf price $1.50 -to make room for winter stock. J. H. GRIEVE, Exeter. ELGAR LADIES' QUARTETTE have many fine programmes co listing of good, humorous end novelty num- bers. Let us have atm next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod- erate Write 37 Oxford St. West, Leedon Ont. CIDER AND APPLE BUTTER Our eider mill will be open for mak- ing cider and apple butter every day with the excerption of :kTonday each week. elrs. Cott; has charge of the .00lcing. c J. V. CANN. GIRL WANTED Experienced Dining Room Gir wanted at Centrad Ilote., Exeter. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air motor outfit we invite autoists togive us a eadi. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR THE WATKINS AGENT ,handles-• all kinds o, sprung tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma: keg Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andree, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 ATTENTIO N AI of our groceries are fresh, there- for,: we have no reason to cut our prices n order to ,get rid of them:, Scr Phone your order to 56 and have your g. o; Aries delivered at once. WILSON & SIMS. NOTICE COCJRT OF REVISION OF VO PERS' LISTS OF MUNICIP- ALITY OF EXETER Notice is hesebygiven that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voter.,' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, ;Exeter, •c'n Saturclay, the 8th day. .of November 1919 at 10 o'clock a, m.. to hear and determine com- plaint. of errors: and omissions in the Voter.' List of the Municipality of the Village of. Exeter on 1919. Dated the 25th day of October, 1919 Jos. Senior, Clerk. Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPARING Gas LnelaesOverhauled, Re -bored atei New Rings •o.n Piston made to fit, Wagon Axles re-Eittel anal New Ntits Made. All kiutd; of repair work promptly attended to. Connor Gasoline Engines for sale. Phone 135. -Lake • :dr Five Elliott of Haileybury was, • her. vi ening with relatives. Miss, if exwed of London Township. mice.] .o«t friends here Sunday. Or... W. J. Mallett and son of Len - ,aa :arc > otsrig at Mr. E. Heywood's, \Ir. Geolon Oke has returned~ from the West, where he spent a few menthe Mrs S Quence and grand -daughter of Toronto are visiting here with rel- atives and friends. Mr.•Arthur Mieldlemiss and Mr. W. Munn visited friends in ,Simcoe for a few dey:t last week. Mr, and firs. .A. Hcaman and son Jack of Londea spent the week end .at lir. W, J. freeman's. Mrs C. Birney and her son William returned the latter part •of the week front their visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Robertson, after a visit with relatives here, returnee to their home in Stratford last week: Mrs. John Snell left 'Wednesday of this week for Des :Moines, Iowa, to visit her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Me - Donald. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Harris and child of \'4'ait;burg, Wash., visited Mr. S. Atkinson and Mrs. Thos.. Sweet dur- ing the week, Mr. aril Mrs, W. T. Good ison stf Sarnia spent the week -end here. Mrs. w ohne and Miss Lila returned with Leot week in the item ree•Trne to i e .leant o the :ate 5t rn. i4 hit.:aawre 1 we. st: t, r that 'Ii ten Jacobs wa °r w ne the team which ran into •:elr. 'hitelord e rig. This is inror.eet, it eine ::anther young man. It wee, he.vever, purely a eki,lenutl, and no b'ante could be attached to anyone. The supper given in the Trivitt '4er3.r'el Church Seho.->l Hall on Fri- day c w'e'ltin; under the auspices of the Lai lie . Guild and Girls' Auxiliary was well attended and much enjoyed. Af- ter supper a brief program was ren- dered. :including an address by Rev. Mr. Foote, paetor of Caven C:hutth. The proceeds" amounted to about $50. Rev Dr. Medd will occupy his own pulpit in Olein street church Sunday mot•nine The evening meeting will be withdrawn in favor of the macs meeting in Janice St. church: 1)o not forget the Bible Study Class to be hell next Sunday afternoon in :Iain St Chureh. All boys over 14 ani ,all young men ore welcome. Teacher is Mr. W. G. Medd, vice-president of the Ontario Su,nd:ty School Asses. LOST TOP OF FINGER. Mr. John Norry ,net. with a painful ar•cident while engaged in putting in a hydrant for the town on Monday last. In some way the third finger on his right hand became caught between the Tepee, taking the top of the finger DEA T 1 OF MR. PERKINS The death occurred at his home en ,William Street, Exeter, an Friday last of Charles Henry Perkins at the age of 59 yeaxe and 1 month. The deceas- ed had for eight months suffered from car,4.er behind the eye, and at titres the pain was very severe, se that a; a cure was impossible, his death must have come as a great relief. Born on the 4th concession of Usborne he re- sided there practically all his liffe un- til eight years ago, when he retired to town. He was a man respected by all, of retiring and quiet disposition, and his passing is greatly regretted. His wife, whose maiden name was Madeline Pollock, survives, together with one son. ,Hervey J., and one daughter, Mrs. Alvin Dayman.; He is also survived by six sisters, Mrs., Thomas Harvey, Mrs.: S. M. Sanders%, Mrs. Samuel Rowe of Galt, Mrs. Dun- can Buchanan of Rollo, Sask., Mrs. J. Loadman of Battleford, Sask., and Mrs. Albert Johnston of Luckniosse The late Mr. Perkins was aLiberal.in. politics and a Methodist lit religion. The funeral took place to Exeter cem- etery on Monday, the Canadian Order of Foresters of which he was a mem- ber, attending in a body. Musical ., Entertainment OPERA HOUSE, EXETER MONDAY EV'G, NOVEMBER 10 H. J. BROUWER, Baritone CLOIS TERRY, Lyric Soprano FLORENCE DEWEY, Violinist Admission 35c. Reserved Seats 50c, Plus War Tax Whenever the attraction. put an. by the London. Conservatory Lyceum are announced as good the promise is sure to be more than fulfi;lle.l, The popular concert party which is to ap- pear is winning enormous success ev-' erywhere it appears: The. aa•tists are obliged to respond to encore after ,m-. see -core. Herman, Brouwer is the leading Bar- itone in, Canada to -day. He .has a magnificent voice of great power and range. C],oie Terry, soprano,wins enthus- stir applause wherever she appears. Fitorence• Dewey its a violinist who wins everybody's heart. She is a play- er with a superbly beautiful tone and 1einarkable execution, PHONE 32 JONES &MAY RHONE 32 Look Over this List of Real Bargains dor r November LADIES' AND MISSES BEAi,TTIFuL SERGE, CREPE, AND DUGHsfS; SATIN DRESSES AT WHOLESALE PRICES We place on safe this Wednesday nxoorning 15 only brand new Ladies' and Misses' Dresses in Serges, Crepe., and Silks. The colors are browns, taupe ,black, navy, green, and wine. These dresses were made up by the R 1). Faarbaer' a Co of Toronto, es samples but have not been carried on the road, so are La perfect condition. 0.-1 account of not being able to get materials to make snore of these lines we were able to secure these sample Jiesses at a discount is price, so offer them to you at exactly regular wholesale prices, Sizes 1& years to 42 bust measure, LADIES SILK CREPE BLOUSES AT, $4.95„ 50 only ladies' silk crepe blouses, "sixes 36 to 44. Colors navy, grey,. maize, black, flesh, and white; the very latest styles in beautiful quality silk crepe for early November selling, at Only° $4.95 each, READ CAREFULLY THIS LiST OF STAPLE BARGAINS 500 yarae heavy print at 24e, yard. 350 yard.: Heavy Factory Cotton at 18c. yard, 300 yaxds of Fine ,Bleached Cotton at 18e. yard 15 svehe extra Heavy Crash Towelling at 19e. yard. 1000 yards Heavy Dress Gingharns of 29e. yard. 4 webs Heavy Cotton Dish Toweliiing at 12}4c. yard. 5 webs Apron Gingham, 36 inches wide. at 25c yard, 5 webs Heavy 42 inch Circuear Pillow Cotton at 49e. yard. Flannelette Blankets, Ibex and Defj; once Brands 11-4 size. 3.45 a pair; IZ-4 .size $3.75 pair. Men's Linen Collars, odd lines and sizes at two for 25c. y syat 2�ndice sk: Canadian Factory Yarn, grey and black, two ply and three pie. , Men's ~,live k and White Stripa Overalls, good weight, ail sizes, at 51.95 BARGAINS FOR NOVEMBER IN SHOE DEPARTMENT Mr's Ficawy Rubber Boots at $4.50 p*. 00 pair: Men's Heavy Work Shoes, regular $5.50 for 54.75. 6a paw: Ladies' High Lace, black atr brown: Shoes Neolin Soles, reguisriy $7.iee and $$.50 pair, for 56.50 tar. MEN'S AND 130Y'$ OVERCO i.TS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AT MODERA FE PRICES. SEE OUR, LINT) SMOCKS AND N1) SHEEP LINED COATS. THE ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR THIS MONTH ONLY. JONES & MAY Headquarters for eiset Cel,elteated Sandford & Li,on Brands for Alen and Boys. Clothing them, eiter a visit in Sarnia. Mr. Frank Oke of - Toronto was here a lewv days during the past week in connection, with the sale of the es- tate 01 the tate Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Oke wee aes•o here for a few days. Meesis. John and George Ford left Weclne,day morning for Flint, Mich., °wine, to the serious illness of their brother -in --law, Mr. Paul Weiner, fal- lowing an operation for appendicitis. • Messrs. B. W. F. Beavers, W. F. Abbott, Elmer Tuckey, Lloyd Beavers and Charles Ford of Main street Sun- day School attended the Bays' Con- ferencey held at the Y.M.C.A. inLon-- d,on on. Monday and Tuesday of this week. A Coated Tongue? What it Means A bad breath, coated tongue, bald taste in the mouth, languor and debili are usea signs that the liver is out of order. Paor. Hese- METER sap!: "The liver is an organ secondary in importance only to the heart.* We can mann far,. Lure poisons within o n r own bodies which are as deadly as a snake's venom. The liver acts as a guard over our well-being; sifting out the cinders and ashes from the general circulation. A blockade in the .intestines piles a heavy burden upon the liver. If the intestines are choked or clogged up, the circulationof the blood becomes poisoned and the 'system becomes loaded with toxic waste;, and we suffer, from headache, yet low -coated tongue, bad taste is mouth, nausea, or gas, acid dys- pepsia, languor, debility,, yellow shin or eyes. At such times one should take castor oil or a pleasant laxa- tive. : Such a' one is made of May. apple, leaves of aloe and jalap, put into ready - to -use form by Doctor Pierce, ;nearly fifty years ago, and sold for 25 cents by all druggists as Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. MONEY TO LOAN Immo a large amount oS private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rAtes of interna,. GLADMAN & S'I1INBURY Baitrir►iers, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC IL CARLING, B. A Barreet:er, Sblicee r, NMM4ry Public, CommIsAoreer, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of intereest. Office -Writ Street, Eteafer. Dr, A R.'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Maha Street, Exeter Dr. G. F. Roulston; L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Clo,ed Wednesday afternoons. HORSES WANTED I want an, unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year,: old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 noutnds up. Parties haviang. the required stuff, write er phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK; TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. C. W. •ROBINSON - LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hurdn Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Waaleroom,s, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All. work uainanw.t'eeid. Cash for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP e Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING, Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended day or night:` Offire Di: Sweets old office ' PhoAe No 120 Eire to ter. Corner Dundas end Richenoind Streets Fall term opens Sentember 2, 1919 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers. Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. J, Merritt, Principal, T DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office --Bakers' Livery Barn, Calls promptly attended to night. Phone 8. Exeter day or FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 STRATFORD.. ON?. The largest and best Commercial School in Westera Ontario. We give individual instruction and students may enter our COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND or TELEGRAPHY Departments at any time, . We as- sist graduates to posiit)ions. ' Write now for our free catalogue and learn the nature of -our work. D A. McLachlan, Principal. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL Elltb,CTOR AND FU.RNITT3pE DEALER Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, apices, teas, coffeeand every- thing in the grocery line -Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 Fine New Coats just received e ved In Salts Plush, that have distinctive style features, Also this week we have to show you some particularly good models in Silverton effects, with beautiful fur collars, which you will be pleased to know ately priced. ware mader- . MEN'S MADE-TO-MEASUR "E . CLOTHES We have been fortunatein securing the agency far Art Clothes, made by Allen & Cook tof Toronto, and are ah+owing a wide range of all wool' Cloths for Suits and Overcoats, and can guaranteeyou a perfect fit. Any clay we will be 'pleased t.e thew you the range. WORSTED HOSE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS • They are of all wool a'n,cl of good weight . anal, for school wear can't, be beat: This is last year's stock . at the aid prices 65c., 85c. $1.00 STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR When you buy this well len,osvn intake you; bet the'best underwear pro curable. We have Red Label $3.00 Blue Label $3.25. RUBBERS! BUBBERS! RUBBERS! Don't overlook this stare when in need of Rubber Footwear Wear a pair •of our White Rubber Boats this muddy weather. ,