HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-11-6, Page 5Fresh rich, full -flavored tea -the same every time RED , TEA good tea! Sold only in sealed packages Souvenir Cast Iron Range with Reservoir The Souvenir Range is a guaranteed baker and heater. Will give every satisfaction and with care will last e lifetime, Special Features ; Nickel - plated Base, Glass Oven Door and Thermometer. Bread, cake, etc. visible while baking. Thermo. meter tells exact heat in oven. Removable nickel edge for easy cleaning, Porcelain Enamel Back full width of warming closet, smoke pipe up the back. No. 9-20-18' x 18" oven as illustrated, price $84.50 Without warming closet, $65«50 No. 9 -22 -the same Range but with 20" x 20"' oven, $89.50. Without warming closet, $70.50 SOLD BY W. J. HEAMAN Exeter, Ont. There it a "Souvenir" deakr in your hums if you cannot locate him write ua for hir name. THE HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO., Limited Sine/won to THE GURNEY TILDEN CO., Limited HAMILTON . CANADA "SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL MANUFACTURING" MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders pltt the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness AUCTION SALE HOUSE & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS There will be sold by public auc- tion the property of the late Joseph Peart, situated on the corner of Al- bert :.nd Huron streets, Exeter, on SA'I'URDAY., NOV. 8th, 1919 At 1o'clock, sharp, the following: Parlor table, 3 drop-leaf tables, 6 perforated chairs, 6 cane -bottom chairs 12 kitchen chairs, 2 arm chairs, 4 rockers. 2 verandah chairs, glass cup- board, 3 mirrors, 3 clocks, 2 couches, bedroom isuites, bureau, 2 stanza, 2 toilet sets, writing desk, carpets, mats, linoleum, large quantity dishes, knives forks and spoons, 3 doz. gems kitchen range, new.; 6 ,pipes, Z elbows Detroit gasoline 2 -burner. stove 2 gran- ite pails, 5 -gallon ail ,can, and 2 ane gallon cans, coal scuttle, washing ma- chine wringer, 2 tobs, copper bailer, 3 ]amps, 2 cords ,hard stove wood, 2 tons chestnut coal, wheelbarrow, 2 long ladders, step ladder, garden cul- tivator, new; grindstone, watering can lawn mower and a lot more articles too numerous to mention. Real Estate -House 20x30 frame story and one half; kitchen and woodshed, 20x36, 3bedrooms upstairs, 1 down- stairs sitting -room and parlor; new furnace in house.1 A stable 20x30, The lot is beautifully ornamented and has a number of fruit trees,., There is one-half acre of choice property. Terms -Chattels, cash. Real Estate -10 per cent. on day of sale and balance in 30 days without in,- teres•t. It required part of purchase money may be left on property at current rates of interest. Further particulars and conditions made known an day of sale, or may be had, an'ap- plication to undersigned. S. Martin, John Peart, Executarse C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors for Executors. r RMNDTRUNK-SY Er THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains .and Parlor carts on principal day _ trauris. Fall. `iitrlarmati n from any Grand Trunk 'new, Ag Horn Dist i Pe s sra er 4A Ott. To to Lucan Mr. Ed. A. Hawkshaw -has been on the sick list. -Mrs. (Dr.) Tennant vis- ited' in Scaforth last week. -Mr. John. Casey has sold his fine farm to - Mr. W. Leckey of London Tp, Possess - to be given in March next, Mr. Casey intend.; moving to town and occupy hie house on Alice street. -Some time Saturday night burglars entered The Rexall Pharmacy and carried away the cash that had been left in, the register. The amount taken is not known. En- trance was gained by cutting a hole through the plate glass in the door and putting their fingers through un. - locked the door. AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE DURHAM CATTLE, Etc., Etc. on Lot 3, Con. .6, Stephen, Tp., on THURSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1919 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: 5 steers, rising 3 years old; 10 steers and heifers, rising 2 years; 12 yearlings. Also 1 cutter, nearly new; 1 tap buggy, 1 horse blanket, and bells. Terms -•12 months' credit will be given oa furnishing approved joint notes or a discount will be given of 5 per'eent per annum. Frank Sims, Frank Taylor Prop. `l4,uFta AUCTION SALE OF 25 COWS at Central. Hotel, Exeter, Thursday,, N'�av, 6th, 1919 at 1 o'clock sharp - 5 springers, . 20 cows, due in March, April, May This is a choice load of cows. Terms -10 enanths' credit on ep.. proved joint notes with 6 per cent. per annum off For ,cash. C. W. Robi cart M.. J},. WAWA= Auc t. Prop, AUCTION SALE OF FARM ,STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Lot 35, Con. North Boundary, Ste- phen, on - T UESDAY, NOV. 11, 1919, At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following Cattle -2 cows in calf ; 11 2 -year-old steers ; 5 2-year-aId heifers ; fat heif- er. 2 ycar1ir g steers, 2 ca`lv'es. Implements -Maxwell binder, ,bic Cormick „hay rake, drill, disc harrow,°i sc1 dianr'and harrow, wagon, roller, 2 set bobsleighs, buggy, cutter, roa,dcaril ane ilumeor„Sus ether,;urticles. '1 ertnz S, ms of $10,.avnd under, cash' r,11fe a ouii . 4i :rrto hs' dr,t on fut`aYs i atg epprOletrioere neeee Five ing . g Per cunt per ,annum off farecash Credit ;amour its J. DOBE 7Fratik Taylor, Wm ''V 7ede,' Agent, Exerce Auctioneer. - Proprietor. Phone 46w Zurich lir. and ,.'qrs. John Laporte visited relatives in Detroit. -Mr, N, E. Daltms underwent a successful operation, at London for the removal of adnoids,- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gelman have moved into the apartments above ll,lel- icl; & Braun's hardware stare. -?41r. Conrad Thiel has moved with Ms ram - to Scaforth, where Mr. Thiel is engaged with dr, J. J. Merner in the fax nrijI,- lairs Olga Howald of De- troit, i\aich., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Howald of Kitchener, was quiet- iy married at Port Huron, "Mich., at i, o'clock neon, an. Saturday, Oct 25, to Mt 'Ferdinand Miller of Detroit, G son of Dr. and Mrs. Ferdinand .Millet Walkerton, N. Ye -A number of farms in. this section have changed bands the past week or two, Mr. Geo. Schrader has sold his 100 -acre farm on the Bronson Line south to Henry Eber- hart of Stanley, -George Gram has .;el d his fine 150 -acre farm an the corner of the Zurich Road and Parr Line, to Mr, Milton Love of HensaDl -George H. Smith, who recently move tel here from Michigan, has purchas ed the 100 -acre farm of Wrn. H.Dow- son Babylon Line, Stanley, Mr. Dow-, ion has purchased the 110 acre farm near Varna, owned by Mr. D. Wilson McA.slr.--Leon, Jeffery has purchased the farm and brick an. tile yards at St. Joseph from, O. Cabana, Jr, Mit Cabana has also sold the jot upon which the big block, knowm as the Beware of Cheap imitations There Is Only ONE Genuine Cane Moir. 100 per. cent Pure Sugar Cane Molasses. The best fattening, Milk Producing, Food Saving, Peed Molasses on the market -Do substitute. We have a supply for irumediate delivery, R. G. SELDON THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR OANE MOLA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, Montreal, Quebec. accept Balmooral Hotel property in St. Jos- eph to Mr. J. Matthews of London, who will tear down the building Mr, W. L. Siebert attended the conven- ttioa of the Women;'e Institutes at Loudon.. BAYFIELI')-A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Airs, 3, Campbell, when Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Orr, became the bride of Mr. Walter \i. Westlake, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew Westlake of the Sauble Line, Stanley SCHOOL REPORT of S.S. S. No.2, Usboree, for the month of October: Sr, 4-L. Fulton 73, A. Mullein 61, M. Cottle 51, C. Doupe 43, Sr. 3-W. Allison 75, S. Pollen 74, G.MacDonald 49. Jr. 3-C. Campbell 72, W. Allen 64, G. Fulton 54, B. Campbell 49, E. Stewart 48, C. Hodcrt 47, W. Pollen 46. Sr 2-H. Fulton 76, R. Cattle 75, R. Turnbull 73, E. Campbell 64, A. Rohde 63, C. Stewart 59, E. Allen 56. Sr. 1-J. Passmore, A. ,Passmore, R. Cottle, A Cottle, S. Campbell. Sr. Pr. -T. Allen, J. Russell. These are the best spellers for the month :-Sr. 4 -Lulu Fulton; Sr. 3 - Willie Allison; Jr. 3-Wilfre l Allen; Sr,2-Alex. Rohde; Sr- 1-Jen&c Pass- , more. :;s- mare. No, or, ro,.. 29; averse t:cn.i- anxe 25. :1, Fi. ,McNair, Tee, t• r.°r. GASTOP IA For Infants and Chldrea In Use ForOv r3Oyears Always bears the Signature of Which are you going to have $45 or $82.50 IF you have $100 in the Savings Bank it will pay you 3 per cent. interest, or in fifteen years, $45.00. IF you take that money out of the Savings Bank and invest it in Victory Bonds, Canada will pay you 514 per cent. interest on it, or in the same time, $82.50 BUY Victory Bonds and get more interest by Cgnada's Victo I wvOitta the Dto Lean Cotnmittes ter of Fiume iris ;n of nada. 1; 624