HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-11-6, Page 34ERIVIAN MOTION PICTURE FILMS OF U-BOAT MURDERS FOUND 'Camera Men on Submarine Took Views of Undersea. Ves- sels Shelling British Ships -Were Designed For Exhibition in Germany. A despatch from New York says: - 'Motion picture films taken from the archives of Grand Admiral von Tirpitz ,„in the former Kaiser's admiralty, and elbowing allied vessels being torpedoed by German ll -boats during the world war, have been brought here by 3. H. Maeksum, a Knights of Columbus sec- retary. The films, which were design- ed for exhibition by Germany on they flay of its triumph, were made by camera men on a submarine which was commissioned to cruise about the Irish, Coast and photograph merchant ves- sels after they had been attacked by undersea craft, This boat used more than 40,000 feet o£ film. "It was largely through the influ- ence of the present German Govern- ment that the film* came into my possession," said Mr, Macksum, who had charge of the motion picture work for the Knights of Columbus in France and Germany. "During the revolution the Admiralty offices were raided by the mobs and the eanisters containing the celluloid reels became scattered about. At Cohlenz I made friends with a former high ranking army ofticer and he secured the films from a revo- lutionary leader wham he knew posess- ed them." Tho pictures depict the U-boats shelling four British vessels while those on the ships were swinuning for lifeboats and rafts. A torpedo leav- ing the tube of a submgrine and speed- ing toward its victims is also shown. CANADA SELLS SURPLUS WHEAT Receives Cash- For Every The Stirling County Coueoil lots the Bushel of Grain,. tided that the proposed bridge over A despatch from London :says:--- tlae Forth at :il1o.: huuld be paid for With contracts with Britain, Belgium atiat Ital Breadstuffs. picked Burma, $d; Limas, 17} t� IV the (1Ave.nnront, y for the supply of wheat Toronto, No, 4. --Manitoba wheat.- ;18' c. Lieut. G. ►. Jeffrey, 1..:1.1•'., of Stir- igliesi, and c+Gntracts with France, .N 1 No 2.30• No. 2 North -1 Honer---•Evicts^ted clover, 5 -lb• tins, ling', wall they observer in a British Poland and Portugal for wheat, barley o. � rthern, S- r ''».l3 in. 25 to '»iic; 10.1b, tins, '244' to '`25e^ 1t0.11) aero};lane, \allieli made a teeord tilitht and flour, now under negotiation, Can..: ern, .,;,.27, Na 3 Northern, 4 _ ;tins, »lc• buckwheat i;li.lh. tins' 'ii store Fort William. , , l to between I.aictr.11 mid 1lueir !?. ado Fees her Way clear to the disposal; :i a Fora oats -No, 2 t Iii, g3c; l4ta, 20e; ..?°,41f13120 omb, t6-uz., $ .a0 to $:) ties.; I'.:a^I'1'AVAtt W. 14. Iam0,r. tete, of the whole of the year's 'export.•iF11 3 CSW`, ROc, extra No. 1 feed, h.k, No, ail -az., $3.a�0 to $1 dozen. stenos"s ..osutd told suss.; re: eptly grain surplus, So far over 800,000 1 feed, 7rsc; No. `2 feed, 75ele, in store i. Maple products --Syrup, per imper- celebrated 112s seventy-nilatll 1:;rihday. tons of what are actually contracted, Fort William, fat gaol., S 3.1 t p4r25 imperial gals., $3; ..1nong. oto "amulet, estates weaat for. It is expected there will shortly! Manitoba barley -No. 3 CW, .sugar, ll)•, r to 28 . $1.45 :., No. 4 CSS . ti 1.40, re�ecte $1.24• feed, $1.24, in store Fort 'Wil -1 x ' "f x: -. slick and Kinuaurd, hi. the Carse of Q0,Q00 tons of wheat to France, which I• 'Smoked meats Hams med 39 to �' 11i. Peter ?'uidocic, Gillies' (`Ott:h„e, ; a :ate. of flour, which will pl\iahly be ;nal• 1\Tc. 4 elIo\v, naminitl. ' to 59c; rolls, 33 to . 135e; breeder::st Milne of Mitten. recently eelebineed financed under the french credit of Ontar o oats -No. 3 white, 81 to tit e. hap"?n, .lit to ."gllt backs, Alai t. ,S to hie eel;inytiiFiili l.,ii•tIolac. $25.000,000. It is understood Poland' acenrdirtg• to freights outside. �'19c'j boneless, a"•1 to :)iii. € . :` The a... : • iii ,. (meeting "„ ; ,• 1 Cured meate-...liar..• clear .a :12 _ '? 'I t i..aa;rel , I tylia+.Ir, leas been sus. , to dtEt,r.,, far wheat, lint there 1st. Ontario wheatP--:`O. 1 Winter, Per' „n t^ :1� CaE i1a i ..�a.._ r ..;>:_ 4 , k: i eltar.-a,ei i)' 'W. 1i';at;'nta Murray. of Cat, : adiffioult • in the matter i car lot, :$2.00 to $2.01o• No: 2 do, $1,9o, :t^ .^ ^e, clear lrcliies, lel to :.3c, 3 g iter of P yment, G,a �, ' a $ q I.ar+la•-Pure tierce:, SOtti to '?1 • to ..0 No. ., do .1..3 to .1.9„, for House:. f:. eta+s ta• the 1luE1e cif flout- and Portugal has enquired for Cana- "t ' lY ails, 3 a to ,l e £.. .. '. ' f.o.b. shipping paint., according to tubs, .,l to , 1 c- p 11 1?; TQSe. diln ii..r1SR. (�ana(11: 11.;5 no so a prints,"2to '.'��C. (yam:a:endiliiteu t «:. ^ ' bushel of wheat except for each) as freights., i TLC! death .:,. E:=c urge:i at Lennox- ; P , g z , nr`n �'?.02 „c-, to :?Sr e; •to • . 'yvl« to :tee; ri lila, Clot, s., wheat-, �o. 1 S, i t : r �z �....... torn/. of JGI.t: R1allg ere a �ergcran0. in it is cion idexall our foreign credits �•) o R a F2 0S '=8ti '� .24iiae; pr'rit•:, 110 to .lite!, a. to $2.08; No, Spring, ,1.99 t , n �, !c, h ill - , oub r I. tanalvtc ii c a uan a t let 1 m or "Ito , tli 1 � l y t used far the supply of:;vo, 3 Spring, :1.95 to $�.Ol, f.o.b.; :lion#real markets. The Prince of Wales on the steps id Macdonald Hall, .0., Guelph, surrounded by a group of jolly gir s Weekly Market Report d, TRADE. RESUMED WITH GERMANY Britain and France Buying in Teuton Markets. A despatch from London Saye; Within the last few weeks a feeling has come over Europe that an under standing must be reached at once on a post-ivar policy regarding trade with Germany and Russia. In fact, there le almost daily evidence that this under- standing nder standing has been practically reached already, and it means that Germany is back in the old eommereial faultily again in as full membership as pos- sible with her limited supplies and external credit handicaps. There is no getting away from the actual facts, no matter how much the English and French public would like to avrid buying anything German, and the facts are that. Germany has Opti' ; cal goods, machines, toys, chinaware and piano:, that cannot be obtained else,:here. Such goods are finding their way out of Germany in large qr 'r.::ties, although not with the old ` "Made in Germany" label. America, England, France and Italy during the war labelled nearly every- thing :r,:th the name of the country Ontario' New Prime Minister , l:rrc,t Charles Bury, who is lihely to 1 e (int vrro's neat Premier, latent 250 ! roe ;et titian ),ill. Crown 11'11 one of those lith,: 1)laaees taw. oet its peetefihe^ when. ravel rn'!il erlutea were a row i:•:egi, but it :. ••:a),.t five ru tee warn Barrie on the ••Ponetene" re.tcl. Two hundred ;tervea Mr. Drury' • povs eesiufl were refected rind pionccred ley 51r. Drury's great•;ftaan 1 - father in 1Y19, and have i;ccn in '` r Provisions -Wholesale. have (hanged hands recently are Fin- be an atlnoiracemcnt of the sale of � Gowrie. will be paid for on a cash basis, and 1 American corn No 3 yellow, nom- i •IOc; do, heavy, 31 to 35e; coakegi 56 1 p F+• l:akv 1 such Amite. :! 4'freights.t • .. rtn t ea.lt W heat b��. . cl , n a 1 e i S mo,t n! according to a shipping pts a cc d o sh n fi i; P PNa• �'. P\ , .its e gra ` .rn t 0 The Militate Seleilal b;ta been award- ed tel liuuestn i t,�w.wrt, t,ldeet son of + difficulty has cording to fr ig*ht I Gll ` 11 30, tolled nate. a0 lt• ' '�•�`. s Peter Melee;t. t'allaiada'i. f I Buckwheat -Nominal, +S 80 t �3 R" bran, legal tender in Europe these days. The Dom`nion's greatest been to sell flour, and France may, therefore be allowed to use her credit' to pay for what she takes in that line. Barley -Malting, $1.35 to $1.,0, ac- 1 feed, 93e; flour, new st:trrler,l genie, outside. .4 to : 13 o $• . 5; b $45; shorts, $12 ' Rye---Noiniuni, , Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $23 to Manitoba flour -Government stand-. $24; cheese, fined eaeterns, 27 to 288; ard, $11, Toronto. butter, choicest creamery, idol to 02c; Ontario flour -Government stand -,eggs, fresh, 70c; selected, 04c• No. 1' PLAL�d TO BLOCK ard, Montreal, $9.2:r to $9.50; Toronto, stock, 58c; No. 2 stocl. $55u • potatoes Stirling's iii\e•stnaeant in war bonds in ahieh t was made, with the result that nearly every article now par - clt ed Flews ws its• nationality. Gc rmaa m.:nufucttarers, noting this, have adopted .i new policy, and one avhlch aroares no animosity. They gimpy leave their goads without marks. France is carrying on a heavy trade with Germany, and ,in •some a=e3 even buying important commo (":ties from her whieh she formerly 1. ought in Eniclani. This is due to the c'etl:ange rate, frame.; being at a a' count in. Lyndon and at a big prem - him in Germany. French manufactur- er, are aide to nave from GO to 75 per cent. on c orrign rents of goods in whiF:h Germane alizes. It is Only r,^ e4at) that England wou!,1 es .int•corn.:. any imports from ( er *malty wh tiev e r . blit, t is now real - i t 1 that Gern:.eny has net the large czu art .fits of goons •toad that she w . t. rerted tate hate for the purpose e t3. :Eng . °reigi: mar:*et after the. war. Se the re lie: toward Germany has t:alien more definite shapa. Site \s Il have•,n g no opportunity for u , . y dumping either in France or England, but the goods she can :achanta:•rouely supply \. ith •:.t irksome a•rmretition with the Lome trade are rir. ady being import- ed. There is constant discus,;ian among awmukei_, however, assuring the ccmmerciel wcrleI that if Germany *gills a trade war by dumping, steps sill be taken to stop it. A regards Russia, British manu- f:acturers ere tenotinced that with that and cL1ertilic tr•.: :mute Oetabt'r. 1917, 1 was .1 - tier )lead of population. Kir w."memorial * I Tetl'tJ ,u• will be a crc,sa erected on a c•uinmancifilg ••''�• ' and to coat not ii..�;:; than £:1;000. BELLE ISLE STRAIT $9.05 to $9.30, in jute bags, prompt, per hag, car lots, $1.44 to $i.45; tires- 1-�T� shipment.. !seri hogs, abattoir killed, $`Wyl to $21%! , Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- lard, pure, wood pans, 20 lbs. net,' E. C. Drur • w real freights, bags included; Bran, per `21rE,c,y, h,� liar teem clitasen to 4 shorts, ton,$52.leacher of the United F^rrecr I It err' livajor Lawruon has sold his farm of 13aruturk, Parielt of Kettle. to William n::grts, the present tenant. • Gulf Practicable and Im- Make Winter Navigation in ,� prove Climate. British Manufacturers Flan ri °� 5 s or s, per e, vv , : 11, per ton, $24 to $25; Live Stock Markets. I parties hi Ontario. Hay -No. T ea% mixed,vento. per ton, $18 to $21, track, fA- steers, $12,75 to $13; good heavy Straw -Car lots, • t `~10 $11 steers, $12 to ;+12.5(1; butchers' cattle oice o , ..r,)• country's raw m tc r alis and their own manufacturing lessourees the two s c.untries could uld work together to great - .. mutual adv vantage. An ezonomic miis- v possession of the family crier slit/v. shin to Russia has been suggested. , The new Leader is a good, practical Getting the r• ti - • of Ru ria in farmer, :with the added advantage of a shape again is the present groat prob • course at the Guelph College arlyd ilia, lem, and it is not unlikely that when degree of B.S.A. He hasn't special• ; a semblance of calm is restored Bri ,' zed fn his farming to any great oex-re! tiaah capital will take an active hand tent, though perhaps he takes more irl repairing• and rebuilding the roads pride in his herd of dual-purpose' This would solve the food problem in Shorthorns than in anything else. Of ; Russia which is largely one of trans late years he has given Hutch aten- portaton, angel clear the way for build tion to the U.F.O. movement, with', ing upi a, great commercial future particular relation to the tariff. Al-' which leading Englishmen predict is ways he has been active in the tom in -tore for Russia. munity life at Crown II:11. The fact } that the church and the school are A despatch from London says:--. ttaz� ar a s, pea an, ,, to , ch , q � > $1125 t $11 ", ido, g track, Toronto. v .25 To Increase Production line of fast steamers will shortly ba Country �� holeaale. $1Q•'5 to $10.75; do, mer;., ;~9 to $9:`35 running fortnightly from New York to C' 3 do, tom $6 to $6.75; bulls, choice, $10 A dspatch from London says: -The Midland manufacturers, in conference, Liverpool, which will call at'St. John's Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, v10 to, to $10.50;odo, mod„ $9 to $9.25; do are taking great interest in the prob- lem of how best to increase"produetion. One scheme submitted involves notify - Newfoundland, and Halifax, says 'a made solids, on 'i056oto557c r prints,, 57eto' choice, $10o too 310.50; bdo eher ood,\$9 statement by Sir Edgar Bowrin k e•good, ' �8c. to $9,25; do, mod„ $8,25 to $8.550; High Commissioner for Newfound- Eggs -,56 to 58c. •tio, cam., $6.50 to $7; stocicers ofland who has just returned to London. seedpoultry-Springchickens, 7.50 to$1 Sing employes r the decreaseisnd out- He added that Newfoundland was ex- 25to 30c• roostes, owl to to $11.25;canners and and cutters $10.00 $ � tto put. If no improvement is noted after25e; + 20, ., ten days the Board of Trade might be pectins help from the Imperial Gov- 25e; ducklings, 25 to 30c, turkeys, 35 $6.25; milkers, good to choice, $110 called upon to make an investigation. ernment in the direction of more rapid to 40c, squabs, dos., $4.50. to $175•, springers, $90 to +175; light 2 , $8 to $9.25; yearlings, $9 to found responsible, it i•s suggested that Britain. Newfoundland was consider- 23c; roosters, 20c; fowl, 1$ to 25c; $10.50; spring lambs, per eat, $13.75 If in this event the employers are and frequent communication with Live poultry Spring chickens, 0 to ewes ducklings, 20c; turkeys, 35c. to $14.50• calves, good to choice, $15.50 a fine of £50 sterling be enforced. If, ing a proposal, recently broached in Cheese -New, large 29 to 2.91,;,e• to $19; hogs, fed and watered, $17; do, fed and watered, $17.25; do, f.o.b., $16; do, do, to farmers, $15.75. Montreal, Nov. 4. -Butcher steters, $9.75 to $12.50; med., $8.50 to 49.50; on the other hand, the decrease in out- Canada, for blocking the Straits of ;twins 2911 to 30e• large, 30 to put is due to slackness on the part of Belle Isle to make Winter navigation 301i2c• Stilton 33 to34c, the employes, it is planned that a fair in the Gulf practicable and improve flutter -Fresh dairy, choice, 50 to percentage, in accordance with, the de- crease, be deducted from their wages. The scheme also proposes that the employer reward employes substan- tially for any suggestion which may lead to production being increased. High Prices For Canadian War Goods A. despatch from London says: - Dealers and the general public are very keen to get hold of ,surplus Cana- dian military stores. A five-day sale, including a varied assortment of 2,400 lots, realized £3,300. Some prices ob- tained were phenomenal. Canadian grey blankets, costing, 29 shillings a paiir new, sold for 19 'shillings a pair after four years' wear. Tools brought higher prices than the original cost. New boots fetched 21 shillings a pair. Repaired pairs went at 11 drillings. Repaired boots, not guaranteed, made the climate of the eastern seaboard of 52c: creamery prints, 61 to 63c. Canada and Newfoundland. Margarine -33 to 38c. French and Arab Troops To Replace British in Syria A despatch from London' says: Andrew Bonar Law, Government lead- er in the House of Commons, announc- ed that the Government was arrang- ing with France and Prince Feisal, son of the Ring of the Hedjaz, for the immediate withdrawal cf the British troops from Syria and the assumption of the duties of occupation by the French. and Arabs, pending the con- clusion of the peace treaty. Payments Made Russia By Britain in Two Years A despatch from London says:-- Cecil ays:-Cecil Harmsworth, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, in the House of dtbmmons, said that Constantin Nabo- kof1', who represented Russia at Lon - corn . $7 50 to $8 50- butcher heifers Eggs -No. 1, 59 to 00e; selectee 132 good, $8.50 to $9.50; med., 0.50 to to 63c; new laid, 75 to 78e. $8.25; common, $6 to $7,25; butether Dressed poultry -Spring chickens, cows, good, $8 to $9.50; med., $6.25 30 to 33c;. roosters, 23 to 25c; fowl, 30 to $7.50; canners, $4.50 to $4.75; cut - to 32c; turkeys, 45c; ducklings, 34 to terse $5 to $13; butcher bulls, common, 35c; squabs, doz., 20. 25.25 to $6. Good calves, off cars. Live poultry -Spring chickens, 22 $10.50; heavy calves, $10 to $12; good to 26c; fowl, 23 to 25e; ducks, 22 to weals, $14 to $161; medium, $9 to $13; 25c. grass, $6 to $6.50; ewes, $6,50 to $8.50; Beans -Canadian, hand-picked. bus., lambs, good, $13.755; common, $10.50 5.75 primes, $4.25 to 24.75; to $12,50; hogs selects, off car weights, $5.25 to $ ,' japans, $4.75 to $5; imported, hand- $17; lights, $15.75 to $16; sows, $12. Sugar Shortage May Become More Acute A despatch from Ottawa says: -The sugar shortage in Canada promises to become more acute, owing to non -ar- rival of raw sugar, consequent on the longshoremen's strike at New York. The Canadian Trade Commission has taken a firm; stand against further ex- port of sugar, and also advises that as a temporary measure, the demand for 5 shillings 9 pence. Much used type- don, had received from Great Britain, sugar for domestic use should be met writers -128 Underwoods -•-realized 20 between March, 1917, and IVIarch;. 7919, .by the refiners before the manufactur- per cent. over cost. The highest price when payments ceased obtained was 225. x184,000,000. Britain's Harvest Increase. The corn harvest of 1118 in Britain was more than 2,000,000 tons larger than that of 1914, while potatoes also showed a big increase, in spite of shortage of labor and fertilizers. "Stripping cows between the thumb and finger tends to dry them up," says a young man in our neighborhood. "Take hold with your hand and milk," he says. "That is the only way to do a good job." Since I heard him say , more then ers of products containing sugar are that I have been paying some atten- supplied. tion, and I believe he is right. " almost at his door made easy hie et -1 ,- tendance at these meeting places. ?'itiStsi Warships to '; rry The new Leader is a little over forty. Commercial Men years of age, is strong and vee11 built,1 ; A despatch from London says:- and has a determined look. His family; of wife and five children,.British commercial travelers and the three boys and two girls. His eldest; repro entat`.re:s of business houses are son will be able to run the farm P Bile; to be permitted passage aboard every father runs the „ British warship leaving the country politics of the is a for abroad. This,according to Sir ince. In religion lily. Drum- is a, 1Iethodist. f Ii -alar Greenwood, Under-Secretary g, !for Home Affairs, who made the an - Ca i 1i nouncement before the Association of to e EBriii,h Chambers of Commerce, is g`a 1T were mines ino the number of 30of i move unique in the history of the 000• e were made. Britactually . i move ." Walter Hume Long, the these only deliveries0 were actually laid. Frst Lard of the Admiralty, has given Postal on Sunday have his assent to this 'special service, Sir been abolished in France, that day Hamar declared. now being a holiday to all postal ser- i vants. Food profiteering "speculators" in France are liable to a fine of 5,000 francs ($1,000) and imprisonment for two years. The oldest vine hu England, which can still ripen four hundred bunches of grapes, is housed at Cumberland Lodge, 'Windsor Park. . TIgers killed no fewer than 1.00! persons in India last year; evolve and bears accounted for 333 leopar for 325; and crocodilea and alligzt for 194. Snakes headed the list a. 22,600 victims. (9Y GOLLY MAG4iE MAS GONE OUT AN NEVER LEFT ME A z. / CENT- _ . et1II1 BRINGING UP FATHER Treaty Effective ly Day On Am r istiice Day A despatch from London •says: -The German Peace Treaty may come into effect on the anniversary of Armistice Day. It was announced by Cecil •Tarmsworth, Under-Secretary for 'oreign Affairs, in the House of Com - ens, that the Government hoped the taty would be formally ratified on. vember 11 and come into force the ea day. rt,wEM'r t'VEN 401 CAR FARE. TO 4,1T DOWN TOWN 411/r. • 1'r'S r-RETTN( L Tou41-1 c yr I'L(- 1 N41,1 °` HAVE To STA--( IN - c1 a. \\a, -fittrID UP' ! ` OH; ARE L. YOUACI� SO Soar!?. tat U JUST CAAN~iE ZACK TO 4ET MY 4i PUR ,E THAT (C9 ,ts' `; OU WERE - \la er SITT1N<i 011: 1