HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-30, Page 8EXEPER ADVOCATE, ' THURSDAY, OCT. an, 1 J1 E1 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednc:sxlay Fall Wheat Marley , 1.20 to 1.25 Oats Flour .5.75 Shorts 52.0 ► Eggs ... h(► naihy Butter 5 Creamery Butte 63 Lard .. ..,e 35 Potatoes. per b?g _ 1.25 ro 1.35 %ray .. .... .. 16.00 Ho;; per cwt. 1.95 17.00 Trivitt Memorial Church :ry 'es as usual. BATT a,RIES CHARGED OVER WINTER. .rc prep are'.1 to take ..a r:; batter.. through the winter. n ? !?a:? to overhaul your ;.ars. sea) ,4. fie: t ears to T .i' b..:tg e>•v. united. T. NEL ON, Huran Ger:sr e. YCyt• ARE INV!TEI! To oar .Mid -Season Olga N:avember Ise. T.a.re will he a sp-,Nia! eNlib,ti r' o: Pattern Hats. our own n i t nime:i flats, and un atue encl urttiut' 1)Q:nesti+ :.viii Imparted Mas inert Novwities E. T. V. CRI.1: THAMES ROAD ANNIVERSARY. Ars.aaansary anal Fowl Supper, Thames Road Presbyterian Church November 2nd and 3rd. Rev. S 11: Lean, l3 A., of Egmo t tv ie .01 preach Qt1 Sunday at 11 a.m.. sins p.m. Specie.; inti t be tine :hair, as - elated by Mr. W. \1. , s ot Woodham. Fowl Supper on Monday evening from 5 to S, fo'ao vett by .one a rt .'!n the church. Hensail Male Quartette will take part. Admission teas.; ,•hiial ren 35e^. ONIONS. J. H. essisl take la•• a'C4t tit; a,.i Temperenee House :anal after Oct. lath, except Saturday.,. .41111111111111111 c_OWS FOR SALE. Six Gala,' Holstein and :*hce thee,. -n .acs s for sale. Some ::'bout to h- en and others clue ate- Yearlings end c:a1V3 for sale also,. +o,.8 hwa;a ovc;na to lhorta ��: he p. 'ti . N. G seri*, R R. 1 HALLOWE'EN SUPPER in Trieste Memorial School Hall on Oct. 31st, from 6 to S pion, Program `n even- ing. Admission 35e. WHITE LEGHORN :'fit KERELS FOR, SALE. Barren laying strain; halt price $1.50 -to make room for winter stock. J. H. GRIEVE, Exeter. ELGAR LADIES' QUARTETTE have many fine programmes consisting 0,f good, humorous and novelty num • leers. Let us have your next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod- erate Write 37 Oxford St. West. London Ont. CIDER AND APPLE BUTTER Cur cider mill will be open for mak n'; cider and :tip e b=atter every day with the eye p t:r: of Monday each week. firs. Cott:: has charge of the cooking. S. J. V. CANN. GIRL WANTED Experienced D,rting Room Girl wanted at Central Hotel. Exeter. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air motor outfit we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR THE WATKINS AGENT ,handles, All kinds of spring tonics for both man sad -beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are' the purest on the market Offaly sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE DURHAM CATTLE, Etc., Etc. on Lot 3, Cost. 6, Stephen, Tp., on THURSDAY, NOV. 6th, 1919 At 1 .o'clock, sharp, the following: 5 steers, rising 3 years old; 10 steers and heifers, rising 2 years; 11 yearlings. • Also 1 cutter, nearly new; 1 top buggy, '1 horse blanket, and bells. Terme-12 months' credit will be given on. furnishing approved joint nate, or a discouint will be given. of 5 per n.ent. per annum. Frear Sim, Frank Taylor . Paola ,; ra....eAuct NOTICr. COURT OF REV'SION OF VOTERS' LISTS OF MUNICIP- ALITY OF EXETER Notice is hereby given that a Court will be geld pursuant to The Ontario Voter..' Lists Act, by His Honour the Ju ige of the County Court of the County of Huron at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Saturday, the 8th day of November. 1919 at 10 o'cliocek a. m.. to hear and determine com- plaint. of errors and omissions in the Voter..' List of the Municipality of the Village cat Exeter on 1919. Dated the 25th day of October, 1919 Jos, Senior, Clerk. Cochrane Machine Shop GENERAL REPARING • Gas Engines Overhauled, Re -bored and New Rings Crt'Piston made; to fit. :Wagon). - Axles re -fitted and New Flits Made. :A11 kinds of repair work promptly atteended to. GOnnor Gasoline Engines ; for sale. Phone 135. Local Doings Autumn weatb,e ••is here, Ha toir.e'en Friday, :Oct. 31st, 25c. gets the Adviocate to Jan. 1st. Rabbit shooting is the sport • that new being ixtdalgeel in. Da not miss hearing Herman Breu u er Monday evening, Nov. 10.: Mr. Eci. Treble is nursing a very sere linger caused by:a gathering. „The Women's Institute Convention being held in London this week. The Victory Loan -camas comrnenc.- ed On J o,:lday and continues for three weeks. Huron has a Caas.ervative, a Liber- al and a U. F. O. member in the ztew- Lcgisi;.ature The 36th annual Ontario Provincial Winter Fair will be held at Guelph Dee. 5t1) tv 11th, The Victory Loan 1919 is being sub- scribed rapidly. Do not delay. Get your :honey, ,in, early. Great 4uantnties of sugar beets and turnips are now being drawn to Exeter station for shipment. Godeaicli tax rate for this year is 44 mills. the county town has for some yer,re hada high tax rate, :lfr. R P. Howe, brother-in-law of Jaa. Jea:ke;,i, died in Edmonton on Oet. 19th. He formerly resiled in Toronto. The base of the Soldiers' tienmr. ial at the Town fI.al was xotnmen:,ed last week and is now ready to receive the monument. After tour months' suspension ow- re7, to shortage of help, the Ailsa. �r.•ig Banner has been revived by Editor Kedweli. Joshua Johns of Usborne re- entry had the: misfortune to fall from tree onto a plant:, and is confined h; home as a result. atom Exeter people went to 'Icon el o t t'4 edgesday and Thursday of ae.il: to take part in the welcome a th., I'rinse a liVtdes. Jtr. h,'l. Stone of Usborne last week tr.ove.I to town. occupying the house: he recently ptinc asedfrom the cs- afe of they bete Mary Balkwilts \V, tv casome Mr. and Mrs. Stone :o our The ,nates Street Metho.sist church has made the porches: of Burp'.; e tor the netabers of tine choir, who wIll1 at.tkc their first appearance in them on the occasion, of the : hure'h :lnniv erstry, November 16th. Sergi T, L. Rivers of the :Maisons nt: staff at Shudoe, son of Mr. and v n - Vs C. Rivers was one of tho.;e wi:h the Military Medal the larch, a of Wales at Lon.lon on Thurolas afternoon last. The season for duck hunting opened on Sept. 1, and closes Dec. 1. The season for der hunting will open on Nov. oth and closes on Nov. 20th. Thi• season the regulations give but one der per hunter instead of two was the case last year. 'The Loyal Temperance Legion held their meeting in James Street School roa•tt r•t Fricitay afternoon when Rev. ‘1.7. -en ;ave the children, a very in - true ti.e address. Those meetings are to he held regularly during the om.ne winter and plana are being tt 1. ta maize them interesting and rrotit.cb:e for the boys end girls. The r.gu?ar meeting of the W. C. T. U. Wes held in the Public Library on Monty vast, and was in -har;e or Mr,. tR ev. t Nestle, vies •president, t no , in en able manner, expressed our gratitude for the splendid victory we hays hast over our greatest enemy, King Alcohol. The delegates appoint- ed. for Prov-. Convention at Guelph Nov. 17th to 21st, were Mrs. George Manson. Mrs. (Rev,) Kestle. SHADDOCIR—PROCUT VIER. A ,quiei wedding took plate in De- troit on Oct. 16th, when Miss :Units Capitola Procuniier, daughter of Mr. and Mis C. M. Procu;njer of Ingersoll J J was united itt marriage to Mr Fr:.I so a E'. Shaddock, manager of th' ' .;;r, ri . J inary Instrument and Sunni.): i"amr.;n, fro G. Spa and of All ddfeelllla ws$ of are requee s drtoa.la- tend the regular meeting on Tuesday, night, November 4th. Special busi- ness, an�l your presence is needed. R. N..Creech, R. -S', Jame, Street church service and Travitt Memorial service were with- drawn Sunday °vetting in favor of the Presbyterian church anniversary, and Main Street church withdrew their morning service for the same reason Rev. Wilson occupied Main street put - pit in the evening. LOOK" 'AT LABELS We have changed the dates oan lite Advatae:ate labels this week. See what your label says and govern yourself aegordingly. If you owe us anything please pay and, if not we thank you, if ROY DIES IN USBORNE. The death occurred on Sunday last of George Fletcher, son of Mr. and lira. Waiter Kerslake of Usborne,near Winchelsea, at the age of 7 years, 17 days.The little fellow was sick, only a few days of inflamation.. The par- ents have the sympathy of the corn-� tuunity. "1'he: funeral took place to• , Exeter cemetery on Tuesday. ;Mss Elva Hary was in L�ondan or a few days last week. Mrs D. Johns and Miss Lila left. ase week to visit n Sarnia Mr.1". W. Gladman has returned from business trip to. 'Winnipeg. Mr. john Mallett of -,London. is here pending a few days with friends. Mr. au.l Mrs. B. tWt F. Beavers and oys spent Friday Lest in London. Mrs. W. H. Welsh of London; visited t Exeter and Crediton last week. Mrs. T. Handford and I11iss Labelle t Ingersoll are visiting relatives here. Mrs. C r dge, nee Louise Carling of riht�Qn is visAting with relatives in vv n Mr Reg. Eldlott of Norwi h :pent tett lays here with relatives during a et. ;lir. Frank Sims, who has been in \Vest for some months, returned :n on Friday. Mr. W J. Bryant, editor of the heal -mil Tribune, apasat Monday with fends In town Mt. Hugh Eatrnett ie visiting his other, Mr.M. Eacrett, in town, al- • reiatives in the vieinjtye Jt--:,.: Howard, who has been with - :McDonald as milliner, returned her home in Blyth last week. Zr.JJames Bagent of 'Wicudsor vis - d with his parents, Mr. and 'rlrs, gent, London Road, over Sunday. ;lir. Eli Snell. went to Detroit Mon- y to undergo an oiler itis nk His rather 1vir. C. B. Snell, accompanied a a b it 0 ti tri th ho `I r br so 11 to ite Ba cin b hitt Mrs, Mara. of Iowan and her daugh- ter, Mrs Kennedy of Agincourt were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cole last week. Mr .W, G. Medd, Miss M. jones and Miss A. May attended the Ontario Sunday School Convention in Toronto last week Mr Hastings, ,Mrs, Amos, Mrs. Baty - den, Mrs. Manson, and Miss jerkeli are in London attending the Woman's Institute Convention. Mr, an.t Mrs. T. H. Newell were la Stratford Monday attending the fun- eral or the former's brother -in -,law, Mr, John Taylor, who has been i11 I'or a year as a result of abscesses. After a visit in Western Canada, Rev. John Walker, son of Mr. ' and Mrs. Walker of Exeter North, and his wife will sail from Vancouver for the htlssl n tic?. of China. They left Tor- onto last week. irs. Foweli goes to Toronto to -day peed a month with her sister, Mrs . Spackman,. who has just returned m several months in Europe. - Mr. ckman has not yet returned. Mr. Mrs John Spackman are spending a month in British Columbia. at city. The ceremony was .par formed by the Rev. Mr. Hopkin: of Detroit. Mr. Shaddock was formerly on the staff of the Maisons Bank, Lon- don, and is a son of Mr.Fand Mrs. Jas. Shaddock of London, but who were former residents of Exeter, having conducted the Mansion. House for a number of years. The newly wedded will make their future home in De- troit. WANTED Kitchen, Help. State wages. Apply New Commercial Hotel, Woodstock. COWS SHRINKING should receive regular rations of Cane Mole,. Cane" Mola is 100 per cent, Pure Sugar Cane Ta-eacle. Mixed with old hay, straw ensilage, corn stover,, etc., ,it produces More Milk at less cost, ,builds flesh faster and keeps stack in a healthy eondi-, taws. P. G. Se1don, Local Dustributor has just receive?. a shipment. Musical Entertainment Mr. Herman Brouwer, baritone, who possesses a voice of unusual range and timbre. He wins h;al audience On his first appearance, and when he sings holds them spellbound. His in,terpret- ati,an and enunciation are excellent. He is a singer who belie.ves when English is sung it should ,be clear and distinct. Miss Florence Dewey, violinist, is an artiste of rare ability; a charming per- sonality anal one who always delights her audience. • Miss Ciais Ferry, soprano, .has a beau tuful.lyric. soprano voice.- This is a :veritable treat and no Jov•- es al .music. s1iouicl miss hearing, these alto is in Exeter Opera Houise, on MONDAY ' EV'G, NOVEMBER 10th, at 8 o'clock. Ad.missian 35c., "Reser- 'ed seats 50c. Plan alt Howey's NATURE'S MIRROR When a womani we11 anti healthy-- there's ' a sparkle in her eyes, a rose tint In her cheeks, and she has rich red blood. There's elasticity in • every mo e- luent and a spring in her step. • Love comes to every woman ,who has bounding health—but when she is pallid, dull eyed, languid, she has no magnetism nor does she appeal to any man. • Such a, :change in feeliIgs arid looks!: After ooks! - After suffering pain, feeliiig`ner- vous, dizzy, weak and dragged down by weaknesses of her sex witheyes sunken, black circles and; pale cheeks—ouch a woma i is quickly restored to health by the Favorite Prescription of Dr.Pierce. Changed, too, in looks, for after taking Dr .Pierce's Favorite' Pre- scription the skin becomes clear; the eyes brighter, the checks plump. It is purely vegetable, contains no alcohol. r Druggists sell it in tablets :'or liquid. Send. Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y., 103 for trial package. PHONE 3Z JONES "4:1VIAY • HONE 32 Another Shipment of ladies' and Mi sses' Coats k We have just received another shi meat of the celebrated Rogers' brands of Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter oats. These are shown is Veltex, Velour, and Silvertone Cloths in the popular shades of lava, brown, platinum, navy, grape, green, etc. Prices moderate.. Special values in black cloth coats also Salts' celebrated Esquinnetto seal plushand baby Iamb. SPECIAL VALUES IN COMFORTER MATERIALS 5 piece wrapperettc 36 in wide, good heavy weight, special at 40e, yd. 5 pieces heavy art sateen, 36 in, wide. A splendid cloth for good qual ity comforters, exceptionally good value -:at 25e, yd. OUR. HOUSE FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. This department in our store is now well stocked, to meet the needs of the Fall and Winter season. We have remarkably good values in Rugs, Lin (emus, Con ;oleums, Oilcloths, Curtains and Curtain sfatersals, curtain pol- es, window shades, etc. Special -6 go od patterns of flowered Marquisette .especially adapted .tor .over -curtains on sale ,at 75e. yd. SPECIAL VALUES IN NAVY SERGE DRESS GOODS. • We still have a few webs of old stock in all wool serge dress goods, particularly int navy blue, These range in price from $1,50 to $3,75 yar.l. MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS Have you tried one of our made -to -measure suits yet? This depart- ment in, our store, under the personal directiott of Mr. N. Sheere is be - owning more popular every day. We guarantee a perfect fit, and can give you a quit tailored to your measure at very little more coat than a ready- made suit. JONES & MAY Headtntraa•ters for *e Oelieblmted Sandford & Lion Br4nds Clothing Mt Men and Boys. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loam on farm and village property at low rates GLADMAN & S7..NBURY Barristers, Siokcitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Comm�isssfaoner, Soliicittor for the Mol - sons Battle, Etc, Money to loan at lowest rales Of interest. Office—Maim Stritat. Exeller. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or 'any bad effects. Office over Gladman. & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter Dr. G. F. Rolston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office` Clo:ed Wednesday afternoons. HORSES WANTED I want an unrmi'ted number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 year; old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties •having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK, TAYLOR Licensed Auctiforu`eer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex • Prices Reasonable and Satlafactilon Guaranteed. Crediton, — Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND. VALUATOR. for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. ' Farm Stock Sales 'a Specialtyo Office at CockshuttWa jes-owns, next door to Central Hotel. Main Street, Exeter. Vulcanizing ALL. KINDS OF TIRES. All work guanteejd. Casli for old tures: TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP Exeter. DRS: SWEET. •& VINING Veterinary Surgeons .41], ace is promptly attended to day or night. Office— Dr. Sweets old office waitgotu.0 Exeter.. Corner Dundee and Richmond Streets Fall term opens September 2, 1919 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers. Courses up. -to -date. Ente.r anY• dot, r. i.forritt, Principal. I DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter- Calls promptly attended to day or night. P,Aorhe 8. ' FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER 2 CENTRAL SSi FtA4'F�t34l. ONT. The largest and best Commercial School in, Western Ontario. We give individual instruction and students may enter our COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND or TELEGRAPHY Departments - at any timeu We as- sist graduates to posittlioms, Write now for our free catallague and learn the nature of our work. D A. McLachlan, Principal. Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUUNRRAL BIAbGTOR 't AND FtURNITt3RE DEALI.R Tea & • Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits; spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the \grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce,' Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCQTT BROS. PHONE ' 134. l Smart Styles in Ladies Coats This week .vete have received two shipments of Smart Coats. One .hare that is particularly good comes in different ss tyles and Cloths with hand some fur collars.. Take a look in when passing. LAIDIEPi USH GOATS S'ryLIS13 COATS FOR GIRLS We wanS' t you ta_ see.. the styles The :girls want stylish goats and( we and values we are offering in these want thegirls; to see our line.ts: Sizb`s beautiful coats. 10 12, and 74 yletat 9Ve Fan save you money. Priced at 05.00. CHILDREN'S Wit. SWEATERS •These are all woof ,coats and are splendid for the little tots. 'Tiles; are scarce goods this season. 6 ` only at; $1,85. FLEECED -LINED UNDERWFAR It is the' kind, the boys bike. Good. weight with fine soft fleece. 'All sizes for Boys. Per garment 75c. , LADIES' UNDERWEAR In white' Or natural T'h'e.,8 lines are fairly goad weight and, are extra good value for thiis season. Our price is 11)00 STANF IELD'S 'UNDERWEAR FOR MEN t You are sure to get satisfaction if you buy this good underwear, We can supply , nou with Red and Brlue Label, $ 3.00; and $3,25.