HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-30, Page 6Kitche
If y ou consider its body-building powers Bovril is probably
the most G enoraaical ftx'd you can buy. No other food, no
matter how high its price, has been proved to possess
Bovril's wonderful body-building powers. Bovril saves
butchers' bills and is a great economiser in the kitchen.
,,. Can. Your Daughter :earn IIer Living? :ince later. We can't take material
----------- Last June your boy or your 'girl things into the Beyond, but the things
.0 , -. -....,,._o.........4.... ... _ ,,� 1 ea sed the'
SHigh Schapl Ents
ance. of the spirit live always„ That is part-
" ^'=�"'""7,44...,-* "� "- --' -
school in the country is done,
ly what elitist meant when he sold,
According to your ideas,school %s "Lay up for yourselves treasures in
done with for good. The ethild now Heaven."
E;- ?ai.1.L°I:IC'E LEVEL.
ean.aaaitdl Fi•oti: the French.
,,,,,.m.z,' You might send a boy if he wanted' wife can do it, and with no more time
`e;• t?'" ----- t -- to take up a profession and just and energy expended, .if she will but
I ell,,' eaid Frederic. thetr"t:lly. tin, to eo i ale him by beautiful I wouldn't stay on the farm, but a girl train herself.
laoid rg at the wound .;.n int;ode whish phra?e.., .she ht -rued him life as it'—what's the sense of her going tco Setting the table correctly three
had .::nett cl..s:>:l. •-1 Alan soon be war in reality-egted fortune far come, high school or college and getting a times a day is an art, but it is one
r, back . the front; • nai�ioa tt:r:o for a:iier . Little be little lot of high-falutin' notions that just whish everyone may acquire. Sim -
able to .. x.
"•g+: a are " sea . hurry to ten" a he Teat t' ;f ar r dreamed of the turn her head and make her feel above', licit , is the keynote in all table
me:" :: : e 1 Mine. Chancel. day when he sat.1 iti retuxn to Paris to her family? If she would go on and: decorations. In no other point is the
• c -mite .e r.ie civilian eIethes and his do samethin" y a$
I i a la inn" to t vola : I' a e • tt5" e e r oaeupa flan. All constraint „ afterwards you m" ht . taste and culture of a housewife so
feel r.. Bea new tee I am nearly di snear;::l from their conversation. do it, but she'll only get married and observed as in the table service which.
we 1 vee "eally train`•. i.`;: ''ejd''"''' t: °ny' ole speko•of the war, of the advance-' there's all that money thrown away.' the offers her family and friends.
reg- *':ate:. In t!.<' w""" 1 shall be i'.li - :.sent cf Ifs former a narade-s, with'
This is your line of argument. But The table should not appear crowd-
' t t h h k 1 her -
has a great deal more bock learning When Setting the Title.
than you ever had, and you've got
along and made money. There's. no' It is not necessary to have trained
sense in sending children to high' servants toed the table correctly and
school unless they are going to teach. to serve the meals nicely. Any house -
del: •: emznt that s e asked er veltat of the child? Is your child per ed, and, as far as possible, china,
:: e -1 ct�l< her heel. self emntames whether this indiffex
•<clu e.n learn;:e sti.. Le cnee eoneeaa deep-seatedlittle bit she knovs?fectl3contented with the very, very glassware, are, and silverware should
tv't, ai isn't `say over. 1,t will i tgr n -if he didn't cherish a secret
For the work in harmonize That is, they should all
have Fierily tit time c z<i fight. And I i;i°tetixxe against her for having kept public school is really rat even a adhere strictly to the note of sim-i
sled' F� ve pier} time to wait at him out of :.ringer. She eau ht to drop in the bucket. Is she pexfeetly': plicity,
lie nde .i • n wire +t1 ;dish by lettere :rather: his the ughts. But he smiled satisfied with the future you have; The arrangement of the plate, glass„
ds: t t n never eenue. ny move whieb fills so trenoid h at' 1 sank back into the mapped out for her—to stay at home l napkin, ands silverware for each per -t
one with dt. t. Stet ri m nth longer,' Berth:; or la's easytheir with such and help mother until some boy asks, son .is called the "cover." Each kind
or six ,,, ce .s. It e .t1 eat a tluithl • tiba,n on that she fel: .,.t enabarraed on her to marry him and she goes into a of meal has its own particular pieces
Then I shall be the far -t to ray to you: his aceoant and changed the subject. home of her own? Or has she ideas; of sjlverware necessary for it, but the
lees ;:ender. He felt the change, was` of a life a little fuller than one con sane general rules apply to all.
'c:ol' " r ism an^ansciously she became
lis ter.tleri kis ,ed her f;n;gertips• cerned merely with material th1 g- i In all eases the plates and silver-,
-::✓''fit'-c •
�•�' b• >Y ,•,, oaten t -•ii • `_?
ea atvi 01-
lae bog
�g:�s1s �,-;+•s;^.w4", 1't. �'+-x%gti�'�,t�T'•, o:u'9k
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Find out for yourself! Hear the
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• t•'' Se r « t . tt;' ' f joiti °•,�{s hi
• �:"?f!i 1, • iii6lfi ;,6• i,:i r ,.,LSA, .
oy it and ended be- saying to e y ma eras n 5,; zstiff batter. A cupful of dried cher-
"1 dill; stay:' t mol clothes and food? h ware should be placed one-half inch' p
.ser: money, c o es oo Does s e
Life tee!: its ora s ..nurse :again, "Yeti are no longer the same. I' love books, pictures, music? Has she`. from the edge of the table. The din -tries, raspberries or raisins is an im-
beaut:f,:1 with a: • cip ::ions, rase col- speak to you; you don't understand' a mania for taking ease of sick folks' ner knife and fork are always placed' provement. Put into a bag and steam
Dred with hot:ea 1::ar ng 011 Mute- me. You seem abstracted, far away:' and animals? nearest the plate. The knife, with' two hours. Sauce—one pint of water,
¢'k antel's ern:, he:::jell as his pro- indifferent." 1 ,: • „ the blade turned toward the plate on I one cupful of sugar, half cupful of
Has she been a •n out s nd 1
, ane a' rel::; to distance ne eOV- She defended herself. How could n ggi g y ° e the right of the plate, the fork with butter and two heaping tablespaonfu s ing boat.
>: c a 1, '.ec After walking areend he have such an idea. She was sad, her to high school so that she may be a of flour, boiled together and flavored
tee 1, ,. r, he macre .. *our of the lawn, l;erhaak.. But what woman wouldn't able to do the thing she lakes best? times up, on the left of the plate.Britain's gift to Belgium of part of
The other pieces of silver are placed. with lemon or nutmeg.—F, J. "German" East Africa includes 3,00O'
theethe;tar.dey. Finally he owned he sad; saddened thinking of the many Is she ambitious for something outside i How to Wash Corduroy. --Corduroy p00 natives.
elle. eat.2 iDti4 t -o highroad. Mme. men who were fighting and dying? the kitchen. Of course, we want her .in the order in which they will bel
Chanted ted -.::aaved hes recovery joyless- Her response had never been so to know all about home -making, but used, beginning with the outside. The as a kind of cotton velvet which may The oast of living has risen ill
iy, t>�.' dray tic$:en he hoed taken e. direct. He had never s i cruelly under.' does she crave something mare?� spoons are placed to the right of they be washed providing it is not rubbed, granas, according to district, to from
longer walk. that .iii e: he risked her: stood how false his own situation was':, And is her expressed desire for knife, while all forks are placed to the squeezed or ironed. If it is made up xd0 per cent. to 250 per sent. on pre.
drenn't yru glee: to see me getting -.._how humil°ating , even. He replied,' education based on a real de- left of the dinner fork. The butterfat home, sttiteh the seams with a loose war prices.
aloe?, se well?" with bitterness spreader may be placed either on they stitch to prevent puckering when The train used by the Prince of
Slit, : lateral evasively: *`No doubt they deserve more tend-' sire for knowledge, or does she just butter plate or at the top of the washed. Before laundering babies Wales for his Canadian tour ceryl
~$ ern t'sal^k:a?g of the separation ernes than those who remain behind.", want to go because her chum is going
whL h dra^ . netx." Without measuring its brusqueness, and they can have a gay time in town,.
"Hew :v .:an it :•e. helped? I must or brut, iity, she blurted out the word: ` free from parental eyes? If she is
return." + "Inevitably.' i sincere • in her desire, what are you
"'What service'' calf you render? You Her tone seemed to him to convey • going to do about it? Are you going
'rwo rats will increase in twelve'
months to 4,000.
Queen Maud of Norway can claim
to be the first woman pilot of a fly -
"cover," with the point toward the' coats or other lined garments loosen prised seven saloon -cars, dining -carr,
fork. e 1 the lining at the bottom to avoid bag -and two luggage -vans.
The glass has a correct place at the 1 ging. Use a solution of mild soap, 9r The model of the first tank was
tip and slightly to the riettof the for dark colors which may streak or made in August, 1915:.the first real
have told me what life in the trenches a certain hostility. Her look was'knife. The napkins are laid at the' fade :a solution of soap bark. Souse tank, nicknamed "Mother," was
is li::e--hav much courage and harsh and contemptuous. He thought to arbitrarily refuse her the ODA left of the fork with the loose edges the garments up and down in a soapy, finished in January, 1916.
` �' p g tunity because you never cared for ' g h t at be
strength are needed by the man who her savage, unjust and hateful. I such things yourself, or are you. going
tight . and the man tvho commands. I Do you mean to reproach me for
know that you have courage enough.. being here?" he murmured, I to give her all the help you can to
But h vr: you the strength?" She was silent. Hrs gorge rose. 1 improve her God-given talent? Are
The sweetness of inaction, the at-: "Have you forgotten that if I an you going to let her be herself, help
tention with which he had been sure here it is because of your entreaties; her to be herself, or are you going to
rounded every minute, had softened —almost because of your commands? i force her into a mold of your Iiking,
him a little. He agreed that he still. Wasn't it you who counselled me ands a life of material things the making
tired very quickly. She explained to influenced me? Have you forgotten
him that that was not at all surprise what you repeated to me over and, of money, cooking of food? things
ing. She would not hold him back for over again with tears: 'Don't go; don't' entirely of the earth earthy . should bear out the seine keynote of
anything in the world, she said, But' abandon me; keep yourself for me'? Is she to grow into the -sort of woe simplicity be as thettable decoration.
prudence and even duty required him! Was that a piece of acting on your man God meant her to be or the sort
parallel to the edge of the table and water, a anging the water as ' .y—
fork; or it is rolled and placed in the comes soiled. Rinse in several clean Superfluous.
same position, waters until no more dirt and. soap f Little Arthur: "I say, father, is it
The butter plate is placed at the come out. Hang the garment up drip -1 true that Nature never wastes any.
tip and slightly to the left of the fork. ping wet and so that it will dry in, thing?"
The table linen may vary for the' the shape in which it is worn. Dry in l Father: "Yes, Arthur, quite true:"
different meals, as a lunch cloth or the wind if possible When dry brush "Then what's the use of .a cow hav
ing two horns when she can't even
blow one?"
doilies for breakfast and luncheon, i briskly to raise tho nap.
and a tablecloth for dinner. These
To Stop Fires in Mines.
Coal -dust floating in the air in clouds
Is just as likely to cause explosions in
coal mines as fire -damp, and there are '
three ways of overcoming the danger.
to remain. He listened to her thought- part? Didn't you think what you were' of woman you think she ought to be? Fruits of Experience.
fully. She avoided intermingling her. asking me? Then—for your looks,. Isn't she entitled to a choice of the
love and her egotistic desire to retain' your attitude, your gestures, your; sort of life she'll live. After all, she There are different ways of remov-
him. with her arguments based on silence, all you are and do annoy and, will have to live it. You may die in ing scoreh. One •is to make a paste The commonest method is to use
common sense. I hum,iliate me—then wliat have you to' flue years, duringwhich time you have of cornstarch and water; hangnear water to lay the dust.. Then there is
Winter brought the rains. Si:ow. repacaeh me for now?" ' spoiled her lifWill you die more the fire after applying he paste to the plan of rendering the dust nondn-
darkened the skies. The house was' She raised her head and answered flammable by mixing with it ordinary
i cheerfully knowing that her life-long the scorched part. Some people are
etrang:l. The ng.droning stovehsang a: pitilessly:
h "If father and mother successful in removing scorch stain,rock-dust. This is done by applying
strange cradle song. So he remained. "For having obeyed me:' thought will be,g a coating of the s done to various
His convalescence lasted until spring.1(The End.) had only let me follow my natural if they dip the place in cold water
His wound, completely healed, was
now only a rose spot on his flesh. The
newspapers were filled with talk of a
new offensive. Letters brought him
word of battles, of wounded comrades
cited in the orders of the day. The
list of the dead lengthened. When he
read these letters aloud Mme. Chantel
closed her eyes. He didn't dare to
continue. In a hoarse voice he kept
saying: "I'm going to go." Mme.
Chantel made no answer.
One morning she broke out •sudden-
"Why go? Why die? I gave you
up once. I nearly lost you once. Your
life is precious to me. You have shed the race trying to do, anyhow? Is it
year broad. You have done your not to improve itself from generation
He answered with firmness:to generation? And yet is it not true
"Who knows that he has done his that too many of the adult generation
duty so long as he has not done more care very little, in so far as their
than his duty?" activities indicate,. what sort of folks
Then she poured out her love, her the generation following them shall
self-pity, her rebelliousness and her be? Parents of to -day seem more
tears. widely open to indictment in this par -
"Haven't you also a duty toward ticular than those of many preceding
y bent how much better life would have immediately, and lay it out of doors
Train the Coming Generation. been." on the clean grass to bleach. If the
The idea that because a girl is to scorch is deep, use Javelle water as a
Beyond doubt it is true that fathers marry and become a home -maker, her bleach.—Z. I. D.
in the past have not paid enough at -1 education is wasted, is really so ab- To Avoid Odors of Cooking Vege-
tention to sons. There has been too 1 surd it should have died long ago. tables.—When cooking cabbage, on -
much haphazard growing on the part But like all bad things, it dies hard. ions or cauliflower, to prevent the odor
of boys, too much trusting to luck, too Isn't it true in your case that the more`from permeating the house, place a
much of the spirit of "Oh, well I was you learn about -everything the better good-sized piece of bread in the bot -
a boy once myself and I didn't have you are able to do your own line of tom of the kettle in which the vege-
any coddling and I grew up all right; work? The broader your knowledge table is cooking.
I guess the boys of to -day will grow the greater your success. And doesn't When Stitching.—If the belt on
up to be all right, too." . at follow that an educated woman is your sewing machine is a Little loose
If you strip the whole activity of the better fitted to bring up the right sort and slips when operating the machine,
race down to its essentials, what is of citizens than the uneducated one? rub the belt thoroughly with a piece
Would you rather your son would of resin.—F. F. W.
marry a girl who left school at the Oil the Machine.—Sometimes my
third book, or one with a high school sewing machine becomes gummed, and
me.? Is our love so poor a thing?
Besides, a soldier's duty is not always
in the first line. It is everywhere.
You thank you are cured. I know well
that you aren't. The doctors have
told me—"
"What doctors?"
"Ali of them," she cried aadaciously.
generations. The boys are given not
nearly so much home training as in.
former days, and as for the girls—
there is abundant evidence of how
badly they have been trained for the
education? Wouldn't you feel that the
last girl would, other things being
equal, make him the better helpmeet?
Hasn't your prospective son-in-law a
right to demand that you do as much
for his wife as you want someone to
do for your son's wife?
Is a woman a poorer mother be-
cause she can select the best in books
and music for her children? Will it
be better for the children to hear Bee-
thoven or ragtime? Won't you feel
parts of the nine, and the plan is very
Another way is to set up a trough
filled with rock -dust in various parts �7
=nostril Liniment Cures Dandruff.
All grades. Write for prices.
of the mine. When an explosion oc-
curs the dust is automatically thrown
from the troughs to the floor of the
mine, and the cloud of incombustible
dust filling the air at this point stops
the passage of the burning coal -dust.
His Portion.
"Life, after all," we said in our su-
perior way, "is but a game, and—"
"Yes," admitted honest Farmer
Hornbeak. "And my part consists
mostly in yelling at my hired man that
it is his move."
refuses to move, so I pour coal oil into
the oil holes, take the thread, out of Sweep down the cobwebs and use
the needle, and run the machine. The whitewash freely in the stables.
coal oil soon cuts the dirt and gummed
oil. Then I wipe off all the coal oil Four thousand women are in•eluded
and oil with a good quality machine in the membership of the Saskatche-
oil. This 'knowledge has saved me wan Grain Growers' Association.
sending for the repair man a number
of times; it also has saved me much
time. - It is a very simple thing, and
yet many women neglect it.—F. R.
Economy in the Use of Lemons.
serious business of advancing the race prouder 'to have your grandchildren -Submerge the - lemons in hot water
Then in a softened tone, she added: by another generation. - choose such works as Shakespeare and let them stand for five or siX •
"Wait, wait a while. If you are It is true that there is room fora than to have them 'turn to "Deadwood minutes covered. Then use in the'
absolutely determined to go :back to tremendous increase of effort and good Dick"? Is money wasted which helps customary way and you will find that
back, but to a service to results in public and general service a girl to make better men and women you will get almost twice the amount
out of her children ? of juice and flavor as when they are
If you want a more practical rea- used without the "hot bath." This
son, there's the very good ono that method is also useful when the lemons
every girl should be able to earn her have become hard and dry. If only
own lining before she is allowed to a few drops of lemon juice are needed
get married. If she could, there would insert the prongs of a carving fork
be fewer widows left stranded. Just in one end -and squeeze out the desired '
a typical instance. There's the college- amount. The holes will close up, leav-
woman who teaches Latin in our ing the lemon intact.—M. J. S.
school. Her father thought it was all A smooth ironing board is the
nonsense' to send a girl to college, or greatest help to the laundress. .If in
beyond the fourth book, she'd only get covering the board the outer cover -
married. , But this particular girl is drawntightly over on the bias, it
knew how to handle her father and wild always -remain straight and
elle got her education. Then she got smooth. -This is , not the case when
married, just as he said, she would. the cover is put on the straightway
But shortly after the arrival of her of the cloth, - and much -time is lost
only son the husband :contracted tuber- in having to iron - over a fold or
culosis. If father had not educated hiswrinkle.—M. J. S. 1
drrie all you could da daughter he would have had the three. Agood way•to, dispose of the pieces
which your strength is equal. There of the hoy. Nothing should prevent
must be many such posts. I don't the making of that increase. At the
know. But don't you know of any? same time it is pathetically true that
You will be brave, wherever you are.. too many boys are in need of the help
I am as scrupulous of your honor as of public-spirited Hien when the boys'
you are yourself. Think a little of
He listened ,in silence. The slow
work of the winter months had borne
its fruits, vseaikening his will, dilating
bis courage. He yielded.
Now, attached to a service in the
rear, he lived the petty and narrow
life tai a garrison. From time to time,
when he received news from the front, in s]owville; and a travelling outfit
when M learned of the decoration of a was sure of crowded houses. " •
comrade, he remembered his past am- Recently old- Mrs. Brow yielded to
biuions and regretted his too peaceable her husband's persuasions, and paid
her first visit to the movies. She put
on 'her- Sunday bonnet and cloak in
honor of the great event, -
As they. entered, 'a thrilling cowboy
own fathers and mothers are slight-
ing the lads' training. There is a lot
of `boy's work" needed in the boy's
Hard on Good Clothes.
The. "pictures" were a great novelty
present. Then he bent his head.
But Mine. Mantel pressed his brow.
upon: her shoulder.
"Why torment yourself ? You have
Sometimes this as?urateesu=fficed film was being shown; in which men, to care for. As. it was, the young wife' of stale bread' that will accumulate
h n. But not always. cattle and horses' were well'mixed. went into the 'school room, dared for; even in the best regulated families is
"What," she murmured, "do you re- Mrs. Brown gripped her husband her husband until his death, and is. to make• a steamed pudding. ' Put to
),ret laving given me the satisfaction' nervously by the arm, now sending her boy through the Uni l soak at night in two cupfuls df milk"
o' keeping you. Do von regret ha;nig' "Bill," she whispered frantically; versity. Father admitted several times as much bread as it will moisten. +In
giesn me this prooif of your love?" ! "I'm going straight out. Just look at that his judgment about educating`, the morning beat it smooth, add two"
7?e..icarn :sed her hair, sighed and the `dust them 'osses .and cows is girls was not: of the best. i eggs, a little salt and a teaspoonful
tarinct, his thoughts in otb_.. channels. a.;iisin`: 141y clothes will be ruined!. I -f your boy or • giirl shows talent, of baking powder unless you should
t trsr Mine Chantel endej by 710 help bring it out. Give them their have used sour milk, in which ease
1 e. worrying herself about- his' - `
r. •...:`sa of melancholy. Ceasing to Midas a X.:.nimant tor sale everywhere, chance now, rather than an inherit- use soda—and floor enough to make a
Park-;r's Will
By cleaning or dyeing—restore any articles
to their former. appearance and return
them to- you, good as new.
Send anything from household . draper-
ies dawn to, the finest of delicate fabrics.
We pay postage or express charges one
When you think of -
Think of Parker's.
Parcels may be sent .Post or Express.
We pay Carriage one way on all others.
Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any ar-
ticle will be promptly given upon request.
.i3 ra -kers!) • •y Orqci
Cleaners ix d Dyers,
791 Yottge St.