HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-30, Page 4XETER OPERA HOS 1 --NIGHT ONLY --1 TUESDAY NOVEMBER GUY BROTHERS 41:;IG MINSTRELS lir. ea.!. Mrs. Ed, G"':, jr., were in Exner Saturday on ousiness. lir, .,n-1 Mrs. John • Baird visited .a few Jaye lass vvseek near Thedford. -- Mr. ani Mrs Abner Mallard who have been in Lake View House, are anoving to Sarnia.-,-lir.-,Peter De#ore, who has been visiting - in Michigan for . a few syeelss,•aereveel home last week. —JIr David Zinn is moving to Kit- chener —Mr. Sine leWey is all smiles —a daughter ,on Oet ' 22.—A heavy rain fell here on Saturday which was needed to help farmers to do their paeughleg. The ground was too dry 4, beiore—,.Ir. and Mrs. Joss„'DLsjerdine and Mr. and Mrs. H, Gil,{, were visiting near TheJtord Tuesday. 4 25--PEOPLE--25 DAN0F, - T` 1O w ----ST '1 "ERS OBAT Everything E-nirely New � r-,1 up orb Oo=G c.irtOrchesttra 03N D Str�,,t Far.tde at Noon ` rt in Fr': nt Opera H 7 House p. nl Se ts Now on Sala at Howays Drug store Prices 50-75 Plus War Tax BUY VICTORY BONDS t,K.,, The Exeter Advocate' �' �,, r, . t' ;„ ti Sanders Sr Crotch, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $1 ea flier Year in Canikdo; $2.00 in the United States. Ail subscriptions nee egad in advance 50c. extra charged. TNI:R..+ata feC'1`. ; . Vale " Grand Bend Mr. .`:3 a Holt r.1 nairv:n.Y week to Sarnia, Lucan A quiet wedding was solemnized at Holy Trinity Churvh •at 9 n.an. Oct. 22 when Marguerite, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, was un- ite I in marriage to Thomas A. Hod - ;ins, Rev, I en;neth 1fcGoun perform- ing the .ceremony.--L.O.L. No.02 will give a banquet in their hal, followe 1 by a dance in the Opera • Houee Nov. 5;11.—ale J. E. Mor:aeon. mill:r, who for a tient wes with the Crown Mae- , ...tie Co., aryl the Lu: an Mit"ing Col has i :ease I a tail: at Wheatley.— Mr. and r.. i i i.T iii ter: `:pending week viei.tingi•rt l Sara airs. W. r1 r . a 'e:er ,pint • a few .n.t Mra. lied el at Nee- r =rk 1: at i;ecr§ a ? ° a ,c k a . It v. J. r: +o.A., i art :4 ° eh;' pal- .. a; aa,,e of our moat, esteem- ) r., _ dente, le the per:eon of :01r whe psaasad away a?n ., ,a, eeeraiele after :a brief '11neee moirn hr ' a' -s her hi:, en, € a• ..t h erne, end to , a r:. a Mrs. II m. 13:ker et Tete 13 Mrs. 1 alhn.r, who ::Sales :n te'ore:on Polio •k had the misfortune t ben.' 'vs t'r.etured lee one day re- n.:r sal it was (Oun(1 nevessary: to , :. ealar again. Gordon ha, been in fat sin weeks and hal be_°a up ate. ,. few days. ON THE DEFENSIVE! 'During the aftermath of influenza or its de- bilitating complications, there is more than ordinary need that you nourish and protect gocry avenue of your strength. because of its efficient tonic -nutrient properties, daily helps tens of thousands to renewed strength. - Those who are fearful or rundown in vitality should use the means that help build up a healthy resistance. What SCOTT'S does kr others it will do for you. Try it! seat & I3owue. Toronto, Ont. 19-24 OPERA HOUSE EXETER AC.11110111.01••••Mommlimmara.a.a m.... ONE NIC -HT ONLY MON. R. W. MARKS Prese nts May A. Bell Marks Supported By MLRKS BROS NO. 1 COMPANY OFFER THE SEASON'S SUCCESS A .UNAWAY WIFE Zurich • Y1 leie laInd bele, .-1... a , got e.:.t • the t{ :i;.,ut aelan: wet Nee, ez N. VC:ir+ sArt 'a'. it 1 h , .,. i1 ,n ▪ r r� .. F. tit:• the•n eat: r• a st 1 rT; �.' W:17:1�rr, ,: . ;.Y•a� :n. t,..<r the ', rvi e Gtt n .. :e';' evneeetl , t ;ii vv tk r tav e, i;. h wer —Tire e.xe uto s :ei the eatet _e the ".arc.' Seintiel Koehler ee•, f r,1 :,n_ ta1ie south : ,11:irni Th 5§i- «r2 :Sash farm being part o2 lot 14 .'SZ± U. ld?t a ;: heee. per 1eee Mr. Wm Koehler. For the .first time at Popular Prices CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS 35c RESERVED SEATS ON SALE AT HO WHYS 56c say Doors Opel Curtin Up 7.30 p. m. 8.30.: p: m. Fal RONI)ALE The m•gua r meetine of the %Vomcn'e institute v:.= h :-t at the ; am of Mrs, I Rae ealee. rills was a large meet - in n the t rti 9_to.. institute had leen nv ie.l tri be present. A very t'xeei- '.te9ta 'c'r.•.ss was gh-oit by 1Irs. Haueli C e,iiton, oa, The Motto of our in • etitute. Miss Coates also assisted on the program, giving two btatrumsntal nunibei s. The Ifurondale branch re.' ;pen ieel to the Nary League :appeal by don':ting ,$1.0. The ladies appreci- ated very mueli the opportunity ref meeting the members of another breach institute of South Huron an:l of interchanging ideas. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 3,. Stephen Exams. in Grammar, Geo- grimly Composition and Arithrncti•;. IV., Jn.::,'Willis 89, R. Jory 83, F..P:r, art; 5b. Ii. Schrader 43; Sr !II , fit Penhele 68, G. Knight 61; Jr 1I1, M. Jar ?j, A. Presacator 85, R. Tearing 84, M. Wal, is 82, S. Dearing 79, F. ti lir . i s r 72, L. Stanlake 61; Sr. IL, E c' :a eat:: 81, S. Box 66, Fir`'t i hre.i�r 95, E. Dearing :rel, M. Deer:_e ` ea; Primer, M. Perahale, G. E Christie, 13. ,Sant ere, M. E'i Christie in Arithmette 1 , r. _,lar..cret Penhaie ia. Arethtn tf. re) Grete Dearing. :n Arithmeti'. 1inti. 1.•. on ro',i• 23, average 21 L^eta 'B. :n ieae, teacher. You did it before. You can do it again. Buy Victory Bonds. Canada pledged her last man and her last dollar. Redeem that pledge in Victory Bonds. If the fighting were still raging, you wouldn't hesitate to buy Victory Bonds. To make the Victory y Loan a :suc- cess is a national obligation. It may be that you are the deciding factor. IZ you are concerned about the future welfare of Canada, buy a Vic- tory Bond and make it a sure thing. Don't forget the future of your children. Lay a good foundation with a Victory Bond. Wound you lend a soldier $50 if you knew it would save his life? Buy Victory' Bonds and keep the military hospitals ups if you appreciate a good invest- ment you will buy a Victory Bond. You deceive no one but yourself when you say you can't afford a ViC- tory Bond. GmPIII ORTitDNE S —the mast hculiaZ, spltblel ' god effeg, tivepreparatioafor Eldnay aali kht4 der troublessyet prodsoait Positively relieve pain, *ail *mist the organs teregainnormal aoS..,riddi:ag the system of uric ark poleax. Get Gia Pills lo-da,t aad be en The sale side. 50c. et all druggists sod dealers, with money -bock guarna,lee,. Scrapie sent free. Address: The National Drug & Cbeanical Co., of Canada, Lai., ^i mento U.S. Address,* Na.- ., bre, 202 Main St.. .. - lfiaair.to. 9—Speeding around corners is , a :•, .,hr rotate to Oa:. hospital. Dena pasta stoppe t street ear, Sonia • y the here Indy eel it manslatieliter. + [ ie retien. I he r : t that . a.t 9l a the right n1 wily vi en't bring :1. Oe .y aa..•It to ei e—iea'.,t f•: "';1 your - TEN COMMANDMENTS 1.1"OR AUTO DRIVING 1—Drive an the right side of the road; it's just as !good as the left, 2—Slow 'clown when approaching a crossroad; ,it is nearly as dangeatous as a railway crossing, 3 -Look out for children. You can never tell what they will do, and you are ally*aye in the :wrong if you hit one. 4—Try to help •instead of hinder the traffic •officer; hes there for your good and he's got a tough job.. 5—Be sure that your "dirnmers"real ly dim!; it is nojoke. driven,g into a blinding glare, as you probabI,y know, 6—Read and obey the "wltrating,, signs; they are not ,put up as orna- ments. 7—Jf you feel you've got to speed —do it where it 'won't kill anybody but yourself. 8 1,Vheu making minor a ep'afrs 'top when, your car may beseen from both ,?erections ; otherwiseyou may estop longer than you anticipate. • e ,.,........g FARMERS' SALE NOTES Fulmer with Sales Notes will be well n&-ind to turn them over to tliis Ban for col:motion. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- ing presentation, and payments will be credited to your account promptly. Sales Notts supplied without charge, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 2a EXETER BRANCH CREUITON BRANCH - DASHWOOD BRANCH - A. E. KURU, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager F. S. KENT, Manager Kele took immediate possession. --On. Oct 15 at high noon an interesting event tool: place ar- A number of the young ladies V. 1 1 burn 11or t'o taus village, when �ihis hold a iia. iuerade Dance on Hallow - elelest daughter, Hiss Sarah Lavine, e'en.—lis s Jessie Bell is hiolidaying in ,yesmasi,v 1 to 11r, Maurice Ray John- Toronto.lir. fiarolcl Seruton S vel) ,ton son a Mr. Chas. Johnston o: .°l with pneumonia"—Mrs. Henry lion yam,. Thr• ;room is a rs:turnc•cl sold - told) of New Ontario is visiting h c 1,,r. i» Medd of Exeter veriormed • ter -an -law Mrs. J. 7.1alIa .—Mr, V. the coremony. 1heliurn and sons George and Nelson 1 a tir' hone from Flint, Mich. attending tho wedding of Miss Sadie Harburn. Rov. i)oatt and 11r. J. W. Ortwein at- tcnaed the Provincial Sunday Sehooi C.ea ention in Toronto last week. -- Cites Jinks and Ernie Bates wet...! in :thorn Tuesday taking in the claim- ) onstratao,t of cars and tractors.—Geo. Bret; la4t week purchased the black -1 ,9n:th bu<,ineee of Tho;. Sharpe an 1 .FICIAL PROSPECTUS "The Brad ;e from War to Peaee" The 1rinro of w THE MINISTER OF FINANCE OF THE GM! MON of CANADA offers for Public Subscription the 1t19V e tory oara. S300,000,000. 51/2% Gold Bonds Bearing interest from November 1st, 1919, and offered in tw,, maturities', the choice of which is optional with the subscriber as fol,w.vs: 5 year Bondi due November lit, 1934 15 year Bonds. due November lst, 1934 Principal payable without charge at the C)iiice of the :.1i -aster of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the Office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Char•lottstown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as hereinafter provided, at any of the above-mentioned offices. Interest payable, without charge, half -yearly, May 1st and November 1st, at any branch it`t Canada of any Chartered Banat. Principal and interest payable in Cold. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, and '$1,000 Issue Price: 100 and A c rued Interest, Income Return 53i% der Annum The proceeds of the Loan will be used to nay indebtedness incurred, and to meet expenditures to be made in connection with den 'ilii atio:t (including the authorized war service gratuity to our soldiers, land settlement loans, :Li other°purposes connected with their re-establishment into civil life), for capital outlay upon shlpbuiidingeeind other national undertakings forming part of Canada's industrial reconstruction programme, and for the establishment of any neces- sary credits for the purchase of grain, foodstuffs, timber tired other products, and will be spent wholly in Canada. Payment to be made a follows: 10% on application; 20% December Oth, 1919; 20% January Oth, 1920; 20% February 10th, 1920; 31.21% March 9th, 1920. The last payment of 31.21% covers 30% balance of principal and 1.21% representing accrued interest" at 534% from November 1st to due dates of the respective instalments. A full half-year'a interest will be paid on May 1st, 1920, making the cost of the bonds 100 and interest. Subscriptions may be paid in full at the time of application at 100 without interest, or on any instal- ment due date thereafter! together withaccrued interest at the rate of 51/% per annum. This Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The amount of this issue is 8300,000,000, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the amount subscribed in excess of 3300,000,000. Payments All cheques, drafts, etc., covering instalments are to be made payable to the Credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any in taimeat when due will render preyious payments liable to forfeiture, and the allotment to cancellation. Subscriptions other t'aan those paid in full on application must be accom- panied by a deposit of 10% of the amount subscribed. Official Canvassers will forward subscriptions or any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank will accept subscriptions and issue receipts. Subscriptions may be paid in full at time of application at 100 without interest, or on any instalment due date thereafter, together with- accrued interest to time of making payment in full. Under this provision, payment of subscriptions may -be made as follows: If paid in full on or before November 15th, 1919, par without interest or 100%. If remaining instalments paid on Dec. Oth, 1919, balance of 90% and interest ($90.52 per $100). If remaining instalments paid on Jan. Oth, 1920, balance of 70% and interest $70.84 per $100). If remaining instalments paid on Feb. 10th, 1920, balance of 50% and interest $51.08 per $100). If remaining instalment paid on Mar. 9th, 1920, balance of 30% and interest 831.21 per $100). Payment of instalments or payment in full after November 15th, 1919, can be made only on an. instal- ment due date. Denomination and Registration Bearer bonds, with coupons, will be issued in denomination of $50, $100, $500, and $1,000, and may be registered as to principal. The first coupon attached to these bonds will be due on May 1st, 1920. Fully registered bonds, the interest on which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will be issued in denominations of $500, 81,000, $5,000, $10,000, $25,000, $50,000, $100,000, or any multiple of 5100,000 Payment of Interest A full half -year's interest at the rate of OM per annum will be paid May 1st, 1920. Form of Bond and Delivery Subscribers must indicate on their applications the form of bond and the denominations required, and the securities so indicated will be delivered by the bank upon payment of subscriptions in full. Bearer bonds of this issue will be available for deliveryat the time of application to subsdribers desirous of making payment in full. Bonds registered as to principal only, or fully registered as to principal and 'interest, will be delivered to subscribers making payment in full, as soon as the required registration can be made. Payment of all instalments must be made at the bank originally named by the subscriber. . Non-negotiable receipts will be furnished toall subscribers who desire to pay by instalments. These receipts will be exchangeable at subscriber's bank for bonds an any instalment date when subscription is paid in full, All receipts must be exchanged before -1st June, 1920. Form of .. Bonds Interchangeable Subject to the payment of 25 cents for. each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds without coupons, at any time, on application to the Minister of Finance or any Assistant Receiver General. Forms of application may be obtained from any Official Canvasser, from any Victory Loan Ceacmmittee, or member thereof, or from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Subscription.: Lists will close on or before November 15th, 1919 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; OTTAWA, October 27thaeI919. Keep Canada's Farms and Factories Busy 40T 1 c. d s 0 1! 11 C is t it u la t a tl 1