HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-30, Page 3AN. UP-TO-DATE
No. 9133--L......_. ...sift. Prise, 25
cents.aAdjustablc collar; 42 or 38 -inch
length-- Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 36, 38, 40,
42, 44 and 46 ins. bust. Size 36 re-
( ires, 42-inehlength, without nap, 3
yds. 48 ins. wide; with nap, 23 yds.
54 ins. wide; 88 -inch length, without
nap, 2% yds. 48 ins, wide; with nap,
23, yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 42 -inch
length, 8 yds. 36 ins. wide.
No. 9138—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 39 or
37 -inch length. Cut in 9 •sizes, 22 to
38 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re-
quires, 39einch length, 21y yds. 36 ,ins.
wide, or Ili¢ yds. 54 ins, wide; 37 -inch
length, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, or lifa
yds. 54 ins. wide. Width around bob-
tom 13a yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond street,
Toronto, Dept, W.
I-te Meant to be Polite.
It is the part of wisdom to close the
Wroath firmly when the conversation
begins to include words the sound ot
which is unfamiliar to you. The sol-
dier who is the hero of this little in-
cident "took a chanee"--sand probably
wished he had not.
While in the army, says a writer. I
was accompanied by a sergeant who
tried to give the impression that he
was one of the brainiest men in the
army. On pass one Sunday, In a Cer-
tain. town, a young woman naked us
to her house to have a cup of coffee.
Qu arrtving, she introduced us to her
mother, who made excuses in regard
to her appearance.. She then remark-
ed, "I'll go and put on the perculator.'"
The sergeant said, "Oh, yon look all
right the way you are."
A Double Expianation.
One morning a woman walked into
i1 village grocery store with a majestic
stride. It was easy to see, by the
sternness of her expression, that she
was somewhat disturbed.
"This," she sarcastically explained,
throwing a package on the counter, "is
the soap that does the washing itself.
it's the soap that makes washing a
pleasure. It's the soap—"
"That isn't soap, ma a ,';
ed the groceryman, examining the
trackage. "Your little girl was in here
yesterday for a halt a pound of Cheese
and a half a pound of soap. This is
the cheese."
"U -m, that accounts for it!" said
the woman as the light of understand-
ing began to glow. "I wondered all
eight what made the Welsh rabbit we
had for supper taste so queer."
Stirring Sight For a Veteran.
The young man who had seen four
years of service and fought on most of
the fronts was at home, demobilized,
sitting in the old -home kitchen, rather
puzzled how to occupy the unaccus-
tomed leisure.
"Don't you know what to do with
_yourself, George?" asked the fond
another. "Why don't you 'ave a walk
down the road?"
Then father spoke up. He had his
bit of excitement to propose.
"He ain't seenthe corner where they
pulled down Simnond's fish shop, 'as
/e, ma?" he asked.
70 Square Miles of Potash.
The potash deposits which,France
has obtained through the cession of
Alsace covers nearly 70 square miles,
and are unusually rich in potash salts.
PAINFUL NE RA.LCIA I Mormonism s aaism in the Old Land•
The Anti -Mormon Society in Eng;
land has appealed to the a3ritish Gov-
t for 1 against .st raven
Is Caused by Thin, Watery Blood
and Cured by Enriching the
Most people think of neuralgia as a
pain in the head or in the face, but
neuralgia may affect any nerve in the
body. Different names aro given. to
it wl;en it affects .certain nerves. Thus
neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called
sciatica, but the character of the pain
and the nature of the disease are. the
same. The cause being the sante, the
cure to 11e effective must be the same,
The pain in neuralgia is caused by
starved nerves. The blood which car-
ries nourishment to the nerves has be-
come thin and impure and no longer
does so, and the pain you feel is the
cry of the nerves for .their natural
food. You may ease the pain of neur-
algia with hot applications; •but you
can only cure the trouble by enriching
and purifying the blood. For this Cur-
pose we know of uo inedicine that can
equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, These
PHIS actually make new, rich blood
and thus act as the most efficient of
nerve tonics, If you are suffering
from this most dreaded of troubles,
• or any form of nerve trouble, give
ttiese Dille a fair trial, and see how
speedily you will be restored to good
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink fills
from any medicine dealer, or by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50
from The Dr. Williams' IVIedicine 00.,
Brockville', Ont.
How to Handle Ditches.
Many farriers have asked how ta.
handle ditches that are spoiling good
land on their farms. Far small ditches,
where the land is not steep, a good
way de to All them with brush, corn
stalks and the like. Stake the brush
down so floods will not wash it out,
Flood waters will soon fill the ditch
with dirt.
For larger ditches it is better to
build dams in them, arranging the
through each darn so that water will
flow through the tile after it reaches
a certain height behind the dam. The
ponds above the dams will soon be
filled with dirt which settles out of the
water. Just above the dam the tile
should turn upright and project nearly
as high as the dam.
Where washing begins in a narrow',
gulch on a hillside, run terraces out
from the middle of the gulch along
the sidea of the hill. Where a terrace
leaves the gulch make a. small dam
to turn the water behind the terrace.
The terrace ridges should.not run ex-
actly on the level, but run slightly
down hill. The water should run
some distance behind each ridge and
then run over the ridge in a broad
sheet. This will prevent washing. If
the field is to be cultivated, the terrace
ridges should be broad and flat so that
cultivating implements can be run
over them. Another plan is to plant
honey locust in the ditches and then
sow sweet clover. These will catch
drift and prevent washing.
Never Cramp Your Mincl.
It never pays to cramp up a good
ides. so that !it can't get out. Even a
woodchuck will dig for dear life if you
the hole o where it
went in
plug up
Sometimes we think we have hatch-
ed up something wonderful. The,
thought rattles around in our upper
storey till we think nothing but a two-
inch auger will let it out. But we find
a pegging -awl is plenty big enough.
We give our wonderful idea vent.
There is a little p-sh-h, and that is all
there is of it.
But what of that is so two or three
times? That little blit ofd thought
did soniehing worth while before it
got out. It pushed and crowded around
till it made our thinking -cap larger.
Thought always does that. And if we
keep thinking and trying and using
the` thoughts we have, the time will
come when we will really have an idea
that will come out with a bang. The
good thought of to -day is the forerun-
ner of a better one tomorrow.
October is the month to 1plant tulip,
crocus, narcissus and hyacinth bulbs.
Do it now!
Geese that have been pastured until
about four months of age and only
given a light grain feeding can be
fattened by giving a mash containing
nothing but corn meal for about four
or five weeks. Six -weeks -old goslings
are sometimes fattened on a ration of
equal parts of corn ureal and bran.
Feed this mash three times each day.
er'nmen hep g n theg g''
evil of Mormonism M the United King-
dom. In the present social unrest
over there, Mornraxl missionaries are
having unprecedented success in See
curing converts.
One advantage of being a Mormon
is that, on joining tbe church, ono be-
comes a saint right away. In other
religions there .are bothersome pre-
Eighty-two years have elapsed since
Joseph Smith dug out ot a 2x111 not far
from Palmyra, N.Y., the original book,
written by a prophet named Marmara
on thin plates of gold fastened to-
gether with three gold rings, which
contained a revelation, It waspacked
in a stone box, and an angel told
Smith where to dig for it..
Afterward the angel flew away with
the book; so that it is no longer ex-
tant in the original, but eleven "wit-
nesses" (two of them brothers of
Smith) swore gloat they saw it.
The book was written in strange.
characters described. by Smith as "re-
formed Egyptian." He could pot read
even English very well, but the prob-
lem of translation proved not at all
dif colt, inasmuch as the angel bad
been so thoughtful as to provide him.
for the purpose with a pair of super-
natural spectacles" ---two crystals set
in a silver bow. With the aid of these
he dictated a copy in English, of scrip-
tural style,
Smith, like other great men, had his
little weakness. It was for the ladies.
Sixteen years after the digging of the
Mormon Bible he had another revela-
tion. The angel came hack and told
to Josue an lseclesiasttcal edict ap-
proving 'polygamy. Whereunto be
himself took steps to annex the wives
of a number of the true believers. At
least two of the husbands obleated,
and a tremendous row followed, the
upshot being the incarceration of
Smith. at Carthage, Ill.--theMormon
settlement being then at NaurUg, A
mob broke intoo the jail and shot hire
to .death.
His zuantle as leader4n-ehief of the
Mormons was later assumed by Brig-
ham Young, who was one of the origin-
al Twelve Apostles. It was he who
led the persecuted Latter Day Saints
out to Utah, one of the wagons carry -
Mg a small flour hill, whicb during
the pilgrimage ground wheat ndwly
reaped from fields previously sown
along the route by an advance guard,
Smith started the polygamy busi-
ness, but Young, an exceedingly able
man, developed It. He had forty -add
wives, and under his influence the
population of Salt Lake Cityrapidly
Mrs. A. Bernard, La Presentation,
Que., writes:—"I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby and am, well
satiafied with them. I have recom-
mended them to several of my friends
who have also used them with bene-
ficial results." The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus
prove of :benefit le eases of indiges-
tion, constipation, Colic, colds, etc.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Obeying Instructions,
As he weighed out the sugar the
grocer's boy whistled lustily.
'Ton't you know that it is very rude
to whistle while you are waiting on a
lady?" said the elderly customer, se-
"Well, the guv'nor told me to do it
when I served you," explained the boy,
"He told you to whistle," said the
customer in great surprise.
"Yes'm! He said if ever we sold
you anything we'd have to whistle for
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—I can recommend MI-
NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism
and Sprains, as I have used it for both
with excellent results.
Yours truly,
St. John.
World's Deepest Well.
One of the seven experimental bore-
holes being sunk for oil in Derbyshire
has now been drilled to a depth of
nearly 4,000 feet, according to latest
reports. •
There is a well in. South Africa that
is over 8,000 feet deep, and there are
at least a score in the United States
Whose depths vary between 6,000 feet
and 7,000 feet.
The world's deepest well, however,
is situated in the neighborhood of
Gobelin s. Boring was started in 1892,
and continued intermittently up till
the outbreak of war, when the extra-
ordinary depth of 18,000 feet had been
reached, at a total cost of $200,000.
Weird m the Start,
Visitor—"So this is the haunted
house? How did it get such a reputa-
Native—"Well, there's been some-
thing uncanny about it from the be-
ginning. Even when it was built it
didn't exceed the contractor's esti-
Look at tanguel Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are eure your
child is having the best and xnost
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full.
directions for eblld'a dose on each bot-
tle, Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California. ,
Save Your Bach From
Rig up some pulleys and ropes over
barn floor t
to oke off' the heavy
wagon -box and the hay rigging; do
not lift ;it oft' by main force.
Get a small tackle -block, fit it up
with ropes and use it to lower barrel's
of vinegar and other heavy things into
the cellar.
When building a ladder, put the
rounds close together. For long lad-
ders, those that can be extended by
one man are best. Some long ladders
are so heavy that you need to have a
neighborhood raising every time you
put one up. Don't try it alone; liable
to bring on rupture or dislocated
In setting the crate along when dig-
ging potatoes, let somebody help you.
Don't say, "1 can do it myself." Yon
call, but a hand on the other end of
the crate willsave the backache.
When it is necessary to load a plow
or other heavy implement on the
wagon, call for help. 13y planning
thing's right, you can get such jobs
done before the hands are away at
something else.
Make steps for the back door that
are easy to climb.
Pride has broken many a back. How
inany times have you lifted far beyond
your strength, just to show that you
coulddo it? Better go slow. We
have just one body to wear out. Let
tis try to make it last as long as we
Remit by „Dominion Express Money
Order. 1f Iost or stolen you get your
riionev back.
Really Heavy Food.
The British Tommy takes his hard-
ships lightly if we are to believe half
storiesthe came back from tbe
front. One such represents two artil-
lerists discussing some trench pud-
ding that they had looked forward to
as a treat, but that came to them half
Cooked and soggy.
"This 'ere puddin' ain't • half 'eavy
stuff, said Alf with a grimace.
"Oh, that's nothing!" replied Bill.
14Iy missus made some pudding one
day that we couldn't eat; so she gave
it to the ducks. A few minutes later
a little neighbor boy knocked at the
door and said, 'Minus Jones, yer
ducks have sunk!"
L6ina,a's Liniment Steneves Nearside.
The Wrong Reaction.«.
In Georgia they tell a story of a
politician who was seeking to win the
votes of his district to the end that he
might be sent to the House of Repre-
sentatives. In one speech he thought
it might be wen to refer to his humble
origin and early struggles.
"Gentlemen," he said oratorically,
"I got my start in We by working in a
general store for three dollars a week,
yet I managed- to save money.
As he paused impressively a shrill
voice from the group of auditors de-
manded, "Was that before 'they In-
vented cash registers?"
Give way before the pene-
trating effects of Sloan's
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the lour -aches of lumbago, the nerve-
inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament .s•prain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positiee results, the
leanliness, and the eeoiieffny . of
$loan's Liniment make it universally.
preferred. Made in Canada.
86e,- 70c, $1.40.
ISSUE No. 43---'19.
A Faiurs?
Agent: "How are you gettin' on
with your incubator?"
Farmer Meddergrass; "Wity, the
dern thing taint laid an egg since I
got it,"
Wanted It Located,
Doctor (to old darky patient)—"I
shall call again to -morrow, but will �
leave this prescription in case you
suffer pain in the interim."
Patient----"War'bouts is dis yar * In-
terim, dactah, so A'Ii know when Ab
feels de pain eomin' on..
"What became of that young man
who was paying ea much attention to
"I don't know. I let him walk to the
grocery store one afternoon with me
and after he saw how much we had to
pay Por things to eat he just quit com-
ing to see me."
..Y•-�..•.M•, Y•.Y.rY..MY..•,.W..•nY.•4wY.,•.A„Yw•,.Y••I.NnY,•Ye.>
Keep Liver and Bowels
Clean and Active
with “Cascarets"
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, sour, gassy stomach—^always
trace this to torpid liver; delayed,
fermenting food in the bowels,
Poisonous platter clogged in the in-
testines, instead of being cast out of
the system is re -absorbed lute the
blood. When this poison reaches the.
delicate brain tissue it causes conges-
tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken-
ing headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, 'remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess,
bile from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste matter and poi-
sons in the bowels.
.A. Cascaret to -night will ,have you
feeling clear, rosy and as lit as a fid-
dle by morning, They work while you
!.. q • O e e O
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself then pass
It along to others,
It works!
et O e O O
Ouch ! f 1. 1 ! t This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here in town It
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of adru called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreness
at once, and soon the corn dries up
and lifts right out without pain.
He says freezone is an ether er c
pound which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone will cost very
little at any drug store, but is aui8-
tient to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. Millions
of American women will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
oLthe high heels.
America's Pioneer Dog Een:eclies
Book on
and How to feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
N. Clay (31over Co., bc.
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
SINCE 1870
+� light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good PAY; work bent any
distance; charges paid. Sand Stamp fee
particulars: National Manufacturing
Cornnany, Montreal.
1•11 Counts. Splendid opportunity. Write
iiox T. Wilson Publishing; Co., Limited.
13 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
v andob printing plant in Eastern
uncario. Insurance carried 81.600. Will
go for $1,200 on quick sale. Box 02.
Wilson Publishing On. Ltd. Toronto-
Sz 'U .T,zoraia VACANT.
.41, c'esire advancement in any situation
ai life. mental efficiency is what will
bring You success. The Pelman System
of Mind and Memory "Training develops
latent cowers with wonderful results.
Yet it requires but spare moments of
study and mental exercise, It matters
not where you live for the course is con-
ducted by mall --by confidential corres-
nondenoe. your request for free book-
lit. ':1Ilnd and ?Sfernory,'" will bring thin
and all particulars by return mai.
Write to -day. Pelman Institute, 756
Temple Bldg.. Toronto,
7szSCELL AND0111$.
l� CURAI3t.ES, in affiliation with
Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. New York,
offerss a course of training to young wet.
men desiring to become nurses; this hos-
pital has now adopted the eight hour
system. For salary and other informa-
tion apply to Superintendent, 130 rhino
Avenue. Toronto.
Vvinternal and external. cured without,
Pain by our horns treatment, Write us.
before too late. Ar. Bellman Medical
Co Limited, Coliingwood. Ont.
Canada—a bright, energetlo youth
to take orders for Reynolds' New War
Atlas; no collections to make' you simp-
ly take the order; we ship the volume
and collect cash; commissions paid
prompuv every Friday; Reynolds' New
War Atlas is the greatest and easiest
selling publication ever offered; cantata -
251 maps, including all new bound-
aries of all countries and important
otties; also every important event in the
great war drams from Tuly, 1914, to the
signing of peace; 120,000 words of text;
40 automobile maps, motor laws. 32 rail-
way maps, 'Encyclopaedia of World In-
formation"; a complete geography of the
world; price only 36.50 f.o.b. Toronto;
agents easily make $10.00 per week.
Mark inquiries War Atlas, Sales Limited.
66 Bond street, Toronto, Ontario.
ING to prove your ability? Or, aro
youjust drifting along on the principle
;hat everything comes to him who
walts"—without much thought of your
efficiency? If you are in the latter
class, be up and doing --train your mind
and memory so as to be ready for Op-
portunity when It comes your way. In
other words. Pelmanisei If you know
you have ability, why not use the wait-
ing moments to improve your efficiency
and incidentally acquire that Personality
which means so much In seeking Sue-
coss? Small town or big city, or on the
township side line. it matters not—the
Pelman System Is conducted by mail.
"Mind and Memory" tells you all about
It, It is a book that's free and lays no
obligation upon you to enroll, though
ou'll be surprised to find how moderate
is the fee required. Write for the book
and particulars to -day to the Pelman
Institute, 765 Temple Building. Toronto,
Songs Which Paid.
Writing a song that catches on Is
one of the shortest outs to wealth.
Sullivan received $50,000 in royalties
for "The Lost Chord," and "My Pretty
Jane" remunerated its composer to
the tune of $20,00.0 a line!
MInard's bailment Cores Suras, eta
Where hygiene is practically ap
pried, crime diminishes.
On Body and Face. Red and Itchy.
Cried For Hours, Lasted a Year,
"A rash started all over my little
girl's body, and she had some on her
fhce, it started in a pimple
that was full of water, and
it got red and itchy. She
criedfor hours. This trouble
lasted a year.
"Then I started with a free
e sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I bought more, and
I used four cakes of Soap and three
boxes of Ointmentwhichhealed her."
(Signed) Mrs. Dora Langly, 1032
Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August
11, 1918.
The Cuticura Toilet Trio
Consisting of Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet in Maintaining
skin purity and skin health.
For free sample each of Cadenza Soap, Oint-
ment and Talcum address post -cards "anfteery
Dept. A, Boston, S. 8, A." Sold everywhere.
Not Aspirin at Ali without the "Bayer Cross"
For Oolde, Pain, Neuralgia, Teeth.
Rhe, Readaohe, Iiaraclie, and for
heumatism, i.grebago, 8olati0&, Neje.
title, take Aspirin marked. with the
name "Bayer's or you .are not taking
Aspirin at 4.
Accept ohly "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" in an. unbroken "Bayer"
package which contains complete diw
rebtions. 'Then you are getting real
:Aa iris—tile genuine Aspirin fi.e-
scrr.ed by physicians for over nine-
teen years. how made in Canada.
Handy tui boas containing 12 tab-
lets coat but a few cents. Druggists
also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
Tb,a a isernly ere .Asi,►iriuu-."'Bayes"--vors must say "Sayer"
Aspirin is the trademark (registered In C•)tnada.) of yer 'Manufacture of Mono-
, aoitt1aaol�leatat of Satloyilcaoid. i�/hile It Is well 1: that Aspirin means /taperxnaautaoture, to. ocelot the public .+against imitatii,ns e .rablots or Bayer Company:.
rvt11 he steeped P. Ith this t:enaral trade n ark the Sayer C, oza. '
Pro O/y
qp,� h
. , d Up
Popular for iit's delightful
flavor and because it furnishes
certain food values neces-
sary for *building the best
in body and brains
Users Now by test
"There's , a- Reason s
er'nmen hep g n theg g''
evil of Mormonism M the United King-
dom. In the present social unrest
over there, Mornraxl missionaries are
having unprecedented success in See
curing converts.
One advantage of being a Mormon
is that, on joining tbe church, ono be-
comes a saint right away. In other
religions there .are bothersome pre-
Eighty-two years have elapsed since
Joseph Smith dug out ot a 2x111 not far
from Palmyra, N.Y., the original book,
written by a prophet named Marmara
on thin plates of gold fastened to-
gether with three gold rings, which
contained a revelation, It waspacked
in a stone box, and an angel told
Smith where to dig for it..
Afterward the angel flew away with
the book; so that it is no longer ex-
tant in the original, but eleven "wit-
nesses" (two of them brothers of
Smith) swore gloat they saw it.
The book was written in strange.
characters described. by Smith as "re-
formed Egyptian." He could pot read
even English very well, but the prob-
lem of translation proved not at all
dif colt, inasmuch as the angel bad
been so thoughtful as to provide him.
for the purpose with a pair of super-
natural spectacles" ---two crystals set
in a silver bow. With the aid of these
he dictated a copy in English, of scrip-
tural style,
Smith, like other great men, had his
little weakness. It was for the ladies.
Sixteen years after the digging of the
Mormon Bible he had another revela-
tion. The angel came hack and told
to Josue an lseclesiasttcal edict ap-
proving 'polygamy. Whereunto be
himself took steps to annex the wives
of a number of the true believers. At
least two of the husbands obleated,
and a tremendous row followed, the
upshot being the incarceration of
Smith. at Carthage, Ill.--theMormon
settlement being then at NaurUg, A
mob broke intoo the jail and shot hire
to .death.
His zuantle as leader4n-ehief of the
Mormons was later assumed by Brig-
ham Young, who was one of the origin-
al Twelve Apostles. It was he who
led the persecuted Latter Day Saints
out to Utah, one of the wagons carry -
Mg a small flour hill, whicb during
the pilgrimage ground wheat ndwly
reaped from fields previously sown
along the route by an advance guard,
Smith started the polygamy busi-
ness, but Young, an exceedingly able
man, developed It. He had forty -add
wives, and under his influence the
population of Salt Lake Cityrapidly
Mrs. A. Bernard, La Presentation,
Que., writes:—"I have used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby and am, well
satiafied with them. I have recom-
mended them to several of my friends
who have also used them with bene-
ficial results." The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the stomach and bowels and thus
prove of :benefit le eases of indiges-
tion, constipation, Colic, colds, etc.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Obeying Instructions,
As he weighed out the sugar the
grocer's boy whistled lustily.
'Ton't you know that it is very rude
to whistle while you are waiting on a
lady?" said the elderly customer, se-
"Well, the guv'nor told me to do it
when I served you," explained the boy,
"He told you to whistle," said the
customer in great surprise.
"Yes'm! He said if ever we sold
you anything we'd have to whistle for
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—I can recommend MI-
NARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism
and Sprains, as I have used it for both
with excellent results.
Yours truly,
St. John.
World's Deepest Well.
One of the seven experimental bore-
holes being sunk for oil in Derbyshire
has now been drilled to a depth of
nearly 4,000 feet, according to latest
reports. •
There is a well in. South Africa that
is over 8,000 feet deep, and there are
at least a score in the United States
Whose depths vary between 6,000 feet
and 7,000 feet.
The world's deepest well, however,
is situated in the neighborhood of
Gobelin s. Boring was started in 1892,
and continued intermittently up till
the outbreak of war, when the extra-
ordinary depth of 18,000 feet had been
reached, at a total cost of $200,000.
Weird m the Start,
Visitor—"So this is the haunted
house? How did it get such a reputa-
Native—"Well, there's been some-
thing uncanny about it from the be-
ginning. Even when it was built it
didn't exceed the contractor's esti-
Look at tanguel Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are eure your
child is having the best and xnost
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full.
directions for eblld'a dose on each bot-
tle, Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California. ,
Save Your Bach From
Rig up some pulleys and ropes over
barn floor t
to oke off' the heavy
wagon -box and the hay rigging; do
not lift ;it oft' by main force.
Get a small tackle -block, fit it up
with ropes and use it to lower barrel's
of vinegar and other heavy things into
the cellar.
When building a ladder, put the
rounds close together. For long lad-
ders, those that can be extended by
one man are best. Some long ladders
are so heavy that you need to have a
neighborhood raising every time you
put one up. Don't try it alone; liable
to bring on rupture or dislocated
In setting the crate along when dig-
ging potatoes, let somebody help you.
Don't say, "1 can do it myself." Yon
call, but a hand on the other end of
the crate willsave the backache.
When it is necessary to load a plow
or other heavy implement on the
wagon, call for help. 13y planning
thing's right, you can get such jobs
done before the hands are away at
something else.
Make steps for the back door that
are easy to climb.
Pride has broken many a back. How
inany times have you lifted far beyond
your strength, just to show that you
coulddo it? Better go slow. We
have just one body to wear out. Let
tis try to make it last as long as we
Remit by „Dominion Express Money
Order. 1f Iost or stolen you get your
riionev back.
Really Heavy Food.
The British Tommy takes his hard-
ships lightly if we are to believe half
storiesthe came back from tbe
front. One such represents two artil-
lerists discussing some trench pud-
ding that they had looked forward to
as a treat, but that came to them half
Cooked and soggy.
"This 'ere puddin' ain't • half 'eavy
stuff, said Alf with a grimace.
"Oh, that's nothing!" replied Bill.
14Iy missus made some pudding one
day that we couldn't eat; so she gave
it to the ducks. A few minutes later
a little neighbor boy knocked at the
door and said, 'Minus Jones, yer
ducks have sunk!"
L6ina,a's Liniment Steneves Nearside.
The Wrong Reaction.«.
In Georgia they tell a story of a
politician who was seeking to win the
votes of his district to the end that he
might be sent to the House of Repre-
sentatives. In one speech he thought
it might be wen to refer to his humble
origin and early struggles.
"Gentlemen," he said oratorically,
"I got my start in We by working in a
general store for three dollars a week,
yet I managed- to save money.
As he paused impressively a shrill
voice from the group of auditors de-
manded, "Was that before 'they In-
vented cash registers?"
Give way before the pene-
trating effects of Sloan's
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the lour -aches of lumbago, the nerve-
inflammation of neuritis, the wry neck,
the joint wrench, the ligament .s•prain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
The ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positiee results, the
leanliness, and the eeoiieffny . of
$loan's Liniment make it universally.
preferred. Made in Canada.
86e,- 70c, $1.40.
ISSUE No. 43---'19.
A Faiurs?
Agent: "How are you gettin' on
with your incubator?"
Farmer Meddergrass; "Wity, the
dern thing taint laid an egg since I
got it,"
Wanted It Located,
Doctor (to old darky patient)—"I
shall call again to -morrow, but will �
leave this prescription in case you
suffer pain in the interim."
Patient----"War'bouts is dis yar * In-
terim, dactah, so A'Ii know when Ab
feels de pain eomin' on..
"What became of that young man
who was paying ea much attention to
"I don't know. I let him walk to the
grocery store one afternoon with me
and after he saw how much we had to
pay Por things to eat he just quit com-
ing to see me."
..Y•-�..•.M•, Y•.Y.rY..MY..•,.W..•nY.•4wY.,•.A„Yw•,.Y••I.NnY,•Ye.>
Keep Liver and Bowels
Clean and Active
with “Cascarets"
Sick headache, biliousness, coated
tongue, sour, gassy stomach—^always
trace this to torpid liver; delayed,
fermenting food in the bowels,
Poisonous platter clogged in the in-
testines, instead of being cast out of
the system is re -absorbed lute the
blood. When this poison reaches the.
delicate brain tissue it causes conges-
tion and that dull, throbbing, sicken-
ing headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, 'remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess,
bile from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste matter and poi-
sons in the bowels.
.A. Cascaret to -night will ,have you
feeling clear, rosy and as lit as a fid-
dle by morning, They work while you
!.. q • O e e O
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself then pass
It along to others,
It works!
et O e O O
Ouch ! f 1. 1 ! t This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here in town It
people troubled with corns will follow
the simple advice of this Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of adru called freezone when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreness
at once, and soon the corn dries up
and lifts right out without pain.
He says freezone is an ether er c
pound which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter
of an ounce of freezone will cost very
little at any drug store, but is aui8-
tient to remove every hard or soft
corn or callus from one's feet. Millions
of American women will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
oLthe high heels.
America's Pioneer Dog Een:eclies
Book on
and How to feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
N. Clay (31over Co., bc.
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
SINCE 1870
+� light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good PAY; work bent any
distance; charges paid. Sand Stamp fee
particulars: National Manufacturing
Cornnany, Montreal.
1•11 Counts. Splendid opportunity. Write
iiox T. Wilson Publishing; Co., Limited.
13 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
v andob printing plant in Eastern
uncario. Insurance carried 81.600. Will
go for $1,200 on quick sale. Box 02.
Wilson Publishing On. Ltd. Toronto-
Sz 'U .T,zoraia VACANT.
.41, c'esire advancement in any situation
ai life. mental efficiency is what will
bring You success. The Pelman System
of Mind and Memory "Training develops
latent cowers with wonderful results.
Yet it requires but spare moments of
study and mental exercise, It matters
not where you live for the course is con-
ducted by mall --by confidential corres-
nondenoe. your request for free book-
lit. ':1Ilnd and ?Sfernory,'" will bring thin
and all particulars by return mai.
Write to -day. Pelman Institute, 756
Temple Bldg.. Toronto,
7szSCELL AND0111$.
l� CURAI3t.ES, in affiliation with
Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. New York,
offerss a course of training to young wet.
men desiring to become nurses; this hos-
pital has now adopted the eight hour
system. For salary and other informa-
tion apply to Superintendent, 130 rhino
Avenue. Toronto.
Vvinternal and external. cured without,
Pain by our horns treatment, Write us.
before too late. Ar. Bellman Medical
Co Limited, Coliingwood. Ont.
Canada—a bright, energetlo youth
to take orders for Reynolds' New War
Atlas; no collections to make' you simp-
ly take the order; we ship the volume
and collect cash; commissions paid
prompuv every Friday; Reynolds' New
War Atlas is the greatest and easiest
selling publication ever offered; cantata -
251 maps, including all new bound-
aries of all countries and important
otties; also every important event in the
great war drams from Tuly, 1914, to the
signing of peace; 120,000 words of text;
40 automobile maps, motor laws. 32 rail-
way maps, 'Encyclopaedia of World In-
formation"; a complete geography of the
world; price only 36.50 f.o.b. Toronto;
agents easily make $10.00 per week.
Mark inquiries War Atlas, Sales Limited.
66 Bond street, Toronto, Ontario.
ING to prove your ability? Or, aro
youjust drifting along on the principle
;hat everything comes to him who
walts"—without much thought of your
efficiency? If you are in the latter
class, be up and doing --train your mind
and memory so as to be ready for Op-
portunity when It comes your way. In
other words. Pelmanisei If you know
you have ability, why not use the wait-
ing moments to improve your efficiency
and incidentally acquire that Personality
which means so much In seeking Sue-
coss? Small town or big city, or on the
township side line. it matters not—the
Pelman System Is conducted by mail.
"Mind and Memory" tells you all about
It, It is a book that's free and lays no
obligation upon you to enroll, though
ou'll be surprised to find how moderate
is the fee required. Write for the book
and particulars to -day to the Pelman
Institute, 765 Temple Building. Toronto,
Songs Which Paid.
Writing a song that catches on Is
one of the shortest outs to wealth.
Sullivan received $50,000 in royalties
for "The Lost Chord," and "My Pretty
Jane" remunerated its composer to
the tune of $20,00.0 a line!
MInard's bailment Cores Suras, eta
Where hygiene is practically ap
pried, crime diminishes.
On Body and Face. Red and Itchy.
Cried For Hours, Lasted a Year,
"A rash started all over my little
girl's body, and she had some on her
fhce, it started in a pimple
that was full of water, and
it got red and itchy. She
criedfor hours. This trouble
lasted a year.
"Then I started with a free
e sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I bought more, and
I used four cakes of Soap and three
boxes of Ointmentwhichhealed her."
(Signed) Mrs. Dora Langly, 1032
Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August
11, 1918.
The Cuticura Toilet Trio
Consisting of Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet in Maintaining
skin purity and skin health.
For free sample each of Cadenza Soap, Oint-
ment and Talcum address post -cards "anfteery
Dept. A, Boston, S. 8, A." Sold everywhere.
Not Aspirin at Ali without the "Bayer Cross"
For Oolde, Pain, Neuralgia, Teeth.
Rhe, Readaohe, Iiaraclie, and for
heumatism, i.grebago, 8olati0&, Neje.
title, take Aspirin marked. with the
name "Bayer's or you .are not taking
Aspirin at 4.
Accept ohly "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" in an. unbroken "Bayer"
package which contains complete diw
rebtions. 'Then you are getting real
:Aa iris—tile genuine Aspirin fi.e-
scrr.ed by physicians for over nine-
teen years. how made in Canada.
Handy tui boas containing 12 tab-
lets coat but a few cents. Druggists
also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
Tb,a a isernly ere .Asi,►iriuu-."'Bayes"--vors must say "Sayer"
Aspirin is the trademark (registered In C•)tnada.) of yer 'Manufacture of Mono-
, aoitt1aaol�leatat of Satloyilcaoid. i�/hile It Is well 1: that Aspirin means /taperxnaautaoture, to. ocelot the public .+against imitatii,ns e .rablots or Bayer Company:.
rvt11 he steeped P. Ith this t:enaral trade n ark the Sayer C, oza. '