HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-23, Page 541% 21 Full weight of tea in every package ROWSE 46 oa: TEA*god te , - Sold only in sealed packages START THEM RIGHT AND KEEP THEM GOING 1 Cane Mola Saves You the Cost of Expensive Prepared Feeds, Successful farmers are constantly re -ordering in ever-increasing quantities. Live stock gain weight rapidly, and look100% better, Write for Valuable iteeAlin,g hien:anion we will send you our booklet and expert advice on economical feeding. Cane %Iola is sold in 000 lb, barrels. Zurich weerrrio Word has been received here of the death of M. Jacob Sararus, his demise taking place at his home in Mitchell. The funeral was held there. on the 15th.3.Y1r. Sararus ,was known, here, having been a, resident of this township Or many years prior to his moving' to ?Mitchel.—Mrs. P.Haugh who has been, visiting at Guelph, for a month, returned to her home here. — Mr. H. Gundel of London was here recently and made progress in, the establishment of the glove factory in this village. About ten girls and wo- men have applied for positions.— Robert Allan has sold his fine 100 acre farm on, the Town Line, near Blake, to Mr. Arthur L. Sreenan of the Sauble Line.. -111r, and Mrs, Thos. Bamford and son, Bernard, and Mrs: Evans of Marlette, Mich., ,visitted at the home of dr, jas. Green. f'91 An MAKES BEST W V 11611101 PORKgRS EQUALLY GOOD FOR HORSES, COWS, SHEEP gad BEEF CATTLE Car load of "Corn Mole is now enronte. Place Your orders with our R. 1 Local Diswbutor & Se1don Exettr, ()t.t. Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited 118 St. Paul St W., - Montreal, Que. SINCE 1870 AUCTION SALE p OF FARM, FARM STOCK, INPLE- W MENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Lot 9 ,S W. Boundary, Usborne, on On South Half Lot E, Con, 7, Us- THUR.SDAY., OCTOBER 30, 1919 30148r4COUGHS At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following : AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS On Lot 6, Con, j., Usborne, London Road on TU'EDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1919 At 1 o'clock-, sharp, the following: Horse —Driving mare, 5 years old; filly, 3-,•ea.rs old; gelding, 2 -years old, heavy draft. Cattle -7 cows, due March, Apriland May, and renewed cow; 2 2 -year old heifers, supposed to be in calf ; 2 2 - year t• pith steers; 2 -year old Durham 6 spring calves. Hogs—Brood sow, due t- farrow at time, •af asle„ I Ple nre n t s —Mc C or iniek binder and mower, both 6 -ft. cut, .nearly n.ew; sulky rake, set bobsleighs, wagon with box, 2 hay racks, land roller, walking scI scaOes; Z logging., ' 7,bains 2 sets double harness, and other articles too numerous to, mention:. Positively no reserve as the prop- rietor is retiring from the farm, Terms—All. sums of S10 and under, cash; over that amount 11 matitlise credit on _furnishing approved joint notes. 5 per ,Cent. off „tor cash on credit ainountsfr. C. W. Robinsh_fit, Jas, Walker, Auctioneer.. Proprietor Frank Coates, Clerk. • Notice to Creditors .010,111.••• In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Edwards late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. PursuanCto Sec. 56 'of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of °Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that , all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Joseph Edwards, who died on arabaut September 5th, 1919, are required on or before the 1St day of December, 1919; to send by post prepaid or de- liver to H. Either & Son, at Crediton, • Ontario, their Christ- , tan names and surnames, addresses and destriptions, the full particulars of their chaims, a statement of theirac- counts and the nature of the secur- ities if any, held by them, duly ver - tried by affidavit. And take notice that after said lastrLmentioned date the said Execu- tors' willprociaeed to distribute the all f tieceased among the par- ' tks entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Executors tvill not be liable - for said assets or any part thereof, tom), persor or persons of whose claims , •,• notice shall not, have been received by them a t the time of such distfib-'' The fitly -acre farm, S. Half Lott E., Con 7...Township of , Usborne, will be offer 21 o- sale, It is well fenced and well watered, Horses—Aged mare general purpose in foal to Pathfinder; age.d horse, general purpose work or driver; gel- ing driver, 5 years old; mare rising 3 years; sucking colt by Pathflader.; Cattle—Cow due Mali. 14; cow due Mar .24 cow dire April 17; cow due July ,S; cow due Feb. 19; cow due April 26; 2 year old steers; 2 year old heifers; 4 cfaives. flogs—Sow in ;ph due Dec. 12; 10 pigs 4 mos old. Aliso 25 hens. implements—Massey-Harris bider, 6 -It. : ,.heat" carrier and truck, as, new; Deering mower, 5 -ft. cut McCormick steel rake, 9 ft.; McCor- •-•il.f.,•.• hay 7. mountioLd on .front truck; Noxon esd dri!.a, 10 .,t1 oed; Massey -Harris seed drill, 12 hoed; Bis- sell disc harrow, Deering spring -tooth cultivator scuffler, manure spreader; Cocksbutt gang plow; 2 -furrow rid-• ing plow; Maple Leaf 2 -furrow walk- ing plow; No. 7 Wilkinson walking nlow • 4 -sec. diamond harrows, cart, roller, lumber wagon and box, pig rack, cutter, top buggy, open buggy, road cart cutting ,box, robe, 10 -in. Fluery grain grinder; Clinton .lannin.gmill; 2 h.p gasoline engine; buzz saw mount,. ed on truck, 2 blades, 2 engine batter- • ies, emery grinder, 2 wheels, one for gumming saws, 2000 lb scales, rack • for weighing stock, hay fork, rope,. 153 ft.; c•ar palileys; set sling ropes; trip chain, hay fork, root pulper,wheei harrow ,water tank, set sleighs, 2 Sim- plex cream separators, 500 lbs capacity 1 new, 1 nearly new; set double harn- ess set single harness; set doubie,har-: ness, set double team lines, new ;, col - sweat ,pats ,grind stone, gravel box, 4 ladders; -cauldron kettle, set wagoin springs, 2 logging chains,2 cant books, swamp hook, grass seed:er, 3 chop bins number barrels, quantity of rubber belting„ some, cedar posts, also 450 bush .oats fit for seed. Household Effec,ts-,5- piece parlor suite, sideboard, glais ' cupboard, bur- eau, daok stove, pip•es, DaVis sewing machine. bedroom smite, mattress and springs, hanging lamp, lounge, kitchen chairs, 2 toilet sets, chemical closet, table jamps, pictures, 25 yd rag car- pet, 30 yds Brussels carpet, dining room rug 4x4.¢ yds; Velvet parlor rug' •3x4 yds; 'clothes •wringer, Maxwe41. churn No. •3; butter box, 5 gal.. coed ail can; anvil box, etc. Terms --,510 and under cash; over. that arnrismi 11 months' credit ars ap- proved , notes. 4per •cent off for • •credit amounts. • Terms of Retail Estate made known, OnklaYOf s , N. Ogden, Proprietor C. •F CeateS;,`: Cle41! • ' . '• . • • •,•• •::•• • Ailbert King and Eli Ring, MARRIAGE LICENSES- ISSUED • Executors , by C H. Sanders at .the Advocate Of- ' Crediton P. 0. ace. Strictly confidential; no witness ' Dated October 1,6th 1919 reejuiret1 CASTOR IA Fonts and Chilte", ki Uss ForOver 30 -Years Akre,* bions the Signature of • CLLNION—Wednesday Beacon was fount dead beside her bed by her law, Air. James Ihmford Mrs. Beacon; has not been feeling, any too well this last summer, and %rhea Mr. Dunford went up to see how the IT is every wornans right to have the best kitchen ei:juiprnent: that an be ha4. The Pandora saves trouble, saves work, and gives a woman the joy of baldnIg things just as she wants them. a WOrnan's choice. Let us show you the smoothly working grates, the clear even door, the fine ther- naometer. Let us explain why the oven is $q event batted. You want the hest for your kitchen. Then see the Pandora. I., Sold by Geo. A. Hawkins. • a ,••••0111RIMII.M.11. .;:ti WezInbsiday, could got get n' the 'Agricultural Reprseutativ.! h • ant so forcing a way in fOunet, her be. - her bed irt her night clothes. She ha 1 been dead for some hours. County o4. Huroa was married t FLoreace Cleghorn, danglit.r ' Cleghoru of Guelph. Upon th re, turn from their wedding trip will CLINTO'N—Oct. S. B. Stothers reside in Clinton. 5 When Edward, Prince of Walea--eager, bright eyed, smiling and sincere—arrived in Canada in August, and when he voiced his great admiration of the wonderful achievements of Canadians, on the fields of battle and at home, once' again we were thrilled with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canada's reconstruction pro- gramme, and when he was told of the Victory Loan 1919, he graciously consented to the use of his Coat of Arms on a flag, which is to be the prize of honour for districts achieving their quota in the loan. In dedicating "The Prince's Flag" at Ottawa on Labor Day, His Royal Highness said in part:— "It is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan, which is the bridge between war and peace, and which is finishing off the job." "I hope every city and district will win my flag." Striking, and beautiful in desigti, this flag will form not only an unique memento of Victory Year, but a lasting and outstanding souvenir of the visit of His Royal Higimess—Ek visit which will remain as one of the most memorable events in Canada's history. The reproduction ahove shows the design of the flag. The body is white, the edge red; in the upper left hand comer is the Union Jack, and in the lower right hand corner the Prince of Wales' Coat of Arms. • The flag is made in two sizes, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet for small cities, towns and villages, and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,000 population. Canada has been divided into canvassing districts by the Victory Loan Organization. Each city forms one district, Other districts have been determined according to population. Each of these canvassing district's has been allotted a certain amount in Victory Bonds to sell. To win the Prince's Flag, therefore, a district has to sell its allotment. That is the one and simple condition. Anticipating that many districts will buy far beyond their allotment, the organization decided that for each twenty-five per cent. excess of the quota one Prince of Wales' Crest be awarded. Thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud win- ners of four small crests for their Honour Flag. These crests will be sewn to the flag. The Prince's Crest— The Prince's Will You Artrbt the three ostrich plumes—is shown at the top of the coat of arms. To every organization with fifty or more eiripIoyees, where seventy-five per cent. of the enrollment invests a total of ten per cent. of the annual payroll in Victory Bonds, a supplementary Prince of Wales Flag in smaller form -48 inches by 34 inches—will be awarded. , The allotment for each district has been carefully considered, and is based on a conservative estimate of the purchasing power of the district. Your district can sell its allotment and thus win the Prince's Flag, provided each person does his or her share. You will gladly do your part and encourage your neighbour to do his. Remember YOUR purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your district is to be the proud possessor 'of the Prince's Flag. ,•,,,,,, Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Oientnittee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance " ' '''', . .- • - - . . ' " ' of the Dominion of Canada.'