The Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-16, Page 8FXBTRR ADVOCATE, TRURarnAY, OCTS 16, T81E1 Exeter Markets a is Changed each Wed!ntslday Fall Wheat ease 1.95 barley . 1,20 lo,.1.25 Oats 8 Family Flour hart %a. • Butter dairy ,.,,.. Creamery Butter Lard Potatoer.. per bag .•....,.. Hay Hogs 5,70 55.00 54 45 35 2.00 16.00 . 17.00 Trivitt Memorial Church Chiit•'rt:n'a :day wi51 be abser'..1 in the Tensiti '.lemorial Church Sun:lay next w'htrt - pprapriate servities we: be con:~?tl:'t;:.l h; the rector. ,, Phil. Row aiif ie o Len &len were tee over Thanksgiving. Mrs. le W. Baker end Mrs. A John - atom ;• hes h t t e been vi ping their bra, ther Mr. John Heenan, at Virden, Man .lob t, in.; the past ten weeks. return -- e3 hennt or, Friday last. ONIONS J. 11. Giieti;•e %wilt take in onions at the old Temperance House on and after Oct. 14th, except Saturdays. BIG DANCE AT GRAND BEND SATURDAY OCt. 1 GOOD \IL'SIC VOTE FOR ELLERINGTON, THE HE ARST CANDIDATE and give the Premier a chance to enforce the wishes of the people on the Refer- endum. PUBLIC \IASS MEETINGS ANDREW HICKS'. L', F. Q. :ut- c.,ciate t.l St:tth Huron. will held puh?iti meet'.n..:, on the to`lowing elates Desire ooa, TI a .-d :y, Oat. loth Zurich, Friday, October 17th a.re iiton. Saturday, October lath Tale. mecttrega will be addressed by tai aal:.lidate and .ether L'. F. 0. speakers Evarennee w also:te. MORE MILK W'ANTED AT LESS COST By thing Cane Mole. the ;sleet food for live stock, your milk supply will ereaae 15 to 25 per cent. Cane Mole i snit Par cent Pure Sugar Cane Treacle: eacle: llixed with hay, straw, ensilage, ..reertings, etc., it makes a palatable end nourishing ration. R G. Seldon, local agent, has a sup- ply on hand. Order a trial barrel to -day. r.....roaau..r TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON. I earnestly sOliicit the vote and in- fluence ;of every elector in this rid- ing. The U. F. O. platform is stern- ly moral, faqir to all classes, and will protect the producer and aonsumer. On October ZOth vote for Hieks,,the people's candidate. Advt. 2t WAN rED—Goo:l , eeneral lnaid,with select family; a goal: home is assured; wages $25 to S30 a month. Apply by fetter, 'airs B. N. Campbell, 994 Richmond St., London. WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS FOR SALE. Barren laying strai-t; half price $L50 —to make room for winter stock. J. H. GRIEVE, Exeter. ELGAR LADIES' QUARTETTE have many fine programmes consisting of good, humorous and novelty num- bers. Let us have your next concert. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices mod- erate Write 37 Oxford St. West, London Ont. CIDER AND APPLE BUTTER Our cider mill will be open far mak- ing cider and apple butter every day with :ha excep'tian of Monday each week. Mrs. Cottle has charge of the cooking. S. J. V, CANN. Local Doings Mr. Wasman, e. prominent rancher of Montana, was in, town this week, Mss Stella Gregory is. confined to her home this week, owing to illness, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott have been quite dU1 for a few .lays, but are now recovering, Mr. Elliott being out again. . Mr. B. M. Francis. Massey -Harries agent, will move shortly into the building south of the Central Hotel, he having purchased the property. Mrs. Drew* sant Mrs. Knight • hate moved into n part of the late Jatnea Pickard residence on Main Street,and Dr. Corsaut is moving into the house he ,parched from Mrs. Dress*, The objective. for. Huron in. the com- ing Victory Loan campaign has been .set at $3,700,000, M. J. Torrance and K. B. F Smith of Toronto will have charge with headquarters at Clinton.. A very ,pleasant gathering of ladies took place at the home of Mr. and :gra. Wm. Penhale on Thursday even- ing last, theoccasion being a surprise to their .daughter, I'drs. Smith, in ten- derialg her a kitchen: shower. The everting was very pleasaantly spent and the guest of honor received many useful articles, 1 Rev. Robinson of Teeswater occup- eJ the James Street pulpit Sweatt's:. Harvest Home services were held. and the church was nicely decorated with fruits, vegetables, flowers anis _eaves The services were appropri- ate and mast interesting. The music was of special nature, Miss Drew of Svoile Joints —ba&kaebe,rheumaticand sclatiepains, constant headaches, constipation, star in thebladder, mucus deposits—tdstey trouble; in alt its pharieS, can be *Mier rutty relieved and operations avoided by the timely use of IIS It.l,rs i FOSS , , i Geta box front your drug -1st, 500 Your money refunded if you ore not re- lieved, Free sample on request Addraw: Tim Nationalbr„g & Chemical Co, of Caaada.i.trl., Toronto. U.S. Mhos; Na -Drs -Co, Inc.. 1 202 Mails St.. . • 1°uffelo. N.Y. Toronto sang a solo in the evening. Do not forget the anniversary ser- viees of linin Street Church next Sun- , -'ay, Ott 19. Rev, S. W. Falba, Bonk Steward at the Methodist Publishing House,. Toronto, will preatch„ They who heal him have the gain;, Offer- ings will be reeved in aid of Trust Eun'l. of 'the church. We need $1000, Main aereet has no pew rents, Make seer o taring on Sunciat•• as generously , ge possible., Serf ;s. a at 11 a. m. 1, S at 3, evening meati.ng at 7. I COME GIRL WANTED Experienced Dining Room Girl wanted at Central, Hotel, Exeter. 30x3;1 NON SKID TIRES AT $15,75 Thera are just a few of these left at this price. Better get yours be- fore they are all gone. Everyone is absolute'. a "First" and fully guaran- teed, We carry ,a complete line of Auto- mobile Accessories, W. J. BEER, Exeter. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE. 1 Mas ey-Harris HO) Drill, 1 Sin- gle Fur: ow Riding ;'' ,6w ; 1 Maple Leaf Gang Plow, bbd as new. C. W. ROBINSON HONEY FOR SALE. Choice Honey in 10 1b. pails. Buy early. It is good. WILSON & SIMS. GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having installed a gasoline and air mdtar outfit we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air furnished. JOHN TAYLOR Cochrane Machine Shop J G, Cochrane' (returned) has taken over: the Connor 'Machine Shop ;and is now aspeII1 for husinieSa. e Re-boxing-boxingautd?mobile eylaln,d rs and fitting pistons a s,epcialty. All kinds of ,repair work promptly et ge.ded to, Connor Gasoline Engafnes for sale, Mane 135. The II'tivest Thanksgiving Services ;n the Trivitt \femorirl ehurch Sun day last were of a partie'talar interest- ing character, The ehurc•h wag pro, fusely and tastefully decorated With flowers grain and other products of the rield. The rector preached two elottueet ani appropriate sermons and, the choir rendered special muni' that was much enjoyed by the large Boit-' gre„ ration. The selection at the ev- ening service by Messrs, :did lte:ton, R'ethey Jennings and Lutman was' a:lmir bay rend(elred and was listened t;c with a Brea: dead of pleasure, FIREMAN INJURED. Ambrose McGuire, fireman on. the evening express train, was severely in- jured at the station here on Satur- day evening bast. He was about to put water in the tender, when he fell to the ground when approaching the tank with the result that one wrist was broken and, the other was: sprain- ed. He is, however, improving nicely. CONSERVATIVE MASS ;MEETINGS Will be held in the following places, when Mr henry Either of Crediton and Mr. H. P. Bartlett of Lorydonan.d the Candidate will address the elec- tors; llolmatiile, Thursday, Oet, 16th. Bayt•ic;d, Thursday, Oct, 16th. Exeter, Opera House, Fri. Oct. 17, Varna, Saturday, Oct. 18. Meetings at 8 o'clock. Fred. Ellerington, Candidata! LIBERAL MEETINGS Public Meetings in the interest of the Liberal cause, will be held ea fol- lows: Exeter, Opera House, Wed, Oct. 15th Zurich Thursday, October 16th. Grand Bend, Friday, October 17th. Dashwood, Saturday, October 18th Mr. J. T. Morgan, ,the Liberal can- didate and others will address these meetings. Ladies are particularly in- vited to; attend. \leetings at 8 p.im. John Essery, T. Shite nglahv, President Secretary ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELECTION NOTICE armee Notice is hereby given that Fred. A. Ellex.ington of the Township of Usborne, a ca;ndidrate for election to the Legislative Assembly of the Prov- ince of ,Ontario, la the Electoral Dis- trict of South Huron, has appointed Charles H. Sanders, Esq., Exeter, as his financial agent for the pur- poses of said elecitibn. HENRY HORTON Returning Officer ONTARIO PROVINCIAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that An.- dxew Hicks !of the Township of Stephen, a candidate for ,election to the Legislative, Assembly of the Prov- ince of Ontario, in the Electoral Dis- trict of South Huron, has appointed George W. Layton, Esq., Bruc.efield, as his financial: • agent for the pur- poses of said 'elecitiloin, HENRY HORTON Rejturiaing Officer ONTARIO .PROVINCIAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is ,h'ereby Oita" that 'Jahn'' Thomas 'Morgan of the Township of Usb.orne, , a candidrate, for election to the LegislativeAsseinbly of the Prov- iti.L e ,of .Ontario, ,.in, the. El:ec.teraf Dis- trict. of South l-Turott, , has appointeed Thames Shillingliaw, Esq. of Seaforth as his finaneinl, agent far the pur- poses of said election. HENRY HORTON Reltuaning Officer A large crowd attended Mr. Andrew Hicks' meeting en Exeter on Monday night. DIED IN THE WEST. The Advocate received ward Tues day of the death of Mr. Henry G. Cann, ,non of Mr. ,and Mrs. William Cann, former well-known residents of Exeter, but now of the West, he hav- ing died at Villefranche, Sask., on Sept. 29, et the age of 46 years and 3 months. Last winter deceased wa,, a victim of the flu, from which he novae fully recovered. He was, .how- ever, able to attend to his usual duties until July last, when he ; ontracteri typhoid, Ewer and Iater dropsy, which ended his life. after being confined to hi, bef. for two months. He leaves a wife ant four chidren, the youngest of whom is only five weeks He is also survived by his father and moth- er, four brothers and three sisters.. Miss Stella Gregory was in Chatham. 'during the week. Mrs. Win. Ha.erkshaw is visiting her daughter in London, Mr. Alex, Stewart was up tram; Leaden on Monldpny. Mss Jessie Manson of London was here for the creek end. Mr Drew Knight has been home this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Treble were in London. thin week.. Mr. Douglas Stewart was home from Toronto for the holiday. Mr, Geo. Young and family of Lone donspent the holiday here. Mr. Harry Zwigler of Taranto spent the week end at N. J. Dore's. Mr. Harry Huston of Toronto vis- ited his parents here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Connor of Windsor spent the holiday here. Mrs, Irwin of Lon,dott is visiting,•.her parents Mr. and Mrs. .T Bi.:ssett, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartyn of Lon- don were here for Thankagiving. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson visited hi London. a few days during the week. Mr, John Sherrit tof Guelph ,is vis- iting with friends in town this week. Mr. John Case of Toronto shook hands with old friends in town last week. Mr Lang of Stratford visited here over Thanksgiving with Mr. \'Vi1lizun Leavitt. Mr, Victor Sweet of Windsor vis- ited here over the ,holiday with his pat eats. Mrs R. G. Seld.an and Master Wall- ace hare returned from a visit • in. Kingston Mr. Harald Boyle and ,sister Miss. Lillian. of .Toronto were visitors here this week: • Mr, Thos. Hawkins of Windsor vis- ited with ar:end; and relatives here this week. Misr Anne Sanders .of Stratford. -vis- ited at her home here over Sunday and Monday. Pte. Melville Hoskins and Corporal Hilton Pfaff of Landon were here, for the week end, Mr. Herb. Southcott was home for the week .end, as was also Mr. Reg, Parsons. teacher, Mr. Will Amos and lady friend of Stratford spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Amos.. Mrs (Dr.) Lindsay of Yorkton, Sask. and Miss Anna Dow yof Toronto are visiting at the family h ore here. Mrs. Eric Hurdon, who was here attending the futile -al; of .the late. ivlr. Huron, returned to Detroit last, week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Young and lair. Redfern and Mrs. Walters of Goder-. ic.h 'stere guest's at the Marin St. par sonage las week. Mr. and Mrs. Fated Redmond, son and daughter, and Mrs, ?rouse of Marlette, Mich.; spent a few days with relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. R,. D. Hewitt and children, of Toronto arrived here on Saturday to visit relatives, the doc- tor returning this week. • Mrs. Cooper White and " ciiii,'1,dren and Mrs. T. M. White andi MasterJ;ohn, of Windsor espent the week end with: Mars White and Mrs. Wickwire, ' Mr. McPherson, representing the. C of Winnipeg was in, town over Sunday and the holiday on business the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs W ight. Rev:, Dr. Medd is home again„ He reports a ,good time:; Most of his holidays were gilvlen; to ;the work of the Department of Evangelism and Social S•erv3lce: Mrs, -Albert Fords was in Sarnia this - week. attending' ,the gradtua,tion of her, daughter. Mass Gladys Ford of Buff alt, as ,a nurse,' The graduation exer- cises were postponed from. slant year .awin; to the "fitee JONES & MAY trims 322 CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620 Attractive Coat Styles Stanfield's and Penman's Underwear We have a large stock of Stanfield's and Penman's under- wear for men, These are the two most popular lines on the market to -day. Our prices are very reasonable. SPEOTAL:-Men's heavy ribbed Winter underwear old stock; sizes 36 to 44, while they last at only $126 garment. Flead.,qunrters JONES & MAY for the f eiel*n{ted Sandford & Lion Brands Clothing for Men and Boys. l Dashwood GIRLS WANTED The Thanksgiving program follow- ed by a lunch, was A. great success, socially and financially. Every item on the program :was well rendered and the spread of good things showed what your ladies can do in that line, The proceeds amouhted to 540. Mr. and 'Mrs: H. Zimmer of Stratford spent the week end with relatives, Messrs, Reid, Eid1haffer & Son shipped a carload. of cattle to Toron- to an Tueeday. Mr. Sam. Hey and family spent Mon- day with kir. Fassold, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Gassman have returned after their honeymoon. Mr. H. Hoffman had the misfortune to have his arm broken on Saturday. Quite a number from town and vic- inity were over to Hensall out Monday attending the nomination:. Mr G. S. Howard and family spent Thanksgiving, with friends at -Bruce - field. Miss Mildred Schoreder of London spent a few- days with her parents. Mr Chas. Schroeder has bought a farm near Crediton and will soon, take possressian; On November llth Dr. Si.n•elair of Toronto will be here ao speakeon can- s•.lidation of erhools. Let all .neigh-, boring trustees and ratepayers be pres- ent to hear this hire gttfestion of the day discussed. Dashwood has been selected as an appropriate centre te. try the anew venture enc1 Dr. Sinclair is being sent out -by the, Department should be heard by all interested, Messrs. Charlie And! Melvin Guenther of. Tavistock spent Thanksgiving at their hone-, • andelvlrs, John Gassman and Nr. H. Sandercott and family of Loii,don spent Thanksgiving Day. with friends in.tow nd. Mrs. Southcott, Niss Ren- nie, Mr. Geiger, 'Mrs. Heyrock of Zur- ich and Aiis's Hooper of near Exeter spent Sunday ,at the home of Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Witr,,el, is visiting in. Pt. Hur- on this week. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK Lot .', Lake Road, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, on Thursday, October16 At 11 o'clock, sharp, the following: Cattlte-1 ,law duo, ;iln April, 1 fresh clow -2 farrow cows, 4 heifers clue, ian_March 9. yearling heifers 13 yearling: steers, 10 spring calves, Hogs, etc. -9 Pigs, 8 wee ;,25 hens Terms— , Terms— $10 and under, Bash; ;over t hat. amount 12 months' credit otnap- pnovo,l joint notes. 5 per cent. peran.- num off for cash ,on credit amounts. Frank ' Taylor, Aquila Grattan Auct, Prop Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday. Valuable training in agreeable work for the inexperienced. A good livingwage to beginners which materially increases with experience and proficiency. Write or call— MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton - Ontario Vulcanizing ALL KINDS OF TIRES. All work" guan+arl . Cast' for old tires. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter. DRS. SWEET & VINING deY tght.eterixtary ,Surgeons All of clapls promptly ai+tended to fli OMficie-- , br. Sweets odd office Piiorie No. 20 Exeber. Corner Dundas' and RichmOnd Streets Fall term opens September 2, 19i9 Individual instruction. Efficient Teachers, Courses up-to-date. Enter any day. T, Morritt, Principal. i DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offiice--Brokers' Livery Barn, Exeter Carts promptly attended to day or night. Phone , 8. FALL TERM FROM SEPTEMBER The largest and best Commercial School in Wes -tern Ontario. We give individual instruction and students" may enter our COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND ,or TELEGRAPHY Departments at any timet We as- sist graduates to positiions, Write now for our free catalogue and Hearn .the nature of our work. • D A. McLtichlan, Principal. SOUT]COTT BROS. .. Phone 134 LADIES PLUSH COATS These .beautiful coats; are made ofj Salts Plush an;dt are shown on differ- ent styles: Our prices will mean a eavusg to you of 'several: dotllars, while the ,workmanship is of the{ very bat ' LADIES SERGE DRESSES" n . •7 'sample perge and Jersey` cloth dressers itt'pmart st les ,is whatwe have to show you this ;week~, These are'•samples and we are c$earing em at 25 per cent. dis!col>(rrt BEA SPREADS• 4.,new.,ate ns;ta ,pa s ,shc4rv;yau. The patterns are ,very meat ani th.eY are all large ,size. Priced,at S3.95 to $6,00 C"rilL'DREN'S UNDERWEAR • In vett and drawers for .children, w This is r2 winter's Weight -and is. away below= regular, price., We are Clearing them this we,,ela: at • 25c. and 30c.