HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-9, Page 11Supplement To Exeter A.dvoeate, October 9th, 1919 5,000.00 Challenge *o.,. ..,.: Tomato, S.ptsabsr ]6S*L 19.1.14 ICCefpt is liaersby.scimowledged fro= tha_052ABIti. HRIMEEa' .R850.CIATI4II_._tot the esv of tlibbitibmingt_rin ztat4AIC>7 71 iia t tiya sa 09th.us ,ender_ a_cbanarigt..aeaavaeat,...cada-Shin Ste71 .I4 "moo A32aRIa REMB.MI r t,`, IA4TTPF.a th pta'ra that Basx..natta3stning 51/. +,...,..,m..; • ltgwagas, tan zio Dza>aola. TO THE REFERENDUM COMMITTEE The Ontario Brewers' Association can no longer disregard the attempts of the Ontario Referendum Committee to mislead the people of this Province in the forthcoming Referendum. In its campaign literature the Referendum Committee has cor- rupted the statutory ballot as set out below, and its advertising positively asserts that the light beer to be voted on is intoxicating. The Referendum Committee is either misinformed or is deliber- ately misguiding the p.ople for a p;trpose. The purpose is to male the voters bollave that they are voting for or agaiact 1...:.a;xi'c :.ting beer. Examine carefully the two ballots r.:;.roduce:l below. • • Government Stat tory REfvrenthm Committee's Ballot Paper Distortion r., Question 2. ARE v n in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure through Government Agencies and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? Question 3. ARE you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent alcohol weight measure in Standard Hotels in 1 ocal municipalities that by a majority vote favor such sale and amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? Question 4. ARE you in favor of the sale of spirituous and malt liquors through Government Agencies and amend- ments to the Ontario Temperance Act to permit such sale ? • 2. ARE you in favor of the SALE OF INTOXICATING BEER in Government Agencies ? 3. ARE you in favor of the SALE OF INTOXICATING B$Ek in Standard Hotels ? 4. ARE you in favor o lthe sale of all kinds of spirituous and malt liquor in Government Agencies? The Government Ballot clearly shows that the public is only to vote for or against the sale of beer contain- ing not more than 2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight. BEECO 1TA1NINC 2.51 PER CENT. ALCOHOL BY WEIGHT 1S NONRINTOXICATINC To establish that the 2.51 per cent. beer to be voted on is not intoxicating, the Ontario Brewers' Association have deposited $5,000 with the Canada Permanent Trust Company, and they hereby challenge the Ontario Refer- endum Committee to deposit an equal amount with the same Trust Com- pany to prove that beer containing 2.51 per cent. alcohol by weight is intoxicating, or admit that their literature is deceiving the electorate. Upon the investigation, the losers are to forfeit their deposit to a charity or charities to be named by the Investigating Board. The investigation is to take place before a nominee of the Ontario Referendum Committee, a nominee of the Ontario Brewers' Association, and the third nominee to be. agreed on by the two persons so chosen—and if they fail to agree, to be named by the Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. This Challenge to be answered immediately by the Ontario Referendum Committee. Ontario Brewers' Association • News of Week FRIDAY. A. strike of Toronto bakers is threatened. London is to get $150,000 from the Carnegie Foundation for a new pat lie library, Canadian Locomotive profits last year were $$92,976, the largest""a the company's history. The Prince of Wales, on the a vice of his Physician. s, will endeay'or to take things easier.. Mr. W. F., O'Connor of the B of Commerce sent buyers out tiAcTet retailers' prices on bacon. An all -winter freight and passe -- ger service, is to be maintained, be- tween Cleveland and Part Stanley. The farmers of Saskatcbewau,a planning a province -wide canvass.ZZt the interests of their organizetioff's political action. The Spanish steamer Valbanera, with 300 passengers aboard, hap been missing since the great storm on the Texan coast. According to despatches from Minsk the Poles have succeeded in cutting railroad communication be- tween Kiev and Petrograd. The members of the British Mis- sion sent into the interior of Arabia to interview the Imam of Yemen has fallen into the hands of hostile Sheiks at Bajiji. By the t erms of an agrczneni be- tween the French and Polish Gov- ernments Poland will send to France 100,000 workers to be employed in the lite rated regions. Five zm skezd bandits held up the mail clerks on a C. N. Railways train. between Harlaka and St. Thomas, Quebec, and robbed the car of $75,000 in silver and an unknownt amount in contents of registered letters, SA.TuRrar. A Union of Quebec Municipalities is being organized. Philip Jones, of Markham, fell in- to a. grain bin, and was suffocated. Sweden is to get five million tons 01 coal annually from the United States,. Renfrew is to have aLabor Tem- ple, built by the federated trade unions. Jo,,',ph Langley, aged 16, was fat- ally i.rushed between two motors cars in Toronto. Louis Carrier, four years old, was fatally crushed in a thresher on his father's farm. Earlscourt (Toronto) veterans adopted a resolution endorsing the $2,000 gratuity demand. Lieut. J. C. Scott, Toronto, acci- dentally shut himself with a tevolver ♦:'bi.e examining war trophic:.: in his room. The Friedrich Government is re- ported to be planning the removal of the capital of Hungary from Buda- pest to Stuhlessenburg. Prof. Patrick Geddes, of St. An- drew's University, Scotland, has been entrusted with the planning of the new Jerusalem University. The Provincial Synod of the Angli- can Church took no action upon the report noting the benefits accruing from the Ontario Temperance Act. The Roumanians in their with- drawal from Hungary are taking all material and valuables they can gath- er. They are even, it is reported, rob- bing the women of their jewelry. Mrs. Blanche Read Johnston, of Barrie, a noted speaker for the On- tario Referendum Committee, m.et with an accident in Thessalon whir necessitates her giving up her tatty. Windsor City Council authorizes.' the solicitor to notify the Sandwteh, Windsor & Amherstburg Railway Co. of the city's intention to take o'Per. the railway on the expiration of its franchise in 1922. Vice -Chairman W. F. O'Connor of the Canadian Board of Commerce au- nounced that the prices of all foods in restaurants will be investigated, and that the order issued in Toronto prohibiting an increase in the prise of milk for forty days is effective throughout Ontario. MONDAY. Troops arrived home from the Araguaya. Prof. J. D. Robertson of Knox Col- lege is dead. Kingston wants a new public lib- rary building. A strike of 50,000 iron workers was called to -day in England. Many nominations for the provin- cial elections took place on Saturday. Miss Ada MacKenzie, of Toronto, won the women's Canadian golf championship. Pork prices, according to a Win- nipeg producer, will drop 15 cents a pound in that city immediately. King George has invited President Poincare and Madame Poincaire to visit himself and Queen Mary next month. Toronto bakers, at amass meet- ing of their union, decided to strike next Sunday if night work was not abolished. Adam Holley, of • Dornoch, was sent to Kingston Penitentiaryfor four years at the Owen Sound Assizo for arson. After a ten days' battle with the Bolshevist forces on the Duna river, the Polish army has secured a com- plete victory. The German Government is seek- ing a credit of $100,000,000 in. Ar- gentina to facilitate the purchase of