HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-9, Page 9Supplement To Exeter Advocate, October 9th, 1919 voutoimmo TheitoirietaiyorPatentliedichmicti AYeictaTie tips forAs;= 'sinthating foodbyRegula- tingtheStomntltsnndBewels of yCE1k>a:_ Therag militia csI3 tion ,aeeffu1nessandlies h ?, :I neither 0 lum,4Otp Mineral. OT AitOQ` l . Aix saw Air s Shia tYd NyQ,zifa1Shyot ,A ltelpfuliZetnedyfor GonstipationandDss ander; and Feverl boss of SLEEP eeStittingtherefrosn trtInfanette Tac-5i7� 5is�no� of j€•� �� THE CEKT"UA CO`s KV 11 'rm iL . NS�vI ORIS• 35 MAW For Infants and Children:. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. In dor Over Thirty Years 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NU., YORK CITY. ImmNPA Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line gall and see us, . A trial as to quality will convin- CO. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould Furniture and, Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRaCTOR AND FURNITURE DEALbR KIPPEN-Mrs, J�ohre Crawford has the a mpalthy of her inaary friends in • the Loss of: an eYes Foj]oweng an operation a few weeks alga with a view t+o. restosart iia of the suight, the eye became eery painful, and. it be came iteces�try 'to remorse: it. AUCTION SALE HCRONDALE SCHOOL FAIR. Cora Cooper,; nasturtiums, Harry A very successful school fair wast Strang; sweet peas, Olive ii'ootl; held on the school grounds at S. S, I rsrit—Apples spies, I.ueila l3achler: No. 1, Usborne, on Friday Mervyn Cudmore, Olive Wood,Harry a targe crowd was present -41111:1;T; I Strang, Melville Down, Cora Cooper. their interest in the pupil's stork.Snows, Olive Wood, Luella nuttier. A splendid exhibit of work wee 1 Creenzngs, Harry Strang, Cudmore Mervyn shown which was creditably utt ed. , Cudmore. Russets, Gordon +Cudmor- j t ,Pearl Wood, Luella Bachlcr; Tal - Mr. Stothers not being able to be; man Sweets, Harry Strang; pears, present 'seat his substitutes Mr, An- Mervyn Cudmore, Gordon Cudmore, drews and Mr. Colwill, who judged Luella Bachier, Maybelle Strang, the live stock, poultry awl vegetables Jack Horton, Melville Down; eau- and manual training. Mrs. Amos ring, hest jar of beets, Katie Saund- ers, Mrs. Hastings very kindly Sud- ers, Loreen Munn, Rosie Moir; best ged the Rowers, canning, cooking jar of raspberries. Luella Bachler: and sewing. These ladies also Jud;;- best jar of cherries, Olive Woo& ed the Institute aprons, a special Katie Saunders; best jar of corn, feature of the day. These work ap- Rolle :Voir; best col. of canned goods Katie Saunders, Luella Buehler; Cool:ices—Light cake, Mattie Ether- ington. Katie Saunders, Annie Strang Vera Dunn; biscuits on plate. Katie Saunders, Hattie .1':therington, Vera Dunn, Rosie Moir: apple pie, Norah Oke, Anna Moir, Vera Dunn, Katie Saunders; loaf of bread, Norah Oke, Vera Dunn, Rosie Moir Katie Saund- ers; Sewing—button holes Katie Saunders. Rosie Moir, Cora Cooper. darning, Katie Saunders, hemmed handkerchiefs, Katie Saunders, cro- cheted yolk, Rosie Moir, Manual training. milk stool,Gordon Cudmore Melvin ;Moir, Harry Strang, Melville Mown; special farm gate, CIarence Down; Writing --4th class Anna ;Moir, Olive Wood, Melvin Moir, Tera Dunn; 3rd class, Cora Cooper, Pearl Wood, Maurice Boa, Norah Oke; 2nd and 1st class, Mervin Dunn, Verna Oke, Jack Horton, George Boa .Art -4th class, Olive Wood, May - belle Strang, Anna Moir, Melvin Moir; 3rd class, Melville Down, Cora Cooper, Helen Moir, Norah Oke; 2nd Frayne and Miss Hewitt of town. and 1st class, Hubert Cooper, Verna Readings were given by Miss Brod- Oke, Mervyn Dunn, Jack Horton. erick of town, and were much enjoy- ed by all. Mr. Rytlall of Fullerton No. 1 Usborne rons were made by members of the Institute, given, and judged, then sold at the concert in the evening. Miss Laura Jeckell was the winner of the first prize, a box of chocolates. Mrs. George Etherington winning the second prize, Jennie Strang 3rd and Myra Morgan 4th. At four o'clock sports were held including races for old and young and a tug of war between the boys also a tug of war between married and single men. Mr. Palmer of Hensall added to the afternoon's enjoyment with a booth, also Miss Ila Mitchell and Miss Glady Dew served hot dogs.The girls are to bo congratulated on not only the dainty way they served the people but on the money they made in this way, the amount being about $6.75. In the evening a. splendid concert was held in the school including solos creditably rendered by Miss Doreen Murdock of Hensall and Miss Jean Allison of Thames Road. Vio- lin music was well supplied by Mrs. OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS GRAIN, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Heaman's .Fgrm, Grand Bend, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919 At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following: Cattle.—Fresh. cow, 2 farrow cows, yearling heifer, 3 spring calves. Poultry -25 Plymouth Rook pullets, 25 Plymouth Rock hens. Implements—De Laval separator cutting box buggy, 16 foot ladder, set single harness. Quantity corn in stook, SO bushels oats quantity Spy apples on tree. Household Effects—Cooking stove, Home Peninsular, bedstead and springs sideboard, washing machine, new. • Terms -410 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes' 5 per cent. per annum off for cash. David Zinn, Frank Taylor, Prop. Auct AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCIC Lot i; Lake Road, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, on Thursday; Octaber.16 At it o'clock, sharp, the following: Cattle -1 now duel iii A,prll, 1 fresh cpw • 2 farrow cows, 4 hleifers due in March' 9 yteerling heifers . 13 yearling steers, 10 spring calves. Hugs,. etc. -9 pigs, 8 -weeks ; 25 hens Terms-- $10 and under, cash; over t hat aniouni 12months' credit ola.ap proved jozlet notes. 5 per cent. peran- num toff dor cash on cre•dit amounts. Frank Taylor, Aquit Gratton Auct. • • r Prop a former teacher at gave a short address on school fairs A patriotic drill was well rendered by the school children. Two special features of the entertainment were the presentation of a fountain pen to Clarence Down, awarded by the teacher for the best home garden in the section. and the sale of the aprons and presentation of the box of chocolates for the best apron. Mr. Tramper added much to the enjoy- ment of the concert by. the able man- ner in which he filled his position as chairman. Total receipts for the day were $63.00. List of Prize Winners Live stock—Best pair of lambs, Melville Down; best pair of pigs, Melvin Moir; best pair of kittens, Pearl Moir; Poultry, Rocks or Wy- andottes—Harry Strang, Melvin Moir; Verna Oke, Jack Horton, Leg - horns or . Minoreas--James Oke. Ducks—Gordon Cudmore, Melville Down, Harold Horton; Grain— Marquis wheat, Melville Down; Fall wheat, Melville Down, Harry Strang ` oats—Melville Down; Barley—Mel-. ville Down; stalks of corn in •sheaf, Harry Strang, Melville Down Kath- leen Strang; bag of wheat Harry Strang; Vegetables—Best yellow marigolds, Clarence. Down; Gordon Cudmore; white mangolds, James Oke,Harry Strang ; turnips, Melville Down; parsnips, Clarence Down; ears of corn, Melville Down, long beets, Melville Down, Olive Wood; globe beets, Pearl Wood, Maybelle Strang, Cora Cooper; carrots, Verna Oke, cucumbers, Harry Strang, Gor- den Cudmore; pickling encumbers, Clarence Down; onions grown from seed, Melville Down, Clarence Down, best red tomatoes, Clarence Down; Verna Oke, Gordon Oudrnore, Harry Strang; best yellow tomatoes, Verna Oke; best citron, Helen Moir; best pumpkin, Verna Oke, Mervyn Cud- more, Helen . Moir; best hubbard. squash, Mervyn Cudmore, best quash, Maybelle Strang; potatoes, Pearl Wood, best watermelon, Luella Bachier; flowers, zennias, Olive Wood, Maybelle Strang, Mervyn Cudmore, Kathleen Strang; balsams FRAN.ik. TAYLOR Li'ensed Auctioneer for Counties :.f Hunan and Middlesex P:i:e, Reasonable and Satisfact'rn Guaranteed. Cridi— Ontario. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR AND VALUATOR. for Couneres of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Coe kshutt Wape..rooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an uMlim ted number of Horse n in good conditioan. Geldings 5 year. o:d up, weighing from 1500 pound. tee Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 oounnds up. Parties ,h.av;mb the requirced stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW Dr. G. F. Roulstor L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad ,effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on faros and village property at low rates of terest. GLADMAN & Si seN13URY Basresters, Solicitors, Exeter ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public„ . Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - stens Bank, Etc. Meoey to loan at »west rates of (interest. Offke--Maio. Street. Exeter.