HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-9, Page 5Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cup
TEAS goodtei
Sold only in sealed packages
Make Every Haur,Caunt
QR the salesman, collector, con,
tractor—the man who "must get
those" ---the Ford Runabout.
Through the traffic of the city, over
rough country roads to the outlying
town, the Ford Runabout travels
rapidly and economically.
F.• ^d Runabout $GGO,. Touring $090. On
open models the Electric Starting and 'lighting
Equipment is 1100 extra,
Gouge: 49".a.. Sedan, 31.176, (C1o�ed model
price; tnc,ude Electric Starting. and Lighting
Demountable rims, tire carrier
and non l -id tires on rear as options, equip-
tn =t;t on r ,vee ears only at. $26,00 extra.
9h,o price are f. o. b. Ford. Ontario and do
not include war Tax.
laws ewe Ceaui„e Fid Arlo
TOQ Canadian excises and seer 2,000 Sema
Gamgee auppl9 them. 131
Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter
On Lot E, Con. (9, Usborde, one
n41e North ,of WilihQetn% tole:
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following:
E-lorses—Mare, heavy draft, 9 years
old supposed to be in foal; horse 9
years :slid, farmer's, driver; sucking
colt filly, by Pacific.
Cattle -7 g=ood Durham crows; cow
due Nov. 10; cow :due Jan. 9; cow
due Feb. 20; 2 cows due April 20;
heifer due 2n April; 2 farrow cows;
2 hailers, 2 ye,ars old; 5 heifers =1
rear ,old; 5 stokers, �1 year old; 4
spring calves.
Hogs -5 Yorkshire sows due to far-
row* Nov 1; hog, 9 months old, pure
Implements—Massey-Harris binder, 6
foot cut; Deering mower, 5 foot cut;
seed drill, combined ; spring -tooth cul-
tivator, land roller, manure spreader,
scuffler, d'amningniill, gravel box, 2 -
furrow riding plow, set iron harrows,
hay rack, wagon and box, hog rack,
set bobsleighs, cutter, buggy, set
sealer, 2000 lbs. capacity.; caldron ket-
tle, sledge, set sling ropes, set double
harness and colllairs, doz. grain bags,
grass seeder,- neckyokea, whiffletrees,
forks, hoes, shovel's and other articles
too numerous to mentlen.
Terms—$10, and under cash; over
that amount 12 months' credit on fur-
nishing approved jaunt notesr( 5 per
eerie =off for cash,
C.W. Robinson, Wm. Brock,
Auictioneer. Proprisetor,
Frank Coates, ,Clerk.
on Lot 10, South Boundary, Stephen
on TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 14, 1919
at 1 o'clock sharp, the following,—
Horses -1' Registered mare.to foal
in May; 1 horse, General Purpose, 6
years =old; 1 horse, General Purpose,
10 years ole,; 1 stud •colt, 2yw.rold,.
will,` register..,_
Cattle -3 cows, 4 years old, due in
April; 1 cow, duo in May; 3 farrow
cows 1 registered.bull, rising 2 -years
e old; 10 two-year old steers; 5 year-
. ling steers, 5 yearling heifers, 4 spring
Hogs -13 stocker hogs; also 50 hens
Implements—Massey Harris binder,
new; Frost & Wood mower; Deering
fray . rake, new; Frott & Wood disc,
• new ; M H. spring -tooth cultivator,
Adams wagon, nearly new; Maple Leaf
twilit plcow, seed drill, fann ingmill ; and
bagger set ,harrows, top buggy, cutter,
cream separator, set double harness,
new;wheelbarrow, new; 'maid -box..
forks shovels,hie;, whiffletrees,.neck
.yokes and -other articles too numerous,
to mention: 1'2 �oiis timothy hay and
2Q0' bushels barleys tooter.wish.,,==
No reserve las tihe;,,proprieter • has
rented his farm.
Terms -510 and under,; cash; over
that amount 7 months' .credit on, fur-
nishing approved joint notes. Four
per.. cent per annum toff for cash.
Frank Taylor, John A. 'McIntyre,
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
A. Hodgi s,',Ceerk,
on Lot 3, Concession.' 15, McGillivray
at 1 o'clock p.,tn. the. ,following,--
Horses—Heavy team, 5 antd 6 yrs.
Cattle -4 heifers r1sin.g 3 years., 1
steer rising 3 years; 2 steers rising
2 years; 3 heifers. rising 2 years; 4
epring calves;; farrow cow, 7 years;
freeh, cow, 4 years; 3 cows supposed
to be, in calf; bull r i wing 3 years.
Pigs—Sow and tern young pigs.
Poultry—About 200 young hens —
nearly alt White Leghorns; 18 turkeys
Implements—McCormick .binder, mo-
wer, rake anel disc; Cockshutt dritY;
set of harrows, Frost & Wood cultiv-
ator; bean cultivator and harvester;
cream separator, De Laval; set of
hely harness, 2 wagons nearly new;
hay rack, gravel box.
Terms, $10 and under cash, over
that e mount 7 months' credit ort •ap-
proved joint notes and a discount of 5
per cent. ;per annum off for cash on
credit amounts..
t AUCTION SALT, breach is now occupying, it.—Art in- .
�+ �✓ s M SALE teresti g event {took place on the
CM Lot 5, Con, 7, 'Stephen±, the
property of the late Joseph Edwardds,
SATURDAY, OCT, 11th, 1919
At leo'cloek, sharp, the following:
Real Estate—South half of Lot'' 3,
Con 5, Stephen, containing 50 acres.
This is well suited for a grazing farm.
Chattels --Buggy, cutter, tone sett
single and sett double harness, wag-
on, plow: hay rack, iron pump with
25 feet pipe, buffalo robe, 2 oil tanks
of 40 and 50 gallons capacity,
Terms—Chattels, cash; 10 per cent.
ct.own on real estate; beaanee in 30
Frank Taylor Albert King and
4tuct.Ioneer E1+, King, Executors.
On Lot 11, Con. 3, Stephen, on
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1919,
At 1 o'clock sharp, the following':
Horses—Mare 12 years, horse 5 yrs;
general .purpose horse 4 years, Per-
cheron horse 4 'years, driving horse 4
years driving ,mare 3 years, team work
horses, draft colt. _
Cattle -3 crows; dues in Juane, cow due
in.-'J.uly, 3 ypairling steers, 4 spring!
calves, cow due' in Dec., cow due in
Hogs and Hens—Sow in pig, sow
d ue time of sale, .4 young pigs, 7
weeks old; 40 hens.
Implements— Massey -Harris binder,
6 ft. cut, • mower and seed drill; hay
loader, disc harrows, cultivator, set
harrows Massey -Harris law down ma-
nure spreader; land, holler, hay rake, 3
walking plows, riding plow, gravel box:
Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow, 2 lumber
wagons. set sleighs, cutter, buggy, root
pulper ;cutting box .fainningniill, Maple
Leaf grinder, scalier, cream separa-
tor, National,;:.3 (stotis ,doubile harness;
hritchen, 2 ,sets,, single harness, saw
and axes. bay fork, ropes, car and
pulleys, water trough, wheelbarrow,
cow chains, •hay rack, wagon boxie
horse blanket, robe barrel blackstrap
75 ; -sap ,paills, pan for boning, sip'lesi
auentity ,had' a nld..,straw,.. o.:be, fed, on;
thte place airy churn, mangg1dsb
turnip.; and orn; forks, shovels, hoes
whiftl•etrecs,r basbWiae neckyok$s.and
other articles 'too numerous to men''
Terms—All sums of $10 and under,
cash; over that amount 12 ,mor4tthsv
err:ail. on approved joint notes. 4 per
cent. .off for cash on credit amounts,
Flank Taylor, Jona Sims,
4') Auctioneer Proprietor
A. Hodgins, Clerk.
Harry Rose left for Detrow=tr. \Ved-
nesday.-»Misses Denamnie and Miss
Bedard are visiting friends in Wind-
sor. Mrs, (Rev.) Zink of Port Iluron
is visiting at tyle home of her sister,
Mrs. E, Bossenlerry., Mll, and Mrs..
John Hildebrandt have moved to
Set'rforth, where they have porches -
et' a dwell`ea.—Emery Ruby and Herb
Kraft left for Detroit on Monday,
where they have accepted lkositions.
—The executors of the estate of the
late J. C. Kalbflleisch have sold the
residence property in the south end
of the village to the ..folsons J3ank,
and Mr. Colles, manager of the locar
Br•ensoa Line, when Rev, Jutzi united
in marriage, Rachael;, daughter of Mr.
aad Mrs. Chris. Gascho and Mr. Seth
.mantis.—A pretty wedding took
place at St.- Boniface Church, Zurich,
when Rev. A. M. Stroeder united in
marriage Miss Eleanor J., daughter of
112r, and Mrs. Wendel Smith and Mr.
Theodore Mittlteholtz.
TEMPLZT01HS tt°L ittJt,$letit5TW TOROtITO
Humanity nisi lacked a,practicsl rheumnt c
remedy since time��bbtegan, Fortunes are spent
yearly oat obtat njttlief, yetribettersraesultuare
achieved right et bate by suing T.R.C.'s "the
coxnrnon sense treatment." just compare coat
and results withrait Other treatment and
you will be convinced. Ask lout druggist
or write us for our new booklet; it is interest-
ingand costs you nothing�(Te'!Apletans, 7#
S,ng W., Toront6),-. We mail enterers on,
Optical Rooms and Statisonery
Sole Ageto to for Exeter
Mail $1,04 to this address or to Tem-
plletian's, 142 K W., Toronto, and
T,l).C's: will Txt sent postpaid
For Bigger Profits
Add Crttrte MvtA
to your roughage
A Pure sugar Cane Molasses
that adds palatability to whatever roughage you have on hand.
Stocky/ill greedily eat all straw, oldhay, corn stover,fodder, en?-
sfage, screenings, etc. The cost of Cane Mola is very reasonable.
Saves You the Cost of Expensive Prepared Feeez
Successful, dairyn gn and fanners are constantly re -ordering in
ever-increasing quantities. Live stock gain weight rapidly, and
took 100% better. Cows give more milk. Cane 11'lola is the best
conditioner you could possibly have. Endorsed
by Government Experiment Stations.
Write foie "V'aluabio Feeding Information
W0 will send you our bookIet and expert advice oa
economical reeding. Cane Mola ,is sold in 6U0 lb.
carload of 'Cane Me a ' is now en route. Pince roar
order with our distributor.
Local Distributor,.
R. G. Seldon, Exeter.
Feeding Costs
To a Minimum
:.., a 1205'
NERC c1Lt�wf
S• 35.,
+Gane Mola Co. of Canada, Li i.. ted
118 St. Pa> 1 St. West, - Montreal, Q'ae.
_ .peadittrie
$610, ,000
How the last
Victory s Loan
Was spent
For Trade
BEFORE buyln? Victory Bonds again you may want to
know how Canada used the money you loaned her last
Canada borrowed the money to carry on the war and to pro
vide credits for Great Britain and our Allies
rONSIDERABLY more than hone -half of the Victory
Loan 1918 was spent on our 'soldiers This included
$312 900 000 for paying them feeding them bringing them
home separation allowances to their dependents maintenance
of medical services and vocational training schools
S`59.000.000 of the Victory Loan 1918 was paid on account
`i' of authorized Soldiers gratuities
$9,000,000 was spent at Halifax for relief and reconstruction
after the disaster
Other disbursements were not strictly speaking expendi-
tures but National Re -investments ..
To .Great Britain for example
$173.500,000 was loaned for the purchase of -our
wheat and cereals
$9.000,000 for our fish
$30.000.000 for other Foodstuffs
$2,900.000 for Canadian built ships
$5,500.000 .to pay other/British obligations in Canada.
Making in all $220.900,000 advanced to Great Brl'ain
To our Allies we loaned $8,200,000 for the purchase of
Canadian foodstuffs raw material and manufactured
The Re -investments will be paid back to Canada in due
time, with interest
These credits were absolutely necessary to secure the orders
for Canada because cash purchases were impossible
They have had the effect of tremendously helping agricul-
gricultural and industrial workers to tide over the depression that
would have followed the Armistice, had we not made these
credit loans
As far as money is concerned, 1919 has been, and is still—
tilljust as much a war year , as;4918. Our main expenditures
for war cannot be completed until well on into 1920. Thus
another Victory Loan is necessary -Get ready to buy.
is „
Avery Dollar Spent in ';ana
Lµred ar da. tV ii oci'A tfitc?
M stir q cult mister" of Finance
of Canada.