HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1919-10-2, Page 8EXETER AIJ.TZMM.ATE, THURSII'.ATI UGT. , IIL18 Exeter Markets Changed. each Wednesday Fal: \Vlieat.. •1.95 1.95 }3arley .., . 1.20 to 1.25 Oats a t 85 Family Flour ..45.70 es,' .t,D ... ,. 5.5.00 53 Butter }airy 45 Creamery Butter e0 New Potato. . per peck .....,.., Se Hay „+sera+ 16.00 Hogs ,,....... 16.60 Tr vittl Memorial orial Ti.'cA:he:J''Tab: rseentjy- eci in the he -'1 by the Girls Aux- ',Nary ss- . vary is. nista. e of the men of the shureh w. .. their live,; `n he great wee tt' tt l ,.ext Sn:n - c' y pre. :ng. �i'lil l Fi les:6 i RN CtJt'KERi":,:' FOR i3 ei 7, s .az tr prises $1.5. -tea :near :lien for wean: Yo sok i H. GRIEVE. Exeter. AN,- OS 1\'',.STE i4�1'.R FARM. ere >„ with yo -a tees! erel. 1 ,+eP+• eat pure etre r` Trea in s t the rouelesse pain, ln.e : fi i rteerishiase i R. ea ss ea :.� ,. silt, .:as , rec .s+ -i a shipment. Biases ae . sole, troaay, tr R er re:hcar ;. .•,.}te - nek tlen:ith tn'.seaming irren iter eel, take p'i.:.:: :. tda,: Tower Hall 1n . MorelMorelar. O. sober eth, :rom axe w 5 p.n.. Every eannee :r crm town .:1 c auntrs is earnestly i,.Zl''tes1 to some .s. % :r . to use the ~chore .:ease.' to the Oermerly es pe tat y £ . R~' . , , Mein Street. PIANOS FOR SALE.-. Cp note. �a eint t �° ,. .. Write to Box L Exeter. COLT FOR SALE Speedy Arad ,;t;. 3 y,. ,,, broke, singly, :o G, Atop; ti tt ` Th«e Rte•;- ,.. ,. h'`cta•: C ARU) OF THANKS Mr. :r' `ire Frank Oise 'co. e tet thank the friends and 2 boa c ,o: their kindnesses _,hoard flaring the 'iciness and sub: •qu'ent (.e.xta ""f the late Mus, l jarit . -sees, LEFT'IN OUR PARLOR. On Exeter Fair Deo, . dy puree with money and mirror net it. Owner ran have same by calling Isaa proving property and paying for ad. �_ Wilson & Sims. .,msec._ ELGAR LADIES' QUARTETTE have many fine pragranoros oa..-,tine of Band, humorous an:i novelty num. hers. Let us nater ..sur neat ancert, Setie.fectian guaranteed. Pri.:es mod- erate Write 37 Oxglad St. West, Leadon Ont. CIDER ANI) APPLE BUTTER Our cider mill will be open for mak- iag cider and apple butter Wednesday esd�t 'p Thursday, Friday and each week, Mee Corti; has risme car" the cooking. S, J. V CANN. GIRL WARTED Expzrlenced Dining Room Girl s novated et Central Hotel, Exeter. Local Doings yam^ Dr. C. J. Wood, who has been, prac- tising in London, has opened a dent- al otii:e in Blyth. The town.of Gotierich which adopt- e 1 the new time system went back to old ;bine Saturday. A 1.cemmerton nark says a campaign is to Ise launched egamst osietttc:a, xa the referendum carries. Mr. E A, k'o11 1 and family have moved into the house recently awned by Mr. d). Breezed, Exeter North. R..G. Seldon's rink of bowlers sue- t t:,sfult) defended the McGibbon ,:up nn. Thursday, when they defeated a Watford rinks by 30-9. 'T einiesgiting Day this year is Oct. 13.• In future years, however, Thanks - tag Day will be on Nov. lith -the an- nive.rsery of the sigrOng of the arm- * e. 1t a recent ease ,of Pure Brei flee - Cattle held in Ottawa, Mr. J. J. \' :ner of Seaiorth bought seven head .,: the choicest enamels, one yearling •astinte over $1,000. judge Dit:kson o Go:ierieh was in --re-Lton and ;Exeter o -e. Friday and aseurday. ,hearing appeals to the On - ter e. Voters' List. Judge Lewis was k nnvi,Ih c+n Friday oa similar duty. Fr.,'nels here will be pleased _. to ;new that M! s Irmo Sweet and her 2olars ot, section 8, near Teeswater was sur cessfui at the Rural School Fair held in the Vi:lage of '1'eeswater, ‘einnleg first for marching and deu- .t t:ng aieet in Tea:chers' Rtmning. Ye :es. end her pupils took several In- dsa-lual prties. irrospective of prohiberkort and its e, to en the drink habit, to which ses mut•12 crime is attributal, London eee hut) a t ansjtderablc increase of etre:. dace New - Year's play. 2222 love Idem brought to police 'Duet. Far the satire period of 1918, 1510 -to. were td'tspoSed of, the i*r..re.ase •r n2, rr that city being. 712 eases. h4 Jamas Street Sunday Schoo'. Rsie, 1. Sunda) afternoon. was, well. ettt,'n.,.ei and very interest ig. Rey, urease gave an iastru< t ve address; end "Felt.r pleas, -n; features were the 2:,stening of eight eaildree..tnd the p eaentation of bouquets to the .,:d - et grad youngest members of the <?tars3.<y School, Mrs. James Psit:kart! ani Verna Lorw en Brook. Cherie, E. Marley of London has, through his solicitors, issued a writ in the county court against the County ut Heron end Township of Stanley, ;.x min:; $300 and costs for .lamages sustained by plaintiff in driving over . bridge on. the road from Brucetlteld Le Varna alleging that araieed plank 2 the 'ars =e' cangbe, the rear wheels of his fear ,.tilt causes serious, damage. 30x3SS NON SKID TIRES AT $15.75 There are ;utt a few of these `eft at this price. Better ;;et yours be- fore they are 'x.: gone. Everyone is absolutely a '.self" and fully guaran- teed, o C4 ' <arrti a cemp.ete kine of Auto- mobile Accessories. \V. J. BEER, Exeter. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE, 1 Massey -Harris Hoe Drill, 1 Sin- gle Furrow Re :l'ng Plow; 1 _Maple Leaf Gan; P:o:v, good as new. C. W. ROBINSON HONEY FOR SALE. Choice Honey in 10 lb. pails. Buy early. It is good. WILSON & SIMS. eftmi FRACTURED HIP. 'While picking apples on Saturday Yfte'rnoon, Mr, Daniel Woods un- fertunateiy fell afrom. the .tree 'and fractured his hip: Owing to the ex-' foals pail and swe'.ling it lea;, been t-tficuit to ascertain, the extent of the injury Hie friends hope for a speedy recovery GASOLINE AND FREE AIR. Having inselled a gasoline and air motor outf't we invite autoists to give us a call. Free air furnished. JOHN TAY. LOR are THE WA'TKINS AGENT '+ bandies, ell, l;utds al ;pang tellies far both man nmcf beast; Also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the ma- eet. Only sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm Andres, Agent, Exeter, Phone 43 MMIMOMMN DEATH.. OF SIR, HURDON. One after another the t'etcran biol.. 61wa!i men et Exeter are passing away, until now tew are left. This week Dnother has been added to the rola of departed, in the person of Nicholas Dyer Hurdon, who died on 'Thursday leer/sing last at Port Franks, where he ie:=:1 gene to spent a few weeks with ho son George. He was aged 73 years, 1 month and .14 days.. For a number ,of years deceased has been a victim .of bronchial trouble and heart weakness, Of late he has been wan- ing and -for some time ifs physic el conditoe has manifested an approach to the end, Mr. Hurdon was a native of England, being born in Devonshire. PROPERTY FOR SALE The property of the late William Welsh, situ;tee on the ,south side of Mill street, Exeter, a frame cottage with four large lots, a never failing Well of water, a number of goad fruit trees. It is exceiee.t gardenland and', is in a nice ',ocalitye Apply or write Mrs. Wm Welsh, 448 Ridout Street London Ont. or to G.ladman & Stanbury, Exeter; Cochrane Machine Shop J. G. cacjirane ,(returned) has taken ovr. :the Conner Machine Strop and is Oise.' opein for business. , Re-boring'automobile, cylander. s lend fitting -pistons ;'a sepgialty.. Al'_ kinds of repair work promptly 1«,In. attended to. Connor Gasshire Es gines for sale. Phone 135. ACKACHE Infos in ides wad 2aepdaala6, I tocto, Loom .itl, all paixt i. ^,',rte, y -Trouble. wick and erre relief c:.0 be obtained, and dangerous- con- sequences avoided, by taking 5‘oakftk FOR iihEat. KIDNEYS Awhich have brought ret;e€ to thousands. Get abox to -day Exon your druggist yr dearer, 54e -your money back if yo .:,re not satisfied, Free Sample on req zest. Addren: The Notion! I?ru¢ & CSaeraical. Co. of Canada, Ltd., Tot zeta tJ.S, Address: Na.Qru.Co., Inc.. 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 4 ill Croaker has home in Toronto, Miss Bontthron of Toronto is visit - L' friends; here. :lir. and Mrs. Bert Rivers visited in 'Sarnia last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hastings were in London oa Tutesday, Miss Anna Dow. is ,taking a Business College course in Toronto, Messrs, Wes. Snell and Well. Johns tivere .nn Toronto this. week. Mr. John Kellett is moving with his family this week to Elimvilie, Mr. and Mr& 13. W. F. Beavers were in Toronto this week, returning. Tues- !. day. Mrs Fred McDonell of Detroit vis- ited among relatives here during the eek. Mr, Adair Robinson of Newark, N,J. i, visiting his father, Mr. C. W. Rob- inson. \ir. A. 3. ),IcDonell acted as judge of horses at the Bayfield Fair yes - ter kit'sday.Thos. Snell and Mrs, McAvoy lett Tuesday to visit with friends near Wingham Mr. and Mrs, Frank Oke of Toronto were here this week owing to the death of Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Macdonald and family and Mr. Cliff. .Spackman of Guelph were here on Sunday with relatives, Mrs, John Broderick and daughter 1larojrie have returned after visiting friends near Ailsa Craig. Mr. S. N. Sanders is on the sick list this week and unable to attend to his. duties at the Cannaorfactory. Mr. J. H. Smart and Mr:. Geto. Hardy of Kingsville visited the former's daughter, Mra. alltelean over Sunday,. returned to his Mr. and Mrs. G. a Finch -Noyes, and Mr. E. Finch -Noyes of Oakville tisite-1 Mr. and Mrs. T. S,, Woods on Sunday Mrs. Brooks ansI :firs. Anderson of Centralia and Mrs., Elgie of 'Winni- peg were visitors with Mrs, C. Birney last week. °• arr. Robert Coleman of Detroit and 1lrs Richard Billings of Woodstock visited with relatives in town Thurs- rtay anel "Friday. Mr. and Mrs; W. J. Chappelof Dun- \Vjien Quite young he took up banlrrng dais visited truth Mr. and Mrs. Henry in hi; natavie land, and about forty- Reynolds and other relatives last week five years ago came to Canada, taking returning home Friday,. a position with the Maisons Bank. It ease J E, Smith, of Washington, was not ion; before he became ma.n. ager, and siPenn., after s pleasant visit with his tns thea the greater part parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,S, Smith, re - of his life has been spent in Exeter. turned on Saturday to resume his dut- For a short time he was in charge fes in the store. of the Molsons Bank at Ridgetoe+;n, tifr arid Mrs. W, M. Baynham and but he only remained a few )=saes children. of Oak Lake, Man, who have there, when he was transferred back to Exeter, where he continued is the service until he was superannuated some five or six years ago owing to ill health. Mr. Hurdan was widely known and much respected for his good and generous qualities of bath head and heart. As a banker he weld sustaiared the repultalty-on of his Bank for probity and prudence; as a citi- zen he was foremost in •every philsne thropic movement. He took a deep interest isi corny sports and was always generous in their support.t He" was a valued member of the Trivitt Metnorial Church, a life-long Con- aersative in:politics, a • member of the Masonic order a:nsi also a member of the Sons of England, Deceased is survived by five sons, his wife hav- ing preaeiceased hien about 10 years. His sons are R, ,D,. Hurdon, Gerald and Jack of Buffalo; ,George of Part Franks and Eric of Detroit., He also Leaves one brother, John, 1 . London, Eng. The remains were brought here far burial, the funeral taking place from the Tritvitt Memorial Church On Saturday to the Exeter Cernelteryi, Among those attending the funeral from a distance were, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bence. R. D. Burdon artcr Jack Hurdon of Bufeelot and Mr. and Mrs`. Eric Burdon ,af Deltr,pilt. A number of S othonn cattle were purchase() .in this district by Mr. W. J McCallum of Brampton, Ont., and I3ra,ndon Man,., assisted by Mr. Thos. Cameron. auctioneer. Last .week they purchased two carloads registered Shorthorr heifers and bulls; also some registerett Clydesdales.. ivir. McCallum to as this d'ete'ct the latter t ben a•rlletas inr p sof the week and anyone with hort horn, for `sale should phone Mr. Ts. Cameron at once. PEACHES FOR SALE.. "Gaide1n Drop,,, ",Yellow' Flesh„ "Free Stone," The beet_•peaches `for•. canning • Phone your order to Wilson & Sims, as this is the, last week. been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel, Smith, Londoa Road South; returned on Tuesday to Tor- onto, prior to leaving for their stew home in Branidooe Mr. C. S. Sanders, who went to Windsor a. couple; weeks ago, .has de- cided to remain and will move his family, there the latter part of this we'ek.` We are ptorry that Mr. and Mrs. Sanders are leaving Exeter, as they ere ,good citizens. -A. horse belonging to Mr. Rowland Squires ran away +on. Huron street Tuetsliay. 'Coming east it .turned up Main and made a lively run, but was caught before much damage was done. The harness was considerably broken. 1 .....egalloseasiasseellsaellOomeabsoelllseall JONES & 1YIAY n .3CM*** WW1 !itA* LICENSE NO 8-3620 Attractive Coat Styles l Children's Every few dols.. we ,are receivine shipments Of Ladies' ailliases,' and �inakdzens Fall and Winter Coats, The new styles are very attrt2tit,t.tt, The modified" Dolman, is the most popular style iu. tviotirs and silvertone.,. The most popular colors ere jade Green, beset Brown, Grape, Platinum, Elk, Henna, and Navy. In Black Coats we have the celebrated Salt's Brand of Baby Lamb and Esnuirnnette .plush, also black Cloth Coats. • LADIES' POPLIN SKIRTS ON SALE AT $5,95 EACH., 26 only Lsa<!aes' Silk Poplin, Skirts in Grey, Brown, Taupe: and Navy -were priced at 57.50 each. Special Clearing Sale Price only $5.95each. MEN'S LINEN COLLARS AT HALF; PRICE, 25 dozen oleo's linen collars, sized 14 X.O. 16Y good styles, but in look - ea ranges, to clear at exactly half price, 2 for 25c. Young Men's Waist -line Overcoats end Suits Visit our Clothing Dept. and see our stylish waisteline suits and over ;pate for zoung men: They are going fast a.r people realize how scarce these goods are;, Our colors, styles and prices are right, which accounts lar the big busiaaieiss we are doing in these limes. BOYS' OVERCOATS Get your boy a new overcoat now if hie sirs goring Ito need ode this win.' ter. We carried a big range over from last winter, on which we can save you dollars, as pampered with this Scar's prices, SHOES SHOES SHOES Many lines of the ,new Fall Shoes are here. We invite you in to see what we are showing in Empress,. Slater and 'Classic Shoes. Men, buy your heavy work shoes at this store, We save you money an every ,pair. We sell Cote & William's heavy lines at' 4.50 5.00 & 5,50. Men's heavy Rubber Hoots -Our price 4,75, 5,00; heaviest quality 5.50 JONES & MAY Headquarters for atie gt-)ebraged Sandford & Lion Broads Clothing ter Men and Boys. Before the exhibits were opened to Hilda Sims, Gladys Lewis; Writing the public, a short program was held in front of the school. Principal Rozelle spoke afew words thank- ing the parents for their attendance which showed that they were inter- ested in the children and he hoped that this would be an annual affair. He also thanked the Women's In-. stitue under whose auspices the fair was held. Rev. Hauch followed with a few well-chosen remarks after which Mrs. Zwicker, President of the Women's Institute, addressed the gathering, showing the work of the Institute, and welcomed any who wished to join. them. After the ex- hibits had been seen a program of sports were run off which were much enjoyed. The remarks were heard time and again that the number of exhibits shown, particularly in the vegetables, excelled those seen at the local fairs. The following is the re- sult of the prizes awarded: Class 1 -Chickens, Leghorns, Er- vin Finkbeiner, Willie English, How- ard Beaver. White Wyandottes. - Laura Clark, Herman Hauch, Elgin Woodall. Ducks -Charlie Hoffman, Earl Hoist, Pigeons -Harold Taylor, Earl Hoist, Gordon Hoist. Rabbits- Harold Taylor, Sammie Lawson, Howard Beaver.Speeial: Aima Smith. Class 2. -Potatoes, Kenneth Kuhn Lester 1V1elsaac, Leita King; Mangels Harold Fahner, Vernon Beaver, Carl Morlock; Turnips, Charlie Hoffman, Edith Sweitzer, Walter Hauch; beets Eryin Finkbeiner, Earl Haist, Willie Geiser; . beans, Dorothy Fahner Lloyd Fahner, Charlie•' Hoffman; car- rots, Gertrude Hoist, Carl Morlock; Walter Hauch; Parsnips, Helen Orme Walter Hauch; sweet corn, Irene Lawson, Sammie Lawson, Marjorie Lawson; ' field corn, Adelia Sweitzer, Edith •Sweitzer, Myrtle Sweitzer; Tomatoes, Lillian Baker, Earl 'Hoist, Lorne Geiser;. pumpkin: Inez Fahn- er, Marguerite Lamport, Elgin Wood- en; squash, Elgin Woodhall, Fred Foist, Gerald Zwicker; cabbage, loyd Fahner, Lorne Geiser, Vernon /leaver; Sunflowers, Adelia Sweitz- er, Edith Sweitzer, Herman Hauch.. Class 3. -Apples, spies,' Earl Hoist Dorothy Fahner, Rodney Bowman; Pears, Inez Fahner, Laurence. Hirt- zel, Grapes, Beatty Shenk, Harold iFahner. Class 4. -Collection of named -na- tive woods, Harold Taylor, Charlie bird house, Walter' Hoffman; Best s PIs such, Howard Beaver Best work- manship, manual straining, Herbie Beaver, Herbie Edward Class 5. _Map of Aaron' County (10 years acid under) Willie :English Lela Hoist, . Helen Orme., Pencil eketch,"Ly.Ia--Kuhn, Martha Hauch, Lulu Morlock;- crayon sketch, Lulu Morlock, Esther Eilber, A.dela Sweitzer; Writing (under 10 years) CREDITON SCHOOL FAIR. The first fair of the Crediton School ;was held last Friday.. The re- sult surpassed all expectations and it is assured that this will be an annual' event. It is hoped. that next year other schools will participate in the exhibits. Over 400 were brought in and the room was found too small to show them to , advantage: The boys brought their fowl, pigeons and. rabbits and the interest was intense until the prizes had been awarded CONQUER WEAKNESS by keeping your powers of resistance at highest peak. It is as natural for. N,..:.. 6COTI 'S Emulsion to strengthen as it is for your food to,,nourish,' the body. If`you iriiuld c®nquer weak- rzess-•-increase•':your resistance take Scott's, Emulsion often. Scott & so•,ene, Toronto, Ont, t5 ; (10 years and over) Lulu llforlock, Mary Holtzman, Martha Hauch; Drawing, (8 years and over) Gerald Zwicker.._ Class 6. -Bouquet of asters, Doro- thy Fahner, Gerald Zwicker Trellis Hodgins; Bouquet of Dahlias, Royal Geiser, Alma Smith, Lulu Morlock; bouquet of Zinnias, Edith Sweitzer, Herbie Beaver, Nola Foist. Class 7. --Tea cookies, Gertrude Beaver, Irene Lawson, Marjorie Law- son, layer cake, Inez Fahner, Mary Holtzman, Amy Finkbeiner; apple pie, Alma Smith, Irene Lawson; pumpkin pie, Gertrude Hoist, Irene Lawson; canned fruit, Elsie Brand - au, Irene Lawson, Lyle, Kuhn; can- ned vegetables, Verne Moore, Esther Eilber, Irene Lawson; candy, Laura Clark, Aima Smith, Lyle. Kuhn; school lunch, Lulu Morlock, Verne Moore, Alma Smith. bread, (special prize) Elsie Brandau. Class 8. -Best dressed doll, Ber- nice Either, Helen Orme, Esther Ell- ber; hemstitching, Lulu Morlock; crochet, Leita King, Irene Fahner, Trellis Hodgins i Plain sewing, Es- ther Eilber, Irene Lawson; " patched doll's quilt, Helen Orme, Alma Winer patched large quilt, Ruth Lamport, Irene Lamport, Alma . Smith; knit- ting, Laura Clark, Lillian Baker, Hilda -Sims; embroidery, Phyllis Winer;,. Gertrude Hoist, Thelma Tay- lor; patch on cotton, Alma Smith, Nola Foist, Irene Lawson. Corner DundoS anal Richmond Streetg Pali term bpehs September 2, 1919 Individual tnatruction. Efficient Teachers. Courses up-to-date. En,te,r any day. J. Morritt, Principa., , Vulcanizing ALL ,KINDS CSF TIRES. All work guaatantee(d, Cash for old tiles. TAYLOR'S TIRE SHOP. Exeter, D1.S. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night, Of4.iete- Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 . Exe tier. I DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY ' SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. SOUTHCOTT BROS. STYLISH LADIES COATS We are ehowiasg a slplendy,d range of New Fat amid. Winiter Coats for Misses Said W+otmnei4 You are sure to like the stylesi Title prices range from $2230. to $42.50 , STANDFIELD'S WOOL UNDERWEAR' FOR MEN It stands . strenuoui. wear; It tis e'c0o'nomy to {buy this cordo under- near•, as it wears longer than other makes, besides' it is ,easier washed. Ree Label 33,00 Blue Label $3,25 MEN'S TIEAVY NORIC ;'SLOES, Al' PRICES THAT MEAN 3UiE2 125 ,pairs of heavi 'work shoes that were bought lank before 17r'e'Nat advances.,Shoes thaat to -day are worth $1;50 more; than; We tare ::askin•g- foe them. Out' peaces are - 54.50 $5, 00 $:6,00 t t•' f' e ti t, a a- P u 0 Ir et g' In ct P 51 th br 1aa its OP net in ac ag leo cdo is 54